Painting Departments Drawing Lettering
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r.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~ . ~ . ~ . -.1 • ~ THIS BOOK IS PRESENTED TO Prepared and printed in Li mited Edition. Each copy is numbered and registered in the name of the recipient. First Edition. NUMBER A NO N-P R 0 FIT INS TIT UTI 0 N THE ART CENTER SCHOOL * * THE SCHOOL * Art is profitable when harnessed to a purpose. Modem technical art training equips the student to confidently take his place in A SUMMARY today's professional world of business. industry and commerce. • Moore prepares a Steinway layout • Assembling a scaled store Iront • Helen Bryant completes a portrait r , ( Art Center is a practical work-shop School. Supervised. day long classes-strictly limited () ( . (I (" Daily person-to-person guidance based on Opportunities. Ethics. What is meant by Frankly breaking with out-moded traditions, in size- result in close observation of each analysis and demonstration results in rapid "free-lance." How an advertising agency func utility and art are fused to serve present and student's work. Twice a year, faculty mem ( , advancement. Experimental work encour tions. How to obtain an interview with an art (I ( future needs of business and industry. Serious bers evaluate students as to enterprise, de r aged. Special capabilities discovered. An un director in an agency, publishing house, mo ambitious students are effectively trained for pendability, taste, progress, probability of suc ( I ( dercurrent of pUl'poseful activity pl'evades the tion picture studio. Qualities which hold a job. successful professional accomplishment in cess. Consensus of this opinion, is given par ( entire School. Confidence is built through actual experience. contemporary art fields. ents in personal interviews or letters. Any Procedure parallels requirements exacted by Capable advanced students frequently exe No Teachers! Faculty members are experi student who does not meet faculty require the business world. Students of advertising de cute free-lance commissions at current profes enced producing artists, designers, photog ments as to interest, effort or ability is dropped I sign attend a print-shop class-set their ads in sional prices. High standards and professional r raphers of genuine achievement (see pages from the School-so saving him time, money type. Design projects for manufactured arti quality attract sophisticated art buyers. In 37 to 41). Time is divided between their own and later disillusionment. addition to the remuneration (no commission I I r cles begin with field trips for practical research activities and the School. Expert professional A distinctly non-arty attitude characterizes the I) , as to function, merchandising, manufacturing is deducted by the School), students acquire knowledge and sound up-to-dateness are as School. In consideration of the zealous student ( I ( methods, materials. Illustration students select experience, confidence, type proofs and re sured the student whose instructors practice preparing for a life-time profession, the School situations, interpret character and atmos productions of their work. what they teach! can not accept the dilettante or the half phere, paint for reproduction. Assignments Effectiveness of this institution's training is No Grades! No need exists for academic ar hearted. High school graduates are accepted taxing ingenuity and imagination are required demonstrated in terms of students. 97 % of all bitrary grades. Students are trained to draw, although it is recommended the student have (, I of photographers, as well as fine technique. students who have completed four years think, produce in terms of salable work. additional general education in Junior Col " { "Business Clinics" held Saturday mornings training are employed! Each is practicing Through group discussions, assignments are lege or University. The non-frivolous work ( \ ( are a necessary part of every student's train in the specific field for which he trained. Many constructively analyzed; appraised according shop classes, fast tempo and expert instruc c ing. Pertinent discussions relate to the busi additional students who were financially un to high professional standards. Each student tion attract older, more sophisticated students. ness side of contemporary art occupations. able to complete their training have also been acquires judgment; gauges his own progress Talent is of no practical value unless dis The student is given a clear conception of assisted to art positions. This record was main and ability. Comparison stimulates effort. ciplined and trained to serve modern needs. the requirements exacted by his profession. tained during the entire depression period! -5 <, ( , ) LIFE FORM COLOR DESIGN INTERIOR PAINTING