The Church Bells of Dorset
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The Church Bells of dorset by W. M. Barnes & J. J. Raven File 02 – Monograph (end), – Pages 78 to 164 This document is provided for you by The Whiting Society of Ringers visit for the full range of publications and articles about bells and change ringing . 78 THE CHURCH DELLS OF DORSET. DEANERY OF SHAFTESDURY. SruJUUNSl'ER NEW'l'ON PoRTION. No. 13. 1. COMPTON ABBAS <S. Mary), Five bells. Tenor-Diam., 36tin.; height, z7in. !. Birmingham James Bartwell founder 1873 z. V.R. Jubilee rB97 Laus Dco R.S. K.B Rector E H; W G. Churchwardens T. Blackburn founder Salisbury. 3· Searve God I W r6r6. 4· + (z.) mntia (r6.) 5· F{E:!UE:ffiBE.:lt GOD I D F{ <:9. 1624. 2. FARRINGDON <S. John Baptist>. One small bell in a cote. No inscription. 3. FONTMELL MAGNA CS. Andrew), Six bells. Tenor-Diam., 4-5in.; height, 32!in.; weight, 18cwt. 1. Cast by John Warner and Sons London 1863. St. Andrews repaired rebuilt and enlarged. Sir Richard Plumtree Glyn, Bart. Robert Salkeld Rector. C. Mayo and J. Haskell Churchwardens. G. Evans Architect. z. Prayes the Lord I W 1618 3· Prayse God. I 6z6. I D. +• lfi THOlo>lAS G.OD REDOt;T IS WILLIAM ffig VINSON 16.p \V ~-1) 5· + (z) }.:It ~tt .Sede )?r.o :ffi.ol1i$ )i(h'OG ,en~tilt (6s.) ~~* -~'l!i1tfi 6. +flUE: illflF{Ifi (66.) THE CHURCH HELLS OF DORSET. 79 4• HAMMOON <Dedioatron unknown), Two bells. Tcnor-Diam., 23}in.; lieight, 16lin.; note E. '· + Ulfi~Ifl (68.) z. + a q .ul tt g (67.) 6. HANFORD <Dedication unknown). One small bell of peculiar pear-shaped form in an open bell gable ; no inscription or mark of any kind. Diam., •+!in.; height, r+iiri.; note B. 6. HINTON (5. Mary). Two bells. Tenor-Diam., 4-4-in.; height, 3 Jin. 1. Thomas Mears Founder. London z. 1614 Anno Domini W. P. 1. IWERNE COURTNEY or SHROTON CS. Mary), Four bells. Ter:or-Diam., 39}in.; height, z8;fin. 1, (Blank). z. Anno Domini 1631 3· Geve thanks to God r W 1590. +· Ulnutn mnriu (zs.) 8. IWERNE MINSTER CS. Mary), Five bells. Tenor-Diam., +Skin. ; height, 34-lin. ; note C. · t. M~ Thomas Harvey & M~ John Applin Churchwardens 1768. My treble voice makes hearts rejoice Abra~ Bilbie Founder. z. Feare the Lord I W. 16og. 3· * + f)·U!G> g E:@@IJE:SIE: g DE:DI?9 g ?'9€~<0Ifi g 51<9 g BOnfl g S'QB § IE:S'Q g nommfi g sonfJ 8 (69.) A 00 0 66,-l!'OKHiELL MAGNA TE.L';OR P!in. Cross). (\ I - ~- • ,\l I l-: -. I~ . IQkk .. THF. CHt:R.CH BELLS OF DORSF.T. St 9. MANSTON CS. Nicholas>. Four bells. Tenor-Diam., 33t in.; height, 24--l-in. r. Anno Domini 1639 R Q P. 2, + (z6 A.) fElE: Grtfi<9Ifi 3· God be our guyd R R. 1598. 