ISBN 9985-826-17-5

© Eesti Statistikaamet, 1995

Käesolevas väljaandes sisalduvate andmete kasutamisel või tsiteerimisel palume viidata allikale When using or quoting the data included in this issue please indicate the source


EESSÕNA ...... 9


TABELID ...... 17


1.1 MAAKONDADE JA VABARIIKLIKE LINNAHALDUSTE RAHVASTIK ADMINISTRATIIVÜKSUSTE JÄRGI, 1970, 1979, 1989 (alaline rahvastik loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 18 1.2 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 22 1.3 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 26 1.4 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 30 1.5 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 34 1.6 LINNADE JA ALEVITE ALALINE RAHVASTIK, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 38 1.7 RAHVAARV HALDUSÜKSUSTE JÄRGI, 1970, 1979, 1989 (1994. a. halduspiirides) ...... 40 1.8 FAKTILISE JA ALALISE RAHVAARVU MUUTUMINE, 1940–1994 (Eesti rahvastik ja Tallinna elanikkond vastava aasta halduspiirides) ...... 48 1.9 MAAKONDADE RÜHMITUS RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (faktiline ja alaline rahvastik vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 50 1.10 LINNADE JA ALEVITE RÜHMITUS FAKTILISE RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 52 1.11 LINNADE JA ALEVITE RÜHMITUS ALALISE RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) ...... 54


2.1 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 ...... 56 2.2 MEESSOOST RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanike arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) ...... 62 2.3 NAISSOOST RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanikega arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) ...... 64 2.4 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanike arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) ...... 66 2.5 RAHVAARVU MUUTUMINE RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959–1988 (juurdekasv ( ); vähenemine (-)) ...... 68 2.6 TALLINNA ELANIKE ARVU MUUTUMINE RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959–1988 (juurdekasv ( ); vähenemine (-)) ...... 70 2.7 RAHVAARVU KASVUTEMPO RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959–1989 (protsentides) ...... 71 2.8 TALLINNA ELANIKE ARVU KASVUTEMPO RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (protsentides) ...... 72 2.9 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (protsentides) ...... 73 2.10 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (protsentides) ...... 74 2.11 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 ...... 75





4.1 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 176 4.2 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 182 4.3 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 184 4.4 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 190 4.5 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 192 4.6 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 198

4 4.7 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 200 4.8 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 206 4.9 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 208 4.10 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 214 4.11 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 216 4.12 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 222 4.13 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 228 4.14 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) ...... 234 4.15 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) ...... 240 4.16 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) ...... 246 4.17 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (elanikkond vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) ...... 252 4.18 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (elanikkond vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) ...... 254 4.19 KUTSEHARIDUSEGA RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 ...... 255 4.20 TÖÖTAV RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 ...... 256 4.21 ÕPPIV RAHVASTIK ÕPPEASUTUSE TÜÜBI, ÕPPEVORMI JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 6 aastat ja enam) ...... 262


PREFACE ...... 12


TABLES ...... 17


1.1 POPULATION OF COUNTIES AND REPUBLICAN TOWN ADMINISTRATIONS BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1970, 1979, 1989 (resident population within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 18 1.2 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1959 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 22 1.3 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1970 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 26 1.4 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1979 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 30 1.5 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 34 1.6 RESIDENT POPULATION IN TOWNS AND BOROUGHS, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 38 1.7 POPULATION BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of 1994) ...... 40 1.8 CHANGES IN ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION, 1940–1994 (population of Estonia and within the administrative borders of the given year) ...... 48 1.9 GROUPING OF COUNTIES BY POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (actual and resident population within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 50 1.10 GROUPING OF TOWNS AND BOROUGHS BY ACTUAL POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 52 1.11 GROUPING OF TOWNS AND BOROUGHS BY RESIDENT POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year) ...... 54


2.1 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 ...... 56 2.2 MALE POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and more inhabitants in Estonia) ...... 62 2.3 FEMALE POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and over inhabitants in Estonia) ...... 64 2.4 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and over inhabitants in Estonia) ...... 66 2.5 CHANGES IN POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959–1988 (increase ( ); decrease (-)) ...... 68 2.6 CHANGES IN POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959–1988 (increase ( ); decrease (-)) ...... 70 2.7 GROWTH RATE OF THE POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959–1989 (percentage) ...... 71 2.8 GROWTH RATE OF POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1989 (percentage) ...... 72 2.9 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (percentage) ...... 73 2.10 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (percentage) ...... 74 2.11 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, AGE AND SEX, 1989 ...... 75 2.12 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY, AGE AND SEX, 1989 ...... 84



3.1 POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1959, 1970 ...... 144 3.2 POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1979, 1989 ...... 153 3.3 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY SEX AND AGE, 1959, 1970 ...... 162 3.4 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY SEX AND AGE, 1979, 1989 ...... 165 3.5 CHANGES IN POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1959–1989 ...... 168 3.6 CHANGES IN POPULATION OF TALLINN BY SEX AND AGE, 1959–1989 ...... 174


4.1 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 176 4.2 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 182 4.3 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 184 4.4 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 190

7 4.5 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 192 4.6 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 198 4.7 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 200 4.8 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 206 4.9 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 208 4.10 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 214 4.11 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 216 4.12 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 222 4.13 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 228 4.14 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over) ...... 234 4.15 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) ...... 240 4.16 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) ...... 246 4.17 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) ...... 252 4.18 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) ...... 254 4.19 POPULATION WITH VOCATIONAL EDUCATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AND SEX, 1989 ...... 255 4.20 EMPLOYED POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 ...... 256 4.21 PUPILS AND STUDENTS BY TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, TYPE OF STUDY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 6 years and over) ...... 262


Kogumik “Eesti rahvastik rahvaloenduste andmetel” sisaldab 1959., 1970., 1979. ja 1989. aastal Eestis toimunud rahvaloenduste andmeid. Nimetatud loendused viidi läbi üleliiduliste rahvaloenduste raames ning üleliiduliste programmide alusel nii küsimustike kui ka väljundtabelite osas. Klassifitseerimisel olid aluseks üleliidulised klassifikaatorid ehk sõnastikud, mis olid koostatud vastava aasta rahvaloenduse tarbeks. Kogumik on koostatud olemasolevate väljundtabelite baasil. Kogumik ilmub kahes osas.


Järgnevalt on esitatud selgitused kogumikus kasutatud mõistete kohta.

Rahvaloenduse kriitiline moment on ajamoment – kuupäev ja kellaaeg, mis seisuga rahvaarv ja muud tunnused fikseeritakse. Kellaaajaks oli kell 00.00 öösel vastu nimetatud perioodi alguskuupäeva. Rahvaloenduste kriitilised momendid ning loenduste perioodid olid järgmised: – 15. jaanuar 1959; 15.01.–22.01.1959; – 15. jaanuar 1970; 15.01.–22.01.1970; – 17. jaanuar 1979; 17.01.–24.01.1979; – 12. jaanuar 1989; 12.01.–19.01.1989.

Rahvaloendused viidi läbi nimetatud kriitilistel momentidel fikseeritud vabariigisisese haldusjaotuse alusel. Tabelites on toodud andmed vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides, kui ei ole eraldi märkust pealkirjas. Kaardil on esitatud Eesti haldusjaotus seisuga 01.01.1994.

Eestis oli nimetatud aastatel 6 vabariiklikku linnahaldust: Tallinn, Kohtla-Järve, , Pärnu, Sillamäe ja . Aastate lõikes oli linnahalduste koosseis erinev, välja arvatud Sillamäe ja Tartu. Tallinna linnahaldus: 1959. a. – Tallinna linn; 1970. a. – Tallinna linn, Maardu alev; 1979. a. – Tallinna linn, Maardu alev, Saue alev; 1989. a. – Tallinna linn, Maardu linn, Saue alev. Kohtla-Järve linnahaldus: 1959. a. – Kohtla-Järve linn, Kiviõli linn, Püssi alev ning maarahvastik; 1970. a., 1979. a., 1989. a. – Kohtla-Järve linn, Kiviõli linn, Püssi alev, Viivikonna alev. Narva linnahaldus: 1959. a. – Narva linn, Narva-Jõesuu alev ning maarahvastik; 1970. a., 1979. a., 1989. a. – Narva linn, Narva-Jõesuu alev. Pärnu linnahaldus: 1959. a. – Pärnu linn, Sindi linn, Pärnu-Jaagupi alev, alev ning maarahvastik; 1970. a., 1979. a., 1989. a. – Pärnu linn, Sindi linn. Sillamäe linnahaldus: 1959., 1970., 1979., 1989. a. – Sillamäe linn. Tartu linnahaldus: 1959., 1970., 1979., 1989. a. – Tartu linn.

9 Rahvaloendustel fikseeriti kaks rahvastikukategooriat: faktiline (kohalolev) ning alaline rahvastik. Loenduslehtedele kanti loendajate poolt kõik ajutiselt või alaliselt elunevad isikud elukoha järgi, mitte aga töö- või teenistuskoha järgi. Andmed kanti loenduslehtedele loendatava suulise ütluse alusel, dokumente ei küsitud.

Faktiline rahvastik, s. o. loenduse kriitilisel momendil kohalolev alaline elanikkond ja lisaks loenduse kriitilisel momendil ajutiselt kohalolevad isikud. Faktilise rahvastiku hulka arvati ka isikud, kes alaliselt elunesid antud eluruumis, kuid loenduse kriitilisel momendil polnud kodus, vaid viibisid sama linna, alevi või valla (külanõukogu) territooriumil, aga ka isikud, kes viibisid väljaspool nimetatud territooriumi tööülesannete täitmisel või olid teel sõiduvahendiga. Alaline rahvastik, s. o. isikud, kes alaliselt elunesid antud eluruumis ja isikud, kes olid ajutiselt ära, kui nende äraolek ei ületanud 6 kuud. Alalise rahvastiku hulka arvati ka isikud, kes olid saabunud antud asustatud punkti alaliselt elama, õppima või töötama, kuigi nende kohalolek oli kestnud alla 6 kuu. Sõjaväes aega teenivad sõdurid loendati nende teenistuskohas, kuid arvestati teenistuse-eelse elukoha järgi. Kinnipidamiskohtades viibivad isikud loendati kinnipidamiskoha asukohas. Välismaale komandeeringusse (alla 1 kuu) sõitnud isikud ning välismaale puhkusele, külla, ravile või turismireisile sõitnud isikud loendati nende alalises elukohas olenemata sõidu kestusest. Meremehed ja teised laevadel töötavad isikud loendati nende elukoha aadressi alusel.

Rahvaloenduste küsimustikud koostati kahes osas: a) küsimused kogu elanikkonnale, s. o. kõikse loenduse küsimustik ning b) küsimused ühele neljandikule elanikkonnast, s. o. väljavõttelise loenduse küsimustik. Käesolevas väljaandes sisalduv materjal põhineb kõikse loenduse raames esitatud küsimustel (v. a. 4.20 ja 4.21, mis sisaldavad osaliselt andmeid ka töötava rahvastiku kohta).

Tabelites on toodud andmed järgmiselt: 1959. ja 1970. aastal faktilise rahvastiku kohta ning 1979. ja 1989. aastal alalise rahvastiku kohta, kui ei ole eraldi märkust pealkirjas.

Rahvastiku kohta on andmed toodud järgmises jaotuses: kogurahvastik, linnarahvastik, maarahvastik, Tallinna linna elanikkond. Igas alajaotuses on eristatud rahvastik ka soo järgi, s. o. mehed ja naised. Linnarahvastik, s. o. isikud, kes elasid linnades ja alevites. Maarahvastik, s. o. isikud, kes elasid alevikes ja külades. Kogurahvastik hõlmab nii linnarahvastiku kui ka maarahvastiku.

Vanus on esitatud 1-aastase jaotusena või 5-aastaste vanusegruppidena. Eraldi on välja toodud 3 vanusegruppi, lähtudes tööealisuse vanusepiirist, mis on naiste ja meeste puhul erinev. Mittetööealised, s. o. isikud (mehed ja naised) vanuses 0-15 aastat. Tööealised isikud jaotatakse soo järgi: naised 16-54 aastat, mehed 16-59 aastat. Pensioniealised isikud soo järgi: naised 55+ aastat, mehed 60+ aastat.

Rahvus märgiti loenduslehele loendatava ütluse järgi. Laste rahvus märgiti vanemate ütluse järgi, eri rahvusest vanemate vaidluse korral märgiti lapsele ema rahvus.

Emakeel märgiti loendatava ütluse järgi. Emakeele määratlemise raskuste korral märgiti keel, mida küsitletav kõige paremini valdas või mida perekonnas tavaliselt kõneldi. Alaealiste laste emakeel märgiti vanemate ütluse järgi, määratlemise raskuste korral aga keel, mida perekonnas tavaliselt kõneldi.

Teine keel, s. o. mõni teine NSV Liidu rahvaste keel, milles küsitletav oskas lugeda, kirjutada ja vabalt kõnelda või ainult vabalt kõnelda. Isikute puhul, kes ei vallanud vabalt ühtki teist NSV Liidu rahvaste keelt, samuti laste puhul, kes ei osanud veel rääkida, märgiti teise keele kohta “ei”.

Haridus märgiti alates vanusest: 1959. a. – 9 a.; 1970. a. ja 1979. a. – 7 a.; 1989. a. – 6 a.

10 Haridustaseme iseloomustamisel arvestati õppeasutuse astet (alg-, kesk-, kõrg-) ja õppeasutuse profiili (üld-, eri-), mille inimene oli viimasena lõpetanud.

Kõrgharidus märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud kõrgõppeasutuse (instituudi, akadeemia, ülikooli, välja arvatud marksismi-leninismi ülikool ja rahvaülikool). Lõpetamata kõrgharidus märgiti isikutel, kes õppisid või olid õppinud kõrgkoolis ning olid läbinud pool või üle poole õppeajast. Kõrgkoolis õppijate või varem õppinute puhul, kes olid läbinud alla poole õppeajast, märgiti haridus, mis neil oli enne kõrgkooli astumist.

Keskeriharidus märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud tehnikumi või muu keskeriõppeasutuse. Üldkeskharidus märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud üheteistkümneklassilise või kümneklassilise kooli; gümnaasiumi (enne 1917. aastat), reaalkooli, kommertskooli; teise astme kooli või muu üldharidusliku keskkooli. Mittetäielik keskharidus märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud 7 klassi 1961. aastal või enne seda, või 8 klassi 1962. aastal või hiljem, samuti isikutel, kes olid lahkunud koolist enne antud aastal nõutava keskastme kooli lõpetamist, samuti antud aastal nõutava keskastme kooli 8.–10. või 9.–11. klassi õpilastel. Kutsekooli lõpetanud isikutel, kes olid omandanud koos elukutsega keskhariduse või kes olid saanud elukutse keskhariduse baasil, märgiti “üldine keskharidus”, teistel aga see haridus, mis neil oli enne sellesse õppeasutusse astumist.

Algharidus märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud algkooli või 1972. aastal ja hiljem 3 klassi; ükskõik millisel aastal 4–6 klassi; 1962. aastal ja hiljem 7 klassi ning 4.–7. klassi või 4.–8. klassi õpilastel. Isikutel, kes olid välja langenud 1972/1973. õppeaastal ja hiljem 4. klassist, ükskõik millisel aastal 5.– 7. klassist ning 1962/63. õppeaastal ja hiljem 8. klassist väljalangenutel märgiti samuti “algharidus”. Alghariduseta isikuks loeti inimene vastava aasta vanuse alampiirist alates, s. o. 9–aastased (1959. a.), 7–aastased (1970.,1979. a.), 6–aastased (1989. a.) ja vanemad (nii õpilased kui mitteõpilased), kui neil puudus algharidus (vastava aasta nõuete järgi), kuid nad oskasid mingis keeles lugeda ja kirjutada või ainult lugeda. Kirjaoskamatuks loeti isikud alates hariduse jaoks nõutava vanuse alampiirist ja vanemad, kui nad ei osanud lugeda.

Õppijate arv selgitati loendustel küsimusega õppeasutuse tüübi (1959. aastal nimetuse) kohta. Märkida tuli ainult üks kõige kõrgemat tüüpi kool, milles küsitletav õppis. Vastuste variandid: kõrgkool (päevane, õhtune ja kaugõppevorm); keskeriõppeasutus (tehnikum, pedagoogiline kool, meditsiinikool jmt.); üldhariduskool (keskkool, mittetäielik keskkool, algkool, 7- või 8-klassiline kool, tervisehäiretega laste erikool); kutsekool, s. o. kool, mis annab kutsehariduse või kutsekeskkool (alates 1979. aastast), s. o. kutsekool, mis annab ka täieliku keskhariduse; muu kool ja kursus (marksismi-leninismi ülikool ja õhtuülikool, rahvaülikool, vabriku- ja tehasekoolid, koolid, mis ei anna üldharidust ja kursused, mis kestavad vähemalt 1 kuu (1959. a.) või vähemalt 6 kuud (alates 1970. a.)). “Ei õpi” märgiti isikutel, kes õppisid kursustel, mille kestus oli ülalnimetatust lühem.

1989. a. rahvaloendusel esitati 15-aastastele ja vanematele isikutele küsimus kutsekooli lõpetamise kohta. Lõpetanud kutsekooli märgiti isikutel, kes olid lõpetanud kutsekeskkooli või muu kutsekooli, tööstuskooli, harukondliku kutsekooli, vabriku-tehasekooli või tehnikakooli. Isikutel, kes polnud lõpetanud kutsekooli, samuti kutsekeskkoolis või harukondlikus kutsekoolis õppijatel märgiti “ei”.

Käesoleva kogumiku koostasid rahvaloenduse sektori töötajad Tamara Aleksejeva, Liivi Kull, Inge Nael, Kalev Noorkõiv, Kirill Volkovski. Trükiks valmistas ette Inge Nael. Töid juhendas rahvastikustatistika ja rahvaloenduse teenistuse nõunik Lembit Tepp.

Kogumiku koostajad avaldavad tänu Eesti Keele Instituudi juhtivteadurile Peeter Pällile konsultatsioonide eest rahvuste, keelte ning keelerühmade nimetuste osas.


The publication “Population of Estonia by Population Censuses” contains the data of the population censuses held in Estonia in 1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989. These censuses were carried out in the framework of all-Union population censuses and on the basis of all-Union programmes, regarding both questionnaires and output tables. In classification one proceeded from all-Union classifiers or glossaries which had been compiled for the census of the given year. The publication has been compiled on the basis of existing output tables. It comes out in two parts.


The following is the explanation of terms used in this reference book.

The critical moment of the population census is the moment – date and time when the population and other characteristics are established. The time was 00:00 hours at night before the starting date of the respective period. The critical moments and periods of censuses were the following: – January 15, 1959; 15.01.–22.01.1959; – January 15, 1970; 15.01.–22.01.1970; – January 17, 1979; 17.01.–24.01.1979; – January 12, 1989; 12.01.–19.01.1989. The censuses were carried out according to the administrative distribution of the republic as it existed at those critical moments. The tables present data in the administrative borders of the respective census year if there is no special headnote below table title. The map shows the administrative division of Estonia on January 1, 1994. Estonia had 6 republican town administrations in these years: Tallinn, Kohtla-Järve, Narva, Pärnu, Sillamäe and Tartu. In different years the composition of republican town administrations was different, except for Sillamäe and Tartu. The republican town administration of Tallinn: In 1959 – city of Tallinn; In 1970 – city of Tallinn, borough of Maardu; In 1979 – city of Tallinn, borough of Maardu, borough of Saue; In 1989 – city of Tallinn, town of Maardu, borough of Saue. The republican town administration of Kohtla-Järve: In 1959 – city of Kohtla-Järve, town of Kiviõli, borough of Püssi and the rural population; In 1970, 1979 and 1989 – city of Kohtla-Järve, town of Kiviõli, borough of Püssi and borough of Viivikonna. The republican town administration of Narva: In 1959 – city of Narva, borough of Narva-Jõesuu and the rural population; In 1970, 1979 and 1989 – city of Narva and borough of Narva-Jõesuu. The republican town administration of Pärnu: In 1959 – city of Pärnu, town of Sindi, borough of Pärnu-Jaagupi, borough of Lavassaare and the rural population; In 1970, 1979 and 1989 – city of Pärnu and town of Sindi; The republican town administration of Sillamäe: In 1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989 – city of Sillamäe. The republican town administration of Tartu: In 1959, 1970, 1979 and 1989 – city of Tartu.

12 Two categories of population were established at censuses: actual (de facto) and resident population. Enumerators recorded all transients (visitors) and permanent residents on census sheets by place of residence, not by place of work or service. Data were written on census sheets according to the oral statement of the person questioned; documents were not asked.

Actual population were permanent residents and trasnsients (visitors) who were there at the critical moment of the census. Actual (de facto) population involved also the persons who lived permanently in the given dwelling and were not at home at the critical moment of the census but were in the territory of the same city, town or rural municipality (village council), and also the persons who were outside the above mentioned territory on work assignement or were on the road in a vehicle.

Resident population were persons who lived permanently in the given dwelling and persons who were temporarily absent if their absence did not exceed 6 months. The resident population involved also the persons who had come to live permanently, study or work at the given agglomeration, altough their stay had lasted less then 6 month. Soldiers serving their time in the military were enumerated at their place of service but were counted by the pre-service place of residence of conscripts. Persons kept in places of detention were enumerated at their place of detention. Persons who had travelled abroad on a business trip (for less than 1 month) and persons who had travelled abroad on holidays, to visit someone, to get medical treatment, or on a tourist trip, were counted at their permanent place of residence regardless of the length of the trip. Sailors and other persons working on ships were counted according to the address of their place of residence.

Two questionnaires were used in the censuses: a) questionnaire for the whole population , i.e. questionnaire of the complete coverage and b) questionnaire for one quarter of the population, i.e. the questionnaire of the sample coverage. The material of this publication is based on questions asked in the questionnaire for the whole population (except tables 4.20 and 4.21 which partially have also data on employed population).

In tables data have been presented as follows: in 1959 and 1970 on actual population, and in 1979 and 1989 on resident population if there is no note below title.

Data on population have been brought out in the following distribution: total population, urban population, rural population and the population of the city of Tallinn. In every division the population has been distinguished also by sex, i.e. to males and females. Urban population are persons living in towns and boroughs. Rural population are persons who live in small towns and villages. Total population comprises both urban and rural population.

Age has been brought out by 1-year distribution or 5-year age groups. Three age groups have been presented separately, proceeding from the age limit of the working age which differs in the case of females and males. Under-working-age persons are males and females aged until 15 years. Working-age persons are divided by sex: females 16-54 years, males 16-59 years. Over-working-age persons are divided by sex: females 55+ years, males 60+ years.

Nationality was entered on census sheets according to the statement of the person. The nationality of the child was written according to the statement of parents. If there was a dispute between parents of different nationality, then the mother's nationality was written as that of the child.

13 Mother tongue was noted down according to the person's statement. If determining the mother tongue was difficult, the census workers noted down the language which the person spoke best, or which was usually spoken in the family. The mother tongue of the under-age children was noted down according to the statement of parents; if determining it was difficult, the language usually spoken in the family was noted down. The second language was the language of some other nationality of the U.S.S.R.,which the respondent could read, write and speak fluently, or which the respondent could ounly speak fluently. In case of persons who did not speak fluently any other language of the peoples of the U.S.S.R., and in the case of children who could not talk as yet, the enumerator wrote “no” for second language.

Education was noted down starting from the following age: in 1959 – 9 years; in 1970 and 1979 – 7 years, and in 1989 – 6 years. For describing the educational level, the enumerators took into account the stage of the educational institution (elementary, secondary, higher) and the profile of the educational institution (general, special), which the person had finished most recently.

Higher education was noted down for those persons who had graduated from the higher educational institution (institute, academy, university, except for universities of Marksism-Leninism and people's universities). Incomplete higher education was noted down for persons who were studying or had studied at higher school; and had passed half or more than half of the study period. In the case of students or former students who had passed less than half of the study period, the enumerators noted down the education which the persons had before entering the higher school.

Specialized secondary education was noted down for persons who had finished a technical school or some other institution of specialized secondary education. General secondary education was noted down for persons who had graduated from 11–grade or 10– grade school; pre–1917 grammar school, modern school, commercial school; second stage school or other general education secondary scool. Incomplete secondary education was noted down for those persons who had finished either grade 7 in 1961 or before, or grade 8 in 1962 or later, and for those persons who had left school before finishing the required secondary level school of the particular year and also for the pupils of the grades 8–10 or 9–11 of the required secondary level school. For the persons who had either graduated from the vocational school and had obtained secondary education together with the profession, or obtained profession after secondary school, “general secondary education” was noted down; for others — the educational level they had before entering the particular school.

Primary education was noted down for those persons who had either finished primary school or grade 3 in 1972 or later; grades 4–6 no matter when; grade 7 in 1962 or later and also for the pupils of grades 4–7. For the drop-outs from grade 4 in 1972/73 and later, for the drop-outs from grade 5–7 no matter when and from grade 8 in 1962/63 and later, “primary education” was noted down.

Persons with minimum age limit of the particular year, i.e. 9–year–olds (1959), 7–year–olds (1970, 1979), six–year–olds (1989) and older (both pupils and not pupils) were classified as “persons without primary education” if they had no primary education (according to the requirements of the particular year) but if they could either read and write in some language or they could only read. Persons with minimum age limit for schooling and older, unable to read, were classified as “illiterates”.

14 The number of pupils and students was estimated with the help of inquiries about the type (in 1959, the name) of educational institution. The inquired person had to note down only one (the highest) educational institution he/she was studying at. The possible answers were: higher educational institution (full–time students, evening students, correspondence students); specialized secondary school (technical school, pedagogical school, medical school etc.); school of general education (secondary school, incomplete secondary school, primary school, 7– or 8–grade school, evening secondary school, special school for children with health problems); vocational school, i.e. school that gives professional education or vocational secondary school (since 1979), i.e. vocational school which gives also complete secondary education; other school or course (university and evening university of Marxism–Leninism, people's university, factory schools, schools which do not give general education, and courses with the duration for at least a month (1959) or 6 months (since 1970)). “Is not studying” was noted down for those persons who attended the courses with shorter duration than was stated above.

During 1989 census, 15–year olds and older persons were inquired about the graduation of vocational school. “Graduates from vocational school” was noted down for those persons who had graduated from vocational secondary or other vocational–type school, industrial school, ministerial vocational school, factory school or technical school. For the persons who had not graduated from vocational school or were studying at vocational secondary school or ministerial secondary school, “no” was noted down.

The publication has been compiled by the specialists of the Population Census Section Tamara Aleksejeva, Liivi Kull, Inge Nael, Kalev Noorkõiv and Kirill Volkovski. The publication was prepared for printing by Inge Nael. The work was supervised by Lembit Tepp, counsellor of the Population Statistics and Population Census Division.

The compilers of the publication thank Peeter Päll, senior researcher of the Institute of Estonian Language for consultations concerning nationalities, languages and language groups.



... andmeid ei ole saadud või need on ebakindlad avaldamiseks data not available

- nähtust ei esinenud magnitude nil

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17 1.1 MAAKONDADE JA VABARIIKLIKE LINNAHALDUSTE RAHVASTIK ADMINISTRATIIVÜKSUSTE JÄRGI, 1970, 1979, 1989 (alaline rahvastik loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.1 POPULATION OF COUNTIES AND REPUBLICAN TOWN ADMINISTRATIONS BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1970, 1979, 1989 (resident population within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea Vabariikliku linnahalduse, maakonna nr. territooriumil asub: Vabariiklik Aasta Terri- Administrative units on the territory linnahaldus, toorium, of republican town administration maakond km² and county: linnu aleveid valdasid Republican town Year Territory, towns boroughs munici- administration, km² palities Row county No.

1 Kogu vabariik 1970 43675 33 24 235 2 1979 43680 33 26 194 3 1989 43681 33 23 191 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused 4 Tallinn 1970 145 1 1 - 5 1979 175 1 2 - 6 1989 183 2 1 -

7 Kohtla-Järve 1970 79 2 2 - 8 1979 60 2 2 - 9 1989 64 2 2 -

10 Narva 1970 94 1 1 - 11 1979 94 1 1 - 12 1989 101 1 1 -

13 Pärnu 1970 34 2 - - 14 1979 34 2 - - 15 1989 35 2 - -

16 Sillamäe 1970 10 1 - - 17 1979 10 1 - - 18 1989 10 1 - -

19 Tartu 1970 24 1 - - 20 1979 39 1 - - 21 1989 39 1 - - Maakonnad 22 Harju 1970 4193 2 3 21 23 1979 4155 2 3 18 24 1989 4147 2 3 16 25 Hiiumaa 1970 1019 1 - 4 26 1979 1023 1 - 4 27 1989 1023 1 - 4 28 Ida-Viru 1970 3185 - - 17 29 1979 3205 - - 15 30 1989 3194 - - 15

18 1.1 Järg

1.1 Cont.

Linna- Elanike Rea Rahvaarvsealhulgas: rahvastiku arv Vabariiklik nr. Population of which in: osatähtsus, km² linnahaldus, linnades alevites maal % kohta maakond towns boroughs rural Share of Number Republican town area urban of in- administration, population habitants county in total per number, km² Row %No.

1354613 822557 54053 478003 64.7 31.0 Total republic 1 1464476 947695 69131 447650 69.4 33.5 2 1565662 1053798 65031 446833 71.5 35.8 3 Republican town administrations 369388 362536 6852 - 100.0 2548 Tallinn 4 441800 428537 13263 - 100.0 2525 5 499421 495026 4395 - 100.0 2729 6

82530 79523 3007 - 100.0 1045 Kohtla-Järve 7 87472 83749 3723 - 100.0 1458 8 91644 87706 3938 - 100.0 1432 9

60014 56993 3021 - 100.0 638 Narva 10 75909 72783 3126 - 100.0 808 11 84975 81221 3754 - 100.0 841 12

48647 48647 - - 100.0 1431 Pärnu 13 54051 54051 - - 100.0 1590 14 56937 56937 - - 100.0 1627 15

13559 13559 - - 100.0 1356 Sillamäe 16 16157 16157 - - 100.0 1616 17 20561 20561 - - 100.0 2056 18

91013 91013 - - 100.0 3792 Tartu 19 104381 104381 - - 100.0 2676 20 113420 113420 - - 100.0 2908 21 Counties 82890 12491 7941 62458 24.6 20 Harju 22 88970 14505 8801 65664 26.2 21 23 105994 17762 9465 78767 25.7 26 24 10039 2955 - 7084 29.4 10 Hiiumaa 25 10180 3426 - 6754 33.7 10 26 11097 4139 - 6958 37.3 11 27 28285 - - 28285 - 9 Ida-Viru 28 26244 - - 26244 - 8 29 23931 - - 23931 - 7 30

19 1.1 Järg

1.1 Cont.

Rea Vabariikliku linnahalduse, maakonna nr. territooriumil asub: Vabariiklik Aasta Terri- Administrative units on the territory linnahaldus, toorium, of republican town administration maakond km² and county: linnu aleveid valdasid Republican town Year Territory, towns boroughs munici- administration, km² palities Row county No.

31 Jõgeva 1970 2616 3 - 16 32 1979 2604 3 - 11 33 1989 2604 3 - 10 34 Järva 1970 2639 2 2 13 35 1979 2624 2 2 13 36 1989 2624 2 - 14 37 Lääne 1970 2380 1 1 14 38 1979 2417 1 1 12 39 1989 2417 1 1 11 40 Lääne-Viru 1970 3461 3 1 18 41 1979 3451 3 2 14 42 1989 3451 3 2 13 43 Põlva 1970 2163 - 2 13 44 1979 2164 - 2 13 45 1989 2164 - 2 13 46 Pärnu 1970 4783 1 4 22 47 1979 4783 1 4 18 48 1989 4771 1 4 17 49 Rapla 1970 2938 - 4 13 50 1979 2939 - 4 9 51 1989 2939 - 4 9 52 Saare 1970 2905 1 - 13 53 1979 2905 1 - 12 54 1989 2917 1 - 13 55 Tartu 1970 3039 2 - 23 56 1979 3071 2 - 18 57 1989 3071 2 - 19 58 Valga 1970 2050 3 - 13 59 1979 2044 3 - 11 60 1989 2044 3 - 11 61 Viljandi 1970 3612 4 3 23 62 1979 3578 4 3 14 63 1989 3578 3 3 14 64 Võru 1970 2306 2 - 12 65 1979 2305 2 - 12 66 1989 2305 2 - 12

20 1.1 Järg

1.1 Cont.

Linna- Elanike Rea Rahvaarvsealhulgas: rahvastiku arv Vabariiklik nr. Population of which in: osatähtsus, km² linnahaldus, linnades alevites maal % kohta maakond towns boroughs rural Share of Number Republican town area urban of in- administration, population habitants county in total per number, km² Row %No.

42392 10238 - 32154 24.2 16 Jõgeva 31 42426 12369 - 30057 29.2 16 32 42505 14236 - 28269 33.5 16 33 42251 14083 2154 26014 38.4 16 Järva 34 42278 16267 1878 24133 42.9 16 35 43807 17711 - 26096 40.4 17 36 31250 10965 1597 18688 40.2 13 Lääne 37 32408 13035 1624 17749 45.2 13 38 33389 14617 1872 16900 49.4 14 39 78254 32781 2379 43094 44.9 23 Lääne-Viru 40 78553 34690 3283 40580 48.3 23 41 79690 35298 3685 40707 48.9 23 42 37223 - 5665 31558 15.2 17 Põlva 43 36303 - 8064 28239 22.2 17 44 36238 - 10526 25712 29.0 17 45 44563 2284 5340 36939 17.1 9 Pärnu 46 42589 2507 5857 34225 19.6 9 47 42783 2504 6335 33944 20.7 9 48 38821 - 11394 27427 29.4 13 Rapla 49 38476 - 13729 24747 35.7 13 50 39539 - 14965 24574 37.8 13 51 38442 12139 - 26303 31.6 13 Saare 52 38482 14207 - 24275 36.9 13 53 39467 16166 - 23301 41.0 14 54 51885 8091 - 43794 15.6 17 Tartu 55 49233 7789 - 41444 15.8 16 56 48393 7686 - 40707 15.9 16 57 44966 21819 - 23147 48.5 22 Valga 58 44015 23920 - 20095 54.3 22 59 41473 23692 - 17781 57.1 20 60 68262 25040 4703 38519 43.6 19 Viljandi 61 67352 26603 5783 34966 48.1 19 62 65222 25932 6096 33194 49.1 18 63 49939 17400 - 32539 34.8 22 Võru 64 47197 18719 - 28478 39.7 20 65 45176 19184 - 25992 42.5 20 66

21 1.2 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.2 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1959 (within the administrative borders of the census year) Rea 1959 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, rajoon) Actual population Share in total population, % Row (linn, maa) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. Total Males Females Males Females 1 Kogurahvastik 1196791 525090 671701 43.9 56.1 2 Linnarahvastik 675515 295908 379607 43.8 56.2 3 Maarahvastik 521276 229182 292094 44.0 56.0 4 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused 510197 223315 286882 43.8 56.2 5 Linnarahvastik 476061 207966 268095 43.7 56.3 6 Maarahvastik 34136 15349 18787 45.0 55.0 7 Tallinn 281714 123131 158583 43.7 56.3 8 Kohtla-Järve 51200 23800 27400 46.5 53.5 9 Linnarahvastik 40464 18951 21513 46.8 53.2 10 Maarahvastik 10736 4849 5887 45.2 54.8 11 Narva 31414 13757 17657 43.8 56.2 12 Linnarahvastik 30381 13273 17108 43.7 56.3 13 Maarahvastik 1033 484 549 46.9 53.1 14 Pärnu 63396 27198 36198 42.9 57.1 15 Linnarahvastik 41029 17182 23847 41.9 58.1 16 Maarahvastik 22367 10016 12351 44.8 55.2 17 Sillamäe 8210 3748 4462 45.7 54.3 18 Tartu 74263 31681 42582 42.7 57.3 19 Rajoonid kokku 686594 301775 384819 44.0 56.0 20 Linnarahvastik 199454 87942 111512 44.1 55.9 21 Maarahvastik 487140 213833 273307 43.9 56.1 22 Abja 25011 11094 13917 44.4 55.6 23 Linnarahvastik 7040 2986 4054 42.4 57.6 24 Maarahvastik 17971 8108 9863 45.1 54.9 25 Elva 29816 13030 16786 43.7 56.3 26 Linnarahvastik 6958 2975 3983 42.8 57.2 27 Maarahvastik 22858 10055 12803 44.0 56.0 28 Haapsalu 21469 9094 12375 42.4 57.6 29 Linnarahvastik 8567 3572 4995 41.7 58.3 30 Maarahvastik 12902 5522 7380 42.8 57.2 31 Harju 41677 18455 23222 44.3 55.7 32 Linnarahvastik 10324 4830 5494 46.8 53.2 33 Maarahvastik 31353 13625 17728 43.5 56.5 34 Hiiumaa 11073 4727 6346 42.7 57.3 35 Linnarahvastik 2688 1037 1651 38.6 61.4 36 Maarahvastik 8385 3690 4695 44.0 56.0 37 Jõgeva 31869 14002 17867 43.9 56.1 38 Linnarahvastik 4821 2096 2725 43.5 56.5 39 Maarahvastik 27048 11906 15142 44.0 56.0 40 Jõhvi 42269 19882 22387 47.0 53.0 41 Linnarahvastik 28651 13646 15005 47.6 52.4 42 Maarahvastik 13618 6236 7382 45.8 54.2 43 Keila 30528 13113 17415 43.0 57.0 44 Linnarahvastik 6419 2773 3646 43.2 56.8 45 Maarahvastik 24109 10340 13769 42.9 57.1 46 Kingissepa 41549 17369 24180 41.8 58.2 47 Linnarahvastik 9720 4384 5336 45.1 54.9 48 Maarahvastik 31829 12985 18844 40.8 59.2

22 1.2 Järg

1.2 Cont.

1959 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident populationShare in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No. 1191428 523118 668310 43.9 56.1 Total population 1 671398 295348 376050 44.0 56.0 Urban population 2 520030 227770 292260 43.8 56.2 Rural population 3 Republican town 4 507158 222963 284195 44.0 56.0 administrations 473147 207712 265435 43.9 56.1 Urban population 5 34011 15251 18760 44.8 55.2 Rural population 6 279853 123027 156826 44.0 56.0 Tallinn 7 51254 23962 27292 46.8 53.2 Kohtla-Järve 8 40535 19102 21433 47.1 52.9 Urban population 9 10719 4860 5859 45.3 54.7 Rural population 10 31320 13652 17668 43.6 56.4 Narva 11 30278 13168 17110 43.5 56.5 Urban population 12 1042 484 558 46.4 53.6 Rural population 13 62864 26992 35872 42.9 57.1 Pärnu 14 40614 17085 23529 42.1 57.9 Urban population 15 22250 9907 12343 44.5 55.5 Rural population 16 8374 3861 4513 46.1 53.9 Sillamäe 17 73493 31469 42024 42.8 57.2 Tartu 18 684270 300155 384115 43.9 56.1 Districts, total 19 198251 87636 110615 44.2 55.8 Urban population 20 486019 212519 273500 43.7 56.3 Rural population 21 25032 11057 13975 44.2 55.8 Abja 22 6952 2943 4009 42.3 57.7 Urban population 23 18080 8114 9966 44.9 55.1 Rural population 24 29781 12977 16804 43.6 56.4 Elva 25 6961 2999 3962 43.1 56.9 Urban population 26 22820 9978 12842 43.7 56.3 Rural population 27 21119 8889 12230 42.1 57.9 Haapsalu 28 8264 3433 4831 41.5 58.5 Urban population 29 12855 5456 7399 42.4 57.6 Rural population 30 41729 18515 23214 44.4 55.6 Harju 31 10453 4939 5514 47.2 52.8 Urban population 32 31276 13576 17700 43.4 56.6 Rural population 33 11045 4656 6389 42.2 57.8 Hiiumaa 34 2673 1031 1642 38.6 61.4 Urban population 35 8372 3625 4747 43.3 56.7 Rural population 36 31914 14011 17903 43.9 56.1 Jõgeva 37 4844 2107 2737 43.5 56.5 Urban population 38 27070 11904 15166 44.0 56.0 Rural population 39 42109 19851 22258 47.1 52.9 Jõhvi 40 28550 13655 14895 47.8 52.2 Urban population 41 13559 6196 7363 45.7 54.3 Rural population 42 30465 13083 17382 42.9 57.1 Keila 43 6392 2777 3615 43.4 56.6 Urban population 44 24073 10306 13767 42.8 57.2 Rural population 45 41475 17363 24112 41.9 58.1 Kingissepa 46 9600 4369 5231 45.5 54.5 Urban population 47 31875 12994 18881 40.8 59.2 Rural population 48

23 1.2 Järg

1.2 Cont.

Rea 1959 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, rajoon) Actual population Share in total population, % Row (linn, maa) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. Total Males Females Males Females 49 Lihula 11829 5191 6638 43.9 56.1 50 Linnarahvastik 1510 620 890 41.1 58.9 51 Maarahvastik 10319 4571 5748 44.3 55.7 52 Märjamaa 14253 6441 7812 45.2 54.8 53 Linnarahvastik 1821 783 1038 43.0 57.0 54 Maarahvastik 12432 5658 6774 45.5 54.5 55 Paide 30119 13373 16746 44.4 55.6 56 Linnarahvastik 12827 5809 7018 45.3 54.7 57 Maarahvastik 17292 7564 9728 43.7 56.3 58 Põltsamaa 22541 9897 12644 43.9 56.1 59 Linnarahvastik 4792 2114 2678 44.1 55.9 60 Maarahvastik 17749 7783 9966 43.9 56.1 61 Põlva 22733 9904 12829 43.6 56.4 62 Linnarahvastik - - - - - 63 Maarahvastik 22733 9904 12829 43.6 56.4 64 Rakvere 41439 18524 22915 44.7 55.3 65 Linnarahvastik 18072 8164 9908 45.2 54.8 66 Maarahvastik 23367 10360 13007 44.3 55.7 67 Rapla 25962 11441 14521 44.1 55.9 68 Linnarahvastik 5428 2307 3121 42.5 57.5 69 Maarahvastik 20534 9134 11400 44.5 55.5 70 Räpina 19842 8854 10988 44.6 55.4 71 Linnarahvastik 2237 945 1292 42.2 57.8 72 Maarahvastik 17605 7909 9696 44.9 55.1 73 Tapa 23126 9755 13371 42.2 57.8 74 Linnarahvastik 9844 4004 5840 40.7 59.3 75 Maarahvastik 13282 5751 7531 43.3 56.7 76 Tartu 33520 14936 18584 44.6 55.4 77 Linnarahvastik 1668 750 918 45.0 55.0 78 Maarahvastik 31852 14186 17666 44.5 55.5 79 Valga 38192 16383 21809 42.9 57.1 80 Linnarahvastik 15933 6638 9295 41.7 58.3 81 Maarahvastik 22259 9745 12514 43.8 56.2 82 Viljandi 45990 19951 26039 43.4 56.6 83 Linnarahvastik 20640 8779 11861 42.5 57.5 84 Maarahvastik 25350 11172 14178 44.1 55.9 85 Võru 48560 21321 27239 43.9 56.1 86 Linnarahvastik 13153 5728 7425 43.5 56.5 87 Maarahvastik 35407 15593 19814 44.0 56.0 88 Väike-Maarja 19461 8803 10658 45.2 54.8 89 Linnarahvastik 1564 783 781 50.1 49.9 90 Maarahvastik 17897 8020 9877 44.8 55.2 91 Vändra 13766 6235 7531 45.3 54.7 92 Linnarahvastik 4777 2219 2558 46.5 53.5 93 Maarahvastik 8989 4016 4973 44.7 55.3

24 1.2 Järg

1.2 Cont.

1959 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident populationShare in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No. 11788 5145 6643 43.6 56.4 Lihula 49 1452 588 864 40.5 59.5 Urban population 50 10336 4557 5779 44.1 55.9 Rural population 51 14126 6323 7803 44.8 55.2 Märjamaa 52 1778 775 1003 43.6 56.4 Urban population 53 12348 5548 6800 44.9 55.1 Rural population 54 29981 13326 16655 44.4 55.6 Paide 55 12750 5807 6943 45.5 54.5 Urban population 56 17231 7519 9712 43.6 56.4 Rural population 57 22341 9725 12616 43.5 56.5 Põltsamaa 58 4753 2101 2652 44.2 55.8 Urban population 59 17588 7624 9964 43.3 56.7 Rural population 60 22606 9797 12809 43.3 56.7 Põlva 61 - - - - - Urban population 62 22606 9797 12809 43.3 56.7 Rural population 63 41353 18432 22921 44.6 55.4 Rakvere 64 17982 8122 9860 45.2 54.8 Urban population 65 23371 10310 13061 44.1 55.9 Rural population 66 25820 11358 14462 44.0 56.0 Rapla 67 5359 2282 3077 42.6 57.4 Urban population 68 20461 9076 11385 44.4 55.6 Rural population 69 19833 8828 11005 44.5 55.5 Räpina 70 2230 942 1288 42.2 57.8 Urban population 71 17603 7886 9717 44.8 55.2 Rural population 72 23008 9703 13305 42.2 57.8 Tapa 73 9648 3903 5745 40.5 59.5 Urban population 74 13360 5800 7560 43.4 56.6 Rural population 75 33505 14914 18591 44.5 55.5 Tartu 76 1638 733 905 44.7 55.3 Urban population 77 31867 14181 17686 44.5 55.5 Rural population 78 37909 16217 21692 42.8 57.2 Valga 79 15875 6584 9291 41.5 58.5 Urban population 80 22034 9633 12401 43.7 56.3 Rural population 81 45871 19893 25978 43.4 56.6 Viljandi 82 20758 8878 11880 42.8 57.2 Urban population 83 25113 11015 14098 43.9 56.1 Rural population 84 48449 21248 27201 43.9 56.1 Võru 85 13062 5727 7335 43.8 56.2 Urban population 86 35387 15521 19866 43.9 56.1 Rural population 87 19303 8669 10634 44.9 55.1 Väike-Maarja 88 1549 763 786 49.3 50.7 Urban population 89 17754 7906 9848 44.5 55.5 Rural population 90 13708 6175 7533 45.0 55.0 Vändra 91 4728 2178 2550 46.1 53.9 Urban population 92 8980 3997 4983 44.5 55.5 Rural population 93

25 1.3 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.3 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1970 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea 1970 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

1 Kogurahvastik 1356079 620195 735884 45.7 54.3

2 Linnarahvastik 881168 402136 479032 45.6 54.4

3 Maarahvastik 474911 218059 256852 45.9 54.1

4 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused 667675 304302 363373 45.6 54.4 5 Tallinn 369583 168228 201355 45.5 54.5 6 Kohtla-Järve 82558 38817 43741 47.0 53.0 7 Narva 61346 28170 33176 45.9 54.1 8 Pärnu 50224 22639 27585 45.1 54.9 9 Sillamäe 13505 6150 7355 45.5 54.5 10 Tartu 90459 40298 50161 44.5 55.5 11 Rajoonid/maakonnad kokku 688404 315893 372511 45.9 54.1 12 Linnarahvastik 213493 97834 115659 45.8 54.2 13 Maarahvastik 474911 218059 256852 45.9 54.1

14 Haapsalu/Lääne 32030 14913 17117 46.6 53.4 15 Linnarahvastik 13111 5910 7201 45.1 54.9 16 Maarahvastik 18919 9003 9916 47.6 52.4

17 Harju/Harju 82838 38929 43909 47.0 53.0 18 Linnarahvastik 20594 10062 10532 48.9 51.1 19 Maarahvastik 62244 28867 33377 46.4 53.6

20 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 9967 4442 5525 44.6 55.4 21 Linnarahvastik 2969 1317 1652 44.4 55.6 22 Maarahvastik 6998 3125 3873 44.7 55.3

23 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 42028 19127 22901 45.5 54.5 24 Linnarahvastik 10394 4676 5718 45.0 55.0 25 Maarahvastik 31634 14451 17183 45.7 54.3

26 Kingissepa/Saare 38894 17755 21139 45.6 54.4 27 Linnarahvastik 12140 5721 6419 47.1 52.9 28 Maarahvastik 26754 12034 14720 45.0 55.0

29 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 27935 12921 15014 46.3 53.7 30 Linnarahvastik - - - - - 31 Maarahvastik 27935 12921 15014 46.3 53.7

26 1.3 Järg

1.3 Cont.

1970 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident populationShare in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

1354613 619927 734686 45.8 54.2 Total population 1

876610 400690 475920 45.7 54.3 Urban population 2

478003 219237 258766 45.9 54.1 Rural population 3

Republican town 4 665151 303336 361815 45.6 54.4 administrations 369388 168573 200815 45.6 54.4 Tallinn 5 82530 38661 43869 46.8 53.2 Kohtla-Järve 6 60014 27522 32492 45.9 54.1 Narva 7 48647 21856 26791 44.9 55.1 Pärnu 8 13559 6257 7302 46.1 53.9 Sillamäe 9 91013 40467 50546 44.5 55.5 Tartu 10 Districts/counties, 11 689462 316591 372871 45.9 54.1 total 211459 97354 114105 46.0 54.0 Urban population 12 478003 219237 258766 45.9 54.1 Rural population 13

31250 14396 16854 46.1 53.9 Haapsalu/Lääne 14 12562 5644 6918 44.9 55.1 Urban population 15 18688 8752 9936 46.8 53.2 Rural population 16

82890 39032 43858 47.1 52.9 Harju/Harju 17 20432 10084 10348 49.4 50.6 Urban population 18 62458 28948 33510 46.3 53.7 Rural population 19

10039 4506 5533 44.9 55.1 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 20 2955 1321 1634 44.7 55.3 Urban population 21 7084 3185 3899 45.0 55.0 Rural population 22

42392 19335 23057 45.6 54.4 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 23 10238 4624 5614 45.2 54.8 Urban population 24 32154 14711 17443 45.8 54.2 Rural population 25

38442 17467 20975 45.4 54.6 Kingissepa/Saare 26 12139 5811 6328 47.9 52.1 Urban population 27 26303 11656 14647 44.3 55.7 Rural population 28

28285 13079 15206 46.2 53.8 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 29 - - - - - Urban population 30 28285 13079 15206 46.2 53.8 Rural population 31

27 1.3 Järg

1.3 Cont.

Rea 1970 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

32 Paide/Järva 41747 19230 22517 46.1 53.9 33 Linnarahvastik 16406 7717 8689 47.0 53.0 34 Maarahvastik 25341 11513 13828 45.4 54.6

35 Põlva/Põlva 37296 16877 20419 45.3 54.7 36 Linnarahvastik 5726 2519 3207 44.0 56.0 37 Maarahvastik 31570 14358 17212 45.5 54.5

38 Pärnu/Pärnu 43686 20265 23421 46.4 53.6 39 Linnarahvastik 7657 3525 4132 46.0 54.0 40 Maarahvastik 36029 16740 19289 46.5 53.5

41 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 78055 35896 42159 46.0 54.0 42 Linnarahvastik 35410 16097 19313 45.5 54.5 43 Maarahvastik 42645 19799 22846 46.4 53.6

44 Rapla/Rapla 38687 17799 20888 46.0 54.0 45 Linnarahvastik 11530 5208 6322 45.2 54.8 46 Maarahvastik 27157 12591 14566 46.4 53.6

47 Tartu/Tartu 51858 23353 28505 45.0 55.0 48 Linnarahvastik 7969 3629 4340 45.5 54.5 49 Maarahvastik 43889 19724 24165 44.9 55.1

50 Valga/Valga 45443 20629 24814 45.4 54.6 51 Linnarahvastik 21974 9775 12199 44.5 55.5 52 Maarahvastik 23469 10854 12615 46.2 53.8

53 Viljandi/Viljandi 68143 30812 37331 45.2 54.8 54 Linnarahvastik 30004 13409 16595 44.7 55.3 55 Maarahvastik 38139 17403 20736 45.6 54.4

56 Võru/Võru 49797 22945 26852 46.1 53.9 57 Linnarahvastik 17609 8269 9340 47.0 53.0 58 Maarahvastik 32188 14676 17512 45.6 54.4

28 1.3 Järg

1.3 Cont.

1970 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident populationShare in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

42251 19422 22829 46.0 54.0 Paide/Järva 32 16237 7636 8601 47.0 53.0 Urban population 33 26014 11786 14228 45.3 54.7 Rural population 34

37223 16835 20388 45.2 54.8 Põlva/Põlva 35 5665 2495 3170 44.0 56.0 Urban population 36 31558 14340 17218 45.4 54.6 Rural population 37

44563 20926 23637 47.0 53.0 Pärnu/Pärnu 38 7624 3537 4087 46.4 53.6 Urban population 39 36939 17389 19550 47.1 52.9 Rural population 40

78254 35868 42386 45.8 54.2 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 41 35160 15968 19192 45.4 54.6 Urban population 42 43094 19900 23194 46.2 53.8 Rural population 43

38821 17944 20877 46.2 53.8 Rapla/Rapla 44 11394 5175 6219 45.4 54.6 Urban population 45 27427 12769 14658 46.6 53.4 Rural population 46

51885 23404 28481 45.1 54.9 Tartu/Tartu 47 8091 3756 4335 46.4 53.6 Urban population 48 43794 19648 24146 44.9 55.1 Rural population 49

44966 20392 24574 45.3 54.7 Valga/Valga 50 21819 9754 12065 44.7 55.3 Urban population 51 23147 10638 12509 46.0 54.0 Rural population 52

68262 30878 37384 45.2 54.8 Viljandi/Viljandi 53 29743 13280 16463 44.6 55.4 Urban population 54 38519 17598 20921 45.7 54.3 Rural population 55

49939 23107 26832 46.3 53.7 Võru/Võru 56 17400 8269 9131 47.5 52.5 Urban population 57 32539 14838 17701 45.6 54.4 Rural population 58

29 1.4 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.4 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1979 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea 1979 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

1 Kogurahvastik 1465799 677033 788766 46.2 53.8

2 Linnarahvastik 1022258 469297 552961 45.9 54.1

3 Maarahvastik 443541 207736 235805 46.8 53.2

4 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused 783494 358719 424775 45.8 54.2 5 Tallinn 442960 202296 240664 45.7 54.3 6 Kohtla-Järve 87366 41048 46318 47.0 53.0 7 Narva 76983 35225 41758 45.8 54.2 8 Pärnu 55622 25087 30535 45.1 54.9 9 Sillamäe 16045 7458 8587 46.5 53.5 10 Tartu 104518 47605 56913 45.5 54.5 11 Rajoonid/maakonnad kokku 682305 318314 363991 46.7 53.3 12 Linnarahvastik 238764 110578 128186 46.3 53.7 13 Maarahvastik 443541 207736 235805 46.8 53.2

14 Haapsalu/Lääne 32817 15467 17350 47.1 52.9 15 Linnarahvastik 15165 6933 8232 45.7 54.3 16 Maarahvastik 17652 8534 9118 48.3 51.7

17 Harju/Harju 88906 41936 46970 47.2 52.8 18 Linnarahvastik 23501 11282 12219 48.0 52.0 19 Maarahvastik 65405 30654 34751 46.9 53.1

20 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 10084 4788 5296 47.5 52.5 21 Linnarahvastik 3487 1681 1806 48.2 51.8 22 Maarahvastik 6597 3107 3490 47.1 52.9

23 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 42001 19693 22308 46.9 53.1 24 Linnarahvastik 12444 5770 6674 46.4 53.6 25 Maarahvastik 29557 13923 15634 47.1 52.9

26 Kingissepa/Saare 38547 18162 20385 47.1 52.9 27 Linnarahvastik 14260 6794 7466 47.6 52.4 28 Maarahvastik 24287 11368 12919 46.8 53.2

29 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 25935 12173 13762 46.9 53.1 30 Linnarahvastik - - - - - 31 Maarahvastik 25935 12173 13762 46.9 53.1

30 1.4 Järg

1.4 Cont.

1979 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident population Share in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

1464476 677274 787202 46.2 53.8 Total population 1

1016826 467890 548936 46.0 54.0 Urban population 2

447650 209384 238266 46.8 53.2 Rural population 3

Republican town 4 779770 358113 421657 45.9 54.1 administrations 441800 202790 239010 45.9 54.1 Tallinn 5 87472 41068 46404 46.9 53.1 Kohtla-Järve 6 75909 34819 41090 45.9 54.1 Narva 7 54051 24422 29629 45.2 54.8 Pärnu 8 16157 7519 8638 46.5 53.5 Sillamäe 9 104381 47495 56886 45.5 54.5 Tartu 10 Districts/counties, 11 684706 319161 365545 46.6 53.4 total 237056 109777 127279 46.3 53.7 Urban population 12 447650 209384 238266 46.8 53.2 Rural population 13

32408 15271 17137 47.1 52.9 Haapsalu/Lääne 14 14659 6739 7920 46.0 54.0 Urban population 15 17749 8532 9217 48.1 51.9 Rural population 16

88970 41784 47186 47.0 53.0 Harju/Harju 17 23306 11110 12196 47.7 52.3 Urban population 18 65664 30674 34990 46.7 53.3 Rural population 19

10180 4867 5313 47.8 52.2 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 20 3426 1670 1756 48.7 51.3 Urban population 21 6754 3197 3557 47.3 52.7 Rural population 22

42426 19935 22491 47.0 53.0 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 23 12369 5756 6613 46.5 53.5 Urban population 24 30057 14179 15878 47.2 52.8 Rural population 25

38482 18090 20392 47.0 53.0 Kingissepa/Saare 26 14207 6818 7389 48.0 52.0 Urban population 27 24275 11272 13003 46.4 53.6 Rural population 28

26244 12343 13901 47.0 53.0 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 29 - - - - - Urban population 30 26244 12343 13901 47.0 53.0 Rural population 31

31 1.4 Järg

1.4 Cont.

Rea 1979 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

32 Paide/Järva 42111 19706 22405 46.8 53.2 33 Linnarahvastik 18524 8794 9730 47.5 52.5 34 Maarahvastik 23587 10912 12675 46.3 53.7

35 Põlva/Põlva 36148 16760 19388 46.4 53.6 36 Linnarahvastik 7967 3708 4259 46.5 53.5 37 Maarahvastik 28181 13052 15129 46.3 53.7

38 Pärnu/Pärnu 41594 19562 22032 47.0 53.0 39 Linnarahvastik 8407 3857 4550 45.9 54.1 40 Maarahvastik 33187 15705 17482 47.3 52.7

41 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 78174 36309 41865 46.4 53.6 42 Linnarahvastik 37899 17386 20513 45.9 54.1 43 Maarahvastik 40275 18923 21352 47.0 53.0

44 Rapla/Rapla 38016 17817 20199 46.9 53.1 45 Linnarahvastik 13875 6308 7567 45.5 54.5 46 Maarahvastik 24141 11509 12632 47.7 52.3

47 Tartu/Tartu 48832 22435 26397 45.9 54.1 48 Linnarahvastik 7785 3570 4215 45.9 54.1 49 Maarahvastik 41047 18865 22182 46.0 54.0

50 Valga/Valga 45016 20888 24128 46.4 53.6 51 Linnarahvastik 24230 10978 13252 45.3 54.7 52 Maarahvastik 20786 9910 10876 47.7 52.3

53 Viljandi/Viljandi 66953 30791 36162 46.0 54.0 54 Linnarahvastik 32320 14753 17567 45.6 54.4 55 Maarahvastik 34633 16038 18595 46.3 53.7

56 Võru/Võru 47171 21827 25344 46.3 53.7 57 Linnarahvastik 18900 8764 10136 46.4 53.6 58 Maarahvastik 28271 13063 15208 46.2 53.8

32 1.4 Järg

1.4 Cont.

1979 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident population Share in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

42278 19673 22605 46.5 53.5 Paide/Järva 32 18145 8555 9590 47.1 52.9 Urban population 33 24133 11118 13015 46.1 53.9 Rural population 34

36303 16734 19569 46.1 53.9 Põlva/Põlva 35 8064 3715 4349 46.1 53.9 Urban population 36 28239 13019 15220 46.1 53.9 Rural population 37

42589 20334 22255 47.7 52.3 Pärnu/Pärnu 38 8364 3866 4498 46.2 53.8 Urban population 39 34225 16468 17757 48.1 51.9 Rural population 40

78553 36310 42243 46.2 53.8 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 41 37973 17343 20630 45.7 54.3 Urban population 42 40580 18967 21613 46.7 53.3 Rural population 43

38476 18222 20254 47.4 52.6 Rapla/Rapla 44 13729 6264 7465 45.6 54.4 Urban population 45 24747 11958 12789 48.3 51.7 Rural population 46

49233 22636 26597 46.0 54.0 Tartu/Tartu 47 7789 3587 4202 46.1 53.9 Urban population 48 41444 19049 22395 46.0 54.0 Rural population 49

44015 20284 23731 46.1 53.9 Valga/Valga 50 23920 10894 13026 45.5 54.5 Urban population 51 20095 9390 10705 46.7 53.3 Rural population 52

67352 30921 36431 45.9 54.1 Viljandi/Viljandi 53 32386 14768 17618 45.6 54.4 Urban population 54 34966 16153 18813 46.2 53.8 Rural population 55

47197 21757 25440 46.1 53.9 Võru/Võru 56 18719 8692 10027 46.4 53.6 Urban population 57 28478 13065 15413 45.9 54.1 Rural population 58

33 1.5 HALDUSÜKSUSTE FAKTILINE JA ALALINE RAHVASTIK SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.5 ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS BY SEX, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea 1989 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

1 Kogurahvastik 1572916 735239 837677 46.7 53.3

2 Linnarahvastik 1125975 520946 605029 46.3 53.7

3 Maarahvastik 446941 214293 232648 47.9 52.1

4 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused 871991 403176 468815 46.2 53.8 5 Tallinn 502501 234131 268370 46.6 53.4 6 Kohtla-Järve 90828 42090 48738 46.3 53.7 7 Narva 86063 39049 47014 45.4 54.6 8 Pärnu 58342 26450 31892 45.3 54.7 9 Sillamäe 20280 9449 10831 46.6 53.4 10 Tartu 113977 52007 61970 45.6 54.4 11 Rajoonid/maakonnad kokku 700925 332063 368862 47.4 52.6 12 Linnarahvastik 253984 117770 136214 46.4 53.6 13 Maarahvastik 446941 214293 232648 47.9 52.1

14 Haapsalu/Lääne 33839 15917 17922 47.0 53.0 15 Linnarahvastik 17045 7927 9118 46.5 53.5 16 Maarahvastik 16794 7990 8804 47.6 52.4

17 Harju/Harju 106622 52612 54010 49.3 50.7 18 Linnarahvastik 27747 13437 14310 48.4 51.6 19 Maarahvastik 78875 39175 39700 49.7 50.3

20 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 11039 5272 5767 47.8 52.2 21 Linnarahvastik 4126 2024 2102 49.1 50.9 22 Maarahvastik 6913 3248 3665 47.0 53.0

23 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 42569 19983 22586 46.9 53.1 24 Linnarahvastik 14420 6570 7850 45.6 54.4 25 Maarahvastik 28149 13413 14736 47.7 52.3

26 Kingissepa/Saare 39576 18802 20774 47.5 52.5 27 Linnarahvastik 16356 7628 8728 46.6 53.4 28 Maarahvastik 23220 11174 12046 48.1 51.9

29 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 24093 11354 12739 47.1 52.9 30 Linnarahvastik - - - - - 31 Maarahvastik 24093 11354 12739 47.1 52.9

34 1.5 Järg

1.5 Cont.

1989 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident population Share in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

1565662 731392 834270 46.7 53.3 Total population 1

1118829 517400 601429 46.2 53.8 Urban population 2

446833 213992 232841 47.9 52.1 Rural population 3

Republican town 4 866958 400865 466093 46.2 53.8 administrations 499421 232530 266891 46.6 53.4 Tallinn 5 91644 42594 49050 46.5 53.5 Kohtla-Järve 6 84975 38759 46216 45.6 54.4 Narva 7 56937 25777 31160 45.3 54.7 Pärnu 8 20561 9587 10974 46.6 53.4 Sillamäe 9 113420 51618 61802 45.5 54.5 Tartu 10 Districts/counties, 11 698704 330527 368177 47.3 52.7 total 251871 116535 135336 46.3 53.7 Urban population 12 446833 213992 232841 47.9 52.1 Rural population 13

33389 15721 17668 47.1 52.9 Haapsalu/Lääne 14 16489 7691 8798 46.6 53.4 Urban population 15 16900 8030 8870 47.5 52.5 Rural population 16

105994 52169 53825 49.2 50.8 Harju/Harju 17 27227 13028 14199 47.8 52.2 Urban population 18 78767 39141 39626 49.7 50.3 Rural population 19

11097 5318 5779 47.9 52.1 Hiiumaa/Hiiumaa 20 4139 2039 2100 49.3 50.7 Urban population 21 6958 3279 3679 47.1 52.9 Rural population 22

42505 19990 22515 47.0 53.0 Jõgeva/Jõgeva 23 14236 6513 7723 45.8 54.2 Urban population 24 28269 13477 14792 47.7 52.3 Rural population 25

39467 18755 20712 47.5 52.5 Kingissepa/Saare 26 16166 7545 8621 46.7 53.3 Urban population 27 23301 11210 12091 48.1 51.9 Rural population 28

23931 11287 12644 47.2 52.8 Kohtla-Järve/Ida-Viru 29 - - - - - Urban population 30 23931 11287 12644 47.2 52.8 Rural population 31

35 1.5 Järg

1.5 Cont.

Rea 1989 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, nr. Haldusüksus Faktiline rahvastik % (linnahaldus, Actual population Share in total population, % Row rajoon/maakond) Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised No. (linn, maa) Total Males Females Males Females

32 Paide/Järva 43639 20474 23165 46.9 53.1 33 Linnarahvastik 17805 8313 9492 46.7 53.3 34 Maarahvastik 25834 12161 13673 47.1 52.9

35 Põlva/Põlva 36016 16934 19082 47.0 53.0 36 Linnarahvastik 10461 4905 5556 46.9 53.1 37 Maarahvastik 25555 12029 13526 47.1 52.9

38 Pärnu/Pärnu 42616 20456 22160 48.0 52.0 39 Linnarahvastik 8841 4040 4801 45.7 54.3 40 Maarahvastik 33775 16416 17359 48.6 51.4

41 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 79561 37368 42193 47.0 53.0 42 Linnarahvastik 39209 18298 20911 46.7 53.3 43 Maarahvastik 40352 19070 21282 47.3 52.7

44 Rapla/Rapla 39462 18708 20754 47.4 52.6 45 Linnarahvastik 15039 6827 8212 45.4 54.6 46 Maarahvastik 24423 11881 12542 48.6 51.4

47 Tartu/Tartu 48499 22737 25762 46.9 53.1 48 Linnarahvastik 7731 3545 4186 45.9 54.1 49 Maarahvastik 40768 19192 21576 47.1 52.9

50 Valga/Valga 42427 19796 22631 46.7 53.3 51 Linnarahvastik 24169 10998 13171 45.5 54.5 52 Maarahvastik 18258 8798 9460 48.2 51.8

53 Viljandi/Viljandi 65778 30551 35227 46.4 53.6 54 Linnarahvastik 31925 14488 17437 45.4 54.6 55 Maarahvastik 33853 16063 17790 47.4 52.6

56 Võru/Võru 45189 21099 24090 46.7 53.3 57 Linnarahvastik 19110 8770 10340 45.9 54.1 58 Maarahvastik 26079 12329 13750 47.3 52.7

36 1.5 Järg

1.5 Cont.

1989 Osatähtsus rahvastikus, Administrative Rea Alaline rahvastik % unit nr. Resident population Share in total population, % (town administration, Kokku Mehed Naised Mehed Naised district/county) Row Total Males Females Males Females (urban, rural area) No.

