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European Papers European Papers A Journal on Law and Integration Vol. 2, 2017, N0 2 European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration ( Editors Ségolène Barbou des Places (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Enzo Cannizzaro (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Gareth Davies (VU University Amsterdam); Christophe Hillion (Universities of Leiden, Gothenburg and Oslo); Adam Lazowski (University of Westminster, London); Valérie Michel (University Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III); Juan Santos Vara (University of Salamanca); Ramses A. Wessel (University of Twente). Associate Editors M. Eugenia Bartoloni (Second University of Naples); Emanuele Cimiotta (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Elaine Fahey (City, University of London); Maria Fletcher (University of Glasgow); Eleni Frantziou (University of Westminster, London); Daniele Gallo (Luiss “Guido Carli” University, Rome); Paula García Andrade (Comillas Pontificas University, Madrid); Alan Hervé (University of Bretagne Occidentale); Claudio Matera (University of Twente); Nicola Napoletano (University of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza”). Scientific Board Uladzislau Belavusau (University of Amsterdam); Marco Benvenuti (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Francesco Bestagno (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan); Giacomo Biagioni (University of Cagliari); Marco Borraccetti (University of Bologna); Susanna Maria Cafaro (University of Salento); Roberta Calvano (University of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza”); Federico Casolari (University of Bologna); Roberto Cisotta (LUMSA University, Rome); Angela Cossiri (University of Macerata); Francesco Costamagna (University of Turin); Gráinne de Búrca (New York University School of Law); Chiara Favilli (University of Florence); Ester Herlin-Karnell (VU University of Amsterdam); Costanza Honorati (University of Milano-Bicocca); Sara Iglesias Sanchez (Court of Justice of the European Union); Francesca Ippolito (University of Cagliari); Clemens Kaupa (VU University Amsterdam); Jeffrey Kenner (University of Nottingham); Jan Klabbers (University of Helsinki); Vincent Kronenberger (Court of Justice of the European Union); Mitchel Lasser (Cornell Law School, Ithaca – New York); Philippe Maddalon (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Stefano Manacorda (Second University of Naples); Maura Marchegiani (University for “Foreigners” of Perugia); Mel Marquis (European University Institute, Florence); Fabrizio Marrella (University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari”); Francesco Martucci (University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas); Rostane Mehdi (University Paul Cézanne - Aix-Marseille III); François-Xavier Millet (Court of Justice of the European Union); Vincenzo Mongillo (University of Rome “Unitelma Sapienza”); Elise Muir (Maastricht University); Fernanda Nicola (Washington College of Law, American University); Raffaella Nigro (University of Perugia); Massimo Francesco Orzan (Court of Justice of the European Union); Tom Ottervanger (University of Leiden); Lorenzo Federico Pace (University of Molise); Etienne Pataut (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Fabrice Picod (University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas); Emanuela Pistoia (University of Teramo); Sara Poli (University of Pisa); Jorrit Rijpma (University of Leiden); Sophie Robin-Olivier (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne); Andrea Saccucci (Second University of Naples); Lorenzo Schiano di Pepe (University of Genua); Heike Schweitzer (Free University of Berlin); Silvana Sciarra (Italian Constitutional Court); Francesco Seatzu (University of Cagliari); Erika Szyszczak (University of Sussex); Chiara Enrica Tuo (University of Genua); Benedetta Ubertazzi (University of Milano Bicocca); Simone Vezzani (University of Perugia); Annamaria Viterbo (University of Turin); Jan Wouters (University of Leuven). Editorial Committee Managing Editors: Giulia D’Agnone (Magna Graecia university of Catanzaro); Caterina Mariotti (Luiss “Guido Carli” University, Rome); Alberto Miglio (University of Milan “Bicocca”); Stefano Montaldo (University of Turin); Aurora Rasi (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Andrea Spagnolo (University of Turin). Editorial Staff: Micol Barnabò (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Eleonora Catani (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Sara Fattorini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Mauro Gatti (University of Luxembourg); Ulyana Kohut (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Nicolò Nisi (Bocconi University, Milan); Matteo Pisi (University of Florence); Rossella Pulvirenti (University of Nottingham); Jacopo Re (University of Milan); Stefano Saluzzo (University of Palermo); Simone Ventura (University of Rome “La Sapienza”); Susanna Villani (University of Bologna); Daniela Vitiello (University of Roma Tre). European Papers is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. This Issue of the e-Journal (final on 30 October 2017) may be cited as indicated on the European Papers web site at Official Citation: European Papers, 2017, Vol. 2, No 2, ISSN 2499-8249 – European Papers (Online Journal) Registration: Tribunal of Rome (Italy), No 76 of 5 April 2016. