The Republican Journal. VOLUME 56. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1884. NUMBER 14.

FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD. and better results—that is reduce The Angler’s money get Song. looked at the giant for their orders. He (Generalities. literature. The March number of the Agricultural Re- Milwaukee and Chicago. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL the waste to nothing. Those who have a barn Hail to the time and the hills! to view and Industrial with a full spring motioned them dismount. They did total debt is Story of the Merv. By Edmond O'Don- Monthly opens GLIMPSES OF TWO WESTERN CITIES. MILWAI cellar can do this, the use of common fore- to the city’s $92,174,721.48. [For this department brief suggestions, facts by Hail meadows and the fog! of the of the fourth annual KEE REEK AND Rl'SINKSS. HoW CHICAGO ROSE so. and stood a little ovan. Under the title of “The Merv report proceedings ITBLISllKD HVKKi Till K8DA Y MOKMNG 15V THK and are solicited from Hail to the and the rills! apart, holding their The season is late Oasis,” FROM ITS ASHES. ITS experiences housekeep- sight and a good eye to arrangement of tie- gorges at the South and at the convention of the National Asso- PARKS, AVKNEES, RIO ers, farmers and Address All hail the trout ’neath West. Mr. O'Donovan a work in Agricultural RL'II.DINOS, HOTELS. THEATRES, DRY GOODS gardeners. Agri- horse stalls, and from the yonder log! hungry and tired horses by long rawhide recently published cultural editor. Journal < Belfast ups. pig pens gutters Have ciation. A is also of the third STORES, TENNEI.S AND CARLE RAILW AYS. THE Journal Co. Mice, Maine.] good care. two volumes, which created a decided sensa- report given Republican Publishing sink 1 was to see that this branch That’s his tethers as bent their sleek necks to Great Britain's Quaker is estimat- PAMORAMA OF THE RATTLE OF GEI’TYSRERG. spout. glad lair; they population tion Ensilage Congress. Then there are some ed at abroad. The amount of minute detail was of the .Journal. for the was Heigh-ho, hop. 18,000. Correspondence si h**<’inrrioN Tkkms. In advance, $2.00 a year; [Reported Journal.j of the subject considered and ably dis- the rattled their steel bits in twenty articles of interest to the farmer and ground, thought to the For three mouths I have been within the $2 ..**»; at tin* of the Stockton Flip, flap, flop. A to uninteresting general reader, nearly a sojourner year, expiration and Prospect Farmers Club. cussed at the Farmers Club of Stockton and their and ate ot the monument Pocohontas is to be erected the political economist, with the usual editorial year, $.»-tin. teeth, green and at and so this condensation was made the au- on the shores of Lake Michigan and enjoying tile in Ilail to the old straw hat. Jamestown, Va. by A i»v KKTisiNG Tkkms. For one inch The Prospect, reported the Journal of March 20th. shocking departments, the whole a valuable square, (one meeting of March isth was called to coat abundant as if it never thor himself. As a of it is one of making advantages of a city life. I often it with >d' in for Second-hand trowsers, and boots. grass had been story travel, compare length column,) $l.oo one week, and 25 Hut a majority of farmers have no cellar be- The civil service bill has passed the Massa- number. Published at 32 Park New « order the N. W The sec- Box of and Row, our Penobscot and the is in fa- cuts tor aeh subsequent insertion. A fraction of by president. Staples. worms, lively fat, or should be stained w ith blood. chusetts Senate, 15 to 9. the most thrilling of recent years. As a work comparison always a charged as a full one. neath the barn. In fact the location of most All hail hook in these old roots! York. square retary thin read tlie question: “Which is tin* your of its and faithfulness vor of our own l»ay. The Lake seems more like Careless I know are Gen. Davis description, importance barns i- such that a good cellar can not be con- man, you clutching your hand Tillson, of Rockland, is building the ocean because of its wide of water. most for farm labor, horses or oxen The day is near at hand when flower expanse Hu- !"•!»,wingate authorized fur the .Jour- protitable Mad as bran, a wiuter residence in Florida. have been promptly conceded. The country spring agents structed. In such cases a shed be built here with toward the one Hand is not visible across it. And now to interest nal The debate was may Neither ferocity party, must be and we feel that we opened by Freeman Partridge, snap. described—Central Asia—has been, one may gardens made, It \ ; i.Ks, No. Boston. and fitted on some such as this: The Nor The Governor of Massachusetts has my readers I will give tl cm a brief of Washington St., who favored oxen as the most 11 up plan flip, flap. and shame and for the other. You signed shall do our readers a favor in their at- description 1 « protitable. pity the say, rediscovered by the writer, and his pow- calling Kvans, _"t4 and -Jb*; Washington street, Meigs elevated railroad bill. Milwaukee and Milwaukee is a of length of the building may be according to the tention Chicago. city Boston. had had more experience with oxen: has al- Blessed and calm the smiling morn; would have died then and there, ers of observation and his literary skill to the fact that the “Floral Cabinet” fought, Halifax has now a smaller than acquir- one hundred and fifty thousand population, the M Pktti sun.i. ( o., |o state St., Iioston, and amount of stock kept. Its width should be Birds wheresoe’er we roam. garrison at not ways e\ n: one hor-e. A of sing ed service as of only furnishes, /m, valuable contributions liroadw a\ V kept keeps yoke or these any time within a hundred by many years’ correspondent greater part of whom are Hermans. are not Jes«« than sixteen feet. It should be board- Flowers the fields and woods adorn; destroyed destroying angels, years. They quiet, ll«»w\ch I >« J*i.» oxen call be for what it to the flower in its