When the Divine Will Reigns on Earth Heaven Touches the Earth By Philip Illsley; September 2016. [email protected] or www.holyishisname.co.uk


IN GLORY When the Divine Will Reigns on Earth Heaven Touches Earth; I think it is Time to speak directly, boldly, and without any apology to who I describe as “ The Remnant ” who are Listening because many today are not Listening to the Word of God. It is only “ The Remnant “ who are Listening because they are close to God. All are invited to Listen to the Word of God, but few today respond, many people today are too busy, too pre- occupied, and inevitably few respond. It is Only “The Remnant “ who are responding because they are special, they are chosen; “ Make no mistake my friends; That it is and Our Lady calling and are now preparing all of “YOU” who are now listening to receive “The Blessing “ and “ The Convergence” which is here and coming.


I think the above is about the parable of the ten virgins; only five of them prepared the oil in their lamps, so when it was time to light the flame, they were ready. None of us can be complacent any longer about our conversion, about our lukewarm faith, about our hesitant attitude to be Holy, the time is now, because the Flame of Love is near and nearer than many of you may think. These times are Full of Grace, this is a time of Great Mercy to be spent preparing with joy and hope, this great year of Mercy is a time for us all to be reconciled with God, with tears of repentance let these tears wash, renew and water the soil of your heart and soul, let His love reign in you, so you may also be a light to all today who are walking in darkness in this world which is full of hatred and envy, ask Jesus to remain in you always and to do His Holy and Divine Will on earth. Jesus told St Faustina; Before I come as the Just Judge I am opening wide the doors of my Mercy – He who will not pass through the door of my Mercy – Will have to pass through the door of My Justice:

This is why we must all take advantage of this Great Jubilee year of Mercy and take advantage of the great indulgences available to wipe our souls spotlessly clean and to be prepared for “The Great Storm “ coming upon the earth. I have sensed for many years now that this Great Storm is coming upon earth, and not just Storms of mother nature, but the one’s created by man himself, economic, social, and political storm’s that will change the face of the world.

The Convergence; As one moves towards the Eye of a storm the more powerful the winds become. We see turbulent events increase one upon the other, as we look at what is happening daily in the whole world today, are we not seeing precisely the conditions for these events to unfold; “ The Seals of Revelation “

The Second Seal : An event or a series of events that according to St John in the book of Revelation; Take PEACE away from the earth so that people would slaughter one another : Look at the tensions between China and Japan and the Philippines, where China’s land claims, they are claiming land to be there’s which have always belonged to Japan, and the Philippines. Look at the Land grabbing of Russia, in the Crimea, and the Ukraine, and Russia’s relationship with Syria, and the War of words with the West, there is NO Doubt that Mr Putin the Russian Leader wants back all that his predecessors gave away. Look at the tensions in Israel and Palestine, and Iran, and North and South Korea. Any of these or a combination of them all could set off; World War 3 Many Popes have warned this is precisely the Plan of; The Masons, The Illuminati, and those secret societies that seek One world order to “ Communize “ The whole world ; There motto is “ Order out of Chaos ” Our Blessed Lady; “ The Queen of Prophets “ has foretold at Garabandal; Communism would come Back; Communism would again appear and cause great suffering before its reign of terror is Suddenly Ended: And this is the First Warning at Garabandal ; “ The Tribulation of Communism “ Led by Russia.

The Third Seal; “ A Ration of wheat costs a days pay” very simply this seal speaks of hyper inflation in the world . Many leading Economists and market experts are coming out one by one, speaking in the most dire terms of ; ANOTHER COMING economic CRASH! in the near future that would be “ Horrific “ leading to civil upheaval and chaos everywhere.

Whilst writing this in Late Sept 2016; The news is that the largest economy in Europe – Germany; its Banks are a ticking time bomb, ready to go BANG and if they crash it will be 2008 all over again. Germanys Largest Bank; Deutsche Bank is the biggest threat to economic stability. The most alarming aspect of this looming banking catastrophe is that it is taking place in Germany – The European powerhouse economy.

