NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U. S. POSTAGE Rochester Committee for Justice PAID in Southern Africa ROCHESTER, N.Y . Genesee Ecumenical Ministries PERMIT NO. 94 17 S. Fitzhugh St. Rochester, N. Y. 14614

American Committee on Africa 1 98 Broadway , New York 10038

TIME RUNNINGOUT Richard S. Gilbert, Editor December 1983


There are significant signs the divestment movement is coming of age: 1. In January of 1983 the Johannesburg Rand-Daily Mail carried this headline: "P..nti-SA investment bid sweeps u.s. A wave of ru­ lings demanding that US companies with South African operations with­ draw their investments there is sweeping state and city governments." 2. Carole Collins of the Institute for Policy Studies and the national coordinator of the Campaign to Oppose Bank Loans to South Africa wrote: "The divestment reovement has achieved more in the last 12 months than in the previous 12 years. One could say it has developed its own brand of "New Federalism," bypassing a soft-on South Africa Reagan administration and taking its case directly to states, counties and cities •••• (The campaign) will take $300 million out of firms that do business in or with South Africa." 3. There has been increasing lobbying activity by South Africa at all governmental levels, a sure sign the campaign is hurting the regime.

T H E L 0 C A L S C E NE

Locally, the Rochester Committee for Justice in Southern Africa hosted a Consultation on Public Divestment and South Africa on Novem­ ber 30. Featured speakers were Robert Schaeffer, legislative assis­ tant to Senator Jack Bachman who introduced a successful divestment bill in Massachusetts, and Dumisani Kumalo, a South African Blac~ now Project Director of the American Committee on Africa. The two briefed the gathering, reporting on efforts to date and successful strategies used. There was enthusiasm for launching such an effort in New York State. Divestment legislation has been intro­ duced and legislative hearings are set for January 11 in and January 17 in Albany. RCJSA expects to give testimony and will work with others across the state in developing a New York di­ vestment strategy. For further information write: Mass. Divest, 13 Sellers Street, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 or the American Committee on Africa, 198 Broadway, New York, NY 10038. For local information contact the Rochester Committee for Jus­ tice in Southern Africa, write: RCJSA, c/o 935 East Avenue, Roches­ ter, N. Y. 14607. 2 NA T I 0 NA L NE H S


According to US Department of Justice records, the South African government and the so-called independent "Bantustans" ••• spent just under $2 million last year on foreign agents in the United States. Among the new agents is Stuart Spencer, public relations millionaire, who is expected to be an official in President Reagan's 1984 cam­ paign. Spencer joins John Sears, another South African agent and Reagan confidante, and fifteen other well-paid agents in promoting apartheid's interests in the U.S.

The South African .nternational Gold Corporation and its Ameri­ can agents, Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Johnson, and Hutchinson, spent . well over $3 million just in the months of May and June (1983) promo­ ting Krugerrands and lobbying against the Solarz bill (stopping Krugerrand imports) in Congress. -- from Washington No·tes on Afr·ica, Summer/Autumn 1983

from The Africa Fund "Human Rights Violations Apartheid -South Africa'' # 1/83


A National Student Anti-Apartheid Conference was held at New York University the 7th through the 9th of October. There were 300 stu­ dents attending the conference including representatives from the African National Congress (ANC), the Pan-African Congress (PAC), and the South-west Africa Peoples Organization (SWAPO).

The Conference called for anti-apartheid groups to work closely with students fighting against US intervention in Central America and with those working for a nuclear freeze. In addition the conference participants placed special importance on mobilizing support for pen­ ding divestment legislation in Washington D. c., and they appealed to activists to make southern Africa an issue in next year's presidential elections.

Workshops focused on campus organ~z~ng, sports, cultural boycotts, material aid campaigns, community-student alliances, and strategies for making links with other progressive movements in the u.s. -- from Africa· News, October 1983


The apartheid regime has drastically intensified its efforts to woo US entertainers and athletes to perform in South Africa in the hope of strengthening apartheid and giving it inter~ational legiti­ macy. Pretoria is sparing no expense offering as much as $ 2 million to come and perform.

