Apriill//May 2020

October/November 2019 Issue 175 Price £1 Killin News Editorial

It seems that, in the blink of an eye, the whole world, our small part of it included, has been transformed into an uncertain, fearful place, in which we all feel as if we are treading on eggshells, not knowing what the future holds for us, our families and our friends. When the last Killin News was published, none of us had even heard of Coronavirus, but now, already many positives are beginning to emerge. The huge concerted efforts by our NHS teams, with scientists, governments and communities around the world to overcome a common enemy is heartening. Killin Community is no exception. As you will see on page 3, a group of local volunteers have very speedily thrown us all a precious lifeline, in the form of DEADLINES the newly created Killin Care Group. The speed with which this happened, Issue 176 including the production and distribution of leaflets to every home, is a huge Advertising 1st May credit to all involved. Copy 8th May On a world scale, with few air flights and less car use, we are already seeing Flyers 20th May rapid environmental improvements, prompting many to reconsider their priorities in life. Yet another positive is the resourceful use of social media and Publication 29th May television to reach and encourage groups of us to join in a host of activities, Index such as exercises, dancing, singing, all enjoyable and all from the confines of home. 1893 Storm Damage 23 Back in Killin, we are very pleased to report that a new Killin phonebook is Ads Index 38 now to be produced, thanks to some very keen volunteers (page 6). Our Bank Closure 25 production of this issue was challenging as we had to cope with daily changes Big Shed 32 and cancellations, but we hope you will still enjoy reading it and not be too Cancer Research 9 confused by it! Production of the next issue may be cancelled, depending on Crianlarich Nursery 9 the situation by that time, but be assured that we will return at some stage EAK 17 In the meantime, we all hope you stay safe and healthy. EH EAK Schools Project 31 Editorial 2 Editorial Policy Statement Frost Report 22 The Killin News is a free community newspaper produced and distributed KAT 9 every two months by volunteers to households and businesses in Killin and Killin & District Car Scheme 7 Killin Care Group 3 district. The aim of those involved is to produce an informative, accurate Killin Connection 8 and entertaining journal for those who live, work and visit in this area. Killin Community Council 11 Letters and articles published in the newspaper do not necessarily reflect Killin Floral Association 7 the views of the Production Committee and they reserve the right to Killin Heritage Society 7 shorten, edit or not publish any item. Contributions will be attributed to the Killin Medical Practice 4 author. Vested interests will be declared where applicable. Articles should Killin Music Festival 16 be between 200 and 300 words, photos in high quality and the content Killin Phone Book 6 should be original work relevant to Killin and environs. All personal emails Killin Primary School 20 are acknowledged by a reply. If you do not receive a reply please contact Later Life Training 28 us by phone or drop the article in the office letterbox. Letters 18 Local Author’s Latest Book 38 Production Committee Local Media Archive 31 Judy Forster, Sylvana Ginella, Liz Howard Local Planning Applications 37 Susan Howard, Angus Inglis, Angus Kay, Lockdown 29 Anneke Mayo, Chris Rose, Marion Strang Lodge Breadalbane 33 Photographer Ron Allner Mobile Libraries 39 Musings From The Manse 24 Delivery Volunteers New NeighbourFood Service 27 Mary Anderson, Jim Beattie, Margaretanne Browne, Obituary 32 Ellen Cattenach, Theresa Elliot (and James), Pandemic Prayer 12 Lynne Ferguson, Tim and Ruth Fison, Tim Frost, Linda Frost, Old Mill 9 Elizabeth Hancock, Andrea Hobson, Jillian Laurence, Police Report 10 Margaret MacIver, Katy MacLeod, Catherine Macmilla