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Web site Copyright © European Papers, 2016 European Papers A Journal on Law and Integration Vol. 2, 2017, N0 2 Editorial The Thousand Cataluñas of Europe p. 463 Articles Special Section – The New Frontiers of EU Administrative Law: Is there an accountability gap in EU external relations? edited by Marise Cremona and Päivi Leino Marise Cremona and Päivi Leino, Introduction: The New Frontiers of EU Ad- ministrative Law and the Scope of Our Inquiry 467 Joana Mendes, The External Administrative Layer of EU Law-making: Interna- tional Decisions in EU Law and the Case of CETA 489 Ioanna Hadjiyianni, The Extraterritorial Reach of EU Environmental Law and Access to Justice by Third Country Actors 519 Emilia Korkea-aho and Suvi Sankari, External Participants v. Internal Interests: Principles of EU Administrative Law in Anti-dumping Investigations 543 Jorrit J. Rijpma, External Migration and Asylum Management: Accountability for Executive Action Outside EU-territory 571 Ilaria Vianello, Acknowledging the Impact of Administrative Power in the EU External Action 597 Päivi Leino, Administering EU Development Policy: Between Global Commit- ments and Vague Accountability Structures 617 462 European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration – Vol. 2, 2017, No 2 Liisa Leppävirta, Procedural Rights in the Context of Restrictive Measures: Does the Adversarial Principle Survive the Necessities of Secrecy? 649 Marise Cremona, “Effective Judicial Review Is of the Essence of the Rule of Law”: Challenging Common Foreign and Security Policy Measures Before the Court of Justice p. 671 Marise Cremona and Päivi Leino, Is There an Accountability Gap in EU Exter- nal Relations? Some Initial Conclusions 699 Insights Stefano Montaldo, Judicial Cooperation, Transfer of Prisoners and Offenders’ Rehabilitation: No Fairy-tale Bliss. Comment on Ognyanov 709 Šeila Imamovic and Elise Muir, The Dublin III System: More Derogations to the Duty to Transfer Individual Asylum Seekers? 719 European Forum Insights and Highlights 729 European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration ( European Papers web site: The web site is an integral part of European Papers and pro- vides full on-line access to the contributions published in the four-monthly e-Journal and on the European Forum. Submission of Manuscripts to European Papers: complete instructions for submitting a manuscripts are available on the European Papers web site at Submitting to the e-Journal. Before submitting their manuscripts, Authors are strongly rec- ommended to read carefully these instructions and the Style Guide. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts for publication in the e-Journal to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Manuscripts sent through other channels will not be accepted for evaluation. Manuscripts Submission and Review Process: complete instructions for submitting a manuscripts are available on the European Papers web site. 1. European Papers encourages submissions for publication in the e-Journal and on the European Forum. Submissions must be related to the distinctive field of interest of European Papers and comply with the Submission to the e- Journal and Submission to the European Forum procedures, and with the Style Guide. 2. Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts to the following e-mail address: [email protected]. Authors are also requested to produce a short CV and to fill in, subscribe and submit the Copyright and Consent to Publish form. Authors must indicate whether their manuscript has or will been submitted to other journals. Exclu- sive submissions will receive preferential consideration. 3. European Papers is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal. 4. Manuscripts submitted for publication in European Papers are subject to a preliminary evaluation of the Editors. Manuscripts are admitted to the review process unless they do not manifestly comply with the requirements men- tioned above or unless, by their object, method or contents, do not manifestly fall short of its qualitative standard of excellence. 5. Admitted manuscripts are double-blindly peer-reviewed. Each reviewer addresses his/her recommendation to the reviewing Editor. In case of divergent recommendations, they are reviewed by a third reviewer or are handled by the reviewing Editor. Special care is put in handling with actual or
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