roses or *i»i», Washington St., Boston. kept costs to a All an influential the work an garden premium industrious citizens and arc also a robust keep hail mv line ’midst foam! would t A car journal,give people. IV It.» wt i,i. ,v ( «»., In > prime >1.. New York. ed on both ends, and on one the other dancing you containing 100,250,000 toothpicks left horse, it \vt take into account wear and tear side; Now look out— interest and flower seeds, but in its monthly issues gives ac- Milwaukee is noted for its extensive ■I H. Baths, il Park Row. New York. Dixtield for Ohio a day or two ago. finish seldom found. The dashing, breweries, side shoul.. atmt the barn. There should Silent stand— Not so. Braver men never were known curate with tin* <>f harm -*, shoeing, etc The mowing maehiie animated is characteristic of the author's information, illustrations, upon and all over the west, Milwaukee beer is famous. be And a trout April 3d lias been as Fast in style >1'list, lil BKR.n two ventilators on the roof, the posts than the of these But designated Day various of amateur floriculture and the You will notice it in remitting money or desiring to lias bad a good deal to do with the ehang from Will kiss baud. pioneers days. Massachusetts and New life, so full of adventure and If still phases every market, grocery and sa- u ib«' a l ire-- "l must state should be my Hampshire. exploit. papers '-hanged, the strong and rest on a secure novelties the attention of loon and it is used as freely as water. In summer Fo been sent,as well Hail the Jumbo is said to ground, Soudan. He rock foundation. The beams and should graceful silver gleam! have increased live inches in Milwaukee’s beer are resorts. Its as the Ollier to vv hich it Is to go. rule now and there are no posts the floral world. The is gardens public hoys to break the Lo, a with sudden and from these swift and silent his in this was with Hicks Pasha w hen that oflicer's com- subscription only $1.20 trout, spring. always, height during stay country. are b< well braced. The outside should have which streets broad and pleasant and line residences sleets and keep old Star and at work. good Forms a spray-bow o'er the mand was annihilated the false El per year, includes premiums. Address AOMINSI K 1 OKS. h.Y K< I 1> »RS AND t*l AHDI AN'S (loldiug stream, fanatics—the fascination of the London has by prophet, claim the attention of sized doors w th at the to And is added to serpent twenty-eight daily journals, 524 strangers and tourists. It is e-irn it *bale binges top open up- my string. Ladies Floral Cabinet g the Pr- in the Farm wages arc high and farmers are obliged to weeklies and over Mahdi, several months Yet no one who Co.,22 Ycsey street. New advertising published Vcrbutn when it looks in a bird’s 000 monthly magazines. ago. divided into three section*—Fast, West and North. irnai. wilt pien.-e so stale to the « ourt. ward by the use of a rope and A sap. eye—that par- mill* up ui(* to at oi her work, pulley. pit knows but he York. teaming get It him, hopes will turn up alive The river runs between tin* Fast and W< -t >lmuid be dug four feet the whole Flip, flop, flap. the worn and in is rumored that President Arthur has said sections, ami let their horses Horses deep length an Old ISafi. alyzed weary pilgrims with a >uhs> nU r> are to take notice of the la) idle. me kept [From Scrap Book, April 28. that he will veto the Fitz John new book. The above volume forms The Rirtli and (irowth of Edward On the West side the N**wall House \va* burned, requested ■ Porter bill. Myth, by : the shed, the inside elose to the barn. iab "i, tin '.aored sup attached to the It for their labor: ox- n for beet' and edge these And search the paper. labor. There early days. you tbe first issue of the “Standard Library,” for Clodd, F. li. A. S., i> published in No. 34 of the where so many lost their lives and which caused ■ m. form ol receipt now used, f or instance, This when The heirs at law are the will ot pit finished and planked should to m contesting > is in Printed lliis such M a means tiiat the i.- to something gained beef when <>\. i: lav paper by special arrangement chronicles in vain tor one single act of Mrs. Valeria of 1884. Other books hie promised by Ilale. Joa- “Humboldt Library of Popular Science.” It great excitement throughout the country. subseripilon paid :|i';>ui five tert Stone, Malden, Massachusetts. that Wla-n a new i.- Hie dale wide on the bottom, and about wiih the author. Hen. pa\nii'iil made, still, while the feed of horse*, when idie i- al- G. P. Hawthorne, with an Tom Thumb ami wife were lopping then* at v successful defence. Not one of a thous- quin Miller, Lathrop, Julian comprises twenty chapters, Appendix, naiig. d to corre-pond, and 'l B>f R1B- fe.t Wide at tile Mr. Bancroft, the is a most eight top. H should be dug Scaled Unto Hun.* historian, frequent and the time of tin* disaster Tin: ln*usc b. never been II.' ill;. K'l K!» lO.-shFTll.Vl llihlR all lost to III* farmer. l e eo-l of rigging of etc. 12mo. Paper, 25 cloth, $1.00. Funk gives a very intelligible account, of the Rhljl nuirli la and murders ever met with real re- companion the President in his leisure hours. ets.; •A < :i rger than t liat, and of rock any rebuilt ami ihc site is and the enclosure l h> AKK oRlIFt. r. Subscriber.' arrears and in order tie- two is plenty should & 10 and 12 and of cm*]o*ed, up keeping teams V NToKV up 111 P. > VVagnails, Dey St., N. Y. origin development mythological stories, r. r. quested to forward the sums due. EAKI.V 1 A Vs OP MORMONISM. Madame Anna the famous he Used In making a good foundation for the sistance. Bishop, vocalist, is used for public advertising and bill posting. another point in favor of ihe ox team. died in of and from thescientitiepoint of view. The chapters New York apoplexv March 18th, aged Mumu, the Diary of a Superfm ops Milwaukee has timbers to which the plank are to he BY MII.LKIt, •Some believed that this new two large Theaters, an Opera The