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Lays Jred Balldons Iteddn^ Alaska Lokirats Rar4)Eiiiocrats Esjiii The WiMlhtr jrwMMi ef Ct. Weather i Tealght Member *| the Audit eet ee ee|d. L^4»4». rrMay Bnrwa ef OreaUtlMi liiaetl]r^^lMidr> eeild, in th pm H t n c h ^ City pf Village Charm ehetyet^ lUgh ^ 'v - V JOL, LXXV, NO>128 rAlWHESTER, CONN*. THt^RSDAV. MARCH 1, I$S« XCImiiMMI Adrertlehig #■ l^age ig) PRICE PITS i^ENTS Birminghamt Ala.,^arc)i 1 (fl^Autherine Lucy, Negro \ c o ^ , today was expdied from the University of Alabama for unproved chargea wat school authorities conspired in mob action against her./Qiere was no'ofHcial announcement from the board bf truBtces./but'biembera conflnned that the action wae agreed upon at a nleetlng last night. ‘Sh’ey asked that their names not be used. /. The action came within hours lokirats after U.S. ipisV Judge H. Hobart Grooms yest^day-s ordered the New Hayei). March 1 .<g»i— board to Vacate an order exclud­ Forfher Mpyor EMward Crane ing the gS-year-old Birmingham of Cambridge. , Maas.,, told woman from the. Campus for safe­ Mayor Richard C. Lee' laS^ r ■ i ty reasons. He gave the univer­ night how that city kept re^ ! 7 sity until Monday 4^ .take the ac­ prices down after rent conwls- W a sh in ^ ion, March 1 </P>—President Eii W —joffer* tion readmitting her. ^ went off in Massachusetts. L ondtm , M arch *1 — [ ;4ng himselfDlf foto methe American peoplepMpie as able perfortn hie There was no ; immediate coni- Controls go off for about a . WMtom Europe’s non-C^m*i duties as well fas ever—pressed’ his^^ond t^ ih bid tCfday ^ ment- from the National Associa­ million tenants in Comwcticut mipiiBt press gave warm WcI- i by entering Republican primaries in CaUforniiand Wisoonain. tion for Advancement ofCbiored on March. 31. - People, which had sponsored her Crane,:^'who, iS phw a citj ^riie today to • President He wa.s off gnd running. Apd, as was widely iMiticipate^ - 2'ii years legal battle to get ad­ councilmah,. told ' Eisenhower’s decision to run^ his health already Was becomiftg an issue of the last^evelop< mittance to the all-white achool.- "We Just amvSunced thaV if lena Psota. 13, is again. Officials on both sides mg campaign. ^ e action took NAACP offi- there were turbd a t Munhall, Pa.s after', of the Iron Curtain were non­ Oemwrats challenged the President’s own estimate of his \ ela'Is hire by surprise. Increases w ^ send thj^Ses- showing police the spot in the \ A hasty effort was made to sor a ro u n ^ to VeconSider as­ woods where he said he beat committal, hut the Russians physical capabilities and asked. Whether tlw tountiv wanted atop Thurgood Marshall,' NAACP sessm ents/ In- otheiywordis. if to death his classmate, John laid smilingly they had ex- what they termed a “paH time President.’’ . legal counsel wpo represented there are going tO/M any big WUinski .Jc„ ,13,' with an iron te d it* / »■/ From OOP Chairman Laonard#-—------ Miss Lucy at the hearing yester­ - profits-made, thy city woiild pipe. Eugene said the slay­ Itorial. comment over the an­ Hall came the retort that Elsen­ day. He had panned to leave here .share/ thepj.” , ing climaxed a long aeries of nouncement ranged from sober re- hower has been "a full tlms Pi^l- of/flghts.. dent.” He predicted the Democreta • today. ■ / fane said /there were no ilectlpn to open Jubllatlun.. Radio-TV NW .\lleniUons Dropped n^Jor increMS in rents. This.“nm es of London mused: *‘It Ivoiiid lose votes if they sought to ■ At Ihe/start of the hearing Let /expn<Med considerable is impoMible not to Mimire Oie'^e- makO the president’s health a yeiterday. Marshall, was allowed /interest liy the plaV voUon to duty which has led him, m atter,of importance In the cam- Rar4)eiiiocrats to* d t^ allegations that the trus­ miles after. oriNpnked private debatk,.to palgn. tees / and university official^ "natiwall^ pleased” when the Judge this decismn.” Develophilnta eamo thick and ni^ed as defendants- had coyf- ruled jp/ner favor yesterday. MorgenbMdet of Oslo decla'red: fast on this Srat day aiftar Elsen­ Esjiii^^AirTimo apired with outsiders in mob riot­ Ip Krmingbam, the Lucy\ For tJ:S. Role^ , "The whoIe\free world will greet hower announced hi# big daclslon -■ \ ing that drove Miss Lucy from the, aioAywas bigger new’s Jn the n rm - The Prealdentta decision with satis-' and. went on nationwide TV-radIo Niw York,. March 1 (P) — Tha : campus at Tuscaloosa Feb. 6. \ IpMSm Post-Herald tbaiMf^esl- faptlon.” ^ t Copenhagen'a networks to put hla caSa befora Uia' In Trade Unit peoply. They turned on three main major ^ tri«vtakm ~and radio net­ Marshall told the court that ‘‘af­ dtoi; Bisenhower's annC^cenleiit Dagena NyheUti;— a conservative