Fat Blasting Body Weight Circuits

By Angie Schumacher~CPT www.fatblastingbootcamp.com www.womensdietandfitness.com

Dear Fitness Fanatic,

If you are like most people, you go to the and spend hours on the cardio machines, then moving on to doing your . Well I am here to tell you that you are wasting your time! Body weight circuits are the key!

Not only do body weight circuits burn fat, but they help to boost your . By using body , you are incorporating both interval and strength training all in one workout and your body will not only burn calories while you are doing your circuits, but long after you are done!

Bodyweight exercises also help to build and tone muscle, which helps not only to increase your metabolism, but also makes you look sexy!

You can do these circuits alone for a quick workout when you are short on time you can add one of the circuits after a strength training workout instead of intervals. Whichever way you choose to incorporate them into your fitness routine, you are going to be getting in a great workout and speed up your metabolism that will in turn help you to burn more fat.

To make these circuits more challenging, add a medicine ball or some dumbbells to some of the exercises for a nice intense fat burning workout!

The exercises are meant to go at a quick pace to get your rate elevated. When watching the videos, they are done slower to show you correct form, so make sure to increase the speed when doing them in the circuits.

Body Weight Circuits- Beginner Body Weight Circuit A

Hip Extension x 15 Incline Push up x 12 Forward Alternation x 20 (total) Bicycle x 20 (total) Jumping Jacks x 30

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Body Weight Circuit B

1 Leg Extension x 20 (total) Staggered Hand Push Up (Kneeling) x 12 Split x 10 (each leg) Ab Twist x 10 (each side) Criss Cross Feet x 30

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Body Weight Circuit C

Prisoner Squat x 15 Push Up x 15 Diagonal Lunge x 10 (each leg) Side (Hold 30 seconds) In and Out Step x 20

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Don’t Forget to STRETCH after each workout! Click HERE for video

©Angie Schumacher CPT www.FatBlastingBootCamp.com www.WomensDietandFitness.com Body Weight Circuits- Advanced Body Weight Circuit A

Siff Squat x 15 (on your toes) Push Ups x 12 Forward/ Reverse Lunge x 6 (each leg) Plank –Hold (45 second hold) Inchworm x 10 Squat Thrusts x 10

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Body Weight Circuit B

Side Squat x 10 (each side) Close Grip Push Up x 12 1 Leg x 10 (each side) Wood Chop x 10 (each side) Mt Climber x 20 (total) Burpees x 10

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Body Weight Circuit C

Sumo Squat x 15 Plank Hand Over Push Up x 12 (count the number of pushups) Speed Skate Squat x 20 (10 each side) T Ups x 12 (total) Knee Outs x 15 Squat Jumps x 15

Repeat 4-6 times or until you have reached 20 minutes to complete this circuit. Click HERE for video demonstration of exercises.

Don’t Forget to STRETCH after each workout! Click HERE for stretching video

©Angie Schumacher CPT www.FatBlastingBootCamp.com www.WomensDietandFitness.com

A special thanks to Julie Giron who helped with the videos and has stood by me for over a year now, trying out all my boot camp workouts and my personal training workouts, and has lost over 50 pounds! Great Job Julie!