Community Weekend FORUM sports digest entertainment Our readers write .............Page 6 ..............Page 3 .....................................Page 4 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Partly sunny 7 58551 69301 0 THURSDAY March 8, 2007 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL 14 pages, Volume 148 Number 333 email:
[email protected] ‘This isn’t beneficial to anyone. It isn’t beneficial to the county, it isn’t beneficial to Outrage over the employees, it isn’t beneficial to the courts and it isn’t beneficial to the public.’ County CEO AL BELTRAMI bypass denial not lessening Lawyers picket State officials plan By BEN BROWN to meet in Willits COUNTY’S NEW The Daily Journal in April on issue At 7 a.m. Wednesday, the picket PURCHASING POLICY lines went up and with signs, red T- By KATIE MINTZ shirts and noise makers, the The Daily Journal Mendocino County Public Attorneys Since the California Local Association went, loudly, on strike in Transportation Commission front of the Mendocino County decided last week to deny Superior Court House. funding for the Willits bypass, vendors “We have 100 percent of our mem- local agencies have been busy bership picketing,” said MCPAA responding. President and Deputy District On Monday, the regional to get a Attorney Matthew Finnegan. transportation planning agen- Finnegan said members were also cy, the Mendocino Council of picketing at the Ten Mile and Willits Governments approved a res- 5% edge branches of the court. olution in protest of the deci- By KATIE MINTZ “This isn’t beneficial to anyone, sion to deny $177 million for The Daily Journal said County CEO Al Beltrami.