4· Reioysc in God 1635 I D. 10. MELBURY ABBAS <S. Thomas), Five bells. Tenor- Diam., 36in. ; height, 27in. ; weight, 7CWt. zqrs. 27Jb. t, z, 3, 4, S· C & G. Mears Founders London 185z II. OKEFORO CHILDE <S. Nichola&). Five bells. Tenor-Diam., ; note E ; weight, I]Cwt. zqr. 4-lb. r, z, 3, 4· ::\·t ears & Stainbank Whitechapcl Foundry London Laus De.:>. Victoria R. r83i- 1887 5· Mears & Stainbank Whitcchapel Foundry London Laus Deo Jubilee Peal 1887. J. G. Brymer Rector H. S. Bower, J. M. Rossiter, Churchwardens. 6. Mears & Stainbank Whitechapcl Foundry London Laus Deo. These .six bells set up by the people of Chi! de Okeford 18!l7 The oltl bolls, three iu number, bo1·o the following illscrlptions :- 1. John Raldwin Churchwal'den Robert W ells Aldbourne fecit 1783 (or 8) 2. J. Baldwin, Ohurchwa.rden. R. Walls Aldbourne fecit 1783 (or 8) 11 VV y Y "'Y 3. G-od bless the lUng Clmrb 1&18. I E. W M. T P. Thill boll was broken apparently by intention, but (from information received on the spot in 18.)2) not long bcforo that date. The reverl!iou of those letters o\·or "·hich the mark v stands is notable, o.nd probably inten tional, the inscription bl!ing dangerous a.t that epoch. A B 68,-HA~DlOON 1ST (Cross !tin.). 69.-IW.ER.'i'E. lHNSTER SRD (Cross l hi.). tHE CHt:RClt BEt.LS OF DORSE1', 12. OKEFORD FITZPAINE <S. Andrew). Five bells. Tenor-Diam., 4-o!in. ; height, z8lin.; note G. 1, z, 3, 4· T. Mears of J.ondon fecit 18zo S· .B . .Phillips, John Trowbridge Churchwardens John HaJI<•t overseer. T. Mears of London fecit 18zo Before recasting th~re were four bells in the tower, inscribed as followg:- t. 1664. R S.' W B. C.W. z. + X five * illlttht * Gracilt 3· Illegible. 4· I often have been beate and bandge My friends reioyce to see me handge : And when my friends doe chance to die Then I for them aloud will cry 1658. RR. TB. CW. 13. ORCHARD, EAST CS. Thomas). "There arc no bells at East Orchard."-Rev. E. V. CHAPPEL. ; 14. ORCHARD, WEST (Dedication unknown). Two small bells in a turret. 15. S. MARGARET MARSH. Four bells. Tenor-Diam., 21)tin. ~ height, z 1·/!in. 1, z, 3, 4· Cast by Warner and C'! London iu 18 74 Previous to Ill7f there were two bells- I. + .Snntta .GElargarit~ .or:t t,ro no bitt z. God be our guyd I W. 1586. 16. STURMINSTER NEWTON CS. Maryl, Six bells. Tcnor-Diam., 4-6!in.; JJeight, 34-in.; note E. r. The gift of the Rev~l Thomas H. Lane Fox, Rector 1827 THl!: CHURCH J~ J::LLS OF DORSET. z. God save the King r625. Recast by G. Mears & C? of London Oct. rst r86z . The Rev Richard Lowndes Vicar, H. C. Dashwood, John Todd, Churchwardens 3· Recast at the expense of the Rev~t Thomas H. Lane Fox, Rector 1827 4· The Rev'~ Tho~ H. Lane Fox donor, Wf!l Dobson founder Downham Norfolk r8z7 5· The Rev~ Tho~ H. L. Fox Rector and donor Ja~ Michel> vicar. W'!l Colborne ]'!0 Newman, c~ wardens J827 6. Serve the Lord I W. 16u. I W 17. SUTTON WALDRON <S. Bartholomew). Two bells. Tenor-Diam., 4-Jin.; height, 29~in.; weight, acwt. oqr. z db. 1, 2, Cast at Whitcchapel Bell Foundry London by C & G Mears t8+7· DEANERY OF BRIDPORT. (BRIDPORT PoRTION.) No. 2. I. ALLINGTON <S. Swithun). One modern light bell. 2. ASKERSWELL <S. Michael). Five bells. Tenor-Diam., 37!tin.; height, z7in. r. Cast by John Warner and Sons t886. Recast 1886 2. 