secretary, F. \V. Fili-. said he Felicve.i spiked. .JOAQUIN religion 70. Man. entitled Nature a» viewed by Primitive Man; Belfast " By Ivan Turgeniefl". The recent death House, Museums. Art <■ tileries and numerous Directory, in horses lien ail is ready, tightly plank the bottom ami Autlmr of "xmgs of tlio Sierras,”‘•Tin* Ilanites,” large for farm labor. lie farmers would cover the earth. Men who ab- W. A. one of Personification of the Powers of Me- thought, “Memorle anil ltiine,” rp Cook, the star route counsel, of Turgeniefl', the great Russian novelist, has Nature; wholesale and retail establishment* for various > sides, a door KVll.KOADS \N1> IT AM JiOATS. did not reckon how much oxen eat. lay good between the pit and the horred it has the belief thatGuiteau had con- provender had seen its audacity and pow- expressed greatly intensified the interest in his novels. tempsychosis and Transformation; Aryan kinds of merchandise. fr. ii a i'. ■ :5,1;i. in.. ;.n5 in. Arrive Ju.45 a. outside of the shed, also federates. p. He had one horse that could do as much work extend plank spout* CHAPTER IV. and er so and Sketches of his life, and estimates of his work Mythology: Survival of Myth in Historical «>n the morning of the 21st I took the Northwest- :il> ui two feet with* and four inches under suddenly wonderfully develop- i■ 'it- a. q as a of oxen: lie was sure deep A IlAY UF Adverse have been on ern 1. Bo- ever. Monday and yoke quite it couiu SUSPENSE. reports ordered all have abounded in the Narratives, are singulariy interesting, and Kail way and in three hours was in the eity of the tc ed here in these mountains of reviews and magazines Tioii lav at p. m. as -up when you will have holes in the Mexico, bills before for Postal haul much. IF could cut ami haul a-* much gut- It was doubtful from the liow Congress providing in form the results of the Chicago, distant 85 miles, where ten days passed for ." i\ e i..r Bangor and intermediate laud- first the of Europe. In his are be- present popular ■I behind lb' that no wonder were Savings Banks. England writings hav in one wiih a- <• eattle. It is well to have some and as hours. L in^.' e\-i. Wednesday, ami inoni- day a hors. with a yoke they appalled most recent, researches in Lore. J. many hieago’s population is Ton,non and Saturday men sent to execute on this coming an the rage, in r ranee they have been Mythic’ i: "ii arrival from bo.-t mi. wooden water to “judgment” The Mass aehusetts House of it is a most oxen. He thought raiding colts m >re prolit- spoilts carry water from the silent before its executioners. It bad its Representatives 20 wonderful thing to realize, that Chicago >t' .uii-r Flore-ire leak ti\• round so for some time. Able and enthusiastic critics Fitzgerald, publisiier, Lafayette Place, trip- per 1 has a bill text ves or w< poor girl would as rode passed providing free books for ten years ago \va.- in ruins. It seems almost u. 1.1 twain able than ste< is and that farm- are im- from the II, into the shed, in proceed, they utterly Belfa-t, Va-tinc. i-lesboio and raising ease, believers, too, in every camp. No one public schools. have pronounced him the New York. in. >i e greatest European incredible \\ hen one Bi'o.\, F r.r* toiu, Albion, Bent*m to 1- air- Partridge vny much in digging disposed of what would do In the end. Hut of fusil oil. they Uliantity writings of this beloved author in his native Turkish Arabia, Christian Agnos- building towards the limits of the city, constructed !i l urei- trip- to Ail'joii, and d.iiiy ll*om latter favor of oxen. He ti of two a- to turn all surface water escape, or A man Fortnightly; bought pair year- away from y our punishment revenge. of of i.cuvc Belia-t Tuesdays, lhui-davs and how and by what tortuous roads of The offspring of Henry Wheeler, a Georgian, tongue. Says Renan: “No man has been as ticism, Cardinal Newman on the of fragments glass, crockery, wood, stone, silver, old steers in the ■:111 for hauled 7b of 'bed. You are now master of the situation and did not trust his own Inspiration tl a in. arrive at Beilasi on -^1"; cords wife. There was who never saw a and never drank alcoholic as brass, iron and marble in conceivable Returning city much he, the incarnation of a whole race.*' and on every shape, He ■ and and would Scripture, Professor Tyndall Rainbows. M ■;> i. -. lie-da;- and Fn lays at 12 in. wood with them the first wmhT an save, manufaeture and manure. cruelty delay dismay number 125. ami was otler- strengthen but one course to take—bear all in liquor, which had been collected and cemented together ii- i-i to Baiig'-r, do miles, through the towns of Ilenry James, -Jr. pronounces him “a rare Nineteenth Century; The Tale of Tristram and ed for the steers the Instead of making the colder as they proceed ! what cruel cat-and- and as a >< -p •!!. 1 *1'< »s| >eft, Frankfort, Wiuter- 5?7b in -( ring Tue next tie-up you By The winter wheat of Kansas is preserved curiosity. silence. crop reported genius;” and the New York Tribune, “a liter- Iseult, National in i. lei; tud i. might haw done a Review; History Little, unit has Ilanip t»a11except MUiday ; winter hau ed 1 on cords of wood and liie next by digging cellar, it is warm- mouse means would they proceed to in good condition, with ten per cent, more area Chicago line Parks and Au-nuis, Lincoln, i.eave Bellas! every al '.