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Daily quest

Daily quests (popularly nicknamed dailies) are repeatable quests first introduced in Patch 2.1. These quests have significantly better rewards than normal repeatable quests. Patch 2.2.0 saw the introduction of more daily quests for seasonal events. In Patch 2.3, new daily quests were introduced for instances, battlegrounds, fishing, and cooking.

Contents 1 Restrictions 2 Northrend 2.1 Borean Tundra 2.2 Howling Fjord 2.3 Dragonblight 2.4 Grizzly Hills 2.5 Zul'Drak 2.6 The Storm Peaks 2.7 Icecrown 2.8 Sortable Table of Northrend Daily Quests 3 Seasonal Events 3.1 Brewfest 3.2 Hallow's End 3.3 Midsummer Fire Festival 4 Burning Crusade 5 Honor Hold / Thrallmar 6 Ogri'la 6.1 Ogri'la, Blade's Edge Mountains 7 Sha'tari Skyguard and Ogri'la shared quests 8 Netherwing 8.1 Netherwing Ledge, Shadowmoon Valley 9 Instance Quests 9.1 Normal Dailies 9.2 Heroic dailies 10 Battleground Quests 10.1 PVP 11 Cooking Quests 11.1 Dalaran cooking dailies 11.2 Shattrath cooking dailies 12 Fishing Quests 13 Jewelcrafting Quests 14 Nagrand 15 Terokkar Forest 15.1 Sha'tari Skyguard 15.1.1 Skettis, Terokkar Forest 16 Shattered Sun Offensive 17 External links


You may complete up to 25 daily quests per day per character. The exact reset hour depends on the realm, but it never changes, is chosen to be in the early AM, and will not coincide with the instance reset. You can double-check by mousing over the daily quests completed out of 25 in the upper-right corner of your quest log. Prior to Patch 2.4 there was a limit of 10 daily quests per day, but was increased to the current limit to accommodate the large number of Shattered Sun Offensive daily quests.

Often, a quest chain needs to be completed first to unlock the quest.


Wrath of the Lich King introduces level 71-80 daily quests.

Borean Tundra

[72] Preparing for the Worst: Utaik [64.0, 45.7], Kaskala: +500 The Kalu'ak, 20,300 XP, 9 86 [71] Drake Hunt: Raelorasz[33.3, 34.5], Transitus Shield, Coldarra: +250 The Wyrmrest Accord, 20,100 XP, 4 70 [80] Aces High!: Corastrasza[29.5, 24.8], The Nexus, Coldarra: +250 The Wyrmrest Accord, 13 23

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Dragonblight [71] The Way to His Heart...: Anuniaq[24.6, 58.9], Kamagua: +500 The Kalu'ak, 20,100 XP, 4 70 [71] Break the Blockade: Bombardier Petrov[29.0, 41.9], Westguard Keep: +250 Valiance Expedition, 20,100 XP, 4 70 [71] Steel Gate Patrol: Steel Gate Chief Archaeologist[30.8, 28.6], Steel Gate: +250 Explorers' League, 20,100 XP, 4 70 Grizzly Hills [72] Planning for the Future: Trapper Mau'i[48.3, 74.3], Moa'ki Harbor: +500 The Kalu'ak, 20,300 XP, 5 [74] Defending Wyrmrest Temple: Lord Afrasastrasz[59.2, 54.3], middle tier of Wyrmrest Temple: + 250 The Wyrmrest Accord, 20,750 XP, 5 60

Quest Starter Loc Rep XP Currency Blue Sky Logging Grounds

[74P] Kick 'Em While They're Downω τ α Sergeant Hartsman [39.4, 43.8] +250 VE20,7505 60 ω τ α [74P] Pieces Parts Pipthwack [39.6, 43.4] 20,7505 60 ω τ α [74P] Life or Death Rheanna [40.5, 42.7] +250 VE20,7505 60

