January – February 2013 Living Power Newsletter
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IN THIS ISSUE January-February 2013 Judge Appointed in Volume 29 State Health Plan Number 1 Lawsuit 1 Judge Appointed in State Health Plan Lawsuit Express Scripts Medi- care Rx Drug Plan The Chief Justice of the North Caro- retired members of the State Health Plan. Reminders 2 lina Supreme Court recently designated The complaint fi led by the retirees argues MetLife Dental Net- Judge Edwin G. Wilson, Jr. under Rule that the imposition of monthly premiums work Offers Ways to Save 2 2.1 to hear the case of Lake, et al. v. the beginning in 2011 for the Standard PPO Social Security State- State Health Plan for Teachers and State (80/20) of the State Health Plan consti- ments Online 3 Employees, et al. Rule 2.1 of the North tuted a breach of a contractual obliga- Form 1099R 3 Carolina General Rules of Practice per- tion that the State had undertaken when Some Medicare Ben- mits the appointment of a single judge employees were promised premium-free efi ciaries May Still who is solely designated to hear all mat- health insurance during their retirement. Change Prescription Drug Plan 4 ters pertaining to a particular case as op- In June, the Attorney General fi led How to Contact the posed to several judges hearing various a motion to have the lawsuit dismissed. 2013 General Assem- motions as judges rotate among districts. Both sides will fi le briefs with the Court bly Members 5 Such designations are generally reserved in support of and in opposition to the mo- Keep Your Mailing for cases of great complexity or of an tion to dismiss over the next two months Address Current 9 exceptional nature and importance. and the Court will then hold a hearing on Saluting 2012 Long Leaf Pine Recipients Judge Wilson currently is the Se- the motion. A scheduling order has been 9 nior Resident Superior Court Judge of entered by Judge Wilson that sets certain SECU Offers Tax Re- Rockingham County. Both the attorneys time-frames and deadlines for the case to turn Assistance 10 defending the state and the attorneys for move forward. HearPO Hearing the plaintiffs agreed to the designation There are more than 165,000 State Health Discount 11 of Judge Wilson. Health Plan members potentially affected Retiree Pay Dates 12 The Lake case was fi led on April 20, by this lawsuit including: retired state 2012 by a group of twenty-six retired employees, teachers, members of the state North Carolina Retired members of the State Health Plan who judiciary, legislators, and the retirees of Governmental Employees’ Association felt that the State of North Carolina several local governments that participate had violated a contract that exists with Continued on Page 2 shpnc.org or call Express Scripts at 877- Judge Appointed (Cont’d.) 680-4882, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. in the State Health Plan. We will provide If you wish to re-enroll, please contact updates in future issues of this newsletter State Health Plan Customer Service at as the case develops. 888-234-2416, Monday through Friday, 8 Express Scripts a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time. Medicare™ Prescription Did you know that additional pharma- Living Power is published to cies are now participating in the Medication provide current informa- Drug Plan Rem inders Adherence Program (MAP)? MAP is a tion for NCRGEA’s mem- State Health Plan members currently bership. Newsletters are special benefi t for retired members, mak- enrolled in the Express Scripts Medicare™ printed bimonthly and ing it easier to afford and stay on their heart mailed to all members of Prescription Drug Plan should have re- NCRGEA. Your comments and diabetes medications. Retired mem- ceived a Welcome Kit in December, which are welcome. bers may obtain a 90-day supply of their included a new pharmacy ID card. Please cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar Editor make sure you are using that card at the Edmund P. Regan medications from any of the participating pharmacy. pharmacies for 2½ times the copay (instead Managing Editor As a reminder, medications requiring a Donna K. Riggs of 3 times the copay). For a list of partici- prior authorization were not carried over pating pharmacies and a list of medications For address changes, to this new plan; therefore, members will suggestions or comments, included in the program, visit the State please contact: need to take action to obtain new prior au- Health Plan website: www.shpnc.org. NCRGEA thorizations within 60 days of your effec- Post Offi ce Box 10561 Raleigh, NC 27605-0561 tive date. Members and providers should MetLife’s Dental Network call 