works iwjeetiid today a Democratic ter careful investigation we are at he w-as available fpr re-nonti- pap^—found it''"almost historical subjects; unable to prodiice any evidence to hation. Washington,' March 1 (4b -Sec Irony that at a time when authori­ Bay laaiM Raised by the party request ter-fraa aqual time support these- itlligations. Th: The first major r^Scdtlon came fetary i^:v®t4t.e Dulles, fold Con-. tarian Russia goes in for collec­ Eisenhower’a health—Democrats to rtply to prtsidant Klsenhowtr'a amendment takes out every'singif from Ace .Carter, executive s^re- gress ijdday that refUMI to ratify tive leadership, onevshould see the were queatlohlng whether the apaech laat night aiUiouncing he allegation of conspiracy.” tary of the NortX^Alamaba IVhite denibcraUc United Rtates depea Preeldent could. In fact, fully would rua tor a bacond term. U.S. pkMlclpation in the Organiza­ handle the dutlet of hla oSHca in Atty. Andrew Thomas call^ the CitizeiW C oun(^, an affiliation hf tion for Ti-ade Cooperation tOTC) ing on the decision of one'maif. Rei^ea ware amt by this .conspiraty charges "scur^ous, 45 pro-Ngregation organisations. Expecred by Rttsaians the light o t hla Sept. 30 heart at' National BroadcaatWg Oo., the would bring ‘’-grave' consequences” tack. ‘Their general a'ttituda waa He objected heatedly w'hemGfopms Carter Called a -mass meeting in international relations. '"This is news we haVe exndcte< American BroadeaaUag Oo. and eliminated them from the, action. here for Marfh 9 and predicted for some time,” , said Deputy F< that Biaenhower himself . had Columbia Broadcasting Itatam to Dulles opened an administration railed, the laaua by dlecuaslhg aa>ing that the iinivermy should an attervdan^ by 15,000. - . drive for President Eisenhower's ei'en Minister Andrei G/omyko, Pamocratic Nattonal Chalrmaa be given an opportunity to nhswer ■We/bellevB\ we have found a wno has spent miicli tlrare in the hla health in hla broadcast laat Paul M. Butler. foreign economic policies' before night. (•> - them. the Homie Ways and Means comf United Statas aa a SoyictXrepra- praridmt.eit -i. Owe. A v ^ H Harrim^^^^ Mify; th e ^ w e e h He was the first of seven cabi .. p Presidium Chalrnyn/ Kle^ o n S o t those Sgurlng'Tn laat lu ^ t was carried **ss a news net officials scheduled Fq face Voroshilov, who gotytm word with apeculatlon about the poasible event at unusual national taapor'- skeptical questioda from many GroVnyko between Acts of "Romeo Democratlo nominee,’ /M id the taijee." ^ ' Hovise members. and Ji.Iiet” at l^scow 's Bolanpl *Prerident’a -heeith qertainly would Na BssIb for Ctalss lays JRed Balldons Dulles assured the committee Theater, smiled nu' kept silent. \ be a campaign Issuf—that Btoeii; Ha rafarrad to appoarancea ef gt the outset that OTC ntembei’- West EuropMn officials likewtao' Tiower“ haa made it a major lasu'a.” other polUlctl flgurea on NBC and •Shlp carries nothing "which ailers had little or^o th in g to say offi The ‘bte ,dOP vice pres- aald ‘‘siace our prasmtatlona have or can alter United States tariff clsHy. But (a.iy expressed t'h, pri- idettUal new— OOP Chairmen been fairly balancad, we da net iteddn^ Alaska rates or other trade measures,- he vate Vview' lat Elsenho'.ver's deci- Leoni Hill predipted that It feel, that our beoadeeat ot tha' Xaid. ./ / fion w lod for the free world. will be Richard M. Nixon. Ptosideot’a address last night pro* Objectors tp the OTC propoiat Hall Kisenhowar and Nixon loa Paga NJawtacaL. 4IA^^ /w b ln g t^ , — The, Th connection ^with h thp latter .contend tariff t'taam” tar Bit toontry. TMiteT States t ^ Russia today \nt. the note delivered i by;the fixing authorRy-Twiy X^m both And, OOP leader Knowland hat Sovi<cj,,J»li^na "have flow embassy to the/boviet foreign the Congress and the' President of 'Csllfomis said he aasumez /over United Spates territory.” The ministry stated: , ' . , , and place it in the hands Nixon will sgsln be Xls*i ternktiotial agency. State Dlepar|meht said thdt meant ‘‘a\ the time tpat the Soviet gov-- iaboV Appeals riidning mate., ly bound to glvn oquapfadlittos'to they hS4 been over Aiasks. Ternmpnt obJect.ed (a month ago) tor Dulles, however, asset \Th*r,«; hs* tiqeD 're c u r^ K tidli tho DemoctnUc piity."' Moscow, the the --ffransit/of United States OTC is Intended to-be only he Church Built hy that Bome elamanta In tba Bapdbll' u to » talagram to Butter, Ric Unlfeh States also: '-metieorological balloons over the ministrative agency back' State Ban oi^ can party want to “Jatfidgn’, riflclMhw, CBS vloo prwM oBt^ nations to police Hil^nJU'i ■^taXiniplrlilg view of the Emanuel Luthlran Church wSs Nixqn.
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