[74P] Shredder Repairω τ α Synipus [39.5, 43.5] 20,7505 60

[74P] Keep 'Em on Their Heels Commander Bargok [34.5, 33.0] +250 WO20,7505 60

[74P] Making Repairs Lurz [34.4, 32.6] +250 WO20,7505 60

[74P] Overwhelmed! Aumana [33.9, 32.7] +250 WO20,7505 60

[74P] Shred the Alliance Grekk [34.6, 32.5] +250 WO20,7505 60 Blackriver Logging Camp ω τ α [74P] Blackriver Skirmish Scout Captain Carter [30.0, 59.8] +250 VE20,7505 60

[74P] Blackriver Brawl Raider Captain Kronn [26.5, 56.8] +250 WO20,7505 60 Venture Bay ω τ α [74P] Keep Them at Bay! Lieutenant Stuart [22.1, 81.3] 20,7505 60 10 ω τ α [74P] Smoke 'Em Out Sergeant Downey [22.0, 80.8] 20,7505 60 10

[74G3] Down With Captain Zorna!ω τ α Baron Freeman [22.1, 81.3] 20,7505 60 10

[74P] Riding the Red Rocket Commander Howser [14.8, 86.6] 20,7505 60 10

[74P] Keep Them at Bay Centurion Kaggrum [10.1, 77.3] 20,7505 60 10

[74P] Smoke 'Em Out Stone Guard Ragetotem [11.3, 76.9] 20,7505 60 10

[74G3] Crush Captain Brightwater! General Khazgar [10.1, 77.2] 20,7505 60 10

Zul'D [74rakP] Riding the Red Rocketω τ α General Gorlok [14.6, 86.5] 20,7505 60 10 Granite Springs

[72] Seared Scourge Mack Fearsen [16.7, 48.3] 20,3005 The Storm Peaks

[76] Troll Patrol: Commander Kunzω τ α[40, 67], The Argent Stand: +250 Argent Crusade, 12 69

K3 [78] Overstock: Ricketω τ α[41, 85]: 12 96 Frost Hold [78] Pushed Too Far: Fjorlin Frostbrowω τ α[30, 76]: +250 The Frostborn, 12 96 Brunnhidar Village [79] Maintaining Disciplineω τ α: Gretta the Arbiterω τ α[51, 66]: [Hyldnir Spoils], 9 81 [80] The Aberrations Must Dieω τ α: Gretta the Arbiterω τ α[51, 66]: [Hyldnir Spoils], 13 23 Dun Nifflelem [80] Hot and Cold: Fjorn's Anvil[63, 63]: +250 The Sons of Hodir, 13 23 [80] Blowing Hodir's Horn: Hodir's Horn[64, 65]: +250 The Sons of Hodir, 13 23

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[80] Polishing The Helmω τ α: Hodir's Helm[64, 60]: +250 The Sons of Hodir, 13 23 After honored [80] Spy Hunter: Frostworg Denmotherω τ α[63, 60]: +350 The Sons of Hodir, 13 23 [80] Thrusting Hodir's Spear: Hodir's Spear[65, 61]: +500 The Sons of Hodir, 16 53 After revered [80] Feeding Arngrim: Arngrim the Insatiable[66, 60]: +350 The Sons of Hodir, 13 23

The Skybreaker [80] Get the Message: High Captain Justin Bartlettω τ α, The Skybreaker: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 [80] No Mercy!: High Captain Justin Bartlettω τ α, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80] Slaves to Saronite: Absalan the Piousω τ α, The Skybreaker: +250 Argent Crusade, 13 23 [80] Blood of the Chosen: Knight-Captain Droscheω τ α, The Skybreaker: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 [80] The Solution Solution: Chief Engineer Boltwrenchω τ α, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80] Retest Now: Chief Engineer Boltwrenchω τ α, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80] That's Abominable!: Thassarian, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80] Drag and Drop: Thassarian, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80] Not a Bugω τ α: Thassarian, The Skybreaker: 13 23 [80G5] Neutralizing the Plague: Thassarian, The Skybreaker: 19 86 [80G5] No Rest For The Wickedω τ α: Thassarian, The Skybreaker: 19 86 The Valley of Lost Hope [80] Assault by Ground: Skybreaker Squad Leaderω τ α[63, 51], The Valley of Lost Hope: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 [80] Assault by Air: Ground Commander Koupω τ α[63, 51], The Valley of Lost Hope: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 Ymirheim [80] King of the Mountain: Frazzle Geargrinderω τ α[57, 63], Ymirheim: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate [80] Putting the Hertz: The Valley of Lost Hope: Kibli Killohertzω τ α[54, 43], Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate: +250 Valiance Expedition, 13 23 [80] Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment: Kibli Killohertzω τ α[54, 43], Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate: 13 23 Sortable Table of Northrend Daily Quests The Shadow Vault [80] Shoot 'Em Up: The Leaperω τ α[43, 25], The Shadow Vault: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23 [80] Vile Like Fire!: Vileω τ α[43, 24], The Shadow Vault: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23 [80] Leave Our Mark: Baron Sliverω τ α[42, 24], The Shadow Vault: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23 Death's Rise [80] No Fly Zone: Uzo Deathcallerω τ α[20, 48], Death's Rise: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23 [80] Intelligence Gathering: Aurochs Grimbaneω τ α[20, 48], Death's Rise: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23 [80] From Their Corpses, Rise!: Setaal Darkmenderω τ α[20, 48], Death's Rise: +250 Knights of the Ebon Blade, 13 23