The Forth Seal ; The Global revolution set off by war; economic collapse, and chaos leads to massive deaths by the sword, famine, and plague. A global Pandemic has been expected for many years now, and it is often amidst disasters that viruses spread most rapidly. More than one virus, whether it is Ebola, Avian Flu, or “ Superbugs” emerging at the end of this anti –biotic era, are poised to spread world wide and cause massive fatalities.

The Fifth Seal; St John sees a vision of the martyrs crying out for justice. As in past revolutions such as the French Revolution, or the Communist Revolution both of which were manufactured by secret societies, masonry, and the illumaniti. – Christianity again becomes a central target and it will be the same in these times. The growing distain towards the Catholic Church today and today through Islamic Jihad Christians are being martyred, and the Church is living this martyrdom today in many parts of the world.

The Sixth Seal; As all of these events above Converge all at once causing tremendous world wide upheaval, The Sixth Seal is broken a global earthquake “ A Great Shaking Occurs” as the Heavens are peeled back, and the Judgement of God is perceived in the interior of every soul. It is an Illumination of conscience “ A Warning “ that brings us to the eye of the storm. Again this is what Our Blessed Lady the Queen of Prophets foretold at Garabandal in the 1960’s ; And this stops the Communist Tribulation and corrects the conscience of the entire world. I Believe that this coming “ Illumination of Conscience” will open up the hearts of all to the “ Coming Blessing “ ….. The Seventh Seal … The eye of the storm. …… There was silence in Heaven for about half an hour……. ( Rev 8.1)

“ DO NOT BE AFRAID “ My Friends.

“ DO NOT BE AFRAID “ My Friends is written in the bible 365 TIMES – That is a daily reminder from God, To Live every day Fearless and we do this by being close to God.

I can understand that the above may be terrifying to some, it would be unbelievable if we were not all witnessing the above in our daily lives. The Trials that are coming particularly to the Church will require a great grace for us all to keep our faith, and to strengthen our faith, so that we will Not Be Afraid. It is the same grace given to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. And to strengthen Him an Angel from Heaven appeared to Him ( Luke 22.43)

There is only one anointing that is strong enough to meet death and that is the anointing of the Holy Spirit the Love of God. ( Benedict xvi Holy week 2014 )

The Blessing : I believe that Our Blessed Mother is now asking all Her Children to get ready for this Great Blessing to come.

This is a great grace that will Wake up souls and shake them from their darkness.

Our Lady The Queen of Peace at has pointed many times recently in Her Monthly and yearly message to the world to prepare for a “ Blessing” On the 2nd March 2014 Our Lady said this to Mirjana; …… Pray with humble devotion obedience and trust in the Heavenly Father. Trust as I have trusted when, it was said to Me that I will bring the Blessing of the promise.

May out of your hearts, from your lips, always come forth “ May Your Will Be Done “ Therefore trust and pray so that I can intercede for you before the Lord, For Him to give you the Heavenly Blessing and fill you with The Holy Spirit.

This also invokes the Vision of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich ( 1774- 1824) in which she saw from Marys Immaculate Heart A Grace flowing to the Church that gathered souls to Christ;

On March 18th This year confirmed this theme with Mirjana revealing that the grace that is coming is two fold in nature.

Through your love for My Son and through your prayer, I desire for God’s Light to illuminate you and God’s Mercy to fill you. In this way, I desire for the darkness and the shadow of death which wants to encompass and mislead you, to be driven away. I desire for you to feel the joy of the Blessing of God’s promise.

Our Lady is indicating through Her Messages at Medjugorje that God is going to pour out a grace that will eradicate Fear while giving us a taste of the joy that lies ahead. My Friends Our Lady is preparing Her Children Her Army of Prayer Warriors to go into the darkness of our times and Free Souls for Christ, She is preparing Her Children, for a great Blessing that will flood the world; Cry Out She says; The Name of the Heavenly Father that He may illuminate you with the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Spirit you will become a spring of God’s love. All those who do not know My Son, all those thirsting for the love and peace of My Son, Will drink from this spring. ( Our Lady to Mirjana April 2nd 2014)

What I believe is coming is a blessing that will culminate in a global outpouring of the Holy Spirit;

That will destroy the power of Satan, and usher in a “ New Springtime” a renewal of the face of the earth in which;

“ The Divine Will “ Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. When The Divine Will Reigns on Earth – Heaven Touches the Earth.