* a. in. Returning leave Our ary artist of extraordinary power." The two Charles Cotton, Gentleman's d.p. J er. Hep will kev party had already unyoked their sown than lust Magazine; Chin- Central, Cartield, -Jackson and \\ Boul- B.i ai 7 arm at Belfast at winter lo cords. Fast summer he took a you p your bogs. Heie you year. ashinglon, laiiy in., lug pan. job. teach their terrible lesson of the ven- stories here are excellent given representatives ese Gordon, Reminiscences of south Side to he Be.iasl b’ miles, tnrougli the towns alter of lami for wdl h ; the hired man in the oxen : and the -Jamaica, and vards, Boulevards, all eventually haying, clearing slbu. in the rainy weather in large-eyed, patient cattle, Secretary Chandler is of opinion lhat it is un- of his Ileineait. ‘-ear-mold. Liberty, Monlville, Paler geance and the power of Dan, “a powers. “Mumu" depicts in graphic Club in the connected and extend around the meantime spiing. the manure out of the serpent to necessary to make another of the Gambling Last Century, All tin* city. .Michigan hint, **•». \ ilimro, amt Atigu-la ex- | doing ail the farm work, and the pitch pit to the glad he loose once were mouth- investigation Daiiy more, Jeannette style the serf-life of and “The of Avenue is another road for 'uii'i.e. Leave Bellas! dav lloor tlie “an adder in the f” expedition. Russia; Diary Year Round; Rears and Wolves, Brighton the display of every a! .'» p. in., tii-st of till- winter sold til. eatu.-F.i .sjbg. He ol tiie shed, and the \\ iil by way,” path Belgra\ia: drainage pass ing the sweetest grass the a ai living ai \ngii.-taai i-i.dii next >my. Reluming along green Superfluous Man," the condition of Russian Fruits, and elegant equipages and turnouts. Now for a few of no st s h.e k. ,\ tier tie is in When tile sun shines and a The Kansas has met in Tropical Tea; its Culture and Con- nrn.e~ a! Bellas! at li a. in. A edne~- thought two hoi in tow n had don nior« pit empty dune, hot clear, Legislature special Mondays, perhaps, hanks of the willow-lined stream. the The New Board of Trade The session to take action calculated to check tla- upper classes. The few translations of Tur- St. s's principal buildings. ._> Hid Fl the stage g His. V la N". -Oil SlIIOUl. wv»rk. lie whole h ie you wii! draw the manure from tin- is sumption. -Jane Gazette; Gale> and Hur- cost oi )ok*. bow- and sheep photograph taken almost instantly, foot and mouth disease. nine stories and also the Pullman ldi sda -, 1 Mirsd.ah'f >a! ..i day s v ia searsllionl weary men sank down on the geniefl'\s works which have been given Un- high, block, chains was sle d-, ami tin will not gradually ricanes, Spectator; George Flioi's IX-avs, Ath- iu' -dav and dm lay- via Hall’s c'or per \<>k* :ii■: they an good liquids only prevent it which will endure a owned by the Pullman Palace Car Co., ten long, long time. A new oil American have been made lirst iuto stories, from lire grass in the children to region on the Allegheny River has public, emeum; with instalments of -The now. tanging, hut will strengthen it and aid groups; clung Baby's are not completed but will he finished i.-.ti-t !•• I rt:iKb*rt via >wauvide and .North I And so ii is in and with scenes like iii't been opened up, and a grand rush is French, then into much probably to make it Jim their mothers-’ awe. likely English, thereby losing Grandmother," -Valerie's Fate," “Hr. Ball” l7 mile-. Leave Belfast s, V\'■. Nathaniel saiu h" :.i never realized and for Ai- skirts in silent No [o be made for the and occupied -cfore toe National Convention i >, Monday P;>i.<-y ready top dressing. region. in and ,<■- aie. I in I this. The blood was at pith power. The translations here and-Old Mr. ia.'s Friday s at p. Leave Frankfort r or fever heat. The giv- and the usual amount held in u from in.- —. IF hay ing at any time when manure is one to Binuey," -June, and which ill meet in the auything keeping annual!) your spoke the terriiied The The a exposition -am. day ii llV ing al Belfast -i p. 111. girl. breaking of levee at Robert's island, en are direct from the Russian, made an ac- of ■ was by on Avenue i• raise- a < all haiili i out. can imagination like dame. Terror of poetry. Building .Michigan oppo-iic Hie “Pull- B<*( Roekian i, do nine-, ll rouglr toe town- pair of r- up to tm tfour year-, you store muck and other leader looked at her near Stockton, California, destroyed 2.700 acres N j large, hollow-eyed complished of the novelist. 'idnp**: id ••lev ill* ( amden and Rorkiand. jf valued at fellow-countryman man.” The ( ourt House, >i\ stories and turns them. A ; -i.t r- will to absorbents Spring ev.vpi Minday-. their met. knew Wagnalls, and 12 St., N. V. a whole and is a and eyes Dey clude new square magnificent building with Lea Cl Bel!a-l at 2 p. 111. two v .iis old, but colts are not good •hying ready for use when needed. A there as if the world stood Nearly one-fifth of all the children in Provi- editions of all the novels in the lirmly still Price, 15 cents. its massive is Bmia-i (I'll!'.' Lmeoii.vilie, 12 miles, twice a him then. He was her husband. She dence, R. of school polished pillars. The Post Office for much until old. The cost of building of tin's sort will pay for i seif on any I., age, did i,ot attend school "Hollar" series, to which will be added “The v\ ■k. I \c Bellasl and at foury.ais forever, l’he another edifice also a whole Mondays Thursdays heart after a little time the 1883. Memorie and Rime. Miller. large occupying ■ e farm, was an and had single day during year By | in. :.t av Centre -nine days arriving at Bel- horses, with is much more ordinary every three years, i think. apostate wife, been judg- Joaquin Only One.” by W. French: “Barbara keeping shoeing, Harry square. Next comes the Hotels, two or three of la-1 al _ p m. i‘ almost ceased to beat. A most of sketches of trav- than steers. 1 o b" Weil ed It is estimated that at least three thousand delightful mingling Anna lb ,i.i-t an) thing, iior- nm-t havi will.iu many respects. by Dan. The of the terrible Thayer,” by -Jenness; “Lord of Himself." which we visited as our time was -earsport, 7 mile-, twice daily exeepl story in the quite hastily -•'ii. found to Before us to (lie people Mississippi flooded districts have el, stories and In “Notes from an old Leav e Bellasl at '.'a. in. and T.d.'i p. m.. or corn, but steers Will grow -mi and supt ior a cellar. The of south and far away poems. I*. If. I nderwood; and “Dora and P.n u;> ha) grass subject, fate of an apostate wife was familiar even jeeti forced to leave their homes. by Darling” limited. The Hrand itie, situated near the arrival tin Be,las! train. Leave >ear>port absorbents. Journal" there arc delicious hits of ex- and do the farm work. their use and beueiit, the sea of salt in the given G. Michigan Ifock Island and O.d" a in. and l.du p :u at Bella-! in properlv gleamed great to -Outpost,” by Austin. “Whirlwinds, Southern Depot oppo- .arriving the children who looked on in silent The of in in the season I" count tile < should hi treated in this as slaughtering trade Chicago presents perience , Franco-Pnis- with trains. Frank unninghain -aid he rred o.veii. article, blit | have sun. A island of trees Cyclones and TornadoeW Prof. W. M. site (In New Board of Trade, is large and commo- pn-F morning green terror. he statistics for the year 1883: by SiK lKl JKs. xreeded limits. 