43807 20539 23268 46.9 53.1 Paide/Järva 32 17711 8263 9448 46.7 53.3 Urban population 33 26096 12276 13820 47.0 53.0 Rural population 34

36238 16947 19291 46.8 53.2 Põlva/Põlva 35 10526 4862 5664 46.2 53.8 Urban population 36 25712 12085 13627 47.0 53.0 Rural population 37

42783 20565 22218 48.1 51.9 Pärnu/Pärnu 38 8839 4062 4777 46.0 54.0 Urban population 39 33944 16503 17441 48.6 51.4 Rural population 40

79690 37289 42401 46.8 53.2 Rakvere/Lääne-Viru 41 38983 18104 20879 46.4 53.6 Urban population 42 40707 19185 21522 47.1 52.9 Rural population 43

39539 18744 20795 47.4 52.6 Rapla/Rapla 44 14965 6814 8151 45.5 54.5 Urban population 45 24574 11930 12644 48.5 51.5 Rural population 46

48393 22660 25733 46.8 53.2 Tartu/Tartu 47 7686 3558 4128 46.3 53.7 Urban population 48 40707 19102 21605 46.9 53.1 Rural population 49

41473 19225 22248 46.4 53.6 Valga/Valga 50 23692 10771 12921 45.5 54.5 Urban population 51 17781 8454 9327 47.5 52.5 Rural population 52

65222 30217 35005 46.3 53.7 Viljandi/Viljandi 53 32028 14476 17552 45.2 54.8 Urban population 54 33194 15741 17453 47.4 52.6 Rural population 55

45176 21101 24075 46.7 53.3 Võru/Võru 56 19184 8809 10375 45.9 54.1 Urban population 57 25992 12292 13700 47.3 52.7 Rural population 58

37 1.6 LINNADE JA ALEVITE ALALINE RAHVASTIK, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.6 RESIDENT POPULATION IN TOWNS AND BOROUGHS, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Linn*, alev* Linn/alev MaakondAlaline rahvastik Pindala, Tihedus aastast km² (el./km²) Town*, borough* Year of the CountyResident population Area, Density foundation km² (inh./km²) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1989 Linnad Towns Abja-Paluoja** 1993 Viljandi 1623 1760 1772 1737 4.50 386 Antsla 1938 Võru 2423 2236 1952 1688 2.50 675 Elva 1938 Tartu 4812 6293 6358 6325 9.92 638 Haapsalu 1279 Lääne 8264 10965 13035 14617 10.59 1380 Jõgeva 1938 Jõgeva 2490 3631 5389 7035 3.86 1823 Jõhvi*** 1938 Ida-Viru 10221 ...... 7.61 ... Kallaste 1938 Tartu 1638 1798 1431 1361 1.93 705 Karksi-Nuia** 1993 Viljandi 1056 1496 2107 2361 2.88 820 ** 1993 Harju 2823 3613 3976 4053 3.83 1058 Keila 1938 Harju 3017 5531 7194 10072 10.46 963 Kilingi-Nõmme 1938 Pärnu 2136 2284 2507 2504 4.26 588 Kiviõli 1946 Ida-Viru 10406 11202 11050 10390 11.75 884 Kohtla-Järve*** 1946 Ida-Viru 29290 68321 72699 77316 41.77 ... Kunda 1938 Lääne-Viru 3701 5308 4828 5037 10.01 503 Kuressaare 1563 Saare 9600 12139 14207 16166 14.95 1081 Kärdla 1938 Hiiu 2673 2955 3426 4139 4.50 920 Lihula** 1993 Lääne 1452 1597 1624 1872 3.79 494 Loksa** 1993 Harju 3283 3078 3514 4315 3.81 1133 Maardu*** 1980 Harju 4347 6852 9970 16052 22.77 705 1938 Jõgeva 2354 2245 2087 1994 5.45 366 Mõisaküla 1938 Viljandi 2137 1933 1618 1349 2.20 613 Narva 1345**** Ida-Viru 27647 56993 72783 81221 84.53 961 Narva-Jõesuu* 1993 Ida-Viru 2631 3021 3126 3754 11.03 340 Otepää 1936 Valga 2149 2111 2289 2424 4.32 561 Paide 1291**** Järva 5808 7748 9641 10849 10.04 1081 Paldiski 1783 Harju 3375 6960 7311 7690 33.86 227 Põltsamaa 1926 Jõgeva 3643 4362 4893 5207 5.99 869 Põlva*** 1993 Põlva ... 2993 4817 7038 2.83 2487 Pärnu 1251**** Pärnu 35654 44605 49623 52389 30.71 1706 Püssi** 1993 Ida-Viru 839 820 1869 2532 2.10 1206 Rakvere 1252**** Lääne-Viru 14281 17676 19011 19822 10.64 1863 Rapla** 1993 Rapla 3006 4274 5599 6271 4.64 1352 Räpina** 1993 Põlva 2230 2672 3247 3488 3.73 935 Saue*** 1993 Harju ...... 3293 4395 3.49 1259 Sillamäe 1957 Ida-Viru 8374 13559 16157 20561 10.54 1951 Sindi 1938 Pärnu 3115 4042 4428 4548 5.01 908 Suure-Jaani 1938 Viljandi 1707 1523 1653 1503 2.22 677 Tallinn 1154**** Harju 279853 362536 428537 478974 158.27 3026 Tapa 1926 Lääne-Viru 7877 9797 10851 10439 17.36 601 Tartu 1030**** Tartu 73493 91013 104381 113420 38.80 2923 Tõrva 1927 Valga 2570 2727 3157 3546 4.80 739 Türi 1926 Järva 5598 6335 6626 6862 9.79 701 Valga 1584 Valga 13305 16981 18474 17722 16.54 1071 Viljandi 1283**** Viljandi 18025 20524 22368 23080 14.62 1579 Võhma** 1993 Viljandi 1110 1447 1904 1998 1.93 1035 Võru 1784 Võru 10639 15164 16767 17496 13.24 1321

38 1.6 Järg

1.6 Cont.

Linn*, alev* Linn/alev MaakondAlaline rahvastik Pindala, Tihedus aastast km² (el./km²) Town*, borough* Year of the CountyResident population Area, Density foundation km² (inh./km²) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1989 Alevid Boroughs 1945 Harju 1051 1250 1311 1097 11.97 92 Järvakandi 1945 Rapla 1975 2125 1956 1807 4.83 374 1945 Rapla 2353 2586 3106 3593 3.48 1032 Kohtla-Nõmme*** 1945 Ida-Viru ...... 4.63 ... Lavassaare 1949 Pärnu 651 663 621 537 7.76 69 Märjamaa 1945 Rapla 1778 2409 3068 3294 4.05 813 Pärnu-Jaagupi 1945 Pärnu 1194 1212 1434 1516 6.37 238 1954 Lääne-Viru 1549 2379 2673 2978 3.92 760 1949 Pärnu 1033 1370 1448 1323 1.76 752 Võsu*** 1971 Lääne-Viru ...... 610 707 6.37 111 Vändra 1945 Pärnu 1720 2095 2354 2959 3.28 902

* Linnade ja alevite staatus on toodud seisuga 01.01.1994. * Status of towns and boroughs is taken on January 1, 1994. ** Kuni 1993. aastani alev. ** Up to 1993 a borough. *** Jõhvi kuulus 1960–1991 Kohtla-Järve linna koosseisu; Kohtla-Nõmme kuulus 1959–1991 Kohtla-Järve linna koosseisu; Kohtla-Järve linna elanikkond sisaldab ka Jõhvi ja Kohtla-Nõmme elanikud; Maardu oli kuni 1980. aastani alev; Põlva oli 1961–1993 alev; Saue oli 1973–1993 alev; Võsu on alev alates 1971. aastast. *** Jõhvi was administratively united with Kohtla-Järve in 1960–1991; Kohtla-Nõmme was administratively united with Kohtla-Järve in 1959–1991; The population of Kohtla-Järve includes also the population of Jõhvi and Kohtla-Nõmme; Maardu was a borough up to 1980; Põlva was a borough in 1961–1993; Saue was a borough in 1973–1993; Võsu is a borough since 1971. **** Mainitud linnuse või linnana. **** Mentioned as a castle or a town.

39 1.7 RAHVAARV HALDUSÜKSUSTE JÄRGI, 1970, 1979, 1989 (1994. a. halduspiirides) 1.7 POPULATION BY ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of 1994)

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Kogurahvastik 1356079 1465799 1572916 735239 837677 1565662 731392 834270 Total population Linnarahvastik 882095 1020178 1125975 520946 605029 1118829 517400 601429 Urban population Maarahvastik 473984 445621 446941 214293 232648 446833 213992 232841 Rural population Harjumaa 452421 531866 609123 286743 322380 605415 284699 320716 Linnarahvastik 391815 466441 530248 247568 282680 526648 245558 281090 Urban population Tallinn 362102 429678 482037 224147 257890 478974 222530 256444 Aegviidu* 1562 1300 1110 501 609 1097 496 601 Kehra 3584 4009 4029 1836 2193 4053 1851 2202 Keila 5685 7227 10098 4870 5228 10072 4879 5193 Loksa 3135 3601 4310 2086 2224 4315 2083 2232 Maardu 6915 10030 16096 7926 8170 16052 7926 8126 Paldiski 6907 7364 8200 4144 4056 7690 3719 3971 Saue 1925 3232 4368 2058 2310 4395 2074 2321 Maarahvastik 60606 65425 78875 39175 39700 78767 39141 39626 Rural population 3233 2635 2723 1345 1378 2734 1358 1376 4075 4703 5900 2512 3388 5760 2453 3307 Jõelähtme 4465 4393 4902 2331 2571 4913 2348 2565 Keila 4582 4608 4841 2334 2507 4900 2387 2513 Kernu 1688 1348 1349 604 745 1355 607 748 1328 1379 1696 820 876 1697 824 873 Kose 4721 5293 5962 2836 3126 5724 2681 3043 3630 4128 4698 2369 2329 4727 2376 2351 Kõue 1906 1818 1675 752 923 1677 756 921 Loksa 3094 2676 2771 1378 1393 2784 1388 1396 Nissi 3895 3384 3433 1643 1790 3430 1618 1812 Padise 2037 1841 1826 833 993 1847 844 1003 3898 4006 4137 1936 2201 4163 1954 2209 Rae 4327 5291 6885 3330 3555 6953 3361 3592 Saku 4401 5091 5885 2764 3121 5834 2732 3102 Saue 3812 5234 6432 2960 3472 6450 2961 3489 3206 4281 8449 5879 2570 8575 5976 2599 2308 3316 5311 2549 2762 5244 2517 2727 Hiiumaa 9967 10084 11039 5272 5767 11097 5318 5779 Linnarahvastik 2969 3487 4126 2024 2102 4139 2039 2100 Urban population Kärdla 2969 3487 4126 2024 2102 4139 2039 2100 Maarahvastik 6998 6597 6913 3248 3665 6958 3279 3679 Rural population Emmaste 1434 1321 1413 645 768 1434 660 774 Käina 2108 2014 2333 1100 1233 2326 1092 1234 Kõrgessaare 1742 1597 1455 683 772 1471 692 779 Pühalepa 1714 1665 1712 820 892 1727 835 892

40 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Ida-Virumaa 185344 206329 221264 101942 119322 221111 102227 118884 Linnarahvastik 157369 180466 197171 90588 106583 197180 90940 106240 Urban population Jõhvi ...... Kiviõli 11186 11039 10353 4678 5675 10390 4688 5702 Kohtla-Järve** 70483 74542 77977 36254 41723 78722 36730 41992 Kohtla-Nõmme* ...... Narva 57863 72816 81356 36935 44421 81221 37058 44163 Narva-Jõesuu 3495 4176 4707 2114 2593 3754 1701 2053 Püssi 837 1848 2498 1158 1340 2532 1176 1356 Sillamäe 13505 16045 20280 9449 10831 20561 9587 10974 Maarahvastik 27975 25863 24093 11354 12739 23931 11287 12644 Rural population Alajõe 523 356 354 179 175 293 134 159 3251 3572 3388 1584 1804 3320 1554 1766 2377 2116 1844 891 953 1831 888 943 1879 1800 1591 758 833 1538 740 798 1694 1409 1181 451 730 1168 454 714 Jõhvi 1919 1875 2023 978 1045 2016 976 1040 Kohtla 1926 1634 1859 884 975 1855 884 971 1284 1072 857 406 451 853 403 450 Lüganuse 1904 1711 1453 696 757 1447 694 753 Maidla 1349 1014 921 455 466 928 457 471 Mäetaguse 2143 1976 1914 903 1011 1920 906 1014 Sonda 1993 1903 1643 790 853 1655 795 860 1978 2227 2436 1173 1263 2469 1194 1275 947 813 706 320 386 707 318 389 Vaivara 2808 2385 1923 886 1037 1931 890 1041

Jõgevamaa 41773 42001 42569 19983 22586 42505 19990 22515 Linnarahvastik 10618 12879 14420 6570 7850 14236 6513 7723 Urban population Jõgeva 3862 5630 7169 3189 3980 7035 3148 3887 Mustvee 2227 2099 1990 994 996 1994 992 1002 Põltsamaa 4529 5150 5261 2387 2874 5207 2373 2834 Maarahvastik 31155 29122 28149 13413 14736 28269 13477 14792 Rural population Jõgeva 6115 5972 5770 2741 3029 5714 2706 3008 2057 1796 1752 832 920 1773 846 927 Pala 2119 1746 1484 721 763 1482 721 761 2791 2774 2773 1377 1396 2806 1398 1408 2279 2137 2113 961 1152 2158 991 1167 Põltsamaa 5327 5216 5213 2460 2753 5229 2480 2749 Raja 2058 1843 1622 788 834 1619 783 836 Saare 2063 1823 1741 854 887 1741 845 896 2789 2739 2757 1288 1469 2766 1298 1468 Torma 3557 3076 2924 1391 1533 2981 1409 1572

41 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Järvamaa 41528 42111 43639 20474 23165 43807 20539 23268 Linnarahvastik 14186 16511 17805 8313 9492 17711 8263 9448 Urban population Paide 7911 9872 10977 5148 5829 10849 5091 5758 Türi 6275 6639 6828 3165 3663 6862 3172 3690 Maarahvastik 27342 25600 25834 12161 13673 26096 12276 13820 Rural population Albu 1372 1352 1551 737 814 1575 751 824 2658 2565 2851 1326 1525 2872 1342 1530 Imavere 1161 1052 1013 489 524 1010 493 517 Järva-Jaani 3097 2720 2326 1161 1165 2352 1162 1190 Kabala 1659 1436 1331 613 718 1376 636 740 Kareda 1232 1043 1066 487 579 1102 499 603 3170 2914 2791 1302 1489 2795 1310 1485 Koigi 1609 1628 1434 708 726 1412 683 729 2261 2126 2067 914 1153 2065 916 1149 Oisu 1402 1450 1541 734 807 1582 749 833 Paide 2311 2057 2003 918 1085 2008 920 1088 Roosna-Alliku 1804 1592 1535 713 822 1558 723 835 Türi 2415 2433 2888 1379 1509 2927 1400 1527 Väätsa 1191 1232 1437 680 757 1462 692 770

Läänemaa 32030 32817 33839 15917 17922 33389 15721 17668 Linnarahvastik 13435 15495 17045 7927 9118 16489 7691 8798 Urban population Haapsalu 11483 13456 15176 7056 8120 14617 6822 7795 Lihula 1952 2039 1869 871 998 1872 869 1003 Maarahvastik 18595 17322 16794 7990 8804 16900 8030 8870 Rural population Hanila 2349 2454 2215 1027 1188 2244 1044 1200 Kullamaa 2141 2165 1868 925 943 1858 913 945 Lihula 2257 1781 1471 689 782 1504 707 797 Martna 1681 1361 1300 592 708 1334 602 732 Noarootsi 1321 1035 909 428 481 923 432 491 Nõva 636 503 568 263 305 580 265 315 Oru 1050 873 940 456 484 956 462 494 Ridala 3521 3060 3164 1519 1645 3158 1510 1648 Risti 1266 1084 1033 482 551 1044 493 551 2014 2696 2979 1438 1541 2959 1432 1527 Vormsi 359 310 347 171 176 340 170 170

42 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Lääne-Virumaa 78274 78174 79561 37368 42193 79690 37289 42401 Linnarahvastik 35973 37930 39209 18298 20911 38983 18104 20879 Urban population Kunda 5226 4855 5050 2384 2666 5037 2360 2677 Rakvere 17891 19008 20115 9079 11036 19822 8847 10975 Tamsalu* 2277 2688 2968 1457 1511 2978 1453 1525 Tapa 10037 10747 10345 5076 5269 10439 5148 5291 Võsu* 542 632 731 302 429 707 296 411 Maarahvastik 42301 40244 40352 19070 21282 40707 19185 21522 Rural population Avanduse 1416 1194 1106 536 570 1113 528 585 2627 2742 3067 1438 1629 3079 1441 1638 4980 5046 5689 2698 2991 5712 2712 3000 2674 2085 2155 1040 1115 2156 1039 1117 3021 2542 2464 1168 1296 2466 1162 1304 Rakvere 2534 2552 2620 1270 1350 2649 1281 1368 Rägavere 1450 1180 1066 522 544 1079 533 546 Saksi 1598 1627 1393 659 734 1403 665 738 Sõmeru 3453 3691 3874 1839 2035 3914 1861 2053 Tamsalu 2729 2975 2666 1251 1415 2688 1266 1422 Vihula 2041 1712 1547 734 813 1573 751 822 Vinni 6515 5898 5994 2778 3216 6170 2800 3370 Viru-Nigula 1973 1627 1335 609 726 1354 619 735 Väike-Maarja 5290 5373 5376 2528 2848 5351 2527 2824

Põlvamaa 37296 36148 36016 16934 19082 36238 16947 19291 Linnarahvastik 5726 7967 10461 4905 5556 10526 4862 5664 Urban population Põlva 3080 4836 7144 3358 3786 7038 3310 3728 Räpina 2646 3131 3317 1547 1770 3488 1552 1936 Maarahvastik 31570 28181 25555 12029 13526 25712 12085 13627 Rural population 1506 1396 1312 626 686 1321 629 692 3675 3466 3060 1389 1671 3096 1410 1686 Kõlleste 1665 1303 1214 563 651 1236 574 662 Laheda 1649 1484 1426 697 729 1465 714 751 Mikitamäe 2264 1762 1394 653 741 1432 678 754 2119 1955 1789 839 950 1839 853 986 Orava 1524 1214 1077 490 587 1111 507 604 Põlva 4413 4258 4090 1937 2153 4049 1907 2142 Räpina 3989 3532 3058 1451 1607 3111 1477 1634 Valgjärve 2343 2170 1996 953 1043 2022 965 1057 Vastse-Kuuste 1576 1387 1265 574 691 1293 583 710 2647 2313 2034 971 1063 1955 928 1027 Värska 2200 1941 1840 886 954 1782 860 922

43 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females Pärnumaa 94015 97141 100958 46906 54052 99720 46342 53378 Linnarahvastik 58301 64045 67183 30490 36693 65776 29839 35937 Urban population Kilingi-Nõmme 2387 2535 2509 1137 1372 2504 1138 1366 Lavassaare* 626 608 530 246 284 537 249 288 Pärnu 46562 51254 53885 24537 29348 52389 23827 28562 Pärnu-Jaagupi* 1191 1410 1534 707 827 1516 706 810 Sindi 4014 4384 4457 1913 2544 4548 1950 2598 Tootsi* 1381 1418 1324 579 745 1323 583 740 Vändra* 2140 2436 2944 1371 1573 2959 1386 1573 Maarahvastik 35714 33096 33775 16416 17359 33944 16503 17441 Rural population Are 1438 1475 1415 667 748 1428 672 756 4163 4282 4486 2125 2361 4539 2162 2377 Halinga 2196 2058 2321 1128 1193 2288 1104 1184 Häädemeeste 3693 3424 3381 1642 1739 3317 1603 1714 Kaisma 659 637 630 303 327 648 312 336 Kihnu 771 664 544 240 304 558 253 305 Koonga 1886 1551 1560 755 805 1595 774 821 1364 1916 2480 1249 1231 2473 1246 1227 Saarde 3270 2625 3014 1677 1337 3041 1690 1351 1579 1970 2013 961 1052 2019 969 1050 Surju 1336 1089 991 491 500 989 490 499 Tali 1327 975 935 449 486 943 451 492 Tori 2688 2504 2617 1219 1398 2635 1228 1407 Tõstamaa 2268 1971 1722 810 912 1737 821 916 Uulu 1831 1641 1706 797 909 1747 814 933 Varbla 1728 1431 1242 597 645 1252 599 653 Vändra 3517 2883 2718 1306 1412 2735 1315 1420 Raplamaa 38727 38016 39462 18708 20754 39539 18744 20795 Linnarahvastik 11944 13875 15039 6827 8212 14965 6814 8151 Urban population Järvakandi* 2128 1988 1835 819 1016 1807 801 1006 Kohila* 2908 3098 3557 1612 1945 3593 1627 1966 Märjamaa* 2492 3177 3330 1543 1787 3294 1537 1757 Rapla 4416 5612 6317 2853 3464 6271 2849 3422 Maarahvastik 26783 24141 24423 11881 12542 24574 11930 12644 Rural population 1852 1797 1676 771 905 1682 770 912 1691 1468 1676 826 850 1695 835 860 5016 4563 5109 2547 2562 5194 2597 2597 Kohila 2518 2200 2188 1041 1147 2238 1070 1168 Käru 1252 981 893 436 457 894 439 455 Loodna 1665 1355 1322 646 676 1327 646 681 Märjamaa 4229 3637 3481 1660 1821 3517 1681 1836 Raikküla 2322 2137 1934 910 1024 1950 916 1034 Rapla 3683 3672 3754 1807 1947 3686 1740 1946 Vigala 2555 2331 2390 1237 1153 2391 1236 1155

44 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females Saaremaa 39071 38622 39576 18802 20774 39467 18755 20712 Linnarahvastik 12220 14260 16356 7628 8728 16166 7545 8621 Urban population Kuressaare 12220 14260 16356 7628 8728 16166 7545 8621 Maarahvastik 26851 24362 23220 11174 12046 23301 11210 12091 Rural population Kaarma 1625 1510 1642 767 875 1658 779 879 1688 1526 1310 620 690 1316 625 691 Kuressaare 2006 1982 1953 909 1044 1970 923 1047 Kärla 2345 2325 2320 1292 1028 2311 1285 1026 Laimjala 1082 992 933 426 507 947 441 506 2890 2588 2469 1168 1301 2493 1186 1307 Lümanda 1404 1138 951 457 494 937 441 496 Muhu 2738 2402 2146 1033 1113 2218 1067 1151 Mustjala 1233 1025 1021 525 496 1046 535 511 2280 2388 2403 1130 1273 2273 1063 1210 Pihtla 2057 1676 1535 730 805 1576 744 832 Pöide 1402 1177 1042 456 586 1057 467 590 Ruhnu 177 75 59 33 26 62 35 27 Salme 1331 1265 1287 625 662 1315 634 681 Torgu 776 589 487 225 262 477 219 258 1817 1704 1662 778 884 1645 766 879 Tartumaa 142572 153350 162476 74744 87732 161813 74278 87535 Linnarahvastik 99028 112303 121708 55552 66156 121106 55176 65930 Urban population Elva 6365 6392 6403 2923 3480 6325 2910 3415 Kallaste 1604 1393 1328 622 706 1361 648 713 Tartu 91059 104518 113977 52007 61970 113420 51618 61802 Maarahvastik 43544 41047 40768 19192 21576 40707 19102 21605 Rural population 2000 1668 1614 724 890 1529 685 844 Haaslava 2063 1804 1604 752 852 1611 755 856 2800 2455 2360 1099 1261 2299 1054 1245 Konguta 1740 1500 1379 623 756 1412 634 778 Laeva 1126 936 919 428 491 914 419 495 1885 1793 2206 1022 1184 2218 1023 1195 Meeksi 1401 1120 967 465 502 980 473 507 Mäksa 1946 1819 1758 755 1003 1758 753 1005 Nõo 4223 3907 3717 1730 1987 3645 1679 1966 Peipsiääre 1817 1330 991 478 513 1005 481 524 Piirissaare 308 193 106 49 57 106 49 57 2588 2617 2474 1178 1296 2541 1213 1328 2252 2060 2029 1002 1027 2035 1006 1029 Rõngu 3411 3372 3311 1568 1743 3187 1482 1705 Tartu 5110 5039 4988 2404 2584 5049 2440 2609 Tähtvere 2036 2388 2712 1271 1441 2761 1299 1462 Vara 2386 2117 2061 1002 1059 2108 1023 1085 Võnnu 1563 1378 1286 584 702 1240 554 686 Ülenurme 2889 3551 4286 2058 2228 4309 2080 2229

45 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Valgamaa 45443 45016 42427 19796 22631 41473 19225 22248 Linnarahvastik 21974 24230 24169 10998 13171 23692 10771 12921 Urban population Otepää 2424 2577 2508 1117 1391 2424 1080 1344 Tõrva 2755 3161 3564 1663 1901 3546 1653 1893 Valga 16795 18492 18097 8218 9879 17722 8038 9684 Maarahvastik 23469 20786 18258 8798 9460 17781 8454 9327 Rural population Helme 3754 3491 3046 1602 1444 2972 1547 1425 1354 1147 1061 493 568 1069 499 570 Karula 2237 1637 1417 670 747 1411 666 745 Palupera 1670 1517 1325 639 686 1326 638 688 Puka 2640 2352 2009 924 1085 2041 940 1101 Pühajärve 2394 2469 2227 1122 1105 1843 852 991 Põdrala 1504 1287 1109 519 590 1115 521 594 1971 1780 1679 790 889 1662 783 879 Taheva 1913 1513 1286 616 670 1223 578 645 Tõlliste 2932 2727 2354 1056 1298 2366 1062 1304 Õru 1100 866 745 367 378 753 368 385

Viljandimaa 67821 66953 65778 30551 35227 65222 30217 35005 Linnarahvastik 28928 31389 31925 14488 17437 32028 14476 17552 Urban population Abja-Paluoja 1765 1802 1759 814 945 1737 798 939 Karksi-Nuia 1505 2099 2338 1076 1262 2361 1093 1268 Mõisaküla 1887 1611 1348 595 753 1349 595 754 Suure-Jaani 1610 1627 1508 669 839 1503 665 838 Viljandi 20814 22366 22973 10412 12561 23080 10405 12675 Võhma 1347 1884 1999 922 1077 1998 920 1078 Maarahvastik 38893 35564 33853 16063 17790 33194 15741 17453 Rural population Abja 2868 2042 1635 759 876 1661 776 885 3056 2698 2349 1054 1295 2411 1091 1320 -Jaani 2606 2358 2096 982 1114 2121 989 1132 Kõo 1650 1459 1354 624 730 1369 631 738 Kõpu 1190 1027 900 424 476 885 420 465 1528 1581 1766 847 919 1778 852 926 Paistu 1969 1880 1746 858 888 1734 849 885 Polli 3128 2969 2810 1302 1508 2800 1297 1503 Pärsti 5137 4866 4839 2384 2455 4153 2047 2106 Saarepeedi 1705 1558 1446 716 730 1454 717 737 Suure-Jaani 2995 2817 2617 1263 1354 2485 1193 1292 Tarvastu 6121 5274 4942 2322 2620 4928 2311 2617 Vastemõisa 1211 1121 1138 535 603 1160 550 610 3729 3914 4215 1993 2222 4255 2018 2237

46 1.7 Järg

1.7 Cont.

Maakond, Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population Alaline rahvastik - 1989 linn, alev, vald 1970 1979 1989 Resident population - 1989 County, town, borough, Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised rural municipality Total Males Females Total Males Females

Võrumaa 49797 47171 45189 21099 24090 45176 21101 24075 Linnarahvastik 17609 18900 19110 8770 10340 19184 8809 10375 Urban population Antsla 2211 2001 1705 756 949 1688 748 940 Võru 15398 16899 17405 8014 9391 17496 8061 9435 Maarahvastik 32188 28271 26079 12329 13750 25992 12292 13700 Rural population Antsla 3360 3198 3366 1599 1767 3423 1626 1797 Haanja 2006 1703 1365 648 717 1388 661 727 Lasva 2310 2038 1879 904 975 1897 913 984 Meremäe 3260 2636 2191 1068 1123 2068 979 1089 1762 1391 1071 517 554 1086 521 565 Mõniste 1647 1420 1321 627 694 1328 640 688 Rõuge 3036 2521 2314 1043 1271 2317 1054 1263 Sõmerpalu 2557 2342 2136 1034 1102 2194 1063 1131 Urvaste 2201 1922 1707 789 918 1700 787 913 2207 1735 1484 686 798 1487 691 796 2786 2501 2110 962 1148 2100 968 1132 Võru 5056 4864 5135 2452 2683 5004 2389 2615

* Alev. * Borough. ** Kaasa arvatud Jõhvi linn ja Kohtla-Nõmme alev. ** The data on Kohtla-Järve include data on Jõhvi and Kohtla-Nõmme.

47 1.8 FAKTILISE JA ALALISE RAHVAARVU MUUTUMINE, 1940–1994 (Eesti rahvastik ja Tallinna elanikkond vastava aasta halduspiirides) 1.8 CHANGES IN ACTUAL AND RESIDENT POPULATION, 1940–1994 (population of Estonia and Tallinn within the administrative borders of the given year)

Rea Kogurahvastik Linnarahvastik nr. Total population Urban population Juurdekasv, Aasta Aasta Juurdekasv, Aasta Aasta vähene- keskmine keskmise vähene- keskmine keskmise mine (-) juurdekasv, juurdekas- mine (-) juurdekasv, juurdekas- Periood, perioodi vähene- vu, vähe- perioodi vähene- vu, vähe- sugu jooksul mine (-) nemise (-) jooksul mine (-) nemise (-) (tuh. in.) tempo (%) (tuh. in.) tempo (%) Increase, Average Average Increase, Average Average decrease (-) increase, growth, decrease (-) increase, growth, per decrease (-) decrease (-) per decrease (-) decrease (-) Row period per year rate per period per year rate per No. (th. pers.) year, % (th. pers.) year, %

Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population

1 01.01.1940–15.01.1959 142391 7.5 0.67 321415 16.9 3.46

2 15.01.1959–15.01.1970 159288 14.5 1.15 205653 18.7 2.45 3 Mehed 95105 8.7 1.55 106228 9.7 2.81 4 Naised 64183 5.8 0.85 99425 9.0 2.15

5 15.01.1970–17.01.1979 109720 12.2 0.87 141090 15.7 1.66 6 Mehed 56838 6.3 1.00 67161 7.5 1.75 7 Naised 52882 5.9 0.80 73929 8.2 1.60

8 17.01.1979–12.01.1989 107117 10.7 0.71 103717 10.4 0.97 9 Mehed 58206 5.8 0.85 51649 5.2 1.05 10 Naised 48911 4.9 0.60 52068 5.2 0.90

Alaline rahvastik — Resident population

11 15.01.1959–15.01.1970 163185 14.8 1.18 205212 18.7 2.45 12 Mehed 96809 8.8 1.55 105342 9.6 2.80 13 Naised 66376 6.0 0.85 99870 9.1 2.15

14 15.01.1970–17.01.1979 109863 12.2 0.87 140216 15.6 1.66 15 Mehed 57347 6.4 1.00 67200 7.5 1.75 16 Naised 52516 5.8 0.80 73016 8.1 1.60

17 17.01.1979–12.01.1989 101186 10.1 0.67 102003 10.2 0.96 18 Mehed 54118 5.4 0.75 49510 5.0 1.00 19 Naised 47068 4.7 0.55 52493 5.2 0.90

20 12.01.1989–01.01.1994 -58735 -11.7 -0.76 -60015 12.0 -1.10 21 Mehed -27784 -5.5 -0.77 -29672 -5.9 -1.17 22 Naised -30951 -6.2 -0.75 -30343 -6.1 -1.03

48 1.8 Järg

1.8 Cont.

Maarahvastik Tallinn Rea Rural population nr. Juurdekasv, Aasta Aasta Juurdekasv, Aasta Aasta vähene- keskmine keskmise vähene- keskmine keskmise mine (-) juurdekasv, juurdekas- mine (-) juurdekasv, juurdekas- perioodi vähene- vu, vähe- perioodi vähene- vu, vähe- Period, jooksul mine (-) nemise (-) jooksul mine (-) nemise (-) sex (tuh. in.) tempo (%) (tuh. in.) tempo (%) Increase, Average Average Increase, Average Average decrease (-) increase, growth, decrease (-) increase, growth, per decrease (-) decrease (-) per decrease (-) decrease (-) period per year rate per period per year rate per Row (th. pers.) year, % (th. pers.) year, % No.

Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population

-179024 -9.4 -1.54 122103 6.4 3.04 01.01.1940–15.01.1959 1

-46365 -4.2 -0.85 80992 7.4 2.32 15.01.1959–15.01.1970 2 -11123 -1.0 -0.45 41988 3.8 2.52 Males 3 -35242 -3.2 -1.21 39004 3.6 2.00 Females 4

-31370 -3.5 -0.76 67021 7.4 1.90 15.01.1970–17.01.1979 5 -10323 -1.2 -0.55 30948 3.4 1.95 Males 6 -21047 -2.3 -0.95 36073 4.0 1.90 Females 7

3400 0.3 0.05 52310 5.2 1.15 17.01.1979–12.01.1989 8 6557 0.6 0.30 28080 2.8 1.35 Males 9 -3157 -0.3 -0.15 24230 2.4 1.00 Females 10

Alaline rahvastik — Resident population

-42027 -3.8 -0.75 82683 7.5 2.38 15.01.1959–15.01.1970 11 -8533 -0.8 -0.35 42442 3.9 2.74 Males 12 -33494 -3.0 -1.10 40241 3.6 2.10 Females 13

-30353 -3.4 -0.72 66001 7.3 1.88 15.01.1970–17.01.1979 14 -9853 -1.1 -0.50 31080 3.4 1.95 Males 15 -20500 -2.3 -0.90 34921 3.9 1.85 Females 16

-817 -0.1 -0.02 50437 5.0 1.12 17.01.1979–12.01.1989 17 4608 0.4 0.20 25981 2.6 1.25 Males 18 -5425 -0.5 -0.25 24456 2.4 1.00 Females 19

1280 0.3 0.06 -36295 -7.3 -1.56 12.01.1989–01.01.1994 20 1888 0.4 0.18 -18207 -3.7 -1.69 Males 21 -608 -0.1 0.05 -18088 -3.6 -1.45 Females 22

49 1.9 MAAKONDADE RÜHMITUS RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (faktiline ja alaline rahvastik vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.9 GROUPING OF COUNTIES BY POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (actual and resident population within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea nr. Rühma suurus Maakondade arv Maakondade arv, % üldarvust (elanike arv) Size of group Number of counties Number of counties, Row (number of share in total number, % No. inhabitants) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989

Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population

1 Maakonnad kokku 24 15 15 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Counties, total sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 – 10 000 - 1 - - - 6.7 - - 3 10 001 – 20 000 6 - 1 1 25.0 - 6.7 6.7 4 20 001 – 30 000 711129. 5 30 001 – 40 000 544420.826.626.626.6 6 40 001 – 50 000 656625.033.340.039.9 7 50 001 – 60 000 - 1 - - - 6.7 - - 8 60 001 – 70 000 - 1 1 1 - 6.7 6.7 6.7 9 70 001 – 100 000 - 2 2 1 - 13.3 13.3 6.7 10 100 001+ - - - 1 - - - 6.7

Alaline rahvastik — Resident population

1 Maakonnad kokku 24 15 15 15 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Counties, total sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2– 10 000------3 10 001 – 20 000 611125. 4 20 001 – 30 000 811133. 5 30 001 – 40 000 444416.726.626.626.6 6 40 001 – 50 000 656625.033.340.039.9 7 50 001 – 60 000 - 1 - - - 6.7 - - 8 60 001 – 70 000 - 1 1 1 - 6.7 6.7 6.7 9 70 001 – 100 000 - 2 2 1 - 13.3 13.3 6.7 10 100 001+ - - - 1 - - - 6.7

50 1.9 Järg

1.9 Cont.

Rea Rahvaarv (inimesi tuhandetes) Rahvaarv, % üldarvust nr.

Population Population, (persons, in thousands) share in total number, % Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

Faktiline rahvastik — Actual population

686.6 688.4 682.3 700.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1

- 10.0 - - - 1.5 - - 2 90.2 - 10.1 11.0 13.1 - 1.5 1.6 3 170.7 27.9 25.9 24.1 24.9 4.0 3.8 3.4 4 164.2 146.9 145.5 148.9 23.9 21.3 21.3 21.2 5 261.5 222.7 266.7 264.9 38.1 32.3 39.1 37.8 6 - 51.9 - - - 7.5 - - 7 - 68.1 67.0 65.8 - 10.0 9.8 9.4 8 - 160.9 167.1 79.6 - 23.4 24.5 11.4 9 - - - 106.6 - - - 15.2 10

Alaline rahvastik — Resident population

684.3 689.5 684.7 698.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1

------2 89.8 10.0 10.2 11.1 13.1 1.5 1.5 1.6 3 199.7 28.3 26.2 23.9 29.2 4.1 3.8 3.4 4 133.8 145.7 145.7 148.6 19.6 21.1 21.3 21.3 5 261.0 224.1 267.7 264.2 38.1 32.5 39.1 37.8 6 - 51.9 - - - 7.5 - - 7 - 68.3 67.4 65.2 - 9.9 9.8 9.3 8 - 161.2 167.5 79.7 - 23.4 24.5 11.4 9 - - - 106.0 - - - 15.2 10

51 1.10 LINNADE JA ALEVITE RÜHMITUS FAKTILISE RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.10 GROUPING OF TOWNS AND BOROUGHS BY ACTUAL POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea nr. Rühma suurus Linnaliste asulate arv Linnaliste asulate arv, (elanike arv tuhandetes) % üldarvust Size of group Number of urban settlements Number of urban settlements, (number of inhabitants share in total number, % Row in thousands) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

1 Linnalised asulad kokku 59 57 59 56 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total urban settlements sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 31 28 24 21 52.4 49.1 40.7 37.5 less than 3 3 3–4.9 9 8 13 10 15.3 14.0 21.9 17.9 4 5–9.9 777811.912.311.914.3 5 10–19.9 789911.914.015.315.9 6 20–49.9 3213 7 50–99.9 1333 8 100–249.9 - - 1 1 - - 1.7 1.8 9 250 ja enam 1111 250 and over 1 Linnad 35 33 33 33 59.3 57.9 55.9 58.9 Towns sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 11 10 8 7 18.5 17.5 13.6 12.5 less than 3 3 3–4.9 635310. 4 5–9.9 666610.210.510.210.7 5 10–19.9 788911.914.013.615.9 6 20–49.9 3213 7 50–99.9 1333 8 100–249.9 - - 1 1 - - 1.7 1.8 9 250 ja enam 1111 250 and over 1 Alevid 24 24 26 23 40.7 42.1 44.1 41.1 Boroughs sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 20 18 16 14 33.9 31.6 27.1 25.0 less than 3 3 3–4.9 3587 5.18.713.612.5 4 5–9.9 1112 5 10–19.9 - - 1 - - - 1.7 -

52 1.10 Järg

1.10 Cont.

Rea Rahvaarv (tuhandetes) Rahvaarv, nr. % üldarvust Population (in thousands) Population, share in total number, % 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 Row No.

675.5 881.2 1022.3 1126.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1

54.8 51.4 40.4 37.7 8.1 5.8 4.0 3.3 2

32.3 29.8 50.2 39.8 4.8 3.4 4.9 3.6 3 51.1 45.2 48.4 52.4 7.6 5.1 4.7 4.7 4 88.4 108.4 129.9 124.9 13.1 12.3 12.7 11.1 5 92.9 67.1 22.4 63.4 13.7 7.6 2.2 5.6 6 74.3 216.6 196.8 211.8 11.0 24.6 19.3 18.8 7 - - 104.5 114.0 - - 10.2 10.1 8 281.7 362.7 429.7 482.0 41.7 41.2 42.0 42.8 9

628.4 826.3 951.8 1060.1 93.0 93.8 93.1 94.1 1

23.4 21.1 14.8 12.9 3.5 2.4 1.5 1.1 2

21.7 12.1 20.9 12.2 3.2 1.4 2.0 1.1 3 46.0 38.3 42.8 38.9 6.8 4.3 4.2 3.5 4 88.4 108.4 119.9 124.9 13.1 12.3 11.7 11.1 5 92.9 67.1 22.4 63.4 13.7 7.6 2.2 5.6 6 74.3 216.6 196.8 211.8 11.0 24.6 19.3 18.8 7 - - 104.5 114.0 - - 10.2 10.1 8 281.7 362.7 429.7 482.0 41.7 41.2 42.0 42.8 9

47.1 54.9 70.5 65.9 7.0 6.2 6.9 5.9 1

31.4 30.3 25.6 24.8 4.6 3.4 2.5 2.2 2

10.6 17.7 29.3 27.6 1.6 2.0 2.9 2.5 3 5.1 6.9 5.6 13.5 0.8 0.8 0.5 1.2 4 - - 10.0 - - - 1.0 - 5

53 1.11 LINNADE JA ALEVITE RÜHMITUS ALALISE RAHVAARVU JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (vastava loendusaasta halduspiirides) 1.11 GROUPING OF TOWNS AND BOROUGHS BY RESIDENT POPULATION, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (within the administrative borders of the census year)

Rea nr. Rühma suurus Linnaliste asulate arv Linnaliste asulate arv (elanike arv tuhandetes) % üldarvust Size of group Number of urban settlements Number of urban settlements, (number of inhabitants share in total number, % Row in thousands) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

1 Linnalised asulad kokku 59 57 59 56 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total urban settlements sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 31 27 24 21 52.4 47.4 40.7 37.5 less than 3 3 3–4.9 9 9 13 10 15.3 15.8 21.9 17.9 4 5–9.9 788811.914.013.614.3 5 10–19.9 7 7 8 10 11.9 12.3 13.6 17.9 6 20–49.9 32225. 7 50–99.9 13231. 8 100–249.9 - - 1 1 - - 1.7 1.7 9 250 ja enam 11111. 250 and over 1 Linnad 35 33 33 33 59.3 57.9 55.9 58.9 Towns sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 1198718.515.813.612.5 less than 3 3 3–4.9 645310. 4 5–9.9 676610.212.310.210.7 5 10–19.9 7 7 8 10 11.9 12.3 13.6 17.9 6 20–49.9 32225. 7 50–99.9 13231. 8 100–249.9 - - 1 1 - - 1.7 1.7 9 250 ja enam 11111. 250 and over 1 Alevid 24 24 26 23 40.7 42.1 44.1 41.1 Boroughs sh. elanike arvuga: of which with number of inhabitants: 2 vähem kui 3 20 18 16 14 33.9 31.6 27.1 25.0 less than 3 3 3–4.9 35875.18.813.612.5 4 5–9.9 11221. 5 10–19.9 ------

54 1.11 Järg

1.11 Cont.

Rea Rahvaarv (tuhandetes) Rahvaarv, % üldarvust nr. Population (in thousands) Population, share in total number, %

1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 Row No.

671.4 876.6 1016.8 1118.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1

54.2 48.1 39.9 37.6 8.1 5.5 3.9 3.4 2

32.3 32.0 48.8 39.1 4.8 3.6 4.8 3.5 3 50.7 54.9 58.1 51.5 7.6 6.3 5.7 4.6 4 88.2 97.7 119.6 143.6 13.1 11.1 11.8 12.8 5 92.6 65.1 72.0 43.7 13.8 7.4 7.1 3.9 6 73.5 216.3 145.5 210.9 10.9 24.7 14.3 18.9 7 - - 104.4 113.4 - - 10.3 10.1 8 279.9 362.5 428.5 479.0 41.7 41.4 42.1 42.8 9

624.7 822.5 947.7 1053.8 93.0 93.8 93.2 94.2 1

23.3 17.9 14.5 12.8 3.5 2.0 1.4 1.2 2

21.7 15.0 20.7 12.2 3.2 1.7 2.0 1.1 3 45.5 48.0 42.5 38.2 6.8 5.5 4.2 3.4 4 88.2 97.7 119.6 143.6 13.1 11.1 11.8 12.8 5 92.6 65.1 72.0 43.7 13.8 7.4 7.1 3.9 6 73.5 216.3 145.5 210.9 10.9 24.7 14.3 18.9 7 - - 104.4 113.4 - - 10.3 10.1 8 279.9 362.5 428.5 479.0 41.7 41.4 42.1 42.8 9

46.7 54.1 69.1 65.0 7.0 6.2 6.8 5.8 1

30.9 30.2 25.4 24.8 4.6 3.5 2.5 2.2 2

10.6 17.0 28.1 26.9 1.6 1.9 2.8 2.4 3 5.2 6.9 15.6 13.3 0.8 0.8 1.5 1.2 4 ------5

55 2.1 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 2.1 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogurahvastik Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

1 Koguarv Total 1196791 1356079 1464476 1565662 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonian 892653 925157 947812 963281 3 venelased Russian 240227 334620 408778 474834 4 ukrainlased Ukrainian 15769 28086 36044 48271 5 valgevenelased Belorussian 10930 18732 23461 27711 6 soomlased Finnish 16699 18537 17753 16622 7 juudid Jewish 5433 5282 4954 4613 8 tatarlased Tatar 1534 2204 3195 4058 9 sakslased German 670 7850 3944 3466 10 lätlased Latvian 2888 3286 3963 3135 11 poolakad Polish 2256 2651 2897 3008 12 leedulased Lithuanian 1616 2356 2379 2568 13 armeenlased Armenian 648 604 845 1669 14 aserbaidžaanlased Azerbaijani 422 264 543 1238 15 moldovlased Moldovan 229 451 738 1215 16 tšuvašid Chuvash 312 602 804 1178 17 mordvalased Mordvin 391 532 723 985 18 karjalased Karelian 295 671 773 881 19 mustlased Gypsy 366 438 529 665 20 grusiinid Georgian 433 422 450 606 21 usbekid Uzbek 465 224 397 595 22 kasahhid Kazakh 141 195 226 424 23 udmurdid Udmurt 167 236 309 413 24 baškiirid Bashkir 85 126 332 371 25 marid Mari 56 120 191 359 26 ingerlased Ingrian 366 181 228 306 27 rootslased Swedish ... 435 254 297 28 bulgaarlased Bulgarian 98 163 190 262 29 ungarlased Hungarian 30 111 191 241 30 korealased Korean 40 96 103 202 31 osseedid Ossetian 122 113 161 201 32 komid Komi 88 130 139 196 33 kreeklased Greek 72 114 104 182 34 lesgid Lezgi 30 52 67 178 35 tadžikid Tajik 207 45 52 113 36 turkmeenid Turkmen 7 149 66 106 37 rumeenlased Romanian 26 32 47 88 38 kirgiisid Kyrgyz 21 49 46 81 39 gagauusid Gagauz 7274169 40 avaarid Avar 19 16 28 69 41 burjaadid Buryat 16 15 27 53 42 kabardiinid Kabardian 13 17 22 47 43 tšetšeenid Chechen 34 11 38 45 44 dargid Dargwa 3 6 27 45 45 lakid Lakk 4 3 16 43 46 permikomid Komi-Permyak 12 20 29 38 47 tšehhid Czech 28 42 39 37 48 vepslased Vepsian 20 31 23 37

56 2.1 Järg 2.1 Cont.

Rea Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik nr. Urban population Rural population Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

675515 881168 1016826 1118829 521276 474911 447650 446833 1

418265 506418 555943 572547 474388 418739 391869 390734 2 207785 298774 370309 436708 32442 35846 38469 38126 3 13700 24568 31723 42325 2069 3518 4321 5946 4 9833 17014 21620 25441 1097 1718 1841 2270 5 8583 11082 11424 11233 8116 7455 6329 5389 6 5297 5158 4883 4546 136 124 71 67 7 1348 2025 2925 3749 186 179 270 309 8 504 3531 2528 2527 166 4319 1416 939 9 2107 2539 2971 2586 781 747 992 549 10 1843 2276 2496 2630 413 375 401 378 11 1250 1922 1967 2177 366 434 412 391 12 610 524 797 1572 38 80 48 97 13 412 204 472 1111 10 60 71 127 14 178 368 651 1064 51 83 87 151 15 244 517 718 1017 68 85 86 161 16 344 470 662 865 47 62 61 120 17 257 561 681 759 38 110 92 122 18 245 310 415 574 121 128 114 91 19 417 338 395 561 16 84 55 45 20 429 180 314 476 36 44 83 119 21 123 151 185 386 18 44 41 38 22 144 214 275 373 23 22 34 40 23 66 97 290 332 19 29 42 39 24 45 103 166 315 11 17 25 44 25 234 171 201 246 132 10 27 60 26 … 242 117 168 ... 193 137 129 27 95 132 170 243 3 31 20 19 28 27 103 164 181 3 8 27 60 29 38 92 97 182 2 4 6 20 30 113 93 144 183 9 20 17 18 31 73 115 127 171 15 15 12 25 32 69 103 95 166 3 11 9 16 33 29 35 61 166 1 17 6 12 34 178 30 41 95 29 15 11 18 35 7 85 52 73 - 64 14 33 36 18 19 33 73 8 13 14 15 37 14 47 34 71 7 2 12 10 38 422416435- 539 14 16 28 63 5 - - 6 40 31222451335 841 13 11 17 43 - 6 5 4 42 338273213111343 2 4 26 42 1 2 1 3 44 4 3 14 40 - - 2 3 45 9142636363 246 23 34 35 29 5 8 4 8 47 20 28 19 34 - 3 4 3 48

57 2.1 Järg 2.1 Cont.

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogurahvastik Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

49 jakuudid Yakut 1142036 50 kumõkid Kumyk 8 2 20 32 51 kalmõkid Kalmyk 9 9 14 28 52 abhaasid Abkhaz 15 148 7 25 53 türklased Turkish 6232223 54 karatšaid Karachay 5151123 55 taatlased Tati 3 2 27 22 56 tšerkessid Circassian 6151721 57 ingušid Ingush 1 5 13 19 58 adõgeelased Adyghian 58416 59 serblased Serbian 9181614 60 hakassid Khakass 48514 61 altailased Altai 61514 62 kurdid Kurdish 3-213 63 uiguurid Uighur 13 29 6 12 64 krimmitatarlased Crimean Tatar 11412 65 araablased Arab - 8 15 11 66 mägijuudid Mountain Jewish 23211 67 neenetsid Nenets --211 68 hollandlased Dutch ... 17 22 10 69 nogailased Nogay -4810 70 hispaanlased Spanish 68710 71 prantslased French 13 14 5 10 72 tabassaraanid Tabasaran -3410 73 hiinlased Chinese 61788 74 balkaarid Balkar 20 34 1 8 75 assüürlased Assyrian 1418 76 abasiinid Abaza 43136 77 nanaid Nanai --76 78 austerlased Austrian ... 5 9 5 79 karaiimid Karaim 20 14 7 5 80 karakalpakid Karakalpak -655 81 pärslased Persian -455 82 laplased Lapp -115 83 handid Khanty 1-15 84 šoorid Shor 21114 85 inglased English 81534 86 tuvalased Tuvinian -324 87 eveenid Even -124 88 slovakid Slovak 2-24 89 ameeriklased American 1314 90 tsahurid Tsakhur ---4 91 taanlased Danish ... 15 6 3 92 itaallased Italian 9533 93 Kesk-Aasia juudid Central Asian Jewish --33 94 horvaadid Croatian ... 6 2 3 95 kuubalased Cuban ... - 1 3 96 itelmeenid Itelmen --13 97 Gruusia juudid Georgian Jewish ---3

58 2.1 Järg 2.1 Cont.

Rea Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik nr. Urban population Rural population Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

1141732--3 449 5 2 18 26 3 - 2 6 50 8 8 14 26 1 1 - 2 51 15 75 6 24 - 73 1 1 52 6 9 13 20 - 14 9 3 53 31510212-1 254 3 1 26 19 - 1 1 3 55 6121620-31 156 13718-26157 56315-21158 8151512131 259 37413111160 3 1 5 13 3 - - 1 61 3-113--1-62 13 16 5 12 - 13 1 - 63 11 -12--4-64 - 8 12 11 - - 3 - 65 2 3 1 11 - - 1 - 66 - - 2 7 --- 467 ... 15 14 10 ... 2 8 - 68 -4710--1-69 68710----70 13 14 5 9 - - - 1 71 --49 -3-172 5158812--73 8 22 1 8 12 12 - - 74 1416 ---275 4 3136 --- -76 - - 7 6 --- -77 ... 4 5 5 ... 1 4 - 78 20 14 7 5 - - - - 79 -554 -1-180 -455 ----81 -111 ---482 --14 1--183 21103 --1184 71323121185 -124 -2--86 -124 ----87 2 - 2 3 --- 188 12 -4 -11-89 ------490 ... 14 4 1 ... 1 2 2 91 9423 -11-92 - - 3 3 --- -93 ... 6 2 3 ... - - - 94 ... - 1 3 ... - - - 95 - - 1 3 --- -96 ---3 ----97

59 2.1 Järg 2.1 Cont.

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogurahvastik Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

98 šveitslased Swiss ... 4 2 2 99 indialased ja Indian and pakistanlased Pakistani -1012 100 vietnamlased Vietnamese --12 101 guatemaallased Guatemalan ... 2 - 2 102 angoollased Angolan ... - - 2 103 rongaod Rongao ... - - 2 104 Krimmi juudid Crimean Jewish 1371 105 halhamongolid Khalkha-Mongol 13331 106 mansid Mansi -131 107 orotšid Oroch --31 108 guinealased Guinean ... - 2 1 109 albaanlased Albanian -111 110 liivlased Livonian 11 -1 111 nganassaanid Nganasan ... 1 - 1 112 brasiillased Brazilian ... 1 - 1 113 valloonid Walloon ... 1 - 1 114 eskimod Eskimo ---1 115 ketid Ket ---1 116 kreoolid Creole ... - - 1 117 mosambiiklased Mozambican ... - - 1 118 nigeerlased Nigerian ... - - 1 119 norralased Norwegian ... - - 1 120 sölkupid Selkup ---1 121 rutulid Rutul ---1 122 tšiillased Chilean ... - - 1 123 korjakid Koryak 4-12- 124 evengid Evenk --7- 125 malagassid Malagasy ... - 3 - 126 makedoonlased Macedonian ... 5 1 - 127 flaamid Flemings ... 2 1 - 128 tunganid Dungan 211 - 129 indoneeslased Indonesian ... 1 1 - 130 afgaanid Afghan --1- 131 agulid Agul --1- 132 bantud Bantu ... - 1 - 133 berberid Berber ... - 1 - 134 bosnialased Bosnian ... - 1 - 135 oromod Oromo ... - 1 - 136 namiiblased Namibian ... - 1 - 137 peruulased Peruvian ... - 1 - 138 tšuktšid Chukchi --1- 139 dolgaanid Dolgan -1 - - 140 negidalid Negidal ... 1 - - 141 krõzid Kryz 1--- 142 nivhid Nivkh 1--- 143 muud Others 634 - - - 144 teadmata Unknown 814877 145 Kokku rahvusi Nationalities, total ... 103 119 121

60 2.1 Järg 2.1 Cont.

Rea Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik nr. Urban population Rural population Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

... 2 2 2 ... 2 - - 98 99 -1012------1 2 --- -100 ... 2 - 2 ... - - - 101 ... - - 2 ... - - - 102 ... - - 2 ... - - - 103 1371 ----104 1931 -24--105 -131 ----106 - - 3 1 --- -107 ... - 2 1 ... - - - 108 -111 ----109 1 1 - 1 --- -110 ... 1 - 1 ... - - - 111 ... 1 - 1 ... - - - 112 ... 1 - 1 ... - - - 113 ---1 ----114 ---1 ----115 ... - - 1 ... - - - 116 ... - - 1 ... - - - 117 ... - - 1 ... - - - 118 ... - - 1 ... - - - 119 ---1 ----120 ---1 ----121 ... - - 1 ... - - - 122 2 - 12 - 2 - - - 123 --6- --1-124 ... - 3 - ... - - - 125 ... 5 1 - ... - - - 126 ... 1 1 - ... 1 - - 127 211 - ----128 ... 1 1 - ... - - - 129 - - 1 - --- -130 - - 1 - --- -131 ... - 1 - ... - - - 132 ... - 1 - ... - - - 133 ... - 1 - ... - - - 134 ... - - - ... - 1 - 135 ... - 1 - ... - - - 136 ... - 1 - ... - - - 137 - - 1 - --- -138 ---- -1--139 ... - - - ... 1 - - 140 1------141 1------142 291 - - - 343 - - - 143 2 14 72 7 6 - 15 - 144 ... 100 116 120 ... 71 71 72 145

61 2.2 MEESSOOST RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanike arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) 2.2 MALE POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and more inhabitants in Estonia)

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogurahvastik Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

1 Koguarv Total 525090 620195 677274 731392 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonian 388991 412516 429644 444048 3 venelased Russian 104387 157108 191743 222483 4 ukrainlased Ukrainian 8504 17273 20601 26100 5 valgevenelased Belorussian 5699 9691 11924 13701 6 soomlased Finnish 6349 7440 7092 6722 7 juudid Jewish 2551 2657 2485 2355 8 tatarlased Tatar 842 1168 1798 2074 9 sakslased German 309 3753 1871 1626 10 lätlased Latvian 1399 1635 1915 1494 11 poolakad Polish 983 1216 1322 1357 12 leedulased Lithuanian 1000 1346 1265 1354 13 armeenlased Armenian 506 404 542 1007 14 aserbaidžaanlased Azerbaijani 406 235 450 864 15 moldovlased Moldovan 166 319 499 756 16 tšuvašid Chuvash 199 367 483 621 17 mordvalased Mordvin 206 279 370 487 18 karjalased Karelian 109 273 297 345 19 mustlased Gypsy 163 201 242 308 20 grusiinid Georgian 375 327 319 390 21 usbekid Uzbek 454 194 327 491 22 kasahhid Kazakh 121 169 168 312 23 udmurdid Udmurt 86 123 166 208 24 baškiirid Bashkir 57 87 266 214 25 marid Mari 41 74 99 172 26 ingerlased Ingrian 103 39 58 81 27 rootslased Swedish ... 214 135 149 28 bulgaarlased Bulgarian 55 99 106 131 29 ungarlased Hungarian 17 72 125 144 30 korealased Korean 26 52 57 99 31 osseedid Ossetian 91 81 100 113 32 komid Komi 46 68 60 85 33 kreeklased Greek 30 57 49 84 34 lesgid Lezgi 29 41 54 122 35 tadžikid Tajik 198 34 45 85 36 turkmeenid Turkmen 7855383 37 rumeenlased Romanian 15 18 31 55 38 kirgiisid Kyrgyz 20 47 36 63 39 gagauusid Gagauz 3192642 40 avaarid Avar 16 14 23 53 41 burjaadid Buryat 1491532 42 muud rahvused others 513 384 372 479 43 märkimata not indicated 47413

62 2.2 Järg

2.2 Cont.

Rea Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik nr. Urban population Rural population Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

295908 402136 467890 517400 229182 218059 209384 213992 1

180765 223232 248088 258079 208226 189284 181556 185969 2 89906 138614 172498 203399 14481 18494 19245 19084 3 7342 14833 18147 22892 1162 2440 2454 3208 4 5103 8750 10962 12559 596 941 962 1142 5 3308 4499 4454 4417 3041 2941 2638 2305 6 2491 2571 2447 2318 60 86 38 37 7 711 1040 1612 1910 131 128 186 164 8 230 1662 1192 1182 79 2091 679 444 9 1052 1303 1457 1233 347 332 458 261 10 794 1031 1132 1187 189 185 190 170 11 766 1088 1050 1140 234 258 215 214 12 480 343 513 940 26 61 29 67 13 399 180 403 784 7 55 47 80 14 122 269 442 669 44 50 57 87 15 162 318 442 556 37 49 41 65 16 183 245 341 431 23 34 29 56 17 95 224 266 288 14 49 31 57 18 107 142 188 262 56 59 54 46 19 366 254 272 363 9 73 47 27 20 421 154 257 378 33 40 70 113 21 107 133 132 288 14 36 36 24 22 65 107 144 186 21 16 22 22 23 41 69 227 190 16 18 39 24 24 32 68 88 154 9 6 11 18 25 62 34 48 61 41 5 10 20 26 ... 110 59 77 ... 104 76 72 27 52 76 94 122 3 23 12 9 28 15 64 107 102 2 8 18 42 29 25495391134830 85 65 88 102 6 16 12 11 31 40625779663632 29514481165333 28 30 51 113 1 11 3 9 34 170 23 37 68 28 11 8 17 35 7 48 41 54 - 37 12 29 36 12 12 24 44 3 6 7 11 37 14 45 25 54 6 2 11 9 38 11626392 3 - 339 11 14 23 50 5 - - 3 40 1812271313541 307 293 316 428 206 91 56 51 42 1 7 31 3 3 - 10 - 43

63 2.3 NAISSOOST RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanikega arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) 2.3 FEMALE POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and over inhabitants in Estonia)

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogurahvastik Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

1 Koguarv Total 671701 735884 787202 834270 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonian 503662 512641 518168 519233 3 venelased Russian 135840 177512 217035 252351 4 ukrainlased Ukrainian 7265 10813 15443 22171 5 valgevenelased Belorussian 5231 9041 11537 14010 6 soomlased Finnish 10350 11097 10661 9900 7 juudid Jewish 2882 2625 2469 2258 8 tatarlased Tatar 692 1036 1397 1984 9 sakslased German 361 4097 2073 1840 10 lätlased Latvian 1489 1651 2048 1641 11 poolakad Polish 1273 1435 1575 1651 12 leedulased Lithuanian 616 1010 1114 1214 13 armeenlased Armenian 142 200 303 662 14 aserbaidžaanlased Azerbaijani 16 29 93 374 15 moldovlased Moldovan 63 132 239 459 16 tšuvašid Chuvash 113 235 321 557 17 mordvalased Mordvin 185 253 353 498 18 karjalased Karelian 186 398 476 536 19 mustlased Gypsy 203 237 287 357 20 grusiinid Georgian 58 95 131 216 21 usbekid Uzbek 11 30 70 104 22 kasahhid Kazakh 20 26 58 112 23 udmurdid Udmurt 81 113 143 205 24 baškiirid Bashkir 28 39 66 157 25 marid Mari 15 46 92 187 26 ingerlased Ingrian 263 142 170 225 27 rootslased Swedish ... 221 119 148 28 bulgaarlased Bulgarian 43 64 84 131 29 ungarlased Hungarian 13 39 66 97 30 korealased Korean 14 44 46 103 31 osseedid Ossetian 31 32 61 88 32 komid Komi 42 62 79 111 33 kreeklased Greek 42 57 55 98 34 lesgid Lezgi 1111356 35 tadžikid Tajik 911728 36 turkmeenid Turkmen -641323 37 rumeenlased Romanian 11 14 16 33 38 kirgiisid Kyrgyz 1 2 10 18 39 gagauusid Gagauz 4 8 15 27 40 avaarid Avar 32516 41 burjaadid Buryat 2 6 12 21 42 muud rahvused others 436 307 233 366 43 märkimata not indicated 47464

64 2.3 Järg

2.3 Cont.

Rea Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik nr. Urban population Rural population Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

379607 479032 548936 601429 292094 256852 238266 232841 1

237500 283186 307855 314468 266162 229455 210313 204765 2 117879 160160 197811 233309 17961 17352 19224 19042 3 6358 9735 13576 19433 907 1078 1867 2738 4 4730 8264 10658 12882 501 777 879 1128 5 5275 6583 6970 6816 5075 4514 3691 3084 6 2806 2587 2436 2228 76 38 33 30 7 637 985 1313 1839 55 51 84 145 8 274 1869 1336 1345 87 2228 737 495 9 1055 1236 1514 1353 434 415 534 288 10 1049 1245 1364 1443 224 190 211 208 11 484 834 917 1037 132 176 197 177 12 130 181 284 632 12 19 19 30 13 13 24 69 327 3 5 24 47 14 56 99 209 395 7 33 30 64 15 82 199 276 461 31 36 45 96 16 161 225 321 434 24 28 32 64 17 162 337 415 471 24 61 61 65 18 138 168 227 312 65 69 60 45 19 51 84 123 198 7 11 8 18 20 82657983 413621 16 18 53 98 4 8 5 14 22 79 107 131 187 2 6 12 18 23 25 28 63 142 3 11 3 15 24 13 35 78 161 2 11 14 26 25 172 137 153 185 91 5 17 40 26 ... 132 58 91 ... 89 61 57 27 43 56 76 121 - 8 8 10 28 12 39 57 79 1 - 9 18 29 13 43 44 91 1 1 2 12 30 28285681345731 33 53 70 92 9 9 9 19 32 40 52 51 85 2 5 4 13 33 1 5 10 53 - 6 3 3 34 87427143135 -371119-272 436 67929577437 -29171 -1138 3 6 15 25 1 2 - 2 39 32513- - -340 2 4 10 18 - 2 2 3 41 261 200 201 330 175 107 32 36 42 17414 3 -5 -43

65 2.4 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvused elanike arvuga Eestis 50 ja enam inimest) 2.4 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (nationalities, including 50 and over inhabitants in Estonia)

Rea nr. Rahvus Nationality Kogu elanikkond Row Total population No. 1959 1970 1979 1989

1 Kogu elanikkond Total population 281714 362706 428537 478974 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonian 169697 201908 222218 227245 3 venelased Russian 90594 127103 162714 197187 4 ukrainlased Ukrainian 7277 13309 17507 22856 5 valgevenelased Belorussian 3683 7158 10261 12515 6 soomlased Finnish 1650 2852 2996 3271 7 juudid Jewish 3714 3750 3737 3620 8 tatarlased Tatar 745 1055 1500 1975 9 sakslased German 125 217 332 516 10 lätlased Latvian 702 1007 1259 1032 11 poolakad Polish 759 967 1084 1240 12 leedulased Lithuanian 594 852 905 1052 13 armeenlased Armenian 335 327 549 973 14 aserbaidžaanlased Azerbaijani 207 96 358 758 15 moldovlased Moldovan 75 174 396 638 16 tšuvašid Chuvash 121 212 332 459 17 mordvalased Mordvin 160 187 286 353 18 karjalased Karelian 118 225 230 264 19 mustlased Gypsy ... 58 72 106 20 grusiinid Georgian 276 195 187 305 21 usbekid Uzbek ... 54 188 302 22 kasahhid Kazakh ... 82 85 261 23 udmurdid Udmurt ... 48 85 129 24 baškiirid Bashkir ... 43 166 179 25 marid Mari ... 42 85 139 26 ingerlased Ingrian ...92138 27 rootslased Swedish ...... 69 110 28 bulgaarlased Bulgarian ... 25 77 127 29 ungarlased Hungarian ... 63 79 99 30 korealased Korean ... 33 49 96 31 osseedid Ossetian 67 55 87 105 32 komid Komi ... 43 53 78 33 kreeklased Greek ... 58 60 87 34 lesgid Lezgi ... 13 38 101 35 tadžikid Tajik ... 14 24 54 36 turkmeenid Turkmen ... 32 16 42 37 rumeenlased Romanian ... 10 10 25 38 kirgiisid Kyrgyz ...52052 39 gagauusid Gagauz ... 10 32 55 40 avaarid Avar ... 10 18 39 41 burjaadid Buryat ... 2 8 27 42 muud rahvused others 815 403 343 457 43 näitamata not indicated --17

66 2.4 Järg

2.4 Cont.

Rea Mehed Naised nr. Males Females Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 No.

123131 165119 196549 222530 158583 197587 231988 256444 1

72628 87410 96636 100977 97069 114498 125582 126268 2 39054 58830 75785 92293 51540 68273 86929 104894 3 4081 8179 10374 12781 3196 5130 7133 10075 4 2116 3961 5595 6557 1567 3197 4666 5958 5 597 1216 1079 1223 1053 1636 1917 2048 6 1762 1856 1867 1829 1952 1894 1870 1791 7 371 533 815 1016 374 522 685 959 8 44 108 156 246 81 109 176 270 9 364 545 632 514 338 462 627 518 10 292 426 494 560 467 541 590 680 11 360 485 485 553 234 367 420 499 12 244 213 342 587 91 114 207 386 13 197 80 310 553 10 16 48 205 14 59 128 292 418 16 46 104 220 15 81 139 223 272 40 73 109 187 16 87 107 166 191 73 80 120 162 17 40 83 86 93 78 142 144 171 18 ... 16 31 45 ... 42 41 61 19 242 146 129 199 34 49 58 106 20 ... 41 156 245 ... 13 32 57 21 ... 75 61 210 ... 7 24 51 22 ... 36 58 70 ... 12 27 59 23 ... 26 125 108 ... 17 41 71 24 ... 28 54 73 ... 14 31 66 25 ... 2 4 8 ... 7 17 30 26 ...... 31 53 ...... 38 57 27 ... 15 53 68 ... 10 24 59 28 ... 38 43 55 ... 25 36 44 29 ... 13 25 50 ... 20 24 46 30 53 39 48 52 14 16 39 53 31 ... 22 25 39 ... 21 28 39 32 ... 26 27 41 ... 32 33 46 33 ... 12 33 69 ... 1 5 32 34 ... 10 23 41 ... 4 1 13 35 ... 18 11 31 ... 14 5 11 36 ... 6 6 18 ... 4 4 7 37 ... 4 12 41 ... 1 8 11 38 ... 7 21 33 ... 3 11 22 39 ... 9 15 34 ... 1 3 5 40 ... 2 6 15 ... - 2 12 41 459 229 215 266 356 174 128 191 42 --- 3 - - 1 443

67 2.5 RAHVAARVU MUUTUMINE RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959–1988 (juurdekasv ( ); vähenemine (-)) 2.5 CHANGES IN POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959–1988 (increase ( ); decrease (-))

Rea Kogurahvastik nr. Rahvus, Nationality, Total population sugu sex 1959– sealhulgas — of which Row 1988 1959– 1970– 1979– No. 1969 1978 1988

1 Koguarv Total 368871 159288 108397 101186 sealhulgas: of whom:

2 eestlased Estonians 70628 32504 22655 15469 3 venelased Russians 234607 94393 74158 66056 4 ukrainlased Ukrainians 32502 12317 7958 12227 5 valgevenelased Belorussians 16781 7802 4729 4250 6 soomlased Finns -77 1838 -784 -1131 7 juudid Jews -820 -151 -328 -341 8 tatarlased Tatars 2524 670 991 863 9 sakslased Germans 2796 7180 -3906 -478 10 lätlased Latvians 247 398 677 -828 11 poolakad Poles 752 395 246 111 12 leedulased Lithuanians 952 740 23 189 13 muud rahvused others 7979 1202 1978 4799

1 Mehed Males 206302 95105 57079 54118 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonians 55057 23525 17128 14404 3 venelased Russians 118096 52721 34635 30740 4 ukrainlased Ukrainians 17596 8769 3328 5499 5 valgevenelased Belorussians 8002 3992 2233 1777 6 soomlased Finns 373 1091 -348 -370 7 juudid Jews -196 106 -172 -130 8 tatarlased Tatars 1232 326 630 276 9 sakslased Germans 1317 3444 -1882 -245 10 lätlased Latvians 95 236 280 -421 11 poolakad Poles 374 233 106 35 12 leedulased Lithuanians 354 346 -81 89 13 muud rahvused others 4002 316 1222 2464

1 Naised Females 162569 64183 51318 47068 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased Estonians 15571 8979 5527 1065 3 venelased Russians 116511 41672 39523 35316 4 ukrainlased Ukrainians 14906 3548 4630 6728 5 valgevenelased Belorussians 8779 3810 2496 2473 6 soomlased Finns -450 747 -436 -761 7 juudid Jews -624 -257 -156 -211 8 tatarlased Tatars 1292 344 361 587 9 sakslased Germans 1479 3736 -2024 -233 10 lätlased Latvians 152 162 397 -407 11 poolakad Poles 378 162 140 76 12 leedulased Lithuanians 598 394 104 100 13 muud rahvused others 3977 886 756 2335

68 2.5 Järg

2.5 Cont.

Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik Rea Urban population Rural population nr. 1959– sealhulgas — of which 1959– sealhulgas — of which 1988 1959– 1970– 1979– 1988 1959– 1970– 1979– Row 1969 1978 1988 1969 1978 1988 No.

