LIBRARY OF THINGS! Guildford Borough Council are working with Surrey County Council and SUEZ recycling and recovery UK to pilot one of TONGHAM PARISH NEWSLETTER the first ‘Library of Things’ in the country. Courses starting in May in Seale village hall, only 5 min- utes ‘drive’ away, for puppy training and socialization and The volunteer-run scheme will launch on Thursday 7 June in scent work, Contact
[email protected] or call 07493 Guildford Library and enable residents to borrow hand-held SUMMER 2018 066219 to book your place. Check out the website for all DIY, gardening and decorating tools at a fraction of the cost other services, e.g. dog-walking or cat sitting. to buy. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN NEW PLAY AREA FOR TONGHAM! Cllr Philip Brooker, Lead Cllr for Housing and Environment Does Tongham need one? There are three play areas in Tongham; one for small chil- explains: “We are delighted to be one of the first public sec- dren in the Recreation Ground, one behind St Paul’s School A Neighbourhood Plan would give Tongham power to de- tor collaborations in the country to trial this exciting new in the Cardinals, and one in The Moors Trust behind the BYGONE TONGHAM: Then & Now initiative. The social enterprise scheme expands the -ex velop a shared and considered vision of the future of our vil- isting library service and creates a unique opportunity for lage, and to have more input on shaping the development The first in a series of historical images of our residents to borrow tools for a small donation, as they do and growth of the local area.