1 following -Hogs sian war, at a tea-party the dious wit!: extensive well and lull e0.lts at -cut already my will make that given by English Davis of parlors, lighted thought proliiable pr< pi ices. where a thousand cattle the billed, 33)12.000, cattle, 1,183,000. Harvard I nivcrsity; “The Military Uid.iBi'o s. i in 1 is the for tlie subi'-et fed, proper- lie iroze her etc. The stories and sketches and has an a case and com- oilovving programme The of my next. blood with a cold poet, Rossetti, — furnMied, appearanc. President. N. \V. took dc-id.-d stare, Reeonlioissauce ot Alaska ;” Lessons on >un iy sen nvs in Hit oillert nt ehurehes Staples, The is to be in miserable Man- ty of the Mormon church, far away Pope reported arc of Western life, told with the humor and fort t" the N« w Kuglandcr greater perhaps than > 1 der .r«a .. Be. W. hor-e-. IF lay and then made a motion 11 Wild.tins, ground against thought teat for all with his large lealth. nervous and excitable, to see ners. Ldith L. U with refusing by igginBeginnings others. on corner State u a. m. : Sabbath for which the author not- The Palmer House the of pasi" Player meeting, school, kinds oi toward the other side. It was hut one but his favorite pathos has long been work \» n ant tin- best,. ) nu ran 1 was wearv of dimly left in which lie slill held a my Cardinals. tin* Dr. life, and longed for my death, hand, book, Microscope." by Walter P. Meantor,; and Monroe streets a whole block ed. The “Rhymes for the arc in Mr. Mil- occupies nearly I'. III. g< neral 7 Ill iam oxen into haul or h u' all l lire the i >< u beautiful, in its far Right*’ praver meeting, p. piae.-s send the hired ugh years ibl cough in'. visible, yet peaeeiui to the men with the horses. The Arctic steamer Alert will be commanded “What is to Be Done,” Dr. Robert B. in the business of the cits. The elaborate a .n took most by part »aii".iai!-l ••Iniren, corner of Market and And thought ry night that I'd soon loose mv They ler's fervent and vigorous vein. “In man with them where no farmer would semi a as a of >y Commander Geo. W. Coffin, who has signi- Dixon and Ji.-a -in- I-. Rev. J. \. i.’--, pastor. Preaching. I breath. tranquility picture Paradise. oil'their bridles their -Broken Lnglish,” by Prof. DuboH. upholstery and draf» ries of the parlors, the liil'er- from hungry horses ied his of that Mcmoriam” some recollections of men and m e !'.d:i m h U acceptance position. gives Ml, m., prayer Meeting -pan of horse-. In land •-n an v\ as are also in of t-cte J clearing I 'm 1 coughing my >c|t to eotiin, As the eyes strained and across preparation. The Rev. Ldward L. ent styles easy and reclining chair.- and «»r n ! ure, p. m. my swept and them over the of events which a in his- 1 1 had u hung pommels their Over have occupy prominent place t profitable. It takes two m< n with hor.-e-, t,in- gi\» up hop“. rye. alniosi my hie, 3,000 people been compelled to Hale's edition of Bultineh's of a tides, the open grate- with their polished .-quip- B.ipi;-'i Imre!,. 1 iig!. street, Rev. tie". L. Tufts, the sea of and on “Age Chivalry.” " hen a friend gleaming salt rested ibandon their The volume docs not contain a -.tin ;ttii -'dio.,| at I at ! to handle advised im- \o ••^ijr up*' saddles. Then loosened bouses in Tennessee on account tory. page, but ineiils ami the amt mlent mirror-: 1 he pa-t p. in.; preaching the doubie-ire. in hauling rocks oi Spanish they and “The Development Theory,” T. iotiy rc.-pu 1 •' ill. 7 m. And toid me a s.-rivi h\ which 1 \va )f the of the Cumberland river. by .Joseph p play meetiug, p. cured. this beautiful seemed to rising is brimful of interest. < the It a-mu.-h island, they t he sinches of their California, Colorado, velvet carpet-, the warmth ami -uvory der com- t niver- id-; i111r<• 11. ourt street, Rev. T. B. among stump-. to keep Ity taking of .1 A l)\V iV> 1AK SY1MT. saddles leisurely, and Bergen and Fanny Bergen, will appear later. ■ and are drawn a <• in• Prea< a •'. -I •"* a. in.. Min ""lb A. A. es want to remain there. The convention in Colorado especially Oregon, upon for iny from the dining-hall, make wi-h to Pea pa-t'.-r. iiing day horse, with sliming, a- to k. p «,\--5i. IF by How tv Co., Belfast. You could not wool-growers* i.* in coming forward about the The Art Amateur for ho .dug ;ii'luia lir-t -ninday eveidng they gathered protests against the Morrison Tariff bill. They tund of interesting anecdotes and reminiscences. April gives attractive Itolhschild or Vanderbilt tlm- to exist in all tliis thinks farms are vv. on* turn head or withdraw in the month, at 7 p m. aring vvln-rc mm-e- an your away your ire in accord with all other ot elder. sat still to producers. I he author writes a designs passion (lowers for screen 'inbroid- ca-e and eh-yanee forever. In the i., .id tn * imren. mnvh Rev. L. M. Bur- They down, holding of life he knows thorough- yallcry you -ireel, kept. The dressing from horse- has not tin gaze. There was a fierce ro Clippings. fascination and blackberries for look down the or gioii, pastor. Preaching n mr jo 4’. a. m. their tethers. Then While a lecture at Bridgewater, and with a of ery panel painting, some may into rotunda otliee what of the old missionary delivering ly, pen genius. Publishers, Funk iilioiie t hureh, Joiiusoii Hall, Higii street. hold-out that trom other auitna:-. i in n i~ Mr. was Sup ^ le-vtT >sr«l that the strained down Kugland. Bradlaugh pelted with rot- ot Oriental is m »re popularly called the -yna.yoijuc and ol.serve *i• j capital punishment l»c- kept eyes looking it 10 and 12 St. N. V. interesting pages diaper ornaments, I Lev. T atner Phaieii, W mterport. M-rvieeH not as to talk of the beauties of en Wagnalls. Dey much new land <■:» are im ;. a-e th ais, n was !