800-935-6103 to initiate a new prior 919.834.4652 Offers More Ways to Save 1.800.356.1190 authorization. You may receive a one-time If you are enrolled in MetLife’s Pre- www.ncrgea.com transition supply (31 days) until you obtain a new prior authorization. Per Center for ferred Dentist Program, you have a new To receive Living Power network that gives you access to thousands newsletter electronically, Medicare and Medicaid Services guide- please send an email to lines, medications requiring prior autho- of additional participating dentists – PDP [email protected] and Plus. include your full name and rizations in this plan are different than the the city where you live. Traditional Plan and members should refer More in-network choices mean it’s eas- to the Plan website for an updated list. ier than ever to get the care you need and Please note: Medicare-eligible mem- lower your costs. That’s because partici- bers that chose not to participate in the pating dentists have agreed to accept fees Express Scripts Medicare™ Prescrip- that are usually 15-45% less than average tion Drug Plan can re-enroll at any time charges in the same community. This can to take advantage of its many benefi ts. mean more savings for you. Negotiated To learn more about the Express Scripts fees may even extend to non-covered ser- Medicare™ Part D Prescription Drug Plan vices and services prohibited after you’ve visit the State Health Plan website at www. Continued on Page 3 2 - Living Power January-February 2013 MetLife’s Dental (Cont’d.) Get Your Social Security reached the plan maximums. Statement Online To fi nd a participating general dentist or Did you know that you can access your specialist, just select the PDP Plus network Social Security information online? when you visit MetLife.com. Or you can The Social Security Administration log in to MyBenefi ts – your secure mem- website has a new feature which allows ber website <www.metlife.com/dental>. you to set up your personal page and MyBenefi ts is there to help you manage access it any time. It includes an online your dental plan. You can: version of the statement that used to be • Review your plan information, including mailed every year, plus estimates of your what’s covered and coinsurance; future retirement benefi ts, lifetime earn- • Track your deductible and plan maximums; ings to date, and the total Social Security • View your claim history; or and Medicare taxes you’ve paid. • Look up the average costs for dental ser- To open an account, go to www.so- vices in your area with the Dental Proce- cialsecurity.gov/mystatement and answer a dure Fee Tool. series of questions to verify your identity, Check out your options and the PDP then create a user name and password. Plus network -- log in at <www.metlife. com/mybenefi ts> or visit <www.metlife. Social Security Direct com/dental> today. Deposit It’s Tax Return Time!! If you apply for Social Security or Sup- Where’s Your 1099-R? plemental Security Income benefi ts, you Yes, it is time to start preparing to fi le must receive your payments electronically. your 2012 income tax return. Your Form If you did not sign up for electronic pay- 1099-R is now available through ORBIT, ments when you applied for benefi ts, we the NC Retirement Systems Online Retire- strongly urge you to do it now. You must ment Benefi ts through Integrated Tech- switch to electronic payments by March 1, nologies). To access your ORBIT account, 2013. If you don’t, the U.S. Department go to www.myncretirement.com. of the Treasury may send your benefi ts via The Retirement System is in the pro- the Direct Express® card program to avoid cess of mailing to all retirees their Form an interruption in payment. 1099-R by January 31, 2013. If you are already receiving benefi ts, If you have questions, call 1-877-733- you can start or change Direct Deposit 4191 toll free, or 919-733-4191 in the online at www.ssa.gov. You can also sign local Raleigh dialing area. up at your bank, credit union or savings and loan. Or call Social Security at 1-800- 772-1213. January-February 2013 Living Power - 3 Some Medicare ried couple living together. The resources Benefi ciaries May do not include a primary residence or a vehicle. If you have not applied for the Still Change Their Extra Help program and think you may be Prescription Drug eligible, call SHIIP, the Seniors’ Health Coverage Insurance Information Program, at 1-800- The details, options and deadlines sur- 443-9354 or the Social Security Adminis- rounding Medicare Part D Prescription tration at 1-800-772-1213. You may also Drug Plans still confuse many people. If apply directly online at www.socialsecu- you’re like some Medicare benefi ciaries rity.gov.