Day  KUALA LUMPUR  GOLD COAST (Meals on Board) Assemble at KLIA for your flight to GOLD COAST…

Day  GOLD COAST – PARADISE COUNTRY FARM – (BBQ Lunch/Chinese Dinner) Upon arrival, proceed to Paradise Country Farm. You may experience an authentic Australian bush culture at the Farm including exciting horsemanship displays by stockmen, koala cuddling, kangaroo feeding, whip cracking, boomerang throwing and sheep shearing demonstrations. BBQ lunch will be served with live Aussie entertainment. Then proceed to Harbour Town Factory Outlet, Australia's first and largest purpose built, brand direct outlet shopping centre and still remains so today. Enjoy attractive bargains at the outlet, offering a wide variety of brands from local Australian brands to international renowned brands. Dinner at local restaurant.

Day  GOLD COAST – MOVIEWORLD – GOLD COAST (Breakfast/ - / Chinese Dinner) Spend the day at the exciting Warner Brothers' Movieworld, known as 'Hollywood on the Gold Coast'. Take the most advanced and thrilling suspended coaster ride in the Southern Hemisphere on the Lethal Weapon or try the new heart-thumping and thrilling ride, . Enjoy the Police Academy Stunt Show, or ride on the scariest, spookiest and most spine-tingling rollercoaster, the Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster. Lunch will be on own arrangement inside the theme park.

Day  GOLD COAST – CRAB CATCHING CRUISE – MT NATHAN WINERY (Breakfast/Seafood Lunch/Western Dinner) Start the day with visit to Point Danger Lookout – the border of and New South Wales. Looking out to sea take a few steps to the right and you have crossed the state border into New South Wales, a few steps to the left and you are back in Queensland. The views from this location are spectacular. Head to Tweed River for your Crab Catching Cruise and enjoy spectacular scenery along the cruise ride. Watch how crabs are trapped and caught. Proceed for seafood trawler lunch (1/4 mud crab + 01 Balmain Bug + 05 BBQ Prawns + 2 Oysters + 02 Mussels). After lunch, visit Mount Nathan Winery. You will be able to taste wine directly from barrels. Other activities which you can enjoy within the vicinity includes bee observation, sheep feeding and sightseeing. You will get to bring home a bottle of 150ml wine with your picture as the label of the bottle. Dinner tonight will be served at Hard Rock Café.

Day  GOLD COAST – – GOLD COAST (Breakfast / - / - ) Spend an exciting day at Seaworld, Australia's largest marine park. Meet the park's resident polar bears Kanook and Ping Pong at Polar Bear Shores and watch impressive water-ski performances. Hop onto the Corkscrew Roller Coaster or the Bermuda Triangle for the rides of your life! Definitely not for the faint-hearted!

Day  GOLD COAST  KUALA LUMPUR (Breakfast/ - / - ) Free day until transfer to airport for your flight back home.

MATTA Promo:

Free 01 Day Glink Pass

T/Code: 6OOL

G8.3 Updated 19 Jul16/RW Mar16/RW *The sequence of itinerary is subject to changes without prior notice. All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event specified accommodation is not available, alternative accommodation of similar grade will be provided.

第天: 吉隆坡  黄金海岸 (机上便餐) 在吉隆坡机场集合,搭乘客机前往黄金海岸。

第天: 黄金海岸 – 乐园之国 – Harbour Town - 鲍鱼世界 (BBQ 午餐/中式晚餐) 抵达后,前往离开黄金海岸到乐园之国参观。在这里你可以领略真正的澳大利亚农庄生活与内陆地区的冒险你还可以亲 近可爱的树熊、鸸苗鸟和小袋鼠,体验挤牛奶的乐趣,放养羊群,骑马放牛,喂养小动物,试掷回力棒、挥舞长鞭等 等。之后,前往 Harbour Town Factory Outlet尽情购物。于当地餐厅享用晚餐。

第天: 黄金海岸 — 华纳电影世界 (早餐/-/中式晚餐) 当你进入到这个主题公园后,你就会亲身感受到每一个建筑,每一个布景,甚至于每一个工作人员的服饰,都会让你有 一种似曾相识的感觉!这些你所感受到的人或物都曾是华纳兄弟公司所出品的电影中的场景。体验超人一飞冲天带给你 的 2 秒种内急加速到时速 100 公里的超人快感或在蝙蝠侠极速之旅中,将自己弹射升空。观看好莱坞特技车手的表演。 不要错过卡通明星和超极英雄组成的明星大巡游。节目多不胜数!

第天: 黄金海岸–捕蟹之旅 – 蓝藤酒庄 (早餐/海鲜午餐/西式晚餐) 早餐后,前往危险角-澳洲一个风景优美的地方。位于黄金海岸南端,是昆士兰和新南威尔士州的交界处。之后,观赏 Tweed地区的大自然优美风光及亲身体验澳大利亚式的捕蟹、钓鱼及船上享用现煮捕获的活泥蟹等活动。一但踏上舒 适,全天候的特制观光船,游客们便可参与喂食塘鹅,亲身体验捕蟹之乐,自己捉小虾,钓鱼等,感觉优哉悠哉!游 毕,游览 Mount Nathan酒庄。此酒庄坐落在绿林山丘之上,来这里不但不可以欣赏到园林风光,还能品尝多种美酒, 特别是独具特色的蜜蜂酒。酒庄其它活动还包括在酒窖里品尝从橡木桶取出的酒。您还可把一瓶150ml贴有您相片的个 人专属酒带回家。于Hard Rock Café享用晚餐。

第天: 黄金海岸 — 海洋世界 (早餐/-/-) 早餐后,度过快乐的一天在澳洲最大的海洋公园海洋世界。在北极熊公园您将有机会与北极熊 Kanook 和 Ping Ping 见 面、欣赏令人赞赏的滑水表演。坐上螺旋式飞天轮,或是“百慕达三角”,体验最大的刺激!胆怯的人,可千万不要尝试 噢!

第天: 黄金海岸  吉隆坡 (早餐/-/-) 送往黄金海岸国际机场乘搭国际班机飞返吉隆坡。

MATTA Promo: Free 01 Day Glink Pass


G8.3 Updated 19Jul16/RW