<•<* began calmly eggs, and driven from the platform. ie had l’or tlie a curious the dill'eivnt ol Some are smokiuv I ist Sunday in month. imirderer; hut and out steadily toward that dim and old German alphabet, and some styles people. ai \-«>m I 'w i"lie.- m* ei at as where ex* u '!‘iip!\ hi ails.- it doe-, not benelit the hook of and to read and to Christianity ti;ii mi*ha n t. J. P. New- M,isonie Tempi", nay erop an- kept. lie nau society; but Mormon, V party of Scotch capitalists, including the By striking for some read iny. some do/lny, some wall.niy am. 1 designs furniture after Gou- at ill*- ''l uer *d Main and High streets. tin . uj H eyes < Regular Tim rapine doesn't relish the idea of link* less. With a he bade n astcllani collection now sold at Rome, gesture the pale 1882 would twice encircle the earth at the could be more needed, in these being i- a pictur for an arii-t. Tlnn tin re :cv tue net Ii' g i-t 1 le -d !_. V eldllg ii e.-e h llioiltli. >pe< 1;. 1 meal, all that tie ever a ", slicked Hah to Nothing sceptical The} up n's ><>••<• head of eight years ago the desire remain there, far away in fields and then all would not be used to the clever sketches of meeting at call. and terrified •quator, do pictures in tin* exhibi- Shernian House, Trcuioni. I.eland, and «*th< rs, 1 ■ '"iK' sit close before him in times of ours, than >uch a as is he work on I lie n in _■ >d too. Had of the canvass. It to girl ju>t review here v on, I.' -..ii A re 11 N a 7. shapt coming t. bapiei'. Regular objects ni and of to the tions of the French Water t*o numerous to mention. Now dead in n on beauty peace, escape Color Society and come the e ..d.r. « •,n >,. ••running issues that are twice as the in and ling- lir-t M< eia.ig ,g ui. moon. plougli'-d an eiv in-even ii nr- wilhoxeii: gathering circle, and she did so : her given short compass popular style. Dr. d ad as The Missouri at rose the Boston Paint and theatres and amusements. -J.e< iais at e.-.u. tiny an-.’* A cadaver campaign would threatened scene of blood and peiil at Yankton, Dakota, (_'hy (duh, and the inter- places of First in held the and drov-. ( an sad to his as Newman has given us an i*’.o ,: l.i'dge. N" 24 meeting- M"ii- plow l»uv ami -ell pul the capstone on the tallest monument great eyes lifting eyes the ifteeii feet,Thursday week. The railroads were overwhelming array est rank i- M-YicUcr’s (.rami House, hen Regular of our feet f ;ng notice and examples of the work of u. Opera ■ii "i: "i‘i.'d'ir--lull moon, call. oxen Democratic ill washed and the tied to the of facts on the and facts .‘ning -pceiai-at without loss: but buying folly. [Boston Herald. eyes of a bird lift to the out, people subject, appealing to lla\ Ho,dev's, ami tin Mamiar i, w liid1 re lm < liur-e-1-risky might helplessly A. one of the erly i lid lia-e l."dgt N". 2verlwek In j>referred bor-« -. II State which requires the of this of salt, still beyond the ver- philosophers theologians. Like Mu-euni, 1m»i. Oi:io.K odd Fi.i.i.* i\vs. Bodies her. tilled; Montezuma's Note Book and the Dra- ot some treatise in the destroy •ounty, Missouri. Three herds are a fleeted, rows, more the a mount ■ eould take tin* 'tody public schools, barbed with aimed with skill, shot people than any other for smallest a-e. I al hei.ows Hail, et.rner Main and same amount of money that dant restful and above and wit, matie High the had Meets of intoxicants the isle, right >ut prompt action is taken to its I*eiiilleton areas as ever, and -livets. showing upon being prevent with sparkling of and is with tir-Ccla-s ami would buy a pair of steers and a of power, they fly far and strike deep. money, patr«mi/.ed i.i■ ■,• buy pair human system. It is a sound and over lew ‘preadiug. in all I'>• F Minpinen'. N'*. 27* Regular meet- proposition, the scattered fields and farm- respects the number is fully up to the crowded houses both afternoon ami veuiny. The horses and more Jo our the Comments on Carlisle. Young im-n and women need to read '. mi tn. i-, and lin-oay evenings in eaeh cheap put wood on tin* land- mind, true key to our linai siic- especially standard our German Minister, Mr. dined high ot this admirable Central Mu-ie iI ii 1 •»n m. iiiii-i md be lor- month. in a and sober houses on the near shot the snow- Sargent, this work. magazine. Mate ing or do more farm \s ork than with -t< ers. lie making temperate people, shore, A’ith in It is not a dull, turgid, metaphysi- 'A u WHAT CONGRESSMAN HEED SAYS OF THE Prince Bismarck, Saturday, honor of Priee I "ig. No i 1 I; g dar meeting every iMurate the children. [Biddcford .Journal. cents: st. a Near. Montague Marks. yotten a- a popular place for < clebrated opera com- -- towers of the he cal hut a f rida v e\filing thought the farne r t hat kept mu hoi and o\- topped Wabsatch. These SPEAKER'S FREE TRADE SPEECH AND OF Emperor's STtli birthday and also attend- tome, clear and animated statement of Publisher, I nion N. \ i-inic- and siuyers. Ida- mil side Museum in I i. I : V* 'd a at Square, B. -1 N 4 1. •>. o. h .. meet- at bile the I)■ moeratie State committee were THE MORRISON RIEL. soiree the palace. what amp en, eould keep two horses, raise a roll every mountains drew an Christianity has done and is doing for the d Feilou Hull oil on ■_ and -lift eve- at magniiieient impassa- West Mde are all well supported and patroni/.ed. Thursday j hoi,-•.lobbing Watervillc and declaring that the made at the recent free world. Whether the I'nited States are to regain their "1 e.fli month. year and do better