Local US groups have been successful in countering this cultural collaboration by organizing boycotts of artists who appear in South Africa. The Executive Director of the Washington Office on Africa recently stated: "We must tell these entertainers who dance to Pre­ toria's tune that they pay a higher price than huge sums of money they receive from that racist regime." -- from: Washin·gton No·t ·es on Africa, Summer/Autumn 1983 3 CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION ON SOUTH AFRICA There are several South Africa related measures attache.d as amend- ments to the Export Administration Act. They are Rep. William Gray's (D-PA) prohibition on new American investment, Rep Howard Berman's (D-CA) proposal to restore the restrictions on u.s. exports to South Africa, and Rep. Stephen Solarz • s (D-NY) bil·l imposing fair labor prac­ tices on u.s. companies in South Africa and barring new bank loans and Krugerrand imports. On September 30 the House adopted an amendment to the Act pro­ posed by Rep. Howard Wolpe (D-MI) imposing a 60-day waiting period for Congressional review on all sales of nuclear-related material and ser­ vices to countries not adhering to the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty and not opening their nuclear facilities to international inspection. Rep. Julian Dixon's (D-CA) amendment requiring the u.s. to oppose International Monetary Fund (IMF) loans to South Africa adopted by the·· House in August remains stalemated, since no conference committee to resolve the House-Senate differences has yet been established. --from Af·rica News, October 1983 Note: Below are names and addresses of local Senators and Representatives to write regarding the above issues: House of· ·Repr·esentatives Frank Horton 2229 Rayburn Building 2252 Rayburn Building Washington, D. c. 20515 Washington, D. C. 20515 John LaFalce 237 Cannon Building 2419 Rayburn Building Washington, D. c. · 20515 Washington, D. C. 20515 s·enator Senator Daniel Moynihan Alfonse D'Amato u.s. Senate U. S. Senate washington, D. c. 20510 Washington, D. C. 20510 E D I T 0 R I A L V I E WP 0 I NT Why divestment? South .Africa is a regime where racism is offic­ ial government policy. Appeals to justice, "constructive engagement" and other forms of persuasion succeed only in changing window dres­ sing in South Africa. They do not bring significant change for the Black majority population. The government there responds to economic power that threatens to undermine it5 total control of the Black popu­ lation. American investment in South Africa benefits a very tiny minority of the Black population -- chiefly a small middle class elite who are dependent on the racist government. Only 1% of· all employees work for American corporations, while 99% are subject to total apartheid. Most of the B,ladk leaders support divestment as one way of pressuring change from the government. The Sullivan Principles, for all their good intentions, have had little impact. Divestment promises to be a language South Africa understands. For a detailed rationale for divestment write for "South Africa: Questions and Answers on Divestment" from The Africa Fund, 198 Broadway, New York, NY, 10038.

------Subscriptions for TIME RUNNING OUT -- $ 5 per year Payable to: Committee for Justice in Southern Africa Send to: TIME RUNNING OUT, GEM, 17 S. Fitzhugh, Rochester,N.Y. 14614 NAME Editorial correspondence should be sent to Richard s. Gilbert, First ADDRESS Unitarian Church, 220 Winton Rd. s., Rochester, N. Y. 14610. ______ZIP ______

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IS THERE LIFE AFTER THE NAIROBI DECLARATION CONDEMNS SULLIVAN PRINCIPLES? SOUTH AFRICAN APARTHEID In the November 6 issue The World Conference for of Bernard Religion and Peace will hold Simon, a freelance writer liv­ its fourth Assembly in Nairobi, ing in South Africa,wrote about Keyna, August 23-31, 1984. One the "crossroad~in Sout h Africa." hundred religious leaders from The Sullivan Principles have had Africa -- Christians, Muslims, a mixed review. Only 120 of the Hindus, and Sikhs -- met in 350 American companies have Nairobi to form WCRP/Africa and bothered to sign an agreement to issued a statement which inclu­ honor the principles. ded a sharp attack on apartheid • ...... While American companies have made some strides in deseg­ Exerpts from the statement issued regating facilities and inves~ during the August 30-September 3 ting modest funds in improving meeting follow: black living conditions, they have done little to alter the Apartheid and other forms of system of apartheid. Integra­ racism have relegated many in Af­ tion at managerial levels has rica to the fringes of society, been staunchly resisted and very causing them to live a life de­ little has occured. And, says void of decency. We are pained Simon, "the initial impetus of by the callousness with which the Sullivan Principles has be­ peoples' right to live in dignity gun to fade. And for American is denied. Much violence and suf­ companies over here, the next fering have been perpetrated in moves are difficult to pick out. maintaining this inhuman racist Few American executives so far ideology. And yet we do have hope have been willing to speak out that the time is not far off when on apartheid •••• " freedom from this kind of evil will be realized through the con­ certed effort of all people of good-will. Indeed, we declare our firm support for the black major­ ity in South- Africa and Namibia in their struggle for freedom and equality. --''Religion for Peace" Oct. 1983 Address: World Conference on Religion and Peace, 777 United Nations Plaza; New York, N. Y. 10017, U.S.A.

