Staff ordshire Local Transport Plan 2011

Habitats Regulations Assessment Appropriate Assessment Report

April 2011

Staff ordshire Local Transport Plan 2011 Local Transport Plan 2011



1 Introduction H.3 Habitats Regulation Assessment H.3 Consultation H.3

2 Methodology H.4

3 Findings of the Screening Stage H.5

4 Analysis of draft Local Transport Strategy Plan H.6 Outcome of LTP3 Policy Screening H.6

5 Other Plans, Policies and Programmes H.7 Plans and Programmes Reviewed H.7

6 Peak District Moors (South Pennine Moors Phase 1) Assessment H.8

7 Cannock Chase SAC Assessment H.10

8 Cannock Chase Canal Extension SAC Assessment H.12

9 Peak District Dales SAC Assessment H.13

10 River Mease SAC Assessment H.14

11 South Pennine Moors SAC Assessment H.15 12 West Midland Mosses: Chartley Moss SAC Assessment H.17

13 Midland Meres & Mosses Phase 2: Cop Mere Ramsar Site Assessment H.18

14 Conclusions H.19

15 References H.20

Appendices A - Assessment of Draft LTP3 Policies and Measures B - Other Plans, Policies and Programmes C – Natural Response

H.2 Staffordshire Local Transport Plan 2011

1. Introduction This report presents the findings of the Habitats combination with other plans and projects, are likely Regulations Assessment (HRA) for the Staffordshire to have a significant adverse effect on the integrity of draft Local Transport Strategy Plan (LTP) in line with the Natura 2000 sites (N2K). requirements set by the Conservation (Natural Habitats This report has been prepared for formal consultation & c) (Amendment) Regulations 2007. with Natural England and the Environment Agency. The report summarises the findings of the earlier screening stage of the HRA and presents the Appropriate Assessment (AA) of the draft version of the Local Transport Strategy Plan. The purpose of the Assessment is to identify whether the policies and measures proposed in the draft Plan, alone or in

Habitats Regulations Assessment The purpose of HRA/AA is to assess the impacts of The European Directive (92/43/EEC) on the Conservation plan policies and measures against the conservation of Natural Habitats and Wild Flora and Fauna (the objectives of a European Site and to ascertain whether Habitats Directive) protects habitats and species of it would produce a significant and adverse effect on European nature conservation importance. The Habitats the integrity of the site. Such effects may arise as a Directive establishes a network of internationally consequence of direct, indirect or in-combination important sites designated for their ecological impacts. Where significant negative effects are identified, status. These are referred to as Natura 2000 (N2K) proposals should be either abandoned, mitigated or sites or European sites, and comprise Special Areas alternative options examined. If it is not possible to of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas avoid or remove the identified effects then it must be (SPAs). Government Policy (PPS9 and Circular 06/05) has demonstrated that there are Imperative Reasons of extended the statutory requirements for HRA to include Public Interest (IROPI) to continue with the plan. The sites designated under the Ramsar convention on plan or projects can only be implemented once it has Wetlands of International Importance (1971). been determined that there will be no adverse affect on the site(s) concerned. Articles 6 (3) and 6 (4) of the Habitats Directive require AA to be undertaken on proposed plans or projects Consultation which are not necessary for the management of the The Habitats Regulations require the competent site but which are likely to have a significant effect on authority to consult the appropriate nature conservation one or more European sites either individually, or in statutory body (Natural England). Consultation on the combination with other