Coverage of Private Pension Systems: Evidence and Policy Options”, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No.20, OECD Publishing
OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions No. 20 Coverage of Private Pablo Antolin, Pension Systems: Evidence Stéphanie Payet, and Policy Options Juan Yermo Please cite this paper as: Antolin, P., S. Payet and J. Yermo (2012), “Coverage of Private Pension Systems: Evidence and Policy Options”, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No.20, OECD Publishing. OECD WORKING PAPERS ON FINANCE, INSURANCE AND PRIVATE PENSIONS, NO. 20 COVERAGE OF PRIVATE PENSION SYSTEMS: EVIDENCE AND POLICY OPTIONS Pablo Antolin, Stéphanie Payet, Juan Yermo June 2012 OECD WORKING PAPERS ON FINANCE, INSURANCE AND PRIVATE PENSIONS OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions provide timely analysis and background on industry developments, structural issues, and public policy in the financial sector, including insurance and private pensions. Topics include risk management, governance, investments, benefit protection, and financial education. These studies are prepared for dissemination in order to stimulate wider discussion and further analysis and obtain feedback from interested audiences. The papers are generally available only in their original language English or French with a summary in the other if available. OECD WORKING PAPERS ON FINANCE, INSURANCE AND PRIVATE PENSIONS are published on This document and any map included herein are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area. Ce document et toute carte qu'il peut comprendre ne préjugent en rien du statut de tout territoire, de la souveraineté s’exerçant sur ce dernier, du tracé des frontières et limites internationales, et du nom de tout territoire, ville ou région.
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