AGENDA ITEM NO.8.4. WYRE FOREST DISTRICT COUNCIL CABINET MEETING 22 nd March 2007 South Staffordshire District Council Wolverhampton Airport Policy Area- Issues and Options Consultation OPEN COMMUNITY STRATEGY A Better Environment THEME: CORPORATE PLAN THEME: Managing the Local Environment KEY PRIORITY: Forward Planning CABINET MEMBER: Councillor Mrs Anne Hingley RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Head of Planning, Health and Environment CONTACT OFFICER: Rebecca Mayman– Ext 2554
[email protected] APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Representations submitted to South Staffordshire District Council. 1. PURPOSE OF REPORT 1.1 To seek the Cabinet’s endorsement of Officer representations submitted on the Issues and Options Consultation Paper for the Wolverhampton Airport Policy Area Development Plan Document. 2. RECOMMENDATION The Cabinet is asked to DECIDE: 2.1 The representations submitted by the Head of Planning, Health and Environment to South Staffordshire District Council, on the Wolverhampton Airport Policy Area Development Plan Document Issues and Options Paper, as detailed in Appendix 1 to this report, be endorsed. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Members will recall the Cabinet report dated 21 st December 2006, which sought retrospective endorsement for representations submitted on the South Staffordshire Core Strategy Issues and Options Paper. The report outlined that South Staffordshire District Council (SSDC) would be consulting on an issues and options paper for the Wolverhampton Airport Policy Area Development Plan Document (DPD) early in 2007. SSDC is currently consulting on this DPD until 12 th March 2007. 3.2 Officers attended a workshop organised by SSDC on the 31 st January. The workshop provided the opportunity to discuss the key issues raised in the issues and options paper.