443314 205653 135658 102003 -74443 -46365 -27261 -817 1

154282 88153 49525 16604 -83654 -55649 -26870 -1135 2 228923 90989 71535 66399 5684 3404 2623 -343 3 28625 10868 7155 10602 3877 1449 803 1625 4 15608 7181 4606 3821 1173 621 123 429 5 2650 2499 342 -191 -2727 -661 -1126 -940 6 -751 -139 -275 -337 -69 -12 -53 -4 7 2401 677 900 824 123 -7 91 39 8 2023 3027 -1003 -1 773 4153 -2903 -477 9 479 432 432 -385 -232 -34 245 -443 10 787 433 220 134 -35 -38 26 -23 11 927 672 45 210 25 68 -22 -21 12 7360 861 2176 4323 619 341 -198 476 13

221492 106228 65754 49510 -15190 -11123 -8675 4608 1

77314 42467 24856 9991 -22257 -18942 -7728 4413 2 113493 48708 33884 30901 4603 4013 751 -161 3 15550 7491 3314 4745 2046 1278 14 754 4 7456 3647 2212 1597 546 345 21 180 5 1109 1191 -45 -37 -736 -100 -303 -333 6 -173 80 -124 -129 -23 26 -48 -1 7 1199 329 572 298 33 -3 58 -22 8 952 1432 -470 -10 365 2012 -1412 -235 9 181 251 154 -224 -86 -15 126 -197 10 393 237 101 55 -19 -4 5 -20 11 374 322 -38 90 -20 24 -43 -1 12 3644 73 1338 2233 358 243 -116 231 13

221822 99425 69904 52493 -59253 -35242 -18586 -5425 1

76968 45686 24669 6613 -61397 -36707 -19142 -5548 2 115430 42281 37651 35498 1081 -609 1872 -182 3 13075 3377 3841 5857 1831 171 789 871 4 8152 3534 2394 2224 627 276 102 249 5 1541 1308 387 -154 -1991 -561 -823 -607 6 -578 -219 -151 -208 -46 -38 -5 -3 7 1202 348 328 526 90 -4 33 61 8 1071 1595 -533 9 408 2141 -1491 -242 9 298 181 278 -161 -146 -19 119 -246 10 394 196 119 79 -16 -34 21 -3 11 553 350 83 120 45 44 21 -20 12 3716 788 838 2090 261 98 -82 245 13

69 2.6 TALLINNA ELANIKE ARVU MUUTUMINE RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959–1988 (juurdekasv ( ); vähenemine (-)) 2.6 CHANGES IN POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959–1988 (increase ( ); decrease (-))

Elanike arvu muutus perioodil: Rahvus, Nationality, Change in population in period: sugu sex 1959– sealhulgas — of which 1988 1959– 1970– 1979– 1969 1978 1988

Kogu elanikkond Total population 197260 80992 65831 50437 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 57548 32211 20310 5027 venelased Russians 106593 36509 35611 34473 ukrainlased Ukrainians 15579 6032 4198 5349 valgevenelased Belorussians 8832 3475 3103 2254 soomlased Finns 1621 1202 144 275 juudid Jews -94 36 -13 -117 tatarlased Tatars 1230 310 445 475 sakslased Germans 391 92 115 184 lätlased Latvians 330 305 252 -227 poolakad Poles 481 208 117 156 leedulased Lithuanians 458 258 53 147 muud rahvused others 4291 354 1496 2441

Mehed Males 99399 41988 31430 25981 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 28349 14782 9226 4341 venelased Russians 53239 19776 16955 16508 ukrainlased Ukrainians 8700 4098 2195 2407 valgevenelased Belorussians 4441 1845 1634 962 soomlased Finns 626 619 -137 144 juudid Jews 67 94 11 -38 tatarlased Tatars 645 162 282 201 sakslased Germans 202 64 48 90 lätlased Latvians 150 181 87 -118 poolakad Poles 268 134 68 66 leedulased Lithuanians 193 125 - 68 muud rahvused others 2519 108 1061 1350

Naised Females 97861 39004 34401 24456 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 29199 17429 11084 686 venelased Russians 53354 16733 18656 17965 ukrainlased Ukrainians 6879 1934 2003 2942 valgevenelased Belorussians 4391 1630 1469 1292 soomlased Finns 995 583 281 131 juudid Jews -161 -58 -24 -79 tatarlased Tatars 585 148 163 274 sakslased Germans 189 28 67 94 lätlased Latvians 180 124 165 -109 poolakad Poles 213 74 49 90 leedulased Lithuanians 265 133 53 79 muud rahvused others 1772 246 435 1091


Kogurahvastik Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik Rahvus, Nationality, Total population Urban population Rural population sugu sex 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % in relation to 1989, % in relation to 1989, % in relation to 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes suhtes

Koguarv Total 130.8 115.5 106.9 165.6 127.0 110.0 85.7 94.1 99.8 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 107.9 104.1 101.6 136.9 113.1 103.0 82.4 93.3 99.7 venelased Russians 197.7 141.9 116.2 210.2 146.2 117.9 117.5 106.4 99.1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 306.1 171.9 133.9 308.9 172.3 133.4 287.4 169.0 137.6 valgevenelased Belorussians 253.5 147.9 118.1 258.7 149.5 117.7 206.9 132.1 123.3 soomlased Finns 99.5 89.7 93.6 130.9 101.4 98.3 66.4 72.3 85.1 juudid Jews 84.9 87.3 93.1 85.8 88.1 93.1 49.3 54.0 94.4 tatarlased Tatars 264.5 184.1 127.0 278.1 185.1 128.2 166.1 172.6 114.4 sakslased Germans 517.3 44.2 87.9 501.4 71.6 100.0 565.7 21.7 66.3 lätlased Latvians 108.6 95.4 79.1 122.7 101.9 87.0 70.3 73.5 55.3 poolakad Poles 133.3 113.5 103.8 142.7 115.6 105.4 91.5 100.8 94.3 leedulased Lithuanians 158.9 109.0 107.9 174.2 113.3 110.7 106.8 90.1 94.9 muud rahvused others 230.5 192.7 151.8 247.2 210.9 153.9 155.5 119.1 137.8

Mehed Males 139.3 117.9 108.0 174.9 128.7 110.6 93.4 98.1 102.2 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 114.2 107.6 103.4 142.8 115.6 104.0 89.3 98.2 102.4 venelased Russians 213.1 141.6 116.0 226.2 146.7 117.9 131.8 103.2 99.2 ukrainlased Ukrainians 306.9 151.1 126.7 311.8 154.3 126.1 276.1 131.5 130.7 valgevenelased Belorussians 240.4 141.4 114.9 246.1 143.5 114.6 191.6 121.4 118.7 soomlased Finns 105.9 90.3 94.8 133.5 98.2 99.2 75.8 78.4 87.4 juudid Jews 92.3 88.6 94.8 93.1 90.2 94.7 61.7 43.0 97.4 tatarlased Tatars 246.0 177.6 115.4 268.3 183.7 118.5 125.2 128.1 88.2 sakslased Germans 526.2 43.3 86.9 513.9 71.1 99.2 562.0 21.2 65.4 lätlased Latvians 106.8 91.4 78.0 117.2 94.6 84.6 75.2 78.6 57.0 poolakad Poles 138.0 111.6 102.6 149.5 115.1 104.9 89.9 91.9 89.5 leedulased Lithuanians 135.4 100.6 107.0 148.8 104.8 108.6 91.5 82.9 99.5 muud rahvused others 198.2 183.9 143.9 205.9 201.7 146.0 156.3 113.1 130.3

Naised Females 124.2 113.4 106.0 158.4 125.6 109.6 79.7 90.7 97.7 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 103.1 101.3 100.2 132.4 111.0 102.1 76.9 89.2 97.4 venelased Russians 185.8 142.2 116.3 197.9 145.7 117.9 106.0 109.7 99.1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 305.2 205.0 143.6 305.6 199.6 143.1 301.9 254.0 146.7 valgevenelased Belorussians 267.8 155.0 121.4 272.3 155.9 120.9 225.1 145.2 128.3 soomlased Finns 95.7 89.2 92.9 129.2 103.5 97.8 60.8 68.3 83.6 juudid Jews 78.3 86.0 91.5 79.4 86.1 91.5 39.5 78.9 90.9 tatarlased Tatars 286.7 191.5 142.0 288.7 186.7 140.1 263.6 284.3 172.6 sakslased Germans 509.7 44.9 88.8 490.9 72.0 100.7 569.0 22.2 67.2 lätlased Latvians 110.2 99.4 80.1 128.2 109.5 89.4 66.4 69.4 53.9 poolakad Poles 129.7 115.1 104.8 137.6 115.9 105.8 92.9 109.5 98.6 leedulased Lithuanians 197.1 120.2 109.0 214.3 124.3 113.1 134.1 100.6 89.8 muud rahvused others 295.0 205.6 163.4 338.2 224.7 165.6 154.4 128.2 149.4


Rea Koguarv Rea nr. Total population nr. Rahvus, 1989, % Nationality, sugu In 1989, % in relation to sex Row 1959 1970 1979 Row No. suhtes suhtes suhtes No.

1 Kogu elanikkond 170.0 132.1 111.8 Total population 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 133.9 112.5 102.3 Estonians 2 3 venelased 217.7 155.1 121.2 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 314.1 171.7 130.6 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 339.8 174.8 122.0 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 198.2 114.7 109.2 Finns 6 7 juudid 97.5 96.5 96.9 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 265.1 187.2 131.7 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 412.8 237.8 155.4 Germans 9 10 lätlased 147.0 102.5 82.0 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 163.4 128.2 114.4 Poles 11 12 leedulased 177.1 123.5 116.2 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 297.4 255.7 160.7 others 13

1 Mehed 180.7 134.8 113.2 Males 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 139.0 115.5 104.5 Estonians 2 3 venelased 236.3 156.9 121.8 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 313.2 156.3 123.2 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 309.9 165.5 117.2 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 204.9 100.6 113.3 Finns 6 7 juudid 103.8 98.5 98.0 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 273.9 190.6 124.7 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 559.1 227.8 157.7 Germans 9 10 lätlased 141.2 94.3 81.3 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 191.8 131.5 113.4 Poles 11 12 leedulased 153.6 114.0 114.0 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 272.3 253.6 151.3 others 13

1 Naised 161.7 129.8 110.5 Females 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 130.1 110.3 100.5 Estonians 2 3 venelased 203.5 153.6 120.7 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 315.2 196.4 141.2 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 380.2 186.4 127.7 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 194.5 125.2 106.8 Finns 6 7 juudid 91.8 94.6 95.8 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 256.4 183.7 140.0 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 333.3 247.7 153.4 Germans 9 10 lätlased 153.3 112.1 82.6 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 145.6 125.7 115.3 Poles 11 12 leedulased 213.2 136.0 118.8 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 348.9 259.3 178.3 others 13

72 2.9 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (protsentides) 2.9 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (percentage)

Rahvus, Nationality, Kogurahvastik Linnarahvastik Maarahvastik sugu sex Total population Urban population Rural population 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989 1959 1970 1979 1989

Koguarv Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 74.6 68.2 64.7 61.5 61.9 57.5 54.7 51.2 91.0 88.2 87.5 87.5 venelased Russians 20.1 24.7 27.9 30.3 30.8 33.9 36.4 39.0 6.2 7.5 8.6 8.5 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1.3 2.1 2.5 3.1 2.0 2.8 3.1 3.8 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 valgevenelased Belorussians 0.9 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.9 2.1 2.3 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.5 soomlased Finns 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.2 juudid Jews 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tatarlased Tatars 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 sakslased Germans 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.2 lätlased Latvians 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 poolakad Poles 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 leedulased Lithuanians 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 muud rahvused others 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4

Mehed Males 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 74.1 66.5 63.4 60.7 61.1 55.5 53.0 49.9 90.9 86.8 86.7 86.9 venelased Russians 19.9 25.3 28.3 30.4 30.4 34.5 36.9 39.3 6.3 8.5 9.2 8.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1.6 2.8 3.0 3.6 2.5 3.7 3.9 4.4 0.5 1.1 1.2 1.5 valgevenelased Belorussians 1.1 1.6 1.8 1.9 1.7 2.2 2.3 2.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 soomlased Finns 1.2 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1 juudid Jews 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tatarlased Tatars 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 sakslased Germans 0.0 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 1.0 0.3 0.2 lätlased Latvians 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 poolakad Poles 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 leedulased Lithuanians 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 muud rahvused others 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5

Naised Females 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 75.0 69.7 65.8 62.2 62.6 59.1 56.1 52.3 91.1 89.3 88.3 87.9 venelased Russians 20.2 24.1 27.6 30.3 31.0 33.4 36.0 38.8 6.2 6.7 8.1 8.2 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1.1 1.5 2.0 2.7 1.7 2.0 2.5 3.2 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.2 valgevenelased Belorussians 0.8 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.9 2.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 soomlased Finns 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.3 juudid Jews 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 tatarlased Tatars 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 sakslased Germans 0.1 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.9 0.3 0.2 lätlased Latvians 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 poolakad Poles 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 leedulased Lithuanians 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 muud rahvused others 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3

73 2.10 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (protsentides) 2.10 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (percentage)

Rea Rea nr. Rahvus, Koguarv Nationality, nr. sugu Total population sex

Row 1959 1970 1979 1989 Row No. No.

1 Kogu elanikkond 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total population 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 60.2 55.7 51.9 47.4 Estonians 2 3 venelased 32.2 35.0 38.0 41.2 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 2.6 3.7 4.1 4.8 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 1.3 2.0 2.4 2.6 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 Finns 6 7 juudid 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 Germans 9 10 lätlased 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 Poles 11 12 leedulased 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.3 others 13

1 Mehed 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Males 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 59.0 52.9 49.2 45.4 Estonians 2 3 venelased 31.7 35.6 38.6 41.5 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 3.3 5.0 5.3 5.7 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 1.7 2.4 2.8 2.9 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 0.5 0.7 0.5 0.6 Finns 6 7 juudid 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.8 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 Germans 9 10 lätlased 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 Poles 11 12 leedulased 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 1.2 1.0 1.3 1.8 others 13

1 Naised 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Females 1 sealhulgas: of whom: 2 eestlased 61.2 57.9 54.1 49.2 Estonians 2 3 venelased 32.5 34.6 37.5 40.9 Russians 3 4 ukrainlased 2.0 2.6 3.1 3.9 Ukrainians 4 5 valgevenelased 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.3 Belorussians 5 6 soomlased 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 Finns 6 7 juudid 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 Jews 7 8 tatarlased 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 Tatars 8 9 sakslased 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Germans 9 10 lätlased 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 Latvians 10 11 poolakad 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 Poles 11 12 leedulased 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 Lithuanians 12 13 muud rahvused 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.0 others 13


Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians Kogurahvastik Kokku 1565662 963281 474834 48271 27711 16622 4631 30312 Total population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 169325 102871 57333 4211 1652 546 237 2475

7–9 68144 41802 22834 1575 701 221 117 894

10–14 111269 70111 35804 2424 1149 403 172 1206

15–19 111696 72117 32103 2822 1478 657 145 2374

20–24 104027 64366 30065 4111 1976 710 151 2648

25–29 119514 65640 40646 5626 2958 1047 247 3350

30–34 121092 63242 44369 5356 3070 1203 300 3552

35–39 114371 60197 42164 4839 2580 1457 369 2765

40–44 93743 57092 28226 3318 1938 957 394 1818

45–49 96833 62789 24968 3494 2333 992 246 2011

50–54 98567 59462 29123 3384 2776 1576 386 1860

55–59 93682 59384 26645 1872 2022 1755 380 1624

60–64 84504 51226 25708 2145 1495 1979 444 1507

65–69 58355 39483 14434 1363 658 1178 372 867

70+ 120540 93499 20412 1731 925 1941 671 1361

Tööealistest nooremad 370507 228989 122486 8637 3710 1295 559 4831 Under working age Tööealised 879610 517540 276111 33557 19875 9148 2419 20960 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 315545 216752 76237 6077 4126 6179 1653 4521 Over working age

75 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Mehed 731392 444048 222483 26100 13701 6722 2364 15974 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 86054 52332 29051 2150 859 275 124 1263

7–9 34781 21230 11745 804 359 114 71 458

10–14 56593 35544 18293 1242 578 221 83 632

15–19 58744 36120 17892 1674 906 334 79 1739

20–24 53315 31953 15994 2276 1088 384 80 1540

25–29 60212 32914 20165 3113 1537 490 139 1854

30–34 59920 31238 21528 2893 1570 641 149 1901

35–39 55992 29559 20270 2581 1283 736 207 1356

40–44 45058 27431 13341 1806 860 466 241 913

45–49 46122 29864 11381 2091 1171 439 122 1054

50–54 45619 27740 12775 1908 1407 674 198 917

55–59 41536 26840 10962 1034 974 674 214 838

60–64 33278 20265 9712 1101 626 625 222 727

65–69 19785 13745 4251 709 236 291 159 394

70+ 34383 27273 5123 718 247 358 276 388

Tööealistest nooremad 188554 116288 62467 4421 1909 676 294 2499 Under working age Tööealised 455392 266477 140930 19151 10683 4772 1413 11966 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 87446 61283 19086 2528 1109 1274 657 1509 Over working age

76 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Naised 834270 519233 252351 22171 14010 9900 2267 14338 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 83271 50539 28282 2061 793 271 113 1212

7–9 33363 20572 11089 771 342 107 46 436

10–14 54676 34567 17511 1182 571 182 89 574

15–19 52952 35997 14211 1148 572 323 66 635

20–24 50712 32413 14071 1835 888 326 71 1108

25–29 59302 32726 20481 2513 1421 557 108 1496

30–34 61172 32004 22841 2463 1500 562 151 1651

35–39 58379 30638 21894 2258 1297 721 162 1409

40–44 48685 29661 14885 1512 1078 491 153 905

45–49 50711 32925 13587 1403 1162 553 124 957

50–54 52948 31722 16348 1476 1369 902 188 943

55–59 52146 32544 15683 838 1048 1081 166 786

60–64 51226 30961 15996 1044 869 1354 222 780

65–69 38570 25738 10183 654 422 887 213 473

70+ 86157 66226 15289 1013 678 1583 395 973

Tööealistest nooremad 181953 112701 60019 4216 1801 619 265 2332 Under working age Tööealised 424218 251063 135181 14406 9192 4376 1006 8994 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 228099 155469 57151 3549 3017 4905 996 3012 Over working age

77 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians Linnarahvastik Kokku 1118829 572547 436708 42325 25441 11233 4564 26011 Total urban population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 116417 55778 53030 3402 1474 389 232 2112

7–9 47092 23069 21112 1289 610 152 114 746

10–14 77366 39784 33006 2064 1047 298 171 996

15–19 81061 45316 29400 2453 1318 467 143 1964

20–24 76381 40689 27443 3559 1788 494 146 2262

25–29 86578 37933 37281 4806 2690 740 245 2883

30–34 89651 37418 40684 4591 2811 792 289 3066

35–39 85887 36836 38659 4251 2350 1020 365 2406

40–44 69407 35963 26058 2977 1791 665 386 1567

45–49 71020 39940 22945 3198 2190 732 242 1773

50–54 73011 37170 26976 3153 2612 1081 379 1640

55–59 68425 37184 24635 1733 1893 1185 377 1418

60–64 61502 31257 23861 1994 1401 1238 441 1310

65–69 39705 22797 13188 1238 602 778 370 732

70+ 75326 51413 18430 1617 864 1202 664 1136

Tööealistest nooremad 256266 127075 113193 7119 3325 931 550 4073 Under working age Tööealised 647616 319472 253480 29596 18268 6346 2374 18080 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 214947 126000 70035 5610 3848 3956 1640 3858 Over working age

78 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Mehed 517400 258079 203399 22892 12559 4417 2327 13727 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 59159 28400 26874 1724 763 191 120 1087

7–9 24078 11758 10809 658 317 80 70 386

10–14 39320 20130 16868 1039 525 158 83 517

15–19 41912 21866 16101 1440 791 237 77 1400

20–24 38754 19734 14402 1980 984 264 79 1311

25–29 42841 18273 18393 2696 1399 332 138 1610

30–34 43314 17578 19638 2481 1430 386 143 1658

35–39 40992 17223 18461 2266 1183 472 204 1183

40–44 32504 16570 12217 1611 793 293 233 787

45–49 33003 18264 10366 1911 1102 307 121 932

50–54 33019 16721 11738 1782 1314 456 194 814

55–59 30011 16651 10079 972 912 447 212 738

60–64 24100 12188 9023 1040 597 383 219 650

65–69 13474 8088 3858 632 219 188 159 330

70+ 20919 14635 4572 660 230 223 275 324

Tööealistest nooremad 130255 64363 57684 3613 1709 480 289 2117 Under working age Tööealised 328652 158805 128262 16947 9804 3143 1385 10306 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 58493 34911 17453 2332 1046 794 653 1304 Over working age

79 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Naised 601429 314468 233309 19433 12882 6816 2237 12284 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 57258 27378 26156 1678 711 198 112 1025

7–9 23014 11311 10303 631 293 72 44 360

10–14 38046 19654 16138 1025 522 140 88 479

15–19 39149 23450 13299 1013 527 230 66 564

20–24 37627 20955 13041 1579 804 230 67 951

25–29 43737 19660 18888 2110 1291 408 107 1273

30–34 46337 19840 21046 2110 1381 406 146 1408

35–39 44895 19613 20198 1985 1167 548 161 1223

40–44 36903 19393 13841 1366 998 372 153 780

45–49 38017 21676 12579 1287 1088 425 121 841

50–54 39992 20449 15238 1371 1298 625 185 826

55–59 38414 20533 14556 761 981 738 165 680

60–64 37402 19069 14838 954 804 855 222 660

65–69 26231 14709 9330 606 383 590 211 402

70+ 54407 36778 13858 957 634 979 389 812

Tööealistest nooremad 126011 62712 55509 3506 1616 451 261 1956 Under working age Tööealised 318964 160667 125218 12649 8464 3203 989 7774 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 156454 91089 52582 3278 2802 3162 987 2554 Over working age

80 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians Maarahvastik Kokku 446833 390734 38126 5946 2270 5389 67 4301 Total rural population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 52908 47093 4303 809 178 157 5 363

7–9 21052 18733 1722 286 91 69 3 148

10–14 33903 30327 2798 360 102 105 1 210

15–19 30635 26801 2703 369 160 190 2 410

20–24 27646 23677 2622 552 188 216 5 386

25–29 32936 27707 3365 820 268 307 2 467

30–34 31441 25824 3685 765 259 411 11 486

35–39 28484 23361 3505 588 230 437 4 359

40–44 24336 21129 2168 341 147 292 8 251

45–49 25813 22849 2023 296 143 260 4 238

50–54 25556 22292 2147 231 164 495 7 220

55–59 25257 22200 2010 139 129 570 3 206

60–64 23002 19969 1847 151 94 741 3 197

65–69 18650 16686 1246 125 56 400 2 135

70+ 45214 42086 1982 114 61 739 7 225

Tööealistest nooremad 114241 101914 9293 1518 385 364 9 758 Under working age Tööealised 231994 198068 22631 3961 1607 2802 45 2880 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 100598 90752 6202 467 278 2223 13 663 Over working age

81 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Mehed 213992 185969 19084 3208 1142 2305 37 2247 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 26895 23932 2177 426 96 84 4 176

7–9 10703 9472 936 146 42 34 1 72

10–14 17273 15414 1425 203 53 63 - 115

15–19 16832 14254 1791 234 115 97 2 339

20–24 14561 12219 1592 296 104 120 1 229

25–29 17371 14641 1772 417 138 158 1 244

30–34 16606 13660 1890 412 140 255 6 243

35–39 15000 12336 1809 315 100 264 3 173

40–44 12554 10861 1124 195 67 173 8 126

45–49 13119 11600 1015 180 69 132 1 122

50–54 12600 11019 1037 126 93 218 4 103

55–59 11525 10189 883 62 62 227 2 100

60–64 9178 8077 689 61 29 242 3 77

65–69 6311 5657 393 77 17 103 - 64

70+ 13464 12638 551 58 17 135 1 64

Tööealistest nooremad 58299 51925 4783 808 200 196 5 382 Under working age Tööealised 126740 107672 12668 2204 879 1629 28 1660 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 28953 26372 1633 196 63 480 4 205 Over working age

82 2.11 Järg 2.11 Cont.

Kogu- sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, rahvas- eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu tik lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex popu- Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others lation ans sians ians russians

Naised 232841 204765 19042 2738 1128 3084 30 2054 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 26013 23161 2126 383 82 73 1 187

7–9 10349 9261 786 140 49 35 2 76

10–14 16630 14913 1373 157 49 42 1 95

15–19 13803 12547 912 135 45 93 - 71

20–24 13085 11458 1030 256 84 96 4 157

25–29 15565 13066 1593 403 130 149 1 223

30–34 14835 12164 1795 353 119 156 5 243

35–39 13484 11025 1696 273 130 173 1 186

40–44 11782 10268 1044 146 80 119 - 125

45–49 12694 11249 1008 116 74 128 3 116

50–54 12956 11273 1110 105 71 277 3 117

55–59 13732 12011 1127 77 67 343 1 106

60–64 13824 11892 1158 90 65 499 - 120

65–69 12339 11029 853 48 39 297 2 71

70+ 31750 29448 1431 56 44 604 6 161

Tööealistest nooremad 55942 49989 4510 710 185 168 4 376 Under working age Tööealised 105254 90396 9963 1757 728 1173 17 1220 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 71645 64380 4569 271 215 1743 9 458 Over working age

* Kaasa arvatud mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.


sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, Kokku eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Kogu elanikkond 478974 227245 197187 22856 12515 3271 3633 12267 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 47558 20897 23095 1531 713 129 205 988

7–9 18896 8350 9202 588 314 47 92 303

10–14 31412 14978 14317 942 521 95 151 408

15–19 36220 18654 13892 1486 766 178 113 1131

20–24 33985 16432 13168 1947 962 170 108 1198

25–29 38123 15111 17208 2537 1373 241 195 1458

30–34 38932 14774 18487 2409 1352 239 227 1444

35–39 37394 14766 17423 2298 1196 326 292 1093

40–44 31446 15148 12371 1659 949 239 310 770

45–49 31329 16617 10433 1843 1128 253 189 866

50–54 31758 15091 12057 1910 1334 337 287 742

55–59 27610 14435 10243 986 801 277 296 572

60–64 25328 11788 10812 1095 499 274 339 521

65–69 16685 8864 6184 679 213 179 285 281

70+ 32298 21340 8295 946 394 287 544 492

Tööealistest nooremad 104251 47546 49240 3252 1638 304 474 1797 Under working age Tööealised 284814 129672 116463 16472 9398 2031 1864 8914 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 89909 50027 31484 3132 1479 936 1295 1556 Over working age

84 2.12 Järg 2.12 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, Kokku eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Mehed 222530 100977 92293 12781 6557 1223 1835 6864 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 24263 10640 11804 780 363 63 105 508

7–9 9781 4319 4753 296 165 22 62 164

10–14 16026 7659 7304 464 251 52 72 224

15–19 19130 8984 7703 932 506 80 60 865

20–24 18084 8123 7272 1187 593 87 57 765

25–29 19185 7177 8615 1528 749 110 110 896

30–34 18651 6690 8826 1368 712 98 112 845

35–39 17711 6719 8281 1238 618 144 153 558

40–44 14614 6855 5742 901 439 104 185 388

45–49 14442 7472 4636 1101 586 100 98 449

50–54 14391 6609 5279 1100 746 140 143 374

55–59 12012 6400 4050 574 428 81 169 310

60–64 9904 4515 4085 583 237 65 168 251

65–69 5463 3028 1735 354 75 33 118 120

70+ 8873 5787 2208 375 89 44 223 147

Tööealistest nooremad 53302 24225 25248 1644 824 153 254 954 Under working age Tööealised 144988 63422 59017 9825 5332 928 1072 5392 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 24240 13330 8028 1312 401 142 509 518 Over working age

85 2.12 Järg 2.12 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom Vanusegrupp, Kokku eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised sugu lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Total sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Naised 256444 126268 104894 10075 5958 2048 1798 5403 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 23295 10257 11291 751 350 66 100 480

7–9 9115 4031 4449 292 149 25 30 139

10–14 15386 7319 7013 478 270 43 79 184

15–19 17090 9670 6189 554 260 98 53 266

20–24 15901 8309 5896 760 369 83 51 433

25–29 18938 7934 8593 1009 624 131 85 562

30–34 20281 8084 9661 1041 640 141 115 599

35–39 19683 8047 9142 1060 578 182 139 535

40–44 16832 8293 6629 758 510 135 125 382

45–49 16887 9145 5797 742 542 153 91 417

50–54 17367 8482 6778 810 588 197 144 368

55–59 15598 8035 6193 412 373 196 127 262

60–64 15424 7273 6727 512 262 209 171 270

65–69 11222 5836 4449 325 138 146 167 161

70+ 23425 15553 6087 571 305 243 321 345

Tööealistest nooremad 50949 23321 23992 1608 814 151 220 843 Under working age Tööealised 139826 66250 57446 6647 4066 1103 792 3522 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 65669 36697 23456 1820 1078 794 786 1038 Over working age

* Kaasa arvatud mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.

86 2.13 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.13 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians Kogurahvastik Kokku 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 107 121 87 60 33 51 82

7–9 43 48 33 25 13 25 29

10–14 73 75 50 41 24 37 40

15–19 75 68 58 53 39 31 78

20–24 67 63 85 71 43 33 87

25–29 68 86 117 107 63 53 111

30–34 66 93 111 111 72 65 117

35–39 63 89 100 93 88 80 91

40–44 59 60 69 70 57 85 60

45–49 65 53 72 84 60 53 66

50–54 62 61 70 100 95 83 61

55–59 62 56 39 73 106 82 54

60–64 53 54 44 54 119 96 50

65–69 41 30 28 24 71 80 29

70+ 96 43 37 34 117 146 45

Tööealistest nooremad 238 258 179 133 77 120 159 Under working age Tööealised 537 581 695 718 551 523 692 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 225 161 126 149 372 357 149 Over working age

87 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Mehed 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 118 131 83 63 41 52 79

7–9 48 53 31 26 17 30 29

10–14 80 82 48 42 33 35 40

15–19 81 80 64 66 50 33 109

20–24 72 72 87 79 57 34 96

25–29 74 91 119 112 73 59 116

30–34 70 97 111 115 95 63 119

35–39 67 91 99 94 110 88 85

40–44 62 60 69 63 69 102 57

45–49 67 51 80 85 65 52 66

50–54 63 57 73 103 100 84 57

55–59 60 49 40 71 100 90 52

60–64 46 44 42 46 93 94 46

65–69 31 19 27 17 43 67 25

70+ 61 23 27 18 54 117 24

Tööealistest nooremad 262 281 171 139 101 124 156 Under working age Tööealised 600 633 733 780 709 598 749 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 138 86 96 81 190 278 95 Over working age

88 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Naised 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 97 112 93 57 27 50 85

7–9 39 44 35 24 11 20 31

10–14 67 69 53 41 18 39 40

15–19 69 56 52 41 33 29 44

20–24 62 56 83 63 33 31 77

25–29 63 81 113 101 56 48 104

30–34 62 91 111 107 57 67 115

35–39 59 87 102 93 73 71 98

40–44 57 59 68 77 50 68 63

45–49 63 54 63 83 56 55 67

50–54 61 65 67 98 91 83 66

55–59 63 62 38 75 109 73 55

60–64 60 63 47 62 137 98 54

65–69 50 40 30 30 89 94 33

70+ 128 61 45 48 160 174 68

Tööealistest nooremad 216 237 190 129 62 116 163 Under working age Tööealised 483 537 650 656 443 445 627 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 301 226 160 215 495 439 210 Over working age

89 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians Linnarahvastik Kokku 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total urban population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 98 121 81 58 34 51 81

7–9 40 49 30 24 14 25 29

10–14 70 76 49 41 27 37 38

15–19 79 67 58 52 42 31 76

20–24 71 63 84 70 44 32 87

25–29 66 85 114 106 66 54 111

30–34 65 93 108 111 71 63 118

35–39 64 88 100 92 91 80 92

40–44 63 60 70 70 59 85 60

45–49 70 52 76 86 65 53 68

50–54 65 62 74 103 96 83 63

55–59 65 56 41 74 105 83 55

60–64 55 55 47 55 110 97 50

65–69 40 30 29 24 69 81 28

70+ 89 43 39 34 107 145 44

Tööealistest nooremad 223 260 169 131 83 120 157 Under working age Tööealised 557 580 699 718 565 520 695 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 220 160 132 151 352 360 148 Over working age

90 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Mehed 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 110 132 76 61 44 51 79

7–9 45 53 28 25 18 30 28

10–14 78 83 45 42 36 36 38

15–19 85 79 63 63 54 33 102

20–24 76 71 87 78 60 34 96

25–29 71 90 118 111 75 59 117

30–34 68 96 108 114 87 62 121

35–39 67 91 99 94 107 88 86

40–44 64 60 70 63 66 100 57

45–49 71 51 84 88 69 52 68

50–54 65 58 78 105 103 83 59

55–59 65 50 42 73 101 91 54

60–64 47 44 45 47 87 94 47

65–69 31 19 28 17 42 68 24

70+ 57 23 29 19 51 119 24

Tööealistest nooremad 249 283 157 136 110 124 154 Under working age Tööealised 616 631 741 781 710 595 751 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 135 86 102 83 180 281 95 Over working age

91 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Naised 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 87 113 86 55 29 50 83

7–9 36 44 33 23 11 20 29

10–14 62 69 53 41 20 39 39

15–19 75 57 52 41 34 30 46

20–24 67 56 81 62 34 30 77

25–29 62 81 109 100 60 48 104

30–34 63 90 109 107 60 65 115

35–39 62 87 102 91 80 72 100

40–44 62 59 70 78 55 68 64

45–49 69 54 66 84 62 54 68

50–54 65 65 71 101 92 83 67

55–59 65 62 39 76 108 74 55

60–64 61 64 49 62 125 99 54

65–69 47 40 31 30 87 94 33

70+ 117 59 49 49 143 174 66

Tööealistest nooremad 199 238 181 126 66 117 159 Under working age Tööealised 511 537 651 657 471 442 633 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 290 225 168 217 463 441 208 Over working age

92 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians Maarahvastik Kokku 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total rural population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 121 113 136 79 29 75 84

7–9 47 45 48 40 13 44 34

10–14 78 73 61 45 20 15 49

15–19 69 71 62 70 35 30 95

20–24 61 69 93 83 40 74 90

25–29 71 88 138 118 57 30 109

30–34 66 97 129 114 76 164 113

35–39 60 92 99 101 81 60 84

40–44 54 57 57 65 54 119 58

45–49 58 53 50 63 48 60 55

50–54 57 56 39 72 92 104 51

55–59 57 53 23 57 106 45 48

60–64 51 48 26 41 138 45 46

65–69 43 33 21 25 74 30 32

70+ 107 52 18 27 137 105 52

Tööealistest nooremad 261 244 256 170 68 134 176 Under working age Tööealised 507 594 666 708 520 672 670 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 232 162 78 122 412 194 154 Over working age

93 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Mehed 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 128 114 133 84 36 108 78

7–9 51 49 45 37 15 27 32

10–14 83 75 63 46 27 - 51

15–19 77 94 73 101 42 54 151

20–24 66 83 92 91 52 27 102

25–29 79 93 130 121 69 27 109

30–34 74 99 129 123 111 162 108

35–39 66 95 98 88 114 81 77

40–44 58 59 61 59 75 217 56

45–49 62 53 56 60 57 27 54

50–54 59 54 39 81 95 108 46

55–59 55 46 20 54 98 54 45

60–64 44 36 19 25 105 81 34

65–69 30 21 24 15 45 - 29

70+ 68 29 18 15 59 27 28

Tööealistest nooremad 279 251 251 175 85 135 170 Under working age Tööealised 579 663 688 770 706 757 739 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 142 86 61 55 209 108 91 Over working age

94 2.13 Järg

2.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused Age-group, Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others sex ans sians ians russians

Naised 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 113 111 140 73 24 34 91

7–9 45 42 51 43 11 66 37

10–14 73 72 57 43 14 33 46

15–19 61 48 49 40 30 - 35

20–24 56 54 94 74 31 134 76

25–29 64 84 147 115 48 33 109

30–34 59 94 129 106 51 167 118

35–39 54 89 100 115 56 33 91

40–44 50 55 53 71 39 - 61

45–49 55 53 43 66 41 100 56

50–54 55 58 38 63 90 100 57

55–59 59 59 28 59 111 33 52

60–64 58 61 33 58 162 - 58

65–69 54 45 18 35 96 67 35

70+ 144 75 20 39 196 200 78

Tööealistest nooremad 244 237 259 164 55 133 183 Under working age Tööealised 441 523 642 645 380 567 594 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 315 240 99 191 565 300 223 Over working age

* Kaasa arvatud mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.

95 2.14 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.14 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised Age-group, lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Kogu elanikkond 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 93 117 67 57 40 57 80

7–9 36 47 26 25 14 25 25

10–14 66 73 41 42 29 42 33

15–19 82 70 65 61 54 31 92

20–24 72 67 85 77 52 30 98

25–29 67 87 111 110 74 54 119

30–34 65 94 105 108 73 63 118

35–39 65 88 100 96 99 80 89

40–44 67 63 73 76 73 85 63

45–49 73 53 81 90 77 52 71

50–54 66 61 84 107 103 79 60

55–59 64 52 43 64 85 81 47

60–64 52 55 48 40 84 93 42

65–69 39 31 30 17 55 78 23

70+ 93 42 41 30 88 150 40

Tööealistest nooremad 210 250 142 131 93 131 146 Under working age Tööealised 570 591 721 751 621 513 727 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 220 159 137 118 286 356 127 Over working age

96 2.14 Järg

2.14 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised Age-group, lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Mehed 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged:

0–6 106 128 61 55 51 57 74

7–9 42 51 23 25 18 34 24

10–14 76 79 36 38 43 39 33

15–19 89 84 73 77 65 33 126

20–24 80 79 93 91 71 31 111

25–29 71 93 120 114 90 60 131

30–34 66 96 107 109 80 61 123

35–39 67 90 97 94 118 83 81

40–44 68 62 70 67 85 101 57

45–49 74 50 86 89 82 53 65

50–54 65 57 86 114 114 78 54

55–59 63 44 45 65 66 92 45

60–64 45 44 46 36 53 92 37

65–69 30 19 28 12 27 64 18

70+ 58 24 29 14 37 122 21

Tööealistest nooremad 240 273 128 125 125 138 139 Under working age Tööealised 627 640 769 813 758 584 786 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 133 87 103 62 117 278 75 Over working age

97 2.14 Järg

2.14 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta Vanusegrupp, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality sugu eest- vene- ukrain- valge- soom- juudid* teised Age-group, lased lased lased venelased lased rahvused sex Estoni- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Finns Jews* others ans sians ians russians

Naised 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 81 108 75 59 31 56 89

7–9 32 42 29 25 13 16 26

10–14 58 67 48 45 21 44 34

15–19 76 59 55 44 48 29 49

20–24 66 56 75 62 40 28 80

25–29 63 82 100 105 64 47 104

30–34 64 92 103 107 69 64 111

35–39 64 87 105 97 89 77 99

40–44 66 63 75 85 66 70 71

45–49 72 55 74 91 75 51 77

50–54 67 65 80 99 96 80 68

55–59 64 59 41 63 96 71 48

60–64 58 64 51 44 102 95 50

65–69 46 43 32 23 71 93 30

70+ 123 58 57 51 119 179 64

Tööealistest nooremad 185 229 161 137 73 122 156 Under working age Tööealised 524 547 658 682 539 440 652 Working age Tööealistest vanemad 291 224 181 181 388 438 192 Over working age

* Kaasa arvatud mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.

98 Tabel 2.15 algab lk. 100. Table 2.15 starts on p. 100.


Rea 1959 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 1196791 1155452 11604 29020 715 sealhulgas: 2 eestlased soome-ugri 892653 886677 - 5895 81 3 venelased slaavi 240227 234997 5011 - 219 4 ukrainlased slaavi 15769 7539 220 7994 16 5 valgevenelased slaavi 10930 5997 60 4804 69 6 soomlased soome-ugri 16699 9984 4014 2687 14 7 juudid germaani 5433 1350 392 3648 43 8 tatarlased türgi-tatari 1534 1095 33 404 2 9 sakslased germaani 670 227 138 304 1 10 lätlased balti 2888 1753 615 515 5 11 poolakad slaavi 2256 872 373 876 135 12 leedulased balti 1616 1303 89 212 12 13 armeenlased armeenia 648 421 16 208 3 14 aserbaidžaanlased türgi-tatari 422 383 1 32 6 15 moldovlased romaani 229 133 5 87 4 16 tšuvašid türgi-tatari 312 153 6 153 - 17 mordvalased soome-ugri 391 166 4 221 - 18 karjalased soome-ugri 295 113 6 171 5 19 mustlased india 366 223 69 62 12 20 grusiinid kartveli 433 374 6 52 1 21 usbekid türgi-tatari 465 436 5 22 2 22 kasahhid türgi-tatari 141 113 4 24 - 23 udmurdid soome-ugri 167 81 2 84 - 24 baškiirid türgi-tatari 85 37 1 37 10 25 marid soome-ugri 56 28 2 26 - 26 ingerlased soome-ugri 366 90 82 152 42 27 rootslased germaani ...... 28 bulgaarlased slaavi 98 61 - 36 1 29 ungarlased soome-ugri 30 19236 30 korealased korea 40 15 1 24 - 31 osseedid iraani 122 81 1 39 1 32 komid soome-ugri 88 46 1 41 - 33 kreeklased kreeka 72 17 3 52 - 34 lesgid dagestani 30 22 - 3 5 35 tadžikid iraani 207 203 - 3 1 36 turkmeenid türgi-tatari 7 6 - 1 - 37 rumeenlased romaani 26 5 11 8 2 38 kirgiisid türgi-tatari 21 18 - 3 - 39 gagauusid türgi-tatari 7 3 2 2 - 40 avaarid dagestani 19 16 1 2 - 41 burjaadid mongoli 16 13 - 3 - 42 kabardiinid abhaasi-adõgee 13 6 - 7 - 43 tšetšeenid nahi 34 31 - 3 -

100 2.15 Järg 2.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No. Total population 1356079 1297897 12565 44707 910 Total 1 of whom: 925157 918121 - 6934 102 Finno-Ugrian Estonian 2 334620 329352 5029 - 239 Slavic Russian 3 28086 14567 279 13212 28 Slavic Ukrainian 4 18732 8127 107 10431 67 Slavic Belorussian 5 18537 9554 5150 3783 50 Finno-Ugrian Finnish 6 5282 1139 408 3695 40 Germanic Jewish 7 2204 1529 28 644 3 Turkic Tatar 8 7850 6771 142 885 52 Germanic German 9 3286 2209 440 627 10 Baltic Latvian 10 2651 800 305 1337 209 Slavic Polish 11 2356 1742 99 497 18 Baltic Lithuanian 12 604 277 25 297 5 Armenian Armenian 13 264 203 7 53 1 Turkic Azerbaijani 14 451 303 11 135 2 Romance Moldovan 15 602 362 10 230 - Turkic Chuvash 16 532 202 4 326 - Finno-Ugrian Mordvin 17 671 273 35 349 14 Finno-Ugrian Karelian 18 438 295 55 87 1 Indian Gypsy 19 422 281 16 124 1 Kartveli Georgian 20 224 173 1 48 2 Turkic Uzbek 21 195 144 1 50 - Turkic Kazakh 22 236 105 3 128 - Finno-Ugrian Udmurt 23 126 74 3 46 3 Turkic Bashkir 24 120 66 2 52 - Finno-Ugrian Mari 25 181 41 6 133 1 Finno-Ugrian Ingrian 26 435 ...... Germanic Swedish 27 163 97 2 60 4 Slavic Bulgarian 28 111 88 8 13 2 Finno-Ugrian Hungarian 29 96 31 1 64 - Korean Korean 30 113 66 1 45 1 Iranian Ossetian 31 130 67 2 61 - Finno-Ugrian Komi 32 114 21 4 85 4 Greek Greek 33 52 34 - 13 5 Dagestani Lezgi 34 45 32 1 12 - Iranian Tajik 35 149 139 1 9 - Turkic Turkmen 36 32 9 7 11 5 Romance Romanian 37 49 47 - 2 - Turkic Kyrgyz 38 27 19 - 6 2 Turkic Gagauz 39 16 12 - 4 - Dagestani Avar 40 15 10 - 5 - Mongolian Buryat 41 17 11 - 6 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Kabardian 42 11 7 2 2 - Nakh Chechen 43

101 2.15 Järg 2.15 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language

44 dargid dagestani 3 3 - - - 45 lakid dagestani 4 4 - - - 46 permikomid soome-ugri 12 6 - 6 - 47 tšehhid slaavi 28 9 9 10 - 48 vepslased soome-ugri 20 13 - 7 - 49 jakuudid türgi-tatari 1 - - 1 - 50 kumõkid türgi-tatari 8 1 - 7 - 51 kalmõkid mongoli 9 7 - 2 - 52 abhaasid abhaasi-adõgee 15 15 - - - 53 türklased türgi-tatari 6 4 1 1 - 54 karatšaid türgi-tatari 5 4 - 1 - 55 taatlased iraani 3 2 - 1 - 56 tšerkessid abhaasi-adõgee 6 3 - 3 - 57 ingušid nahi 1 1 - - - 58 adõgeelased abhaasi-adõgee 5 4 - 1 - 59 serblased slaavi 9 2 - 5 2 60 hakassid türgi-tatari 4 1 - 3 - 61 altailased türgi-tatari 6 5 - 1 - 62 kurdid iraani 3 3 - - - 63 uiguurid türgi-tatari 13 12 - 1 - 64 krimmitatarlased türgi-tatari 1 1 - - - 65araablasedsemi - ---- 66 mägijuudid iraani 2 - - 2 - 67 hollandlased germaani ...... 68 nogailased türgi-tatari - ---- 69 hispaanlased romaani 6 4 1 1 - 70 prantslased romaani 13 12 1 - - 71tabassaraaniddagestani- ---- 72hiinlasedhiina 6 1221 73 balkaarid türgi-tatari 20 20 - - - 74 assüürlased semi 1 1 - - - 75 abasiinid abhaasi-adõgee 4 4 - - - 76 austerlased germaani ...... 77 karaiimid türgi-tatari 20 - - 20 - 78karakalpakidtürgi-tatari- ---- 79pärslasediraani - ---- 80laplasedsoome-ugri- ---- 81 handid soome-ugri 1 - - 1 - 82 šoorid türgi-tatari 2 2 - - - 83 inglased germaani 8 2 4 2 - 84tuvalasedtürgi-tatari- ---- 85 eveenid tunguusi-mandžu - ---- 86 slovakid slaavi 2 1 - - 1 87 ameeriklased germaani 1 1 - - -

102 2.15 Järg 2.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

66---Dagestani Dargwa 44 32-1-Dagestani Lakk 45 20 12 - 8 - Finno-Ugrian Komi-Permyak 46 42 14 8 15 5 Slavic Czech 47 31 8 1 21 1 Finno-Ugrian Vepsian 48 14 10 - 4 - Turkic Yakut 49 21-1-Turkic Kumyk 50 95-4-Mongolian Kalmyk 51 148 143 3 2 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Abkhaz 52 23 3 5 11 4 Turkic Turkish 53 158-7-Turkic Karachay 54 22---Iranian Tati 55 15 3 1 11 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Circassian 56 52-3-Nakh Ingush 57 86-2-Abkhazo-Adyghian Adyghian 58 187281Slavic Serbian 59 82-6-Turkic Khakass 60 11---Turkic Altai 61 -----Iranian Kurdish 62 29 18 6 4 1 Turkic Uighur 63 1--1-Turkic Crimean Tatar 64 88---Semitic Arab 65 3--12Iranian Mountain Jewish 66 174562Germanic Dutch 67 42-2-Turkic Nogay 68 82-6-Romance Spanish 69 14 8 4 2 - Romance French 70 312--Dagestani Tabasaran 71 17 3 2 11 1 Chinese Chinese 72 34 33 - 1 - Turkic Balkar 73 41-3-Semitic Assyrian 74 32-1-Abkhazo-Adyghian Abaza 75 5--32Germanic Austrian 76 14 - - 14 - Turkic Karaim 77 64-2-Turkic Karakalpak 78 4--4-Iranian Persian 79 1--1-Finno-Ugrian Lapp 80 -----Finno-Ugrian Khanty 81 11---Turkic Shor 82 156711Germanic English 83 33---Turkic Tuvinian 84 1--1-Manchu Even 85 -----Slavic Slovak 86 31--2Germanic American 87

103 2.15 Järg 2.15 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language

88 taanlased germaani ...... 89 itaallased romaani 9 2 5 2 - 90 horvaadid slaavi ...... 91 šveitslased germaani ...... 92 indialased ja pakistanlasedindia - ---- 93 guatemaallased romaani ...... 94 Krimmi juudid türgi-tatari 1 - - 1 - 95 halhamongolid mongoli 1 - - 1 - 96mansidsoome-ugri- ---- 97albaanlasedalbaania - ---- 98 liivlased soome-ugri 1 - 1 - - 99 nganassaanid samojeedi ...... 100 brasiillased romaani ...... 101 valloonid romaani ...... 102 korjakid paleoaasia 4 4 - - - 103 makedoonlased slaavi ...... 104 flaamid germaani ...... 105 tunganid hiina 2 1 - 1 - 106 indoneeslased indoneesia ...... 107dolgaanidtürgi-tatari- ---- 108 negidalid tunguusi-mandžu ...... 109 krõzid dagestani 1 1 - - - 110 nivhid paleoaasia 1 - - 1 - 111 muud 634 182 403 36 13 112 teadmata 8 ...... 113 Kokku rahvusi ......

104 2.15 Järg 2.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

15 ...... Germanic Danish 88 5-14-Romance Italian 89 62-4-Slavic Croatian 90 4 ...... Germanic Swiss 91 Indian and 92 10 7 1 2 - Indian Pakistani 2 ...... Romance Guatemalan 93 3--3-Turkic Crimean Jewish 94 33 27 - 6 - Mongolian Khalkha-Mongol 95 11---Finno-Ugrian Mansi 96 1--1-Albanian Albanian 97 1 ...... Finno-Ugrian Livonian 98 1--1-Samoyed Nganasan 99 1 ...... Romance Brazilian 100 1 ...... Romance Walloon 101 -----Paleo-Asiatic Koryak 102 5 ...... Slavic Macedonian 103 2 ...... Germanic Flemish 104 11---Chinese Dungan 105 1 ...... Indonesian Indonesian 106 11---Turkic Dolgan 107 11---Manchu Negidal 108 -----Dagestani Kryz 109 -----Paleo-Asiatic Nivkh 110 ----- Others 111 14 ...... Unknown 112 ... 103 ...... Nationalities, total 113

105 2.16 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE JA EMAKEELE JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 2.16 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND MOTHER TONGUE, 1979, 1989 Rea 1979 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 1464476 1385324 15609 62652 891 sealhulgas: 2 eestlased soome-ugri 947812 938245 - 9419 148 3 venelased slaavi 408778 402137 6385 - 256 4 ukrainlased slaavi 36044 16017 455 19539 33 5 valgevenelased slaavi 23461 8127 153 15145 36 6 soomlased soome-ugri 17753 6582 6415 4745 11 7 juudid germaani 4954 744 399 3791 20 8 tatarlased türgi-tatari 3195 2032 32 1129 2 9 sakslased germaani 3944 1976 213 1741 14 10 lätlased balti 3963 2626 504 826 7 11 poolakad slaavi 2897 642 331 1707 217 12 leedulased balti 2379 1497 169 701 12 13 armeenlased armeenia 845 367 28 443 7 14 aserbaidžaanlased türgi-tatari 543 397 12 132 2 15 moldovlased romaani 738 437 10 288 3 16 tšuvašid türgi-tatari 804 375 15 414 - 17 mordvalased soome-ugri 723 271 6 444 2 18 karjalased soome-ugri 773 242 27 487 17 19 mustlased india 529 411 41 77 - 20 grusiinid kartveli 450 257 16 177 - 21 usbekid türgi-tatari 397 297 17 80 3 22 kasahhid türgi-tatari 226 140 2 82 2 23 udmurdid soome-ugri 309 147 2 160 - 24 baškiirid türgi-tatari 332 231 2 77 22 25 marid soome-ugri 191 93 3 95 - 26 ingerlased soome-ugri 228 59 33 127 9 27 rootslased germaani 254 ...... 28 bulgaarlased slaavi 190 78 6 103 3 29 ungarlased soome-ugri 191 146 9 30 6 30 korealased korea 103 17 - 86 - 31 osseedid iraani 161 76 3 82 - 32 komid soome-ugri 139 58 7 73 1 33 kreeklased kreeka 104 19 2 79 4 34 lesgid dagestani 67 40 3 19 5 35 tadžikid iraani 52 40 - 10 2 36 turkmeenid türgi-tatari 66 47 - 19 - 37 rumeenlased romaani 47 11 2 24 10 38 kirgiisid türgi-tatari 46 38 - 8 - 39 gagauusid türgi-tatari 41 26 - 11 4 40 avaarid dagestani 28 19 - 8 1 41 burjaadid mongoli 27 21 - 6 - 42 kabardiinid abhaasi-adõgee 22 12 - 10 - 43tšetšeenidnahi 3827173 44 dargid dagestani 27 24 - 2 1 45 lakid dagestani 16 13 1 2 - 46 permikomid soome-ugri 29 7 - 22 - 47 tšehhid slaavi 39 9 10 18 2

106 2.16 Järg 2.16 Cont. 1989 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No. Total population 1565662 1471716 15962 76717 1267 Total 1 of whom: 963281 953032 - 10076 173 Finno-Ugrian Estonian 2 474834 468216 6198 - 420 Slavic Russian 3 48271 21320 594 26301 56 Slavic Ukrainian 4 27711 8841 195 18591 84 Slavic Belorussian 5 16622 5155 6774 4666 27 Finno-Ugrian Finnish 6 4613 570 389 3614 40 Germanic Jewish 7 4058 2248 47 1749 14 Turkic Tatar 8 3466 1249 251 1957 9 Germanic German 9 3135 1794 418 911 12 Baltic Latvian 10 3008 601 250 1906 251 Slavic Polish 11 2568 1610 168 775 15 Baltic Lithuanian 12 1669 837 50 776 6 Armenian Armenian 13 1238 869 18 344 7 Turkic Azerbaijani 14 1215 663 18 524 10 Romance Moldovan 15 1178 563 13 600 2 Turkic Chuvash 16 985 367 13 603 2 Finno-Ugrian Mordvin 17 881 262 36 573 10 Finno-Ugrian Karelian 18 665 465 68 121 11 Indian Gypsy 19 606 325 19 261 1 Kartveli Georgian 20 595 436 7 149 3 Turkic Uzbek 21 424 313 1 108 2 Turkic Kazakh 22 413 153 4 255 1 Finno-Ugrian Udmurt 23 371 186 4 162 19 Turkic Bashkir 24 359 182 3 174 - Finno-Ugrian Mari 25 306 74 65 151 16 Finno-Ugrian Ingrian 26 297 29 246 22 - Germanic Swedish 27 262 85 6 169 2 Slavic Bulgarian 28 241 150 19 56 16 Finno-Ugrian Hungarian 29 202 30 1 167 4 Korean Korean 30 201 85 7 106 3 Iranian Ossetian 31 196 66 6 124 - Finno-Ugrian Komi 32 182 28 7 142 5 Greek Greek 33 178 124 - 49 5 Dagestani Lezgi 34 113 66 5 36 6 Iranian Tajik 35 106 79 2 25 - Turkic Turkmen 36 88 37 4 36 11 Romance Romanian 37 81 61 - 19 1 Turkic Kyrgyz 38 69 33 - 35 1 Turkic Gagauz 39 69 48 - 21 - Dagestani Avar 40 53 32 1 20 - Mongolian Buryat 41 47 28 - 19 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Kabardian 42 45 31 1 12 1 Nakh Chechen 43 45 34 2 9 - Dagestani Dargwa 44 43 33 - 10 - Dagestani Lakk 45 38 12 - 26 - Finno-Ugrian Komi-Permyak 46 37 12 5 16 4 Slavic Czech 47

107 2.16 Järg 2.16 Cont.

Rea 1979 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language

48 vepslased soome-ugri 23 6 1 16 - 49 jakuudid türgi-tatari 20 13 - 7 - 50 kumõkid türgi-tatari 20 16 - 4 - 51 kalmõkid mongoli 14 7 - 7 - 52 abhaasid abhaasi-adõgee 7 4 - 3 - 53 türklased türgi-tatari 22 1 4 12 5 54 karatšaid türgi-tatari 11 9 - 2 - 55 taatlased iraani 27 12 - 13 2 56 tšerkessid abhaasi-adõgee 17 8 - 9 - 57 ingušid nahi 13 9 1 3 - 58 adõgeelased abhaasi-adõgee 4 1 - 3 - 59 serblased slaavi 16 7 - 9 - 60 hakassid türgi-tatari 5 1 - 4 - 61 altailased türgi-tatari 5 3 - 2 - 62 kurdid iraani 2 1 - 1 - 63 uiguurid türgi-tatari 6 3 - 3 - 64 krimmitatarlased türgi-tatari 4 3 - 1 - 65 araablased semi 15 10 1 4 - 66 mägijuudid iraani 2 - 1 1 - 67 neenetsid samojeedi 2 - - 2 - 68 hollandlased germaani 22 9 10 3 - 69 nogailased türgi-tatari 8 6 - 2 - 70 hispaanlased romaani 7 2 2 3 - 71 prantslased romaani 5 3 1 1 - 72 tabassaraanid dagestani 4 3 - 1 - 73 hiinlased hiina 8 - 1 7 - 74 balkaarid türgi-tatari 1 - - 1 - 75 assüürlased semi 1 1 - - - 76 abasiinid abhaasi-adõgee 13 9 - 4 - 77 nanaid tunguusi-mandžu 7 1 - 6 - 78 austerlased germaani 9 8 - - 1 79 karaiimid türgi-tatari 7 1 - 6 - 80 karakalpakid türgi-tatari 5 3 1 1 - 81 pärslased iraani 5 1 - 4 - 82 laplased soome-ugri 1 - - 1 - 83 handid soome-ugri 1 - - 1 - 84 šoorid türgi-tatari 11 5 - 6 - 85 inglased germaani 3 2 1 - - 86 tuvalased türgi-tatari 2 1 - 1 - 87 eveenid tunguusi-mandžu 2 - - 2 - 88 slovakid slaavi 2 1 - - 1 89 ameeriklased germaani 1 - - - 1 90tsahuriddagestani- ---- 91 taanlased germaani 6 ...... 92 itaallased romaani 3 - - 3 - 93 Kesk-Aasia juudid iraani 3 - 2 1 - 94 horvaadid slaavi 2 2 - - - 95 kuubalased romaani 1 1 - - -

108 2.16 Järg 2.16 Cont.

1989 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

37 7 4 26 - Finno-Ugrian Vepsian 48 36 17 - 19 - Turkic Yakut 49 32 23 - 9 - Turkic Kumyk 50 28 13 - 15 - Mongolian Kalmyk 51 25 16 1 8 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Abkhaz 52 23 8 4 10 1 Turkic Turkish 53 23 11 1 9 2 Turkic Karachay 54 22 13 - 9 - Iranian Tati 55 21 16 - 5 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Circassian 56 19 13 - 6 - Nakh Ingush 57 16 13 - 3 - Abkhazo-Adyghian Adyghian 58 14 3 - 11 - Slavic Serbian 59 14 8 - 6 - Turkic Khakass 60 14 10 - 4 - Turkic Altai 61 13 8 - 4 1 Iranian Kurdish 62 12 9 - 3 - Turkic Uighur 63 12 6 - 6 - Turkic Crimean Tatar 64 11 9 - 2 - Semitic Arab 65 11 2 - 8 1 Iranian Mountain Jewish 66 11 5 1 5 - Samoyed Nenets 67 102 611Germanic Dutch 68 10 5 - 5 - Turkic Nogay 69 10 3 1 6 - Romance Spanish 70 10 3 4 3 - Romance French 71 10 8 - 2 - Dagestani Tabasaran 72 8--8-Chinese Chinese 73 87-1-Turkic Balkar 74 8323-Semitic Assyrian 75 62-4-Abkhazo-Adyghian Abaza 76 62-4-Manchu Nanai 77 5--41Germanic Austrian 78 5-14-Turkic Karaim 79 51-4-Turkic Karakalpak 80 5--5-Iranian Persian 81 5221-Finno-Ugrian Lapp 82 54-1-Finno-Ugrian Khanty 83 4--4-Turkic Shor 84 4-31-Germanic English 85 43-1-Turkic Tuvinian 86 4112-Manchu Even 87 42-11Slavic Slovak 88 4-4--Germanic American 89 4 4 ---Dagestani Tsakhur 90 3-3--Germanic Danish 91 3-12-Romance Italian 92 31-2-Iranian Central Asian Jewish 93 3 3 ---Slavic Croatian 94 312--Romance Cuban 95

109 2.16 Järg 2.16 Cont.

Rea 1979 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Total of whom speaking as mother tongue Rahvus Keelerühm rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt Row ethnic Estonian Russian other No. language language

96 itelmeenid paleoaasia 1 1 - - - 97 Gruusia juudid kartveli - ---- 98 šveitslased germaani 2 - 2 - - 99 indialased ja pakistanlased india 1 - - - 1 100 vietnamlased vietnami 1 1 - - - 101guatemaallasedromaani - ---- 102 angoollased romaani - ---- 103 rongaod vietnami - ---- 104 Krimmi juudid türgi-tatari 7 5 - 2 - 105 halhamongolid mongoli 3 1 - 2 - 106 mansid soome-ugri 3 1 - 2 - 107 orotšid tunguusi-mandžu 3 3 - - - 108 guinealased romaani 2 ...... 109 albaanlased albaania 1 - - - 1 110 liivlased soome-ugri - ---- 111nganassaanidsamojeedi- ---- 112 brasiillased romaani - ---- 113 valloonid romaani - ---- 114eskimodeskimo - ---- 115ketidketi - ---- 116kreoolidromaani - ---- 117mosambiiklasedromaani - ---- 118nigeerlasedkvaa - ---- 119norralasedgermaani- ---- 120 sölkupid samojeedi - ---- 121rutuliddagestani- ---- 122 tšiillased romaani - ---- 123 korjakid paleoaasia 12 1 - 11 - 124 evengid tunguusi-mandžu 7 3 1 3 - 125 malagassid indoneesia 3 ...... 126 makedoonlased slaavi 1 ...... 127 flaamid germaani 1 ...... 128 tunganid hiina 1 1 - - - 129 indoneeslased indoneesia 1 ...... 130 afgaanid iraani 1 1 - - - 131 agulid dagestani 1 1 - - - 132 bantud bantu 1 ...... 133 berberid berberi 1 - - 1 - 134 bosnialased slaavi 1 ...... 135 oromod kuši 1 ...... 136 namiiblased ovambo 1 1 - - - 137 peruulased romaani 1 ...... 138 tšuktšid paleoaasia 1 - - 1 - 139 teadmata 87 ......

140 Kokku rahvusi 119 ......

110 2.16 Järg 2.16 Cont.

1989 Rea Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks nr. Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud Language group Nationality keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

3-12-Paleo-Asiatic Itelmen 96 31-2-Kartveli Georgian Jewish 97 2-2--Germanic Swiss 98 Indian and 99 21--1Indian Pakistani 2 2 ---Vietnamese Vietnamese 100 211--Romance Guatemalan 101 2 2 ---Romance Angolan 102 2 2 ---Vietnamese Rongao 103 1--1-Turkic Crimean Jewish 104 1--1-Mongolian Khalkha-Mongol 105 1--1-Finno-Ugrian Mansi 106 1--1-Manchu Oroch 107 1 1 ---Romance Guinean 108 1--1-Albanian Albanian 109 1-1--Finno-Ugrian Livonian 110 1 1 ---Samoyed Nganasan 111 1 1 ---Romance Brazilian 112 1--1-Romance Walloon 113 1 1 ---Eskimo Eskimo 114 1--1-Ket Ket 115 1---1Romance Creole 116 1 1 ---Romance Mozambican 117 1--1-Kwa Nigerian 118 1-1--Germanic Norwegian 119 1--1-Samoyed Selkup 120 1 1 ---Dagestani Rutul 121 1--1-Romance Chilean 122 - - ---Paleo-Asiatic Koryak 123 - - ---Manchu Evenk 124 - - ---Indonesian Malagasy 125 - - ---Slavic Macedonian 126 - - ---Germanic Flemish 127 - - ---Chinese Dungan 128 - - ---Indonesian Indonesian 129 - - ---Iranian Afghan 130 - - ---Dagestani Agul 131 - - ---Bantu Bantu 132 - - ---Berber Berber 133 - - ---Slavic Bosnian 134 - - ---Cushitic Oromo 135 - - ---Ovambo Namibian 136 - - ---Romance Peruvian 137 - - ---Paleo-Asiatic Chukchi 138 7---7 Unknown 139 -- 121 ...... Nationalities, total 140


Rea nr. 1979 Rahvus, Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks sugu Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

1 Koguarv 1016826 950777 8945 56407 697 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 555943 547687 - 8156 100 3 venelased 370309 366408 3711 - 190 4 ukrainlased 31723 13609 270 17817 27 5 valgevenelased 21620 7450 87 14053 30 6 soomlased 11424 4116 3385 3916 7 7 juudid 4883 741 390 3733 19 8 teised rahvused 20924 10766 1102 8732 324

1 Mehed 467890 434480 3752 29346 312 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 248088 244264 - 3783 41 3 venelased 172498 170838 1599 - 61 4 ukrainlased 18147 7824 146 10161 16 5 valgevenelased 10962 3598 53 7298 13 6 soomlased 4454 1434 1303 1714 3 7 juudid 2447 341 200 1898 8 8 teised rahvused 11294 6181 451 4492 170

1 Naised 548936 516297 5193 27061 385 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 307855 303423 - 4373 59 3 venelased 197811 195570 2112 - 129 4 ukrainlased 13576 5785 124 7656 11 5 valgevenelased 10658 3852 34 6755 17 6 soomlased 6970 2682 2082 2202 4 7 juudid 2436 400 190 1835 11 8 teised rahvused 9630 4585 651 4240 154

112 2.17 Järg 2.17 Cont.

Rea 1989 nr. Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Nationality, Total of whom speaking as mother tongue sex rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other language language Row No.

1118829 1039028 9119 69585 1097 Total 1 of whom:

572547 563450 - 8953 144 Estonians 2 436708 432863 3481 - 364 Russians 3 42325 18037 319 23924 45 Ukrainians 4 25441 8050 89 17229 73 Belorussians 5 11233 3478 3762 3971 22 Finns 6 4546 565 377 3565 39 Jews 7 26029 12585 1091 11943 410 others 8

517400 477643 3842 35401 514 Males 1 of whom:

258079 253900 - 4118 61 Estonians 2 203399 201754 1484 - 161 Russians 3 22892 9759 162 12945 26 Ukrainians 4 12559 3666 49 8813 31 Belorussians 5 4417 1146 1491 1769 11 Finns 6 2318 271 194 1834 19 Jews 7 13736 7147 462 5922 205 others 8

601429 561385 5277 34184 583 Females 1 of whom:

314468 309550 - 4835 83 Estonians 2 233309 231109 1997 - 203 Russians 3 19433 8278 157 10979 19 Ukrainians 4 12882 4384 40 8416 42 Belorussians 5 6816 2332 2271 2202 11 Finns 6 2228 294 183 1731 20 Jews 7 12293 5438 629 6021 205 others 8


Rea nr. 1979

Rahvus, Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks sugu Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

1 Koguarv 447650 434547 6664 6245 194 sealhulgas: 2 eestlased 391869 390558 - 1263 48 3 venelased 38469 35729 2674 - 66 4 ukrainlased 4321 2408 185 1722 6 5 valgevenelased 1841 677 66 1092 6 6 soomlased 6329 2466 3030 829 4 7 juudid 71 3 9 58 1 8 teised rahvused 4750 2706 700 1281 63

1 Mehed 209384 202992 2956 3345 91 sealhulgas: 2 eestlased 181556 180913 - 618 25 3 venelased 19245 17992 1225 - 28 4 ukrainlased 2454 1342 95 1015 2 5 valgevenelased 962 358 35 566 3 6 soomlased 2638 918 1298 421 1 7 juudid 38 2 4 32 - 8 teised rahvused 2491 1467 299 693 32

1 Naised 238266 231555 3708 2900 103 sealhulgas: 2 eestlased 210313 209645 - 645 23 3 venelased 19224 17737 1449 - 38 4 ukrainlased 1867 1066 90 707 4 5 valgevenelased 879 319 31 526 3 6 soomlased 3691 1548 1732 408 3 7 juudid 33 1 5 26 1 8 teised rahvused 2259 1239 401 588 31

114 2.18 Järg 2.18 Cont.

Rea 1989 nr.

Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Nationality, Total of whom speaking as mother tongue sex rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other language language Row No.

446833 432688 6843 7132 170 Total 1 of whom: 390734 389582 - 1123 29 Estonians 2 38126 35353 2717 - 56 Russians 3 5946 3283 275 2377 11 Ukrainians 4 2270 791 106 1362 11 Belorussians 5 5389 1677 3012 695 5 Finns 6 67512491 Jews 7 4301 1997 721 1526 57 others 8

213992 207112 3015 3791 74 Males 1 of whom: 185969 185387 - 570 12 Estonians 2 19084 17869 1194 - 21 Russians 3 3208 1740 131 1333 4 Ukrainians 4 1142 392 40 706 4 Byelorussians 5 2305 591 1345 368 1 Finns 6 3725291 Jews 7 2247 1131 300 785 31 others 8

232841 225576 3828 3341 96 Females 1 of whom: 204765 204195 - 553 17 Estonians 2 19042 17484 1523 - 35 Russians 3 2738 1543 144 1044 7 Ukrainians 4 1128 399 66 656 7 Belorussians 5 3084 1086 1667 327 4 Finns 6 303720- Jews 7 2054 866 421 741 26 others 8


Rea nr. 1979

Rahvus, Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks sugu Total of whom speaking as mother tongue rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other Row language language No.

1 Kogu elanikkond 428537 397213 3266 27733 325 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 222218 218187 - 3985 46 3 venelased 162714 161281 1346 - 87 4 ukrainlased 17507 7611 87 9797 12 5 valgevenelased 10261 3745 27 6475 14 6 soomlased 2996 996 1065 931 4 7 juudid 3737 590 294 2842 11 8 teised rahvused 9104 4803 447 3703 151

1 Mehed 196549 180281 1322 14794 152 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 96636 94791 - 1830 15 3 venelased 75785 75210 545 - 30 4 ukrainlased 10374 4670 43 5652 9 5 valgevenelased 5595 2025 17 3548 5 6 soomlased 1079 340 382 355 2 7 juudid 1867 267 154 1441 5 8 teised rahvused 5213 2978 181 1968 86

1 Naised 231988 216932 1944 12939 173 sealhulgas:

2 eestlased 125582 123396 - 2155 31 3 venelased 86929 86071 801 - 57 4 ukrainlased 7133 2941 44 4145 3 5 valgevenelased 4666 1720 10 2927 9 6 soomlased 1917 656 683 576 2 7 juudid 1870 323 140 1401 6 8 teised rahvused 3891 1825 266 1735 65

116 2.19 Järg 2.19 Cont.