Daily Northrend Quests

Name Zone Reward Faction

[72] Preparing for the Worst Borean Tundra Kaskala [64.0, 45.7] 20,300 XP, 9 86 The Kalu'ak +500

[80] Aces High! Borean Tundra The Nexus [29.5, 24.8] 13 23 The Wyrmrest Accord +250

[71] Drake Hunt Borean Tundra Transitus Shield [33.3, 34.5] 20,100 XP, 4 70 The Wyrmrest Accord +250

[72] Planning for the Future Dragonblight Moa'ki Harbor [48.3, 74.3] 20,300 XP, 5 The Kalu'ak +500

[74] Defending Wyrmrest Temple Dragonblight Wyrmrest Temple [59.2, 54.3] 20,750 XP, 5 60 The Wyrmrest Accord +250

[74] Blackriver Brawl Grizzly Hills Blackriver Logging Camp [26.5, 56.8] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Warsong Offensive +250

[74] Blackriver Skirmishω τ α Grizzly Hills Blackriver Logging Camp [30.0, 59.8] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Valiance Expedition +250

[74] Overwhelmed! Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [33.9, 32.7] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Warsong Offensive +250

[74] Making Repairs Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [34.4, 32.6] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Warsong Offensive +250

[74] Keep 'Em on Their Heels Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [34.5, 33.0] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Warsong Offensive +250

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[74] Shred the Alliance Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [34.6, 32.5] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Warsong Offensive +250

[74] Kick 'Em While They're Downω τ α Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [39.4, 43.8] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Valiance Expedition +250

[74] Shredder Repairω τ α Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [39.5, 43.5] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Valiance Expedition +250

[74] Pieces Partsω τ α Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [39.6, 43.4] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Valiance Expedition +250

[74] Life or Deathω τ α Grizzly Hills Blue Sky Logging Grounds [40.5, 42.7] 20,750 XP, 5 60 Valiance Expedition +250

[72] Seared Scourge Grizzly Hills Granite Springs [16.7, 48.3] 20,300 XP, 5

[74 G3] Crush Captain Brightwater! Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [10.1, 77.2] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Keep Them at Bay Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [10.1, 77.3] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Smoke 'Em Out Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [11.3, 76.9] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Riding the Red Rocketω τ α Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [14.6, 86.5] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Riding the Red Rocketω τ α Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [14.8, 86.6] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Smoke 'Em Out Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [22.0, 80.8] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74] Keep Them at Bay!ω τ α Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [22.1, 81.3] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[74 G3] Down With Captain Zorna!ω τ α Grizzly Hills Venture Bay [22.1, 81.3] 20,750 XP, 5 60 ,10

[71] The Way to His Heart... Howling Fjord Kamagua [24.6, 58.9] 20,100 XP, 4 70 The Kalu'ak +500

[71] Steel Gate Patrol Howling Fjord Steel Gate [30.8, 28.6] 20,100 XP, 4 70 Explorers' League +250

