th Young Labour Elections – Monday 17 ​ July ​ We have seen that there is a real appetite across the UK for a genuine socialist alternative, and it’s up to us to deliver it!

At every level we need to elect people who are excited about the new kind of politics that represents. That is why we at Bristol Youth have compiled a list of candidates to run for Bristol Young Labour. We want a committee that authentically voices left-wing ideas and connects with the amazing grassroots campaigns that are happening across our city right now. We are passionate about engaging with and empowering our new members, as well as bringing politics into the hearts of the communities we are here to represent.

We are proud to say that the group of candidates we are putting forward represents a 50:50 gender balance and multiple members self-identify as BAME, LGBT+ and disabled. As a team we have a wide range of skills and experiences that together can make Bristol Young Labour the most accessible, diverse and fun that it can be.

BUT we can only do this if every single left-wing, Corbyn-supporting young person comes and votes for us at the AGM on Monday 17th ​ July. If you are 26 or under and a Labour Party member then we need you to join with us and make this change happen!

th We will see you at 6.30pm on Monday 17 ​ July at UNISON, Vintry Building, 20 Wine Street, Bristol BS1 2BD. Please be a part of our ​ movement and together we can keep this momentum going!

Leigh-Ann Clarke – Co-chair As a working-class LGBT+ woman of colour I know from experience that the Labour party doesn’t always feel accessible and that needs to change now. Working with Dylan as co-chair, I will ensure that every voice is given an equal value, regardless of political differences. Together we are powerful. Together we are diverse and together we can win the next general election. I will co-lead a strong, vibrant and balanced team of enthusiastic Bristol-based activists to support Jeremy Corbyn’s vision for Labour. Our party must be democratic, it must be exciting and most of all it must be accessible.

Dylan Woodward – Co-chair I’d like to stand for co-chair with Leigh-Ann in order to make Young Labour as open and as accessible as possible. We need to be trying to grow our movement and to engage as many new members as possible - to capitalise on the excitement and enthusiasm that Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘New Politics’ has inspired. As a member of a liberation group, I appreciate the importance of our liberation positions, and will work to support these roles if elected. I believe that the strength of our party is in our members and so will support further democratisation of the Labour party.

Facebook: Bristol Momentum Youth Email: [email protected] Contact us to join Bristol Momentum Youth!

Charlotte Owen-Caw – Women’s Officer As Women’s Officer I hope to make the party more welcoming and accessible to women and create meaningful links with young people in all areas of the Bristol community. By working in collaboration with the BAME, LGBTQ+ and Disability officers I believe we can continue to increase our young membership and inspire current members to participate more actively in both political and social aspects of the party. I am a passionate Jeremy Corbyn supporter and believe in creating a more democratic party that represents the views of its constituents and actively works to address the inequalities in our society.

Troy Hawkins – Secretary I recently joined Labour to support the left led by Jeremy Corbyn. We find ourselves in a permanent election. We need a revitalised Young Labour to be a vehicle for pulling voters into the party for the first time and empowering them to be the most effective activists around. To be effe