Rea 1989 nr.

Kokku neist peavad emakeeleks Nationality, Total of whom speaking as mother tongue sex rahvus- eesti vene muud keelt keelt keelt keelt ethnic Estonian Russian other language language Row No.

478974 440209 3216 35017 532 Total population 1 of whom:

227245 223074 - 4086 85 Estonians 2 197187 195874 1152 - 161 Russians 3 22856 9587 98 13147 24 Ukrainians 4 12515 3924 31 8530 30 Belorussians 5 3271 981 1206 1073 11 Finns 6 3620 483 310 2796 31 Jews 7 12280 6286 419 5385 190 others 8

222530 202728 1344 18194 264 Males 1 of whom:

100977 99057 - 1879 41 Estonians 2 92293 91748 476 - 69 Russians 3 12781 5530 55 7183 13 Ukrainians 4 6557 1979 15 4547 16 Belorussians 5 1223 322 458 438 5 Finns 6 1829 231 165 1417 16 Jews 7 6870 3861 175 2730 104 others 8

256444 237481 1872 16823 268 Females 1 of whom:

126268 124017 - 2207 44 Estonians 2 104894 104126 676 - 92 Russians 3 10075 4057 43 5964 11 Ukrainians 4 5958 1945 16 3983 14 Belorussians 5 2048 659 748 635 6 Finns 6 1791 252 145 1379 15 Jews 7 5410 2425 244 2655 86 others 8


Rea Absoluutarvud — Absolute numbers nr. Haldusüksus Koguarv sealhulgas valdab emakeelena Total of whom speaking as mother tongue eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other Row nian sian ian rus- vian lan- No. sian guages

1 Kogurahvastik 1565662 968994 544933 21703 9053 1937 19042 2 Linnarahvastik 1118829 572569 502448 18357 8251 1631 15573 3 Maarahvastik 446833 396425 42485 3346 802 306 3469 Vabariiklikud linna- haldused 4 Tallinna linnahaldus 499421 232638 243335 10334 4523 680 7911 5 Tallinna linn 478974 226290 230891 9744 4019 642 7388 6 Põhja rajoon 118654 45148 65990 3398 1426 159 2533 7 Lõuna rajoon 94761 58100 33578 1316 457 102 1208 8 Ida rajoon 149574 57188 85059 3403 1415 244 2265 9 Lääne rajoon 115985 65854 46264 1627 721 137 1382 10 Maardu linn 16052 2349 12094 565 499 36 509 11 Saue alev 4395 3999 350 25 5 2 14 12 Kohtla-Järve linnahaldus 91644 20219 67177 1262 1275 89 1622 13 Kohtla-Järve linn 77316 15262 58446 1077 1158 74 1299 14 Kiviõli linn 10390 3882 6098 125 44 11 230 15 Püssi alev 2532 980 1463 33 15 3 38 16 Viivikonna alev 1406 95 1170 27 58 1 55 17 Narva linnahaldus 84975 2926 78723 1092 796 103 1335 18 Narva linn 81221 2498 75581 1036 768 94 1244 19 Narva-Jõesuu alev 3754 428 3142 56 28 9 91 20 Pärnu linnahaldus 56937 41424 13909 746 196 84 578 21 Pärnu linn 52389 38136 12774 699 183 82 515 22 Sindi linn 4548 3288 1135 47 13 2 63 23 Sillamäe linnahaldus 20561 513 19253 317 207 12 259 24 Sillamäe linn 20561 513 19253 317 207 12 259 25 Tartu linnahaldus 113420 82720 27851 1246 392 104 1107 26 Tartu linn 113420 82720 27851 1246 392 104 1107 Maakonnad 27 Harjumaa 105994 72039 29342 2175 674 116 1648 28 Linnarahvastik 27227 11303 14112 953 292 32 535 29 Keila linn 10072 7141 2557 132 40 12 190 30 Paldiski linn 7690 151 6649 590 200 10 90 31 Aegviidu alev 1097 916 139 14 - 2 26 32 Kehra alev 4053 1956 1808 105 23 4 157 33 Loksa alev 4315 1139 2959 112 29 4 72 34 Maarahvastik 78767 60736 15230 1222 382 84 1113 35 Hiiumaa 11097 10666 339 48 6 7 31 36 Linnarahvastik 4139 3878 211 18 5 4 23 37 Kärdla linn 4139 3878 211 18 5 4 23 38 Maarahvastik 6958 6788 128 30 1 3 8 39 Ida-Virumaa 23931 15401 7730 248 179 21 352 40 Maarahvastik 23931 15401 7730 248 179 21 352

118 2.20 Järg 2.20 Cont.

Suhtarvud — Rates Rea 1000 elaniku kohta valdab emakeelena nr. per 1000 inhabitants speaking as mother tongue Administrative unit eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other nian sian ian rus- vian lan- Row sian guages No.

619 348 14 6 1 12 Total population 1 512 449 16 7 2 14 Urban population 2 887 95 7 2 1 8 Rural population 3 Republican town administrations 466 487 21 9 1 16 Tallinn town administration 4 473 482 20 8 1 16 Tallinn 5 381 556 29 12 1 21 Northern district 6 613 354 14 5 1 13 Southern district 7 382 569 23 9 2 15 Easten district 8 568 399 14 6 1 12 Western district 9 146 754 35 31 2 32 Maardu 10 910 80 6 1 0 3 Saue 11 221 733 14 14 1 17 Kohtla-Järve town administration 12 197 756 14 15 1 17 Kohtla-Järve 13 374 587 12 4 1 22 Kiviõli 14 387 578 13 6 1 15 Püssi 15 68 832 19 41 1 39 Viivikonna 16 35 926 13 9 1 16 Narva town administration 17 31 931 13 9 1 15 Narva 18 114 837 15 8 2 24 Narva-Jõesuu 19 728 244 13 3 2 10 Pärnu town administration 20 728 244 13 3 2 10 Pärnu 21 723 250 10 3 0 14 Sindi 22 25 936 15 10 1 13 Sillamäe town administration 23 25 936 15 10 1 13 Sillamäe 24 729 246 11 3 1 10 Tartu town administrtation 25 729 246 11 3 1 10 Tartu 26 Counties 680 277 20 6 1 16 Harjumaa 27 415 518 35 11 1 20 Urban population 28 709 254 13 4 1 19 Keila 29 20 864 77 26 1 12 Paldiski 30 835 127 13 - 2 23 Aegviidu 31 482 446 26 6 1 39 Kehra 32 264 686 26 7 1 16 Loksa 33 771 193 16 5 1 14 Rural population 34 961 31 4 0 1 3 Hiiumaa 35 937 51 4 1 1 6 Urban population 36 937 51 4 1 1 6 Kärdla 37 976 18 4 0 1 1 Rural population 38 644 323 10 7 1 15 Ida-Virumaa 39 644 323 10 7 1 15 Rural population 40

119 2.20 Järg 2.20 Cont.

Rea Absoluutarvud — Absolute numbers nr. Haldusüksus Koguarv sealhulgas valdab emakeelena Total of whom speaking as mother tongue eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other Row nian sian ian rus- vian lan- No. sian guages

41 Jõgevamaa 42505 37849 4083 325 35 5 208 42 Linnarahvastik 14236 12032 2003 105 18 4 74 43 Jõgeva linn 7035 6041 844 90 11 1 48 44 Mustvee linn 1994 855 1115 10 5 1 8 45 Põltsamaa linn 5207 5136 44 5 2 2 18 46 Maarahvastik 28269 25817 2080 220 17 1 134

47 Järvamaa 43807 40524 2375 535 46 14 313 48 Linnarahvastik 17711 15887 1422 220 22 7 153 49 Paide linn 10849 9542 1085 102 16 3 101 50 Türi linn 6862 6345 337 118 6 4 52 51 Maarahvastik 26096 24637 953 315 24 7 160

52 Läänemaa 33389 26605 5994 379 84 20 307 53 Linnarahvastik 16489 11562 4438 233 66 14 176 54 Haapsalu linn 14617 9745 4391 232 66 14 169 55 Lihula alev 1872 1817 47 1 - - 7 56 Maarahvastik 16900 15043 1556 146 18 6 131

57 Lääne-Virumaa 79690 61340 15701 1116 270 50 1213 58 Linnarahvastik 38983 24373 12828 830 233 37 682 59 Kunda linn 5037 2516 2321 81 23 3 93 60 Rakvere linn 19822 15145 4166 217 42 11 241 61 Tapa linn 10439 3850 5670 464 145 20 290 62 Tamsalu alev 2978 2187 644 67 23 1 56 63 Võsu alev 707 675 27 1 - 2 2 64 Maarahvastik 40707 36967 2873 286 37 13 531

65 Põlvamaa 36238 33917 2011 180 11 9 110 66 Linnarahvastik 10526 9548 856 76 4 4 38 67 Põlva alev 7038 6635 314 58 2 - 29 68 Räpina alev 3488 2913 542 18 2 4 9 69 Maarahvastik 25712 24369 1155 104 7 5 72

70 Pärnumaa 42783 41014 1366 110 15 55 223 71 Linnarahvastik 8839 8406 360 14 4 2 53 72 Kilingi-Nõmme linn 2504 2458 41 - - 2 3 73 Lavassaare alev 537 348 163 3 3 - 20 74 Pärnu-Jaagupi alev 1516 1482 24 3 - - 7 75 Tootsi alev 1323 1193 108 5 1 - 16 76 Vändra alev 2959 2925 24 3 - - 7 77 Maarahvastik 33944 32608 1006 96 11 53 170

120 2.20 Järg 2.20 Cont.

Suhtarvud — Rates Rea 1000 elaniku kohta valdab emakeelena nr. per 1000 inhabitants speaking as mother tongue Administrative unit eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other nian sian ian rus- vian lan- Row sian guages No.

890 96 8 1 0 5 Jõgevamaa 41 845 141 8 1 0 5 Urban population 42 859 120 13 1 0 7 Jõgeva 43 429 559 5 3 0 4 Mustvee 44 986 9 1 0 0 4 Põltsamaa 45 913 73 8 1 0 5 Rural population 46

925 54 12 1 1 7 Järvamaa 47 897 80 13 1 0 9 Urban population 48 880 100 9 2 0 9 Paide 49 925 49 17 1 1 7 Türi 50 944 37 12 1 0 6 Rural population 51

797 180 11 2 1 9 Läänemaa 52 701 269 14 4 1 11 Urban population 53 667 300 16 5 1 11 Haapsalu 54 971 25 0 - - 4 Lihula 55 890 92 9 1 0 8 Rural population 56

770 197 14 3 1 15 Lääne-Virumaa 57 625 329 21 6 1 18 Urban population 58 499 461 16 5 1 18 Kunda 59 764 210 11 2 1 12 Rakvere 60 369 543 44 14 2 28 Tapa 61 734 216 23 8 0 19 Tamsalu 62 955 38 1 - 3 3 Võsu 63 908 71 7 1 0 13 Rural population 64

936 56 5 0 0 3 Põlvamaa 65 907 82 7 0 0 4 Urban population 66 943 45 8 0 - 4 Põlva 67 835 155 5 1 1 3 Räpina 68 948 45 4 0 0 3 Rural population 69

959 32 3 0 1 5 Pärnumaa 70 951 41 2 0 0 6 Urban population 71 982 16 - - 1 1 Kilingi-Nõmme 72 648 303 6 6 - 37 Lavassaare 73 978 16 2 - - 4 Pärnu-Jaagupi 74 902 81 4 1 - 12 Tootsi 75 989 8 1 - - 2 Vändra 76 961 30 3 0 1 5 Rural population 77

121 2.20 Järg 2.20 Cont.

Rea Absoluutarvud — Absolute numbers nr. Haldusüksus Koguarv sealhulgas valdab emakeelena Total of whom speaking as mother tongue eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other Row nian sian ian rus- vian lan- No. sian guages

78 Raplamaa 39539 36207 2708 185 64 12 363 79 Linnarahvastik 14965 13139 1495 64 29 4 234 80 Järvakandi alev 1807 1442 272 7 3 - 83 81 Kohila alev 3593 2776 685 41 14 - 77 82 Märjamaa alev 3294 3204 61 5 1 3 20 83 Rapla alev 6271 5717 477 11 11 1 54 84 Maarahvastik 24574 23068 1213 121 35 8 129

85 Saaremaa 39467 36910 2219 157 44 12 125 86 Linnarahvastik 16166 15027 983 85 15 8 48 87 Kuressaare linn 16166 15027 983 85 15 8 48 88 Maarahvastik 23301 21883 1236 72 29 4 77

89 Tartumaa 48393 41953 5867 190 31 20 332 90 Linnarahvastik 7686 6089 1464 59 5 3 66 91 Elva linn 6325 5839 389 52 1 2 42 92 Kallaste linn 1361 250 1075 7 4 1 24 93 Maarahvastik 40707 35864 4403 131 26 17 266

94 Valgamaa 41473 31954 8092 455 112 421 439 95 Linnarahvastik 23692 15273 7242 344 95 375 363 96 Otepää linn 2424 2397 21 3 - - 3 97 Tõrva linn 3546 3509 25 2 1 4 5 98 Valga linn 17722 9367 7196 339 94 371 355 99 Maarahvastik 17781 16681 850 111 17 46 76

100 Viljandimaa 65222 60325 3906 414 59 61 457 101 Linnarahvastik 32028 28888 2539 252 47 47 255 102 Mõisaküla linn 1349 1216 105 6 1 16 5 103 Suure-Jaani linn 1503 1480 20 1 - - 2 104 Viljandi linn 23080 20469 2149 182 36 21 223 105 Abja-Paluoja alev 1737 1610 100 13 2 4 8 106 Karksi-Nuia alev 2361 2262 53 30 6 2 8 107 Võhma alev 1998 1851 112 20 2 4 9 108 Maarahvastik 33194 31437 1367 162 12 14 202

109 Võrumaa 45176 41850 2952 189 34 42 109 110 Linnarahvastik 19184 16724 2247 107 27 18 61 111 Antsla linn 1688 1661 23 - - - 4 112 Võru linn 17496 15063 2224 107 27 18 57 113 Maarahvastik 25992 25126 705 82 7 24 48

122 2.20 Järg 2.20 Cont.

Suhtarvud — Rates Rea 1000 elaniku kohta valdab emakeelena nr. per 1000 inhabitants speaking as mother tongue Administrative unit eesti vene ukraina valge- läti teisi keelt keelt keelt vene keelt keeli keelt Esto- Rus- Ukrain- Belo- Lat- other nian sian ian rus- vian lan- Row sian guages No.

916 68 5 2 0 9 Raplamaa 78 878 100 4 2 0 16 Urban population 79 798 150 4 2 - 46 Järvakandi 80 773 191 11 4 - 21 Kohila 81 973 19 1 0 1 6 Märjamaa 82 912 76 2 2 0 8 Rapla 83 939 49 5 2 0 5 Rural population 84

935 56 4 1 1 3 Saaremaa 85 930 61 5 1 0 3 Urban population 86 930 61 5 1 0 3 Kuressaare 87 939 53 3 1 0 4 Rural population 88

867 121 4 1 0 7 Tartumaa 89 792 190 8 1 0 9 Urban population 90 923 62 8 0 0 7 Elva 91 184 790 5 3 1 17 Kallaste 92 881 108 3 1 0 7 Rural population 93

770 195 11 3 10 11 Valgamaa 94 645 306 14 4 16 15 Urban population 95 989 9 1 - - 1 Otepää 96 990 7 1 0 1 1 Tõrva 97 529 406 19 5 21 20 Valga 98 938 48 6 1 3 4 Rural population 99

925 60 6 1 1 7 Viljandimaa 100 902 79 8 1 2 8 Urban population 101 901 78 4 1 12 4 Mõisaküla 102 985 13 1 - - 1 Suure-Jaani 103 887 93 8 1 1 10 Viljandi 104 927 58 7 1 2 5 Abja-Paluoja 105 958 22 13 3 1 3 Karksi-Nuia 106 926 56 10 1 2 5 Võhma 107 947 41 5 0 1 6 Rural population 108

926 65 4 1 1 3 Võrumaa 109 872 117 6 1 1 3 Urban population 110 984 14 - - - 2 Antsla 111 861 127 6 2 1 3 Võru 112 967 27 3 0 1 2 Rural population 113

123 2.21 RAHVASTIK RAHVUSE, EMAKEELE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.21 POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, MOTHER TONGUE AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta peavad emakeeleks per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality speaking as mother tongue Rahvus, Nationality, 1979 1989 sugu sex oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt rahvuse not ethnic language rahvuse not ethnic language keelt eesti vene teisi keelt eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli ethnic Esto- Rus- other ethnic Esto- Rus- other lan- nian sian lan- lan- nian sian lan- guage guages guage guages

Koguarv Total 946 11 43 0 940 10 49 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 990 - 10 0 989 - 11 0 venelased Russians 984 15 - 1 986 13 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 444 13 542 1 442 12 545 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 346 7 646 1 319 7 671 3 soomlased Finns 371 361 267 1 310 407 281 2 juudid Jews 150 81 765 4 124 84 783 9 teised rahvused others 525 70 390 15 481 60 444 15

Mehed Males 941 10 49 0 936 9 54 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 990 - 10 0 989 - 11 0 venelased Russians 985 15 - 0 987 12 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 445 12 542 1 441 11 547 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 332 7 660 1 296 6 695 3 soomlased Finns 332 367 301 0 258 422 318 2 juudid Jews 138 82 777 3 116 85 791 8 teised rahvused others 555 54 376 15 518 48 419 15

Naised Females 950 11 38 1 943 11 45 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 990 - 10 0 990 - 10 0 venelased Russians 983 16 - 1 985 14 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 444 14 541 1 443 14 542 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 361 6 631 2 341 8 648 3 soomlased Finns 397 357 245 1 345 398 255 2 juudid Jews 162 79 754 5 132 84 775 9 teised rahvused others 490 88 406 16 440 73 471 16

124 2.22 LINNARAHVASTIK RAHVUSE, EMAKEELE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.22 URBAN POPULATION BY NATIONALITY, MOTHER TONGUE AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta peavad emakeeleks per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality speaking as mother tongue Rahvus, Nationality, sugu sex 1979 1989 oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt rahvuse not ethnic language rahvuse not ethnic language keelt eesti vene teisi keelt eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli ethnic Esto- Rus- other ethnic Esto- Rus- other lan- nian sian lan- lan- nian sian lan- guage guages guage guages

Koguarv Total 935 9 55 1 929 8 62 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 985 - 15 0 984 - 16 0 venelased Russians 989 10 - 1 991 8 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 429 8 562 1 426 8 565 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 345 4 650 1 316 4 677 3 soomlased Finns 360 296 343 1 310 335 353 2 juudid Jews 152 80 764 4 124 83 784 9 teised rahvused others 515 53 417 15 483 42 459 16

Mehed Males 928 8 63 1 923 8 68 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 985 - 15 0 984 - 16 0 venelased Russians 991 9 - 0 992 7 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 431 8 560 1 426 7 566 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 328 5 666 1 292 4 702 2 soomlased Finns 322 292 385 1 259 338 401 2 juudid Jews 139 82 776 3 117 84 791 8 teised rahvused others 547 40 398 15 520 34 431 15

Naised Females 941 9 49 1 933 9 57 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 986 - 14 0 984 - 16 0 venelased Russians 988 11 - 1 991 8 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 426 9 564 1 426 8 565 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 361 3 634 2 341 3 653 3 soomlased Finns 385 299 316 0 342 333 323 2 juudid Jews 164 78 753 5 132 82 777 9 teised rahvused others 476 68 440 16 442 51 490 17

125 2.23 MAARAHVASTIK RAHVUSE, EMAKEELE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.23 RURAL POPULATION BY NATIONALITY AND MOTHER TONGUE, 1979, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta peavad emakeeleks per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality speaking as mother tongue Rahvus, Nationality, sugu sex 1979 1989 oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt rahvuse not ethnic language rahvuse not ethnic language keelt eesti vene teisi keelt eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli ethnic Esto- Rus- other ethnic Esto- Rus- other lan- nian sian lan- lan- nian sian lan- guage guages guage guages

Koguarv Total 971 15 14 0 969 15 16 0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 997 - 3 0 997 - 3 0 venelased Russians 929 69 - 2 927 71 - 2 ukrainlased Ukrainians 557 43 399 1 552 46 400 2 valgevenelased Belorussians 368 36 593 3 348 47 600 5 soomlased Finns 390 479 131 0 311 559 129 1 juudid Jews 42 127 817 14 75 179 731 15 teised rahvused others 570 147 270 13 464 168 355 13

Mehed Males 970 14 16 0 968 14 18 0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 997 - 3 0 997 - 3 0 venelased Russians 935 64 - 1 936 63 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 547 39 413 1 542 41 416 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 372 37 588 3 343 35 618 4 soomlased Finns 348 492 160 0 256 584 160 0 juudid Jews 53 105 842 - 54 135 784 27 teised rahvused others 589 120 278 13 503 134 349 14

Naised Females 972 16 12 0 969 17 14 0 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 997 - 3 0 997 - 3 0 venelased Russians 923 75 - 2 918 80 - 2 ukrainlased Ukrainians 571 48 379 2 563 53 381 3 valgevenelased Belorussians 363 35 598 4 354 58 582 6 soomlased Finns 419 469 111 1 352 541 106 1 juudid Jews 30 152 788 30 100 233 667 - teised rahvused others 548 178 260 14 421 205 361 13

126 2.24 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND RAHVUSE, EMAKEELE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (1000 elaniku kohta) 2.24 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY NATIONALITY, MOTHER TONGUE AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (per 1000 inhabitants)

1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta peavad emakeeleks per 1000 inhabitants of the given nationality speaking as mother tongue Rahvus, Nationality, 1979 1989 sugu sex oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt oma mitte oma rahvuse keelt rahvuse eesti vene teisi rahvuse eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keeli ethnic not ethnic language ethnic not ethnic language lan- Esto- Rus- other lan- Esto- Rus- other guage nian sian lan- guage nian sian lan- guages guages

Kogu elanikkond Total population 927 8 65 0 919 7 73 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 982 - 18 0 982 - 18 0 venelased Russians 991 8 - 1 993 6 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 435 5 560 0 420 4 575 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 365 3 631 1 314 2 682 2 soomlased Finns 332 356 311 1 300 369 328 3 juudid Jews 158 79 760 3 133 86 772 9 teised rahvused others 527 49 407 17 512 34 439 15

Mehed Males 917 7 75 1 911 6 82 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 981 - 19 0 981 - 19 0 venelased Russians 992 7 - 1 994 5 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 450 4 545 1 433 4 562 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 362 3 634 1 302 2 694 2 soomlased Finns 315 354 329 2 263 375 358 4 juudid Jews 143 82 772 3 126 90 775 9 teised rahvused others 571 35 378 16 562 26 397 15

Naised Females 935 8 56 1 926 7 66 1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 983 - 17 0 982 - 18 0 venelased Russians 990 9 - 1 993 6 - 1 ukrainlased Ukrainians 412 6 581 1 403 4 592 1 valgevenelased Belorussians 369 2 627 2 326 3 669 2 soomlased Finns 342 356 301 1 322 365 310 3 juudid Jews 173 75 749 3 141 81 770 8 teised rahvused others 469 68 446 17 448 45 491 16


Valdavad emakeele või teise keelena Rahvus, Nationality, Speaking as mother tongue or second language sugu sex eesti keelt vene keelt Estonian Russian 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1979. a. kogu- 1979. a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in share in in share in rela- total rela- total tion num- tion num- to ber, to ber, 1979 % 1979 %

Kogu- Total rahvastik population Kokku Total 1017865 1055159 103.7 67.4 729774 921630 126.3 58.9 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 943956 959111 101.6 99.6 227983 333426 146.3 34.6 venelased Russians 52800 71208 134.9 15.0 407014 473603 116.4 99.7 ukrainlased Ukrainians 2205 3918 177.7 8.1 34154 45472 133.1 94.2 valgevenelased Belorussians 971 1892 194.9 6.8 22440 26874 119.8 97.0 soomlased Finns 12138 12314 101.4 74.1 11739 11138 94.9 67.0 juudid Jews 1640 1591 97.0 34.5 4508 4215 93.5 91.4

Mehed Males 459040 482279 105.1 65.9 364747 457305 125.4 62.5 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 427725 441958 103.3 99.5 123209 175858 142.7 39.6 venelased Russians 22440 29753 132.6 13.4 190931 221932 116.2 99.8 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1115 1895 170.0 7.3 19708 24790 125.8 95.0 valgevenelased Belorussians 454 813 179.1 5.9 11509 13359 116.1 97.5 soomlased Finns 4755 4889 102.8 72.7 4946 4754 96.1 70.7 juudid Jews 771 768 99.6 32.6 2273 2163 95.2 91.8

Naised Females 558825 572880 102.5 68.7 365027 464325 127.2 55.7 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 516231 517153 100.2 99.6 104774 157568 150.4 30.3 venelased Russians 30360 41455 136.5 16.4 216083 251671 116.5 99.7 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1090 2023 185.6 9.1 14446 20682 143.2 93.3 valgevenelased Belorussians 517 1079 208.7 7.7 10931 13515 123.6 96.5 soomlased Finns 7383 7425 100.6 75.0 6793 6384 94.0 64.5 juudid Jews 869 823 94.7 36.4 2235 2052 91.8 90.9

128 2.25 Järg 2.25 Cont.

Valdavad emakeele või teise keelena Rahvus, Nationality, Speaking as mother tongue or second language sugu sex eesti keelt vene keelt Estonian Russian 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1979.a. kogu- 1979.a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in share in in share in rela- total rela- total tion num- tion num- to ber, to ber, 1979 % 1979 %

Linna- Urban rahvastik population Kokku Total 609567 645883 106.0 57.7 613407 777789 126.8 69.5 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 552739 568887 102.9 99.4 161743 240825 148.9 42.1 venelased Russians 42655 59602 139.7 13.6 369397 436097 118.1 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 1734 3009 173.5 7.1 30350 40262 132.7 95.1 valgevenelased Belorussians 730 1513 207.3 5.9 20740 24728 119.2 97.2 soomlased Finns 7212 7651 106.1 68.1 8233 8195 99.5 73.0 juudid Jews 1620 1564 96.5 34.4 4443 4153 93.5 91.4

Mehed Males 269987 287786 106.6 55.6 299502 376204 125.6 72.7 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 246490 256254 104.0 99.3 83444 120721 144.7 46.8 venelased Russians 17620 24272 137.8 11.9 172083 203122 118.0 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 859 1427 166.1 6.2 17512 21946 125.3 95.9 valgevenelased Belorussians 326 648 198.8 5.2 10620 12266 115.5 97.7 soomlased Finns 2721 2882 105.9 65.2 3338 3401 101.9 77.0 juudid Jews 761 756 99.3 32.6 2239 2128 95.0 91.8

Naised Females 339580 358097 105.5 59.5 313905 401585 127.9 66.8 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 306249 312633 102.1 99.4 78299 120104 153.4 38.2 venelased Russians 25035 35330 141.1 15.1 197314 232975 118.1 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 875 1582 180.8 8.1 12838 18316 142.7 94.3 valgevenelased Belorussians 404 865 214.1 6.7 10120 12462 123.1 96.7 soomlased Finns 4491 4769 106.2 70.0 4895 4794 97.9 70.3 juudid Jews 859 808 94.1 36.3 2204 2025 91.9 90.9

129 2.25 Järg 2.25 Cont.

Valdavad emakeele või teise keelena Rahvus, Nationality, Speaking as mother tongue or second language sugu sex eesti keelt vene keelt Estonian Russian 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1979.a. kogu- 1979.a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in share in in share in rela- total rela- total tion num- tion num- to ber, to ber, 1979 % 1979 %

Maa- Rural rahvastik population Kokku Total 408298 409276 100.2 91.6 116367 143841 123.6 32.2 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 391217 390224 99.7 99.9 66240 92601 139.8 23.7 venelased Russians 10145 11606 114.4 30.4 37617 37506 99.7 98.4 ukrainlased Ukrainians 471 909 193.0 15.3 3804 5210 137.0 87.6 valgevenelased Belorussians 241 379 157.3 16.7 1700 2146 126.2 94.5 soomlased Finns 4926 4663 94.7 86.5 3506 2943 83.9 54.6 juudid Jews 20 27 135.0 40.3 65 62 95.4 92.5

Mehed Males 189053 194493 102.9 90.9 65245 81101 124.3 37.9 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 181235 185704 102.5 99.9 39765 55137 138.7 29.6 venelased Russians 4820 5481 113.7 28.7 18848 18810 99.8 98.6 ukrainlased Ukrainians 256 468 182.8 14.6 2196 2844 129.5 88.7 valgevenelased Belorussians 128 165 128.9 14.4 889 1093 122.9 95.7 soomlased Finns 2034 2007 98.7 87.1 1608 1353 84.1 58.7 juudid Jews 10 12 120.0 32.4 34 35 102.9 94.6

Naised Females 219245 214783 98.0 92.2 51122 62740 122.7 26.9 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 209982 204520 97.4 99.9 26475 37464 141.5 18.3 venelased Russians 5325 6125 115.0 32.2 18769 18696 99.6 98.2 ukrainlased Ukrainians 215 441 205.1 16.1 1608 2366 147.1 86.4 valgevenelased Belorussians 113 214 189.4 19.0 811 1053 129.8 93.4 soomlased Finns 2892 2656 91.8 86.1 1898 1590 83.8 51.6 juudid Jews 10 15 150.0 50.0 31 27 87.1 90.0


Valdavad emakeele või teise keelena Rahvus, Nationality, Speaking as mother tongue or second language sugu sex eesti keelt vene keelt Estonian Russian 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1979. a. kogu- 1979. a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in share in in share in rela- total rela- total tion num- tion num- to ber, to ber, 1979 % 1979 %

Elanikkond Population Kokku Total 247950 265026 106.9 55.3 267160 359775 134.7 75.1 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 220794 225765 102.3 99.3 64792 112172 173.1 49.4 venelased Russians 21136 31499 149.0 16.0 162405 196958 121.3 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 879 1563 177.8 6.8 16770 21831 130.2 95.5 valgevenelased Belorussians 356 830 233.1 6.6 9838 12146 123.5 97.1 soomlased Finns 2195 2459 112.0 75.2 1922 2232 116.1 68.2 juudid Jews 1325 1306 98.6 36.1 3379 3288 97.3 90.8

Mehed Males 106566 115564 108.4 51.9 130392 173937 133.4 78.2 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 95908 100211 104.5 99.2 32142 54176 168.6 53.7 venelased Russians 8215 12166 148.1 13.2 75667 92183 121.8 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 400 700 175.0 5.5 10004 12309 123.0 96.3 valgevenelased Belorussians 162 348 214.8 5.3 5426 6396 117.9 97.5 soomlased Finns 746 868 116.4 71.0 707 881 124.6 72.0 juudid Jews 622 625 100.5 34.2 1691 1663 98.3 90.9

Naised Females 141384 149462 105.7 58.3 136768 185838 135.9 72.5 sealhulgas: of whom: eestlased Estonians 124886 125554 100.5 99.4 32650 57996 177.6 45.9 venelased Russians 12921 19333 149.6 18.4 86738 104775 120.8 99.9 ukrainlased Ukrainians 479 863 180.2 8.6 6766 9522 140.7 94.5 valgevenelased Belorussians 194 482 248.5 8.1 4412 5750 130.3 96.5 soomlased Finns 1449 1591 109.8 77.7 1215 1351 111.2 66.0 juudid Jews 703 681 96.9 38.0 1688 1625 96.3 90.7


sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language eesti vene teisi eesti vene teisi eesti vene eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- Esto- Rus- other nian sian nian sian nian sian nian sian Kogurahvastik Kokku 963281 953032 10076 173 6079 323350 1311 989 11 6 336 1 Total population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 102871 101619 1232 20 275 1742 34 988 12 3 17 - 7–10 55654 54927 718 9 345 2617 26 987 13 6 47 1 11–15 70464 69465 988 11 566 8903 58 986 14 8 126 1 16–19 57912 57070 834 8 493 22273 70 986 14 9 385 1 20–24 64366 63510 838 18 531 35908 73 987 13 8 558 1 25–29 65640 64721 912 7 582 36109 98 986 14 9 550 1 30–34 63242 62331 898 13 600 35326 108 986 14 9 559 2 35–39 60197 59428 758 11 525 33792 97 987 13 9 561 2 40–44 57092 56551 535 6 392 31308 94 991 9 7 548 2 45–49 62789 62398 380 11 277 32638 111 994 6 4 520 2 50–54 59462 58979 477 6 353 26917 76 992 8 6 453 1 55–59 59384 58873 502 9 377 21596 70 991 9 6 364 1 60+ 184208 183160 1004 44 763 34221 396 994 6 4 186 2 Mehed 444048 439287 4688 73 2671 171170 624 989 11 6 386 1 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 52332 51686 638 8 145 870 23 988 12 3 17 - 7–10 28269 27868 394 7 174 1286 14 986 14 6 45 1 11–15 35687 35187 496 4 291 4238 20 986 14 8 119 1 16–19 28938 28533 400 5 216 12009 46 986 14 7 415 2 20–24 31953 31572 367 14 224 21109 37 988 12 7 661 1 25–29 32914 32502 407 5 251 20368 58 988 12 7 619 2 30–34 31238 30825 412 1 253 19288 59 987 13 8 617 2 35–39 29559 29230 326 3 217 18108 50 989 11 7 613 2 40–44 27431 27182 246 3 167 16384 45 991 9 6 597 2 45–49 29864 29678 181 5 133 17122 56 994 6 5 573 2 50–54 27740 27519 219 2 161 13957 43 992 8 6 503 1 55–59 26840 26621 218 1 155 11659 27 992 8 6 434 1 60+ 61283 60884 384 15 284 14772 146 994 6 5 241 2 Naised 519233 513745 5388 100 3408 152180 687 989 11 7 293 1 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 50539 49933 594 12 130 872 11 988 12 3 17 - 7–10 27385 27059 324 2 171 1331 12 988 12 6 49 - 11–15 34777 34278 492 7 275 4665 38 986 14 8 134 1 16–19 28974 28537 434 3 277 10264 24 985 15 10 354 1 20–24 32413 31938 471 4 307 14799 36 985 15 9 457 1 25–29 32726 32219 505 2 331 15741 40 985 15 10 481 1 30–34 32004 31506 486 12 347 16038 49 985 15 11 501 2 35–39 30638 30198 432 8 308 15684 47 986 14 10 512 2 40–44 29661 29369 289 3 225 14924 49 990 10 8 503 2 45–49 32925 32720 199 6 144 15516 55 994 6 4 471 2 50–54 31722 31460 258 4 192 12960 33 992 8 6 409 1 55–59 32544 32252 284 8 222 9937 43 991 9 7 305 1 60+ 122925 122276 620 29 479 19449 250 995 5 4 158 2

132 2.27 Järg 2.27 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language eesti vene teisi eesti vene teisi eesti vene eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- Esto- Rus- other nian sian nian sian nian sian nian sian Linnarahvastik Kokku 572547 563450 8953 144 5437 231872 858 984 16 9 405 2 Urban population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 55778 54717 1050 11 213 1345 17 981 19 4 24 - 7–10 30891 30252 631 8 284 2045 19 979 21 9 66 1 11–15 40406 39517 881 8 502 6826 42 978 22 12 169 1 16–19 36872 36127 737 8 433 16902 56 980 20 12 458 2 20–24 40689 39917 756 16 478 25036 44 981 19 12 615 1 25–29 37933 37131 797 5 511 23253 59 979 21 13 613 2 30–34 37418 36605 801 12 543 23357 63 978 22 14 624 2 35–39 36836 36137 689 10 481 23282 62 981 19 13 632 2 40–44 35963 35467 491 5 365 22434 64 986 14 10 624 2 45–49 39940 39592 338 10 249 24210 71 991 9 6 606 2 50–54 37170 36729 437 4 326 20103 49 988 12 9 541 1 55–59 37184 36728 447 9 345 16433 45 988 12 9 442 1 60+ 105467 104531 898 38 707 26646 267 991 9 7 253 2 Mehed 258079 253900 4118 61 2354 116603 416 984 16 9 452 2 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 28400 27853 543 4 108 671 14 981 19 4 24 - 7–10 15718 15361 351 6 141 1011 10 977 23 9 64 1 11–15 20245 19791 451 3 269 3218 14 978 22 13 159 1 16–19 17791 17437 349 5 184 8785 36 980 20 10 494 2 20–24 19734 19400 321 13 195 13998 24 983 16 10 709 1 25–29 18273 17915 354 4 220 12387 37 981 19 12 678 2 30–34 17578 17225 352 1 221 11961 32 980 20 13 680 2 35–39 17223 16926 295 2 197 11798 34 983 17 11 685 2 40–44 16570 16342 225 3 159 11091 33 986 14 10 669 2 45–49 18264 18103 156 5 119 12042 37 991 9 7 659 2 50–54 16721 16520 200 1 150 9952 30 988 12 9 595 2 55–59 16651 16461 189 1 137 8588 19 989 11 8 516 1 60+ 34911 34566 332 13 254 11101 96 990 10 7 318 3 Naised 314468 309550 4835 83 3083 115269 442 984 16 10 367 1 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 27378 26864 507 7 105 674 3 981 19 4 25 - 7–10 15173 14891 280 2 143 1034 9 981 19 9 68 1 11–15 20161 19726 430 5 233 3608 28 979 21 12 179 1 16–19 19081 18690 388 3 249 8117 20 980 20 13 425 1 20–24 20955 20517 435 3 283 11038 20 979 21 13 527 1 25–29 19660 19216 443 1 291 10866 22 977 23 15 553 1 30–34 19840 19380 449 11 322 11396 31 977 23 16 574 2 35–39 19613 19211 394 8 284 11484 28 980 20 14 586 1 40–44 19393 19125 266 2 206 11343 31 986 14 11 585 1 45–49 21676 21489 182 5 130 12168 34 991 9 6 561 2 50–54 20449 20209 237 3 176 10151 19 988 12 9 496 1 55–59 20533 20267 258 8 208 7845 26 987 13 10 382 1 60+ 70556 69965 566 25 453 15545 171 992 8 6 220 3

133 2.27 Järg 2.27 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language eesti vene teisi eesti vene teisi eesti vene eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- Esto- Rus- other nian sian nian sian nian sian nian sian Maarahvastik Kokku 390734 389582 1123 29 642 91478 453 997 3 2 234 1 Rural population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 47093 46902 182 9 62 397 17 996 4 1 9 - 7–10 24763 24675 87 1 61 572 7 996 4 3 23 - 11–15 30058 29948 107 3 64 2077 16 996 4 2 69 1 16–19 21040 20943 97 - 60 5371 14 995 5 3 255 1 20–24 23677 23593 82 2 53 10872 29 996 4 2 459 2 25–29 27707 27590 115 2 71 12856 39 996 4 3 464 1 30–34 25824 25726 97 1 57 11969 45 996 4 2 463 2 35–39 23361 23291 69 1 44 10510 35 997 3 2 450 1 40–44 21129 21084 44 1 27 8874 30 998 2 1 420 2 45–49 22849 22806 42 1 28 8428 40 998 2 1 369 2 50–54 22292 22250 40 2 27 6814 27 998 2 1 306 1 55–59 22200 22145 55 - 32 5163 25 998 2 1 233 1 60+ 78741 78629 106 6 56 7575 129 999 1 1 96 2 Mehed 185969 185387 570 12 317 54567 208 997 3 2 293 1 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 23932 23833 95 4 37 199 9 996 4 2 8 - 7–10 12551 12507 43 1 33 275 4 996 4 3 22 - 11–15 15442 15396 45 1 22 1020 6 997 3 2 66 - 16–19 11147 11096 51 - 32 3224 10 995 5 3 289 1 20–24 12219 12172 46 1 29 7111 13 996 4 2 582 1 25–29 14641 14587 53 1 31 7981 21 996 4 2 545 2 30–34 13660 13600 60 - 32 7327 27 996 4 3 536 2 35–39 12336 12304 31 1 20 6310 16 997 3 2 511 1 40–44 10861 10840 21 - 8 5293 12 998 2 1 487 1 45–49 11600 11575 25 - 14 5080 19 998 2 1 438 2 50–54 11019 10999 19 1 11 4005 13 998 2 1 364 1 55–59 10189 10160 29 - 18 3071 8 997 3 2 301 1 60+ 26372 26318 52 2 30 3671 50 998 2 1 139 2 Naised 204765 204195 553 17 325 36911 245 997 3 2 180 1 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 23161 23069 87 5 25 198 8 996 4 1 9 - 7–10 12212 12168 44 - 28 297 3 996 4 2 25 - 11–15 14616 14552 62 2 42 1057 10 996 4 3 72 1 16–19 9893 9847 46 - 28 2147 4 995 5 3 217 - 20–24 11458 11421 36 1 24 3761 16 997 3 2 328 2 25–29 13066 13003 62 1 40 4875 18 995 5 3 373 2 30–34 12164 12126 37 1 25 4642 18 997 3 2 382 1 35–39 11025 10987 38 - 24 4200 19 997 3 2 381 2 40–44 10268 10244 23 1 19 3581 18 998 2 2 349 2 45–49 11249 11231 17 1 14 3348 21 998 2 1 298 2 50–54 11273 11251 21 1 16 2809 14 998 2 2 249 1 55–59 12011 11985 26 - 14 2092 17 998 2 1 174 2 60+ 52369 52311 54 4 26 3904 79 999 1 - 75 2


sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language vene eesti teisi vene eesti teisi vene eesti vene eesti teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- Rus- Esto- other sian nian sian nian sian nian sian nian Kogurahvastik Kokku 474834 468216 6198 420 5387 65010 7468 986 13 11 137 16 Total population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 57333 57037 270 26 95 1188 32 995 5 2 21 - 7–10 30336 30127 197 12 106 1874 57 993 7 3 62 2 11–15 34817 34539 256 22 157 3652 139 992 7 4 105 4 16–19 25588 25368 200 20 168 3332 276 991 8 7 130 11 20–24 30065 29738 303 24 249 4319 674 989 10 8 144 22 25–29 40646 40183 423 40 395 6314 1012 989 10 10 155 25 30–34 44369 43738 600 31 565 7614 1064 986 14 13 171 24 35–39 42164 41338 780 46 722 8313 1028 980 19 17 197 25 40–44 28226 27599 593 34 549 5963 669 978 21 19 211 24 45–49 24968 24399 542 27 493 4233 595 977 22 20 169 24 50–54 29123 28555 543 25 492 4588 669 980 19 17 157 23 55–59 26645 26231 391 23 354 3899 406 984 15 13 147 15 60+ 60554 59364 1100 90 1042 9721 847 980 18 17 161 14 Mehed 222483 219623 2678 182 2309 27075 3511 987 12 10 122 16 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 29051 28895 140 16 47 558 22 995 5 2 19 1 7–10 15556 15444 104 8 59 913 33 993 7 4 59 2 11–15 17860 17708 136 16 80 1698 68 991 8 4 95 4 16–19 14514 14415 89 10 68 1506 187 993 6 4 104 13 20–24 15994 15858 127 9 100 1937 384 991 8 6 121 24 25–29 20165 19951 195 19 189 2767 489 989 10 10 137 24 30–34 21528 21252 257 19 254 3367 477 987 12 12 156 22 35–39 20270 19898 352 20 328 3638 474 982 17 16 180 23 40–44 13341 13043 283 15 268 2595 323 978 21 20 195 24 45–49 11381 11141 232 8 209 1691 275 979 20 18 149 24 50–54 12775 12519 242 14 219 1776 301 980 19 17 139 24 55–59 10962 10804 149 9 141 1479 186 986 14 13 135 17 60+ 19086 18695 372 19 347 3150 292 980 19 18 165 16 Naised 252351 248593 3520 238 3078 37935 3957 985 14 12 150 16 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 28282 28142 130 10 48 630 10 995 5 2 22 - 7–10 14780 14683 93 4 47 961 24 994 6 3 65 2 11–15 16957 16831 120 6 77 1954 71 993 7 5 115 4 16–19 11074 10953 111 10 100 1826 89 989 10 9 165 8 20–24 14071 13880 176 15 149 2382 290 986 13 10 169 21 25–29 20481 20232 228 21 206 3547 523 988 11 10 173 26 30–34 22841 22486 343 12 311 4247 587 984 15 13 186 26 35–39 21894 21440 428 26 394 4675 554 979 20 18 214 25 40–44 14885 14556 310 19 281 3368 346 978 21 19 226 23 45–49 13587 13258 310 19 284 2542 320 976 23 21 187 24 50–54 16348 16036 301 11 273 2812 368 981 18 17 172 22 55–59 15683 15427 242 14 213 2420 220 984 15 14 154 14 60+ 41468 40669 728 71 695 6571 555 981 17 17 159 13

135 2.28 Järg 2.28 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language vene eesti teisi vene eesti teisi vene eesti vene eesti teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- Rus- Esto- other sian nian sian nian sian nian sian nian Linnarahvastik Kokku 436708 432863 3481 364 3234 56121 6848 991 8 7 129 16 Urban population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 53030 52861 143 26 56 884 32 997 3 1 17 - 7–10 28050 27961 78 11 55 1400 51 997 3 2 50 2 11–15 32113 31998 94 21 77 2939 126 996 3 2 92 4 16–19 23355 23236 99 20 100 2915 250 995 4 4 125 11 20–24 27443 27283 139 21 132 3792 612 994 5 5 138 22 25–29 37281 37029 218 34 225 5589 886 993 6 6 150 24 30–34 40684 40335 321 28 313 6785 954 991 8 8 167 23 35–39 38659 38170 449 40 431 7454 920 987 12 11 193 24 40–44 26058 25647 381 30 364 5428 622 984 15 14 208 24 45–49 22945 22589 332 24 314 3712 564 985 14 14 162 24 50–54 26976 26652 302 22 285 4013 632 988 11 11 149 23 55–59 24635 24395 225 15 210 3247 385 990 9 8 132 16 60+ 55479 54707 700 72 672 7963 814 986 13 12 143 15 Mehed 203399 201754 1484 161 1368 22788 3184 992 7 7 112 16 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 26874 26784 74 16 29 409 22 997 3 1 15 1 7–10 14359 14311 41 7 28 670 31 997 3 2 47 2 11–15 16451 16389 47 15 37 1347 59 996 3 2 82 4 16–19 12968 12913 45 10 43 1278 168 996 3 3 99 13 20–24 14402 14331 63 8 57 1642 345 995 4 4 114 24 25–29 18393 18267 108 18 116 2402 423 993 6 6 131 23 30–34 19638 19484 136 18 142 2947 425 992 7 7 150 22 35–39 18461 18246 197 18 189 3194 423 988 11 10 173 23 40–44 12217 12022 183 12 175 2313 293 984 15 14 189 24 45–49 10366 10226 132 8 122 1426 259 986 13 12 137 25 50–54 11738 11591 136 11 130 1506 283 987 12 11 128 24 55–59 10079 9990 84 5 79 1170 175 991 8 8 116 17 60+ 17453 17200 238 15 221 2484 278 986 14 13 142 16 Naised 233309 231109 1997 203 1866 33333 3664 991 9 8 143 16 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 26156 26077 69 10 27 475 10 997 2 1 18 1 7–10 13691 13650 37 4 27 730 20 997 3 2 53 2 11–15 15662 15609 47 6 40 1592 67 997 3 2 102 4 16–19 10387 10323 54 10 57 1637 82 994 5 5 158 8 20–24 13041 12952 76 13 75 2150 267 993 6 6 165 20 25–29 18888 18762 110 16 109 3187 463 993 6 6 169 24 30–34 21046 20851 185 10 171 3838 529 991 9 8 183 25 35–39 20198 19924 252 22 242 4260 497 986 13 12 211 25 40–44 13841 13625 198 18 189 3115 329 985 14 14 225 24 45–49 12579 12363 200 16 192 2286 305 983 16 15 182 24 50–54 15238 15061 166 11 155 2507 349 988 11 10 165 23 55–59 14556 14405 141 10 131 2077 210 990 10 9 143 14 60+ 38026 37507 462 57 451 5479 536 986 12 12 144 14

136 2.28 Järg 2.28 Cont.

sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language vene eesti teisi vene eesti teisi vene eesti vene eesti teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- Rus- Esto- other sian nian sian nian sian nian sian nian Maarahvastik Kokku 38126 35353 2717 56 2153 8889 620 927 71 57 233 16 Rural population Total sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 4303 4176 127 - 39 304 - 970 30 9 71 - 7–10 2286 2166 119 1 51 474 6 948 52 22 207 3 11–15 2704 2541 162 1 80 713 13 940 60 29 264 5 16–19 2233 2132 101 - 68 417 26 955 45 30 187 12 20–24 2622 2455 164 3 117 527 62 936 63 44 201 24 25–29 3365 3154 205 6 170 725 126 937 61 51 215 37 30–34 3685 3403 279 3 252 829 110 923 76 68 225 30 35–39 3505 3168 331 6 291 859 108 904 94 83 245 31 40–44 2168 1952 212 4 185 535 47 900 98 85 247 22 45–49 2023 1810 210 3 179 521 31 895 104 88 258 15 50–54 2147 1903 241 3 207 575 37 886 112 96 268 17 55–59 2010 1836 166 8 144 652 21 913 83 72 324 10 60+ 5075 4657 400 18 370 1758 33 918 79 73 346 7 Mehed 19084 17869 1194 21 941 4287 327 936 63 49 225 17 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 2177 2111 66 - 18 149 - 970 30 8 69 - 7–10 1197 1133 63 1 31 243 2 947 53 26 203 2 11–15 1409 1319 89 1 43 351 9 936 63 31 249 6 16–19 1546 1502 44 - 25 228 19 972 28 16 148 12 20–24 1592 1527 64 1 43 295 39 959 40 27 185 25 25–29 1772 1684 87 1 73 365 66 950 49 41 206 37 30–34 1890 1768 121 1 112 420 52 935 64 59 222 28 35–39 1809 1652 155 2 139 444 51 913 86 77 245 28 40–44 1124 1021 100 3 93 282 30 908 89 83 251 26 45–49 1015 915 100 - 87 265 16 901 99 86 261 16 50–54 1037 928 106 3 89 270 18 895 102 86 261 17 55–59 883 814 65 4 62 309 11 922 74 70 350 13 60+ 1633 1495 134 4 126 666 14 916 82 77 408 9 Naised 19042 17484 1523 35 1212 4602 293 918 80 64 242 15 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 2126 2065 61 - 21 155 - 971 29 10 73 - 7–10 1089 1033 56 - 20 231 4 949 51 18 212 4 11–15 1295 1222 73 - 37 362 4 944 56 29 279 3 16–19 687 630 57 - 43 189 7 917 83 63 275 10 20–24 1030 928 100 2 74 232 23 901 97 72 225 22 25–29 1593 1470 118 5 97 360 60 923 74 61 226 38 30–34 1795 1635 158 2 140 409 58 911 88 78 228 32 35–39 1696 1516 176 4 152 415 57 894 104 90 245 33 40–44 1044 931 112 1 92 253 17 892 107 88 243 16 45–49 1008 895 110 3 92 256 15 888 109 91 254 15 50–54 1110 975 135 - 118 305 19 878 122 106 275 17 55–59 1127 1022 101 4 82 343 10 907 90 73 304 9 60+ 3442 3162 266 14 244 1092 19 919 77 71 317 6


sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad Vanusegrupp, Koguarv peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking sugu emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena Age-group, Total speaking as speaking as as mother as second sex mother tongue second language tongue language eesti vene teisi eesti vene teisi eesti vene eesti vene teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- other Esto- Rus- Esto- Rus- other nian sian nian sian nian sian nian sian Kogu elanikkond 227245 223074 4086 85 2691 108086 286 982 18 12 476 1 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 20897 20483 409 5 83 566 7 980 20 4 27 - 7–10 11292 11009 277 6 141 894 8 975 25 12 79 1 11–15 15357 15000 354 3 215 3195 24 977 23 14 208 2 16–19 15333 14961 367 5 231 7712 20 976 24 15 503 1 20–24 16432 16082 337 13 241 11016 14 979 21 15 670 1 25–29 15111 14755 354 2 250 10381 21 977 23 17 687 1 30–34 14774 14385 383 6 265 10397 20 974 26 18 704 1 35–39 14766 14418 345 3 269 10618 27 977 23 18 719 2 40–44 15148 14884 260 4 204 10860 27 983 17 13 717 2 45–49 16617 16442 168 7 126 11737 27 990 10 8 706 2 50–54 15091 14892 196 3 152 9613 15 987 13 10 637 1 55–59 14435 14223 207 5 164 7743 16 985 15 11 537 1 60+ 41992 41540 429 23 350 13354 60 989 10 8 318 2 Mehed 100977 99057 1879 41 1154 52297 144 981 19 12 518 1 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 10640 10425 213 2 42 285 6 980 20 4 27 - 7–10 5812 5654 153 5 67 442 4 973 26 11 76 1 11–15 7773 7569 202 2 126 1524 11 974 26 16 196 2 16–19 7377 7206 168 3 92 3968 11 977 23 12 538 2 20–24 8123 7968 144 11 99 6159 6 981 18 12 758 1 25–29 7177 7019 157 1 105 5283 16 978 22 15 736 2 30–34 6690 6530 159 1 96 4977 7 976 24 14 744 1 35–39 6719 6567 151 1 109 5080 15 977 23 16 756 2 40–44 6855 6735 118 2 88 5141 14 983 17 13 750 2 45–49 7472 7390 79 3 65 5564 14 989 11 9 744 2 50–54 6609 6528 80 1 66 4533 7 988 12 10 686 1 55–59 6400 6313 87 - 65 3942 7 986 14 10 616 1 60+ 13330 13153 168 9 134 5399 26 987 13 10 405 2 Naised 126268 124017 2207 44 1537 55789 142 982 18 12 442 1 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 10257 10058 196 3 41 281 1 981 19 4 27 - 7–10 5480 5355 124 1 74 452 4 977 23 14 82 1 11–15 7584 7431 152 1 89 1671 13 980 20 12 220 2 16–19 7956 7755 199 2 139 3744 9 975 25 17 471 1 20–24 8309 8114 193 2 142 4857 8 977 23 17 585 1 25–29 7934 7736 197 1 145 5098 5 975 25 18 642 1 30–34 8084 7855 224 5 169 5420 13 972 28 21 670 2 35–39 8047 7851 194 2 160 5538 12 976 24 20 688 2 40–44 8293 8149 142 2 116 5719 13 983 17 14 690 1 45–49 9145 9052 89 4 61 6173 13 990 10 7 675 1 50–54 8482 8364 116 2 86 5080 8 986 14 10 599 1 55–59 8035 7910 120 5 99 3801 9 984 15 12 473 1 60+ 28662 28387 261 14 216 7955 34 990 9 7 278 1


sealhulgas — of whom 1000 elaniku kohta valdavad peavad valdavad per 1000 inhabitants speaking Vanusegrupp, Koguarv emakeeleks teise keelena emakeelena teise keelena sugu speaking as speaking as as mother as second Age-group, Total mother tongue second language tongue language sex vene eesti teisi vene eesti teisi vene eesti vene eesti teisi keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keeli keelt keelt keelt keelt keeli Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- other Rus- Esto- Rus- Esto- other sian nian sian nian sian nian sian nian Kogu elanikkond 197187 195874 1152 161 1084 30347 3579 993 6 6 154 18 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 23095 23031 56 8 25 412 14 997 3 1 18 1 7–10 12221 12190 26 5 14 646 23 998 2 1 53 2 11–15 13924 13889 22 13 19 1487 66 997 2 1 107 5 16–19 11266 11219 37 10 41 1607 168 996 3 3 143 15 20–24 13168 13112 43 13 43 2168 294 996 3 3 165 22 25–29 17208 17134 61 13 64 3211 436 996 4 4 187 25 30–34 18487 18377 94 16 96 3847 467 994 5 5 208 26 35–39 17423 17299 108 16 104 4354 459 993 6 6 250 26 40–44 12371 12236 128 7 124 3256 347 989 10 10 263 28 45–49 10433 10305 114 14 113 1996 322 988 11 11 191 31 50–54 12057 11948 98 11 94 2082 349 991 8 8 172 29 55–59 10243 10162 71 10 66 1518 209 992 7 7 148 20 60+ 25291 24972 294 25 281 3763 425 987 12 11 149 17 Mehed 92293 91748 476 69 435 11690 1753 994 5 5 127 19 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 11804 11769 30 5 12 189 10 997 3 1 16 1 7–10 6326 6306 17 3 9 305 14 997 3 2 48 2 11–15 7118 7096 12 10 11 652 29 997 2 1 92 4 16–19 6316 6296 13 7 16 658 131 997 2 2 104 21 20–24 7272 7241 24 7 21 886 201 996 3 3 122 27 25–29 8615 8580 29 6 28 1286 223 996 3 3 149 26 30–34 8826 8784 34 8 38 1581 211 995 4 4 179 24 35–39 8281 8229 45 7 45 1785 221 994 5 5 216 27 40–44 5742 5685 55 2 53 1332 161 990 10 9 232 28 45–49 4636 4595 38 3 36 713 153 991 8 8 154 33 50–54 5279 5227 47 5 45 744 160 990 9 9 141 30 55–59 4050 4020 27 3 26 489 90 993 7 6 121 22 60+ 8028 7920 105 3 95 1070 149 987 13 12 133 19 Naised 104894 104126 676 92 649 18657 1826 993 6 6 178 17 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0–6 11291 11262 26 3 13 223 4 998 2 1 20 - 7–10 5895 5884 9 2 5 341 9 998 2 1 58 1 11–15 6806 6793 10 3 8 835 37 998 2 1 123 5 16–19 4950 4923 24 3 25 949 37 995 5 5 192 7 20–24 5896 5871 19 6 22 1282 93 996 3 4 217 16 25–29 8593 8554 32 7 36 1925 213 995 4 4 224 25 30–34 9661 9593 60 8 58 2266 256 993 6 6 235 26 35–39 9142 9070 63 9 59 2569 238 992 7 6 281 26 40–44 6629 6551 73 5 71 1924 186 988 11 11 290 28 45–49 5797 5710 76 11 77 1283 169 985 13 13 222 29 50–54 6778 6721 51 6 49 1338 189 992 8 7 198 28 55–59 6193 6142 44 7 40 1029 119 992 7 7 166 19 60+ 17263 17052 189 22 186 2693 276 988 11 11 156 16

139 2.31 EESTI KEELT EMAKEELE VÕI TEISE KEELENA VALDAV RAHVASTIK RAHVUSTE JÄRGI HALDUSÜKSUSTE KAUPA, 1979, 1989 2.31 POPULATION SPEAKING ESTONIAN AS MOTHER TONGUE OR SECOND LANGUAGE BY NATIONALITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1979, 1989 Rea Eestlased — Estonians nr. 1989, % 1989, % 1979. a. kogu- Haldusüksus Administrative unit 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, in rela- share in Row tion to total num- No. 1979 ber, % 1 Kogurahvastik Total population 943956 959111 101.6 99.6 2 Linnarahvastik Urban population 552739 568887 102.9 99.4 3 Maarahvastik Rural population 391217 390224 99.7 99.9 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused Republ. town admin. with üle 100 000 elanikuga inhabitants over 100 000 4 Tallinn Tallinn 225894 232105 102.7 99.3 5 Tartu Tartu 77439 81836 105.7 99.8 6 Harjumaa Harjumaa 61616 70928 115.1 99.8 7 Linnarahvastik Urban population 10363 11212 108.2 99.5 8 Maarahvastik Rural population 51253 59716 116.5 99.8 9 Hiiumaa Hiiumaa 9591 10615 110.7 99.9 10 Linnarahvastik Urban population 3167 3863 122.0 99.9 11 Maarahvastik Rural population 6424 6752 105.1 100.0 12 Ida-Virumaa Ida-Virumaa 17798 15227 85.6 99.5 13 Maarahvastik Rural population 17798 15227 85.6 99.5 14 Jõgevamaa Jõgevamaa 36886 37192 100.8 99.9 15 Linnarahvastik Urban population 10171 11863 116.6 99.9 16 Maarahvastik Rural population 26715 25329 94.8 99.9 17 Järvamaa Järvamaa 38461 39838 103.6 99.9 18 Linnarahvastik Urban population 16129 15632 96.9 99.9 19 Maarahvastik Rural population 22332 24206 108.4 99.9 20 Läänemaa Läänemaa 25862 26245 101.5 99.8 21 Linnarahvastik Urban population 10557 11440 108.4 99.6 22 Maarahvastik Rural population 15305 14805 96.7 99.9 23 Lääne-Virumaa Lääne-Virumaa 60499 60064 99.3 99.8 24 Linnarahvastik Urban population 24723 23983 97.0 99.6 25 Maarahvastik Rural population 35776 36081 100.9 99.9 26 Põlvamaa Põlvamaa 33562 33554 100.0 99.9 27 Linnarahvastik Urban population 7181 9419 131.2 99.9 28 Maarahvastik Rural population 26381 24135 91.5 99.9 29 Pärnumaa Pärnumaa 40128 40566 101.1 100.0 30 Linnarahvastik Urban population 7790 8297 106.5 100.0 31 Maarahvastik Rural population 32338 32269 99.8 100.0 32 Raplamaa Raplamaa 34742 35621 102.5 99.9 33 Linnarahvastik Urban population 11979 12883 107.5 99.8 34 Maarahvastik Rural population 22763 22738 99.9 99.9 35 Saaremaa Saaremaa 35538 36829 103.6 99.9 36 Linnarahvastik Urban population 12776 14987 117.3 99.9 37 Maarahvastik Rural population 22762 21842 96.0 100.0 38 Tartumaa Tartumaa 40939 41083 100.4 99.9 39 Linnarahvastik Urban population 6132 5995 97.8 99.9 40 Maarahvastik Rural population 34807 35088 100.8 99.9 41 Valgamaa Valgamaa 33751 31574 93.5 99.6 42 Linnarahvastik Urban population 15303 15159 99.1 99.5 43 Maarahvastik Rural population 18448 16415 89.0 99.7 44 Viljandimaa Viljandimaa 60257 59069 98.0 99.8 45 Linnarahvastik Urban population 28722 28332 98.6 99.9 46 Maarahvastik Rural population 31535 30737 97.5 99.7 47 Võrumaa Võrumaa 42242 41493 98.2 99.9 48 Linnarahvastik Urban population 15662 16609 106.0 99.8 49 Maarahvastik Rural population 26580 24884 93.6 99.9

140 2.31 Järg

2.31 Cont.

Venelased — Russians Teised rahvused — Other nationalities Rea 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % nr. 1979. a. kogu- 1979. a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in rela- share in in rela- share in tion to total num- tion to total num- Row 1979 ber, % 1979 ber, % No. 52800 71208 134.9 15.0 21109 24840 117.7 19.5 1 42655 59602 139.7 13.6 14173 17394 122.7 15.9 2 10145 11606 114.4 30.4 6936 7446 107.4 41.4 3

21569 32391 150.2 15.6 6178 8002 129.5 13.7 4 5548 7314 131.8 29.7 1683 2007 119.3 29.6 5 2076 3196 153.9 12.9 1596 2032 127.3 20.0 6 631 1046 165.8 8.9 351 457 130.2 10.9 7 1445 2150 148.8 16.6 1245 1575 126.5 26.4 8 70 86 122.9 29.5 30 61 203.3 33.2 9 32 41 128.1 22.3 12 24 200.0 27.0 10 38 45 118.4 41.7 18 37 205.6 38.9 11 896 1167 130.2 17.6 483 521 107.9 26.1 12 896 1167 130.2 17.6 483 521 107.9 26.1 13 1472 1819 123.6 46.2 587 687 117.0 51.6 14 690 882 127.8 47.4 158 227 143.7 47.0 15 782 937 119.8 45.5 429 460 107.2 54.2 16 879 974 110.8 46.5 825 938 113.7 51.0 17 482 532 110.4 42.8 325 392 120.6 47.7 18 397 442 111.3 51.8 500 546 109.2 53.6 19 719 944 131.3 18.3 444 513 115.5 26.5 20 396 568 143.4 15.0 181 237 130.9 19.4 21 323 376 116.4 27.5 263 276 104.9 38.7 22 2379 3000 126.1 22.1 1895 2054 108.4 34.5 23 1497 1977 132.1 18.1 810 938 115.8 23.6 24 882 1023 116.0 38.9 1085 1116 102.9 56.6 25 796 911 114.4 45.5 257 308 119.8 47.2 26 240 352 146.7 42.2 82 112 136.6 42.9 27 556 559 100.5 47.9 175 196 112.0 50.0 28 530 575 108.5 48.0 466 544 116.7 54.2 29 152 172 113.2 53.8 120 123 102.5 55.9 30 378 403 106.6 46.0 346 421 121.7 53.8 31 871 976 112.1 43.3 831 862 103.7 53.0 32 465 565 121.5 46.7 418 459 109.8 54.1 33 406 411 101.2 39.3 413 403 97.6 51.7 34 239 275 115.1 14.3 95 127 133.7 18.2 35 133 176 132.3 21.1 54 73 135.2 21.9 36 106 99 93.4 9.1 41 54 131.7 14.9 37 2845 2908 102.2 50.6 887 908 102.4 59.9 38 637 629 98.7 44.8 111 122 109.9 43.6 39 2208 2279 103.2 50.8 776 786 101.3 63.6 40 995 1394 140.1 19.8 582 610 104.8 22.2 41 633 958 151.3 15.4 338 386 114.2 17.2 42 362 436 120.4 52.4 244 224 91.8 45.5 43 2078 2074 99.8 57.3 1372 1353 98.6 55.9 44 1146 1227 107.1 55.1 675 718 106.4 50.0 45 932 847 90.9 60.9 697 635 91.1 64.5 46 985 1164 118.2 42.9 339 392 115.6 42.5 47 551 732 132.8 37.4 118 196 166.1 33.2 48 434 432 99.5 57.1 221 196 88.7 59.0 49

141 2.32 VENE KEELT EMAKEELE VÕI TEISE KEELENA VALDAV RAHVASTIK RAHVUSTE JÄRGI HALDUSÜKSUSTE KAUPA, 1979, 1989 2.32 POPULATION SPEAKING RUSSIAN AS MOTHER TONGUE OR SECOND LANGUAGE BY NATIONALITY AND ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS, 1979, 1989 Rea Eestlased — Estonians nr. 1989, % 1989, % 1979. a. kogu- Haldusüksus Administrative unit 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, in rela- share in Row tion to total num- No. 1979 ber, % 1 Kogurahvastik Total population 227983 333426 146.3 34.6 2 Linnarahvastik Urban population 161743 240825 148.9 42.1 3 Maarahvastik Rural population 66240 92601 139.8 23.7 Vabariiklikud linnahaldused Republ. town admin. with üle 100 000 elanikuga inhabitants over 100 000 4 Tallinn Tallinn 66377 115080 173.4 49.2 5 Tartu Tartu 25231 32899 130.4 40.1 6 Harjumaa Harjumaa 12329 24865 201.7 35.0 7 Linnarahvastik Urban population 2781 5059 181.9 44.9 8 Maarahvastik Rural population 9548 19806 207.4 33.1 9 Hiiumaa Hiiumaa 1623 2996 184.6 28.2 10 Linnarahvastik Urban population 695 1395 200.7 36.1 11 Maarahvastik Rural population 928 1601 172.5 23.7 12 Ida-Virumaa Ida-Virumaa 3605 6562 182.0 42.9 13 Maarahvastik Rural population 3605 6562 182.0 42.9 14 Jõgevamaa Jõgevamaa 6816 7890 115.8 21.2 15 Linnarahvastik Urban population 1889 2695 142.7 22.7 16 Maarahvastik Rural population 4927 5195 105.4 20.5 17 Järvamaa Järvamaa 7435 5260 70.7 13.2 18 Linnarahvastik Urban population 3497 2594 74.2 16.6 19 Maarahvastik Rural population 3938 2666 67.7 11.0 20 Läänemaa Läänemaa 7067 8531 120.7 32.4 21 Linnarahvastik Urban population 3730 4925 132.0 42.9 22 Maarahvastik Rural population 3337 3606 108.1 24.3 23 Lääne-Virumaa Lääne-Virumaa 13815 18187 131.6 30.2 24 Linnarahvastik Urban population 6615 9504 143.7 39.5 25 Maarahvastik Rural population 7200 8683 120.6 24.0 26 Põlvamaa Põlvamaa 6656 8465 127.2 25.2 27 Linnarahvastik Urban population 2243 3246 144.7 34.4 28 Maarahvastik Rural population 4413 5219 118.3 21.6 29 Pärnumaa Pärnumaa 4329 7407 171.1 18.3 30 Linnarahvastik Urban population 1131 1766 156.1 21.3 31 Maarahvastik Rural population 3198 5641 176.4 17.5 32 Raplamaa Raplamaa 5861 8546 145.8 24.0 33 Linnarahvastik Urban population 2606 3750 143.9 29.1 34 Maarahvastik Rural population 3255 4796 147.3 21.1 35 Saaremaa Saaremaa 5923 9116 153.9 24.7 36 Linnarahvastik Urban population 2629 4768 181.4 31.8 37 Maarahvastik Rural population 3294 4348 132.0 19.9 38 Tartumaa Tartumaa 7722 11075 143.4 26.9 39 Linnarahvastik Urban population 1519 1850 121.8 30.8 40 Maarahvastik Rural population 6203 9225 148.7 26.3 41 Valgamaa Valgamaa 7943 9577 120.6 30.2 42 Linnarahvastik Urban population 4888 5848 119.6 38.4 43 Maarahvastik Rural population 3055 3729 122.1 22.7 44 Viljandimaa Viljandimaa 11807 14445 122.3 24.4 45 Linnarahvastik Urban population 6509 7971 122.5 28.1 46 Maarahvastik Rural population 5298 6474 122.2 21.0 47 Võrumaa Võrumaa 7000 9251 132.2 22.3 48 Linnarahvastik Urban population 2959 4201 142.0 25.3 49 Maarahvastik Rural population 4041 5050 125.0 20.3

142 2.32 Järg

2.32 Cont.

Venelased — Russians Teised rahvused — Other nationalities Rea 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % 1989, % nr. 1979. a. kogu- 1979. a. kogu- 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1979 1989 suhtes arvust 1989, % 1989, 1989, % 1989, in rela- share in in rela- share in tion to total num- tion to total num- Row 1979 ber, % 1979 ber, % No. 407014 473603 116.4 99.7 94777 114601 120.9 89.9 1 369397 436097 118.1 99.9 82267 100867 122.6 92.1 2 37617 37506 99.7 98.4 12510 13734 109.8 76.4 3