DEPARTMENTS DRAWING LETTERING PERSPECTIVE FUNDAMENTALS- Many entering students do not know which profes TYPOGRAPHY * sional avenue best suits their capabilities. The problem solves REPRODUCTION itself. Experience acquired in the fundamental classes crystallizes WATER COLOR individual talents; points the way to specialization. All creative ILLUSTRATION art fields require similar background knowledge of drawing, design structure, light and color. Refer 10 pages 7 to 12 TECHNIQUES PACKAGING ADVERTISING- Preference and talents are brought to a sharper focus . MATERIALS * O ne student elects fashion illustration. Layo ut and fine lettering DRAFTING appeal to another. Those w ho like design, have a fine color sense, DISPLAY will do well in posters, display, packaging. Others are best suited FIGURE to illustratio n. Specialized classes, individual assignments direct ETHICS each student's effort. Refer 10 pages 13 10 18 ANATOMY INDUSTRIAL- Stude nts with a sense of craftsmanship who like materials PORTRAIT and have both a creative and mechanical bent are a tt racted to STILL LIFE industrial design. These qualifications link the numerous uses of LANDSCAPE art in industry. Students specialize in design for mass production --· INDUSTRIAL * equipment for homes, offices, transportation; interior and exterior COMPOSITION design; motion picture sets. Refer 10 pages 19 to 24 QUICK SKETCH COVER DESIGN PAINTING-Fundamental knowledge of painting is utilized in story or advertising illustration-interior or motion picture set design. Ad PHOTOGRAPHY vanced painting classes enable students to prepare for portraiture, BROADSIDES decorative or illustrative painting. Criticism and guidance assist RENDERING * each student to cultivate h is own interpretive ability and prdes· BOOKLETS sional craftsmanship. Refer 10 pages 25 10 30 INTERIOR FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY- The decision to become a photographer usually is LAYOUT * made prior to enrollment. Each student is drawn toward specific POSTERS interests as his experience and capabilities widen. Some students elect technical or scientific fields. Others turn to creative and iIlus· PRINTING trative work applied to advertising, news reporting, portraiture, CAR CARDS industrial, sports, fashions, e tc. Refer 10 pages 31 1036 SET DESIGN ADVERTISING -6 SCALE MODELS FUNDAMENTALS DRAWING FIGURE HEAD ANATOMY FIGURE CONSTRUCTION COSTUME FIGURE QUICK SKETCH ANIMALS • Henninger d emonstrates Anatomy PERSPECTIVE DRAWING LOGIC VALUES TEXTURES FORM RHYTHM LIGHT DESIGN AND COLOR • Drawing lrom Model-Nig ht School DESIGN STRUCTURE COMPOSITION IMAGINATIVE DEVELOPMENT TWO AND THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN PIGMENT COLOR PRISMATIC COLOR COLOR PSYCHOLOGY MEDIUMS • RENDERING • Drawing by Marion W iley Stirre tt • 7· FUNDAMENTALS To slight fundamentals is to sacrifice sound prepcIl."ation for superficial progress. Leaders in creative fields have rich back grounds in the fundamental requirements of their professions. • Cleveland render ing a Cine ma Se t First in importance is ability to draw with lytical studies and imaginative compositions accuracy, spirit, fluency. Excellent draftsman which put new found facts to immediate use. ship is seldom a natural gift. It is acquired by Perspective is required as an essential tool of developing the artists' ability to observe, ana drawing. Stress laid on projection methods, lyze and interpret. Intelligent use of design, shades and shadows, reflections. Elements form, rhythm, sound understanding of color and principles applicable to illustration, in and light are indispensable to salable creative dustrial design, architectural and interior ren work whether applied to animated cartoons, dering, motion picture set sketching. murals, automobile bodies, photographs, or Design, Color, Composition: Assignments and fashion illustrations. procedure develop imaginative power, orig Skill in drawing is acquired in life, quick inality and taste. Broad experimentation in sketch, anatomy, figure construction, head color leads to psychological effectiveness, drawing classes. Nude and costumed models emotional appeal, force and emphasis as a used. Structure of heads, hands, feet empha solid basis for application in specialized ave sized. Character, expression, age, nationality nues. The work promotes individuality of stressed. Objective is facility in drawing peo ideas and treatment; adheres to sound prin ple in any action or mood-with and without ciples of design structure. models. Animals and birds sketched at mu Rendering classes augment and correlate in seums and zoos. Mediums: charcoal, Conte, struction in techniques included in other Pastel, Wolff's carbon. classes. Students acquire professional skill in Drawing Logic helps beginners through fact interpreting form,