Mrs. Annis Tar Maaon Digree Will Be Ewenyll- the a Uxiliary-H As Done 'Yeoman 226 Holuster 81., and Richard Tur- Two Houra Each Morning, Monday for PROMPT

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Mrs. Annis Tar Maaon Digree Will Be Ewenyll- the a Uxiliary-H As Done 'Yeoman 226 Holuster 81., and Richard Tur- Two Houra Each Morning, Monday for PROMPT -\ y € .7- V‘ MONDAY, JANUARY 80, 198E AYtrngs Daily Net Preae Raa PAGE FOURTEEN ^n fV atrr lEvraing l$(ralB >-.Far tha Weak Bndfd The Weather. Jaa. SB. 1M8 Faraeast o( V. K Weothae Batasa Individual Halp to propora him (or H i The Rev. John B. Poet, mintster YW CA Fund Drive tha broadar actlvltiaa ha wUl an- 11,885 Fair, eaMer. ivtada dying Btqrh o f the North Methodist Church, countar in hla |lrat yoar o f public tonight. Law nronni IS. Wadhas* A bdutT6w ii r •( tha A a«t will speak on 'T h e United N a­ Has Goal of S3,000 school. Tha pra - lUndergarten dny M r , eold. High 8S-te. tions in the Quest fdr Peace'' at Silk Town Notes, Quotes clasqea art tn chgrgt o f specially •CdeMlatlan y the annual meeting of the.Uhtted trained workers, Mrs. Martin Al- 0stet>~^A City of ViUago Charm tiM Ww»«*»»*p Nations Association o« Manchester The aucceSs o f the Manchaater vord, diractor and Mrs. Paul Mc­ mtHm A m y wfll hold JU r*»u>w tomorrow night at 8:18 in the B y EARLWST YWCA finance drive now in prog- K ay and Mra. Tru m an Crandall, BMtUnc at S o'clock in the Federation .Room of the Center rasa, iU goal 13,000, will deter- aaslstant directors. VQL. LXXV, NO. 102 (SIXTEEN PACES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY. JANUARY 31. 1056 (Ctoattllad Advwttolag aa Vaga 14) PRICE n V E CENTS C tud«l. Mrs.. Sr. C«pt. Erie J»ck- Congr^ational Church. Anyone m on c t Hwtfttrd will b« the irutet One of the flneet organlxatlonsfl,,Dr.: mlha fht exte'i^ ' to' which the Tha local YWCA hopes to to Interested is in\ited to attend. Oak St.; Charles Rohan, 38 Oard- varied projecta now carried on by • p ^ t r . A ll mehnbera ere u rf •<! to in Manchester te the Auxiliary, able to continue, the achool, which ph - -- the Y W C A may be continued and be preaent. has baen ao aticceasful.for the past The newlv formed St. aeCard's Police which now numbera 48 men mund St.; J o ^ ' Speed, 28 Wellman expanded In the year ahead. two years, anefia within tha finan­ Inelodoe llalag and labor-THF- .REST BRAKE JOB ^ TOWN Olympic R ^ulU Mother arcle will meet tomorrow among its membership. The Auxll- Rd.; Raymond Sullivan Jr., 112 Of these, none has mors popu­ cial rang# of all Interaated YOUR DOLLAR5 HAVf MORI CINTS H IRI U.S., Britain ilaocbester Lodge, N o.‘73- A. F. night at the; home of Mrs. RUgenc laiy was organised in 1880 by Drive B; Edwin Swanson, 81 lar appeal than the playichool, or parenta.. Cortina D’Ampead^ Italy, mad A. M., w ill hold e epeciel com- Kelly, 20 Agnes Dr., at 8 o’clock. Chief of Police Herman Schendel. Laurel ^t.; Frank Symonds, 8 ] pre-kindergarten. Ihls U con­ Jan. 31 U h— ^Toni .SAflar, toa muaiceUon at thf Maeonlc Temple The co-hostess w ill be Mrs.'James W orking hand in hand with the Po­ Seaman/Clrcle; Roger Talbot, 48o ' ducted on a non-profit basis, at a handsome, 21-ycar-old Aus­ tomorrow n\gt\t at 7;30. The Mae- lice Department on many occasions, Seek to Tie Welch. E, Middle Tpke.; Clarence Tomm, nominal charge, for a period of I i/AllA SERUIIE trian plumber, today won bla Mrs. Annis tar Maaon digree will be eWenyll- the A uxiliary-h as done 'yeoman 226 HolUSter 81., and Richard Tur- two houra each morning, Monday FOR PROMPT . aacond winter Olympica gold Add by the offlccra of the lodge, A meeting of the combined com­ work controlling crowds at public cotte. 