The Revelation of Christ: "The Day of the Lord" Revelation 4:1; I Thessalonians 5:1-11

Introduction- The "Day of the Lord" is a phrase used to describe the future program of the judgment of God on the earth. Unsaved men and women face will face the wrath of God on the Day of the Lord which culminates at the of Christ. Because the unbeliever is apathetic towards the work of God, the Second Coming of Christ arrives, "like a thief in the night". But the believer in Jesus Christ will be spared from the wrath of God, since he/she will have been raptured by Jesus 7 years prior in order to escape the wrath of God at the Second Coming of Jesus (Rev. 19:11-21).

I. The Day of the Lord Will Come On The Unsaved Like a Thief in the Night at the Second Coming of Christ I Thessalonians 5:1,2 1Now as to the times and the epochs, brethren, you have no need of anything to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. A. "Now on the topic of times and the ephochs…" 5:1a 1. Paul had finished answering the question about the dead in Christ and whether they would miss the I Thessalonians 4:13-18 2. "now about", 'peri de', "turning to another subject" 3. "times", 'chronos', "elapsed time, duration of time", here referring to particular dates when these prophecies would be fulfilled 4. "ephochs", 'kairos', "the characteristics of events and signs" B. Informed, not ignorant, of the coming "Day of the Lord" 5:1b 1. Paul had taught them concerning the imminent Day of the Lord Ezekiel 30:3; :1; Zephaniah 1:7 2. Since both the rapture and the Day of the Lord is imminent, they could come at any moment, then they must occur at the same time C. The "Day of the Lord" will come like a "thief in the night" 5:2 1. The phrase, "thief in the night" refers to the Second Coming, not to the Rapture Luke 12:39; Matthew 24:43 2. The Day of the Lord will be a horrific time of great judgment and wrath on the unsaved of all nations and Israel 3. The Day of the Lord will largely be a period of 1007 years, and begin at the same time as the Rapture. 4. The early events of the Day of the Lord unfold, grow in intensity, and climax in the judgment at the Second Coming of Christ and the subsequent reign of Christ over all the earth. 5. The Day of the Lord will include concentrated times of judgment like the "" in the latter half of the 70th Week of Daniel, the Second Coming of Christ to Reign 6. God will overthrow His enemies in the Day of the Lord 2:12 7. Israel will experience a purging of its rebels as the Lord returns to reign on the throne of David Ezekiel 20:33-39 8. The judgment of evil men and women will then bring in the Millennial Reign of Christ, a time of great prosperity for Israel and the entire one elect people of God Zephaniah 1:17,18; 3:14-17 D. Since the rapture and the beginning of the "Day of the Lord" are both imminent, they both occur at the same time

II. Jesus is Coming Like a Thief in the Night to Those Walking in Darkness at the Time of Jesus' Second Coming I Thessalonians 5:3 3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains upon a woman with child, and they will not escape. A. Those who have not believed in Jesus Christ for salvation will not be expecting the arrival of the Day of the Lord 5:3a; :18-25 B. The judgment of the Day of the Lord will come 5:3b 1. "suddenly like labor pains" 2. "they will not escape

III. Jesus Will Have Raptured the Church and Commenced the "Day of the Lord" 7 Years Prior to the Second Coming I Thessalonians 5:4,5 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would overtake you like a thief; 5 fo