This is a picture of Pope Benedict at the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima on May 13th 2010 on the 93rd Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions and what he said is so very important; “ May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfilment of the of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart on Mary to the Glory of the most Holy “ On May 13th 2017 Next year this is the 100 anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions – This is a very important date – because I believe that the 100 years God gave to Satan to try and destroy the Church will be UP! – Satan’s Time will be up.

The Holy Rosary my friends is one of our great weapons from Heaven to defeat Satan and all his evil. Our Mother tells us – That the Rosary is a sign to Satan – That You belong to Me – And with the Rosary in our hands She asks us all to go forward with confidence and DEFEAT HIM!

THE HOLY TRINITY; Has given Mankind a GREAT GIFT at this Time of headlong rush into evil and destruction “ The Gift of The Divine Will “ The New And Divine Holiness.

Our Late Great Pope St John Paul 2nd ; said we must all recognise that we are living in “ The Fullness of Time “ an unprecedented hour of Divine Mercy and that the “ Triumph of The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Era of Peace is Imminent” He Refers us to St Pauls letter to the Romans ( 5.20) and this assures us “ Where Sin abounds, Grace abounds all the more” Thus we can see that the unprecedented Evils of out Time must be swallowed up in an “ Unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit “ This is the Great Gift of “The Divine Will” Given by Jesus to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta; and Through Luisa, this great and precious gift is now available to all who know about it and desire it. For those of you who may have never heard of the Divine Will or Luisa Piccarreta or this New and Divine Holiness as Our Late Great Pope St John Paul 2nd called it. It may seem like an impossible dream to many of you that through this new outpouring of the Holy Spirit “ This great gift of the Divine Will “ that would form in people who are now living and praying in the Divine Will today and these people would surpass all the Saints of Days gone by, because they are living and praying in The Divine Will, and it is Jesus and all of Heaven who are praying with them.

The Divine Will is the lifting of the veil upon the approaching glorious time when the prayer that Jesus gave us over two thousand years ago will be fulfilled in the Prayer the Our Father ; “ Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven “ We must all start to believe that the Divine Will can now reign in each and everyone one of us, if we believe enough to say “Yes” to this great gift God now offers to all Mankind, this gift of the New And Divine Holiness – “ The Divine Will “

Luisa Piccarreta Jesus told Luisa in Feb 1921 – There are no special paths, nor doors, nor keys, to My Will, a soul has but to desire it and all is done. My Will assumes all the work, gives the soul what it lacks and makes it expand into the limitless boundaries; Of My Will.

How Do we Obtain The Divine Will ? such a lofty state of this new and Divine Holiness ? First; We must all believe that Jesus wants every man and woman and child to share in His Divine Life and to do God’s Will on earth as it is in Heaven. Secondly; We Must all share fully in the Divine Life of Jesus, this means we all have to empty ourselves and to exchange the independent use of our human will; for the reign of The Divine Will in our souls through the action of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit then begins to reign in us, in our thoughts, words, and actions, and lifts us to eternity, not only will we be present to Jesus, in all the mysteries of His human life, He too will become present to us in every moment of our lives. As we then all follow the Spirits lead; Thinking, speaking, and acting with Jesus; We will all truly become another Jesus, Our thoughts will become His thoughts, Our words, will become His words, our actions, will become His actions. All for the greater glory of and for the good of all souls past, present, and future. The Gift of the Divine Will to creatures; Jesus said is the greatest of all miracles, and it is the call to the creature to return to the order to the place for which we were created by God. And that one prayer in the Divine Will is worth more than a lifetime of prayer in the human will.