w it bout the oxen. Among speeches General Hawley has introduced in the Senate Published by Funk A: lOand lulig- ••tariM' reform" was the creed of the Jiemo- ble wall, a crescent to the east and Wagnalls. From the theatre we i-ited tin.. lio- \ d"i Hi 1>. id meet north, Dill otli a reward of to one forme*r pre-eminent rank a- a commercial and giec Lodge R. Regular -aid « aev trade banquet in New York that of ring $25,000 any 12 Si.. New York. 15 Lyman Partridge that oxen were of Maine, and Morrison was their Speaker Dey Paper. et>.; cloth. ton (iv -ter House u In-re the oi v alve- are served in < .g- on ihe :i and 4in of ea«di propii- ivho will rescue the or Tuesday evenings ■ around the Mormon These Greely party give fnfor- naval on the >, as, is a no the most tb ;.n association of lumbermen, of incipient city. Carlisle has caused much comment in Wash- 75 cts. power quest ion that month. jiroiiiable r him. Hi- farm i- new. comprised mation as to its whereabouts. ev ery way to -ui! tin* iim-i fastidious epi-mre I u < both .• m»d 'Id:vi'. i.Aii- Bellas! No. do. Democrats and was in ses- towers of tins new American can with inditfereiee. Lodge, Regu- He cut 20 acres of burnt land Republicans, mighty snow, strange ington. The Democrats were divided in contemplate bfye yoods e-tabii-unirnt Mur-lm!. Fiehl hay last }«.ar: -i »n in opin- Antt-Toiiacco is the title of a neat volume dry lar meeting.- -vei y Monday evening al tin L niver Portland ami formalh protesting Charles Langhcriner, better known as •‘Dick- I'hc is against as subject discussed w'tli mark* d in id-l eould do with horses mad on the of ion to its while the abiiit} A; Co., Mamlel -, >« ami church e-try nothing on rough land. tic Morrison tariff bill. [.Somerset licporter. people, subject religion, judiciousness, Republi- ms's Dutchman," died in the from the press of Roberts Brothers, Boston, (.ossay iile.-iuycr Mayer, ■ the R< Bid »km id i; ldi i, "ling eaen Sunday can'* were Nort4i American iew for April, b\ ih- ad are !-d:liica::o wiiai .Iordan A; Marsh ami li 11. He prefers ox. n for teaming on tin* road. Ha- called their “towers willing that he should make manv Penitentiary the 21st ult. He served fifty out of for a ... at the nlv ei'-uli-t eiiureh WV have in our four of strength.” They copy of which we are indebted to the au- Vestry published city lion. Nelson < .. weekly years as a convict. Dingley. M. who oppose* tie Wnitc’- are to Boston, and tin re are d>*/. i- W « hauled eleven load-, il feet at a to a more such The World seventy-five l l i.i.-ine-s meeting every salunlay load, ??car- p tpejs ml one daily, The Farmer. Banner. likened them to the white towers that speeches. correspond- thor and compiler, A. A. Livermore, of Mead- alteidioon ii ihe l nilarian ehureli project of admitting foreign-built to too numerous to < ba u- U is parlor. port., in oim week, of yellow birch wood with Home Farm. New Age and the Journal Daih ent says: “Reed, of Maine, the Republican During the eight months which ended with ships others reim-mber d! > I.NJI.l.-. Al ‘lie- I i-lVel .-.lll-l hureh ville. Pa. Its contents include “Anti-Tobacco.” vestry \V- were above the walls of Jerusa- -onu* so :t car a and ekly, all outspoken in fax or of mighty 2<»<>.22S arrived in this American register, and I>n John Cot!man, line churches and many in number, v\ei pair of oxen, and it prohibi- leader of the was in a sarcastic February immigrants .'apt, turd;,', at 2 j» in. heavy thought would iie House, very Abiel Abbott. lion. amendment to the constitution, and 304,4*4 the by Livermore, the substance of literal i V he eal.ed “Toe o| elm i" \\ Idle A. R T i- IF Mavsiiail Post, «... A. U., No. lem of old. in all •onntry against during correspond- who is well known a* z<*aious advocate of by take a good pair of horses to do it. He thought license, the New Everywhere, things mood to-night when he was asked about the •i. lo ii 1st and dd W eve against except Age. This of the an address before the Meadville n-nui and ■ g etiugs ednesday pa- ing period previous year. Temperance that measure. New York lam it- -u-| iridy.- ated i> as Judge .1. A. Jameson, in Re- < n m over the the way to make old horses was to i•••■' mum on these as a dead around them, read the fulfilment of Democratic conference in the House over the .mil, Angiei store,'High only pay questions they Jan. “A Lecture on ( has it- turn.el- und, ii- Ter The river at New Orleans has Union, 20, 1SS2; Tobacco”, sume number of railway Iiicayo streei. them rock weed thus mummy just exhumed from the Pyramids of Tariff hill. He said"— gone beyond tlie Revi»*w. discusses the keep hauling and mud all Bible traditions and Bible a ad ear-. The tuum 1- are non r "F !f seaside n the the cable *p.i;.. tin* F-ypt. question, “Shall Our < ivihzadon be Preserv- .e; ".n Urdu V ov er h -pare time. "It is another in that o rise before. The wharves are flooded and l- ayo "Venillg Jh KiiovviLon's truths. The deserts and the wells in the only page delightful Use of (L r'. Witter, M. I>. Mr. iv*111 for pedestrian- a- Well a- vehieU ! -i ■ Tobacco,” by r. lli'g:, «•.•!. I-. •• history of the Democratic which hv breaks in the levee are ed,*' pointing out the means that arc at hand Partridge thought if horses now wvn i to t lie line, let the fall party year many reported. i- with water from a crib two wiie- ui in .: pay chips xvhere Livermore a supplied 1 .mg. No. ;7", ii;. t~ every slaturday lyw they the adds new evidence that it has no gives concise history of tobacco, mu-t "'ill- I hat's deserts, trees, even year business for the various agencies, .d al n ii" Lim »inviiie road near have paid handsomely with our fore-fatli- just what Jadwiu's Tar is balm-of-gilead It u estimated that about thousand withstanding physical, the lake and brotiyht ihroiiyb a tumiel an-l 1 mg Syrup sense. Of course the are sixty with a statement of its chemical • * even in the week. Republicans delight- properties and apt. oilier! Hart'.