168260 207252 123.1 99.9 42022 54065 128.7 92.9 4 21387 24517 114.6 99.6 4500 5857 130.2 86.3 5 19597 24647 125.8 99.6 6364 8995 141.3 88.5 6 9729 11749 120.8 99.9 2886 3927 136.1 93.6 7 9868 12898 130.7 99.4 3478 5068 145.7 84.9 8 403 292 72.5 100.0 125 159 127.2 86.4 9 187 184 98.4 100.0 61 80 131.1 89.9 10 216 108 50.0 100.0 64 79 123.4 83.2 11 6286 6607 105.1 99.7 1674 1765 105.4 88.4 12 6286 6607 105.1 99.7 1674 1765 105.4 88.4 13 4104 3882 94.6 98.7 970 920 94.8 69.1 14 1737 1865 107.4 99.5 347 363 104.6 75.2 15 2367 2017 85.2 97.9 623 557 89.4 65.6 16 2029 2001 98.6 95.5 1181 1229 104.1 66.8 17 1210 1219 100.7 98.1 558 598 107.2 72.7 18 819 782 95.5 91.7 623 631 101.3 61.9 19 4652 5103 109.7 99.1 1498 1664 111.1 86.1 20 3038 3767 124.0 99.6 914 1117 122.2 91.6 21 1614 1336 82.8 97.6 584 547 93.7 76.7 22 12127 13422 110.7 99.1 4601 4913 106.8 82.5 23 9590 10886 113.5 99.7 3158 3582 113.4 90.0 24 2537 2536 100.0 96.5 1443 1331 92.2 67.5 25 2139 1975 92.3 98.7 395 492 124.6 75.3 26 668 828 124.0 99.3 160 202 126.3 77.4 27 1471 1147 78.0 98.3 235 290 123.4 74.0 28 1333 1161 87.1 97.0 692 713 103.0 71.1 29 302 310 102.6 96.9 189 173 91.5 78.6 30 1031 851 82.5 97.0 503 540 107.4 69.0 31 2071 2212 106.8 98.0 1025 1220 119.0 75.0 32 981 1194 121.7 98.6 484 644 133.1 75.9 33 1090 1018 93.4 97.4 541 576 106.5 73.9 34 2220 1913 86.2 99.6 625 612 97.9 87.8 35 1070 826 77.2 99.2 318 292 91.8 87.4 36 1150 1087 94.5 99.9 307 320 104.2 88.2 37 6334 5659 89.3 98.4 1072 1064 99.3 70.2 38 1390 1393 100.2 99.3 180 214 118.9 76.4 39 4944 4266 86.3 98.1 892 850 95.3 68.8 40 7168 7009 97.8 99.5 2332 2276 97.6 83.0 41 6196 6196 100.0 99.8 1948 1913 98.2 85.0 42 972 813 83.6 97.7 384 363 94.5 73.8 43 4294 3496 81.4 96.6 1650 1695 102.7 70.0 44 2371 2195 92.6 98.5 820 1078 131.5 75.1 45 1923 1301 67.7 93.4 830 617 74.3 62.7 46 3728 2685 72.0 98.8 857 700 81.7 75.9 47 2399 1946 81.1 99.4 528 500 94.7 84.7 48 1329 739 55.6 97.8 329 200 60.8 60.2 49


Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Kogurahvastik 1196791 525090 671701 1356079 620195 735884 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 19006 9794 9212 19484 9955 9529 0 1 18425 9479 8946 19928 10243 9685 1 2 18717 9561 9156 18943 9563 9380 2 3 19730 10029 9701 18786 9633 9153 3 4 19633 10043 9590 18970 9681 9289 4 0–4 95511 48906 46605 96111 49075 47036 0–4 5 18654 9575 9079 20020 10365 9655 5 6 19272 9837 9435 19678 10083 9595 6 7 18775 9620 9155 20615 10658 9957 7 8 18175 9304 8871 20856 10534 10322 8 9 18833 9618 9215 20797 10535 10262 9 5–9 93709 47954 45755 101966 52175 49791 5–9 10 18820 9568 9252 20723 10597 10126 10 11 17688 9071 8617 20098 10319 9779 11 12 17393 8825 8568 19918 10169 9749 12 13 14432 7328 7104 19665 9976 9689 13 14 13974 7006 6968 20376 10345 10031 14 10–14 82307 41798 40509 100780 51406 49374 10–14 15 13900 7078 6822 19949 10106 9843 15 16 16153 8133 8020 18853 9663 9190 16 17 19519 9787 9732 19497 9874 9623 17 18 17675 8836 8839 21269 11629 9640 18 19 18749 9354 9395 20699 11239 9460 19 15–19 85996 43188 42808 100267 52511 47756 15–19 20 20453 10417 10036 22939 12639 10300 20 21 21044 10876 10168 21453 11417 10036 21 22 20117 9768 10349 20339 10522 9817 22 23 19039 9549 9490 19516 10064 9452 23 24 18117 8927 9190 16123 8244 7879 24 20–24 98770 49537 49233 100370 52886 47484 20–24 25 19046 9225 9821 15892 8020 7872 25 26 20618 9817 10801 15825 8094 7731 26 27 20734 9918 10816 18865 9525 9340 27 28 22134 10672 11462 23519 11878 11641 28 29 20546 9810 10736 21056 10699 10357 29 25–29 103078 49442 53636 95157 48216 46941 25–29 30 22510 10175 12335 22950 11416 11534 30 31 19889 9253 10636 22613 11329 11284 31 32 20168 8594 11574 23358 11630 11728 32 33 18243 7310 10933 21432 10473 10959 33 34 17619 6879 10740 20292 10089 10203 34 30–34 98429 42211 56218 110645 54937 55708 30–34 35 18020 6951 11069 19180 9418 9762 35 36 16625 6332 10293 19224 9267 9957 36 37 15104 5883 9221 21816 10570 11246 37 38 14084 5733 8351 21650 10531 11119 38 39 11748 4872 6876 22202 10768 11434 39 35–39 75581 29771 45810 104072 50554 53518 35–39

144 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 13514 5645 7869 21762 10430 11332 40 41 9404 3911 5493 21908 10204 11704 41 42 11409 4689 6720 21925 10620 11305 42 43 13110 5472 7638 19825 8663 11162 43 44 14904 6124 8780 18348 7537 10811 44 40–44 62341 25841 36500 103768 47454 56314 40–44 45 15464 6335 9129 18251 7320 10931 45 46 15705 6476 9229 17659 7041 10618 46 47 15220 6287 8933 16554 6438 10116 47 48 16462 6629 9833 15294 6083 9211 48 49 15053 6200 8853 12960 5348 7612 49 45–49 77904 31927 45977 80718 32230 48488 45–49 50 15188 6047 9141 12119 4992 7127 50 51 14294 5842 8452 12781 5382 7399 51 52 15519 6423 9096 9510 3901 5609 52 53 14130 5682 8448 10577 4341 6236 53 54 14485 5843 8642 12659 5191 7468 54 50–54 73616 29837 43779 57646 23807 33839 50–54 55 14578 5796 8782 15082 6002 9080 55 56 14211 5711 8500 14575 5769 8806 56 57 12878 5024 7854 15423 6049 9374 57 58 14512 5241 9271 14783 5854 8929 58 59 12379 4678 7701 14986 5664 9322 59 55–59 68558 26450 42108 74849 29338 45511 55–59 60 12554 4567 7987 14467 5486 8981 60 61 10776 3930 6846 13605 5039 8566 61 62 11258 3972 7286 14096 5262 8834 62 63 10950 3686 7264 13890 5236 8654 63 64 9819 3313 6506 12740 4616 8124 64 60–64 55357 19468 35889 68798 25639 43159 60–64 65 10034 3299 6735 12812 4684 8128 65 66 9696 3245 6451 12450 4572 7878 66 67 9264 3116 6148 12383 4507 7876 67 68 9256 3157 6099 11154 3866 7288 68 69 8464 2779 5685 11133 3486 7647 69 65–69 46714 15596 31118 59932 21115 38817 65–69 70 8711 2737 5974 10051 3279 6772 70 71 6908 2253 4655 9355 2916 6439 71 72 7397 2307 5090 8620 2710 5910 72 73 6953 2098 4855 7987 2284 5703 73 74 6321 1916 4405 7632 2192 5440 74 70–74 36290 11311 24979 43645 13381 30264 70–74 75 5890 1780 4110 6733 1941 4792 75 76 5221 1572 3649 6200 1660 4540 76 77 4393 1275 3118 6014 1673 4341 77 78 4427 1259 3168 5441 1521 3920 78 79 3721 1034 2687 4845 1330 3515 79 75–79 23652 6920 16732 29233 8125 21108 75–79

145 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 3236 888 2348 4378 1137 3241 80 81 2689 736 1953 3933 1032 2901 81 82 2534 683 1851 3278 830 2448 82 83 2198 569 1629 2914 691 2223 83 84 1996 532 1464 2476 583 1893 84 80–84 12653 3408 9245 16979 4273 12706 80–84 85 1583 398 1185 2012 495 1517 85 86 1211 309 902 1652 389 1263 86 87 954 224 730 1324 321 1003 87 88 788 201 587 984 218 766 88 89 451 70 381 849 171 678 89 85–89 4987 1202 3785 6821 1594 5227 85–89 90 343 86 257 625 107 518 90 91 269 61 208 404 80 324 91 92 214 55 159 338 58 280 92 93 136 36 100 199 47 152 93 94 126 30 96 157 32 125 94 90–94 1088 268 820 1723 324 1399 90–94 95 69 14 55 105 22 83 95 96 55 10 45 78 11 67 96 97 28 3 25 47 7 40 97 98 22 1 21 24 3 21 98 99 8 2 6 30 8 22 99 95–99 182 30 152 284 51 233 95–99

100+ 13 3 10 18 2 16 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 55 22 33 2297 1102 1195 indicated

0–15 285427 145736 139691 318806 162762 156044 0–15

16–54/59 688265 321126 367139 762032 381827 380205 16–54/59

55/60+ 223044 58206 164838 272944 74504 198440 55/60+

146 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Linnarahvastik 675515 295908 379607 881168 402136 479032 Urban population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 11165 5754 5411 12759 6507 6252 0 1 10511 5411 5100 12651 6530 6121 1 2 10606 5398 5208 11981 6082 5899 2 3 11231 5676 5555 11952 6141 5811 3 4 11279 5735 5544 11957 6091 5866 4 0–4 54792 27974 26818 61300 31351 29949 0–4 5 10608 5378 5230 12763 6556 6207 5 6 10912 5555 5357 12414 6333 6081 6 7 10510 5377 5133 13145 6698 6447 7 8 9957 5082 4875 13478 6801 6677 8 9 10182 5211 4971 13221 6665 6556 9 5–9 52169 26603 25566 65021 33053 31968 5–9 10 10237 5203 5034 13245 6776 6469 10 11 9680 4945 4735 12724 6504 6220 11 12 9587 4850 4737 12578 6348 6230 12 13 7174 3595 3579 12335 6200 6135 13 14 6891 3250 3641 12830 6437 6393 14 10–14 43569 21843 21726 63712 32265 31447 10–14 15 7380 3481 3899 13108 6540 6568 15 16 9197 4437 4760 13176 6697 6479 16 17 12344 6101 6243 14025 7001 7024 17 18 11433 5654 5779 15134 7989 7145 18 19 12248 6086 6162 15109 7952 7157 19 15–19 52602 25759 26843 70552 36179 34373 15–19 20 13331 6599 6732 16933 9156 7777 20 21 13964 7110 6854 15573 7981 7592 21 22 13261 6268 6993 15127 7632 7495 22 23 12522 6242 6280 14467 7315 7152 23 24 11874 5836 6038 11478 5722 5756 24 20–24 64952 32055 32897 73578 37806 35772 20–24 25 12290 5960 6330 10968 5435 5533 25 26 13667 6454 7213 10838 5392 5446 26 27 13983 6710 7273 13030 6425 6605 27 28 15308 7360 7948 17009 8415 8594 28 29 14146 6787 7359 15212 7588 7624 29 25–29 69394 33271 36123 67057 33255 33802 25–29 30 15550 7019 8531 16803 8237 8566 30 31 13607 6359 7248 16525 8157 8368 31 32 13917 5982 7935 17083 8379 8704 32 33 12231 4912 7319 15483 7482 8001 33 34 11471 4281 7190 14310 6978 7332 34 30–34 66776 28553 38223 80204 39233 40971 30–34 35 11562 4293 7269 13416 6451 6965 35 36 10548 4011 6537 13302 6342 6960 36 37 9234 3636 5598 15473 7373 8100 37 38 8865 3649 5216 15362 7398 7964 38 39 6977 2952 4025 16056 7700 8356 39 35–39 47186 18541 28645 73609 35264 38345 35–39

147 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 8257 3494 4763 15843 7625 8218 40 41 5634 2413 3221 15687 7241 8446 41 42 6878 2879 3999 15967 7769 8198 42 43 7632 3305 4327 14147 6244 7903 43 44 8439 3608 4831 12744 5230 7514 44 40–44 36840 15699 21141 74388 34109 40279 40–44 45 8639 3630 5009 12468 4861 7607 45 46 8503 3589 4914 11716 4570 7146 46 47 8140 3429 4711 11085 4345 6740 47 48 8629 3623 5006 9870 4047 5823 48 49 7821 3292 4529 8562 3606 4956 49 45–49 41732 17563 24169 53701 21429 32272 45–49 50 7671 3041 4630 7670 3213 4457 50 51 7118 2900 4218 8172 3516 4656 51 52 7644 3118 4526 6081 2546 3535 52 53 7002 2784 4218 6655 2824 3831 53 54 7120 2814 4306 7749 3268 4481 54 50–54 36555 14657 21898 36327 15367 20960 50–54 55 7083 2751 4332 9128 3760 5368 55 56 6581 2458 4123 8584 3424 5160 56 57 5877 2111 3766 8963 3551 5412 57 58 6749 2274 4475 8361 3295 5066 58 59 5586 1981 3605 8303 3174 5129 59 55–59 31876 11575 20301 43339 17204 26135 55–59 60 5554 1825 3729 8074 3017 5057 60 61 4805 1608 3197 7374 2640 4734 61 62 5054 1619 3435 7541 2696 4845 62 63 4839 1435 3404 7293 2640 4653 63 64 4401 1378 3023 6750 2303 4447 64 60–64 24653 7865 16788 37032 13296 23736 60–64 65 4470 1276 3194 6752 2284 4468 65 66 4197 1223 2974 6502 2210 4292 66 67 4074 1233 2841 6249 1945 4304 67 68 3999 1166 2833 5597 1675 3922 68 69 3628 1047 2581 5656 1566 4090 69 65–69 20368 5945 14423 30756 9680 21076 65–69 70 3780 985 2795 5025 1438 3587 70 71 2867 782 2085 4564 1213 3351 71 72 3097 838 2259 4306 1192 3114 72 73 2917 757 2160 3992 966 3026 73 74 2636 686 1950 3781 901 2880 74 70–74 15297 4048 11249 21668 5710 15958 70–74 75 2466 644 1822 3430 857 2573 75 76 2194 564 1630 3091 700 2391 76 77 1742 427 1315 2973 717 2256 77 78 1773 415 1358 2741 667 2074 78 79 1511 348 1163 2415 559 1856 79 75–79 9686 2398 7288 14650 3500 11150 75–79

148 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 1296 321 975 2165 483 1682 80 81 991 220 771 1956 442 1514 81 82 979 227 752 1569 317 1252 82 83 820 190 630 1415 288 1127 83 84 706 158 548 1210 250 960 84 80–84 4792 1116 3676 8315 1780 6535 80–84 85 561 105 456 976 195 781 85 86 458 99 359 769 166 603 86 87 334 56 278 632 124 508 87 88 281 70 211 467 93 374 88 89 169 23 146 421 72 349 89 85–89 1803 353 1450 3265 650 2615 85–89 90 131 30 101 284 50 234 90 91 91 15 76 200 36 164 91 92 73 15 58 140 18 122 92 93 3763198207893 94 6085272135994 90–94 392 74 318 794 137 657 90–94 95 21 3 18 49 9 40 95 96 19 2 17 36 6 30 96 97 8 0 8 22 2 20 97 98606 918 98 99 3 0 3 13 3 10 99 95–99 57 5 52 129 21 108 95–99

100+ 4 1 3 9 - 9 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 20 10 10 1762 847 915 indicated

0–15 157910 79901 78009 203141 103209 99932 0–15

16–54/59 420232 194192 226040 533512 263306 270206 16–54/59

55/60+ 97353 21805 75548 142753 34774 107979 55/60+

149 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Maarahvastik 521276 229182 292094 474911 218059 256852 Rural population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 7841 4040 3801 6725 3448 3277 0 1 7914 4068 3846 7277 3713 3564 1 2 8111 4163 3948 6962 3481 3481 2 3 8499 4353 4146 6834 3492 3342 3 4 8354 4308 4046 7013 3590 3423 4 0–4 40719 20932 19787 34811 17724 17087 0–4 5 8046 4197 3849 7257 3809 3448 5 6 8360 4282 4078 7264 3750 3514 6 7 8265 4243 4022 7470 3960 3510 7 8 8218 4222 3996 7378 3733 3645 8 9 8651 4407 4244 7576 3870 3706 9 5–9 41540 21351 20189 36945 19122 17823 5–9 10 8583 4365 4218 7478 3821 3657 10 11 8008 4126 3882 7374 3815 3559 11 12 7806 3975 3831 7340 3821 3519 12 13 7258 3733 3525 7330 3776 3554 13 14 7083 3756 3327 7546 3908 3638 14 10–14 38738 19955 18783 37068 19141 17927 10–14 15 6520 3597 2923 6841 3566 3275 15 16 6956 3696 3260 5677 2966 2711 16 17 7175 3686 3489 5472 2873 2599 17 18 6242 3182 3060 6135 3640 2495 18 19 6501 3268 3233 5590 3287 2303 19 15–19 33394 17429 15965 29715 16332 13383 15–19 20 7122 3818 3304 6006 3483 2523 20 21 7080 3766 3314 5880 3436 2444 21 22 6856 3500 3356 5212 2890 2322 22 23 6517 3307 3210 5049 2749 2300 23 24 6243 3091 3152 4645 2522 2123 24 20–24 33818 17482 16336 26792 15080 11712 20–24 25 6756 3265 3491 4924 2585 2339 25 26 6951 3363 3588 4987 2702 2285 26 27 6751 3208 3543 5835 3100 2735 27 28 6826 3312 3514 6510 3463 3047 28 29 6400 3023 3377 5844 3111 2733 29 25–29 33684 16171 17513 28100 14961 13139 25–29 30 6960 3156 3804 6147 3179 2968 30 31 6282 2894 3388 6088 3172 2916 31 32 6251 2612 3639 6275 3251 3024 32 33 6012 2398 3614 5949 2991 2958 33 34 6148 2598 3550 5982 3111 2871 34 30–34 31653 13658 17995 30441 15704 14737 30–34 35 6458 2658 3800 5764 2967 2797 35 36 6077 2321 3756 5922 2925 2997 36 37 5870 2247 3623 6343 3197 3146 37 38 5219 2084 3135 6288 3133 3155 38 39 4771 1920 2851 6146 3068 3078 39 35–39 28395 11230 17165 30463 15290 15173 35–39

150 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 5257 2151 3106 5919 2805 3114 40 41 3770 1498 2272 6221 2963 3258 41 42 4531 1810 2721 5958 2851 3107 42 43 5478 2167 3311 5678 2419 3259 43 44 6465 2516 3949 5604 2307 3297 44 40–44 25501 10142 15359 29380 13345 16035 40–44 45 6825 2705 4120 5783 2459 3324 45 46 7202 2887 4315 5943 2471 3472 46 47 7080 2858 4222 5469 2093 3376 47 48 7833 3006 4827 5424 2036 3388 48 49 7232 2908 4324 4398 1742 2656 49 45–49 36172 14364 21808 27017 10801 16216 45–49 50 7517 3006 4511 4449 1779 2670 50 51 7176 2942 4234 4609 1866 2743 51 52 7875 3305 4570 3429 1355 2074 52 53 7128 2898 4230 3922 1517 2405 53 54 7365 3029 4336 4910 1923 2987 54 50–54 37061 15180 21881 21319 8440 12879 50–54 55 7495 3045 4450 5954 2242 3712 55 56 7630 3253 4377 5991 2345 3646 56 57 7001 2913 4088 6460 2498 3962 57 58 7763 2967 4796 6422 2559 3863 58 59 6793 2697 4096 6683 2490 4193 59 55–59 36682 14875 21807 31510 12134 19376 55–59 60 7000 2742 4258 6393 2469 3924 60 61 5971 2322 3649 6231 2399 3832 61 62 6204 2353 3851 6555 2566 3989 62 63 6111 2251 3860 6597 2596 4001 63 64 5418 1935 3483 5990 2313 3677 64 60–64 30704 11603 19101 31766 12343 19423 60–64 65 5564 2023 3541 6060 2400 3660 65 66 5499 2022 3477 5948 2362 3586 66 67 5190 1883 3307 6134 2562 3572 67 68 5257 1991 3266 5557 2191 3366 68 69 4836 1732 3104 5477 1920 3557 69 65–69 26346 9651 16695 29176 11435 17741 65–69 70 4931 1752 3179 5026 1841 3185 70 71 4041 1471 2570 4791 1703 3088 71 72 4300 1469 2831 4314 1518 2796 72 73 4036 1341 2695 3995 1318 2677 73 74 3685 1230 2455 3851 1291 2560 74 70–74 20993 7263 13730 21977 7671 14306 70–74 75 3424 1136 2288 3303 1084 2219 75 76 3027 1008 2019 3109 960 2149 76 77 2651 848 1803 3041 956 2085 77 78 2654 844 1810 2700 854 1846 78 79 2210 686 1524 2430 771 1659 79 75–79 13966 4522 9444 14583 4625 9958 75–79

151 3.1 Järg 3.1 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 1940 567 1373 2213 654 1559 80 81 1698 516 1182 1977 590 1387 81 82 1555 456 1099 1709 513 1196 82 83 1378 379 999 1499 403 1096 83 84 1290 374 916 1266 333 933 84 80–84 7861 2292 5569 8664 2493 6171 80–84 85 1022 293 729 1036 300 736 85 86 753 210 543 883 223 660 86 87 620 168 452 692 197 495 87 88 507 131 376 517 125 392 88 89 282 47 235 428 99 329 89 85–89 3184 849 2335 3556 944 2612 85–89 90 212 56 156 341 57 284 90 91 178 46 132 204 44 160 91 92 141 40 101 198 40 158 92 93 99 30 69 101 27 74 93 94 66 22 44 85 19 66 94 90–94 696 194 502 929 187 742 90–94 95 48 11 37 56 13 43 95 96 36 8 28 42 5 37 96 97 20 3 17 25 5 20 97 98 16 1 15 15 2 13 98 99 5 2 3 17 5 12 99 95–99 125 25 100 155 30 125 95–99

100+ 9 2 7 9 2 7 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 35 12 23 535 255 280 indicated

0–15 127517 65835 61682 115665 59553 56112 0–15

16–54/59 268033 126934 141099 228520 118521 109999 16–54/59

55/60+ 125691 36401 89290 130191 39730 90461 55/60+


Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Kogurahvastik 1464476 677274 787202 1565662 731392 834270 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 21348 10806 10542 24601 12412 12189 0 1 22182 11366 10816 24888 12797 12091 1 2 21933 11080 10853 23978 12285 11693 2 3 21755 11124 10631 23927 12085 11842 3 4 21806 11069 10737 24328 12269 12059 4 0–4 109024 55445 53579 121722 61848 59874 0–4 5 21470 10975 10495 24284 12357 11927 5 6 22330 11394 10936 23319 11849 11470 6 7 22098 11342 10756 23082 11816 11266 7 8 21958 11132 10826 22744 11565 11179 8 9 21055 10748 10307 22318 11400 10918 9 5–9 108911 55591 53320 115747 58987 56760 5–9 10 20724 10608 10116 22409 11371 11038 10 11 18856 9475 9381 22465 11525 10940 11 12 19151 9659 9492 22483 11399 11084 12 13 19033 9667 9366 22019 11251 10768 13 14 20026 10266 9760 21893 11047 10846 14 10–14 97790 49675 48115 111269 56593 54676 10–14 15 19818 10156 9662 21769 11126 10643 15 16 20696 10709 9987 22504 11481 11023 16 17 20829 10546 10283 22029 11416 10613 17 18 21945 11667 10278 22286 11818 10468 18 19 22791 12537 10254 23108 12903 10205 19 15–19 106079 55615 50464 111696 58744 52952 15–19 20 22149 11567 10582 21068 11044 10024 20 21 21816 11366 10450 19758 10026 9732 21 22 22805 11885 10920 20082 10250 9832 22 23 24245 12517 11728 20952 10636 10316 23 24 24172 12487 11685 22167 11359 10808 24 20–24 115187 59822 55365 104027 53315 50712 20–24 25 23017 11928 11089 22445 11410 11035 25 26 23597 11962 11635 23617 12029 11588 26 27 23437 11860 11577 24451 12199 12252 27 28 22647 11544 11103 24658 12347 12311 28 29 23688 11908 11780 24343 12227 12116 29 25–29 116386 59202 57184 119514 60212 59302 25–29 30 22798 11317 11481 24321 12042 12279 30 31 21227 10512 10715 23999 11910 12089 31 32 20436 10109 10327 24041 11932 12109 32 33 16239 7980 8259 24494 12084 12410 33 34 16206 7943 8263 24237 11952 12285 34 30–34 96906 47861 49045 121092 59920 61172 30–34 35 15896 7856 8040 22864 11294 11570 35 36 18690 9250 9440 23202 11366 11836 36 37 23303 11334 11969 22941 11166 11775 37 38 20758 10190 10568 22165 10897 11268 38 39 22467 10906 11561 23199 11269 11930 39 35–39 101114 49536 51578 114371 55992 58379 35–39

153 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 22868 11065 11803 22026 10658 11368 40 41 22862 10973 11889 20932 10108 10824 41 42 21346 10126 11220 19663 9408 10255 42 43 19951 9705 10246 15914 7631 8283 43 44 18616 8842 9774 15208 7253 7955 44 40–44 105643 50711 54932 93743 45058 48685 40–44 45 19042 9013 10029 15246 7345 7901 45 46 21077 9890 11187 18012 8640 9372 46 47 20783 9847 10936 22544 10676 11868 47 48 21395 10171 11224 19804 9457 10347 48 49 20497 9552 10945 21227 10004 11223 49 45–49 102794 48473 54321 96833 46122 50711 45–49 50 21323 9627 11696 21398 10053 11345 50 51 20500 9571 10929 21631 9972 11659 51 52 18965 7991 10974 19715 9054 10661 52 53 17523 6913 10610 18662 8685 9977 53 54 17099 6611 10488 17161 7855 9306 54 50–54 95410 40713 54697 98567 45619 52948 50–54 55 16798 6316 10482 17284 7785 9499 55 56 15952 5877 10075 19552 8682 10870 56 57 14569 5458 9111 19039 8460 10579 57 58 12092 4707 7385 19434 8640 10794 58 59 11082 4302 6780 18373 7969 10404 59 55–59 70493 26660 43833 93682 41536 52146 55–59 60 12070 4783 7287 18885 7908 10977 60 61 8679 3285 5394 18329 8015 10314 61 62 9668 3621 6047 16956 6577 10379 62 63 11497 4425 7072 15455 5588 9867 63 64 13321 4958 8363 14879 5190 9689 64 60–64 55235 21072 34163 84504 33278 51226 60–64 65 12957 4741 8216 14450 4954 9496 65 66 13389 4821 8568 13133 4358 8775 66 67 12977 4658 8319 12191 4107 8084 67 68 12652 4255 8397 9752 3397 6355 68 69 11777 4032 7745 8829 2969 5860 69 65–69 63752 22507 41245 58355 19785 38570 65–69 70 11305 3713 7592 9345 3293 6052 70 71 10878 3587 7291 6718 2130 4588 71 72 10578 3508 7070 7212 2382 4830 72 73 9552 3000 6552 8455 2796 5659 73 74 9236 2894 6342 9425 2956 6469 74 70–74 51549 16702 34847 41155 13557 27598 70–74 75 8795 2732 6063 8918 2652 6266 75 76 8273 2533 5740 8996 2722 6274 76 77 7189 2029 5160 8153 2343 5810 77 78 6998 1777 5221 7752 2082 5670 78 79 5713 1524 4189 6808 1878 4930 79 75–79 36968 10595 26373 40627 11677 28950 75–79

154 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 5315 1312 4003 6091 1594 4497 80 81 4193 1044 3149 5505 1467 4038 81 82 3884 902 2982 4987 1284 3703 82 83 3369 749 2620 4165 994 3171 83 84 2696 616 2080 3701 907 2794 84 80–84 19457 4623 14834 24449 6246 18203 80–84 85 2343 468 1875 3192 764 2428 85 86 2019 435 1584 2730 615 2115 86 87 1685 369 1316 2057 411 1646 87 88 1404 289 1115 1714 318 1396 88 89 1012 191 821 1205 241 964 89 85–89 8463 1752 6711 10898 2349 8549 85–89 90 828 165 663 969 164 805 90 91 699 152 547 634 114 520 91 92 439 79 360 533 93 440 92 93 336 68 268 391 57 334 93 94 237 49 188 281 46 235 94 90–94 2539 513 2026 2808 474 2334 90–94 95 153 27 126 188 24 164 95 96 129 22 107 133 20 113 96 97 65 10 55 93 16 77 97 98 46 6 40 69 8 61 98 99 25 4 21 50 6 44 99 95–99 418 69 349 533 74 459 95–99

100+ 24 4 20 70 6 64 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 334 133 201 - - - indicated

0–15 335543 170867 164676 370507 188554 181953 0–15

16–54/59 846361 428437 417924 879610 455392 424218 16–54/59

55/60+ 282238 77837 204401 315545 87446 228099 55/60+

keskmine average vanus 35.7 32.6 38.3 35.8 33.1 38.3 age

155 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Linnarahvastik 1016826 467890 548936 1118829 517400 601429 Urban population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 14734 7434 7300 16855 8538 8317 0 1 15336 7887 7449 17081 8753 8328 1 2 15056 7582 7474 16364 8432 7932 2 3 14835 7631 7204 16388 8250 8138 3 4 14971 7628 7343 16881 8597 8284 4 0–4 74932 38162 36770 83569 42570 40999 0–4 5 14702 7456 7246 16796 8467 8329 5 6 15312 7764 7548 16052 8122 7930 6 7 15247 7813 7434 15910 8125 7785 7 8 15075 7635 7440 15668 8001 7667 8 9 14346 7297 7049 15514 7952 7562 9 5–9 74682 37965 36717 79940 40667 39273 5–9 10 13824 7092 6732 15658 7946 7712 10 11 12462 6272 6190 15628 8019 7609 11 12 12854 6478 6376 15545 7817 7728 12 13 12672 6397 6275 15233 7813 7420 13 14 13395 6766 6629 15302 7725 7577 14 10–14 65207 33005 32202 77366 39320 38046 10–14 15 13430 6786 6644 15391 7698 7693 15 16 14434 7338 7096 16048 8002 8046 16 17 14733 7334 7399 15726 7997 7729 17 18 16404 8489 7915 16456 8542 7914 18 19 17017 9004 8013 17440 9673 7767 19 15–19 76018 38951 37067 81061 41912 39149 15–19 20 16691 8410 8281 15631 8194 7437 20 21 16513 8418 8095 14525 7289 7236 21 22 17276 8865 8411 14853 7456 7397 22 23 18227 9263 8964 15223 7633 7590 23 24 18146 9217 8929 16149 8182 7967 24 20–24 86853 44173 42680 76381 38754 37627 20–24 25 17372 8852 8520 16218 8181 8037 25 26 17696 8793 8903 16996 8483 8513 26 27 17471 8599 8872 17723 8684 9039 27 28 16932 8489 8443 17848 8718 9130 28 29 17632 8714 8918 17793 8775 9018 29 25–29 87103 43447 43656 86578 42841 43737 25–29 30 17055 8301 8754 17828 8635 9193 30 31 15978 7736 8242 17776 8598 9178 31 32 15397 7510 7887 17783 8607 9176 32 33 11773 5626 6147 18075 8685 9390 33 34 11480 5494 5986 18189 8789 9400 34 30–34 71683 34667 37016 89651 43314 46337 30–34 35 11191 5341 5850 17254 8283 8971 35 36 13234 6403 6831 17442 8322 9120 36 37 17294 8236 9058 17208 8129 9079 37 38 15417 7441 7976 16629 8004 8625 38 39 16656 7978 8678 17354 8254 9100 39 35–39 73792 35399 38393 85887 40992 44895 35–39

156 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 17093 8066 9027 16506 7816 8690 40 41 17095 8079 9016 15797 7447 8350 41 42 15686 7297 8389 14756 6881 7875 42 43 14412 6878 7534 11555 5373 6182 43 44 13250 6153 7097 10793 4987 5806 44 40–44 77536 36473 41063 69407 32504 36903 40–44 45 13508 6281 7227 10784 5021 5763 45 46 15245 7040 8205 12821 5964 6857 46 47 14987 7017 7970 16787 7737 9050 47 48 15716 7412 8304 14778 6928 7850 48 49 15046 6998 8048 15850 7353 8497 49 45–49 74502 34748 39754 71020 33003 38017 45–49 50 15593 7005 8588 16086 7342 8744 50 51 15124 7123 8001 16348 7394 8954 51 52 13728 5826 7902 14560 6512 8048 52 53 12441 4919 7522 13641 6202 7439 53 54 11910 4457 7453 12376 5569 6807 54 50–54 68796 29330 39466 73011 33019 39992 50–54 55 11342 4152 7190 12362 5490 6872 55 56 10953 4025 6928 14272 6242 8030 56 57 9599 3687 5912 13875 6099 7776 57 58 8088 3210 4878 14372 6315 8057 58 59 7160 2807 4353 13544 5865 7679 59 55–59 47142 17881 29261 68425 30011 38414 55–59 60 7929 3177 4752 13843 5739 8104 60 61 5604 2131 3473 13633 5980 7653 61 62 6211 2391 3820 12433 4855 7578 62 63 7262 2802 4460 11122 4005 7117 63 64 8246 3097 5149 10471 3521 6950 64 60–64 35252 13598 21654 61502 24100 37402 60–64 65 7846 2858 4988 9917 3308 6609 65 66 7963 2843 5120 9124 3025 6099 66 67 7536 2616 4920 8195 2808 5387 67 68 7276 2417 4859 6652 2381 4271 68 69 6813 2265 4548 5817 1952 3865 69 65–69 37434 12999 24435 39705 13474 26231 65–69 70 6376 2006 4370 6290 2237 4053 70 71 6066 1838 4228 4401 1391 3010 71 72 5808 1799 4009 4736 1606 3130 72 73 5333 1552 3781 5480 1811 3669 73 74 5081 1463 3618 5984 1887 4097 74 70–74 28664 8658 20006 26891 8932 17959 70–74 75 4867 1362 3505 5604 1602 4002 75 76 4476 1204 3272 5577 1668 3909 76 77 3871 913 2958 4946 1330 3616 77 78 3813 855 2958 4654 1193 3461 78 79 3103 726 2377 4162 1100 3062 79 75–79 20130 5060 15070 24943 6893 18050 75–79

157 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 2881 607 2274 3651 894 2757 80 81 2282 489 1793 3350 854 2496 81 82 2120 435 1685 2953 707 2246 82 83 1797 328 1469 2536 543 1993 83 84 1491 326 1165 2218 494 1724 84 80–84 10571 2185 8386 14708 3492 11216 80–84 85 1296 202 1094 1912 410 1502 85 86 1144 222 922 1671 358 1313 86 87 924 171 753 1276 223 1053 87 88 794 141 653 1068 182 886 88 89 554 93 461 719 121 598 89 85–89 4712 829 3883 6646 1294 5352 85–89 90 444 78 366 609 90 519 90 91 374 75 299 385 59 326 91 92 238 38 200 329 52 277 92 93 186 32 154 263 34 229 93 94 145 29 116 178 28 150 94 90–94 1387 252 1135 1764 263 1501 90–94 95 91 12 79 112 12 100 95 96 67 10 57 82 12 70 96 97 30 4 26 55 9 46 97 98 24 3 21 49 6 43 98 99 14 2 12 32 3 29 99 95–99 226 31 195 330 42 288 95–99

100+ 16 2 14 44 3 41 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 188 75 113 - - - indicated

0–15 228251 115918 112333 256266 130255 126011 0–15

16–54/59 620734 308283 312451 647616 328652 318964 16–54/59

55/60+ 167653 43614 124039 214947 58493 156454 55/60+

keskmine average vanus 34.7 31.8 37.1 35.6 33.0 38.0 age

158 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Maarahvastik 447650 209384 238266 446833 213992 232841 Rural population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 6614 3372 3242 7746 3874 3872 0 1 6846 3479 3367 7807 4044 3763 1 2 6877 3498 3379 7614 3853 3761 2 3 6920 3493 3427 7539 3835 3704 3 4 6835 3441 3394 7447 3672 3775 4 0–4 34092 17283 16809 38153 19278 18875 0–4 5 6768 3519 3249 7488 3890 3598 5 6 7018 3630 3388 7267 3727 3540 6 7 6851 3529 3322 7172 3691 3481 7 8 6883 3497 3386 7076 3564 3512 8 9 6709 3451 3258 6804 3448 3356 9 5–9 34229 17626 16603 35807 18320 17487 5–9 10 6900 3516 3384 6751 3425 3326 10 11 6394 3203 3191 6837 3506 3331 11 12 6297 3181 3116 6938 3582 3356 12 13 6361 3270 3091 6786 3438 3348 13 14 6631 3500 3131 6591 3322 3269 14 10–14 32583 16670 15913 33903 17273 16630 10–14 15 6388 3370 3018 6378 3428 2950 15 16 6262 3371 2891 6456 3479 2977 16 17 6096 3212 2884 6303 3419 2884 17 18 5541 3178 2363 5830 3276 2554 18 19 5774 3533 2241 5668 3230 2438 19 15–19 30061 16664 13397 30635 16832 13803 15–19 20 5458 3157 2301 5437 2850 2587 20 21 5303 2948 2355 5233 2737 2496 21 22 5529 3020 2509 5229 2794 2435 22 23 6018 3254 2764 5729 3003 2726 23 24 6026 3270 2756 6018 3177 2841 24 20–24 28334 15649 12685 27646 14561 13085 20–24 25 5645 3076 2569 6227 3229 2998 25 26 5901 3169 2732 6621 3546 3075 26 27 5966 3261 2705 6728 3515 3213 27 28 5715 3055 2660 6810 3629 3181 28 29 6056 3194 2862 6550 3452 3098 29 25–29 29283 15755 13528 32936 17371 15565 25–29 30 5743 3016 2727 6493 3407 3086 30 31 5249 2776 2473 6223 3312 2911 31 32 5039 2599 2440 6258 3325 2933 32 33 4466 2354 2112 6419 3399 3020 33 34 4726 2449 2277 6048 3163 2885 34 30–34 25223 13194 12029 31441 16606 14835 30–34 35 4705 2515 2190 5610 3011 2599 35 36 5456 2847 2609 5760 3044 2716 36 37 6009 3098 2911 5733 3037 2696 37 38 5341 2749 2592 5536 2893 2643 38 39 5811 2928 2883 5845 3015 2830 39 35–39 27322 14137 13185 28484 15000 13484 35–39

159 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 5775 2999 2776 5520 2842 2678 40 41 5767 2894 2873 5135 2661 2474 41 42 5660 2829 2831 4907 2527 2380 42 43 5539 2827 2712 4359 2258 2101 43 44 5366 2689 2677 4415 2266 2149 44 40–44 28107 14238 13869 24336 12554 11782 40–44 45 5534 2732 2802 4462 2324 2138 45 46 5832 2850 2982 5191 2676 2515 46 47 5796 2830 2966 5757 2939 2818 47 48 5679 2759 2920 5026 2529 2497 48 49 5451 2554 2897 5377 2651 2726 49 45–49 28292 13725 14567 25813 13119 12694 45–49 50 5730 2622 3108 5312 2711 2601 50 51 5376 2448 2928 5283 2578 2705 51 52 5237 2165 3072 5155 2542 2613 52 53 5082 1994 3088 5021 2483 2538 53 54 5189 2154 3035 4785 2286 2499 54 50–54 26614 11383 15231 25556 12600 12956 50–54 55 5456 2164 3292 4922 2295 2627 55 56 4999 1852 3147 5280 2440 2840 56 57 4970 1771 3199 5164 2361 2803 57 58 4004 1497 2507 5062 2325 2737 58 59 3922 1495 2427 4829 2104 2725 59 55–59 23351 8779 14572 25257 11525 13732 55–59 60 4141 1606 2535 5042 2169 2873 60 61 3075 1154 1921 4696 2035 2661 61 62 3457 1230 2227 4523 1722 2801 62 63 4235 1623 2612 4333 1583 2750 63 64 5075 1861 3214 4408 1669 2739 64 60–64 19983 7474 12509 23002 9178 13824 60–64 65 5111 1883 3228 4533 1646 2887 65 66 5426 1978 3448 4009 1333 2676 66 67 5441 2042 3399 3996 1299 2697 67 68 5376 1838 3538 3100 1016 2084 68 69 4964 1767 3197 3012 1017 1995 69 65–69 26318 9508 16810 18650 6311 12339 65–69 70 4929 1707 3222 3055 1056 1999 70 71 4812 1749 3063 2317 739 1578 71 72 4770 1709 3061 2476 776 1700 72 73 4219 1448 2771 2975 985 1990 73 74 4155 1431 2724 3441 1069 2372 74 70–74 22885 8044 14841 14264 4625 9639 70–74 75 3928 1370 2558 3314 1050 2264 75 76 3797 1329 2468 3419 1054 2365 76 77 3318 1116 2202 3207 1013 2194 77 78 3185 922 2263 3098 889 2209 78 79 2610 798 1812 2646 778 1868 79 75–79 16838 5535 11303 15684 4784 10900 75–79

160 3.2 Järg 3.2 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 2434 705 1729 2440 700 1740 80 81 1911 555 1356 2155 613 1542 81 82 1764 467 1297 2034 577 1457 82 83 1572 421 1151 1629 451 1178 83 84 1205 290 915 1483 413 1070 84 80–84 8886 2438 6448 9741 2754 6987 80–84 85 1047 266 781 1280 354 926 85 86 875 213 662 1059 257 802 86 87 761 198 563 781 188 593 87 88 610 148 462 646 136 510 88 89 458 98 360 486 120 366 89 85–89 3751 923 2828 4252 1055 3197 85–89 90 384 87 297 360 74 286 90 91 325 77 248 249 55 194 91 92 201 41 160 204 41 163 92 93 150 36 114 128 23 105 93 94 92 20 72 103 18 85 94 90–94 1152 261 891 1044 211 833 90–94 95 62 15 47 76 12 64 95 96 62 12 50 51 8 43 96 97 35 6 29 38 7 31 97 98 22 3 19 20 2 18 98 99 11 2 9 18 3 15 99 95–99 192 38 154 203 32 171 95–99

100+ 8 2 6 26 3 23 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 146 58 88 - - - indicated

0–15 107292 54949 52343 114241 58299 55942 0–15

16–54/59 225627 120154 105473 231994 126740 105254 16–54/59

55/60+ 114585 34223 80362 100598 28953 71645 55/60+

keskmine average vanus 38.0 34.4 41.1 36.3 33.3 39.1 age


Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Kogu elanikkond 281714 123131 158583 362706 165119 197587 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 4084 2083 2001 5197 2696 2501 0 1 3791 1976 1815 4870 2509 2361 1 2 3842 1979 1863 4668 2360 2308 2 3 4118 2057 2061 4652 2413 2239 3 4 4236 2147 2089 4651 2386 2265 4 0–4 20071 10242 9829 24038 12364 11674 0–4 5 4064 2082 1982 4973 2513 2460 5 6 4116 2080 2036 4556 2370 2186 6 7 3959 2032 1927 4796 2425 2371 7 8 3641 1841 1800 4775 2392 2383 8 9 3913 1982 1931 4739 2345 2394 9 5–9 19693 10017 9676 23839 12045 11794 5–9 10 4006 2077 1929 4652 2406 2246 10 11 3982 2065 1917 4354 2216 2138 11 12 4027 2033 1994 4408 2235 2173 12 13 2924 1452 1472 4298 2168 2130 13 14 2362 1143 1219 4527 2237 2290 14 10–14 17301 8770 8531 22239 11262 10977 10–14 15 2470 1216 1254 4913 2474 2439 15 16 3353 1702 1651 5096 2579 2517 16 17 4895 2551 2344 5436 2688 2748 17 18 4701 2428 2273 6298 3489 2809 18 19 5283 2842 2441 6481 3630 2851 19 15–19 20702 10739 9963 28224 14860 13364 15–19 20 5721 3084 2637 7275 4107 3168 20 21 6158 3364 2794 6657 3481 3176 21 22 5578 2787 2791 6798 3605 3193 22 23 5304 2764 2540 6576 3414 3162 23 24 4959 2539 2420 5153 2628 2525 24 20–24 27720 14538 13182 32459 17235 15224 20–24 25 5032 2513 2519 4647 2367 2280 25 26 5505 2629 2876 4579 2330 2249 26 27 5667 2760 2907 5713 2855 2858 27 28 6174 2976 3198 7527 3799 3728 28 29 5840 2875 2965 6761 3425 3336 29 25–29 28218 13753 14465 29227 14776 14451 25–29 30 6525 2930 3595 7360 3715 3645 30 31 5755 2774 2981 7093 3536 3557 31 32 5862 2511 3351 7493 3751 3742 32 33 4861 1864 2997 6548 3191 3357 33 34 4727 1681 3046 5979 2900 3079 34 30–34 27730 11760 15970 34473 17093 17380 30–34 35 4793 1617 3176 5586 2648 2938 35 36 4406 1593 2813 5232 2488 2744 36 37 3957 1450 2507 6092 2891 3201 37 38 3840 1510 2330 6166 2959 3207 38 39 3070 1284 1786 6309 2991 3318 39 35–39 20066 7454 12612 29385 13977 15408 35–39

162 3.3 Järg 3.3 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 3689 1516 2173 6462 3131 3331 40 41 2604 1068 1536 6302 2807 3495 41 42 3046 1246 1800 6817 3402 3415 42 43 3415 1472 1943 5734 2496 3238 43 44 3731 1561 2170 4947 1931 3016 44 40–44 16485 6863 9622 30262 13767 16495 40–44 45 3840 1580 2260 5184 1916 3268 45 46 3823 1574 2249 4826 1761 3065 46 47 3661 1522 2139 4689 1791 2898 47 48 3847 1591 2256 4230 1667 2563 48 49 3609 1510 2099 3722 1526 2196 49 45–49 18780 7777 11003 22651 8661 13990 45–49 50 3501 1366 2135 3400 1437 1963 50 51 3109 1253 1856 3596 1539 2057 51 52 3433 1375 2058 2837 1156 1681 52 53 3261 1274 1987 2929 1231 1698 53 54 3233 1283 1950 3398 1421 1977 54 50–54 16537 6551 9986 16160 6784 9376 50–54 55 3199 1212 1987 3948 1642 2306 55 56 2918 1056 1862 3694 1435 2259 56 57 2719 943 1776 3936 1537 2399 57 58 3000 944 2056 3628 1419 2209 58 59 2567 910 1657 3632 1353 2279 59 55–59 14403 5065 9338 18838 7386 11452 55–59 60 2482 778 1704 3642 1326 2316 60 61 2162 671 1491 3235 1127 2108 61 62 2306 730 1576 3213 1107 2106 62 63 2282 671 1611 3186 1139 2047 63 64 1998 628 1370 3031 1004 2027 64 60–64 11230 3478 7752 16307 5703 10604 60–64 65 2033 580 1453 2976 997 1979 65 66 1904 565 1339 2827 932 1895 66 67 1821 552 1269 2627 785 1842 67 68 1797 536 1261 2482 720 1762 68 69 1689 489 1200 2550 676 1874 69 65–69 9244 2722 6522 13462 4110 9352 65–69 70 1706 455 1251 2199 650 1549 70 71 1278 351 927 2007 498 1509 71 72 1390 406 984 1880 479 1401 72 73 1300 341 959 1750 445 1305 73 74 1123 289 834 1693 416 1277 74 70–74 6797 1842 4955 9529 2488 7041 70–74 75 1048 269 779 1410 347 1063 75 76 918 237 681 1355 286 1069 76 77 700 173 527 1282 317 965 77 78 715 168 547 1186 273 913 78 79 617 130 487 987 223 764 79 75–79 3998 977 3021 6220 1446 4774 75–79

163 3.3 Järg 3.3 Cont.

Vanus 1959 1970 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 513 132 381 940 194 746 80 81 376 71 305 845 216 629 81 82 412 94 318 685 134 551 82 83 320 60 260 612 123 489 83 84 275 56 219 518 107 411 84 80–84 1896 413 1483 3600 774 2826 80–84 85 218 41 177 397 68 329 85 86 185 41 144 325 69 256 86 87 130 23 107 248 48 200 87 88 91 28 63 188 43 145 88 89 54 7 47 158 26 132 89 85–89 678 140 538 1316 254 1062 85–89 90 48 12 36 106 17 89 90 91 30 5 25 82 14 68 91 92 26 3 23 50 7 43 92 93 15 - 15 41 8 33 93 94 16 4 12 27 3 24 94 90–94 135 24 111 306 49 257 90–94 95 9 - 9 22 5 17 95 96 6 1 5 16 3 13 96 97 2 - 2 10 2 8 97 98 1 - 1 3 1 2 98 99 1 - 1 5 2 3 99 95–99 19 1 18 56 13 43 95–99

100+ - - - 4 - 4 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 11 5 6 111 72 39 indicated

0–15 59535 30245 29290 75029 38145 36884 0–15

16–54/59 178833 83284 95549 225314 112065 113249 16–54/59

55/60+ 43335 9597 33738 62252 14837 47415 55/60+


Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

Kogu elanikkond 428537 196549 231988 478974 222530 256444 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 0 5908 3054 2854 6917 3516 3401 0 1 6269 3234 3035 6918 3516 3402 1 2 6015 3021 2994 6679 3437 3242 2 3 6044 3171 2873 6816 3496 3320 3 4 5993 3033 2960 7047 3554 3493 4 0–4 30229 15513 14716 34377 17519 16858 0–4 5 5899 2992 2907 6737 3449 3288 5 6 6000 3064 2936 6444 3295 3149 6 7 6036 3029 3007 6366 3243 3123 7 8 6011 3013 2998 6336 3308 3028 8 9 5695 2938 2757 6194 3230 2964 9 5–9 29641 15036 14605 32077 16525 15552 5–9 10 5397 2767 2630 6368 3257 3111 10 11 4805 2379 2426 6397 3305 3092 11 12 5052 2591 2461 6339 3159 3180 12 13 4901 2474 2427 6163 3213 2950 13 14 5251 2605 2646 6145 3092 3053 14 10–14 25406 12816 12590 31412 16026 15386 10–14 15 5308 2719 2589 6385 3232 3153 15 16 5877 2992 2885 6771 3416 3355 16 17 6281 3110 3171 7022 3507 3515 17 18 7377 3711 3666 7861 4242 3619 18 19 7797 4176 3621 8181 4733 3448 19 15–19 32640 16708 15932 36220 19130 17090 15–19 20 7409 3852 3557 7068 3898 3170 20 21 7097 3692 3405 6438 3439 2999 21 22 7541 4011 3530 6582 3469 3113 22 23 8014 4224 3790 6700 3520 3180 23 24 8121 4164 3957 7197 3758 3439 24 20–24 38182 19943 18239 33985 18084 15901 20–24 25 7698 3989 3709 7231 3774 3457 25 26 7804 3895 3909 7541 3817 3724 26 27 7613 3833 3780 7734 3858 3876 27 28 7256 3653 3603 7879 3890 3989 28 29 7714 3790 3924 7738 3846 3892 29 25–29 38085 19160 18925 38123 19185 18938 25–29 30 7668 3738 3930 7712 3728 3984 30 31 7306 3559 3747 7610 3617 3993 31 32 6977 3304 3673 7780 3769 4011 32 33 5195 2461 2734 7824 3715 4109 33 34 4864 2289 2575 8006 3822 4184 34 30–34 32010 15351 16659 38932 18651 20281 30–34 35 4701 2221 2480 7579 3639 3940 35 36 5670 2689 2981 7598 3574 4024 36 37 7628 3605 4023 7449 3524 3925 37 38 6758 3233 3525 7155 3381 3774 38 39 7219 3455 3764 7613 3593 4020 39 35–39 31976 15203 16773 37394 17711 19683 35–39

165 3.4 Järg 3.4 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

40 7336 3461 3875 7467 3502 3965 40 41 7471 3557 3914 7344 3504 3840 41 42 6618 3060 3558 6789 3102 3687 42 43 6025 2852 3173 5224 2402 2822 43 44 5496 2500 2996 4622 2104 2518 44 40–44 32946 15430 17516 31446 14614 16832 40–44 45 5372 2480 2892 4556 2064 2492 45 46 5994 2718 3276 5579 2554 3025 46 47 6025 2793 3232 7634 3503 4131 47 48 6239 2889 3350 6550 3076 3474 48 49 6102 2866 3236 7010 3245 3765 49 45–49 29732 13746 15986 31329 14442 16887 45–49 50 6359 2765 3594 7105 3251 3854 50 51 6474 3180 3294 7325 3333 3992 51 52 5665 2409 3256 6281 2809 3472 52 53 4878 1811 3067 5776 2629 3147 53 54 4869 1770 3099 5271 2369 2902 54 50–54 28245 11935 16310 31758 14391 17367 50–54 55 4583 1546 3037 5007 2201 2806 55 56 4577 1619 2958 5712 2456 3256 56 57 4092 1526 2566 5595 2460 3135 57 58 3451 1342 2109 5745 2476 3269 58 59 3126 1242 1884 5551 2419 3132 59 55–59 19829 7275 12554 27610 12012 15598 55–59 60 3465 1389 2076 5649 2297 3352 60 61 2572 957 1615 5871 2702 3169 61 62 2671 1011 1660 5151 2014 3137 62 63 3175 1213 1962 4355 1498 2857 63 64 3499 1332 2167 4302 1393 2909 64 60–64 15382 5902 9480 25328 9904 15424 60–64 65 3365 1204 2161 4062 1254 2808 65 66 3393 1160 2233 3835 1230 2605 66 67 3205 1087 2118 3459 1154 2305 67 68 3100 1008 2092 2806 1001 1805 68 69 2983 985 1998 2523 824 1699 69 65–69 16046 5444 10602 16685 5463 11222 65–69 70 2759 823 1936 2763 1005 1758 70 71 2557 736 1821 2012 607 1405 71 72 2483 763 1720 2049 705 1344 72 73 2331 664 1667 2339 768 1571 73 74 2163 598 1565 2515 832 1683 74 70–74 12293 3584 8709 11678 3917 7761 70–74 75 2099 587 1512 2402 660 1742 75 76 1884 478 1406 2381 683 1698 76 77 1691 372 1319 2079 561 1518 77 78 1696 365 1331 1972 479 1493 78 79 1355 327 1028 1784 462 1322 79 75–79 8725 2129 6596 10618 2845 7773 75–79

166 3.4 Järg 3.4 Cont.

Vanus 1979 1989 Age (aastates) Kokku Mehed Naised Kokku Mehed Naised (years) Total Males Females Total Males Females

80 1204 227 977 1554 362 1192 80 81 931 189 742 1423 341 1082 81 82 920 197 723 1239 293 946 82 83 763 136 627 1112 240 872 83 84 593 119 474 917 203 714 84 80–84 4411 868 3543 6245 1439 4806 80–84 85 555 82 473 828 168 660 85 86 479 89 390 706 145 561 86 87 371 68 303 540 92 448 87 88 342 61 281 476 85 391 88 89 226 36 190 294 56 238 89 85–89 1973 336 1637 2844 546 2298 85–89 90 196 38 158 254 36 218 90 91 147 29 118 159 20 139 91 92 111 16 95 142 24 118 92 93 76 13 63 100 13 87 93 94 56 14 42 93 17 76 94 90–94 586 110 476 748 110 638 90–94 95 36 5 31 56 3 53 95 96 20 4 16 37 4 33 96 97 10 2 8 21 3 18 97 98 8 - 8 15 2 13 98 99 6 2 4 12 2 10 99 95–99 80 13 67 141 14 127 95–99

100+ 6 1 5 24 2 22 100+

vanus age has not been näitamata 114 46 68 - - - indicated

0–15 90584 46084 44500 104251 53302 50949 0–15

16–54/59 265783 132032 133751 284814 144988 139826 16–54/59

55/60+ 72056 18387 53669 89909 24240 65669 55/60+

keskmine average vanus 34.9 31.9 37.5 35.8 32.9 38.2 age

167 3.5 RAHVAARVU MUUTUMINE SOO JA VANUSE JÄRGI, 1959–1989 3.5 CHANGES IN POPULATION BY SEX AND AGE, 1959–1989 Rea Rahvaarv Muutus ( ; -) perioodil: nr. Sugu, Total population Change ( ; -) in period: Row vanusegrupp 1959– 1970– 1979– No. (aastates) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1969 1978 1988 1 Kogurahvastik 1196791 1356079 1464476 1565662 159288 108397 101186 2 Mehed 525090 620195 677274 731392 95105 57079 54118 sh. vanuses: 3 0–4 48906 49075 55445 61848 169 6370 6403 4 5–9 47954 52175 55591 58987 4221 3416 3396 5 10–14 41798 51406 49675 56593 9608 -1731 6918 6 15–19 43188 52511 55615 58744 9323 3104 3129 7 20–24 49537 52886 59822 53315 3349 6936 -6507 8 25–29 49442 48216 59202 60212 -1226 10986 1010 9 30–34 42211 54937 47861 59920 12726 -7076 12059 10 35–39 29771 50554 49536 55992 20783 -1018 6456 11 40–44 25841 47454 50711 45058 21613 3257 -5653 12 45–49 31927 32230 48473 46122 303 16243 -2351 13 50–54 29837 23807 40713 45619 -6030 16906 4906 14 55–59 26450 29338 26660 41536 2888 -2678 14876 15 60–64 19468 25639 21072 33278 6171 -4567 12206 16 65–69 15596 21115 22507 19785 5519 1392 -2722 17 70–74 11311 13381 16702 13557 2070 3321 -3145 18 75–79 6920 8125 10595 11677 1205 2470 1082 19 80–84 3408 4273 4623 6246 865 350 1623 20 85–89 1202 1594 1752 2349 392 158 597 21 90–94 268 324 513 474 56 189 -39 22 95–99 30 51 69 74 21 18 5 23 100+ 3246 -122 24 vanus näitamata 22 1102 133 - 1080 -969 -133 25 0–15 145736 162762 170867 188554 17026 8105 17687 26 16–59 321126 381827 428437 455392 60701 46610 26955 27 60+ 58206 74504 77837 87446 16298 3333 9609 1 Naised 671701 735884 787202 834270 64183 51318 47068 sh. vanuses: 2 0–4 46605 47036 53579 59874 431 6543 6295 3 5–9 45755 49791 53320 56760 4036 3529 3440 4 10–14 40509 49374 48115 54676 8865 -1259 6561 5 15–19 42808 47756 50464 52952 4948 2708 2488 6 20–24 49233 47484 55365 50712 -1749 7881 -4653 7 25–29 53636 46941 57184 59302 -6695 10243 2118 8 30–34 56218 55708 49045 61172 -510 -6663 12127 9 35–39 45810 53518 51578 58379 7708 -1940 6801 10 40–44 36500 56314 54932 48685 19814 -1382 -6247 11 45–49 45977 48488 54321 50711 2511 5833 -3610 12 50–54 43779 33839 54697 52948 -9940 20858 -1749 13 55–59 42108 45511 43833 52146 3403 -1678 8313 14 60–64 35889 43159 34163 51226 7270 -8996 17063 15 65–69 31118 38817 41245 38570 7699 2428 -2675 16 70–74 24979 30264 34847 27598 5285 4583 -7249 17 75–79 16732 21108 26373 28950 4376 5265 2577 18 80–84 9245 12706 14834 18203 3461 2128 3369 19 85–89 3785 5227 6711 8549 1442 1484 1838 20 90–94 820 1399 2026 2334 579 627 308 21 95–99 152 233 349 459 81 116 110 22 100+ 10 16 20 64 6 4 44 23 vanus näitamata 33 1195 201 - 1162 -994 -201 24 0–15 139691 156044 164676 181953 16353 8632 17277 25 16–54 367139 380205 417924 424218 13066 37719 6294 26 55+ 164838 198440 204401 228099 33602 5961 23698

168 3.5 Järg 3.5 Cont. Kasvutempo, % — Growth rate, % 1989, % — In 1989, % Rea 1970 1979 1989 suhtes aastasse: Sex, nr. suhtes aastasse: — in relation to: in relation to: age-group Row 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 (years) No. 113.3 108.0 106.9 130.8 115.5 106.9 Total population 1 118.1 109.2 108.0 139.3 117.9 108.0 Males 2 of whom aged: 100.3 113.0 111.5 126.5 126.0 111.5 0–4 3 108.8 106.5 106.1 123.0 113.1 106.1 5–9 4 123.0 96.6 113.9 135.4 110.1 113.9 10–14 5 121.6 105.9 105.6 136.0 111.9 105.6 15–19 6 106.8 113.1 89.1 107.6 100.8 89.1 20–24 7 97.5 122.8 101.7 121.8 124.9 101.7 25–29 8 130.1 87.1 125.2 142.0 109.1 125.2 30–34 9 169.8 98.0 113.0 188.1 110.8 113.0 35–39 10 183.6 106.9 88.9 174.4 95.0 88.9 40–44 11 100.9 150.4 95.1 144.5 143.1 95.1 45–49 12 79.8 171.0 112.1 152.9 191.6 112.1 50–54 13 110.9 90.9 155.8 157.0 141.6 155.8 55–59 14 131.7 82.2 157.9 170.9 129.8 157.9 60–64 15 135.4 106.6 87.9 126.9 93.7 87.9 65–69 16 118.3 124.8 81.2 119.9 101.3 81.2 70–74 17 117.4 130.4 110.2 168.7 143.7 110.2 75–79 18 125.4 108.2 135.1 183.3 146.2 135.1 80–84 19 132.6 109.9 134.1 195.4 147.4 134.1 85–89 20 120.9 158.3 92.4 176.9 146.3 92.4 90–94 21 170.0 135.3 107.2 246.7 145.1 107.2 95–99 22 66.7 200.0 150.0 200.0 300.0 150.0 100+ 23 5009.1 12.1 - - - - age has not been indicated 24 111.7 105.0 110.4 129.4 115.8 110.4 0–15 25 118.9 112.2 106.3 141.8 119.3 106.3 16–59 26 128.0 104.5 112.3 150.2 117.4 112.3 60+ 27 109.6 107.0 106.0 124.2 113.4 106.0 Females 1 of whom aged: 100.9 113.9 111.7 128.5 127.3 111.7 0–4 2 108.8 107.1 106.5 124.1 114.0 106.5 5–9 3 121.9 97.5 113.6 135.0 110.7 113.6 10–14 4 111.6 105.7 104.9 123.7 110.9 104.9 15–19 5 96.4 116.6 91.6 103.0 106.8 91.6 20–24 6 87.5 121.8 103.7 110.6 126.3 103.7 25–29 7 99.1 88.0 124.7 108.8 109.8 124.7 30–34 8 116.8 96.4 113.2 127.4 109.1 113.2 35–39 9 154.3 97.5 88.6 133.4 86.5 88.6 40–44 10 105.5 112.0 93.4 110.3 104.6 93.4 45–49 11 77.3 161.6 96.8 120.9 156.5 96.8 50–54 12 108.1 96.3 119.0 123.8 114.6 119.0 55–59 13 120.3 79.2 149.9 142.7 118.7 149.9 60–64 14 124.7 106.3 93.5 123.9 99.4 93.5 65–69 15 121.2 115.1 79.2 110.5 91.2 79.2 70–74 16 126.2 124.9 109.8 173.0 137.2 109.8 75–79 17 137.4 116.7 122.7 196.9 143.3 122.7 80–84 18 138.1 128.4 127.4 225.9 163.6 127.4 85–89 19 170.6 144.8 115.2 284.6 166.8 115.2 90–94 20 153.3 149.8 131.5 302.0 197.0 131.5 95–99 21 160.0 125.0 320.0 640.0 400.0 320.0 100+ 22 3621.2 16.8 - - - - age has not been indicated 23 111.7 105.5 110.5 130.3 116.6 110.5 0–15 24 103.6 109.9 101.5 115.5 111.6 101.5 16–54 25 120.4 103.0 111.6 138.4 114.9 111.6 55+ 26

169 3.5 Järg 3.5 Cont. Rea Rahvaarv Muutus ( ; -) perioodil: nr. Sugu, Total population Change ( ; -) in period: Row vanusegrupp 1959– 1970– 1979– No. (aastates) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1969 1978 1988 1 Linnarahvastik 675515 881168 1016826 1118829 205653 135658 102003 2 Mehed 295908 402136 467890 517400 106228 65754 49510 sh. vanuses: 3 0–4 27974 31351 38162 42570 3377 6811 4408 4 5–9 26603 33053 37965 40667 6450 4912 2702 5 10–14 21843 32265 33005 39320 10422 740 6315 6 15–19 25759 36179 38951 41912 10420 2772 2961 7 20–24 32055 37806 44173 38754 5751 6367 -5419 8 25–29 33271 33255 43447 42841 -16 10192 -606 9 30–34 28553 39233 34667 43314 10680 -4566 8647 10 35–39 18541 35264 35399 40992 16723 135 5593 11 40–44 15699 34109 36473 32504 18410 2364 -3969 12 45–49 17563 21429 34748 33003 3866 13319 -1745 13 50–54 14657 15367 29330 33019 710 13963 3689 14 55–59 11575 17204 17881 30011 5629 677 12130 15 60–64 7865 13296 13598 24100 5431 302 10502 16 65–69 5945 9680 12999 13474 3735 3319 475 17 70–74 4048 5710 8658 8932 1662 2948 274 18 75–79 2398 3500 5060 6893 1102 1560 1833 19 80–84 1116 1780 2185 3492 664 405 1307 20 85–89 353 650 829 1294 297 179 465 21 90–94 74 137 252 263 63 115 11 22 95–99 5 21 31 42 16 10 11 23 100+ 1 - 2 3 -1 2 1 24 vanus näitamata 10 847 75 - 837 -772 -75 25 0–15 79901 103209 115918 130255 23308 12709 14337 26 16–59 194192 263306 308283 328652 69114 44977 20369 27 60+ 21805 34774 43614 58493 12969 8840 14879 1 Naised 379607 479032 548936 601429 99425 69904 52493 sh. vanuses: 2 0–4 26818 29949 36770 40999 3131 6821 4229 3 5–9 25566 31968 36717 39273 6402 4749 2556 4 10–14 21726 31447 32202 38046 9721 755 5844 5 15–19 26843 34373 37067 39149 7530 2694 2082 6 20–24 32897 35772 42680 37627 2875 6908 -5053 7 25–29 36123 33802 43656 43737 -2321 9854 81 8 30–34 38223 40971 37016 46337 2748 -3955 9321 9 35–39 28645 38345 38393 44895 9700 48 6502 10 40–44 21141 40279 41063 36903 19138 784 -4160 11 45–49 24169 32272 39754 38017 8103 7482 -1737 12 50–54 21898 20960 39466 39992 -938 18506 526 13 55–59 20301 26135 29261 38414 5834 3126 9153 14 60–64 16788 23736 21654 37402 6948 -2082 15748 15 65–69 14423 21076 24435 26231 6653 3359 1796 16 70–74 11249 15958 20006 17959 4709 4048 -2047 17 75–79 7288 11150 15070 18050 3862 3920 2980 18 80–84 3676 6535 8386 11216 2859 1851 2830 19 85–89 1450 2615 3883 5352 1165 1268 1469 20 90–94 318 657 1135 1501 339 478 366 21 95–99 52 108 195 288 56 87 93 22 100+ 3 9 14 41 6 5 27 23 vanus näitamata 10 915 113 - 905 -802 -113 24 0–15 78009 99932 112333 126011 21923 12401 13678 25 16–54 226040 270206 312451 318964 44166 42245 6513 26 55+ 75548 107979 124039 156454 32431 16060 32415

170 3.5 Järg 3.5 Cont. Kasvutempo, % — Growth rate, % 1989, % — In 1989, % Rea 1970 1979 1989 suhtes aastasse: Sex, nr. suhtes aastasse: — in relation to: in relation to: age-group Row 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 (years) No. 130.4 115.4 110.0 165.6 127.0 110.0 Urban population 1 135.9 116.4 110.6 174.9 128.7 110.6 Males 2 of whom aged: 112.1 121.7 111.6 152.2 135.8 111.6 0–4 3 124.2 114.9 107.1 152.9 123.0 107.1 5–9 4 147.7 102.3 119.1 180.0 121.9 119.1 10–14 5 140.5 107.7 107.6 162.7 115.8 107.6 15–19 6 117.9 116.8 87.7 120.9 102.5 87.7 20–24 7 100.0 130.6 98.6 128.8 128.8 98.6 25–29 8 137.4 88.4 124.9 151.7 110.4 124.9 30–34 9 190.2 100.4 115.8 221.1 116.2 115.8 35–39 10 217.3 106.9 89.1 207.0 95.3 89.1 40–44 11 122.0 162.2 95.0 187.9 154.0 95.0 45–49 12 104.8 190.9 112.6 225.3 214.9 112.6 50–54 13 148.6 103.9 167.8 259.3 174.4 167.8 55–59 14 169.1 102.3 177.2 306.4 181.3 177.2 60–64 15 162.8 134.3 103.7 226.6 139.2 103.7 65–69 16 141.1 151.6 103.2 220.7 156.4 103.2 70–74 17 146.0 144.6 136.2 287.4 196.9 136.2 75–79 18 159.5 122.8 159.8 312.9 196.2 159.8 80–84 19 184.1 127.5 156.1 366.6 199.1 156.1 85–89 20 185.1 183.9 104.4 355.4 192.0 104.4 90–94 21 420.0 147.6 135.5 840.0 200.0 135.5 95–99 22 - - 150.0 300.0 - 150.0 100+ 23 8470.0 8.9 - - - - age has not been indicated 24 129.2 112.3 112.4 163.0 126.2 112.4 0–15 25 135.6 117.1 106.6 169.2 124.8 106.6 16–59 26 159.5 125.4 134.1 268.3 168.2 134.1 60+ 27 126.2 114.6 109.6 158.4 125.6 109.6 Females 1 of whom aged: 111.7 122.8 111.5 152.9 136.9 111.5 0–4 2 125.0 114.9 107.0 153.6 122.9 107.0 5–9 3 144.7 102.4 118.1 175.1 121.0 118.1 10–14 4 128.1 107.8 105.6 145.8 113.9 105.6 15–19 5 108.7 119.3 88.2 114.4 105.2 88.2 20–24 6 93.6 129.2 100.2 121.1 129.4 100.2 25–29 7 107.2 90.3 125.2 121.2 113.1 125.2 30–34 8 133.9 100.1 116.9 156.7 117.1 116.9 35–39 9 190.5 101.9 89.9 174.6 91.6 89.9 40–44 10 133.5 123.2 95.6 157.3 117.8 95.6 45–49 11 95.7 188.3 101.3 182.6 190.8 101.3 50–54 12 128.7 112.0 131.3 189.2 147.0 131.3 55–59 13 141.4 91.2 172.7 222.8 157.6 172.7 60–64 14 146.1 115.9 107.4 181.9 124.5 107.4 65–69 15 141.9 125.4 89.8 159.6 112.5 89.8 70–74 16 153.0 135.2 119.8 247.7 161.9 119.8 75–79 17 177.8 128.3 133.7 305.1 171.6 133.7 80–84 18 180.3 148.5 137.8 369.1 204.7 137.8 85–89 19 206.6 172.8 132.2 472.0 228.5 132.2 90–94 20 207.7 180.6 147.7 553.8 266.7 147.7 95–99 21 300.0 155.6 292.9 1366.7 455.6 292.9 100+ 22 9150.0 12.3 - - - - age has not been indicated 23 128.1 112.4 112.2 161.5 126.1 112.2 0–15 24 119.5 115.6 102.1 141.1 118.0 102.1 16–54 25 142.9 114.9 126.1 207.1 144.9 126.1 55+ 26