LETTER FRQM W.C.C. COMMISSION The following letter was re­ ceived by "Time Running Out" from the Commission on the Programme to Combat Racism, World Council of Churches, P. 0. Box # 66, 150, "RBSISTANCE, WAR AND I.IBERATION• Route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 20, WOMEN OF SOUTHERN 1\FRICA" Switzerland. The Women's International Thank you for sending us Resource Exchange was formed in your publication. I think the is­ 1979 to publicize and promote sues you are following up such as Third World women's struggle for South Africa's growing nuclear justice. WIRE's booklet on Women collaboration with Western coun­ of Southern Africa is a 50 page tries, divestment, and the activi­ detailing of the special double ties related to the liberation burden under which black women movement are very important. are forced to live. It is being Please continue to send us "Time used as a study document for Running Out." We will also appre­ groups of church women who will ciate hearing from you or any other visit South Africa in 1984. It ecumenical collaborative programs can be obtained by writing WIRE, that are taking place among the 2700 Broadway, Room 7, New York, churches and other concerned groups N. Y. 10025. Cost is $2.50 plus in your area. $1.00 handling. -- Anwar M. Barkat, Director, PCR 6

F R 0 M T H E B R 0 E D E R K R I NG B U L L E T I N GOVERNMENT WOOS COLOUREDS' AND INDIANS The Botha government is pushing ahead in its attempts to con­ vince the Coloured and Indian communities that its new constitutional dispensation heralds meaningful changes for them. Top level govern­ ment meetings are being planned with so-called leaders of these groups. Both Prime Minister Botha and Constitutional Minister Heunis are taking part in these consultations initiated by Pretoria. These developments are to be seen as the logical consequence of the Novem­ ber 2 White Referendum in which white voters gave the ruling Nation­ alist Party an overwhelming mandate to implement its constitutional proposals. The Government is convinced that it has the blessing and support of certain Coloured and Indian politicians and parties. It is now attempting to project these personalities as the democratic leaders of their communities and their political opinions as reason- · ~ able and shared by the majority of Coloureds and Indians. The Nov. 2 referendum has thrown all white parliamentary opposi­ tion into a state of chaos and disintegration. The white PEP offi­ cial opposition has been cast into the throes of deep crisis which it may never survive intact~ Conservative Afrikaaner political ideologies have been effectively marginalized. The only significant political challenge which is emerging a­ gainst the planned new dispensation over which the Government has up to now no control is the mobilisation of Black political opposition in the United Democratic Front and the National Forum. Between UDF and NF, it has become clear that the UDF enjoys a broader basis of popular support, and that it has been more effective in its campaign to show that the majority of Black people do not accept the so­ called new deal. -- November 15, 1983

BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS AWARDED TWO BROEDERKRING NATIONAL CONFERENCE DOCTORATES IN HOLLAND · RESOLUTIONS 19·8 3 L.R.M. Ntoane (Mpho) and T. A. 1. We reject the new Constitution Mofokeng (Takatso) were both awar­ and call for a National Convention ded doctorates by the Theologische where all South Africans will be Hogeschool, Kampen, Holland this represented. fall. Dr. Ntoane's d~ssertation : is entitled ''A Cry for Life'' and is 2. We call for the coming together l study of Calvin and Calvinism of the United Democratic Front and in South Africa from the perspec­ the National Forum. tive of a Black Christian. Dr. Mofoken's thesis was "The Crucified 3. We resolve to change the name of among the Crossbearers" and elabor­ the Broederkring to that of 'Bily­ ates a Christology with special fo­ dendekring' to overcome the ·c eri­ cus on Black Theology. Write for cal and male connotations o·f our information to Broederkring Bul­ present name and to express more letin, Second Floor, Portland Place, clearly what we are doing, rather 37 J orissen Street, Braamfontein 2001 , South Africa. than who-we-are.

'RESOURCES "South African Fact Sheet" 2/81 "New Constituion in South Africa" "Human Rights Vio­ in The Christian lations in Apar­ Centu·ry, ll/23/83 theid South Africa" The Africa Fund, "Apartheid's New 198 Broadway, N.Y., Clothes" in Chris­ N.Y. 10038 tianity and Crisis ll/14/83-.- ·"Date 1 ine: Namibia" "Stop the Apartheid published jointly by Bomb" from The Wash- the Lutheran Church ington Office on ,~-- in America and The Africa, 110 Mary­ American Lutheran land Ave., N. E., Church, 231 Madison Washington, D.C. Ave., NY, NY 10016 20002.