DANIEL J. MINDIOLA Professor (W/Tenure), Department Of
Updated 7/26/18 DANIEL J. MINDIOLA Professor (w/tenure), Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania Email: mindiola@sas.upenn.edu Phone: (215) 898-5247 FAX: (215) 573-9711 Webpage: http://mindiolagroup.chem.upenn.edu/ Born in 1974. Education Ph.D. August 2000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA – Ph.D. in Chemistry, (Advisor Christopher C. Cummins) Thesis Title: Thesis Title: “Arene Extrusion Reactions and Synthesis and Reactivity Studies of Complexes Supported by Sterically Demanding Anilide Ligands.” (Dissertation Committee: C. C. Cummins, R. R. Schrock, and D. Seyferth) B.S. May 1996 Michigan State University, College of Natural Science, East Lansing, MI – B.S. in Chemistry with honors (Undergraduate Mentor: Prof. Kim R. Dunbar) Research Experience August 1- Brush Family Chair Professor, University of Pennsylvania, present Philadelphia, PA. 2017-2018 Visiting Professor, State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Shanghai, China (1 month) 2016-2017 Visiting Professor, KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea. July. 1, 2013- Presidential Chair Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, 2018 Philadelphia, PA. 2010-2013 Department of Chemistry, Indiana University. Full Professor. May 2012 Visiting Professor, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Japan. 2009-2010 Visiting Professor, Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany. 2007-2010 Department of Chemistry, Indiana University. Associate Professor with tenure. 2002-2007 Department of Chemistry, Indiana University. Assistant Professor. 2000-2002 Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago. Postdoctoral Research Fellow under the direction of Prof. Gregory L. Hillhouse. Metal mediated N2O reductions and synthesis and reactivity studies of group 10 metal-ligand multiple bonds. 1996-2000 Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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