-. b"ing day It is excellent the locusts that sometimes devoured the Northerners have wintered in Florida moral and intellectual, which threaten to over- into the water tovver e.e h ! n. X«». 21 .. ltm VI. Al!( VNl M. called the Harrison harrow break- Proposed Repayment of the Direct State nize the necessities of the business situation. “Development Religious thousands of miles from all the the troubles between Dr. Newman to w«u i.. -re t- ai away vestigating the appendix, strengthen the indictments and N.»w to clo.-c my visit mi-ay I ^1 Iviigoia Jiie. Masonic Tempo on flu* Tax. Rusiness for some Felix F. Oswald of “< ha ■> < ing road. The tanners at that time on tin* time lias been struggling ind his church in New York declares that Dr. writes rig- in the ii- iad 4t!i Thursday evenings oi month. put the book contains about that can be the Panorama of |h- Batii- "I (.city-l-ury. M- world, found a new Jerusalem ; that they upon the down grade. I don't mean that we everything niatc of oon Newman is as of the North America,*’ wit ii reference -oem b-imm V.- os landing about cords of old hard Governor Rusk of merely acting pastor *|>eeiaI rea-i'-rs may inyii at what may ri-lie HJ.l.t 1 I OlTK'h. growth Wisconsin, who i< in are upon the verge of a hut for some saiil the use of tobacco in form. were indeed the caildren of panic, ihu rch. against any to the iil-uis, but it i- a tati-'i tiiiny ami 1 t-ivi-c beside bark, Washington, has a which meets the the lost time the increasing frequrney ot disastrous Hoods. ary ter N tli, w rn util wi ar- wood, spars and ship timber haul- plan ap- tendency lias been downward. The boil, who ate- b- ( of several Temperance workers will lind it a valuable every eontcinp e.-miny Iiicayo, nvi tali\ Belfast time, at 11.In a. ill., and 7..rnJ p. proval other governors, to secure a tribes—the of is hut the Col. is a Prof. < a. oiiers “A P.< a for Modern ed to market and logs to mill. On an children Dan indeed, that grade moderate, nevertheless de- Mapleson having rough experience lOggeli not io mi-- ii. for it .a.,- < ty lie or -m* i- m-t m. a. :>.20 average to 47. in., and p. m. repayment the Stales of the amount of manual. -• pression of trade lias been constant. A tem- in San Francisco, and according to the frenzied in the education and Juiiau satisfied I would !-• vv iilin.y pay their p-u B riid aid titiit western one hundred •> Languages" higher ; mail arrives at 10.4a a. rods of stone wall was built on direct tax under the direct war should the of the earth as is I- a paid tax act judge people porary panic may grow out of the silver ques- Accounts of the conduct of the mob in quest of admi.-sion. It real that nioa,ci,( ym; m .i:id 7 2 p m a. m. and Il-O.-) in. Tin: Bowsiiam l’rzzi i:. Mr. I liawihornc of < p. the Augusta, lstii. a of this tax Habborton's discourses •‘Literature for hil- eaniu-r holievi cut arc in tin mid-tot ;t horri eight larm- and for a long time then* was large part is they and be as “a the tion. It is not a time for the continuance of tickets, Patti must have a choice lot of spirits yu -till passed, serpent by I'-e bailie. Tie- ••anin-ca uy, the ucad ml unsettled. Many of the States, tariff agitation. The Democratic is Lo before. ingenious mind lias evolved a plot winch at dren.*1 Finally, there is ,i discussion of “Recent -iy my. haul to and especially party again sing u rough plow, the sleds and carts lh«- Southern States, have not “an adder in the the amputation limb- the ainuil nn ami paid the amount way,” path.” demonstrating to the its for once of were country incapacity excites and evades the reader's Criticisms the Bible," by tin- Rev. Dr. It. stubbornness of the mute-, .ill m :i:e like that Junior \lee Commander. poorci Ilian now. The as-essed to them, while the amount I he world-renowned 1 ankee clipper ship curiosity only advantage unpaid Tin* Democratic is united ... To the east of this remnant of a dried- governing. party toa most In the Ilebcr Newton and the Rev. A. G. you can almost imagine in an llie nioaiis ami >Jr. A. <». Alford, .Junior. \ ice nl had over by llie Northern States is considerable. There Young America, of N. Y., sailed from New amusing degree. reading riddle Mortimer. 1)-partin* they fanners now was that the fam- upon nothing and the utter disregard of a ma- -ce the real smoke F n two u-mr-vve ya/ad on ? arc York March 1st, for the Mediterranean, with a he takes us t some rather 'iiiiii iiidi'i of M l.. CL A. Ii.. Baltimote -e many complicated connected and close the salt-white of them of the hroagli I Id- scene and 1 lieard one ", n, win- w.u- a >ld., ilies m tie eight farms counted N2 ehil- questions up sea, upon jority principles of plain sense excitingevent*. The We. k: an independent journal of Lit- soldier, < up 'vitlMlic of of under a and a wi'ii*-: ”1 have Si. .Jacob' Ml me adjustment the remaining claims. conduct of business this cargo petroleum, foreign Hag and us into contact with some i- "iny companion that i. vva.- iu-t correct, for kept by di ii and shore of in.their in the House brings interot- erature, theit \\ r« to to break the steers In \ icw of the it, there gushed from the roek\ new name, Miroslar. Polities, and Criticism. Toronto: C. rtyht where lie was y.-iny _ct over a -tone •tipi found it a ready remedy for pains, boys plethoric condition of tin* treas- winter shows the utter and dire failure arc? wall, and 1 they iug characters. The chief merit of Mr. llabber- lie lost ins hat and was '-ill the e-ln and bruises. \\ lien a keep ihe old oxen moving. the ury. herelore. several of the governors have hillside a little river of water for themselves.” Blackett Robinson. Tiiis journal has now poinlin.y place, suttering t«-rril>ly Perhaps boiling preparing Mrs. Ellen E. Sehaiuniond of Boston, one of wlieu In exclaimed ami hi- hand- ami t ’.v weeks since with an ulcerated tooth. 1 thought that Omgress be to [’lirii ton's work consists in its portrayal of village life. clapped fanners of the time have too might disposed you do not believe the Morrison hill the trust