171 3.5 Järg 3.5 Cont. Rea Rahvaarv Muutus ( ; -) perioodil: nr. Sugu, Total population Change ( ; -) in period: Row vanusegrupp 1959– 1970– 1979– No. (aastates) 1959 1970 1979 1989 1969 1978 1988 1 Maarahvastik 521276 474911 447650 446833 -46365 -27261 -817 2 Mehed 229182 218059 209384 213992 -11123 -8675 4608 sh. vanuses: 3 0–4 20932 17724 17283 19278 -3208 -441 1995 4 5–9 21351 19122 17626 18320 -2229 -1496 694 5 10–14 19955 19141 16670 17273 -814 -2471 603 6 15–19 17429 16332 16664 16832 -1097 332 168 7 20–24 17482 15080 15649 14561 -2402 569 -1088 8 25–29 16171 14961 15755 17371 -1210 794 1616 9 30–34 13658 15704 13194 16606 2046 -2510 3412 10 35–39 11230 15290 14137 15000 4060 -1153 863 11 40–44 10142 13345 14238 12554 3203 893 -1684 12 45–49 14364 10801 13725 13119 -3563 2924 -606 13 50–54 15180 8440 11383 12600 -6740 2943 1217 14 55–59 14875 12134 8779 11525 -2741 -3355 2746 15 60–64 11603 12343 7474 9178 740 -4869 1704 16 65–69 9651 11435 9508 6311 1784 -1927 -3197 17 70–74 7263 7671 8044 4625 408 373 -3419 18 75–79 4522 4625 5535 4784 103 910 -751 19 80–84 2292 2493 2438 2754 201 -55 316 20 85–89 849 944 923 1055 95 -21 132 21 90–94 194 187 261 211 -7 74 -50 22 95–99 25 30 38 32 5 8 -6 23 100+ 2223 001 24 vanus näitamata 12 255 58 - 243 -197 -58 25 0–15 65835 59553 54949 58299 -6282 -4604 3350 26 16–59 126934 118521 120154 126740 -8413 1633 6586 27 60+ 36401 39730 34223 28953 3329 -5507 -5270 1 Naised 292094 256852 238266 232841 -35242 -18586 -5425 sh. vanuses: 2 0–4 19787 17087 16809 18875 -2700 -278 2066 3 5–9 20189 17823 16603 17487 -2366 -1220 884 4 10–14 18783 17927 15913 16630 -856 -2014 717 5 15–19 15965 13383 13397 13803 -2582 14 406 6 20–24 16336 11712 12685 13085 -4624 973 400 7 25–29 17513 13139 13528 15565 -4374 389 2037 8 30–34 17995 14737 12029 14835 -3258 -2708 2806 9 35–39 17165 15173 13185 13484 -1992 -1988 299 10 40–44 15359 16035 13869 11782 676 -2166 -2087 11 45–49 21808 16216 14567 12694 -5592 -1649 -1873 12 50–54 21881 12879 15231 12956 -9002 2352 -2275 13 55–59 21807 19376 14572 13732 -2431 -4804 -840 14 60–64 19101 19423 12509 13824 322 -6914 1315 15 65–69 16695 17741 16810 12339 1046 -931 -4471 16 70–74 13730 14306 14841 9639 576 535 -5202 17 75–79 9444 9958 11303 10900 514 1345 -403 18 80–84 5569 6171 6448 6987 602 277 539 19 85–89 2335 2612 2828 3197 277 216 369 20 90–94 502 742 891 833 240 149 -58 21 95–99 100 125 154 171 25 29 17 22 100+ 7 7 6 23 0 -1 17 23 vanus näitamata 23 280 88 - 257 -192 -88 24 0–15 61682 56112 52343 55942 -5570 -3769 3599 25 16–54 141099 109999 105473 105254 -31100 -4526 -219 26 55+ 89290 90461 80362 71645 1171 -10099 -8717

172 3.5 Järg 3.5 Cont. Kasvutempo, % — Growth rate, % 1989, % — In 1989, % Rea 1970 1979 1989 suhtes aastasse: Sex, nr. suhtes aastasse: — in relation to: in relation to: age-group Row 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 (years) No. 91.1 94.3 99.8 85.7 94.1 99.8 Rural population 1 95.1 96.0 102.2 93.4 98.1 102.2 Males 2 of whom aged: 84.7 97.5 111.5 92.1 108.8 111.5 0–4 3 89.6 92.2 103.9 85.8 95.8 103.9 5–9 4 95.9 87.1 103.6 86.6 90.2 103.6 10–14 5 93.7 102.0 101.0 96.6 103.1 101.0 15–19 6 86.3 103.8 93.0 83.3 96.6 93.0 20–24 7 92.5 105.3 110.3 107.4 116.1 110.3 25–29 8 115.0 84.0 125.9 121.6 105.7 125.9 30–34 9 136.2 92.5 106.1 133.6 98.1 106.1 35–39 10 131.6 106.7 88.2 123.8 94.1 88.2 40–44 11 75.2 127.1 95.6 91.3 121.5 95.6 45–49 12 55.6 134.9 110.7 83.0 149.3 110.7 50–54 13 81.6 72.4 131.3 77.5 95.0 131.3 55–59 14 106.4 60.6 122.8 79.1 74.4 122.8 60–64 15 118.5 83.1 66.4 65.4 55.2 66.4 65–69 16 105.6 104.9 57.5 63.7 60.3 57.5 70–74 17 102.3 119.7 86.4 105.8 103.4 86.4 75–79 18 108.8 97.8 113.0 120.2 110.5 113.0 80–84 19 111.2 97.8 114.3 124.3 111.8 114.3 85–89 20 96.4 139.6 80.8 108.8 112.8 80.8 90–94 21 120.0 126.7 84.2 128.0 106.7 84.2 95–99 22 100.0 100.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 100+ 23 2125.0 22.7 - - - - age has not been indicated 24 90.5 92.3 106.1 88.6 97.9 106.1 0–15 25 93.4 101.4 105.5 99.8 106.9 105.5 16–59 26 109.1 86.1 84.6 79.5 72.9 84.6 60+ 27 87.9 92.8 97.7 79.7 90.7 97.7 Females 1 of whom aged: 86.4 98.4 112.3 95.4 110.5 112.3 0–4 2 88.3 93.2 105.3 86.6 98.1 105.3 5–9 3 95.4 88.8 104.5 88.5 92.8 104.5 10–14 4 83.8 100.1 103.0 86.5 103.1 103.0 15–19 5 71.7 108.3 103.2 80.1 111.7 103.2 20–24 6 75.0 103.0 115.1 88.9 118.5 115.1 25–29 7 81.9 81.6 123.3 82.4 100.7 123.3 30–34 8 88.4 86.9 102.3 78.6 88.9 102.3 35–39 9 104.4 86.5 85.0 76.7 73.5 85.0 40–44 10 74.4 89.8 87.1 58.2 78.3 87.1 45–49 11 58.9 118.3 85.1 59.2 100.6 85.1 50–54 12 88.9 75.2 94.2 63.0 70.9 94.2 55–59 13 101.7 64.4 110.5 72.4 71.2 110.5 60–64 14 106.3 94.8 73.4 73.9 69.6 73.4 65–69 15 104.2 103.7 64.9 70.2 67.4 64.9 70–74 16 105.4 113.5 96.4 115.4 109.5 96.4 75–79 17 110.8 104.5 108.4 125.5 113.2 108.4 80–84 18 111.9 108.3 113.0 136.9 122.4 113.0 85–89 19 147.8 120.1 93.5 165.9 112.3 93.5 90–94 20 125.0 123.2 111.0 171.0 136.8 111.0 95–99 21 100.0 85.7 383.3 328.6 328.6 383.3 100+ 22 1217.4 31.4 - - - - age has not been indicated 23 91.0 93.3 106.9 90.7 99.7 106.9 0–15 24 78.0 95.9 99.8 74.6 95.7 99.8 16–54 25 101.3 88.8 89.2 80.2 79.2 89.2 55+ 26

173 3.6 TALLINNA ELANIKE ARVU MUUTUMINE SOO JA VANUSE JÄRGI, 1959–1989 3.6 CHANGES IN POPULATION OF TALLINN BY SEX AND AGE, 1959–1989 Rea Elanike koguarv Muutus ( ; -) perioodil: nr. Vanusegrupp, Total population Change ( ; -) in period: Row (aastates), 1959– 1970– 1979– No. sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 1969 1978 1988 1 Kogu elanikkond 281714 362706 428537 478974 80992 65831 50437 2 Mehed 123131 165119 196549 222530 41988 31430 25981 sh. vanuses: 3 0–4 10242 12364 15513 17519 2122 3149 2006 4 5–9 10017 12045 15036 16525 2028 2991 1489 5 10–14 8770 11262 12816 16026 2492 1554 3210 6 15–19 10739 14860 16708 19130 4121 1848 2422 7 20–24 14538 17235 19943 18084 2697 2708 -1859 8 25–29 13753 14776 19160 19185 1023 4384 25 9 30–34 11760 17093 15351 18651 5333 -1742 3300 10 35–39 7454 13977 15203 17711 6523 1226 2508 11 40–44 6863 13767 15430 14614 6904 1663 -816 12 45–49 7777 8661 13746 14442 884 5085 696 13 50–54 6551 6784 11935 14391 233 5151 2456 14 55–59 5065 7386 7275 12012 2321 -111 4737 15 60–64 3478 5703 5902 9904 2225 199 4002 16 65–69 2722 4110 5444 5463 1388 1334 19 17 70–74 1842 2488 3584 3917 646 1096 333 18 75–79 977 1446 2129 2845 469 683 716 19 80–84 413 774 868 1439 361 94 571 20 85–89 140 254 336 546 114 82 210 21 90–94 24 49 110 110 25 61 0 22 95–99 1 13 13 14 12 0 1 23 100+ - - 1 2 - 1 1 24 vanus näitamata 5 72 46 - 67 -26 - 25 0–15 30245 38145 46084 53302 7900 7939 7218 26 16–59 83284 112065 132032 144988 28781 19967 12956 27 60+ 9597 14837 18387 24240 5240 3550 5853 1 Naised 158583 197587 231988 256444 39004 34401 24456 sh. vanuses: 2 0–4 9829 11674 14716 16858 1845 3042 2142 3 5–9 9676 11794 14605 15552 2118 2811 947 4 10–14 8531 10977 12590 15386 2446 1613 2796 5 15–19 9963 13364 15932 17090 3401 2568 1158 6 20–24 13182 15224 18239 15901 2042 3015 -2338 7 25–29 14465 14451 18925 18938 -14 4474 13 8 30–34 15970 17380 16659 20281 1410 -721 3622 9 35–39 12612 15408 16773 19683 2796 1365 2910 10 40–44 9622 16495 17516 16832 6873 1021 -684 11 45–49 11003 13990 15986 16887 2987 1996 901 12 50–54 9986 9376 16310 17367 -610 6934 1057 13 55–59 9338 11452 12554 15598 2114 1102 3044 14 60–64 7752 10604 9480 15424 2852 -1124 5944 15 65–69 6522 9352 10602 11222 2830 1250 620 16 70–74 4955 7041 8709 7761 2086 1668 -948 17 75–79 3021 4774 6596 7773 1753 1822 1177 18 80–84 1483 2826 3543 4806 1343 717 1263 19 85–89 538 1062 1637 2298 524 575 661 20 90–94 111 257 476 638 146 219 162 21 95–99 18 43 67 127 25 24 60 22 100+ - 4 5 22 4 1 17 23 vanus näitamata 6 39 68 - 33 29 -68 24 0–15 29290 36884 44500 50949 7594 7616 6449 25 16–54 95549 113249 133751 139826 17700 20502 6075 26 55+ 33738 47415 53669 65669 13677 6254 12000

174 3.6 Järg 3.6 Cont. Kasvutempo, % — Growth rate, % 1989, % — In 1989, % Rea 1970 1979 1989 suhtes aastasse: Age-group nr. suhtes aastasse: — in relation to: in relation to: (years), Row 1959 1970 1979 1959 1970 1979 sex No. 128.7 118.1 111.8 170.0 132.1 111.8 Total population 1 134.1 119.0 113.2 180.7 134.8 113.2 Males 2 of whom aged: 120.7 125.5 112.9 171.1 141.7 112.9 0–4 3 120.2 124.8 109.9 165.0 137.2 109.9 5–9 4 128.4 113.8 125.0 182.7 142.3 125.0 10–14 5 138.4 112.4 114.5 178.1 128.7 114.5 15–19 6 118.6 115.7 90.7 124.4 104.9 90.7 20–24 7 107.4 129.7 100.1 139.5 129.8 100.1 25–29 8 145.3 89.8 121.5 158.6 109.1 121.5 30–34 9 187.5 108.8 116.5 237.6 126.7 116.5 35–39 10 200.6 112.1 94.7 212.9 106.2 94.7 40–44 11 111.4 158.7 105.1 185.7 166.7 105.1 45–49 12 103.6 175.9 120.6 219.7 212.1 120.6 50–54 13 145.8 98.5 165.1 237.2 162.6 165.1 55–59 14 164.0 103.5 167.8 284.8 173.7 167.8 60–64 15 151.0 132.5 100.3 200.7 132.9 100.3 65–69 16 135.1 144.1 109.3 212.6 157.4 109.3 70–74 17 148.0 147.2 133.6 291.2 196.7 133.6 75–79 18 187.4 112.1 165.8 348.4 185.9 165.8 80–84 19 181.4 132.3 162.5 390.0 215.0 162.5 85–89 20 204.2 224.5 100.0 458.3 224.5 100.0 90–94 21 1300.0 100.0 107.7 1400.0 107.7 107.7 95–99 22 - - 200.0 - - 200.0 100+ 23 1440.0 63.9 - - - - age has not been indicated 24 126.1 120.8 115.7 176.2 139.7 115.7 0–15 25 134.6 117.8 109.8 174.1 129.4 109.8 16–59 26 154.6 123.9 131.8 252.6 163.4 131.8 60+ 27 124.6 117.4 110.5 161.7 129.8 110.5 Females 1 of whom aged: 118.8 126.1 114.6 171.5 144.4 114.6 0–4 2 121.9 123.8 106.5 160.7 131.9 106.5 5–9 3 128.7 114.7 122.2 180.4 140.2 122.2 10–14 4 134.1 119.2 107.3 171.5 127.9 107.3 15–19 5 115.5 119.8 87.2 120.6 104.4 87.2 20–24 6 99.9 131.0 100.1 130.9 131.0 100.1 25–29 7 108.8 95.9 121.7 127.0 116.7 121.7 30–34 8 122.2 108.9 117.3 156.1 127.7 117.3 35–39 9 171.4 106.2 96.1 174.9 102.0 96.1 40–44 10 127.1 114.3 105.6 153.5 120.7 105.6 45–49 11 93.9 174.0 106.5 173.9 185.2 106.5 50–54 12 122.6 109.6 124.2 167.0 136.2 124.2 55–59 13 136.8 89.4 162.7 199.0 145.5 162.7 60–64 14 143.4 113.4 105.8 172.1 120.0 105.8 65–69 15 142.1 123.7 89.1 156.6 110.2 89.1 70–74 16 158.0 138.2 117.8 257.3 162.8 117.8 75–79 17 190.6 125.4 135.6 324.1 170.1 135.6 80–84 18 197.4 154.1 140.4 427.1 216.4 140.4 85–89 19 231.5 185.2 134.0 574.8 248.2 134.0 90–94 20 238.9 155.8 189.6 705.6 295.3 189.6 95–99 21 - 125.0 440.0 - 550.0 440.0 100+ 22 650.0 174.4 - - - - age has not been indicated 23 125.9 120.6 114.5 173.9 138.1 114.5 0–15 24 118.5 118.1 104.5 146.3 123.5 104.5 16–54 25 140.5 113.2 122.4 194.6 138.5 122.4 55+ 26

175 4.1 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.1 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr.Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 1007571 1158002 1246541 1328193 131.8 114.7 106.6 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 25183 54776 92630 142286 565.0 259.8 153.6 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 13236 17576 20027 22644 171.1 128.8 113.1 4 keskeriharidusega 56765 93253 149679 238092 419.4 255.3 159.1 5 üldkeskharidusega 78870 141384 226812 316039 400.7 223.5 139.3 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 215148 278422 296331 260681 121.2 93.6 88.0 7 algharidusega 472792 454918 406548 318372 67.3 70.0 78.3 8 ei oma algharidust 145203 113138 53692 30076 20.7 26.6 56.0 9 haridus märkimata 374 4535 822 3 0.8 0.1 0.4

1 Mehed 428230 518945 566238 610557 142.6 117.7 107.8 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 12462 27103 44414 65329 524.2 241.0 147.1 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 5966 8756 9246 10768 180.5 123.0 116.5 4 keskeriharidusega 22972 40849 65110 102036 444.2 249.8 156.7 5 üldkeskharidusega 27997 55909 97233 148971 532.1 266.5 153.2 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 97877 140763 153772 133377 136.3 94.8 86.7 7 algharidusega 208911 204648 179674 140348 67.2 68.6 78.1 8 ei oma algharidust 51934 39008 16445 9727 18.7 24.9 59.1 9 haridus märkimata 111 1909 344 1 0.9 0.1 0.3

1 Naised 579341 639057 680303 717636 123.9 112.3 105.5 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 12721 27673 48216 76957 605.0 278.1 159.6 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 7270 8820 10781 11876 163.4 134.6 110.2 4 keskeriharidusega 33793 52404 84569 136056 402.6 259.6 160.9 5 üldkeskharidusega 50873 85475 129579 167068 328.4 195.5 128.9 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 117271 137659 142559 127304 108.6 92.5 89.3 7 algharidusega 263881 250270 226874 178024 67.5 71.1 78.5 8 ei oma algharidust 93269 74130 37247 20349 21.8 27.5 54.6 9 haridus märkimata 263 2626 478 2 0.8 0.1 0.4

176 4.1 Järg

4.1 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex Row No.

Total population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 25 47 74 107 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 13 15 16 17 education 56 81 120 179 special secondary education 4 78 122 182 238 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 214 240 238 196 education 469 393 326 240 primary education 7 144 98 43 23 without primary education 8 1410education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 29 52 78 107 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 14 17 16 18 education 54 79 115 167 special secondary education 4 65 108 172 244 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 229 271 272 218 education 488 394 317 230 primary education 7 121 75 29 16 without primary education 8 0410education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 22 43 71 107 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 13 14 16 17 education 58 82 124 190 special secondary education 4 88 134 190 233 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 202 215 210 177 education 456 392 333 248 primary education 7 161 116 55 28 without primary education 8 0410education has not been indicated 9

177 4.1 Järg

4.1 Cont.

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr.Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Linnarahvastik 1 Kokku 568554 754847 867212 955320 168.0 126.6 110.2 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 21680 47701 79845 120486 555.7 252.6 150.9 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 10718 15105 17085 19031 177.6 126.0 111.4 4 keskeriharidusega 41011 71797 116195 181425 442.4 252.7 156.1 5 üldkeskharidusega 64870 120297 192884 253733 391.1 210.9 131.5 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 147760 198218 201007 172524 116.8 87.0 85.8 7 algharidusega 222690 242890 228600 189127 84.9 77.9 82.7 8 ei oma algharidust 59627 55905 31008 18991 31.8 34.0 61.2 9 haridus märkimata 198 2934 588 3 1.5 0.1 0.5

1 Mehed 241331 337732 391763 434163 179.9 128.6 110.8 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 10663 23795 38279 55301 518.6 232.4 144.5 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 4982 7595 7977 9140 183.5 120.3 114.6 4 keskeriharidusega 16679 31933 50673 76693 459.8 240.2 151.3 5 üldkeskharidusega 22892 47450 82487 118471 517.5 249.7 143.6 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 67466 99481 102784 86049 127.5 86.5 83.7 7 algharidusega 99172 108574 100768 83035 83.7 76.5 82.4 8 ei oma algharidust 19418 17651 8532 5473 28.2 31.0 64.1 9 haridus märkimata 59 1253 263 1 1.7 0.1 0.4

1 Naised 327223 417115 475449 521157 159.3 124.9 109.6 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 11017 23906 41566 65185 591.7 272.7 156.8 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 5736 7510 9108 9891 172.4 131.7 108.6 4 keskeriharidusega 24332 39864 65522 104732 430.4 262.7 159.8 5 üldkeskharidusega 41978 72847 110397 135262 322.2 185.7 122.5 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 80294 98737 98223 86475 107.7 87.6 88.0 7 algharidusega 123518 134316 127832 106092 85.9 79.0 83.0 8 ei oma algharidust 40209 38254 22476 13518 33.6 35.3 60.1 9 haridus märkimata 139 1681 325 2 1.4 0.1 0.6

178 4.1 Järg

4.1 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex Row No.

Urban population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 38 63 92 126 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 19 20 20 20 education 72 95 134 190 special secondary education 4 114 159 222 266 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 260 263 232 180 education 392 322 263 198 primary education 7 105 74 36 20 without primary education 8 0410education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 44 70 98 127 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 21 22 20 21 education 69 95 129 177 special secondary education 4 95 141 211 273 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 280 295 262 198 education 411 321 257 191 primary education 7 80 52 22 13 without primary education 8 0410education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 34 57 87 125 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 18 18 19 19 education 74 95 138 201 special secondary education 4 128 175 232 259 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 245 237 207 166 education 378 322 269 204 primary education 7 123 92 47 26 without primary education 8 0410education has not been indicated 9

179 4.1 Järg

4.1 Cont.

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr.Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Maarahvastik 1 Kokku 439017 403155 379329 372873 84.9 92.5 98.3 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 3503 7075 12785 21800 622.3 308.1 170.5 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 2518 2471 2942 3613 143.5 146.2 122.8 4 keskeriharidusega 15754 21456 33484 56667 359.7 264.1 169.2 5 üldkeskharidusega 14000 21087 33928 62306 445.0 295.5 183.6 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 67388 80204 95324 88157 130.8 109.9 92.5 7 algharidusega 250102 212028 177948 129245 51.7 61.0 72.6 8 ei oma algharidust 85576 57233 22684 11085 13.0 19.4 48.9 9 haridus märkimata 176 1601 234 ----

1 Mehed 186899 181213 174475 176394 94.4 97.3 101.1 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 1799 3308 6135 10028 557.4 303.1 163.5 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 984 1161 1269 1628 165.4 140.2 128.3 4 keskeriharidusega 6293 8916 14437 25343 402.7 284.2 175.5 5 üldkeskharidusega 5105 8459 14746 30500 597.5 360.6 206.8 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 30411 41282 50988 47328 155.6 114.6 92.8 7 algharidusega 109739 96074 78906 57313 52.2 59.7 72.6 8 ei oma algharidust 32516 21357 7913 4254 13.1 19.9 53.8 9haridus märkimata5265681----

1 Naised 252118 221942 204854 196479 77.9 88.5 95.9 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 1704 3767 6650 11772 690.8 312.5 177.0 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 1534 1310 1673 1985 129.4 151.5 118.6 4 keskeriharidusega 9461 12540 19047 31324 331.1 249.8 164.5 5 üldkeskharidusega 8895 12628 19182 31806 357.6 251.9 165.8 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 36977 38922 44336 40829 110.4 104.9 92.1 7 algharidusega 140363 115954 99042 71932 51.2 62.0 72.6 8 ei oma algharidust 53060 35876 14771 6831 12.9 19.0 46.2 9haridus märkimata124945153----

180 4.1 Järg

4.1 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex Row No.

Rural population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 8183458higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 66810education 36 53 88 152 special secondary education 4 32 52 89 167 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 153 199 251 236 education 570 526 469 347 primary education 7 195 142 60 30 without primary education 8 041 -education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 10 18 35 57 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 5679education 34 49 83 144 special secondary education 4 27 47 85 173 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 163 228 292 268 education 587 530 452 325 primary education 7 174 118 45 24 without primary education 8 041 -education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 7173260higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 66810education 38 57 93 159 special secondary education 4 35 57 94 162 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 147 175 216 208 education 557 522 484 366 primary education 7 210 162 72 35 without primary education 8 041 -education has not been indicated 9

181 4.2 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.2 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr.Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

1 Kogu elanikkond 241950 314829 368667 412520 170.5 131.0 111.9 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 12383 26880 46208 68953 556.8 256.5 149.2 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 5293 8260 8963 10228 193.2 123.8 114.1 4 keskeriharidusega 19873 32828 53344 83923 422.3 255.6 157.3 5 üldkeskharidusega 35228 61401 93195 112342 318.9 183.0 120.5 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 63319 80264 76773 64986 102.6 81.0 84.6 7 algharidusega 86890 86141 78994 65410 75.3 75.9 82.8 8 ei oma algharidust 18883 18411 10829 6675 35.3 36.3 61.6 9 haridus märkimata 81 644 361 3 3.7 0.5 0.8

1 Mehed 102872 140710 166000 188486 183.2 134.0 113.5 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 6245 13519 22359 32028 512.9 236.9 143.2 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 2679 4296 4337 5194 193.9 120.9 119.8 4 keskeriharidusega 8645 15591 24401 37001 428.0 237.3 151.6 5 üldkeskharidusega 12220 23941 39666 52295 427.9 218.4 131.8 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 30375 41239 38856 31960 105.2 77.5 82.3 7 algharidusega 36599 36217 33199 27980 76.5 77.3 84.3 8 ei oma algharidust 6081 5644 3012 2027 33.3 35.9 67.3 9 haridus märkimata 28 263 170 1 3.6 0.4 0.6

1 Naised 139078 174119 202667 224034 161.1 128.7 110.5 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 6138 13361 23849 36925 601.6 276.4 154.8 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 2614 3964 4626 5034 192.6 127.0 108.8 4 keskeriharidusega 11228 17237 28943 46922 417.9 272.2 162.1 5 üldkeskharidusega 23008 37460 53529 60047 261.0 160.3 112.2 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 32944 39025 37917 33026 100.2 84.6 87.1 7 algharidusega 50291 49924 45795 37430 74.4 75.0 81.7 8 ei oma algharidust 12802 12767 7817 4648 36.3 36.4 59.5 9 haridus märkimata 53 381 191 2 3.8 0.5 1.0

182 4.2 Järg

4.2 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex Row No.

1000 1000 1000 1000 Total population 1 of whom with: 51 85 125 167 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 22 26 24 25 education 82 104 145 203 special secondary education 4 146 195 253 272 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 262 255 208 158 education 359 274 214 159 primary education 7 78 59 30 16 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 61 96 135 170 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 26 31 26 28 education 84 111 147 196 special secondary education 4 119 170 239 277 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 295 293 234 170 education 356 257 200 148 primary education 7 59 40 18 11 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 44 77 118 165 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 19 23 23 23 education 81 99 143 209 special secondary education 4 165 215 264 268 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 237 224 187 147 education 362 287 226 167 primary education 7 92 73 38 21 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

183 4.3 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.3 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over) Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogurahvastik 1007571 25183 13236 56765 78870 215148 472792 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 82307 ----3912 43038 3 15–19 85996 1 32 2165 6943 53714 21346 4 20–24 98770 1606 3920 13298 12754 41014 24434 5 25–29 103078 6851 2479 11039 7345 35911 36458 6 30–34 98429 5193 1869 9704 9158 28525 41573 7 35–39 75581 2996 1354 6704 9203 17006 35986 8 40–44 62341 1756 933 3982 6428 10794 35061 9 45–49 77904 1933 814 3604 7147 9010 48156 10 50–54 73616 1761 722 2378 6933 6205 42752 11 55–59 68558 1455 587 1592 5368 3909 39373 12 60–64 55357 732 280 985 3346 2281 32486 13 65–69 46714 455 165 661 2021 1367 27860 14 70+ 78865 443 81 651 2221 1497 44248 15 vanus märkimata 55 1 - 2 3 3 21 1 Mehed 428230 12462 5966 22972 27997 97877 208911 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 41798 ----1547 20931 3 15–19 43188 1 15 736 2717 24554 13912 4 20–24 49537 581 1560 4930 4919 20477 16028 5 25–29 49442 3060 760 4394 2594 16942 20333 6 30–34 42211 2001 748 3531 2843 11873 20180 7 35–39 29771 1298 673 2578 3116 6699 14649 8 40–44 25841 967 542 1901 2347 4751 14449 9 45–49 31927 1255 520 1860 2565 4061 19639 10 50–54 29837 1187 463 1076 2396 2773 17710 11 55–59 26450 966 341 711 1774 1820 15752 12 60–64 19468 502 164 446 1148 1089 11805 13 65–69 15596 326 117 377 752 608 9647 14 70+ 23142 317 63 431 824 681 13868 15 vanus märkimata221-1228 1 Naised 579341 12721 7270 33793 50873 117271 263881 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 40509 ----2365 22107 3 15–19 42808 - 17 1429 4226 29160 7434 4 20–24 49233 1025 2360 8368 7835 20537 8406 5 25–29 53636 3791 1719 6645 4751 18969 16125 6 30–34 56218 3192 1121 6173 6315 16652 21393 7 35–39 45810 1698 681 4126 6087 10307 21337 8 40–44 36500 789 391 2081 4081 6043 20612 9 45–49 45977 678 294 1744 4582 4949 28517 10 50–54 43779 574 259 1302 4537 3432 25042 11 55–59 42108 489 246 881 3594 2089 23621 12 60–64 35889 230 116 539 2198 1192 20681 13 65–69 31118 129 48 284 1269 759 18213 14 70+ 55723 126 18 220 1397 816 30380 15 vanus märkimata 33 - - 1 1 1 13

184 4.3 Järg

4.3 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 145203 374 25 147 214 469 144 1 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 35323 34 - - 48 523 429 0 10–14 2 1783 12 0 106 625 248 21 0 15–19 3 1721 23 16 304 415 247 18 0 20–24 4 2973 22 67 202 348 354 29 0 25–29 5 2380 27 53 211 290 422 24 0 30–34 6 2319 13 40 228 225 476 31 0 35–39 7 3373 14 28 182 173 563 54 0 40–44 8 7222 18 25 148 116 618 93 0 45–49 9 12844 21 24 136 84 581 175 0 50–54 10 16243 31 21 110 57 574 237 1 55–59 11 15205 42 13 83 41 587 275 1 60–64 12 14158 27 10 61 29 596 303 1 65–69 13 29641 83 6 37 19 561 376 1 70+ 14 18 7 18 91 55 382 327 127 age has not been indicated 15 51934 111 29 133 229 488 121 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 19303 17 - - 37 501 462 0 10–14 2 1249 4 0 80 569 322 29 0 15–19 3 1030 12 12 230 413 324 21 0 20–24 4 1346 13 62 157 343 411 27 0 25–29 5 1023 12 48 169 281 478 24 0 30–34 6 753 5 44 214 225 492 25 0 35–39 7 879 5 38 185 184 559 34 0 40–44 8 2020 7 40 155 127 615 63 0 45–49 9 4227 5 40 132 93 593 142 0 50–54 10 5077 9 37 107 69 595 192 0 55–59 11 4307 7 26 90 56 607 221 0 60–64 12 3768 1 21 80 39 618 242 0 65–69 13 6947 11 14 57 29 599 300 1 70+ 14 5 3 46 136 91 364 227 136 age has not been indicated 15 93269 263 22 159 202 456 161 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 16020 17 - - 58 546 396 0 10–14 2 534 8 - 133 681 174 12 0 15–19 3 691 11 21 377 417 171 14 0 20–24 4 1627 9 71 244 354 301 30 0 25–29 5 1357 15 57 242 296 381 24 0 30–34 6 1566 8 37 238 225 466 34 0 35–39 7 2494 9 22 179 166 565 68 0 40–44 8 5202 11 15 144 108 620 113 0 45–49 9 8617 16 13 139 79 572 197 0 50–54 10 11166 22 12 112 50 561 265 0 55–59 11 10898 35 6 80 33 576 304 1 60–64 12 10390 26 4 52 24 585 334 1 65–69 13 22694 72 2 30 15 545 407 1 70+ 14 13 4 - 61 30 394 394 121 age has not been indicated 15

185 4.3 Järg

4.3 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Linnarahvastik 568554 21680 10718 41011 64870 147760 222690 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 43569 ----2664 23391 3 15–19 52602 1 30 1308 6120 35705 9029 4 20–24 64952 1271 3586 8757 10767 26827 13004 5 25–29 69394 5510 1688 8057 5929 24503 22054 6 30–34 66776 4553 1376 7379 7601 21458 23040 7 35–39 47186 2714 1112 5185 7693 12378 16909 8 40–44 36840 1617 773 3184 5393 7875 16105 9 45–49 41732 1758 670 2751 5781 6361 20900 10 50–54 36555 1590 594 1700 5432 4174 18265 11 55–59 31876 1264 460 1091 4232 2572 16415 12 60–64 24653 636 225 712 2647 1450 13560 13 65–69 20368 388 138 465 1575 863 11733 14 70+ 32031 377 66 420 1697 930 18279 15 vanus märkimata 20 1 - 2 3 - 6 1 Mehed 241331 10663 4982 16679 22892 67466 99172 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 21843 ----1051 11409 3 15–19 25759 1 14 514 2416 16510 6032 4 20–24 32055 473 1496 3475 4202 13386 8584 5 25–29 33271 2454 576 3195 2158 11757 12422 6 30–34 28553 1707 561 2619 2371 9026 11715 7 35–39 18541 1159 554 1894 2592 4921 7117 8 40–44 15699 874 438 1501 1967 3570 6928 9 45–49 17563 1125 427 1390 2064 2959 8789 10 50–54 14657 1069 384 771 1842 1830 7439 11 55–59 11575 836 261 489 1349 1150 6071 12 60–64 7865 429 126 311 862 628 4372 13 65–69 5945 277 97 259 534 324 3473 14 70+ 7995 258 48 260 533 354 4818 15 vanus märkimata 10 1 - 1 2 - 3 1 Naised 327223 11017 5736 24332 41978 80294 123518 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 21726 ----1613 11982 3 15–19 26843 - 16 794 3704 19195 2997 4 20–24 32897 798 2090 5282 6565 13441 4420 5 25–29 36123 3056 1112 4862 3771 12746 9632 6 30–34 38223 2846 815 4760 5230 12432 11325 7 35–39 28645 1555 558 3291 5101 7457 9792 8 40–44 21141 743 335 1683 3426 4305 9177 9 45–49 24169 633 243 1361 3717 3402 12111 10 50–54 21898 521 210 929 3590 2344 10826 11 55–59 20301 428 199 602 2883 1422 10344 12 60–64 16788 207 99 401 1785 822 9188 13 65–69 14423 111 41 206 1041 539 8260 14 70+ 24036 119 18 160 1164 576 13461 15 vanus märkimata 10 - - 1 1 - 3

186 4.3 Järg

4.3 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 59627 198 38 205 260 392 105 0 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 17494 20 - - 61 537 402 0 10–14 2 403 6 0 142 679 171 8 0 15–19 3 725 15 20 356 413 200 11 0 20–24 4 1642 11 79 226 353 318 24 0 25–29 5 1350 19 68 245 322 345 20 0 30–34 6 1187 8 58 297 262 358 25 0 35–39 7 1889 4 44 254 214 437 51 0 40–44 8 3503 8 42 221 152 501 84 0 45–49 9 4787 13 44 211 114 500 131 0 50–54 10 5824 18 40 182 81 515 183 1 55–59 11 5403 20 26 145 59 550 219 1 60–64 12 5190 16 19 107 42 576 255 1 65–69 13 10225 37 12 68 29 571 319 1 70+ 14 5 3 50 250 - 300 250 150 age has not been indicated 15 19418 59 44 185 280 411 80 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 9373 10 - - 48 522 429 1 10–14 2 270 2 0 114 641 234 11 0 15–19 3 431 8 15 286 418 268 13 0 20–24 4 700 9 74 178 354 373 21 0 25–29 5 546 8 60 195 316 410 19 0 30–34 6 299 5 63 272 265 384 16 0 35–39 7 419 2 56 249 227 441 27 0 40–44 8 805 4 64 221 169 500 46 0 45–49 9 1321 1 73 204 125 508 90 0 50–54 10 1416 3 72 181 100 525 122 0 55–59 11 1135 2 55 165 80 556 144 0 60–64 12 980 1 47 150 54 584 165 0 65–69 13 1722 2 32 105 44 603 216 0 70+ 14 1 2 100 300 - 300 100 200 age has not been indicated 15 40209 139 34 220 245 378 123 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 8121 10 - - 74 552 374 0 10–14 2 133 4 - 168 715 112 5 0 15–19 3 294 7 24 424 409 134 9 0 20–24 4 942 2 84 270 353 267 26 0 25–29 5 804 11 75 283 325 296 21 0 30–34 6 888 3 54 313 260 342 31 0 35–39 7 1470 2 35 257 204 434 70 0 40–44 8 2698 4 26 220 141 501 112 0 45–49 9 3466 12 24 216 107 494 158 1 50–54 10 4408 15 21 181 70 510 217 1 55–59 11 4268 18 13 136 49 547 254 1 60–64 12 4210 15 8 89 37 573 292 1 65–69 13 8503 35 5 56 24 560 354 1 70+ 14 4 1 - 200 - 300 400 100 age has not been indicated 15

187 4.3 Järg

4.3 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Maarahvastik 439017 3503 2518 15754 14000 67388 250102 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 38738 ----1248 19647 3 15–19 33394 - 2 857 823 18009 12317 4 20–24 33818 335 334 4541 1987 14187 11430 5 25–29 33684 1341 791 2982 1416 11408 14404 6 30–34 31653 640 493 2325 1557 7067 18533 7 35–39 28395 282 242 1519 1510 4628 19077 8 40–44 25501 139 160 798 1035 2919 18956 9 45–49 36172 175 144 853 1366 2649 27256 10 50–54 37061 171 128 678 1501 2031 24487 11 55–59 36682 191 127 501 1136 1337 22958 12 60–64 30704 96 55 273 699 831 18926 13 65–69 26346 67 27 196 446 504 16127 14 70+ 46834 66 15 231 524 567 25969 15 vanus märkimata35----315 1 Mehed 186899 1799 984 6293 5105 30411 109739 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 19955 ----4969522 3 15–19 17429 - 1 222 301 8044 7880 4 20–24 17482 108 64 1455 717 7091 7444 5 25–29 16171 606 184 1199 436 5185 7911 6 30–34 13658 294 187 912 472 2847 8465 7 35–39 11230 139 119 684 524 1778 7532 8 40–44 10142 93 104 400 380 1181 7521 9 45–49 14364 130 93 470 501 1102 10850 10 50–54 15180 118 79 305 554 943 10271 11 55–59 14875 130 80 222 425 670 9681 12 60–64 11603 73 38 135 286 461 7433 13 65–69 9651 49 20 118 218 284 6174 14 70+ 15147 59 15 171 291 327 9050 15 vanus märkimata12----25 1 Naised 252118 1704 1534 9461 8895 36977 140363 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 18783 ----75210125 3 15–19 15965 - 1 635 522 9965 4437 4 20–24 16336 227 270 3086 1270 7096 3986 5 25–29 17513 735 607 1783 980 6223 6493 6 30–34 17995 346 306 1413 1085 4220 10068 7 35–39 17165 143 123 835 986 2850 11545 8 40–44 15359 46 56 398 655 1738 11435 9 45–49 21808 45 51 383 865 1547 16406 10 50–54 21881 53 49 373 947 1088 14216 11 55–59 21807 61 47 279 711 667 13277 12 60–64 19101 23 17 138 413 370 11493 13 65–69 16695 18 7 78 228 220 9953 14 70+ 31687 7 - 60 233 240 16919 15 vanus märkimata23----110

188 4.3 Järg

4.3 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 85576 176 8 74 153 570 195 0 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 17829 14 - - 32 507 460 1 10–14 2 1380 6 - 51 539 369 41 0 15–19 3 996 8 10 203 420 338 29 0 20–24 4 1331 11 40 154 339 428 39 0 25–29 5 1030 8 20 138 223 586 33 0 30–34 6 1132 5 10 115 163 672 40 0 35–39 7 1484 10 6 78 115 743 58 0 40–44 8 3719 10 5 65 73 754 103 0 45–49 9 8057 8 5 62 55 661 217 0 50–54 10 10419 13 5 48 37 626 284 0 55–59 11 9802 22 3 34 27 616 319 1 60–64 12 8968 11 3 25 19 612 340 1 65–69 13 19416 46 1 16 12 555 415 1 70+ 14 13 4 - - 86 429 371 114 age has not been indicated 15 32516 52 10 66 163 587 174 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 9930 7 - - 25 477 498 0 10–14 2 979 2 - 30 462 452 56 0 15–19 3 599 4 6 128 406 426 34 0 20–24 4 646 4 37 113 321 489 40 0 25–29 5 477 4 22 115 208 620 35 0 30–34 6 454 - 12 118 158 671 41 - 35–39 7 460 3 9 87 117 742 45 0 40–44 8 1215 3 9 74 77 755 85 0 45–49 9 2906 4 8 62 62 677 191 0 50–54 10 3661 6 9 49 45 651 246 0 55–59 11 3172 5 6 40 40 641 273 0 60–64 12 2788 - 5 37 29 640 289 - 65–69 13 5225 9 4 31 22 597 345 1 70+ 14 4 1 - - 167 417 333 83 age has not been indicated 15 53060 124 7 79 147 557 210 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 7899 7 - - 40 539 421 0 10–14 2 401 4 - 73 624 278 25 0 15–19 3 397 4 14 283 435 244 24 0 20–24 4 685 7 42 193 355 371 39 0 25–29 5 553 4 19 156 235 559 31 0 30–34 6 678 5 8 113 166 673 40 0 35–39 7 1024 7 3 72 113 745 67 0 40–44 8 2504 7 2 60 71 752 115 0 45–49 9 5151 4 2 63 50 650 235 0 50–54 10 6758 7 3 47 31 609 310 0 55–59 11 6630 17 1 30 19 602 347 1 60–64 12 6180 11 1 19 13 596 370 1 65–69 13 14191 37 0 9 8 534 448 1 70+ 14 9 3 - - 44 435 391 130 age has not been indicated 15

189 4.4 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.4 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over) Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogu elanikkond 241950 12383 5293 19873 35228 63319 86890 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 17301 ----8909653 3 15–19 20702 1 19 612 3025 14146 2822 4 20–24 27720 637 1518 3986 5029 11746 4578 5 25–29 28218 2748 715 3643 2903 10496 7322 6 30–34 27730 2499 681 3468 4003 9111 7601 7 35–39 20066 1678 582 2534 4188 5161 5611 8 40–44 16485 1048 453 1728 3197 3737 5806 9 45–49 18780 1151 397 1560 3450 3251 8033 10 50–54 16537 1017 368 947 3287 2084 7558 11 55–59 14403 783 285 565 2562 1185 7398 12 60–64 11230 391 145 356 1632 694 6341 13 65–69 9244 214 85 248 992 412 5644 14 70+ 13523 216 45 225 958 406 8520 15 vanus märkimata 11 - - 1 2 - 3 1 Mehed 102872 6245 2679 8645 12220 30375 36599 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 8770 ----3954768 3 15–19 10739 1 6 280 1294 7251 1861 4 20–24 14538 234 735 1815 2167 6415 3036 5 25–29 13753 1243 271 1587 1036 5338 4114 6 30–34 11760 947 304 1316 1198 3956 3912 7 35–39 7454 725 265 893 1324 1974 2203 8 40–44 6863 556 254 833 1102 1624 2384 9 45–49 7777 729 260 769 1158 1445 3219 10 50–54 6551 693 237 432 1083 893 2890 11 55–59 5065 549 163 270 757 506 2497 12 60–64 3478 266 87 157 488 278 1915 13 65–69 2722 156 64 142 325 148 1614 14 70+ 3397 146 33 150 287 152 2185 15 vanus märkimata 5 - - 1 1 - 1 1 Naised 139078 6138 2614 11228 23008 32944 50291 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 8531 ----4954885 3 15–19 9963 - 13 332 1731 6895 961 4 20–24 13182 403 783 2171 2862 5331 1542 5 25–29 14465 1505 444 2056 1867 5158 3208 6 30–34 15970 1552 377 2152 2805 5155 3689 7 35–39 12612 953 317 1641 2864 3187 3408 8 40–44 9622 492 199 895 2095 2113 3422 9 45–49 11003 422 137 791 2292 1806 4814 10 50–54 9986 324 131 515 2204 1191 4668 11 55–59 9338 234 122 295 1805 679 4901 12 60–64 7752 125 58 199 1144 416 4426 13 65–69 6522 58 21 106 667 264 4030 14 70+ 10126 70 12 75 671 254 6335 15 vanus märkimata 6 - - - 1 - 2

190 4.4 Järg

4.4 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 18883 81 51 250 262 359 78 0 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 6753 5 - - 52 558 390 0 10–14 2 76 1 0 177 683 136 4 0 15–19 3 220 6 23 380 424 165 8 0 20–24 4 387 4 97 257 372 260 14 0 25–29 5 358 9 90 294 329 274 13 0 30–34 6 305 7 84 364 257 280 15 0 35–39 7 514 2 64 326 227 352 31 0 40–44 8 936 2 61 288 173 428 50 0 45–49 9 1270 6 62 278 126 457 77 0 50–54 10 1618 7 54 237 82 514 112 1 55–59 11 1663 8 35 190 62 564 148 1 60–64 12 1644 5 23 143 45 611 178 0 65–69 13 3136 17 16 91 30 630 232 1 70+ 14 3 2 - 273 - 273 273 181 age has not been indicated 15 6081 28 61 229 295 356 59 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 3604 3 - - 45 544 411 0 10–14 2 45 1 0 147 675 174 4 0 15–19 3 133 3 16 325 441 209 9 0 20–24 4 162 2 90 211 388 299 12 0 25–29 5 122 5 81 240 336 333 10 0 30–34 6 66 4 97 333 265 295 9 1 35–39 7 108 2 81 319 237 347 16 0 40–44 8 195 2 94 281 186 414 25 0 45–49 9 322 1 106 268 136 441 49 0 50–54 10 321 2 109 235 100 493 63 0 55–59 11 286 1 77 210 80 551 82 0 60–64 12 273 - 57 195 55 593 100 - 65–69 13 443 1 43 138 45 643 131 0 70+ 14 1 1 - 400 - 200 200 200 age has not been indicated 15 12802 53 44 265 237 362 92 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 3149 2 - - 58 573 369 0 10–14 2 31 - - 208 692 97 3 - 15–19 3 87 3 31 441 404 117 7 0 20–24 4 225 2 104 302 357 222 15 0 25–29 5 236 4 97 334 323 231 15 0 30–34 6 239 3 76 382 253 270 19 0 35–39 7 406 - 51 331 220 356 42 - 40–44 8 741 - 38 293 164 438 67 - 45–49 9 948 5 32 285 119 468 95 1 50–54 10 1297 5 25 238 73 525 139 0 55–59 11 1377 7 16 181 54 571 177 1 60–64 12 1371 5 9 122 40 618 210 1 65–69 13 2693 16 7 75 25 625 266 2 70+ 14 2 1 - 167 - 333 333 167 age has not been indicated 15

191 4.5 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.5 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary

1 Kogurahvastik 1158002 54776 17576 93253 141384 278422 454918 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 100780 ----38369440 3 15–19 100267 - 175 1571 15340 58693 23622 4 20–24 100370 2188 5262 13213 29907 39525 9468 5 25–29 95157 9007 3028 13702 20468 37129 10765 6 30–34 110645 11991 2105 20010 15486 39693 19659 7 35–39 104072 10667 1671 13662 9012 33680 32148 8 40–44 103768 8043 1380 11664 10166 26827 42704 9 45–49 80718 4383 992 7399 10372 16330 38544 10 50–54 57646 2177 698 3921 6357 8690 32584 11 55–59 74849 2072 740 3430 7360 7185 46405 12 60+ 227433 4212 1496 4610 16803 10032 129157 13 vanus märkimata 2297 36 29 71 113 255 422

1 Mehed 518945 27103 8756 40849 55909 140763 204648 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 51406 ----14934862 3 15–19 52511 - 73 586 6879 29836 14652 4 20–24 52886 960 2399 5522 12679 24182 6712 5 25–29 48216 3803 1536 5536 8498 21016 7254 6 30–34 54937 5569 1156 8472 6449 20309 12071 7 35–39 50554 5061 763 6303 3651 15887 17420 8 40–44 47454 4003 610 5378 3738 11751 20676 9 45–49 32230 2308 493 3135 3616 6359 15398 10 50–54 23807 1304 374 1952 2459 3863 13032 11 55–59 29338 1350 472 1800 2643 3181 18032 12 60+ 74504 2720 860 2121 5246 4093 44335 13 vanus märkimata 1102 25 20 44 51 137 204

1 Naised 639057 27673 8820 52404 85475 137659 250270 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 49374 ----23434578 3 15–19 47756 - 102 985 8461 28857 8970 4 20–24 47484 1228 2863 7691 17228 15343 2756 5 25–29 46941 5204 1492 8166 11970 16113 3511 6 30–34 55708 6422 949 11538 9037 19384 7588 7 35–39 53518 5606 908 7359 5361 17793 14728 8 40–44 56314 4040 770 6286 6428 15076 22028 9 45–49 48488 2075 499 4264 6756 9971 23146 10 50–54 33839 873 324 1969 3898 4827 19552 11 55–59 45511 722 268 1630 4717 4004 28373 12 60+ 152929 1492 636 2489 11557 5939 84822 13 vanus märkimata 1195 11 9 27 62 118 218

192 4.5 Järg

4.5 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No.

113138 4535 47 218 240 393 98 4 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 30628 329 - - 4 689 304 3 10–14 2 632 234 - 171 585 236 6 2 15–19 3 482 325 22 482 394 94 5 3 20–24 4 732 326 95 391 390 113 8 3 25–29 5 1347 354 108 340 359 178 12 3 30–34 6 2940 292 102 234 324 309 28 3 35–39 7 2701 283 78 224 258 411 26 3 40–44 8 2503 195 54 233 202 478 31 2 45–49 9 3079 140 38 190 151 565 53 3 50–54 10 7487 170 28 154 96 620 100 2 55–59 11 60478 645 18 101 44 568 266 3 60+ 12 129 1242 15 93 111 184 56 541 age has not been indicated 13

39008 1909 52 204 271 394 75 4 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 16232 163 - - 3 678 316 3 10–14 2 377 108 - 144 568 279 7 2 15–19 3 293 139 18 389 457 127 6 3 20–24 4 441 132 79 323 436 150 9 3 25–29 5 738 173 101 293 370 220 13 3 30–34 6 1340 129 100 212 314 345 26 3 35–39 7 1173 125 84 205 247 436 25 3 40–44 8 849 72 72 225 197 478 26 2 45–49 9 760 63 55 201 162 547 32 3 50–54 10 1794 66 46 168 108 615 61 2 55–59 11 14964 165 37 110 55 595 201 2 60+ 12 47 574 23 104 124 185 43 521 age has not been indicated 13

74130 2626 43 230 215 392 116 4 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 14396 166 - - 5 700 292 3 10–14 2 255 126 - 200 604 188 5 3 15–19 3 189 186 26 585 323 58 4 4 20–24 4 291 194 111 461 343 75 6 4 25–29 5 609 181 115 387 348 136 11 3 30–34 6 1600 163 105 255 332 275 30 3 35–39 7 1528 158 72 239 268 391 27 3 40–44 8 1654 123 43 238 206 477 34 2 45–49 9 2319 77 26 183 143 578 68 2 50–54 10 5693 104 16 145 88 624 125 2 55–59 11 45514 480 10 96 39 555 297 3 60+ 12 82 668 9 82 99 182 69 559 age has not been indicated 13

193 4.5 Järg

4.5 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary

1 Linnarahvastik 754847 47701 15105 71797 120297 198218 242890 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 63712 ----25244794 3 15–19 70552 - 167 1123 13037 42370 13526 4 20–24 73578 1856 4976 9509 25228 26922 4766 5 25–29 67057 7470 2598 9915 17069 24342 5263 6 30–34 80204 10331 1742 15584 13549 27743 10519 7 35–39 73609 9127 1255 10687 7820 23766 19263 8 40–44 74388 7158 1035 9444 8946 20925 25233 9 45–49 53701 4024 848 6020 9028 12570 19809 10 50–54 36327 2027 587 3240 5591 6744 16299 11 55–59 43339 1894 635 2754 6222 5394 22153 12 60+ 116618 3785 1237 3465 13715 7024 61075 13 vanus märkimata 1762 29 25 56 92 166 190

1 Mehed 337732 23795 7595 31933 47450 99481 108574 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32265 ----9722402 3 15–19 36179 - 69 411 5777 21519 8234 4 20–24 37806 835 2278 4091 10752 16399 3294 5 25–29 33255 3233 1328 4099 7099 13811 3481 6 30–34 39233 4856 989 6882 5714 14158 6263 7 35–39 35264 4363 625 4994 3205 11185 10213 8 40–44 34109 3515 468 4358 3309 9216 12577 9 45–49 21429 2106 421 2495 3107 4866 8049 10 50–54 15367 1204 312 1597 2152 3058 6665 11 55–59 17204 1217 406 1415 2235 2408 8698 12 60+ 34774 2446 682 1552 4058 2671 18609 13 vanus märkimata 847 20 17 39 42 93 89

1 Naised 417115 23906 7510 39864 72847 98737 134316 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 31447 ----15522392 3 15–19 34373 - 98 712 7260 20851 5292 4 20–24 35772 1021 2698 5418 14476 10523 1472 5 25–29 33802 4237 1270 5816 9970 10531 1782 6 30–34 40971 5475 753 8702 7835 13585 4256 7 35–39 38345 4764 630 5693 4615 12581 9050 8 40–44 40279 3643 567 5086 5637 11709 12656 9 45–49 32272 1918 427 3525 5921 7704 11760 10 50–54 20960 823 275 1643 3439 3686 9634 11 55–59 26135 677 229 1339 3987 2986 13455 12 60+ 81844 1339 555 1913 9657 4353 42466 13 vanus märkimata 915 9 8 17 50 73 101

194 4.5 Järg

4.5 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No.

55905 2934 63 274 263 322 74 4 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 18460 206 - - 4 703 290 3 10–14 2 191 138 - 203 600 192 3 2 15–19 3 141 180 25 540 366 65 2 2 20–24 4 228 172 111 441 363 79 3 3 25–29 5 536 200 129 385 346 131 7 2 30–34 6 1536 155 124 268 323 262 21 2 35–39 7 1485 162 96 261 282 339 20 2 40–44 8 1283 119 75 296 234 369 24 2 45–49 9 1771 68 56 259 185 449 49 2 50–54 10 4211 76 44 222 124 511 97 2 55–59 11 26018 299 32 158 60 524 223 3 60+ 12 45 1159 16 98 94 108 26 658 age has not been indicated 13

17651 1253 70 258 295 321 52 4 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 9668 98 - - 3 694 300 3 10–14 2 102 67 - 173 595 227 3 2 15–19 3 83 74 22 453 434 87 2 2 20–24 4 136 68 97 377 415 105 4 2 25–29 5 267 104 124 346 361 159 7 3 30–34 6 620 59 124 250 317 290 17 2 35–39 7 586 80 103 239 270 369 17 2 40–44 8 341 44 98 281 227 376 16 2 45–49 9 347 32 78 264 199 434 23 2 50–54 10 800 25 71 236 140 506 46 1 55–59 11 4685 71 70 181 77 535 135 2 60+ 12 16 531 23 116 110 105 19 627 age has not been indicated 13

38254 1681 57 288 237 322 92 4 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 8792 108 - - 5 712 280 3 10–14 2 89 71 - 235 607 154 2 2 15–19 3 58 106 28 632 294 41 2 3 20–24 4 92 104 125 505 311 53 3 3 25–29 5 269 96 134 422 332 104 6 2 30–34 6 916 96 124 285 328 236 24 3 35–39 7 899 82 91 280 291 314 22 2 40–44 8 942 75 60 306 239 364 29 2 45–49 9 1424 36 39 255 176 460 68 2 50–54 10 3411 51 26 213 114 515 130 2 55–59 11 21333 228 16 148 53 519 261 3 60+ 12 29 628 10 82 80 110 32 686 age has not been indicated 13

195 4.5 Järg

4.5 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary

1 Maarahvastik 403155 7075 2471 21456 21087 80204 212028 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 37068 ----13124646 3 15–19 29715 - 8 448 2303 16323 10096 4 20–24 26792 332 286 3704 4679 12603 4702 5 25–29 28100 1537 430 3787 3399 12787 5502 6 30–34 30441 1660 363 4426 1937 11950 9140 7 35–39 30463 1540 416 2975 1192 9914 12885 8 40–44 29380 885 345 2220 1220 5902 17471 9 45–49 27017 359 144 1379 1344 3760 18735 10 50–54 21319 150 111 681 766 1946 16285 11 55–59 31510 178 105 676 1138 1791 24252 12 60+ 110815 427 259 1145 3088 3008 68082 13 vanus märkimata 535 7 4 15 21 89 232

1 Mehed 181213 3308 1161 8916 8459 41282 96074 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 19141 ----5212460 3 15–19 16332 - 4 175 1102 8317 6418 4 20–24 15080 125 121 1431 1927 7783 3418 5 25–29 14961 570 208 1437 1399 7205 3773 6 30–34 15704 713 167 1590 735 6151 5808 7 35–39 15290 698 138 1309 446 4702 7207 8 40–44 13345 488 142 1020 429 2535 8099 9 45–49 10801 202 72 640 509 1493 7349 10 50–54 8440 100 62 355 307 805 6367 11 55–59 12134 133 66 385 408 773 9334 12 60+ 39730 274 178 569 1188 1422 25726 13 vanus märkimata255535944115

1 Naised 221942 3767 1310 12540 12628 38922 115954 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 17927 ----7912186 3 15–19 13383 - 4 273 1201 8006 3678 4 20–24 11712 207 165 2273 2752 4820 1284 5 25–29 13139 967 222 2350 2000 5582 1729 6 30–34 14737 947 196 2836 1202 5799 3332 7 35–39 15173 842 278 1666 746 5212 5678 8 40–44 16035 397 203 1200 791 3367 9372 9 45–49 16216 157 72 739 835 2267 11386 10 50–54 12879 50 49 326 459 1141 9918 11 55–59 19376 45 39 291 730 1018 14918 12 60+ 71085 153 81 576 1900 1586 42356 13 vanus märkimata 280 2 1 10 12 45 117

196 4.5 Järg

4.5 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No.

57233 1601 18 111 199 526 142 4 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 12168 123 - - 4 665 328 3 10–14 2 441 96 - 93 549 340 15 3 15–19 3 341 145 12 324 470 176 13 5 20–24 4 504 154 55 271 455 196 18 5 25–29 5 811 154 54 221 393 300 27 5 30–34 6 1404 137 51 150 325 423 46 5 35–39 7 1216 121 30 129 201 595 41 4 40–44 8 1220 76 13 106 139 694 45 3 45–49 9 1308 72 7 73 91 764 61 4 50–54 10 3276 94 5 61 57 770 104 3 55–59 11 34460 346 4 41 27 614 311 3 60+ 12 84 83 13 75 166 434 157 155 age has not been indicated 13

21357 656 18 102 228 530 118 4 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 6564 65 - - 3 651 343 3 10–14 2 275 41 - 78 509 393 17 3 15–19 3 210 65 8 231 516 227 14 4 20–24 4 305 64 38 204 482 252 20 4 25–29 5 471 69 45 159 392 370 30 4 30–34 6 720 70 46 124 307 471 47 5 35–39 7 587 45 37 119 190 607 44 3 40–44 8 508 28 19 113 138 680 47 3 45–49 9 413 31 12 86 95 754 49 4 50–54 10 994 41 11 71 64 769 82 3 55–59 11 10279 94 7 49 36 647 259 2 60+ 12 31 43 20 67 172 451 121 169 age has not been indicated 13

35876 945 17 120 175 522 162 4 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 5604 58 - - 4 680 313 3 10–14 2 166 55 - 111 598 275 12 4 15–19 3 131 80 18 443 411 110 11 7 20–24 4 199 90 74 348 425 131 15 7 25–29 5 340 85 64 287 394 226 23 6 30–34 6 684 67 56 177 344 374 45 4 35–39 7 629 76 25 137 210 584 39 5 40–44 8 712 48 10 101 140 702 44 3 45–49 9 895 41 4 65 89 770 69 3 50–54 10 2282 53 2 55 52 770 118 3 55–59 11 24181 252 2 36 22 596 340 4 60+ 12 53 40 7 82 161 418 189 143 age has not been indicated 13

197 4.6 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.6 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary

1 Kogu elanikkond 314829 26880 8260 32828 61401 80264 86141 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 22239 ----8215838 3 15–19 28224 - 90 461 5917 17285 4367 4 20–24 32459 916 2732 4155 11975 10925 1645 5 25–29 29227 3884 1365 4318 8223 9630 1684 6 30–34 34473 5590 953 6995 6431 10875 3390 7 35–39 29385 4813 593 4580 3791 9119 5985 8 40–44 30262 4083 540 4338 4638 8239 7919 9 45–49 22651 2563 471 2925 5107 4956 6175 10 50–54 16160 1373 369 1739 3408 3046 5640 11 55–59 18838 1302 378 1500 3661 2614 8066 12 60+ 50800 2352 767 1808 8233 3461 25409 13 vanus märkimata111429173223

1 Mehed 140710 13519 4296 15591 23941 41239 36217 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 11262 ----327944 3 15–19 14860 - 35 202 2757 9242 2574 4 20–24 17235 367 1319 2037 5314 7009 1135 5 25–29 14776 1635 706 1920 3646 5724 1083 6 30–34 17093 2603 572 3363 2765 5745 1927 7 35–39 13977 2311 326 2246 1455 4348 3090 8 40–44 13767 2015 251 2087 1557 3685 3973 9 45–49 8661 1351 231 1233 1594 1794 2339 10 50–54 6784 839 197 878 1276 1324 2153 11 55–59 7386 840 239 780 1265 1116 2930 12 60+ 14837 1554 418 836 2303 1197 7059 13 vanus märkimata7242992310

1 Naised 174119 13361 3964 17237 37460 39025 49924 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 10977 ----507894 3 15–19 13364 - 55 259 3160 8043 1793 4 20–24 15224 549 1413 2118 6661 3916 510 5 25–29 14451 2249 659 2398 4577 3906 601 6 30–34 17380 2987 381 3632 3666 5130 1463 7 35–39 15408 2502 267 2334 2336 4771 2895 8 40–44 16495 2068 289 2251 3081 4554 3946 9 45–49 13990 1212 240 1692 3513 3162 3836 10 50–54 9376 534 172 861 2132 1722 3487 11 55–59 11452 462 139 720 2396 1498 5136 12 60+ 35963 798 349 972 5930 2264 18350 13 vanus märkimata 39 - - - 8 9 13

198 4.6 Järg

4.6 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No.

