CapaCITy Building for Surveillance and Prevention of BSE and Other Zoonotic Diseases course manual

Management OF Transmissible Spongiform EncephalopatHIES in Livestock Feeds and Feeding

Olivier Fumière Daniel Guidon Dagmar Heim Elizabeth Mumford Ernst Nef Lukas Perler Andrew Speedy

FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2007 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

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© FAO 2007 iii contents

Foreword v Course objectives vii

Introduction to Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

1. Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies 1 2. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 3 3. Measures for control and prevention 5 4. Clinical signs of BSE 10 5. Diagnosis of BSE 10 6. Surveillance systems 14 7. Risk assessment 16 8. References 17

Overview: Implementation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies measures for livestock feeds

1. General concepts 21 2. Ban on SRM in feeds 21 3. Scope of feed bans 22 4. Control of cross contamination 22 5. Import restrictions 23 6. Enforcement 23 7. References 23

Protein use in livestock feeding

1. General concepts 25 2. Protein sources and supplements 28 3. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 31 4. References 32

Inactivation of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies agents

1. General concepts 33 2. Inactivation procedures 33 3. Future development of inactivation in rendering 35 4. References 36 iv

Rendering of animal by-products

1. General concepts 37 2. The rendering process 37 3. Goals of the rendering process 38 4. Other options for animal by-product disposal 39 5. Animal by-product legislation in the European Union 39 6. The future use of meat and bone meal 41 7. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 41 R8.eferences 42

Manufacturing of compound feeds for livestock

1. General concepts 43 2. Structure of a feed production plant 43 3. Feed production processes 45 4. References 50

Livestock feed regulations and industry guidelines

1. General concepts 51 2. International standards and national/regional regulations 52 3. Implementation of international and national standards and regulations: industry guidelines 57 4. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 60 5. References 61

Quality assurance in feed-producing plants

1. General concepts 63 2. Important points for quality assurance 64 3. Documentation and data 69 4. Complaints and product recall 70 5. Sample collection 71 6. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 72 7. References 73 

Laboratory analysis for the detection of prohibited materials in livestock feed

1. General concepts 75 2. Available test methods 76 3. Comparison of tests 80 4. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 81 5. References 82

BSE risk and trade in animal products and livestock feeds

1. General concepts 83 2. The effects of BSE on global trade 83 3. Assessing the risks of BSE in trade 83 4. Trade data: quality and quantity 84 5. Assessing BSE exposure risk 86 6. Summary of TSE-relevant concepts 89 7. References 89