6191· (1619) 3, 4· C. & G. Mears founders London 1852 5· Cast by John Warner & Sons 1886. Re~st A.D. 1886 )~. W. Fox Rector. E. Dawe, T. Bishop Wardens. Old Jh>b/e-William Lock Rector T ~ P. 17rz Old :Zinor-+ Ed ward Jenkins J ohn Travers Wardens I 7 12 T ~ P. THE CHURCH DELLS OF DORSET. ss 3. BOTHENHAMPTON <Holy Trinity). One bell. Diam., 32in.; height, soin. Tho. Young Io Harde C W. T P. Anno domini 1689 4. BRADPOLE <Holy Trinity), Six bells. Tenor-Diam., 36:Jin.; height, 2.6~in. r. The peal of five bells \vas hung 1865. Canon Broadley Vicar. This treble bell was added in his memory by his son A. M. Broadley of Yc Knapp Easter Eve 1896. A.M. :R. DG. 2, J, 4, s, 6. Cast by John \Varner & Sons London I865. 6. BRIDPORT CS. Mary), Eight bells. Tenor-Diam., 49in. ; note E ; weight, I9fCWt. r. Cast by J. Warner and S()ns London I887. To the gloty of God. Two bells were added and the peal completed in the Jubilce year of Queen Victoria I 887. E. I. I.. B. Hcnslowe Rector S. Whctham & T. W. IIartgill Church wardens 2. Cast by John Warner and Sons London I8Sj. Jubilate Deo. From the women of Bridport :1887. 3, 4, s, 6, 7, 8. (The inscriptions on the old bells are said to have been reproduced on these bells with the addition) Recast by John Warner and Sons I887. The inscriptions on the -old bells were as follows:- I. Thomas :Mears founder London. This bdl was adidr.d A.D. 1843· Rob~ Broadley Rector. ln. EN R. CW. :z. RD. 1\lD. CW. TP. anno domini r68 1. 3· John Colfax Elias Pun field Churchwardens Cast hy Thomas Bayly Bridgewater J7 r64. 86 THE CHURCH BEttS OF DORSET. 4· Thomas. ~Icars founder, London. A.D. 17Z7 recast A.D. 18+3. R Tucker & E. S. Knight C.W. 5· + anno domini 1630 6. Thomas :\[ears founder London. The gift of John Grancel and Joan his wife. Sing praise to God A.D. 1784 Recast A.D. 1843· R Tucker & E. S. Knight, CW. G. BRIDPORT, WEST BAY' <S. Andrew>. Three small modern bells not inscribed. 7. BURTON BRADSTOCK <S. Mary), l?ive bells. Tenor-Diam., 4oin.; height, 3oin. r. Richard Richards Rector. S. Soper, B. Barber C.W. if Is F fi I76Z w 2. M~ Samuel Best & l.\1~ Andrew Houndsell C~ wardens ~ Q Q 3· S B. I A. C W anno domini 1651 V.P. +· Anno Dni HD r615. W P. 5· A. Anno Domini r6z6. G P. 8. CHILCOMBE <Dedication unknown). One small bell in a western bell gable, bearing a post Reformation date, but no other inscription. 9. LODERS <S. Mary Magdalene). Six bells. Tenor-Diam., -t-8in.; height, 35iu. I. Thomas Mears founder London 1843 This bell was added A.D.