18411 644 85 325 255 274 59 2 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 6270 49 - - 4 712 282 2 10–14 2 64 40 - 229 613 155 2 1 15–19 3 46 65 28 581 337 51 1 2 20–24 4 64 59 133 476 329 58 2 2 25–29 5 164 75 162 417 316 98 5 2 30–34 6 449 55 164 305 310 204 15 2 35–39 7 447 58 135 314 272 262 15 2 40–44 8 404 50 113 375 219 273 18 2 45–49 9 557 28 85 341 189 349 34 2 50–54 10 1288 29 69 294 139 428 68 2 55–59 11 8653 117 46 213 68 500 171 2 60+ 12 5 19 36 252 289 207 45 171 age has not been indicated 13

5644 263 96 312 293 257 40 2 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 3261 25 - - 3 705 290 2 10–14 2 31 19 - 202 622 173 2 1 15–19 3 26 28 21 503 407 66 1 2 20–24 4 38 24 111 424 387 73 3 2 25–29 5 78 40 152 392 336 113 5 2 30–34 6 179 22 165 288 311 221 13 2 35–39 7 174 25 146 283 268 289 12 2 40–44 8 102 17 156 353 207 270 12 2 45–49 9 101 16 124 347 195 317 15 2 50–54 10 206 10 114 309 151 397 28 1 55–59 11 1446 24 105 240 81 476 97 1 60+ 12 2 13 56 278 319 139 28 180 age has not been indicated 13

12767 381 77 337 224 287 73 2 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 3009 24 - - 5 719 274 2 10–14 2 33 21 - 260 602 134 2 2 15–19 3 20 37 36 670 257 34 1 2 20–24 4 26 35 156 528 270 42 2 2 25–29 5 86 35 172 442 295 84 5 2 30–34 6 270 33 162 320 310 188 18 2 35–39 7 273 33 125 341 276 239 17 2 40–44 8 302 33 87 389 226 274 22 2 45–49 9 456 12 57 337 184 372 49 1 50–54 10 1082 19 40 284 131 449 94 2 55–59 11 7207 93 22 202 63 510 200 3 60+ 12 3 6 - 205 231 333 77 154 age has not been indicated 13

199 4.7 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.7 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over) Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogurahvastik 1246541 92630 20027 149679 226812 296331 406548 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 97790 ----5311 81671 3 15–19 106079 - 405 3789 27247 64252 9860 4 20–24 115187 5560 6956 24055 45949 26808 5389 5 25–29 116386 15818 2954 23689 36474 29623 7412 6 30–34 96906 14319 1965 18778 26591 26442 8368 7 35–39 101114 14247 1469 18734 21108 29946 14950 8 40–44 105643 13881 1216 20498 14686 31102 23133 9 45–49 102794 11258 1167 13948 10527 28109 35524 10 50–54 95410 7449 1081 11117 11351 22231 40184 11 55–59 70493 3848 816 6410 9848 12692 34834 12 60–64 55235 1985 642 3491 6355 7554 32010 13 65–69 63752 1748 536 2634 6508 5778 40366 14 70+ 119418 2507 813 2512 10125 6451 72761 15 vanus märkimata 334 10 7 24 43 32 86 1 Mehed 566238 44414 9246 65110 97233 153772 179674 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 49675 ----2586 41364 3 15–19 55615 - 182 2078 13190 33973 5887 4 20–24 59822 2765 2687 10854 22332 17223 3670 5 25–29 59202 7076 1505 9772 17495 18046 5072 6 30–34 47861 6314 1101 7846 11363 15533 5444 7 35–39 49536 6564 804 7821 8456 16277 9247 8 40–44 50711 6575 610 8624 5868 15386 13077 9 45–49 48473 5627 443 6368 4116 12983 17918 10 50–54 40713 3663 457 4889 3794 9255 17895 11 55–59 26660 2023 383 2785 3340 4805 12744 12 60–64 21072 1180 357 1741 2302 3086 11716 13 65–69 22507 1127 311 1318 2172 2270 14058 14 70+ 34258 1492 403 1003 2790 2334 21558 15 vanus märkimata 133 8 3 11 15 15 24 1 Naised 680303 48216 10781 84569 129579 142559 226874 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 48115 ----2725 40307 3 15–19 50464 - 223 1711 14057 30279 3973 4 20–24 55365 2795 4269 13201 23617 9585 1719 5 25–29 57184 8742 1449 13917 18979 11577 2340 6 30–34 49045 8005 864 10932 15228 10909 2924 7 35–39 51578 7683 665 10913 12652 13669 5703 8 40–44 54932 7306 606 11874 8818 15716 10056 9 45–49 54321 5631 724 7580 6411 15126 17606 10 50–54 54697 3786 624 6228 7557 12976 22289 11 55–59 43833 1825 433 3625 6508 7887 22090 12 60–64 34163 805 285 1750 4053 4468 20294 13 65–69 41245 621 225 1316 4336 3508 26308 14 70+ 85160 1015 410 1509 7335 4117 51203 15 vanus märkimata 201 2 4 13 28 17 62

200 4.7 Järg

4.7 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 53692 822 74 318 238 326 43 1 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 10808 - - - 54 835 111 - 10–14 2 526 - - 296 606 93 5 - 15–19 3 384 86 48 668 233 47 3 1 20–24 4 329 87 136 542 254 64 3 1 25–29 5 372 71 148 488 273 86 4 1 30–34 6 604 56 141 409 296 148 6 0 35–39 7 1068 59 131 345 294 219 10 1 40–44 8 2211 50 110 249 273 346 22 0 45–49 9 1958 39 78 247 233 421 21 0 50–54 10 2009 36 55 242 180 494 28 1 55–59 11 3156 42 36 190 137 579 57 1 60–64 12 6141 41 27 152 91 633 96 1 65–69 13 24106 143 21 113 54 609 202 1 70+ 14 20 112 30 222 96 257 60 335 age has not been indicated 15 16445 344 78 303 272 317 29 1 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 5725 - - - 52 833 115 - 10–14 2 305 - - 278 611 106 5 - 15–19 3 231 60 46 600 288 61 4 1 20–24 4 185 51 119 486 305 86 3 1 25–29 5 224 36 132 424 324 114 5 1 30–34 6 346 21 132 345 329 187 7 0 35–39 7 540 31 130 298 303 258 11 0 40–44 8 996 22 116 225 268 370 21 0 45–49 9 744 16 90 225 227 440 18 0 50–54 10 575 5 76 244 180 478 22 0 55–59 11 675 15 56 209 146 556 32 1 60–64 12 1246 5 50 169 101 625 55 0 65–69 13 4649 29 44 122 68 629 136 1 70+ 14 4 53 60 218 113 181 30 398 age has not been indicated 15 37247 478 71 330 210 333 55 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 5083 - - - 57 838 105 - 10–14 2 221 - - 317 600 79 4 - 15–19 3 153 26 51 742 173 31 3 0 20–24 4 144 36 153 601 202 41 2 1 25–29 5 148 35 163 551 222 60 3 1 30–34 6 258 35 149 470 265 110 5 1 35–39 7 528 28 133 388 286 183 10 0 40–44 8 1215 28 104 271 278 324 22 1 45–49 9 1214 23 69 264 237 408 22 0 50–54 10 1434 31 41 241 180 504 33 1 55–59 11 2481 27 23 178 131 594 73 1 60–64 12 4895 36 15 142 85 638 119 1 65–69 13 19457 114 12 109 48 601 229 1 70+ 14 16 59 10 224 85 308 80 293 age has not been indicated 15

201 4.7 Järg

4.7 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Linnarahvastik 867212 79845 17085 116195 192884 201007 228600 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 65207 ----3902 54176 3 15–19 76018 - 387 2791 23121 43745 5748 4 20–24 86853 4593 6509 17733 38396 16339 3078 5 25–29 87103 13235 2471 17910 30418 18706 4176 6 30–34 71683 12105 1560 14350 22257 16589 4643 7 35–39 73792 12101 1198 14415 18049 19474 8260 8 40–44 77536 12025 937 16291 12985 21378 13309 9 45–49 74502 9812 824 11209 9250 20154 21846 10 50–54 68796 6677 836 9184 10122 17056 23661 11 55–59 47142 3577 689 5311 8681 9441 18197 12 60–64 35252 1858 545 2947 5583 5612 16563 13 65–69 37434 1600 451 2123 5608 4131 19582 14 70+ 65706 2253 675 1912 8372 4458 35325 15 vanus märkimata 188 9 3 19 42 22 36 1 Mehed 391763 38279 7977 50673 82487 102784 100768 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 33005 ----1890 27384 3 15–19 38951 - 171 1494 10892 22897 3361 4 20–24 44173 2198 2560 7954 18759 10544 2027 5 25–29 43447 5863 1302 7251 14760 11350 2816 6 30–34 34667 5363 877 6074 9602 9686 2958 7 35–39 35399 5598 668 6153 7282 10532 5008 8 40–44 36473 5757 497 7049 5211 10474 7194 9 45–49 34748 4917 340 5156 3626 9288 10854 10 50–54 29330 3250 352 4037 3382 7109 10745 11 55–59 17881 1872 315 2273 2909 3571 6646 12 60–64 13598 1091 311 1450 2012 2342 6022 13 65–69 12999 1020 261 1034 1851 1642 6549 14 70+ 17017 1343 322 741 2187 1449 9195 15 vanus märkimata7571714109 1 Naised 475449 41566 9108 65522 110397 98223 127832 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32202 ----2012 26792 3 15–19 37067 - 216 1297 12229 20848 2387 4 20–24 42680 2395 3949 9779 19637 5795 1051 5 25–29 43656 7372 1169 10659 15658 7356 1360 6 30–34 37016 6742 683 8276 12655 6903 1685 7 35–39 38393 6503 530 8262 10767 8942 3252 8 40–44 41063 6268 440 9242 7774 10904 6115 9 45–49 39754 4895 484 6053 5624 10866 10992 10 50–54 39466 3427 484 5147 6740 9947 12916 11 55–59 29261 1705 374 3038 5772 5870 11551 12 60–64 21654 767 234 1497 3571 3270 10541 13 65–69 24435 580 190 1089 3757 2489 13033 14 70+ 48689 910 353 1171 6185 3009 26130 15 vanus märkimata 113 2 2 12 28 12 27

202 4.7 Järg

4.7 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 31008 588 92 376 232 263 36 1 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 7129 - - - 60 831 109 - 10–14 2 226 - - 346 575 76 3 - 15–19 3 134 71 53 721 188 35 2 1 20–24 4 110 77 152 583 215 48 1 1 25–29 5 118 61 169 532 231 65 2 1 30–34 6 247 48 164 456 264 112 3 1 35–39 7 565 46 155 390 276 172 7 0 40–44 8 1375 32 132 286 271 293 18 0 45–49 9 1231 29 97 293 248 344 18 0 50–54 10 1219 27 76 311 200 386 26 1 55–59 11 2115 29 53 257 159 470 60 1 60–64 12 3913 26 43 219 110 523 104 1 65–69 13 12618 93 34 167 68 538 192 1 70+ 14 8 49 48 340 117 191 43 261 age has not been indicated 15 8532 263 98 360 262 257 22 1 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 3731 - - - 57 830 113 - 10–14 2 136 - - 322 588 86 4 - 15–19 3 82 49 50 662 239 46 2 1 20–24 4 60 45 135 537 261 65 1 1 25–29 5 73 34 155 478 279 85 2 1 30–34 6 138 20 158 398 298 141 4 1 35–39 7 265 26 158 350 287 197 7 1 40–44 8 551 16 142 263 267 312 16 0 45–49 9 440 15 111 265 242 366 15 1 50–54 10 291 4 105 307 200 372 16 0 55–59 11 359 11 80 278 172 443 26 1 60–64 12 639 3 79 242 126 504 49 0 65–69 13 1765 15 79 191 85 540 104 1 70+ 14 2 25 93 293 133 120 27 334 age has not been indicated 15 22476 325 87 389 207 269 47 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 3398 - - - 62 832 106 - 10–14 2 90 - - 371 563 64 2 - 15–19 3 52 22 56 782 136 25 1 0 20–24 4 50 32 169 630 168 31 1 1 25–29 5 45 27 182 584 186 46 1 1 30–34 6 109 28 169 509 233 85 3 1 35–39 7 300 20 153 425 266 149 7 0 40–44 8 824 16 123 306 273 277 21 0 45–49 9 791 14 87 314 252 327 20 0 50–54 10 928 23 58 314 200 395 32 1 55–59 11 1756 18 35 245 151 487 81 1 60–64 12 3274 23 24 206 102 533 134 1 65–69 13 10853 78 19 158 62 537 223 1 70+ 14 6 24 18 372 106 239 53 212 age has not been indicated 15

203 4.7 Järg

4.7 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Maarahvastik 379329 12785 2942 33484 33928 95324 177948 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32583 ----1409 27495 3 15–19 30061 - 18 998 4126 20507 4112 4 20–24 28334 967 447 6322 7553 10469 2311 5 25–29 29283 2583 483 5779 6056 10917 3236 6 30–34 25223 2214 405 4428 4334 9853 3725 7 35–39 27322 2146 271 4319 3059 10472 6690 8 40–44 28107 1856 279 4207 1701 9724 9824 9 45–49 28292 1446 343 2739 1277 7955 13678 10 50–54 26614 772 245 1933 1229 5175 16523 11 55–59 23351 271 127 1099 1167 3251 16637 12 60–64 19983 127 97 544 772 1942 15447 13 65–69 26318 148 85 511 900 1647 20784 14 70+ 53712 254 138 600 1753 1993 37436 15 vanus märkimata14614511050 1 Mehed 174475 6135 1269 14437 14746 50988 78906 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16670 ----69613980 3 15–19 16664 - 11 584 2298 11076 2526 4 20–24 15649 567 127 2900 3573 6679 1643 5 25–29 15755 1213 203 2521 2735 6696 2256 6 30–34 13194 951 224 1772 1761 5847 2486 7 35–39 14137 966 136 1668 1174 5745 4239 8 40–44 14238 818 113 1575 657 4912 5883 9 45–49 13725 710 103 1212 490 3695 7064 10 50–54 11383 413 105 852 412 2146 7150 11 55–59 8779 151 68 512 431 1234 6098 12 60–64 7474 89 46 291 290 744 5694 13 65–69 9508 107 50 284 321 628 7509 14 70+ 17241 149 81 262 603 885 12363 15 vanus märkimata581241515 1 Naised 204854 6650 1673 19047 19182 44336 99042 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 15913 ----71313515 3 15–19 13397 - 7 414 1828 9431 1586 4 20–24 12685 400 320 3422 3980 3790 668 5 25–29 13528 1370 280 3258 3321 4221 980 6 30–34 12029 1263 181 2656 2573 4006 1239 7 35–39 13185 1180 135 2651 1885 4727 2451 8 40–44 13869 1038 166 2632 1044 4812 3941 9 45–49 14567 736 240 1527 787 4260 6614 10 50–54 15231 359 140 1081 817 3029 9373 11 55–59 14572 120 59 587 736 2017 10539 12 60–64 12509 38 51 253 482 1198 9753 13 65–69 16810 41 35 227 579 1019 13275 14 70+ 36471 105 57 338 1150 1108 25073 15 vanus märkimata 88 - 2 1 - 5 35

204 4.7 Järg

4.7 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 22684 234 34 185 251 469 60 1 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 3679 - - - 43 844 113 - 10–14 2 300 - - 171 682 137 10 - 15–19 3 250 15 34 505 369 82 9 1 20–24 4 219 10 88 421 373 111 7 0 25–29 5 254 10 88 363 391 148 10 0 30–34 6 357 8 79 280 383 245 13 0 35–39 7 503 13 66 220 346 350 18 0 40–44 8 836 18 51 154 281 483 30 1 45–49 9 727 10 29 128 195 621 27 0 50–54 10 790 9 12 103 139 712 34 0 55–59 11 1041 13 6 71 97 773 52 1 60–64 12 2228 15 6 57 62 790 85 0 65–69 13 11488 50 5 46 37 697 214 1 70+ 14 12 63 7 68 68 343 82 432 age has not been indicated 15 7913 81 35 175 292 452 45 1 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1994 - - - 42 839 119 - 10–14 2 169 - - 174 665 151 10 - 15–19 3 149 11 36 422 427 105 9 1 20–24 4 125 6 77 347 425 143 8 0 25–29 5 151 2 72 285 443 188 12 0 30–34 6 208 1 68 211 406 300 15 0 35–39 7 275 5 58 165 345 413 19 0 40–44 8 445 6 52 132 269 515 32 0 45–49 9 304 1 36 120 189 628 27 0 50–54 10 284 1 17 115 141 695 32 0 55–59 11 316 4 12 84 100 762 42 0 60–64 12 607 2 11 69 66 790 64 0 65–69 13 2884 14 9 55 51 717 167 1 70+ 14 2 28 17 121 86 259 34 483 age has not been indicated 15 14771 153 32 195 216 484 72 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1685 - - - 45 849 106 - 10–14 2 131 - - 168 704 118 10 - 15–19 3 101 4 31 609 299 53 8 0 20–24 4 94 4 101 507 312 73 7 0 25–29 5 103 8 105 450 333 103 8 1 30–34 6 149 7 89 354 359 186 11 1 35–39 7 228 8 75 277 347 284 16 1 40–44 8 391 12 51 175 292 454 27 1 45–49 9 423 9 23 134 199 615 28 1 50–54 10 506 8 8 95 138 723 35 1 55–59 11 725 9 3 63 96 779 58 1 60–64 12 1621 13 2 50 61 790 96 1 65–69 13 8604 36 3 42 30 688 236 1 70+ 14 10 35 - 34 57 398 113 398 age has not been indicated 15

205 4.8 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.8 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over) Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogu elanikkond 368667 46208 8963 53344 93195 76773 78994 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 25406 ----1659 20665 3 15–19 32640 - 242 1212 11154 17742 2203 4 20–24 38182 2406 3199 7974 17344 6097 1080 5 25–29 38085 7322 1291 7825 13447 6656 1454 6 30–34 32010 7036 866 6551 10186 5854 1438 7 35–39 31976 6861 652 6453 8579 6806 2523 8 40–44 32946 6761 498 7321 6169 7882 4106 9 45–49 29732 5554 394 5053 4477 7363 6470 10 50–54 28245 4103 437 4475 5285 6474 7098 11 55–59 19829 2359 396 2701 4860 3639 5494 12 60–64 15382 1303 323 1600 3334 2448 5669 13 65–69 16046 1083 255 1175 3309 1966 6965 14 70+ 28074 1416 408 991 5024 2170 13811 15 vanus märkimata 114 4 2 13 27 17 18 1 Mehed 166000 22359 4337 24401 39666 38856 33199 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 12816 ----76710431 3 15–19 16708 - 109 678 5254 9344 1272 4 20–24 19943 1056 1364 3814 8946 4034 674 5 25–29 19160 3138 674 3410 6835 4100 949 6 30–34 15351 3136 472 2923 4488 3419 870 7 35–39 15203 3193 369 2901 3475 3724 1484 8 40–44 15430 3319 280 3312 2488 3834 2102 9 45–49 13746 2845 192 2414 1645 3362 3127 10 50–54 11935 2054 190 2012 1653 2680 3216 11 55–59 7275 1265 169 1159 1529 1265 1802 12 60–64 5902 792 179 806 1145 948 1918 13 65–69 5444 695 148 564 996 721 2137 14 70+ 7041 863 191 401 1204 651 3213 15 vanus märkimata463-7874 1 Naised 202667 23849 4626 28943 53529 37917 45795 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 12590 ----89210234 3 15–19 15932 - 133 534 5900 8398 931 4 20–24 18239 1350 1835 4160 8398 2063 406 5 25–29 18925 4184 617 4415 6612 2556 505 6 30–34 16659 3900 394 3628 5698 2435 568 7 35–39 16773 3668 283 3552 5104 3082 1039 8 40–44 17516 3442 218 4009 3681 4048 2004 9 45–49 15986 2709 202 2639 2832 4001 3343 10 50–54 16310 2049 247 2463 3632 3794 3882 11 55–59 12554 1094 227 1542 3331 2374 3692 12 60–64 9480 511 144 794 2189 1500 3751 13 65–69 10602 388 107 611 2313 1245 4828 14 70+ 21033 553 217 590 3820 1519 10598 15 vanus märkimata68126191014

206 4.8 Järg

4.8 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 10829 361 125 422 208 214 30 1 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 3082 - - - 65 814 121 - 10–14 2 87 - - 386 544 67 3 - 15–19 3 40 42 63 747 160 28 1 1 20–24 4 34 56 192 592 175 38 1 2 25–29 5 38 41 220 550 183 45 1 1 30–34 6 72 30 215 490 213 79 2 1 35–39 7 179 30 205 425 239 125 5 1 40–44 8 404 17 187 334 248 218 13 0 45–49 9 357 16 145 361 229 251 13 1 50–54 10 364 16 119 401 184 277 18 1 55–59 11 684 21 85 342 159 369 44 1 60–64 12 1275 18 68 295 123 434 79 1 65–69 13 4206 48 50 229 77 492 150 2 70+ 14 7 26 35 369 149 158 61 228 age has not been indicated 15 3012 170 135 412 234 200 18 1 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1618 - - - 60 814 126 - 10–14 2 51 - - 362 559 76 3 - 15–19 3 24 31 53 708 202 34 1 2 20–24 4 25 29 164 570 214 50 1 1 25–29 5 21 22 204 514 223 57 1 1 30–34 6 44 13 210 444 245 97 3 1 35–39 7 75 20 215 394 249 136 5 1 40–44 8 153 8 207 309 245 227 11 1 45–49 9 121 9 172 323 225 269 10 1 50–54 10 84 2 174 393 174 248 11 0 55–59 11 105 9 134 361 161 325 18 1 60–64 12 180 3 128 314 132 392 33 1 65–69 13 509 9 123 255 93 456 72 1 70+ 14 2 15 65 326 152 87 44 326 age has not been indicated 15 7817 191 118 430 187 226 38 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1464 - - - 71 813 116 - 10–14 2 36 - - 412 527 59 2 - 15–19 3 16 11 74 789 113 22 1 1 20–24 4 9 27 221 615 135 27 1 1 25–29 5 17 19 234 584 146 34 1 1 30–34 6 28 17 219 533 184 62 1 1 35–39 7 104 10 197 451 231 114 6 1 40–44 8 251 9 169 355 250 209 16 1 45–49 9 236 7 126 389 233 238 14 0 50–54 10 280 14 87 406 189 294 23 1 55–59 11 579 12 54 330 158 396 61 1 60–64 12 1095 15 37 286 118 455 103 1 65–69 13 3697 39 26 220 72 504 176 2 70+ 14 5 11 15 397 147 206 73 162 age has not been indicated 15

207 4.9 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.9 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogurahvastik 1328193 142286 22644 238092 316039 260681 318372 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 111269 ----5080 98828 3 15–19 111696 - 488 4893 32367 66903 6430 4 20–24 104027 5489 7255 29958 50046 9328 1600 5 25–29 119514 20786 3486 36656 47176 9252 1804 6 30–34 121092 23313 2097 34233 44585 13375 3206 7 35–39 114371 21050 1689 28925 38222 18739 5415 8 40–44 93743 16667 1461 21712 26822 19922 6849 9 45–49 96833 15356 1242 20737 21524 24838 12615 10 50–54 98567 14132 1087 21591 14595 26668 19550 11 55–59 93682 11050 1050 14803 10346 24465 29860 12 60–64 84504 7095 939 11751 9987 19017 33756 13 65–69 58355 3471 725 6481 7744 10760 27396 14 70+ 120540 3877 1125 6352 12625 12334 71063

1 Mehed 610557 65329 10768 102036 148971 133377 140348 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 56593 ----2441 50324 3 15–19 58744 - 249 2317 17244 34609 3942 4 20–24 53315 2213 3034 13784 26964 6050 1064 5 25–29 60212 9212 1828 16825 24757 6178 1212 6 30–34 59920 10237 1095 14762 22786 8707 2161 7 35–39 55992 9607 944 11891 18366 11424 3561 8 40–44 45058 7580 801 8934 11431 11741 4390 9 45–49 46122 7164 674 8476 8636 13414 7463 10 50–54 45619 6684 520 8654 5940 12929 10424 11 55–59 41536 5367 408 6480 3906 10751 13817 12 60–64 33278 3400 346 4775 3200 7349 13548 13 65–69 19785 1734 293 2491 2393 3637 8801 14 70+ 34383 2131 576 2647 3348 4147 19641

1 Naised 717636 76957 11876 136056 167068 127304 178024 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 54676 ----2639 48504 3 15–19 52952 - 239 2576 15123 32294 2488 4 20–24 50712 3276 4221 16174 23082 3278 536 5 25–29 59302 11574 1658 19831 22419 3074 592 6 30–34 61172 13076 1002 19471 21799 4668 1045 7 35–39 58379 11443 745 17034 19856 7315 1854 8 40–44 48685 9087 660 12778 15391 8181 2459 9 45–49 50711 8192 568 12261 12888 11424 5152 10 50–54 52948 7448 567 12937 8655 13739 9126 11 55–59 52146 5683 642 8323 6440 13714 16043 12 60–64 51226 3695 593 6976 6787 11668 20208 13 65–69 38570 1737 432 3990 5351 7123 18595 14 70+ 86157 1746 549 3705 9277 8187 51422

208 4.9 Järg

4.9 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 30076 3 107 434 196 240 23 0 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 7361 - - - 46 888 66 - 10–14 2 615 - - 338 599 58 5 - 15–19 3 351 - 53 839 90 15 3 - 20–24 4 354 - 174 731 77 15 3 - 25–29 5 283 - 193 668 110 27 2 - 30–34 6 330 1 184 602 164 47 3 0 35–39 7 310 - 178 534 212 73 3 - 40–44 8 521 - 159 449 257 130 5 - 45–49 9 944 - 143 378 271 198 10 - 50–54 10 2107 1 118 280 261 319 22 0 55–59 11 1958 1 84 268 225 400 23 0 60–64 12 1778 - 60 256 184 470 30 - 65–69 13 13164 - 32 167 102 590 109 - 70+ 14

9727 1 107 429 218 230 16 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 3828 - - - 43 889 68 - 10–14 2 383 - - 337 589 67 7 - 15–19 3 206 - 42 821 113 20 4 - 20–24 4 200 - 153 721 103 20 3 - 25–29 5 172 - 171 645 145 36 3 - 30–34 6 199 - 172 557 204 64 3 - 35–39 7 181 - 168 470 261 97 4 - 40–44 8 295 - 155 386 291 162 6 - 45–49 9 468 - 147 331 283 229 10 - 50–54 10 807 - 129 260 259 333 19 - 55–59 11 659 1 102 250 221 407 20 0 60–64 12 436 - 87 262 184 445 22 - 65–69 13 1893 - 62 191 121 571 55 - 70+ 14

20349 2 107 440 177 248 28 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 3533 - - - 48 887 65 - 10–14 2 232 - - 339 610 47 4 - 15–19 3 145 - 65 857 65 10 3 - 20–24 4 154 - 195 740 52 10 3 - 25–29 5 111 - 214 691 76 17 2 - 30–34 6 131 1 196 645 125 32 2 0 35–39 7 129 - 187 592 168 50 3 - 40–44 8 226 - 162 507 225 102 4 - 45–49 9 476 - 141 419 259 172 9 - 50–54 10 1300 1 109 295 263 308 25 0 55–59 11 1299 - 72 280 228 395 25 - 60–64 12 1342 - 45 253 185 482 35 - 65–69 13 11271 - 20 157 95 597 131 - 70+ 14

209 4.9 Järg

4.9 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Linnarahvastik 955320 120486 19031 181425 253733 172524 189127 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 77366 ----3973 68371 3 15–19 81061 - 448 3559 26518 46750 3561 4 20–24 76381 4471 6660 21037 38505 4863 737 5 25–29 86578 16813 2872 26463 35194 4370 748 6 30–34 89651 19206 1621 25628 34657 6995 1466 7 35–39 85887 17770 1327 22229 30611 11169 2689 8 40–44 69407 14103 1151 16714 21946 11918 3479 9 45–49 71020 13092 1015 16028 18186 15741 6750 10 50–54 73011 12300 843 17308 12721 18109 11243 11 55–59 68425 9585 750 12022 9014 17329 18378 12 60–64 61502 6348 750 9757 8776 14587 19977 13 65–69 39705 3218 627 5397 6769 7840 14674 14 70+ 75326 3580 967 5283 10836 8880 37054

1 Mehed 434163 55301 9140 76693 118471 86049 83035 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 39320 ----1911 34798 3 15–19 41912 - 232 1736 13818 23870 2123 4 20–24 38754 1748 2858 9591 20780 3233 486 5 25–29 42841 7361 1540 11819 18558 2979 516 6 30–34 43314 8367 866 10791 17720 4554 970 7 35–39 40992 8126 752 8846 14711 6776 1729 8 40–44 32504 6467 611 6825 9372 6984 2186 9 45–49 33003 6136 550 6583 7305 8417 3900 10 50–54 33019 5882 412 7044 5158 8611 5695 11 55–59 30011 4657 306 5299 3395 7544 8348 12 60–64 24100 3001 272 3973 2774 5596 8062 13 65–69 13474 1602 250 2026 2070 2650 4636 14 70+ 20919 1954 491 2160 2810 2924 9586

1 Naised 521157 65185 9891 104732 135262 86475 106092 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 38046 ----2062 33573 3 15–19 39149 - 216 1823 12700 22880 1438 4 20–24 37627 2723 3802 11446 17725 1630 251 5 25–29 43737 9452 1332 14644 16636 1391 232 6 30–34 46337 10839 755 14837 16937 2441 496 7 35–39 44895 9644 575 13383 15900 4393 960 8 40–44 36903 7636 540 9889 12574 4934 1293 9 45–49 38017 6956 465 9445 10881 7324 2850 10 50–54 39992 6418 431 10264 7563 9498 5548 11 55–59 38414 4928 444 6723 5619 9785 10030 12 60–64 37402 3347 478 5784 6002 8991 11915 13 65–69 26231 1616 377 3371 4699 5190 10038 14 70+ 54407 1626 476 3123 8026 5956 27468

210 4.9 Järg

4.9 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 18991 3 126 476 180 198 20 0 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 5022 - - - 51 884 65 - 10–14 2 225 - - 376 577 44 3 - 15–19 3 108 - 58 867 64 10 1 - 20–24 4 118 - 194 745 51 9 1 - 25–29 5 78 - 214 691 78 16 1 - 30–34 6 91 1 207 631 130 31 1 0 35–39 7 96 - 203 574 172 50 1 - 40–44 8 208 - 184 496 222 95 3 - 45–49 9 487 - 168 423 248 154 7 - 50–54 10 1346 1 140 318 253 269 20 0 55–59 11 1306 1 103 314 237 325 21 0 60–64 12 1180 - 81 322 197 370 30 - 65–69 13 8726 - 47 227 118 492 116 - 70+ 14

5473 1 127 471 198 191 13 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 2611 - - - 49 885 66 - 10–14 2 133 - - 377 569 51 3 - 15–19 3 58 - 45 857 83 13 2 - 20–24 4 68 - 172 745 69 12 2 - 25–29 5 46 - 193 678 105 23 1 - 30–34 6 52 - 198 593 166 42 1 - 35–39 7 59 - 199 517 215 67 2 - 40–44 8 112 - 186 438 255 118 3 - 45–49 9 217 - 178 382 261 172 7 - 50–54 10 462 - 155 300 252 278 15 - 55–59 11 421 1 125 291 232 335 17 0 60–64 12 240 - 119 322 197 344 18 - 65–69 13 994 - 93 261 140 458 48 - 70+ 14

13518 2 125 479 166 204 26 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 2411 - - - 54 883 63 - 10–14 2 92 - - 377 584 37 2 - 15–19 3 50 - 73 876 43 7 1 - 20–24 4 50 - 216 746 32 5 1 - 25–29 5 32 - 234 702 52 11 1 - 30–34 6 39 1 215 665 98 21 1 0 35–39 7 37 - 207 623 134 35 1 - 40–44 8 96 - 183 547 193 75 2 - 45–49 9 270 - 160 457 237 139 7 - 50–54 10 884 1 128 333 255 261 23 0 55–59 11 885 - 89 328 240 319 24 - 60–64 12 940 - 61 322 198 383 36 - 65–69 13 7732 - 30 214 109 505 142 - 70+ 14

211 4.9 Järg

4.9 Cont.

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Maarahvastik 372873 21800 3613 56667 62306 88157 129245 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 33903 ----1107 30457 3 15–19 30635 - 40 1334 5849 20153 2869 4 20–24 27646 1018 595 8921 11541 4465 863 5 25–29 32936 3973 614 10193 11982 4882 1056 6 30–34 31441 4107 476 8605 9928 6380 1740 7 35–39 28484 3280 362 6696 7611 7570 2726 8 40–44 24336 2564 310 4998 4876 8004 3370 9 45–49 25813 2264 227 4709 3338 9097 5865 10 50–54 25556 1832 244 4283 1874 8559 8307 11 55–59 25257 1465 300 2781 1332 7136 11482 12 60–64 23002 747 189 1994 1211 4430 13779 13 65–69 18650 253 98 1084 975 2920 12722 14 70+ 45214 297 158 1069 1789 3454 34009

1 Mehed 176394 10028 1628 25343 30500 47328 57313 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 17273 ----53015526 3 15–19 16832 - 17 581 3426 10739 1819 4 20–24 14561 465 176 4193 6184 2817 578 5 25–29 17371 1851 288 5006 6199 3199 696 6 30–34 16606 1870 229 3971 5066 4153 1191 7 35–39 15000 1481 192 3045 3655 4648 1832 8 40–44 12554 1113 190 2109 2059 4757 2204 9 45–49 13119 1028 124 1893 1331 4997 3563 10 50–54 12600 802 108 1610 782 4318 4729 11 55–59 11525 710 102 1181 511 3207 5469 12 60–64 9178 399 74 802 426 1753 5486 13 65–69 6311 132 43 465 323 987 4165 14 70+ 13464 177 85 487 538 1223 10055

1 Naised 196479 11772 1985 31324 31806 40829 71932 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16630 ----57714931 3 15–19 13803 - 23 753 2423 9414 1050 4 20–24 13085 553 419 4728 5357 1648 285 5 25–29 15565 2122 326 5187 5783 1683 360 6 30–34 14835 2237 247 4634 4862 2227 549 7 35–39 13484 1799 170 3651 3956 2922 894 8 40–44 11782 1451 120 2889 2817 3247 1166 9 45–49 12694 1236 103 2816 2007 4100 2302 10 50–54 12956 1030 136 2673 1092 4241 3578 11 55–59 13732 755 198 1600 821 3929 6013 12 60–64 13824 348 115 1192 785 2677 8293 13 65–69 12339 121 55 619 652 1933 8557 14 70+ 31750 120 73 582 1251 2231 23954

212 4.9 Järg

4.9 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 11085 - 58 329 236 347 30 - Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 2339 - - - 33 898 69 - 10–14 2 390 - - 236 658 93 13 - 15–19 3 243 - 37 762 161 31 9 - 20–24 4 236 - 121 692 148 32 7 - 25–29 5 205 - 131 605 203 55 6 - 30–34 6 239 - 115 515 266 96 8 - 35–39 7 214 - 105 418 329 139 9 - 40–44 8 313 - 88 321 352 227 12 - 45–49 9 457 - 72 250 335 325 18 - 50–54 10 761 - 58 175 282 455 30 - 55–59 11 652 - 32 148 193 599 28 - 60–64 12 598 - 14 116 156 682 32 - 65–69 13 4438 - 7 67 76 752 98 - 70+ 14

4254 - 57 326 268 325 24 - Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1217 - - - 31 899 70 - 10–14 2 250 - - 239 638 108 15 - 15–19 3 148 - 32 725 193 40 10 - 20–24 4 132 - 106 662 184 40 8 - 25–29 5 126 - 113 558 250 72 7 - 30–34 6 147 - 99 459 310 122 10 - 35–39 7 122 - 89 347 379 175 10 - 40–44 8 183 - 78 255 381 272 14 - 45–49 9 251 - 64 198 343 375 20 - 50–54 10 345 - 62 156 278 474 30 - 55–59 11 238 - 43 142 191 598 26 - 60–64 12 196 - 21 132 156 660 31 - 65–69 13 899 - 13 82 91 747 67 - 70+ 14

6831 - 60 331 208 366 35 - Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1122 - - - 35 898 67 - 10–14 2 140 - - 232 682 76 10 - 15–19 3 95 - 42 803 126 22 7 - 20–24 4 104 - 136 726 108 23 7 - 25–29 5 79 - 151 657 150 37 5 - 30–34 6 92 - 133 577 217 66 7 - 35–39 7 92 - 123 494 276 99 8 - 40–44 8 130 - 98 388 323 181 10 - 45–49 9 206 - 80 301 327 276 16 - 50–54 10 416 - 55 191 286 438 30 - 55–59 11 414 - 25 151 194 600 30 - 60–64 12 402 - 10 107 157 693 33 - 65–69 13 3539 - 4 60 70 755 111 - 70+ 14

213 4.10 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.10 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea sealhulgas haridusega: nr. Koguarv of whom with educational level: Total kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- Vanusegrupp, mata eri-* kesk-* täielik sugu kõrg-* kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher* ary* ary* secondary 1 Kogu elanikkond 412520 68953 10228 83923 112342 64986 65410 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 31412 ----2171 27033 3 15–19 36220 - 328 1818 12868 19667 1446 4 20–24 33985 2375 3601 9503 16376 1875 217 5 25–29 38123 8944 1492 12087 13898 1442 219 6 30–34 38932 10275 856 11488 13683 2177 426 7 35–39 37394 10062 672 9779 12486 3622 745 8 40–44 31446 8368 627 7680 9809 3909 1020 9 45–49 31329 7704 555 7441 8355 5305 1900 10 50–54 31758 7229 446 8167 6022 6322 3410 11 55–59 27610 5584 354 5585 4303 6054 5348 12 60–64 25328 3938 364 4784 4508 5395 5946 13 65–69 16685 2094 353 2741 3677 2965 4516 14 70+ 32298 2380 580 2850 6357 4082 13184

1 Mehed 188486 32028 5194 37001 52295 31960 27980 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16026 ----1032 13842 3 15–19 19130 - 185 918 6970 10149 855 4 20–24 18084 886 1760 4696 9303 1277 143 5 25–29 19185 3943 839 5733 7514 979 153 6 30–34 18651 4409 468 5021 7070 1389 276 7 35–39 17711 4532 401 4045 6018 2235 462 8 40–44 14614 3886 327 3244 4241 2294 601 9 45–49 14442 3672 303 3141 3368 2850 1074 10 50–54 14391 3577 204 3490 2400 2983 1668 11 55–59 12012 2812 162 2538 1504 2592 2288 12 60–64 9904 1922 130 1996 1316 2076 2337 13 65–69 5463 1063 125 1014 1033 908 1243 14 70+ 8873 1326 290 1165 1558 1196 3038

1 Naised 224034 36925 5034 46922 60047 33026 37430 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 15386 ----1139 13191 3 15–19 17090 - 143 900 5898 9518 591 4 20–24 15901 1489 1841 4807 7073 598 74 5 25–29 18938 5001 653 6354 6384 463 66 6 30–34 20281 5866 388 6467 6613 788 150 7 35–39 19683 5530 271 5734 6468 1387 283 8 40–44 16832 4482 300 4436 5568 1615 419 9 45–49 16887 4032 252 4300 4987 2455 826 10 50–54 17367 3652 242 4677 3622 3339 1742 11 55–59 15598 2772 192 3047 2799 3462 3060 12 60–64 15424 2016 234 2788 3192 3319 3609 13 65–69 11222 1031 228 1727 2644 2057 3273 14 70+ 23425 1054 290 1685 4799 2886 10146

214 4.10 Järg

4.10 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants with educational level: nr. alg- märki- kõrg- kokku mitte- alg- alg- märki- haridu- mata *-ga täielik haridu- mata Age-group, seta veerud kesk- seta sex with- not higher total incom- pri- without not out indi- *-col- plete mary pri- indi- Row primary cated umns secondary mary cated No. 6675 3 167 500 158 159 16 0 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 2208 - - - 69 861 70 - 10–14 2 93 - - 414 543 40 3 - 15–19 3 38 - 70 868 55 6 1 - 20–24 4 41 - 234 721 38 6 1 - 25–29 5 27 - 264 668 56 11 1 - 30–34 6 27 1 269 613 97 20 1 0 35–39 7 33 - 266 576 124 33 1 - 40–44 8 69 - 246 522 169 61 2 - 45–49 9 162 - 228 461 199 107 5 - 50–54 10 381 1 202 371 219 194 14 0 55–59 11 392 1 156 381 213 235 15 0 60–64 12 339 - 125 406 178 271 20 - 65–69 13 2865 - 74 303 126 408 89 - 70+ 14

2027 1 170 501 170 148 11 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1152 - - - 64 864 72 - 10–14 2 53 - - 422 530 45 3 - 15–19 3 19 - 49 871 71 8 1 - 20–24 4 24 - 206 734 51 8 1 - 25–29 5 18 - 236 673 75 15 1 - 30–34 6 18 - 256 591 126 26 1 - 35–39 7 21 - 266 535 157 41 1 - 40–44 8 34 - 254 472 197 75 2 - 45–49 9 69 - 249 423 207 116 5 - 50–54 10 116 - 234 350 216 190 10 - 55–59 11 126 1 194 347 210 236 13 0 60–64 12 77 - 195 397 166 228 14 - 65–69 13 300 - 149 340 135 342 34 - 70+ 14

4648 2 165 500 147 167 21 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1056 - - - 74 857 69 - 10–14 2 40 - - 406 557 35 2 - 15–19 3 19 - 94 863 37 5 1 - 20–24 4 17 - 264 707 24 4 1 - 25–29 5 9 - 289 664 39 7 1 - 30–34 6 9 1 281 634 70 14 1 0 35–39 7 12 - 266 612 96 25 1 - 40–44 8 35 - 239 565 145 49 2 - 45–49 9 93 - 210 492 192 100 6 - 50–54 10 265 1 178 387 222 196 17 0 55–59 11 266 - 131 403 215 234 17 - 60–64 12 262 - 92 410 183 292 23 - 65–69 13 2565 - 45 289 123 433 110 - 70+ 14

215 4.11 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.11 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1959 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea 1959 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Kogurahvastik 766496 16097 9836 40371 55888 151808 387295 104938 263 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 60943 - - - - 3170 32190 25563 20 3 15–19 67369 1 15 1773 3631 43285 17173 1484 7 4 20–24 64256 988 2934 9629 7817 26819 15038 1012 19 5 25–29 68248 4731 1952 7798 5418 25526 21627 1183 13 6 30–34 62085 3199 1363 6594 6243 15559 28166 938 23 7 35–39 52412 1665 877 4268 6145 10067 28390 992 8 8 40–44 46408 983 659 2538 4823 7245 28879 1271 10 9 45–49 62821 1150 603 2631 5788 7020 42075 3544 10 10 50–54 62269 1178 547 1933 5790 5197 38639 8971 14 11 55–59 59128 1032 480 1312 4378 3371 36285 12247 23 12 60–64 48040 534 206 801 2614 1986 30137 11731 31 13 65–69 41111 328 132 535 1531 1199 26241 11126 19 14 70+ 71362 307 68 557 1709 1361 42438 24861 61 15 vanus märkimata 44 1 - 2 1 3 17 15 5 1 Mehed 324557 8829 4528 16660 19357 69000 166419 39681 83 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 30785 - - - - 1223 15452 14102 8 3 15–19 33744 1 8 587 1277 19547 11263 1059 2 4 20–24 31327 423 1138 3513 2842 12939 9820 642 10 5 25–29 33474 2398 623 3212 1867 12367 12348 650 9 6 30–34 27398 1449 582 2525 1970 6852 13518 491 11 7 35–39 21466 875 501 1858 2129 4055 11603 443 2 8 40–44 19227 598 393 1217 1655 3020 11854 486 4 9 45–49 25633 753 387 1284 1949 3020 16956 1279 5 10 50–54 25500 779 346 803 1957 2292 15991 3327 5 11 55–59 23343 677 274 569 1461 1558 14554 4242 8 12 60–64 17198 380 123 379 929 950 10841 3589 7 13 65–69 14052 256 97 324 617 543 9000 3215 - 14 70+ 21394 239 56 388 704 632 13213 6151 11 15 vanus märkimata 16 1 - 1 - 2 6 5 1 1 Naised 441939 7268 5308 23711 36531 82808 220876 65257 180 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 30158 - - - - 1947 16738 11461 12 3 15–19 33625 - 7 1186 2354 23738 5910 425 5 4 20–24 32929 565 1796 6116 4975 13880 5218 370 9 5 25–29 34774 2333 1329 4586 3551 13159 9279 533 4 6 30–34 34687 1750 781 4069 4273 8707 14648 447 12 7 35–39 30946 790 376 2410 4016 6012 16787 549 6 8 40–44 27181 385 266 1321 3168 4225 17025 785 6 9 45–49 37188 397 216 1347 3839 4000 25119 2265 5 10 50–54 36769 399 201 1130 3833 2905 22648 5644 9 11 55–59 35785 355 206 743 2917 1813 21731 8005 15 12 60–64 30842 154 83 422 1685 1036 19296 8142 24 13 65–69 27059 72 35 211 914 656 17241 7911 19 14 70+ 49968 68 12 169 1005 729 29225 18710 50 15 vanus märkimata 28 - - 1 1 1 11 10 4

216 4.11 Järg

4.11 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 21 13 53 73 198 505 137 0 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 52 528 420 0 10–14 2 1000 0 0 26 54 643 255 22 0 15–19 3 1000 15 46 150 122 417 234 16 0 20–24 4 1000 69 29 114 80 374 317 17 0 25–29 5 1000 51 22 106 101 251 454 15 0 30–34 6 1000 32 17 81 117 192 542 19 0 35–39 7 1000 21 14 55 104 156 622 28 0 40–44 8 1000 18 10 42 92 112 670 56 0 45–49 9 1000 19 9 31 93 83 621 144 0 50–54 10 1000 18 8 22 74 57 614 207 0 55–59 11 1000 11 4 17 55 41 627 244 1 60–64 12 1000 8 3 13 37 29 638 271 1 65–69 13 1000 4 1 8 24 19 595 348 1 70+ 14 1000 23 - 45 23 68 386 341 114 age has not been indicated 15 1000 27 14 51 60 213 513 122 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 40 502 458 0 10–14 2 1000 0 0 18 38 579 334 31 0 15–19 3 1000 14 36 112 91 413 313 21 0 20–24 4 1000 72 19 96 56 369 369 19 0 25–29 5 1000 53 21 92 72 250 494 18 0 30–34 6 1000 41 23 87 99 189 540 21 0 35–39 7 1000 31 21 63 86 157 617 25 0 40–44 8 1000 29 15 50 76 118 662 50 0 45–49 9 1000 31 14 31 77 90 627 130 0 50–54 10 1000 29 12 24 63 67 623 182 0 55–59 11 1000 22 7 22 54 55 631 209 0 60–64 12 1000 18 7 23 44 39 640 229 - 65–69 13 1000 11 3 18 33 30 618 287 0 70+ 14 1000 63 - 63 - 125 375 312 62 age has not been indicated 15 1000 16 12 54 83 187 500 148 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 65 555 380 0 10–14 2 1000 - 0 35 70 706 176 13 0 15–19 3 1000 17 55 186 151 422 158 11 0 20–24 4 1000 67 38 132 102 379 267 15 0 25–29 5 1000 51 23 117 123 251 422 13 0 30–34 6 1000 26 12 78 130 194 542 18 0 35–39 7 1000 14 10 49 117 155 626 29 0 40–44 8 1000 11 6 36 103 108 675 61 0 45–49 9 1000 11 6 31 104 79 616 153 0 50–54 10 1000 10 6 21 81 51 607 224 0 55–59 11 1000 5 3 14 54 33 626 264 1 60–64 12 1000 3 1 8 34 24 637 292 1 65–69 13 1000 1 0 3 20 15 585 375 1 70+ 14 1000 - - 36 36 35 393 357 143 age has not been indicated 15

217 4.11 Järg

4.11 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Linnarahvastik 364279 13082 7578 26247 43619 91412 153087 29142 112 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 25530 - - - - 1988 14000 9533 9 3 15–19 36831 1 13 969 3053 26674 5886 234 1 4 20–24 35604 725 2659 5547 6325 14622 5515 199 12 5 25–29 38788 3547 1230 5166 4178 15082 9310 270 5 6 30–34 34722 2672 915 4555 4925 9722 11691 226 16 7 35–39 27196 1454 674 2963 4849 6144 10908 201 3 8 40–44 23288 855 515 1848 3862 4617 11282 307 2 9 45–49 29295 989 471 1843 4468 4524 16199 798 3 10 50–54 27347 1020 424 1284 4353 3235 15056 1969 6 11 55–59 24362 856 358 834 3293 2077 14063 2869 12 12 60–64 18901 449 155 545 1972 1189 11774 2805 12 13 65–69 16007 268 110 356 1121 724 10501 2919 8 14 70+ 26398 245 54 335 1219 814 16899 6810 22 15 vanus märkimata 10 1 - 2 1 - 3 2 1 1 Mehed 153393 7142 3607 10791 14864 41838 64636 10479 36 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 12567 - - - - 757 6656 5150 4 3 15–19 17906 1 7 379 1102 12219 4037 161 - 4 20–24 16811 320 1081 2165 2326 7048 3720 144 7 5 25–29 19036 1806 445 2089 1476 7515 5534 166 5 6 30–34 15226 1175 399 1664 1539 4373 5946 123 7 7 35–39 11408 761 398 1237 1676 2550 4693 91 2 8 40–44 9957 511 299 860 1304 1982 4884 116 1 9 45–49 12256 633 301 844 1469 2008 6722 277 2 10 50–54 11110 670 269 511 1429 1382 6131 717 1 11 55–59 9191 557 198 356 1055 908 5219 895 3 12 60–64 6254 312 88 250 661 511 3718 712 2 13 65–69 4859 212 80 213 407 273 3025 649 - 14 70+ 6808 183 42 222 420 312 4350 1277 2 15 vanus märkimata 4 1 - 1 - - 1 1 - 1 Naised 210886 5940 3971 15456 28755 49574 88451 18663 76 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 12963 - - - - 1231 7344 4383 5 3 15–19 18925 - 6 590 1951 14455 1849 73 1 4 20–24 18793 405 1578 3382 3999 7574 1795 55 5 5 25–29 19752 1741 785 3077 2702 7567 3776 104 - 6 30–34 19496 1497 516 2891 3386 5349 5745 103 9 7 35–39 15788 693 276 1726 3173 3594 6215 110 1 8 40–44 13331 344 216 988 2558 2635 6398 191 1 9 45–49 17039 356 170 999 2999 2516 9477 521 1 10 50–54 16237 350 155 773 2924 1853 8925 1252 5 11 55–59 15171 299 160 478 2238 1169 8844 1974 9 12 60–64 12647 137 67 295 1311 678 8056 2093 10 13 65–69 11148 56 30 143 714 451 7476 2270 8 14 70+ 19590 62 12 113 799 502 12549 5533 20 15 vanus märkimata 6 - - 1 1 - 2 1 1

218 4.11 Järg

4.11 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 36 21 72 120 251 420 80 0 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 78 549 373 0 10–14 2 1000 0 0 26 83 724 160 7 0 15–19 3 1000 20 75 156 178 411 155 5 0 20–24 4 1000 91 32 133 108 389 240 7 0 25–29 5 1000 77 26 131 142 280 337 7 0 30–34 6 1000 54 25 109 178 226 401 7 0 35–39 7 1000 37 22 79 166 198 485 13 0 40–44 8 1000 34 16 63 153 154 553 27 0 45–49 9 1000 37 16 47 159 118 551 72 0 50–54 10 1000 35 15 34 135 85 577 118 1 55–59 11 1000 24 8 29 104 63 623 148 1 60–64 12 1000 17 7 22 70 45 656 182 1 65–69 13 1000 9 2 13 46 31 640 258 1 70+ 14 1000 100 - 200 100 - 300 200 100 age has not been indicated 15 1000 47 24 70 97 273 421 68 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 60 530 410 0 10–14 2 1000 0 0 21 62 682 226 9 - 15–19 3 1000 19 64 129 138 419 221 9 1 20–24 4 1000 95 23 110 77 395 291 9 0 25–29 5 1000 77 26 109 101 287 391 8 1 30–34 6 1000 67 35 108 147 224 411 8 0 35–39 7 1000 51 30 86 131 199 491 12 0 40–44 8 1000 52 24 69 120 164 548 23 0 45–49 9 1000 60 24 46 129 124 552 65 0 50–54 10 1000 61 21 39 115 99 568 97 0 55–59 11 1000 50 14 40 106 82 594 114 0 60–64 12 1000 44 16 44 84 56 623 133 - 65–69 13 1000 27 6 33 62 46 639 187 0 70+ 14 1000 250 - 250 - - 250 250 - age has not been indicated 15 1000 28 19 73 136 235 420 88 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 95 567 338 0 10–14 2 1000 - 0 31 103 764 98 4 0 15–19 3 1000 22 84 180 213 403 95 3 0 20–24 4 1000 88 40 156 137 383 191 5 - 25–29 5 1000 77 27 148 174 274 295 5 0 30–34 6 1000 44 17 109 201 228 394 7 0 35–39 7 1000 26 16 74 192 198 480 14 0 40–44 8 1000 21 10 59 176 148 556 30 0 45–49 9 1000 22 9 48 180 114 550 77 0 50–54 10 1000 20 11 31 147 77 583 130 1 55–59 11 1000 11 5 23 104 54 637 165 1 60–64 12 1000 5 3 13 64 40 670 204 1 65–69 13 1000 3 1 6 41 26 640 282 1 70+ 14 1000 - - 167 167 - 333 167 166 age has not been indicated 15

219 4.11 Järg

4.11 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Maarahvastik 402217 3015 2258 14124 12269 60396 234208 75796 151 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 35413 - - - - 1182 18190 16030 11 3 15–19 30538 - 2 804 578 16611 11287 1250 6 4 20–24 28652 263 275 4082 1492 12197 9523 813 7 5 25–29 29460 1184 722 2632 1240 10444 12317 913 8 6 30–34 27363 527 448 2039 1318 5837 16475 712 7 7 35–39 25216 211 203 1305 1296 3923 17482 791 5 8 40–44 23120 128 144 690 961 2628 17597 964 8 9 45–49 33526 161 132 788 1320 2496 25876 2746 7 10 50–54 34922 158 123 649 1437 1962 23583 7002 8 11 55–59 34766 176 122 478 1085 1294 22222 9378 11 12 60–64 29139 85 51 256 642 797 18363 8926 19 13 65–69 25104 60 22 179 410 475 15740 8207 11 14 70+ 44964 62 14 222 490 547 25539 18051 39 15 vanus märkimata 34 - - - - 3 14 13 4 1 Mehed 171164 1687 921 5869 4493 27162 101783 29202 47 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 18218 - - - - 466 8796 8952 4 3 15–19 15838 - 1 208 175 7328 7226 898 2 4 20–24 14516 103 57 1348 516 5891 6100 498 3 5 25–29 14438 592 178 1123 391 4852 6814 484 4 6 30–34 12172 274 183 861 431 2479 7572 368 4 7 35–39 10058 114 103 621 453 1505 6910 352 - 8 40–44 9270 87 94 357 351 1038 6970 370 3 9 45–49 13377 120 86 440 480 1012 10234 1002 3 10 50–54 14390 109 77 292 528 910 9860 2610 4 11 55–59 14152 120 76 213 406 650 9335 3347 5 12 60–64 10944 68 35 129 268 439 7123 2877 5 13 65–69 9193 44 17 111 210 270 5975 2566 - 14 70+ 14586 56 14 166 284 320 8863 4874 9 15 vanus märkimata 12 - - - - 2 5 4 1 1 Naised 231053 1328 1337 8255 7776 33234 132425 46594 104 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 17195 - - - - 716 9394 7078 7 3 15–19 14700 - 1 596 403 9283 4061 352 4 4 20–24 14136 160 218 2734 976 6306 3423 315 4 5 25–29 15022 592 544 1509 849 5592 5503 429 4 6 30–34 15191 253 265 1178 887 3358 8903 344 3 7 35–39 15158 97 100 684 843 2418 10572 439 5 8 40–44 13850 41 50 333 610 1590 10627 594 5 9 45–49 20149 41 46 348 840 1484 15642 1744 4 10 50–54 20532 49 46 357 909 1052 13723 4392 4 11 55–59 20614 56 46 265 679 644 12887 6031 6 12 60–64 18195 17 16 127 374 358 11240 6049 14 13 65–69 15911 16 5 68 200 205 9765 5641 11 14 70+ 30378 6 - 56 206 227 16676 13177 30 15 vanus märkimata 22 - - - - 1 9 9 3

220 4.11 Järg

4.11 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 7 6 35 31 150 582 189 0 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 33 514 453 0 10–14 2 1000 - 0 26 19 544 370 41 0 15–19 3 1000 9 10 143 52 426 332 28 0 20–24 4 1000 40 25 89 42 355 418 31 0 25–29 5 1000 19 17 75 48 213 602 26 0 30–34 6 1000 8 8 52 52 156 693 31 0 35–39 7 1000 6 5 30 42 114 761 42 0 40–44 8 1000 5 4 24 39 74 772 82 0 45–49 9 1000 5 4 19 41 56 675 200 0 50–54 10 1000 5 4 14 31 37 639 270 0 55–59 11 1000 3 2 9 22 27 630 306 1 60–64 12 1000 2 1 7 16 19 627 327 1 65–69 13 1000 1 0 5 11 12 568 402 1 70+ 14 1000 - - - - 88 412 382 118 age has not been indicated 15 1000 10 5 34 26 159 595 171 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 26 483 491 0 10–14 2 1000 - 0 13 11 463 456 57 0 15–19 3 1000 7 4 93 36 406 420 34 0 20–24 4 1000 41 12 78 27 336 472 34 0 25–29 5 1000 23 15 71 35 204 622 30 0 30–34 6 1000 11 10 62 45 150 687 35 - 35–39 7 1000 9 10 39 38 112 752 40 0 40–44 8 1000 9 6 33 36 76 765 75 0 45–49 9 1000 8 5 20 37 63 685 182 0 50–54 10 1000 8 5 15 29 46 660 237 0 55–59 11 1000 6 3 12 25 40 651 263 0 60–64 12 1000 5 2 12 23 29 650 279 - 65–69 13 1000 4 1 11 19 22 608 334 1 70+ 14 1000 - - - - 167 417 333 83 age has not been indicated 15 1000 6 6 36 33 144 573 202 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 42 546 412 0 10–14 2 1000 - 0 41 28 631 276 24 0 15–19 3 1000 11 16 194 69 446 242 22 0 20–24 4 1000 39 36 101 57 372 366 29 0 25–29 5 1000 17 17 78 58 221 586 23 0 30–34 6 1000 6 7 45 56 160 697 29 0 35–39 7 1000 3 4 24 44 115 767 43 0 40–44 8 1000 2 2 17 42 74 776 87 0 45–49 9 1000 3 2 18 44 51 668 214 0 50–54 10 1000 3 2 13 33 31 625 293 0 55–59 11 1000 1 1 7 20 20 618 332 1 60–64 12 1000 1 0 4 13 13 614 354 1 65–69 13 1000 0 - 2 7 7 549 434 1 70+ 14 1000 - - - - 46 409 409 136 age has not been indicated 15

221 4.12 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.12 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea 1970 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Kogurahvastik 791304 34499 12717 58856 84767 174522 347810 74701 3432 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 65373 - - - - 237 44540 20387 209 3 15–19 60435 - 65 955 6603 36414 15788 469 141 4 20–24 58830 1131 3637 7691 15795 23208 6794 366 208 5 25–29 63955 6108 2359 9224 12416 25180 7868 562 238 6 30–34 65601 7428 1421 11875 7608 23712 12531 790 236 7 35–39 66524 7103 1273 8823 5816 22976 19153 1172 208 8 40–44 62660 4966 1055 7272 6350 14419 27358 1039 201 9 45–49 54117 2537 687 4593 6524 8982 29599 1068 127 10 50–54 41351 1124 487 2393 4382 5474 26235 1158 98 11 55–59 58123 1173 558 2347 5680 5284 39711 3244 126 12 60+ 192467 2909 1150 3637 13520 8482 117918 44357 494 13 vanus märkimata 1868 20 25 46 73 154 315 89 1146

1 Mehed 344103 16597 6281 23577 29628 85643 153184 27745 1448 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 33252 - - - - 89 22223 10834 106 3 15–19 30344 - 23 355 2439 17395 9785 285 62 4 20–24 28896 369 1626 2883 5728 13199 4793 218 80 5 25–29 31451 2383 1182 3405 4481 14108 5443 357 92 6 30–34 32039 3285 751 4458 2813 12009 8110 502 111 7 35–39 32362 3360 567 3691 2139 10901 10957 648 99 8 40–44 28241 2448 463 2959 2072 6295 13364 557 83 9 45–49 21873 1385 373 1900 2206 3625 11856 475 53 10 50–54 16890 696 268 1142 1555 2253 10506 424 46 11 55–59 22877 760 346 1141 1912 2224 15395 1052 47 12 60+ 64987 1898 664 1614 4253 3467 40593 12359 139 13 vanus märkimata 891 13 18 29 30 78 159 34 530

1 Naised 447201 17902 6436 35279 55139 88879 194626 46956 1984 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32121 - - - - 148 22317 9553 103 3 15–19 30091 - 42 600 4164 19019 6003 184 79 4 20–24 29934 762 2011 4808 10067 10009 2001 148 128 5 25–29 32504 3725 1177 5819 7935 11072 2425 205 146 6 30–34 33562 4143 670 7417 4795 11703 4421 288 125 7 35–39 34162 3743 706 5132 3677 12075 8196 524 109 8 40–44 34419 2518 592 4313 4278 8124 13994 482 118 9 45–49 32244 1152 314 2693 4318 5357 17743 593 74 10 50–54 24461 428 219 1251 2827 3221 15729 734 52 11 55–59 35246 413 212 1206 3768 3060 24316 2192 79 12 60+ 127480 1011 486 2023 9267 5015 77325 31998 355 13 vanus märkimata 977 7 7 17 43 76 156 55 616

222 4.12 Järg

4.12 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 44 16 74 107 221 440 94 4 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 4 681 312 3 10–14 2 1000 - 1 16 109 603 261 8 2 15–19 3 1000 19 62 131 268 395 115 6 4 20–24 4 1000 95 37 144 194 394 123 9 4 25–29 5 1000 113 22 181 116 361 191 12 4 30–34 6 1000 107 19 133 87 345 288 18 3 35–39 7 1000 79 17 116 101 230 437 17 3 40–44 8 1000 47 13 85 120 166 547 20 2 45–49 9 1000 27 12 58 106 132 635 28 2 50–54 10 1000 20 10 40 98 91 683 56 2 55–59 11 1000 15 6 19 70 44 613 230 3 60+ 12 1000 11 13 25 39 82 169 48 613 age has not been indicated 13

1000 48 18 69 86 249 445 81 4 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 3 668 326 3 10–14 2 1000 - 1 12 80 573 322 10 2 15–19 3 1000 13 56 100 198 457 166 7 3 20–24 4 1000 76 38 108 142 449 173 11 3 25–29 5 1000 103 23 139 88 375 253 16 3 30–34 6 1000 104 17 114 66 337 339 20 3 35–39 7 1000 87 16 105 73 223 473 20 3 40–44 8 1000 63 17 87 101 166 542 22 2 45–49 9 1000 41 16 68 92 133 622 25 3 50–54 10 1000 33 15 50 84 97 673 46 2 55–59 11 1000 29 10 25 66 53 625 190 2 60+ 12 1000 15 20 33 34 88 177 38 595 age has not been indicated 13

1000 40 14 79 123 199 435 105 5 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 5 695 297 3 10–14 2 1000 - 2 20 138 632 199 6 3 15–19 3 1000 25 67 161 336 335 67 5 4 20–24 4 1000 115 36 179 244 341 75 6 4 25–29 5 1000 123 20 221 143 349 132 8 4 30–34 6 1000 110 21 150 108 353 240 15 3 35–39 7 1000 73 17 125 124 236 407 14 4 40–44 8 1000 36 10 84 134 166 550 18 2 45–49 9 1000 17 9 51 116 132 643 30 2 50–54 10 1000 12 6 34 107 87 690 62 2 55–59 11 1000 8 4 16 73 39 606 251 3 60+ 12 1000 7 7 17 44 78 160 56 631 age has not been indicated 13

223 4.12 Järg

4.12 Cont.

Rea 1970 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Linnarahvastik 435999 28433 10479 39927 67973 106516 155098 25504 2069 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32847 - - - - 119 22972 9651 105 3 15–19 36124 - 61 553 5201 22938 7206 103 62 4 20–24 37361 885 3389 4575 12394 13191 2760 78 89 5 25–29 39910 4826 1986 5893 9807 14072 3084 131 111 6 30–34 40114 5981 1097 8021 6176 13563 4987 186 103 7 35–39 40452 5753 884 6145 4817 14018 8439 307 89 8 40–44 37922 4203 735 5290 5308 9533 12496 263 94 9 45–49 30495 2227 555 3360 5356 5973 12725 234 65 10 50–54 22270 1000 384 1787 3688 3809 11279 284 39 11 55–59 29206 1010 459 1725 4602 3641 16858 868 43 12 60+ 87885 2532 907 2545 10563 5585 52181 13381 191 13 vanus märkimata 1413 16 22 33 61 74 111 18 1078

1 Mehed 187380 13874 5238 16090 23690 51719 66816 9063 890 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16437 - - - - 43 11344 5002 48 3 15–19 17610 - 21 204 1984 10957 4362 55 27 4 20–24 17493 307 1522 1800 4575 7345 1869 44 31 5 25–29 18959 1964 1008 2265 3583 7896 2120 83 40 6 30–34 18994 2682 604 3153 2300 6845 3233 124 53 7 35–39 19344 2763 437 2543 1776 6689 4928 171 37 8 40–44 17037 2032 332 2088 1734 4214 6450 144 43 9 45–49 12509 1213 306 1333 1783 2448 5308 89 29 10 50–54 9323 612 211 824 1285 1598 4669 105 19 11 55–59 11676 638 285 783 1538 1541 6620 257 14 12 60+ 27320 1653 496 1072 3104 2103 15855 2982 55 13 vanus märkimata 678 10 16 25 28 40 58 7 494

1 Naised 248619 14559 5241 23837 44283 54797 88282 16441 1179 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16410 - - - - 76 11628 4649 57 3 15–19 18514 - 40 349 3217 11981 2844 48 35 4 20–24 19868 578 1867 2775 7819 5846 891 34 58 5 25–29 20951 2862 978 3628 6224 6176 964 48 71 6 30–34 21120 3299 493 4868 3876 6718 1754 62 50 7 35–39 21108 2990 447 3602 3041 7329 3511 136 52 8 40–44 20885 2171 403 3202 3574 5319 6046 119 51 9 45–49 17986 1014 249 2027 3573 3525 7417 145 36 10 50–54 12947 388 173 963 2403 2211 6610 179 20 11 55–59 17530 372 174 942 3064 2100 10238 611 29 12 60+ 60565 879 411 1473 7459 3482 36326 10399 136 13 vanus märkimata 73566833345311584

224 4.12 Järg

4.12 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 65 24 92 156 244 356 58 5 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 4 699 294 3 10–14 2 1000 - 2 15 144 635 199 3 2 15–19 3 1000 24 91 122 332 353 74 2 2 20–24 4 1000 121 50 148 246 352 77 3 3 25–29 5 1000 149 27 200 154 338 124 5 3 30–34 6 1000 142 22 152 119 346 209 8 2 35–39 7 1000 111 20 139 140 251 330 7 2 40–44 8 1000 73 18 110 176 196 417 8 2 45–49 9 1000 45 17 80 166 171 506 13 2 50–54 10 1000 35 16 59 157 125 577 30 1 55–59 11 1000 29 10 29 120 64 594 152 2 60+ 12 1000 11 16 23 43 52 79 13 763 age has not been indicated 13

1000 74 28 86 126 276 357 48 5 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 3 690 304 3 10–14 2 1000 - 1 12 113 622 248 3 1 15–19 3 1000 18 87 103 261 420 107 2 2 20–24 4 1000 104 53 119 189 417 112 4 2 25–29 5 1000 141 32 166 121 360 170 7 3 30–34 6 1000 143 22 131 92 346 255 9 2 35–39 7 1000 119 19 123 102 247 379 8 3 40–44 8 1000 97 24 107 143 196 424 7 2 45–49 9 1000 66 23 88 138 171 501 11 2 50–54 10 1000 55 24 67 132 132 567 22 1 55–59 11 1000 61 18 39 114 77 580 109 2 60+ 12 1000 15 24 37 41 59 85 10 729 age has not been indicated 13

1000 59 21 96 178 220 355 66 5 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 5 709 283 3 10–14 2 1000 - 2 19 174 647 154 2 2 15–19 3 1000 29 94 140 393 294 45 2 3 20–24 4 1000 137 47 173 297 295 46 2 3 25–29 5 1000 156 23 231 184 318 83 3 2 30–34 6 1000 142 21 171 144 347 166 6 3 35–39 7 1000 104 19 153 171 255 290 6 2 40–44 8 1000 56 14 113 199 196 412 8 2 45–49 9 1000 30 13 74 186 171 511 14 1 50–54 10 1000 21 10 54 175 120 584 35 1 55–59 11 1000 15 7 24 123 57 600 172 2 60+ 12 1000 8 8 11 45 46 72 15 795 age has not been indicated 13

225 4.12 Järg

4.12 Cont.

Rea 1970 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Maarahvastik 355305 6066 2238 18929 16794 68006 192712 49197 1363 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32526 - - - - 118 21568 10736 104 3 15–19 24311 - 4 402 1402 13476 8582 366 79 4 20–24 21469 246 248 3116 3401 10017 4034 288 119 5 25–29 24045 1282 373 3331 2609 11108 4784 431 127 6 30–34 25487 1447 324 3854 1432 10149 7544 604 133 7 35–39 26072 1350 389 2678 999 8958 10714 865 119 8 40–44 24738 763 320 1982 1042 4886 14862 776 107 9 45–49 23622 310 132 1233 1168 3009 16874 834 62 10 50–54 19081 124 103 606 694 1665 14956 874 59 11 55–59 28917 163 99 622 1078 1643 22853 2376 83 12 60+ 104582 377 243 1092 2957 2897 65737 30976 303 13 vanus märkimata 455 4 3 13 12 80 204 71 68

1 Mehed 156723 2723 1043 7487 5938 33924 86368 18682 558 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 16815 - - - - 46 10879 5832 58 3 15–19 12734 - 2 151 455 6438 5423 230 35 4 20–24 11403 62 104 1083 1153 5854 2924 174 49 5 25–29 12492 419 174 1140 898 6212 3323 274 52 6 30–34 13045 603 147 1305 513 5164 4877 378 58 7 35–39 13018 597 130 1148 363 4212 6029 477 62 8 40–44 11204 416 131 871 338 2081 6914 413 40 9 45–49 9364 172 67 567 423 1177 6548 386 24 10 50–54 7567 84 57 318 270 655 5837 319 27 11 55–59 11201 122 61 358 374 683 8775 795 33 12 60+ 37667 245 168 542 1149 1364 24738 9377 84 13 vanus märkimata 2133242381012736

1 Naised 198582 3343 1195 11442 10856 34082 106344 30515 805 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 15711 - - - - 72 10689 4904 46 3 15–19 11577 - 2 251 947 7038 3159 136 44 4 20–24 10066 184 144 2033 2248 4163 1110 114 70 5 25–29 11553 863 199 2191 1711 4896 1461 157 75 6 30–34 12442 844 177 2549 919 4985 2667 226 75 7 35–39 13054 753 259 1530 636 4746 4685 388 57 8 40–44 13534 347 189 1111 704 2805 7948 363 67 9 45–49 14258 138 65 666 745 1832 10326 448 38 10 50–54 11514 40 46 288 424 1010 9119 555 32 11 55–59 17716 41 38 264 704 960 14078 1581 50 12 60+ 66915 132 75 550 1808 1533 40999 21599 219 13 vanus märkimata 24211910421034432

226 4.12 Järg

4.12 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 17 6 53 47 191 543 139 4 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 4 663 330 3 10–14 2 1000 - 0 17 58 554 353 15 3 15–19 3 1000 11 12 145 158 467 188 13 6 20–24 4 1000 53 16 139 108 462 199 18 5 25–29 5 1000 57 13 151 56 398 296 24 5 30–34 6 1000 52 15 103 38 344 411 33 4 35–39 7 1000 31 13 80 42 198 601 31 4 40–44 8 1000 13 6 52 50 127 714 35 3 45–49 9 1000 7 5 32 36 87 784 46 3 50–54 10 1000 6 3 22 37 57 790 82 3 55–59 11 1000 4 2 10 28 28 629 296 3 60+ 12 1000 9 7 29 26 176 448 156 149 age has not been indicated 13

1000 17 7 48 38 216 551 119 4 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 3 647 347 3 10–14 2 1000 - 0 12 36 505 426 18 3 15–19 3 1000 6 9 95 101 513 257 15 4 20–24 4 1000 34 14 91 72 497 266 22 4 25–29 5 1000 46 11 100 39 396 374 29 5 30–34 6 1000 46 10 88 28 323 463 37 5 35–39 7 1000 37 12 78 30 186 617 37 3 40–44 8 1000 18 7 61 45 126 699 41 3 45–49 9 1000 11 7 42 36 87 771 42 4 50–54 10 1000 11 5 32 33 61 784 71 3 55–59 11 1000 7 4 14 31 36 657 249 2 60+ 12 1000 14 10 19 9 178 474 127 169 age has not been indicated 13

1000 17 6 57 55 172 535 154 4 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 5 680 312 3 10–14 2 1000 - 0 21 82 608 273 12 4 15–19 3 1000 18 14 202 224 414 110 11 7 20–24 4 1000 75 17 190 148 424 126 14 6 25–29 5 1000 68 14 205 74 401 214 18 6 30–34 6 1000 58 20 117 49 363 359 30 4 35–39 7 1000 26 14 82 52 207 587 27 5 40–44 8 1000 10 5 47 52 128 724 31 3 45–49 9 1000 3 4 25 37 88 792 48 3 50–54 10 1000 2 2 15 40 54 795 89 3 55–59 11 1000 2 1 8 27 23 613 323 3 60+ 12 1000 4 4 37 41 174 426 182 132 age has not been indicated 13

227 4.13 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.13 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1979 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea 1979 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Kogurahvastik 806052 56394 14347 85864 125509 188801 303045 31642 450 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 65787 - - - - 3261 55235 7291 - 3 15–19 66015 - 168 1896 12510 44101 6969 371 - 4 20–24 63061 2373 5177 12191 23219 16080 3703 285 33 5 25–29 61319 8513 1920 11569 16709 17177 5184 218 29 6 30–34 58937 8697 1252 10436 14447 17344 6443 283 35 7 35–39 65691 9748 1069 11878 12579 19235 10706 446 30 8 40–44 63744 8697 894 12081 7765 18676 15046 557 28 9 45–49 65194 7561 952 9036 6955 17907 21936 818 29 10 50–54 58055 4601 834 6929 7006 11856 26084 719 26 11 55–59 47914 2237 547 3870 6302 7815 26337 783 23 12 60–64 40003 1095 473 2102 4546 5218 25425 1121 23 13 65–69 50079 1050 401 1856 5161 4612 34348 2629 22 14 70+ 99989 1817 656 2005 8282 5497 65554 16104 74 15 vanus märkimata 264 5 4 15 28 22 75 17 98 1 Mehed 357732 26213 6704 35276 48291 97026 132904 11145 173 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 33367 - - - - 1575 27901 3891 - 3 15–19 33531 - 76 1048 5268 22701 4218 220 - 4 20–24 31302 1000 2100 5187 10241 10033 2544 174 23 5 25–29 30716 3549 961 4729 7351 10401 3588 125 12 6 30–34 28800 3649 699 4135 5656 10161 4315 168 17 7 35–39 31970 4373 585 4696 4632 10595 6815 265 9 8 40–44 30633 3962 437 4582 2900 9386 9036 317 13 9 45–49 31063 3793 369 3830 2543 8340 11699 475 14 10 50–54 24604 2236 373 2713 2149 5006 11777 344 6 11 55–59 18462 1232 286 1690 2105 3018 9814 313 4 12 60–64 15351 662 263 1011 1531 2043 9452 381 8 13 65–69 18019 670 233 884 1630 1765 12081 753 3 14 70+ 29816 1083 321 766 2277 1991 19642 3717 19 15 vanus märkimata 9841581122245 1 Naised 448320 30181 7643 50588 77218 91775 170141 20497 277 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 32420 - - - - 1686 27334 3400 - 3 15–19 32484 - 92 848 7242 21400 2751 151 - 4 20–24 31759 1373 3077 7004 12978 6047 1159 111 10 5 25–29 30603 4964 959 6840 9358 6776 1596 93 17 6 30–34 30137 5048 553 6301 8791 7183 2128 115 18 7 35–39 33721 5375 484 7182 7947 8640 3891 181 21 8 40–44 33111 4735 457 7499 4865 9290 6010 240 15 9 45–49 34131 3768 583 5206 4412 9567 10237 343 15 10 50–54 33451 2365 461 4216 4857 6850 14307 375 20 11 55–59 29452 1005 261 2180 4197 4797 16523 470 19 12 60–64 24652 433 210 1091 3015 3175 15973 740 15 13 65–69 32060 380 168 972 3531 2847 22267 1876 19 14 70+ 70173 734 335 1239 6005 3506 45912 12387 55 15 vanus märkimata 166 1 3 10 20 11 53 15 53

