8/1/2016 Lumps, Bumps and Lid Lesions Disclosures Know when to hold them & Financial disclosures: The content o this COPE accredited CE activity was prepared independently by Dr. Robert E. Prouty without input rom members o know when to fold them the ophthalmic community. COPE #47629-SD Dr. Robert E. Prouty is a iliated with the ollowing companies as a member or their Speaker’s Bureau or as a Consultant but has no direct inancial or proprietary Robert E. Prouty, O.D., FAAO interest in any companies, products or services Specialty Eye Care mentioned in this presentation: VAlcon ) Allergan ) Optovue ) *eiss Meditec - ,SP - Parker, Co B-. ) Ivantis
[email protected] The content and ormat o this course is presented without commercial bias and doesn’t claim superiority o any commercial product or service. Cancer Cancer De initions: Characteristics: ) A group o diseases characterized by ) Can af ect any tissue or organ at any age uncontrolled growth and spread o 5667 o all cancers occur in patients 8 55 yo abnormal cells ) American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2008 . Atlanta: American ) All cancers begin with a de ect in a single Cancer Society; 2008 cell (monoclonal) ) Any o various malignant neoplasms characterized by the proli eration o ) This is followed by unrestrained growth anaplastic cells that tend to invade Benign tumors may damage localized tissue surrounding tissue and metastasize to by occupying space but they do not spread new body sites ) www.dictionary.com Cancer Cancer Characteristics: Characteristics: