Local descent to quasi-split even general spin groups Eyal Kaplan∗1, Jing Feng Lau2, and Baiying Liu†3 1Department of Mathematics, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002, Israel,
[email protected] 2Singapore University of Social Sciences, 463 Clementi Road, Singapore 599494, Singapore, jfl
[email protected] 3Department of Mathematics, Purdue University, 150 N. University Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2067, U.S.A.,
[email protected] March 14, 2019 Abstract Let n ¥ 2 and τ be an irreducible unitary supercuspidal representation of GLp2nq over a local non-archimedean field. Assuming the twisted symmetric square L-function of τ has a pole at s “ 0, we construct the local descent of τ to the corresponding general spin group of even rank (split over the base field, or over a quadratic extension). We show that this local descent is non-trivial, generic, unitary and supercuspidal. Moreover, any generic irreducible supercuspidal representation of the general spin group which lifts functorially to τ is contragradient to some constituent of the representation we construct. Keywords: Local Descent, GSpin Groups, Local Langlands Functoriality. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification Primary 11F70, 22E50; Secondary 11F85, 22E55. 1 Introduction Let G be a connected reductive algebraic group defined over a global field K or local field F , let G be the group of rational points over that field. One of the central problems in the Langlands program is to determine the functorial image of a Langlands functorial lift corresponding to some L- homomorphism from LG to a suitable general linear group. To this end, when G is a classical group, with the exception of some low rank cases, it has been shown that the local and global descent method is an effective approach in proving that the relevant functorial image is contained in the collection of irreducible admissible representations of certain p-adic linear groups or automorphic representations of adelic linear groups satisfying a list of conditions, cf.