[71] Break the Blockade Howling Fjord Westguard Keep[29.0, 41.9] 20,100 XP, 4 70 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] Putting the Hertz: The Valley of Lost Hope Icecrown Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate [54, 43] 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] Static Shock Troops: the Bombardment Icecrown Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate [54, 43] 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] Total Ohmage: The Valley of Lost Hope! Icecrown Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate [54, 43] 13 23

[80] Volatility Icecrown Aldur'thar: The Desolation Gate [54, 43] 13 23

[80] No Fly Zone Icecrown Death's Rise [20, 48] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] Intelligence Gathering Icecrown Death's Rise [20, 48] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] From Their Corpses, Rise! Icecrown Death's Rise [20, 48] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] Blood of the Chosen Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23 Warsong Offensive +250

[80] Drag and Drop Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] Keeping the Alliance Blindω τ α Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] King of the Mountain Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23 Warsong Offensive +250

[80 G5] Neutralizing the Plague Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 42 06

[80 G5] No Rest For The Wickedω τ α Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 42 06

[80] Not a Bugω τ α Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] Retest Now Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] That's Abominable! Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] Slaves to Saronite Icecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23 Argent Crusade +250

[80] Riding the Wavelength: The BombardmentIcecrown Ogrim's Hammer 13 23

[80] Shoot 'Em Up Icecrown The Shadow Vault [43, 25] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] Vile Like Fire! Icecrown The Shadow Vault [43, 25] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] Leave Our Mark Icecrown The Shadow Vault [43, 25] 13 23 Knights of the Ebon Blade +250

[80] Get the Message Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] No Mercy! Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

[80] Slaves to Saronite Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23 Argent Crusade +250

[80] Blood of the Chosen Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] The Solution Solution Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

[80] Retest Now Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

[80] That's Abominable! Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

[80] Drag and Drop Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

[80] Not a Bugω τ α Icecrown The Skybreaker 13 23

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[80 G5] Neutralizing the Plague Icecrown The Skybreaker 19 86

[80 G5] No Rest For The Wickedω τ α Icecrown The Skybreaker 19 86

[80] Assault by Ground Icecrown The Valley of Lost Hope [63, 51] 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] Assault by Air Icecrown The Valley of Lost Hope [63, 51] 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] King of the Mountain Icecrown Ymirheim [57, 63] 13 23 Valiance Expedition +250

[80] Assault by Air Icecrown Ymirheim [57, 63] 13 23 Warsong Offensive +250

[80] Assault by Ground Icecrown Ymirheim [57, 63] 13 23 Warsong Offensive +250

[80] A Hero's Headgear Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 20 63 Frenzyheart Tribe +500

[76] Chicken Party! Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 21,400 XP, 6 50 Frenzyheart Tribe +500

[78] Kartak's Rampage Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 27,000 XP, 13 60 Frenzyheart Tribe +350

[80] Rejek: First Blood Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 20 63 Frenzyheart Tribe +500

[80] Strength of the Tempest Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 20 63 Frenzyheart Tribe +250

[78] Tools of War Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 27,000 XP, 13 60 Frenzyheart Tribe +350

[78] Secret Strength of the Frenzyheart Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 27,000 XP, 13 60 Frenzyheart Tribe +350

[80] The Heartblood's Strength Sholazar Basin Frenzyheart Hill [55, 69] 20 63 Frenzyheart Tribe +500

[80] A Cleansing Song Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 20 63 The Oracles +500

[76] Appeasing the Great Rain Stoneω τ α Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 21,400 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +500

[78] Mastery of the Crystals Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 27,000 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +350

[78] Power of the Great Onesω τ α Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 27,000 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +350

[78] Song of Fecundityω τ α Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 27,000 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +250

[78] Song of Reflectionω τ α Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 27,000 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +250

Seas [78on] Songal oEf Wvinde nandts Waterω τ α Sholazar Basin Rainspeaker Canopy [53, 56] 27,000 XP, 6 50 The Oracles +500

[79] Maintaining Disciplineω τ α The Storm Peaks Brunnhidar Village [51, 66] [Hyldnir Spoils], 9 81

[80] The Aberrations Must Dieω τ α The Storm Peaks Brunnhidar Village [51, 66] [Hyldnir Spoils], 13 23

[80] Back to the Pit The Storm Peaks Brunnhidar Village [51, 66] [Hyldnir Spoils], 13 23 Brewfest [