A Pattern Approach to Interaction Design Jan O. Borchers Department of Computer Science Darmstadt University of Technology Alexanderstr. 6, 64283 Darmstadt, Germany
[email protected] ABSTRACT perts need to work together very closely with team members To create successful interactive systems, user interface de- from other disciplines. Most notably, they need to coop- signers need to cooperate with developers and application erate with application domain experts to identify the con- domain experts in an interdisciplinary team. These groups, cepts, tasks, and terminology of the product environment, however, usually miss a common terminology to exchange and with the development team to make sure the internal ideas, opinions, and values. system design supports the interaction techniques required. This paper presents an approach that uses pattern languages However, these disciplines lack a common language: It is to capture this knowledge in software development, HCI, difficult for the user interface designer to explain his guide- and the application domain. A formal, domain-independent lines and concerns to the other groups. It is often even definition of design patterns allows for computer support more problematic to extract application domain concepts without sacrificing readability, and pattern use is integrated from the user representative in a usable form. And it is into the usability engineering life cycle. hard for HCI people, and for application domain experts even more so, to understand the architectural and techno- As an example, experience from building an award-winning logical constraints and rules that guide the systems engineer interactive music exhibit was turned into a pattern language, in her design process.