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From Victims and Villains to Protagonists: and Citizenship in Modern

Rachel Gleicher Colby College

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Recommended Citation Gleicher, Rachel, "From Victims and Villains to Protagonists: Immigration and Citizenship in Modern Italy" (2011). Honors Theses. Paper 606.

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Protagonists: Immigration and

Citizenship in Modern Italy

Rachel Gleicher

Colby College

May 6, 2011

Senior Honors Thesis

International Studies Department

Advisor/First Reader: Maple Razsa

Second Reader: Allison Cooper Table of Contents

Prologue …………………………………………………………………...……3

Citizenship and Insurgent Citizenship……………………………………...…..6

Methods and Overview…………………………………………………..……11

A Quick Note on Terminology……………………………………………..…12

Chapter 1: Context ……………...……………….…………………………...14

From Emigration and Internal Migration to Immigration……………………..14

History of Immigration and Immigration Related Legislation…………….…..18

Current Statistics on Italy’s “Foreign” Population……………………….……27

Chapter 2: Immigrant Representations ……………….…………….……...29

Immigrants in Italian Newspapers…………………………………………….30

Immigrant Representations by Italian Political Parties………………………..35

The Northern Leagues’ Influence on Public Opinion …………..……………..36

Culturalist Racism …………………………………………..…………………37

Immigrants as a Resource Drain ………………………..……………………..43

Immigrants as Criminals ……………………………..………………………..45

Immigrant Representations by Italian-Run Social Service Organizations….…48

Case Study: Trama di Terre ……………………………………………….…..49

Chapter 3: Immigrants’ Resistance ………………………………..….…….59

The Autonomy of Migration………………………………………….………..59

Positive Discourse: Resilience, Rights Based vs. Help-Based Advocacy….….66

Intercultural Centers……………………………………………………….…...72


Conclusion …………………………………………………………….....…….87


Works Cited …………….………………………………………………….…..92



I first became interested in the topic of immigration in Italy in January 2010

during a con