A New Family of Soft-Switching DC-DC PWM Converters Using a True ZCZVT Commutation Cell Hélio L. Hey and Carlos M. de O. Stein Federal University of Santa Maria UFSM - CT - DELC 97105-900 - Santa Maria - RS - BRAZIL
[email protected] Abstract – In this paper is introduced a new family of DC-DC II. A FAMILY OF DC-DC ZCZVT PWM CONVERTERS PWM converters using a true Zero Current and Zero Voltage Transition (ZCZVT) commutation cell. The soft-switching A. Common Equivalent Circuit of DC-DC PWM Converters technique utilized provides Zero Current Switching (ZCS) and An common equivalent circuit of DC-DC converters was Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) simultaneously, at both turn-on proposed in [9] and it is shown in Fig. 1.a. It represents all and turn-off of the main switch and ZVS for the main diode. The types of non isolated DC-DC converters, which are obtained family of ZCZVT PWM converters is obtained from an common by connection of the input (Vi) and output (Vo) voltage equivalent circuit of ZCZVT PWM converters and the ZCZVT sources and the smoothing capacitor C, when it exists. The PWM boost converter is analyzed, simulated and implemented. connection scheme of these elements is shown in Fig. 1.b. In It is demonstrated the construction of state-plane diagram, which is obtained by using a proper state variable the case of buck, boost and buck-boost converters, where the transformation. Based on the commutation analysis and the c terminal is not connected, the L1 inductor can be suppress.