July 1, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E735 INTRODUCTION OF REMOVING This bill does not authorize any type of INVESTING IN A NEW VISION FOR FEDERAL BARRIERS TO OFFER- internet gaming; that is within the authority of THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUR- ING OF MOBILE WAGERS ON IN- each state to do. All this bill does is clarifies FACE TRANSPORTATION IN DIAN LANDS ACT the location of where the wager takes place AMERICA ACT for purposes of tribal government gaming. It HON. J. LUIS CORREA clarifies that internet gaming will be conducted SPEECH OF OF CALIFORNIA by tribal governments under the same frame- HON. JAHANA HAYES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES work that they currently conduct gaming in OF Thursday, July 1, 2021 their physical casinos. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As someone who has long lived in a state Mr. CORREA. Madam Speaker, today, I in- Wednesday, June 30, 2021 with more than 110 federally recognized tribal troduced the Removing Federal Barriers to Of- Mrs. HAYES. Madam Speaker, l rise today fering of Mobile Wagers on Indian Lands Act. nations, I have seen firsthand how tribal gov- ernment gaming has benefitted the tribal na- to voice my opposition to Amendment No. 97/ Tribal government gaming is the primary No. 188 of H.R. 3684, the INVEST in America source of revenue for hundreds of tribal na- tions, their citizens, the surrounding commu- nities and the state government. This bill is Act. tions throughout this country who otherwise This amendment was included as part of an merely intended to provide some clarity and would not have the basic resources to provide en bloc which l supported, however, I do not comfort as tribal gaming moves into the next for the health, safety and general welfare of support this amendment. During my time in frontier of the internet. As the United States their citizens and others who live on tribal Congress I have been an ardent supporter of Supreme Court confirmed in 1987, tribal gov- lands. This economic development activity has high-speed rail, building rail capacity and im- ernments retained the inherent sovereign right been key to tribal economies since the United proving existing infrastructure in Connecticut, to conduct gaming on their lands. Congress States Supreme Court first affirmed the inher- the Northeast, and across the country. Unfor- needs to provide the clarification in my bill to ent sovereign right of tribal governments to tunately, I do not believe this amendment and ensure that tribal gaming is not relegated to conduct gaming on their lands in 1987. A year the specific compact it seeks to create are the the same fate as Blockbuster, but can move later, in 1988, Congress enacted restrictions best path forward for rail in my state, the re- forward and thrive like Netflix in the era of the on tribal government gaming through the fed- gion or the country. The INVEST in America internet. eral Indian Gaming Regulatory Act. This law Act presents us with an opportunity to make a affirmed the right of tribal governments to con- once in a generation investment in our trans- f duct gaming on their lands but tried to balance portation systems and infrastructure, and in the equities between tribal and state govern- CHILD TAX CREDIT rail in particular. I am concerned that pro- ments when tribes are conducting Las Vegas posals like this take away from our ability to style gaming. implement comprehensive, fully vetted plans, Not every tribal nation is able to conduct HON. LUCY McBATH that are free of redundancies. gaming, but for those who are located in via- OF GEORGIA As we look towards the future of rail in the ble gaming markets, it has proven to be one IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States, we must be sure that we part- of their more successful economic ventures. ner with state and local transit authorities, and Many tribal nations have become economic Thursday, July 1, 2021 stakeholders. We must also be sure to con- engines in their regions, employing thousands Mrs. MCBATH. Madam Speaker, there is a sider and mitigate the climate and environ- of people and investing tens of millions of dol- mental risks that stem from these projects. lars into the regional economies on an annual special place in every parent’s heart for sum- mer with our children. Congress must advance a bold vision for basis. our Nation’s infrastructure, and I look forward However, the gaming industry is quickly My son, Jordan, used to put on his little to the INVEST in America Act passing the evolving and more and more states are legal- cleats and a big hat, and run out onto the field House. I hope the Senate will quickly begin izing some form of gaming activity that pri- to play TeeBall with his friends on Saturday working on this vital issue. marily utilizes the internet. Sophisticated, well- mornings. f financed digital companies that did not exist After that, we’d go to the pool to cool off, even ten years ago are changing the gaming eat lunch under a shady tree, play in the back- RECOGNIZING BRUCE WARNER’S industry before our eyes. Online sports betting yard as day turned to dusk, and read a story PUBLIC SERVICE seems to be the popular choice this year for together as he drifted off to sleep. many state legislatures. Truly, summer is for hard-working parents to HON. EARL BLUMENAUER As tribal governments begin to prepare to spend time with the little ones they love most. OF OREGON move their gaming activities into the online It is for our children to grow and live and play. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world, there have been some questions about whether such gaming activities would continue And that’s why I’m so proud we just passed Thursday, July 1, 2021 to be primarily governed by the federal Indian the Child Tax Credit into law. It means more Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, I rise Gaming Regulatory Act. The federal law gov- money in the pockets of middle class families. to recognize a distinguished citizen of my erning tribal gaming was enacted in 1988, Now, over 680,000 families here in Georgia state of Oregon. Bruce Warner has spent his prior to the internet being readily available, will receive a tax cut, and these credits will lift life in public service in a significant variety of and the law does not expressly address the over 160,000 children out of poverty. roles. internet. As you can imagine, setting up these This is more funding for Georgia families to Today, Bruce steps down after ten years as new gaming systems involves significant finan- protect our children and lift up our community. Board President of the TriMet Board of Direc- cial investments. Tribal governments should tors, which is my region’s major transit district. not be required to make these investments f During that time, he oversaw successful labor without having clarity and comfort of what laws negotiations, a commitment to transition to will apply to them. For that reason, I am intro- PERSONAL EXPLANATION zero-emission buses, the construction of a ducing this bill to clarify the federal Indian new light rail line, and the hiring of executives, Gaming Regulatory Act and make clear what HON. CHIP ROY managers, and employees that reflect the the congressional drafters would have done in greatest number of people of color in a public 1988 had the internet been around at time. OF TEXAS agency in Oregon. This bill would clarify that for purposes of tribal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES His devotion to serving his community is government gaming, the location of the wager Thursday, July 1, 2021 truly exceptional. occurs at the location of the server, unless a He was born in Fork, Washington and state and Indian tribe otherwise agree. Making Mr. ROY. Madam Speaker, had I been raised in Port Angeles. He graduated from the this clarification will keep intact the current present, I would have voted NAY on Roll Call University of Washington in civil engineering, system of tribal gaming and eliminate any friv- No. 197; NAY on Roll Call No. 198; NAY on and while he is a Husky fanatic, we have olous litigation. Tribal government gaming has Roll Call No.