This is why my friends it is vital that we all learn how to pray in the Divine Will:: Because all our prayers then take on Infinite Value and Power because it is Jesus and all of Heaven who are praying with us; it is Vital to use this formula below to pray in the Divine Will for all your prayers and all of your intentions;

HOW TO PRAY IN THE DIVINE WILL ; It Is Jesus who wants to pray and I pray together with Him in an act in the Divine Will.

In the name of the Father who created me and mad me his Son, In the name of the Son who redeemed me and made me His Brother, In the name of The Holy Spirit who Sanctified me and made me His Temple, Amen Fiat.

Lord Jesus entered inside you, taking that which I find in you, transformed in you, making myself one with you, I desire to say this exercise of prayer in the Divine Will, with all of my intentions and in the name of everyone, this begins with; Now you can say here – The Rosary – or The Chaplet of Divine Mercy – or Whatever it is you want to pray !! To diffuse it in all creatures as at a single point in an act in the Divine Will, bilocated main actor in my soul. Amen Fiat. Now Whatever you are praying is in the Divine Will and not in Your Human Will. The above formula must be used if your want to pray in the Divine Will : FOR MORE INFO : On the Divine Will – These two books were written by me and you can download them FREE on my web site www.holyishisname.co.uk

And a BOOK -- HOW TO PRAY IN THE DIVINE WILL: Also I can send these to people in the UK all I would ask is the cost of postage = £2 -£3 . ALSO BELOW is a prayer given by God The Father to the Visionary Vassula Ryden on Feb 13th 2016 URGENTLY asking for this prayer to be said sincerely to return to Him Now. SAY THIS PRAYER DAILY it is an Urgent request from God the Father. This important Prayer came from God to the Visionary; Vassula Ryden on Feb 13th 2016: To Help us all back to Our Father: URGENTLY Asking for this Prayer to be said sincerely !

“ Yahweh, My God” Let my prayer reach You. hear our cry of Mercy and for help, Forgive those who have no faith in You, my God, and no trust either in Your Power to Save us; Do not blast the lights out of our days, withering with it in a flash the earth, but in Your Fatherly Compassion pity us, and forgive us; Do not allow the evil one to shed our blood like water; forgive our guilt, express Your anger, remembering our weakness; Hold back Your angels of disaster, giving us one more chance to prove ourselves worthy of Your Kindness; I put my trust in You Amen.

How Gladly will I receive this Prayer; This Prayer that will make Me Relent ! Daughter I will Bless all those who will Sincerely Pray this Prayer; Let this prophecy be heard; The Day and The Hour belong to Me Your God; This is what you will tell to those who will ask you the time and hour of My Justice. LOVE – LOVES -- YOU :

The Title “ Lord of Hosts comes from the Hebrew expression” “ Yahew Sabaoth “ and is used hundreds of times to refer to; “ GOD THE LORD OF HOST’S IS WITH US”

This Little Prayer I always say daily ; In The I LOVE YOU OUR FATHER “ Yahweh Sabaoth” God of Host’s Who is like unto Your Might and Faithfulness; I Love you. This wonderful prayer “ Yahweh My God” Say every day And God will bless us and help us !


THINK THAT YOU ARE sitting on His Right Knee in this image as He is looking at You With Your arms around His neck – Saying This Prayer : Our Father – I Love You – Who art in Heaven – I Love You – Hallowed be thy name – I Love You –Holy is thy Name Yahweh Sabaoth God of Hosts who is like unto Your Might and Faithfulness- I Love You Thy Kingdom come –I Love You – Thy Will be done - I Love You On earth as it is in Heaven – I Love You – Give us this day our daily Bread- I Love You – And forgive us our trespasses –I Love You As we forgive those who trespass against us – I Love You And lead us not into temptation – I Love You – But deliver us from Evil – I Love You AMEN

I Love You My Father and I Give Myself to YOU !

God the Father told the visionary Vassula - LOVE – LOVES – YOU. And He Tells us That LOVE pays for Everything ! Great sins He tells us in the Book “ The Father Speaks to His Children” can be expiated by acts of Love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and Mercy


The Book “ The Father Speaks to His Children “ Can be ordered from P. Illsley who is the UK distributor for a donation from; [email protected] www.holyishisname.co.uk