Council of Scottish Clans & Associations


July 10, 2014


One result of COSCA’s & Family Caucus at Grandfather Mountain/Lees McCrae College in July 2013 was the formation of five working groups dedicated to working in several identified subject areas over the following twelve months. One of these was (and is) the Working Group on Gatherings, Games & Festivals (“Gatherings Group”). This is the report on the work of this group since July 2013.


Members: Ken Scott, , COSCA Vice-President - Chair Sir Malcolm MacGregor, Clan MacGregor, Convenor, Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs Viscount Dunrossil (Andrew Morrison), Society of Scottish Armigers Ed McLean, Clan Gillean USA, International Bill Elliot, Clan Elliot, 1st Vice President, Clan Elliot Society USA Hugh, Lord Montgomerie, Society of Scottish Armigers Bruce Durie, Shenachie of Durie, Society of Scottish Armigers Joe Wiggington, , President, Saint Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland Ralph Wallace, (Board), Scottish-American Military Society (Regional Commander) John Cochran, Clan Cochrane

Other Repeat Participants: Susan McIntosh, Clan Mackintosh, COSCA President Clark Scott, Clan Scott, COSCA Treasurer John Bellassai, , COSCA Trustee Jamie, Lord Sempill, SCSC



The Gatherings Group has been a dedicated, active committee, with 10 teleconference meetings since the 2013 Caucus (on September 25, October 10, November 2, December 8, January 26, February 8, February 16, March 9, April 13 and May 18). The meetings were heavily supplemented by extensive e-mail traffic and telephone calls.


While the committee’s work could encompass a wide range of subjects, the principal mandate and consensus over the past twelve months was to focus on the topic of international clan gatherings (ICGs) of the sort held at Edinburgh in July 2009 and what for a time was contemplated as a second similar gathering at Stirling, in June/July 2014. This focus arose out of a perceived general desire among much of the Scottish diaspora (and at least some in ) for this type of large international gathering in Scotland on something like a 5- to 10-year cycle, and a related desire or perceived need to address various issues and concerns that have arisen concerning such gatherings. Indeed, by the time of COSCA’s July 2013 Caucus, there was already significant concern that, contrary to earlier expectations, planning and statements, there would be no 2014 Gathering at Stirling, causing much disappointment, considerable consternation and some anger in the diaspora community. The working group’s wishes were (and are): (1) to promote and support the holding of periodic large international gatherings in Scotland (with possible related or ancillary gatherings in “off years,” possibly at locations outside Scotland); (2) to support and be part of the “call” for a 2009-type Gathering in 2014, in connection with the ongoing difficulties in planning and achieving a 2014 Gathering; (3) to take a considered “lessons learned” look at both the 2009 Gathering and the planning and problems associated with the failure to hold a similar Gathering in Stirling in 2014; (4) to share observations and recommendations that will hopefully lead to a successful ICG in the next several years and in years thereafter; and (5) to play an active, helpful role in planning and implementing future gatherings, giving particular voice to Scottish diaspora interests and pers