7(E) -1 ITEM 7(E) Traffic Regulation Orders

A report by the Highway Manager to the Tunbridge Wells Joint Transportation Board on 15 March 2004. (040315/TB012)

1. This report concerns current and proposed Traffic Regulation Orders and Traffic Orders. These are divided into four groups.

(a) Orders currently being advertised, or about to be advertised, (b) Orders advertised without any objections, (c) Orders advertised with minor objections but determined by the Highway Manager [under delegated powers]; and (d) Orders advertised with objections upon which the views of this Board are sought [prior to the Highway Manager determining them].

Orders currently being advertised, or about to be advertised

2. Traffic Orders for speed limits in Brenchley, Capel, Frittenden, Goudhurst and Hawkhurst, including part of Cranbrook Parish, have recently been advertised. Some of the provisions of these Orders are to promote new speed limits whilst others form part of a programme of Orders to confirm existing village speed limits.

3. In Brenchley Parish, the aim is to create a single Order for the 30mph speed limit covering the village of Matfield. It is intended to follow this with an Order for the village of Brenchley.

4. In Capel Parish, the aim is in part to create a section of 40mph speed limit on Five Oak Green Road through Tudeley and this includes a length of Hartlake Road. The roads covered by the existing 40mph speed limit order for Five Oak Green are also included as well as part of the A228. This will allow the creation of a single Order for 40mph in Capel without the need to promote a consolidated order in due course. It should be noted that the 30mph speed limit in Five Oak Green does not require an Order as it is covered by the provisions of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

5. In Frittenden, the aim is to create a single Order for the 30mph and 40mph speed limits in the village of Frittenden. The Order also includes a 50mph speed limit on the A229 at Knoxbridge for that part (340 metres) which lies within the Borough of Tunbridge Wells. A further Order will be needed to extend this limit into the Borough of for a distance of 490 metres but it has not been possible to resolve certain procedural issues in time to advertise it. The provisions of the last part of the advertised Order will not be implemented, subject to the consultation process, until the Order relating to the A229 in the Borough of Maidstone is ready to be made.

6. In Goudhurst Parish, the Order covers the 30mph areas of Goudhurst, Curtisden Green and Flimwell, bringing them together in one Order. There is also a new proposal for a 40mph speed limit along the A262 Station Road roughly between the bridge and the existing 30mph limit near Lurkins Rise.

7. In Hawkhurst parish, and part of Cranbrook Parish, the Order proposes a 50mph speed limit on the A229 from the existing 40mph terminal point at Hartley in Cranbrook Parish to the existing 40mph terminal point at Gills Green. The proposal also includes Limes Grove and part of Slip Mill Road, up to the 30mph terminal point north of Wellington Cottages.

040315/TB012 7(E) - Traffic Regulation Orders

8. An Order for the experimental closure of Warwick Road, at its junction with High Street, will be advertised shortly, once a programme of works for the necessary roadworks has been determined. A similar experimental order for the closure of Northgrove Road Hawkhurst at its junction with the A229 Cranbrook Road is also planned following recent consultation with local residents.

Orders advertised without any objections

9. An Order for Sandrock Road, prohibiting waiting at any time on various lengths of the road is about to be made, following the completion of the statutory consultation process during which no objections were received.

10. Orders advertised with minor objections, but determined by the Highway Manager

11. Orders for the following roads have been, or are about to be made, following the completion of the statutory consultation process during which minor objections were received. After due consideration these Orders were determined by the Highway Manager, as follows: (a) Talbot Road Hawkhurst, ‘One Way’ - Order to be made as advertised. (b) Sandrock Road, limited waiting - Order to be made as advertised. (c) Silverdale Road, limited waiting - Order to be made as advertised

Order advertised with objections upon which the views of this Board are sought

12. An Order for ‘One Way’ working in the unclassified section of Horns Road, Hawkhurst was advertised earlier this year. The Order was promoted in conjunction with other measures to address concerns, initially raised by a local Member, over the safety of the road and the effect of traffic using it on certain services at the church of St Laurence. In particular, the concerns relate to the volume and size of vehicles which, wishing to avoid the A229/B2244 junction at The Moor, enter Horns Road, pass westwards in front of the church and then join the A229. This traffic represents a potential hazard for other users of the road and also causes disruption especially when people attend weddings and funerals at the church.

13. Two objections were received to the proposed Order. One was from Hams Travel and related to their school services which pick up and set down outside the church and the second was from the church of St Laurence. Hawkhurst Parish Council have however reiterated their support for the ‘One Way’ scheme. There has also been support for the One Way scheme from the Parish Council and residents of Horns Road.

14. As regards Hams Travel, at present their buses enter Horns Road by making a right turn from Road having driven down from Hawkhurst. After picking up or setting down in front of the church, the buses turn right out of Horns Road and return towards the centre of Hawkhurst. Hams Travel are concerned about having to use Horns Road in the opposite direction. They state that the buses would not be able to turn left out from Horns Road into Hastings Road, presumably due to lack of road space. They identified a possible alternative route which would involve an additional 6 miles travelling. They also anticipated needing to amend their pick up points and implied that this may place their passengers at risk but they did not elaborate on this.

040315/TB012 7(E) - Traffic Regulation Orders

15. The letter from the church, written on behalf of the vicar, states that the use of this part of Horns Road by heavy lorries is not suited to the nature of the road but does not agree to the proposal to make the road one way. Instead it is suggested that a left turn ban be implemented to prohibit northbound traffic travelling up from Seddlescombe from entering Horns Road from Hastings Road.

16. There is no dispute from the objectors that traffic turning left from Hastings Road into Horns Road for whatever purpose causes difficulties for other users of Horns Road. They both question whether the proposed remedy is the most appropriate. In theory, a left turn ban from Hastings Road into Horns Road should have the desired effect as few vehicles make the right turn into Horns Road and they are probably visitors local residents, visitors to the church, and the school buses. However, experience has shown that turn bans are more likely to be ignored than a "No Entry", which tends to be widely respected. In view of this, and despite the objections raised, it is recommended that the Order be implemented as advertised.


17. The recent decisions of the Highway Manager in relation to Orders for Sandrock Road and Silverdale Road (Limited Waiting) and Talbot Road (‘One Way’) and also the progress with advertising speed limit Orders; be noted and, subject to the views of this Board, the proposed ‘One Way’ Order at Horns Road Hawkhurst, be implemented as advertised.

Contact Officer:- Andy Smart 01892 554038