228 4.13 Järg

4.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 70 18 106 156 234 376 39 1 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 49 840 111 - 10–14 2 1000 - 2 29 189 668 106 6 - 15–19 3 1000 38 82 193 368 255 59 4 1 20–24 4 1000 139 31 189 272 280 85 4 0 25–29 5 1000 148 21 177 245 294 109 5 1 30–34 6 1000 148 16 181 191 293 163 7 1 35–39 7 1000 136 14 190 122 293 236 9 0 40–44 8 1000 116 15 139 107 275 336 12 0 45–49 9 1000 79 14 119 121 204 449 13 1 50–54 10 1000 47 11 81 132 163 550 16 0 55–59 11 1000 27 12 53 114 130 636 28 0 60–64 12 1000 21 8 37 103 92 686 52 1 65–69 13 1000 18 6 20 83 55 656 161 1 70+ 14 1000 19 15 57 106 83 284 65 371 age has not been indicated 15 1000 73 19 99 135 271 372 31 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 47 836 117 - 10–14 2 1000 - 2 31 157 677 126 7 - 15–19 3 1000 32 67 166 327 320 81 6 1 20–24 4 1000 116 31 154 239 339 117 4 0 25–29 5 1000 127 24 143 196 353 150 6 1 30–34 6 1000 137 18 147 145 332 213 8 0 35–39 7 1000 129 14 150 95 306 295 10 1 40–44 8 1000 122 12 123 82 269 377 15 0 45–49 9 1000 91 15 110 87 204 479 14 0 50–54 10 1000 67 15 92 114 163 532 17 0 55–59 11 1000 43 17 66 100 133 616 25 0 60–64 12 1000 37 13 49 91 98 670 42 0 65–69 13 1000 36 11 26 76 67 659 125 0 70+ 14 1000 41 10 51 82 112 225 20 459 age has not been indicated 15 1000 67 17 113 172 205 379 46 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 52 843 105 - 10–14 2 1000 - 3 26 223 659 85 4 - 15–19 3 1000 43 97 221 409 190 37 3 0 20–24 4 1000 162 31 224 306 221 52 3 1 25–29 5 1000 167 18 209 292 238 71 4 1 30–34 6 1000 160 14 213 236 256 115 5 1 35–39 7 1000 143 14 226 147 281 182 7 0 40–44 8 1000 110 17 153 129 280 300 10 1 45–49 9 1000 71 14 126 145 205 428 11 0 50–54 10 1000 34 9 74 142 163 561 16 1 55–59 11 1000 18 8 44 122 129 648 30 1 60–64 12 1000 12 5 30 110 89 695 58 1 65–69 13 1000 10 5 18 86 50 654 176 1 70+ 14 1000 6 18 60 121 66 319 91 319 age has not been indicated 15

229 4.13 Järg

4.13 Cont.

Rea 1979 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Linnarahvastik 474519 45703 11685 57014 98744 105972 142392 12762 247 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 36653 - - - - 2034 30527 4092 - 3 15–19 40189 - 153 1070 9848 25597 3386 135 - 4 20–24 40511 1836 4794 7026 17510 7494 1757 72 22 5 25–29 38072 6576 1492 6928 12179 8359 2470 47 21 6 30–34 37507 6786 912 6669 10997 8876 3170 69 28 7 35–39 41932 7844 821 8026 10070 10134 4879 135 23 8 40–44 39694 7064 634 8364 6384 10243 6809 179 17 9 45–49 40699 6243 624 6508 5821 10679 10535 275 14 10 50–54 35147 3875 595 5129 5924 7492 11870 246 16 11 55–59 27164 1997 431 2865 5263 4986 11368 239 15 12 60–64 21930 979 384 1628 3826 3458 11223 420 12 13 65–69 25751 915 321 1369 4305 3047 14847 938 9 14 70+ 49144 1584 523 1421 6590 3561 29522 5910 33 15 vanus märkimata 126 4 1 11 27 12 29 5 37 1 Mehed 206894 21338 5548 23105 37374 53064 61996 4368 101 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 18464 - - - - 983 15325 2156 - 3 15–19 19587 - 68 580 4071 12782 2006 80 - 4 20–24 19084 756 1982 2907 7646 4586 1151 42 14 5 25–29 18272 2733 780 2731 5337 4967 1692 25 7 6 30–34 17653 2859 513 2677 4289 5153 2106 41 15 7 35–39 19720 3540 458 3252 3698 5608 3073 83 8 8 40–44 18437 3263 333 3234 2383 5121 3997 97 9 9 45–49 19136 3140 272 2721 2117 5004 5719 154 9 10 50–54 14723 1844 271 1921 1803 3196 5567 116 5 11 55–59 10673 1102 223 1216 1733 1963 4341 92 3 12 60–64 8531 579 221 748 1264 1383 4197 133 6 13 65–69 9142 573 185 608 1335 1175 5020 245 1 14 70+ 13428 946 242 508 1691 1137 7794 1104 6 15 vanus märkimata443-2768-18 1 Naised 267625 24365 6137 33909 61370 52908 80396 8394 146 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 18189 - - - - 1051 15202 1936 - 3 15–19 20602 - 85 490 5777 12815 1380 55 - 4 20–24 21427 1080 2812 4119 9864 2908 606 30 8 5 25–29 19800 3843 712 4197 6842 3392 778 22 14 6 30–34 19854 3927 399 3992 6708 3723 1064 28 13 7 35–39 22212 4304 363 4774 6372 4526 1806 52 15 8 40–44 21257 3801 301 5130 4001 5122 2812 82 8 9 45–49 21563 3103 352 3787 3704 5675 4816 121 5 10 50–54 20424 2031 324 3208 4121 4296 6303 130 11 11 55–59 16491 895 208 1649 3530 3023 7027 147 12 12 60–64 13399 400 163 880 2562 2075 7026 287 6 13 65–69 16609 342 136 761 2970 1872 9827 693 8 14 70+ 35716 638 281 913 4899 2424 21728 4806 27 15 vanus märkimata 8211920621519

230 4.13 Järg

4.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 96 25 120 208 223 300 27 1 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 55 833 112 - 10–14 2 1000 - 4 27 245 637 84 3 - 15–19 3 1000 45 118 174 432 185 43 2 1 20–24 4 1000 173 39 182 320 220 65 1 0 25–29 5 1000 181 24 178 293 237 84 2 1 30–34 6 1000 187 20 191 240 242 116 3 1 35–39 7 1000 178 16 211 161 258 172 4 0 40–44 8 1000 154 15 160 143 262 259 7 0 45–49 9 1000 110 17 146 169 213 338 7 0 50–54 10 1000 73 16 105 194 184 418 9 1 55–59 11 1000 45 17 74 174 158 512 19 1 60–64 12 1000 36 13 53 167 118 577 36 0 65–69 13 1000 32 11 29 134 72 601 120 1 70+ 14 1000 32 8 87 214 95 230 40 294 age has not been indicated 15 1000 103 27 112 181 256 300 21 0 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 53 830 117 - 10–14 2 1000 - 3 30 208 653 102 4 - 15–19 3 1000 40 104 152 401 240 60 2 1 20–24 4 1000 150 43 149 292 272 93 1 0 25–29 5 1000 162 29 152 243 292 119 2 1 30–34 6 1000 180 23 165 188 284 156 4 0 35–39 7 1000 177 18 175 129 278 217 5 1 40–44 8 1000 164 14 142 111 261 299 8 1 45–49 9 1000 125 18 131 123 217 378 8 0 50–54 10 1000 103 21 114 162 184 407 9 0 55–59 11 1000 68 26 88 148 162 492 15 1 60–64 12 1000 63 20 66 146 129 549 27 0 65–69 13 1000 71 18 38 126 85 580 82 0 70+ 14 1000 68 - 46 159 136 182 - 409 age has not been indicated 15 1000 91 23 127 229 198 300 31 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 58 836 106 - 10–14 2 1000 - 4 24 280 622 67 3 - 15–19 3 1000 51 131 192 461 136 28 1 0 20–24 4 1000 194 36 212 346 171 39 1 1 25–29 5 1000 198 20 201 338 187 54 1 1 30–34 6 1000 194 16 215 287 204 81 2 1 35–39 7 1000 179 14 241 188 241 132 4 1 40–44 8 1000 144 16 176 172 263 223 6 0 45–49 9 1000 99 16 157 202 210 309 6 1 50–54 10 1000 54 13 100 214 183 426 9 1 55–59 11 1000 30 12 66 191 155 524 21 1 60–64 12 1000 20 8 46 179 113 592 42 0 65–69 13 1000 18 8 25 137 68 608 135 1 70+ 14 1000 12 12 110 244 73 256 61 232 age has not been indicated 15

231 4.13 Järg

4.13 Cont.

Rea 1979 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Maarahvastik 331533 10691 2662 28850 26765 82829 160653 18880 203 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 29134 - - - - 1227 24708 3199 - 3 15–19 25826 - 15 826 2662 18504 3583 236 - 4 20–24 22550 537 383 5165 5709 8586 1946 213 11 5 25–29 23247 1937 428 4641 4530 8818 2714 171 8 6 30–34 21430 1911 340 3767 3450 8468 3273 214 7 7 35–39 23759 1904 248 3852 2509 9101 5827 311 7 8 40–44 24050 1633 260 3717 1381 8433 8237 378 11 9 45–49 24495 1318 328 2528 1134 7228 11401 543 15 10 50–54 22908 726 239 1800 1082 4364 14214 473 10 11 55–59 20750 240 116 1005 1039 2829 14969 544 8 12 60–64 18073 116 89 474 720 1760 14202 701 11 13 65–69 24328 135 80 487 856 1565 19501 1691 13 14 70+ 50845 233 133 584 1692 1936 36032 10194 41 15 vanus märkimata138134110461261 1 Mehed 150838 4875 1156 12171 10917 43962 70908 6777 72 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 14903 - - - - 592 12576 1735 - 3 15–19 13944 - 8 468 1197 9919 2212 140 - 4 20–24 12218 244 118 2280 2595 5447 1393 132 9 5 25–29 12444 816 181 1998 2014 5434 1896 100 5 6 30–34 11147 790 186 1458 1367 5008 2209 127 2 7 35–39 12250 833 127 1444 934 4987 3742 182 1 8 40–44 12196 699 104 1348 517 4265 5039 220 4 9 45–49 11927 653 97 1109 426 3336 5980 321 5 10 50–54 9881 392 102 792 346 1810 6210 228 1 11 55–59 7789 130 63 474 372 1055 5473 221 1 12 60–64 6820 83 42 263 267 660 5255 248 2 13 65–69 8877 97 48 276 295 590 7061 508 2 14 70+ 16388 137 79 258 586 854 11848 2613 13 15 vanus märkimata 54 1 1 3 1 5 14 2 27 1 Naised 180695 5816 1506 16679 15848 38867 89745 12103 131 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 14231 - - - - 635 12132 1464 - 3 15–19 11882 - 7 358 1465 8585 1371 96 - 4 20–24 10332 293 265 2885 3114 3139 553 81 2 5 25–29 10803 1121 247 2643 2516 3384 818 71 3 6 30–34 10283 1121 154 2309 2083 3460 1064 87 5 7 35–39 11509 1071 121 2408 1575 4114 2085 129 6 8 40–44 11854 934 156 2369 864 4168 3198 158 7 9 45–49 12568 665 231 1419 708 3892 5421 222 10 10 50–54 13027 334 137 1008 736 2554 8004 245 9 11 55–59 12961 110 53 531 667 1774 9496 323 7 12 60–64 11253 33 47 211 453 1100 8947 453 9 13 65–69 15451 38 32 211 561 975 12440 1183 11 14 70+ 34457 96 54 326 1106 1082 24184 7581 28 15 vanus märkimata 84 - 2 1 - 5 32 10 34

232 4.13 Järg

4.13 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 32 8 87 81 250 484 57 1 Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 42 848 110 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 32 103 716 139 9 - 15–19 3 1000 24 17 229 253 381 86 9 1 20–24 4 1000 83 19 200 195 379 117 7 0 25–29 5 1000 89 16 176 161 395 153 10 0 30–34 6 1000 80 11 162 106 383 245 13 0 35–39 7 1000 68 11 155 57 351 342 16 0 40–44 8 1000 54 13 103 46 295 466 22 1 45–49 9 1000 32 10 79 47 191 620 21 0 50–54 10 1000 12 6 49 50 136 721 26 0 55–59 11 1000 6 5 26 40 97 786 39 1 60–64 12 1000 6 3 20 35 64 802 69 1 65–69 13 1000 5 3 11 33 38 709 200 1 70+ 14 1000 7 22 29 7 73 333 87 442 age has not been indicated 15 1000 32 8 81 72 291 470 45 1 Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 40 844 116 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 33 86 711 159 10 - 15–19 3 1000 20 10 186 212 446 114 11 1 20–24 4 1000 66 14 161 162 437 152 8 0 25–29 5 1000 71 17 131 123 449 198 11 0 30–34 6 1000 68 10 118 76 407 306 15 0 35–39 7 1000 57 9 111 42 350 413 18 0 40–44 8 1000 55 8 93 36 280 501 27 0 45–49 9 1000 40 10 80 35 183 629 23 0 50–54 10 1000 17 8 61 48 135 703 28 0 55–59 11 1000 12 6 39 39 97 771 36 0 60–64 12 1000 11 5 31 33 67 796 57 0 65–69 13 1000 8 5 16 36 52 723 159 1 70+ 14 1000 18 18 56 19 93 259 37 500 age has not been indicated 15 1000 32 8 92 88 215 497 67 1 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 45 852 103 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 30 123 723 115 8 - 15–19 3 1000 28 26 279 301 304 54 8 0 20–24 4 1000 104 23 245 233 313 76 6 0 25–29 5 1000 109 15 225 203 336 103 8 1 30–34 6 1000 93 11 209 137 357 181 11 1 35–39 7 1000 79 13 200 73 352 270 13 0 40–44 8 1000 53 18 113 56 310 431 18 1 45–49 9 1000 26 11 77 56 196 614 19 1 50–54 10 1000 8 4 41 51 137 733 25 1 55–59 11 1000 3 4 19 40 98 795 40 1 60–64 12 1000 2 2 14 36 63 805 77 1 65–69 13 1000 3 2 9 32 31 702 220 1 70+ 14 1000 - 24 12 - 59 381 119 405 age has not been indicated 15

233 4.14 EESTLASED HARIDUSE, VANUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam) 4.14 ESTONIANS BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, AGE AND SEX, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over)

Rea 1989 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Kogurahvastik 818608 81185 15246 133314 177299 170735 225547 15280 2 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 70111 - - - - 2793 62565 4753 - 3 15–19 72117 - 196 2701 17483 46402 4890 445 - 4 20–24 64366 2154 5137 17585 31139 6825 1281 245 - 5 25–29 65640 11093 2273 18914 25145 6584 1388 243 - 6 30–34 63242 12366 1198 16675 21589 8824 2372 218 - 7 35–39 60197 10980 984 14051 18436 11507 4008 230 1 8 40–44 57092 9695 953 12144 15089 13552 5427 232 - 9 45–49 62789 10262 901 13066 12835 16143 9249 333 - 10 50–54 59462 8629 759 12905 7616 16248 12833 472 - 11 55–59 59384 7326 827 9697 6716 15513 18605 699 1 12 60–64 51226 4326 696 7311 6126 10125 21987 655 - 13 65–69 39483 1968 473 3953 5049 6673 20748 619 - 14 70+ 93499 2386 849 4312 10076 9546 60194 6136 -

1 Mehed 370486 35554 7150 56177 78023 88064 99519 5999 - sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 35544 - - - - 1322 31747 2475 - 3 15–19 36120 - 88 1191 8087 23470 3008 276 - 4 20–24 31953 441 2009 7982 16132 4392 854 143 - 5 25–29 32914 4544 1245 9007 12595 4409 968 146 - 6 30–34 31238 5216 603 7289 10550 5819 1632 129 - 7 35–39 29559 4724 561 5893 8448 7132 2658 143 - 8 40–44 27431 4135 538 4893 6087 8080 3565 133 - 9 45–49 29864 4617 488 5124 4879 8849 5703 204 - 10 50–54 27740 3899 370 4832 2911 8136 7308 284 - 11 55–59 26840 3574 322 4028 2416 6946 9200 354 - 12 60–64 20265 2045 272 2675 1860 4044 9096 273 - 13 65–69 13745 1037 219 1527 1545 2333 6862 222 - 14 70+ 27273 1322 435 1736 2513 3132 16918 1217 -

1 Naised 448122 45631 8096 77137 99276 82671 126028 9281 2 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 34567 - - - - 1471 30818 2278 - 3 15–19 35997 - 108 1510 9396 22932 1882 169 - 4 20–24 32413 1713 3128 9603 15007 2433 427 102 - 5 25–29 32726 6549 1028 9907 12550 2175 420 97 - 6 30–34 32004 7150 595 9386 11039 3005 740 89 - 7 35–39 30638 6256 423 8158 9988 4375 1350 87 1 8 40–44 29661 5560 415 7251 9002 5472 1862 99 - 9 45–49 32925 5645 413 7942 7956 7294 3546 129 - 10 50–54 31722 4730 389 8073 4705 8112 5525 188 - 11 55–59 32544 3752 505 5669 4300 8567 9405 345 1 12 60–64 30961 2281 424 4636 4266 6081 12891 382 - 13 65–69 25738 931 254 2426 3504 4340 13886 397 - 14 70+ 66226 1064 414 2576 7563 6414 43276 4919 -

234 4.14 Järg

4.14 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 99 19 163 217 208 275 19 0 Total population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 40 892 68 - 10–14 2 1000 - 3 38 242 643 68 6 - 15–19 3 1000 33 80 273 484 106 20 4 - 20–24 4 1000 169 35 288 383 100 21 4 - 25–29 5 1000 196 19 264 341 140 37 3 - 30–34 6 1000 182 16 234 306 191 67 4 0 35–39 7 1000 170 17 213 264 237 95 4 - 40–44 8 1000 164 14 208 205 257 147 5 - 45–49 9 1000 145 13 217 128 273 216 8 - 50–54 10 1000 124 14 163 113 261 313 12 0 55–59 11 1000 84 13 143 120 198 429 13 - 60–64 12 1000 50 12 100 128 169 525 16 - 65–69 13 1000 25 9 46 108 102 644 66 - 70+ 14

1000 96 19 152 210 238 269 16 - Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 37 893 70 - 10–14 2 1000 - 2 33 224 650 83 8 - 15–19 3 1000 14 63 250 505 137 27 4 - 20–24 4 1000 138 38 274 383 134 29 4 - 25–29 5 1000 167 19 234 338 186 52 4 - 30–34 6 1000 160 19 199 286 241 90 5 - 35–39 7 1000 151 20 178 222 294 130 5 - 40–44 8 1000 155 16 172 163 296 191 7 - 45–49 9 1000 141 13 174 105 293 264 10 - 50–54 10 1000 133 12 150 90 259 343 13 - 55–59 11 1000 101 13 132 92 200 449 13 - 60–64 12 1000 76 16 111 112 170 499 16 - 65–69 13 1000 48 16 64 92 115 620 45 - 70+ 14

1000 102 18 172 222 184 281 21 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 43 891 66 - 10–14 2 1000 - 3 42 261 637 52 5 - 15–19 3 1000 53 97 296 463 75 13 3 - 20–24 4 1000 200 31 303 384 66 13 3 - 25–29 5 1000 223 19 293 345 94 23 3 - 30–34 6 1000 204 14 266 326 143 44 3 0 35–39 7 1000 187 14 244 304 185 63 3 - 40–44 8 1000 171 13 241 242 221 108 4 - 45–49 9 1000 149 12 255 148 256 174 6 - 50–54 10 1000 115 16 174 132 263 289 11 0 55–59 11 1000 74 14 150 138 196 416 12 - 60–64 12 1000 36 10 94 136 169 540 15 - 65–69 13 1000 16 6 39 114 97 654 74 - 70+ 14

235 4.14 Järg

4.14 Cont.

Rea 1989 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Linnarahvastik 493700 62909 12019 83742 126202 92479 109782 6565 2 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 39784 - - - - 1835 35275 2674 - 3 15–19 45316 - 163 1595 13186 27888 2357 127 - 4 20–24 40689 1623 4621 9751 21251 2870 521 52 - 5 25–29 37933 8002 1732 10110 15228 2341 462 58 - 6 30–34 37418 9024 779 9453 13790 3435 892 45 - 7 35–39 36836 8266 672 8475 12542 5177 1661 42 1 8 40–44 35963 7443 681 7756 11061 6525 2442 55 - 9 45–49 39940 8176 697 8786 10003 8082 4116 80 - 10 50–54 37170 6936 542 9017 6056 8689 5787 143 - 11 55–59 37184 5953 537 7072 5522 8986 8885 228 1 12 60–64 31257 3633 512 5446 5046 6293 10069 258 - 13 65–69 22797 1743 383 2961 4162 4098 9223 227 - 14 70+ 51413 2110 700 3320 8355 6260 28092 2576 -

1 Mehed 217921 27654 5676 34018 53739 46103 48227 2504 - sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 20130 - - - - 871 17867 1392 - 3 15–19 21866 - 75 751 5934 13635 1402 69 - 4 20–24 19734 332 1842 4321 10957 1908 345 29 - 5 25–29 18273 3278 985 4576 7465 1590 342 37 - 6 30–34 17578 3790 400 3899 6572 2293 598 26 - 7 35–39 17223 3561 393 3352 5620 3199 1069 29 - 8 40–44 16570 3190 370 3081 4413 3888 1592 36 - 9 45–49 18264 3683 379 3429 3776 4420 2526 51 - 10 50–54 16721 3165 273 3393 2266 4318 3224 82 - 11 55–59 16651 2906 224 2918 1976 4031 4486 110 - 12 60–64 12188 1677 202 1923 1494 2503 4275 114 - 13 65–69 8088 920 181 1101 1259 1466 3080 81 - 14 70+ 14635 1152 352 1274 2007 1981 7421 448 -

1 Naised 275779 35255 6343 49724 72463 46376 61555 4061 2 sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 19654 - - - - 964 17408 1282 - 3 15–19 23450 - 88 844 7252 14253 955 58 - 4 20–24 20955 1291 2779 5430 10294 962 176 23 - 5 25–29 19660 4724 747 5534 7763 751 120 21 - 6 30–34 19840 5234 379 5554 7218 1142 294 19 - 7 35–39 19613 4705 279 5123 6922 1978 592 13 1 8 40–44 19393 4253 311 4675 6648 2637 850 19 - 9 45–49 21676 4493 318 5357 6227 3662 1590 29 - 10 50–54 20449 3771 269 5624 3790 4371 2563 61 - 11 55–59 20533 3047 313 4154 3546 4955 4399 118 1 12 60–64 19069 1956 310 3523 3552 3790 5794 144 - 13 65–69 14709 823 202 1860 2903 2632 6143 146 - 14 70+ 36778 958 348 2046 6348 4279 20671 2128 -

236 4.14 Järg

4.14 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 128 24 170 256 187 222 13 0 Urban population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 46 887 67 - 10–14 2 1000 - 4 35 291 615 52 3 - 15–19 3 1000 40 114 240 522 70 13 1 - 20–24 4 1000 211 46 266 401 62 12 2 - 25–29 5 1000 241 21 253 368 92 24 1 - 30–34 6 1000 224 18 230 341 141 45 1 0 35–39 7 1000 207 19 216 308 181 68 1 - 40–44 8 1000 205 17 220 251 202 103 2 - 45–49 9 1000 187 14 242 163 234 156 4 - 50–54 10 1000 160 14 190 149 242 239 6 0 55–59 11 1000 116 17 174 162 201 322 8 - 60–64 12 1000 76 17 130 182 180 405 10 - 65–69 13 1000 41 14 65 162 122 546 50 - 70+ 14

1000 127 26 156 247 212 221 11 - Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 43 888 69 - 10–14 2 1000 - 4 34 271 624 64 3 - 15–19 3 1000 17 93 219 555 97 18 1 - 20–24 4 1000 179 54 250 409 87 19 2 - 25–29 5 1000 216 23 222 374 130 34 1 - 30–34 6 1000 207 23 194 326 186 62 2 - 35–39 7 1000 193 22 186 266 235 96 2 - 40–44 8 1000 201 21 188 207 242 138 3 - 45–49 9 1000 189 16 203 136 258 193 5 - 50–54 10 1000 175 13 175 119 242 269 7 - 55–59 11 1000 138 16 158 123 205 351 9 - 60–64 12 1000 114 22 136 156 181 381 10 - 65–69 13 1000 79 24 87 137 135 507 31 - 70+ 14

1000 128 23 180 263 168 223 15 0 Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 49 886 65 - 10–14 2 1000 - 4 36 309 608 41 2 - 15–19 3 1000 62 133 259 491 46 8 1 - 20–24 4 1000 240 38 282 395 38 6 1 - 25–29 5 1000 264 19 280 364 57 15 1 - 30–34 6 1000 240 14 261 353 101 30 1 0 35–39 7 1000 219 16 241 343 136 44 1 - 40–44 8 1000 207 15 247 287 169 74 1 - 45–49 9 1000 185 13 275 185 214 125 3 - 50–54 10 1000 149 15 202 173 241 214 6 0 55–59 11 1000 103 16 185 186 199 304 7 - 60–64 12 1000 56 14 126 197 179 418 10 - 65–69 13 1000 26 9 56 173 116 562 58 - 70+ 14

237 4.14 Järg

4.14 Cont.

Rea 1989 nr. Kogu- sealhulgas haridusega: — of whom with educational level: arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Vanusegrupp, Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- sugu kõrg- kesk- duseta mata higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- Row higher ary ary second- mary cated No. ary

1 Maarahvastik 324908 18276 3227 49572 51097 78256 115765 8715 - sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 30327 - - - - 958 27290 2079 - 3 15–19 26801 - 33 1106 4297 18514 2533 318 - 4 20–24 23677 531 516 7834 9888 3955 760 193 - 5 25–29 27707 3091 541 8804 9917 4243 926 185 - 6 30–34 25824 3342 419 7222 7799 5389 1480 173 - 7 35–39 23361 2714 312 5576 5894 6330 2347 188 - 8 40–44 21129 2252 272 4388 4028 7027 2985 177 - 9 45–49 22849 2086 204 4280 2832 8061 5133 253 - 10 50–54 22292 1693 217 3888 1560 7559 7046 329 - 11 55–59 22200 1373 290 2625 1194 6527 9720 471 - 12 60–64 19969 693 184 1865 1080 3832 11918 397 - 13 65–69 16686 225 90 992 887 2575 11525 392 - 14 70+ 42086 276 149 992 1721 3286 32102 3560 -

1 Mehed 152565 7900 1474 22159 24284 41961 51292 3495 - sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 15414 - - - - 451 13880 1083 - 3 15–19 14254 - 13 440 2153 9835 1606 207 - 4 20–24 12219 109 167 3661 5175 2484 509 114 - 5 25–29 14641 1266 260 4431 5130 2819 626 109 - 6 30–34 13660 1426 203 3390 3978 3526 1034 103 - 7 35–39 12336 1163 168 2541 2828 3933 1589 114 - 8 40–44 10861 945 168 1812 1674 4192 1973 97 - 9 45–49 11600 934 109 1695 1103 4429 3177 153 - 10 50–54 11019 734 97 1439 645 3818 4084 202 - 11 55–59 10189 668 98 1110 440 2915 4714 244 - 12 60–64 8077 368 70 752 366 1541 4821 159 - 13 65–69 5657 117 38 426 286 867 3782 141 - 14 70+ 12638 170 83 462 506 1151 9497 769 -

1 Naised 172343 10376 1753 27413 26813 36295 64473 5220 - sh. vanuses (aastat): 2 10–14 14913 - - - - 507 13410 996 - 3 15–19 12547 - 20 666 2144 8679 927 111 - 4 20–24 11458 422 349 4173 4713 1471 251 79 - 5 25–29 13066 1825 281 4373 4787 1424 300 76 - 6 30–34 12164 1916 216 3832 3821 1863 446 70 - 7 35–39 11025 1551 144 3035 3066 2397 758 74 - 8 40–44 10268 1307 104 2576 2354 2835 1012 80 - 9 45–49 11249 1152 95 2585 1729 3632 1956 100 - 10 50–54 11273 959 120 2449 915 3741 2962 127 - 11 55–59 12011 705 192 1515 754 3612 5006 227 - 12 60–64 11892 325 114 1113 714 2291 7097 238 - 13 65–69 11029 108 52 566 601 1708 7743 251 - 14 70+ 29448 106 66 530 1215 2135 22605 2791 -

238 4.14 Järg

4.14 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 vastavas vanuses elaniku kohta haridusega: Rea Kogu- Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given age with educational level: nr. arv kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- alg- mär- Total mata eri- kesk- täielik hari- ki- Age-group, kõrg- kesk- duseta mata sex higher in- special general in- pri- without not complete second- second- complete mary pri- indi- higher ary ary second- mary cated Row ary No.

1000 56 10 153 157 241 356 27 - Rural population 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 32 900 68 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 41 160 691 95 12 - 15–19 3 1000 22 22 331 418 167 32 8 - 20–24 4 1000 112 19 318 358 153 33 7 - 25–29 5 1000 129 16 280 302 209 57 7 - 30–34 6 1000 116 13 239 252 271 101 8 - 35–39 7 1000 107 13 208 191 332 141 8 - 40–44 8 1000 91 9 187 124 353 225 11 - 45–49 9 1000 76 10 174 70 339 316 15 - 50–54 10 1000 62 13 118 54 294 438 21 - 55–59 11 1000 35 9 93 54 192 597 20 - 60–64 12 1000 14 5 59 53 154 691 24 - 65–69 13 1000 6 3 24 41 78 763 85 - 70+ 14

1000 52 10 145 159 275 336 23 - Males 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 29 901 70 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 31 151 690 113 14 - 15–19 3 1000 9 14 300 423 203 42 9 - 20–24 4 1000 86 18 303 350 193 43 7 - 25–29 5 1000 104 15 248 291 258 76 8 - 30–34 6 1000 94 14 206 229 319 129 9 - 35–39 7 1000 87 15 167 154 386 182 9 - 40–44 8 1000 81 9 146 95 382 274 13 - 45–49 9 1000 67 9 131 58 346 371 18 - 50–54 10 1000 65 10 109 43 286 463 24 - 55–59 11 1000 45 9 93 45 191 597 20 - 60–64 12 1000 21 7 75 51 153 668 25 - 65–69 13 1000 13 7 37 40 91 751 61 - 70+ 14

1000 60 10 159 156 211 374 30 - Females 1 of whom aged (years): 1000 - - - - 34 899 67 - 10–14 2 1000 - 1 53 171 692 74 9 - 15–19 3 1000 37 31 364 411 128 22 7 - 20–24 4 1000 140 21 335 366 109 23 6 - 25–29 5 1000 157 18 315 314 153 37 6 - 30–34 6 1000 141 13 275 278 217 69 7 - 35–39 7 1000 127 10 251 229 276 99 8 - 40–44 8 1000 102 8 230 154 323 174 9 - 45–49 9 1000 85 11 217 81 332 263 11 - 50–54 10 1000 58 16 126 63 301 417 19 - 55–59 11 1000 27 9 94 60 193 597 20 - 60–64 12 1000 10 5 51 54 155 702 23 - 65–69 13 1000 4 2 18 41 72 768 95 - 70+ 14

239 4.15 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) 4.15 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1959, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) Rea 1959 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 25 13 56 78 214 469

2eestlased 21135373198505

3 venelased 35 14 69 95 266 351

4 ukrainlased 51 18 111 125 320 274

5 valgevenelased 17 11 56 88 285 402

6 soomlased 5 5 37 27 206 474

7 juudid 255 66 95 231 130 163

8 teised rahvused 29 12 44 105 250 396

1 Mehed 29 14 54 65 228 488

2eestlased 27145160213513

3 venelased 32 13 62 81 277 410

4 ukrainlased 37 15 91 108 354 332

5 valgevenelased 17 9 48 86 303 455

6 soomlased 6 4 28 24 214 560

7 juudid 276 81 98 188 131 172

8 teised rahvused 24 11 43 94 289 424

1 Naised 22 13 5888202456

2eestlased 16125483187500

3 venelased 38 14 74 104 258 309

4 ukrainlased 68 22 136 145 280 204

5 valgevenelased 16 14 64 91 266 345

6 soomlased 5 5 42 29 202 426

7 juudid 236 54 92 269 129 155

8 teised rahvused 35 13 45 120 198 359

240 4.15 Järg

4.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No. Total population 47 15 81 122 241 393 Total 1

44 16 74 107 221 440 Estonians 2

54 13 94 153 284 292 Russians 3

69 15 133 216 328 179 Ukrainians 4

33 9 90 163 318 280 Belorussians 5

17 7 55 76 240 440 Finns 6

333 60 119 240 105 110 Jews 7

40 14 70 132 270 352 others 8

52 17 79 108 271 395 Males 1

48 18 69 86 249 445 Estonians 2

58 14 99 146 313 301 Russians 3

67 15 133 215 368 171 Ukrainians 4

39 10 95 166 357 273 Belorussians 5

19 7 48 78 278 474 Finns 6

380 68 127 196 103 102 Jews 7

45 16 79 131 305 339 others 8

43 14 82 134 216 392 Females 1

40 14 79 123 199 435 Estonians 2

50 12 90 160 259 285 Russians 3

74 15 133 218 262 191 Ukrainians 4

26 8 84 160 276 287 Belorussians 5

16 6 60 74 216 418 Finns 6

287 52 112 284 106 118 Jews 7

35 11 60 133 231 366 others 8

241 4.15 Järg

4.15 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary

Linnarahvastik 1 Kokku 38 19 72 114 260 392

2 eestlased 36 21 72 120 251 420

3 venelased 39 15 72 102 278 340

4 ukrainlased 54 19 115 128 317 268

5 valgevenelased 16 10 55 83 290 406

6 soomlased 9 7 44 42 261 441

7 juudid 255 67 94 232 130 162

8 teised rahvused 34 14 48 119 263 379

1 Mehed 44 21 6995 279 411

2eestlased 47247097273421

3 venelased 36 15 68 88 290 395

4 ukrainlased 41 17 98 113 347 323

5 valgevenelased 17 8 48 76 313 458

6 soomlased 11 6 35 36 267 524

7 juudid 278 81 99 189 131 169

8 teised rahvused 28 13 46 104 298 411

1 Naised 34 18 74 128 246 377

2 eestlased 28 19 73 136 235 420

3 venelased 40 15 76 111 269 302

4 ukrainlased 69 21 134 146 281 205

5 valgevenelased 16 12 62 90 266 352

6 soomlased 8 7 49 46 257 393

7 juudid 234 54 90 270 129 156

8 teised rahvused 41 15 51 140 213 335

242 4.15 Järg

4.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No.

Urban population 632095 160263 322 Total 1

65 24 92 156 244 356 Estonians 2

58 14 99 161 288 280 Russians 3

76 16 138 219 317 174 Ukrainians 4

34 9 92 167 320 277 Belorussians 5

23 9 69 104 267 394 Finns 6

333 61 116 243 105 110 Jews 7

50 18 83 156 283 307 others 8

71 22 95 141 295 322 Males 1

74 28 86 126 276 357 Estonians 2

62 15 104 152 315 289 Russians 3

74 16 138 218 357 166 Ukrainians 4

41 10 98 168 360 268 Belorussians 5

25 10 62 110 299 419 Finns 6

382 70 121 199 104 101 Jews 7

55 21 92 149 318 298 others 8

571896 175 237 322 Females 1

59 21 96 178 220 355 Estonians 2

54 13 95 168 265 273 Russians 3

78 16 138 220 255 187 Ukrainians 4

27 8 86 165 278 286 Belorussians 5

22 9 74 100 245 378 Finns 6

285 52 111 286 107 118 Jews 7

44 15 72 164 242 318 others 8

243 4.15 Järg

4.15 Cont.

Rea 1959 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary

Maarahvastik 1 Kokku 8 6 36 32 153 570

2 eestlased 8 6 35 31 150 582

3 venelased 14 7 46 49 189 419

4 ukrainlased 31 17 87 101 345 309

5 valgevenelased 18 21 68 136 240 363

6 soomlased 1 2 29 11 146 511

7 juudid 255 45 136 191 136 200

8 teised rahvused 11 6 30 49 200 464

1 Mehed 10 5 34 27 163 587

2 eestlased 10 5 34 26 159 595

3 venelased 7 4 25 34 195 502

4 ukrainlased 10 6 43 72 399 393

5 valgevenelased 16 14 53 169 220 431

6 soomlased 1 1 20 9 153 601

7 juudid 184 41 82 163 143 327

8 teised rahvused 8 6 35 48 250 479

1 Naised 7 6 37 35 147 557

2 eestlased 6 6 36 34 144 573

3 venelased 20 10 62 60 185 357

4 ukrainlased 59 30 144 139 273 201

5 valgevenelased 22 29 87 94 265 279

6 soomlased 1 2 34 12 142 462

7 juudid 311 49 180 213 131 98

8 teised rahvused 13 6 24 49 143 446

244 4.15 Järg

4.15 Cont.

1970 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No.

Rural population 18 6 53 52 199 526 Total 1

17 6 53 47 191 542 Estonians 2

24 5 54 94 254 393 Russians 3

28 8 99 199 401 207 Ukrainians 4

19 10 67 128 299 313 Belorussians 5

8 3 34 33 201 508 Finns 6

351 18 243 135 63 144 Jews 7

13 2 36 68 237 470 others 8

18 6 49 47 228 530 Males 1

17 7 48 38 216 551 Estonians 2

27 4 59 104 297 392 Russians 3

26 8 104 198 431 197 Ukrainians 4

21 13 71 139 332 320 Belorussians 5

9 3 27 28 244 559 Finns 6

321 26 295 115 64 141 Jews 7

15 4 42 81 269 452 others 8

17 6 57 57175 522 Females 1

17 6 58 55 172 535 Estonians 2

21 6 49 82 209 394 Russians 3

32 8 86 199 326 231 Ukrainians 4

16 8 62 114 259 304 Belorussians 5

7 2 39 35 174 476 Finns 6

424 0 121 182 61 152 Jews 7

11 1 30 54 202 489 others 8

245 4.16 RAHVASTIK HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) 4.16 POPULATION BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) Rea 1979 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 74 16 120 182 238 326

2 eestlased 70 18 106 156 234 376

3 venelased 81 13 146 227 247 235

4 ukrainlased 94 13 184 292 222 161

5 valgevenelased 54 9 147 243 261 231

6 soomlased 35 7 92 130 245 411

7 juudid* 428 42 138 220 78 78

8 teised rahvused 69 14 117 254 244 250

1 Mehed 78 16 115 172 272 317

2 eestlased 73 19 99 135 271 372

3 venelased 86 12 144 228 277 227

4 ukrainlased 94 12 178 298 242 157

5 valgevenelased 62 9 149 252 287 214

6 soomlased 37 8 84 133 302 395

7 juudid* 480 42 142 177 81 65

8 teised rahvused 73 14 112 275 265 230

1 Naised 71 16 124 190 210 333

2 eestlased 67 17 113 172 205 380

3 venelased 78 14 148 226 222 241

4 ukrainlased 94 15 192 283 195 165

5 valgevenelased 47 10 145 233 234 248

6 soomlased 34 7 97 128 208 421

7 juudid* 377 42 134 263 75 90

8 teised rahvused 63 14 122 229 219 272

246 4.16 Järg

4.16 Cont.

1989 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No. Total population 107 17 179 238 196 240 Total 1

99 19 163 217 208 275 Estonians 2

119 14 203 269 180 186 Russians 3

130 16 250 313 147 124 Ukrainians 4

94 13 228 284 180 166 Belorussians 5

59 9 148 190 218 324 Finns 6

513 39 155 154 64 69 Jews* 7

111 23 191 312 169 163 others 8

107 18 167 244 218 230 Males 1

96 19 152 210 238 269 Estonians 2

122 14 187 291 193 177 Russians 3

135 16 236 329 156 117 Ukrainians 4

103 15 219 306 193 149 Belorussians 5

60 10 140 217 255 286 Finns 6

558 39 144 134 67 54 Jews* 7

112 25 179 344 177 146 others 8

107 17 190 233 177 248 Females 1

102 18 172 222 184 281 Estonians 2

117 14 217 250 168 194 Russians 3

124 16 266 296 135 132 Ukrainians 4

86 11 236 263 169 181 Belorussians 5

58 8 154 172 192 350 Finns 6

467 39 166 174 62 85 Jews* 7

109 21 206 277 159 182 others 8

247 4.16 Järg

4.16 Cont.

Rea 1979 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary

Linnarahvastik 1 Kokku 92 20 134 222 232 263

2 eestlased 96 25 120 208 223 300

3 venelased 85 13 151 235 246 222

4 ukrainlased 99 14 188 297 214 154

5 valgevenelased 55 10 149 247 259 225

6 soomlased 46 10 109 162 246 357

7 juudid* 429 43 136 222 77 78

8 teised rahvused 75 16 123 273 237 225

1 Mehed 98 20 129 211 262257

2 eestlased 103 27 112 181 256 300

3 venelased 89 13 149 236 275 215

4 ukrainlased 98 13 181 307 234 151

5 valgevenelased 62 9 152 258 284 208

6 soomlased 50 12 100 163 302 342

7 juudid* 481 43 139 179 81 66

8 teised rahvused 78 16 119 291 260 210

1 Naised 87 19 138 232 207 269

2 eestlased 91 23 127 230 198 300

3 venelased 82 14 152 234 222 228

4 ukrainlased 99 15 197 284 188 159

5 valgevenelased 48 10 147 236 234 242

6 soomlased 43 9 115 162 212 366

7 juudid* 378 42 134 265 73 91

8 teised rahvused 72 17 129 525 211 243

248 4.16 Järg

4.16 Cont.

1989 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No.

Urban population 126 20 190 266 180 198 Total 1

128 24 170 256 187 222 Estonians 2

123 14 208 273 177 178 Russians 3

136 17 258 311 141 118 Ukrainians 4

95 13 232 285 180 161 Belorussians 5

73 11 164 219 215 277 Finns 6

514 39 154 154 65 69 Jews* 7

119 25 198 317 162 149 others 8

127 21 177 273 198 191 Males 1

127 26 156 247 212 221 Estonians 2

125 15 192 295 189 170 Russians 3

139 17 244 328 151 111 Ukrainians 4

103 16 223 306 192 146 Belorussians 5

78 11 151 249 245 242 Finns 6

557 40 143 135 68 54 Jews* 7

119 28 187 346 171 133 others 8

125 19 201 259166 204 Females 1

128 23 180 263 168 223 Estonians 2

121 14 222 254 167 184 Russians 3

131 17 274 291 129 127 Ukrainians 4

88 11 240 264 168 176 Belorussians 5

70 10 172 200 197 299 Finns 6

469 38 165 174 62 85 Jews* 7

119 22 211 285 152 167 others 8

249 4.16 Järg

4.16 Cont. Rea 1979 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary Maarahvastik 1 Kokku 3488889251469 2 eestlased 32 8 87 81 250 484

3 venelased 47 6 98 150 260 355

4 ukrainlased 60 8 154 246 284 209

5 valgevenelased 48 6 111 192 281 301

6 soomlased 16 3 62 72 242 508

7 juudid* 344 16 234 109 141 47

8 teised rahvused 38 4 85 167 274 360

1 Mehed 35 78385 292 452 2 eestlased 32 8 81 72 291 470

3 venelased 57 5 95 160 295 337

4 ukrainlased 64 7 157 227 310 209

5 valgevenelased 63 4 108 182 325 283

6 soomlased 16 2 57 83 302 485

7 juudid* 371 0 314 86 86 57

8 teised rahvused 51 3 82 199 289 326

1 Naised 3289394216 484 2 eestlased 32 8 92 88 215 497

3 venelased 38 8 101 139 226 373

4 ukrainlased 54 9 149 271 247 210

5 valgevenelased 32 8 114 202 233 321

6 soomlased 15 4 65 65 200 524

7 juudid* 310 34 138 138 207 34

8 teised rahvused 25 4 89 133 257 397

250 4.16 Järg

4.16 Cont. 1989 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No. Rural population 5810152167236 347 Total 1 56 10 153 157 241 356 Estonians 2

79 8 144 227 207 284 Russians 3

86 10 190 333 190 171 Ukrainians 4

88 7 178 277 190 212 Belorussians 5

28 6 116 131 222 422 Finns 6

491 51 220 102 17 68 Jews* 7

61 9 151 284 210 247 others 8

57 9 144 173 268325 Males 1 52 10 145 159 275 336 Estonians 2

96 6 127 252 226 259 Russians 3

102 8 176 331 200 168 Ukrainians 4

105 4 167 307 198 190 Belorussians 5

27 7 119 158 274 368 Finns 6

625 0 187 94 0 31 Jews* 7

68 6 132 333 215 223 others 8

6010159162 208 366 Females 1 60 10 159 156 211 374 Estonians 2

61 10 162 202 189 308 Russians 3

68 13 206 335 179 174 Ukrainians 4

72 9 189 247 182 235 Belorussians 5

29 5 115 111 184 461 Finns 6

334 111 259 111 37 111 Jews* 7

52 12 173 230 204 274 others 8 * Sealhulgas mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.

251 4.17 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1979, 1989 (elanikkond vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) 4.17 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1979, 1989 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants) Rea 1979 nr. Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary Row plete second- second- plete No. higher ary ary secondary 1 Kogu elanikkkond 125 24 145 253 208 214 2 eestlased 137 30 126 241 200 242

3 venelased 110 18 166 257 219 191

4 ukrainlased 108 16 188 317 204 138

5 valgevenelased 63 12 168 288 246 184

6 soomlased 78 16 145 208 246 257

7 juudid* 445 43 130 222 75 74

8 teised rahvused 94 19 139 317 223 173

1 Mehed 135 26 147 239 234 200 2 eestlased 154 36 123 206 229 233

3 venelased 115 17 172 256 241 178

4 ukrainlased 101 14 184 332 224 131

5 valgevenelased 67 11 170 300 270 165

6 soomlased 81 20 135 198 285 251

7 juudid* 496 42 136 174 78 64

8 teised rahvused 89 19 135 340 247 154

1 Naised 118 23 143 264 187 226 2 eestlased 124 26 127 266 179 250

3 venelased 106 19 160 258 200 202

4 ukrainlased 118 18 195 294 175 147

5 valgevenelased 58 12 165 273 217 207

6 soomlased 77 13 150 214 225 261

7 juudid* 395 44 123 270 71 84

8 teised rahvused 101 20 145 287 190 199

252 4.17 Järg

4.17 Cont.

1989 Rea Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: nr. Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: Nationality, kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- sex mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- higher incom- special general incom- primary plete second- second- plete Row higher ary ary secondary No. 167 25 203 272 158 159 Total population 1 178 30 173 270 165 173 Estonians 2

156 19 228 268 154 154 Russians 3

150 21 268 310 133 102 Ukrainians 4

109 20 261 295 160 132 Belorussians 5

118 15 203 235 198 206 Finns 6

527 39 145 154 61 71 Jews* 7

144 35 219 334 143 107 others 8

170 28 196 277 170 148 Males 1 184 34 164 256 184 168 Estonians 2

157 21 219 287 160 144 Russians 3

145 23 261 331 142 91 Ukrainians 4

112 26 255 316 169 114 Belorussians 5

131 23 189 254 218 169 Finns 6

576 39 130 133 63 56 Jews* 7

134 38 211 369 147 91 others 8

165 23 209 268 147 167 Females 1 173 27 181 280 150 177 Estonians 2

155 17 235 253 148 163 Russians 3

156 18 278 283 123 115 Ukrainians 4

105 14 267 272 151 151 Belorussians 5

110 11 211 225 186 227 Finns 6

478 39 159 175 60 85 Jews* 7

158 31 230 288 136 128 others 8 * Sealhulgas mägi-, Gruusia, Kesk-Aasia ning Krimmi juudid. * Included Mountain, Georgian, Central Asian and Crimean Jewish.

253 4.18 TALLINNA ELANIKKOND HARIDUSE, RAHVUSE JA SOO JÄRGI, 1970 (elanikkond vanuses 10 aastat ja enam; 1000 elaniku kohta) 4.18 POPULATION OF TALLINN BY EDUCATIONAL LEVEL, NATIONALITY AND SEX, 1970 (population aged 10 years and over; per 1000 inhabitants)

1970 Isikuid 1000 vastavast rahvusest elaniku kohta haridusega: Rahvus, Persons per 1000 inhabitants of given nationality with educational level: sugu kõrg- lõpeta- kesk- üld- mitte- alg- mata eri- kesk- täielik kõrg- kesk- Nationality, higher incom- special general incom- primary sex plete second- second- plete higher ary ary secondary

Kogu elanikkkond 85 26 104 195 255 274 Total population eestlased 91 31 99 192 233 306 Estonians venelased 73 20 110 193 281 243 Russians ukrainlased 78 18 134 234 320 164 Ukrainians valgevenelased 42 13 107 203 337 225 Belorussians soomlased 40 17 87 171 293 304 Finns juudid 337 61 112 253 104 103 Jews teised rahvused 73 28 103 198 292 228 others Mehed 96 31 111 170 293 257 Males eestlased 108 38 100 155 272 287 Estonians venelased 78 21 123 179 311 239 Russians ukrainlased 72 18 136 232 361 152 Ukrainians valgevenelased 48 15 113 198 378 214 Belorussians soomlased 38 19 79 200 340 285 Finns juudid 388 68 120 205 101 96 Jews teised rahvused 76 32 113 175 337 221 others Naised 77 23 99 215 224 287 Females eestlased 79 25 98 219 204 320 Estonians venelased 69 19 99 205 256 246 Russians ukrainlased 88 17 130 237 252 183 Ukrainians valgevenelased 33 10 100 210 285 237 Belorussians soomlased 42 16 92 149 259 318 Finns juudid 287 53 104 301 107 110 Jews teised rahvused 69 23 90 226 234 238 others


Kokkusealhulgas haridusega: Kokku sealhulgas haridusega: Vanusegrupp, kutse-of whom with educational level: töötav of whom with educational level: sugu haridusega üld- mitte- alg- kutse- üld- mitte- alg- rahvastik kesk- täielik haridusega kesk- täielik kesk- rahvastik kesk- Age-group, Population general in- primary Employed general in- primary sex with second- com- population second- com- vocational ary plete with ary plete education, second- vocational second- total ary education, ary total

Kogurahvastik 127538 71429 41720 14389 110222 65124 34874 10224 Total population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54/59 112507 67901 35021 9585 104862 63761 32347 8754 Mehed 81066 42348 28642 10076 73057 39517 25405 8135 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–59 75389 41129 26170 8090 70822 38988 24411 7423 Naised 46472 29081 13078 4313 37165 25607 9469 2089 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54 37118 26772 8851 1495 34040 24773 7936 1331

Linnarahvastik 85536 53988 24156 7392 74145 49203 19720 5222 Urban population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54/59 75066 51048 19402 4616 70053 48011 17819 4223 Mehed 51946 31462 15655 4829 46785 29283 13624 3878 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–59 48139 30458 13921 3760 45155 28823 12889 3443 Naised 33590 22526 8501 2563 27360 19920 6096 1344 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54 26927 20590 5481 856 24898 19188 4930 780

Maarahvastik 42002 17441 17564 6997 36077 15921 15154 5002 Rural population sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54/59 37441 16853 15619 4969 34809 15750 14528 4531 Mehed 29120 10886 12987 5247 26272 10234 11781 4257 Males sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–59 27250 10671 12249 4330 25667 10165 11522 3980 Naised 12882 6555 4577 1750 9805 5687 3373 745 Females sh. vanuses: of whom aged: 16–54 10191 6182 3370 639 9142 5585 3006 551


Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr. Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Kogurahvastik 1 Kokku 621451 723900 798360 850471 136.9 117.5 106.5 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 22272 50708 86137 127677 573.3 251.8 148.2 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 8177 10794 11422 13603 166.4 126.0 119.1 4 keskeriharidusega 47308 85480 137239 208517 440.8 243.9 151.9 5 üldkeskharidusega 53068 110693 182975 257424 485.1 232.6 140.7 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 147827 220510 209782 151488 102.5 68.7 72.2 7 algharidusega 291735 224138 162508 88036 30.2 39.3 54.2 8 ei oma algharidust 50944 19647 7920 3723 7.3 18.9 47.0 9 haridus näitamata 120 1930 377 3 2.5 0.2 0.8

1 Mehed 316526 362405 397565 426515 134.7 117.7 107.3 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 11546 25173 41617 60366 522.8 239.8 145.1 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 4070 5681 5513 6845 168.2 120.5 124.2 4 keskeriharidusega 21036 38404 60769 92751 440.9 241.5 152.6 5 üldkeskharidusega 21539 46336 82594 128081 594.6 276.4 155.1 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 78107 117785 115695 87286 111.8 74.1 75.4 7 algharidusega 157852 119861 87919 49519 31.4 41.3 56.3 8 ei oma algharidust 22325 8281 3261 1666 7.5 20.1 51.1 9 haridus näitamata 51 884 197 1 2.0 0.1 0.5

1 Naised 304925 361495 400795 423956 139.0 117.3 105.8 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 10726 25535 44520 67311 627.5 263.6 151.2 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 4107 5113 5909 6758 164.5 132.2 114.4 4 keskeriharidusega 26272 47076 76470 115766 440.6 245.9 151.4 5 üldkeskharidusega 31529 64357 100381 129343 410.2 201.0 128.9 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 69720 102725 94087 64202 92.1 62.5 68.2 7 algharidusega 133883 104277 74589 38517 28.8 36.9 51.6 8 ei oma algharidust 28619 11366 4659 2057 7.2 18.1 44.2 9 haridus näitamata 69 1046 180 2 2.9 0.2 1.1

256 4.20 Järg 4.20 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex

Row No.

Total population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 36 70 108 150 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 13 15 14 16 education 76 118 172 245 special secondary education 4 85 153 229 303 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 238 304 263 178 education 470 310 204 104 primary education 7 82 27 10 4 without primary education 8 0300education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 36 69 105 142 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 13 16 14 16 education 66 106 153 217 special secondary education 4 68 128 208 300 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 247 325 291 205 education 499 331 221 116 primary education 7 71 23 8 4 without primary education 8 0200education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 35 71 111 159 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 14 14 15 16 education 86 130 191 273 special secondary education 4 103 178 250 305 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 229 284 235 151 education 439 289 186 91 primary education 7 94 31 12 5 without primary education 8 0300education has not been indicated 9

257 4.20 Järg 4.20 Cont.

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr. Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Linnarahvastik 1 Kokku 349428 507453 591077 635770 181.9 125.3 107.6 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 19155 44139 74082 107684 562.2 244.0 145.4 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 5991 8787 9164 10928 182.4 124.4 119.2 4 keskeriharidusega 33972 65980 106550 158606 466.9 240.4 148.9 5 üldkeskharidusega 43310 94577 154874 204571 472.3 216.3 132.1 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 101240 158293 141692 96855 95.7 61.2 68.4 7 algharidusega 129250 123481 98803 54421 42.1 44.1 55.1 8 ei oma algharidust 16453 11072 5588 2702 16.4 24.4 48.4 9 haridus näitamata 57 1124 324 3 5.3 0.3 0.9

1 Mehed 178894 247317 287059 310464 173.5 125.5 108.2 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 9869 22114 35803 50882 515.6 230.1 142.1 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 3185 4757 4548 5552 174.3 116.7 122.1 4 keskeriharidusega 15220 30103 47285 69416 456.1 230.6 146.8 5 üldkeskharidusega 17413 39336 69636 100779 578.8 256.2 144.7 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 53580 83181 76668 54168 101.1 65.1 70.7 7 algharidusega 73155 63654 50928 28617 39.1 45.0 56.2 8 ei oma algharidust 6446 3662 2011 1049 16.3 28.6 52.2 9 haridus näitamata 26 510 180 1 3.8 0.2 0.6

1 Naised 170534 260136 304018 325306 190.8 125.1 107.0 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 9286 22025 38279 56802 611.7 257.9 148.4 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 2806 4030 4616 5376 191.6 133.4 116.5 4 keskeriharidusega 18752 35877 59265 89190 475.6 248.6 150.5 5 üldkeskharidusega 25897 55241 85238 103792 400.8 187.9 121.8 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 47660 75112 65024 42687 89.6 56.8 65.6 7 algharidusega 56095 59827 47875 25804 46.0 43.1 53.9 8 ei oma algharidust 10007 7410 3577 1653 16.5 22.3 46.2 9 haridus näitamata 31 614 144 2 6.5 0.3 1.4

258 4.20 Järg 4.20 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex

Row No.

Urban population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 55 87 125 169 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 17 17 16 17 education 97 130 180 250 special secondary education 4 124 187 262 322 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 290 312 240 152 education 370 243 167 86 primary education 7 47 22 9 4 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 55 90 125 164 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 18 19 16 18 education 85 122 165 224 special secondary education 4 97 159 242 325 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 300 336 267 174 education 409 257 177 92 primary education 7 36 15 7 3 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 54 85 126 175 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 16 16 15 17 education 110 138 195 274 special secondary education 4 152 212 280 319 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 280 289 214 131 education 329 230 157 79 primary education 7 59 28 12 5 without primary education 8 0210education has not been indicated 9

259 4.20 Järg 4.20 Cont.

Rea Koguarv 1989, % nr. Total population 1959. a. 1970. a. 1979. a. Haridus, suhtes suhtes suhtes sugu 1959 1970 1979 1989 In 1989, % Row in relation to No. 1959 1970 1979

Maarahvastik 1 Kokku 272023 216447 207283 214701 78.9 99.2 103.6 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 3117 6569 12055 19993 641.4 304.4 165.8 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 2186 2007 2258 2675 122.4 133.3 118.5 4 keskeriharidusega 13336 19500 30689 49911 374.3 256.0 162.6 5 üldkeskharidusega 9758 16116 28101 52853 541.6 328.0 188.1 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 46587 62217 68090 54633 117.3 87.8 80.2 7 algharidusega 162485 100657 63705 33615 20.7 33.4 52.8 8 ei oma algharidust 34491 8575 2332 1021 3.0 11.9 43.8 9 haridus näitamata 63 806 53 - - - -

1 Mehed 137632 115088 110506 116051 84.3 100.8 105.0 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 1677 3059 5814 9484 565.5 310.0 163.1 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 885 924 965 1293 146.1 139.9 134.0 4 keskeriharidusega 5816 8301 13484 23335 401.2 281.1 173.1 5 üldkeskharidusega 4126 7000 12958 27302 661.7 390.0 210.7 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 24527 34604 39027 33118 135.0 95.7 84.9 7 algharidusega 84697 56207 36991 20902 24.7 37.2 56.5 8 ei oma algharidust 15879 4619 1250 617 3.9 13.4 49.4 9 haridus näitamata 25 374 17 - - - -

1 Naised 134391 101359 96777 98650 73.4 97.3 101.9 sealhulgas: 2 kõrgharidusega 1440 3510 6241 10509 729.8 299.4 168.4 3 lõpetamata kõrgharidusega 1301 1083 1293 1382 106.2 127.6 106.9 4 keskeriharidusega 7520 11199 17205 26576 353.4 237.3 154.5 5 üldkeskharidusega 5632 9116 15143 25551 453.7 280.3 168.7 6 mittetäieliku keskharidusega 22060 27613 29063 21515 97.5 77.9 74.0 7 algharidusega 77788 44450 26714 12713 16.3 28.6 47.6 8 ei oma algharidust 18612 3956 1082 404 2.2 10.2 37.3 9 haridus näitamata 38 432 36 - - - -

260 4.20 Järg 4.20 Cont.

Isikuid 1000 elaniku kohta Rea Persons per 1000 inhabitants nr. Educational level, 1959 1970 1979 1989 sex

Row No.

Rural population 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 1 of whom with: 12 30 58 93 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 8 9 11 12 education 49 90 148 233 special secondary education 4 36 75 136 246 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 171 287 329 254 education 597 465 307 157 primary education 7 127 40 11 5 without primary education 8 040 -education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Males 1 of whom with: 12 27 53 82 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 78911education 42 72 122 201 special secondary education 4 30 61 117 235 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 178 301 353 286 education 616 488 335 180 primary education 7 115 40 11 5 without primary education 8 030 -education has not been indicated 9

1000 1000 1000 1000 Females 1 of whom with: 11 35 65 107 higher education 2 incomplete higher 3 10 11 13 14 education 56 110 178 269 special secondary education 4 42 90 157 259 general secondary education 5 incomplete secondary 6 164 272 300 218 education 579 439 276 129 primary education 7 138 39 11 4 without primary education 8 040 -education has not been indicated 9

261 4.21 ÕPPIV RAHVASTIK ÕPPEASUTUSE TÜÜBI, ÕPPEVORMI JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 6 aastat ja enam) 4.21 PUPILS AND STUDENTS BY TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, TYPE OF STUDY, AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 6 years and over) Rea nr. Õppiva sealhulgas isikuid, kes õpivad: rahvastiku of whom persons studying at: koguarv Aasta, Total kõrg- keskeri- üld- kutse- muus sugu number of koolis õppe- haridus- /koolis, koolis, pupils asutuses koolis /keskkoolis kursusel and higher special general vocational other students school second- second- /secondary school Row ary ary school or No. school school * course 1959 1 Kogurahvastik 199977 13818 12513 164690 3677 5279 2 Mehed 102044 6965 6742 81941 3195 3201 3 Naised 97933 6853 5771 82749 482 2078 4 Linnarahvastik 123498 12318 8811 95360 2869 4140 5 Mehed 62613 6321 4816 46602 2414 2460 6 Naised 60885 5997 3995 48758 455 1680 7 Maarahvastik 76479 1500 3702 69330 808 1139 8 Mehed 39431 644 1926 35339 781 741 9 Naised 37048 856 1776 33991 27 398 1970 1 Kogurahvastik 260735 24965 20299 201776 7488 6207 2 Mehed 132640 12710 10307 101414 4890 3319 3 Naised 128095 12255 9992 100362 2598 2888 4 Linnarahvastik 178311 22224 14409 131869 5196 4613 5 Mehed 89999 11413 7405 65691 3225 2265 6 Naised 88312 10811 7004 66178 1971 2348 7 Maarahvastik 82424 2741 5890 69907 2292 1594 8 Mehed 42641 1297 2902 35723 1665 1054 9 Naised 39783 1444 2988 34184 627 540 1979 1 Kogurahvastik 285719 28560 22464 212217 12128 10350 2 Mehed 145156 13447 11320 106440 8508 5441 3 Naised 140563 15113 11144 105777 3620 4909 4 Linnarahvastik 202699 25661 16372 143042 9351 8273 5 Mehed 102268 12245 7816 71794 6229 4184 6 Naised 100431 13416 8556 71248 3122 4089 7 Maarahvastik 83020 2899 6092 69175 2777 2077 8 Mehed 42888 1202 3504 34646 2279 1257 9 Naised 40132 1697 2588 34529 498 820 1989 1 Kogurahvastik 305402 30618 20664 229396 15717 9007 2 Mehed 154273 15397 10130 114017 10051 4678 3 Naised 151129 15221 10534 115379 5666 4329 4 Linnarahvastik 220186 27285 15070 159338 11694 6799 5 Mehed 110575 13820 7101 78978 7245 3431 6 Naised 109611 13465 7969 80360 4449 3368 7 Maarahvastik 85216 3333 5594 70058 4023 2208 8 Mehed 43698 1577 3029 35039 2806 1247 9 Naised 41518 1756 2565 35019 1217 961

262 4.21 ÕPPIV RAHVASTIK ÕPPEASUTUSE TÜÜBI, ÕPPEVORMI JA SOO JÄRGI, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (rahvastik vanuses 6 aastat ja enam) 4.21 PUPILS AND STUDENTS BY TYPE OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, TYPE OF STUDY, AND SEX, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 (population aged 6 years and over) Rea nr. Õppiva sealhulgas isikuid, kes õpivad: rahvastiku of whom persons studying at: koguarv Aasta, Total kõrg- keskeri- üld- kutse- muus sugu number of koolis õppe- haridus- /koolis, koolis, pupils asutuses koolis /keskkoolis kursusel and higher special general vocational other students school second- second- /secondary school Row ary ary school or No. school school * course 1959 1 Kogurahvastik 199977 13818 12513 164690 3677 5279 2 Mehed 102044 6965 6742 81941 3195 3201 3 Naised 97933 6853 5771 82749 482 2078 4 Linnarahvastik 123498 12318 8811 95360 2869 4140 5 Mehed 62613 6321 4816 46602 2414 2460 6 Naised 60885 5997 3995 48758 455 1680 7 Maarahvastik 76479 1500 3702 69330 808 1139 8 Mehed 39431 644 1926 35339 781 741 9 Naised 37048 856 1776 33991 27 398 1970 1 Kogurahvastik 260735 24965 20299 201776 7488 6207 2 Mehed 132640 12710 10307 101414 4890 3319 3 Naised 128095 12255 9992 100362 2598 2888 4 Linnarahvastik 178311 22224 14409 131869 5196 4613 5 Mehed 89999 11413 7405 65691 3225 2265 6 Naised 88312 10811 7004 66178 1971 2348 7 Maarahvastik 82424 2741 5890 69907 2292 1594 8 Mehed 42641 1297 2902 35723 1665 1054 9 Naised 39783 1444 2988 34184 627 540 1979 1 Kogurahvastik 285719 28560 22464 212217 12128 10350 2 Mehed 145156 13447 11320 106440 8508 5441 3 Naised 140563 15113 11144 105777 3620 4909 4 Linnarahvastik 202699 25661 16372 143042 9351 8273 5 Mehed 102268 12245 7816 71794 6229 4184 6 Naised 100431 13416 8556 71248 3122 4089 7 Maarahvastik 83020 2899 6092 69175 2777 2077 8 Mehed 42888 1202 3504 34646 2279 1257 9 Naised 40132 1697 2588 34529 498 820 1989 1 Kogurahvastik 305402 30618 20664 229396 15717 9007 2 Mehed 154273 15397 10130 114017 10051 4678 3 Naised 151129 15221 10534 115379 5666 4329 4 Linnarahvastik 220186 27285 15070 159338 11694 6799 5 Mehed 110575 13820 7101 78978 7245 3431 6 Naised 109611 13465 7969 80360 4449 3368 7 Maarahvastik 85216 3333 5594 70058 4023 2208 8 Mehed 43698 1577 3029 35039 2806 1247 9 Naised 41518 1756 2565 35019 1217 961

262 4.21 Järg

4.21 Cont.

Õppiva Õppiva Rea mitte-sealhulgas isikuid, kes õpivad: ja nr. töötava of whom persons studying at: töötava rahvastiku rahvas- koguarv kõrg- keskeri- üld- kutse- muus tiku Year, Un- koolis õppe- haridus- /koolis, koolis, koguarv sex employed asutuses koolis /keskkoolis kursusel Employed pupils higher special general vocational other pupils and school second- second- /secondary school and students, ary ary school or students, Row total school school * course total No. 1959 178696 8034 8985 156584 3677 1416 21281 Total population 1 89316 3769 4619 77149 3195 584 12728 Males 2 89380 4265 4366 79435 482 832 8553 Females 3 1059677797 6068 88263 2869 970 17531 Urban poplation 4 51959 3679 3135 42326 2414 405 10654 Males 5 54008 4118 2933 45937 455 565 6877 Females 6 72729 237 2917 68321 808 446 3750 Rural population 7 37357 90 1484 34823 781 179 2074 Males 8 35372 147 1433 33498 27 267 1676 Females 9 1970 223753 12448 12324 190768 6811 1402 36982 Total population 1 112195 5864 5842 95258 4555 676 20445 Males 2 111558 6584 6482 95510 2256 726 16537 Females 3 149322 11810 8240 123411 4851 1010 28989 Urban poplation 4 74233 5561 3969 61087 3079 537 15766 Males 5 75089 6249 4271 62324 1772 473 13223 Females 6 74431 638 4084 67357 1960 392 7993 Rural population 7 37962 303 1873 34171 1476 139 4679 Males 8 36469 335 2211 33186 484 253 3314 Females 9 1979 244032 15915 15121 198868 11259 2869 41687 Total population 1 122718 7316 7791 98248 7892 1471 22438 Males 2 121314 8599 7330 100620 3367 1398 19249 Females 3 171249 15317 10564 134249 8894 2225 31450 Urban poplation 4 85588 7082 5092 66347 5944 1123 16680 Males 5 85661 8235 5472 67902 2950 1102 14770 Females 6 72783 598 4557 64619 2365 644 10237 Rural population 7 37130 234 2699 31901 1948 348 5758 Males 8 35653 364 1858 32718 417 296 4479 Females 9 1989 276860 17581 15829 225887 15054 2509 28542 Total population 1 139690 8854 8048 111868 9678 1242 14583 Males 2 137170 8727 7781 114019 5376 1267 13959 Females 3 197816 16541 11258 156950 11223 1844 22370 Urban poplation 4 99336 8340 5508 77511 7000 977 11239 Males 5 98480 8201 5750 79439 4223 867 11131 Females 6 79044 1040 4571 68937 3831 665 6172 Rural population 7 40354 514 2540 34357 2678 265 3344 Males 8 38690 526 2031 34580 1153 400 2828 Females 9

* 1959., 1970. a. – kutsekoolid; 1979., 1989. a. – ka kutsekeskkoolid. * In 1959, 1970 – vocational schools; In 1979, 1989 – vocational schools and vocational secondary schools.