lAnd of sweets locAl dAnce compAny collABorAtes with the englert theAter for the AnnuAl production of the Nutcracker. 80 hours THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2012 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Woman BeArds for a cause testifies about alleged rape Alleged Pentacrest rape victim said she ‘just shut down.’ By Brent griffiths
[email protected] Former University of Iowa student Evan Pfeifer allegedly held his hand over a woman’s mouth and told her, “It’s fine. You like it. You’re so pret- ty,” as he sexually assaulted her on the Pentacrest in October 2010, the alleged victim testified. Pfeifer’s trial continued Wednesday in the Johnson County Courthouse, a day in which the state presented 10 witnesses. Pfeifer is accused of sex- UI students Storm Vaske, Corey Collins, and Mike Greeby, the organizers of the Beards for Boobies campaign, display their bracelets and beards in the IMU on ually assaulting a woman near the Wednesday. (The Daily Iowan/Juan Carlos Herrera) intersection of Washington and Mad- ison Streets in the early morning The ‘Beards for Boobies’ campaign is in its second year, and organizers are ramping up their efforts. hours of Oct. 3, 2010. He is charged with third-degree sexual abuse. By BriAnnA Jett “Unfortunately, Corey’s mom passed away mid-month, and it During her testimony Wednesday,
[email protected] became really sentimental for us,” Greeby said. “I think that’s the reported victim cried at times as when the movement really got momentum.