298 Cooper Hill St. The through Friday, at the Communl- medal when he put together ■iiBleted by. the membera o e mittee of the ManrJiester Italian and civic functions'l|ke the annual V m N j STBTlOn Auxiliary meets every vMondsy Lty Y. sia Aim s dsMling rune of 1 ;>7.3 and Fallowcraft team. It is anticipated American Society and lU auxiliary fireworks display at Charter Oak REFRI8ERATI0N ntght at the Police Station. When .The expreqaed objactive of the 1:47.4 tn toa special slalom for by Worshipful Master Herbert J. Will be held tomorrow night at 8 Park, which is sponsored by the first organised, the unit comprised 4 2 7 Hartford Rd. Manchester Conn 4 total Uma o f 3:14.7. L eggett that thla WiU be the same o'clock at the clubhouse to make American Legion, traffic duty dur­ ^school Is to provide a place where SERVICE mshingtoa, Jan. 31 (/P>— 100 men and the first uniforms In hockey, Sweden pulled a ’ group that will portray the work plans for the annual banquet'. It la ing the running o f the annual Five a child can meet other children of TELEPHONE Mitchell 9-8056 were white coveralls. Now the Ca l l w h -u a m b lent Eiaefihowcr and stunning upset by Whipping a in Boston on Feb. 11. A t the con- important that all members attend Mile Road Race sponsored by the hla own age and aharc In super­ Auxiliary dress is a light blue Britlali Prini5 Miniatcr Eden ehislon of the meeting, there will Tall Cedars and traffic duty on vised group activity, yet receive M l 9-3585 Uatless Chechoslovakia team, S thla meeting. uniform, patterned after the Air to 0. be a social hour and refreshments. Main St. during the busy Christ­ Force colors 'and design . The *'*,y*> ' ; )♦>' met again today with Red .lean T. Hansen, daujfhter of Mr. mas season .....arid »p shopping China’a .**war if netoasary” , Russia, meanwhile, could get members come from all walks of only a third place in the winter and.Mrs. W alter Hansen. 181 Pearl nights. The WHI-drIlled unit is a C A V . No. IT, Auxiliary, will hold life Including a truck driver, serv­ threat to Formoaa apparently Olympics but held its lead In toa St., graduated from St. Francis regular in parades and has re­ iU next regular pierting Wedne^ ice station okmer, salesman, de­ a prime topic, in the aecond unofficial team standings with Hospital School of nursing yester­ ceived many fine comments on its day night at • o'clock at the VFW sign engineer, * assembler, ma­ SB points. day afternoon, at exercises held In appearance from the public. Chief' m y day of their talks. - Home. Further plans for presenU- chinist supervisor, ' claims ad­ Austria follbwed with 48 and tlon of a fUg to a Brownie troop the hospital chapel. She la a 1882 Schendel, 215 Spring St., Is the top juster, undierwriter, agricultural '--I Washington, Jan. 31 )— then came Norway, 41.,' wffl bo made. Mrs. Sally Miller U graduate of^ Manchester High kick in the organisation while Ger­ loan assistant, auto parts nian- t k . J I K n t L 5 c o n (JP ald Middleton, 37 Benton St., Is the In the slalom, thei;* was some tn charge of refreshments. School." ager, custodian and aircraft in­ '^tetary ot State Dulles re­ doubt as to the other placing# Auxiliary captain. William Bro- spector, to name a few every day- amed western strategy talks since Japsn's ' Chiharu (Chic) iJnchangejl nelll, 38 Ashland St., la the lieu­ occupations. tenant and .David Hutchinson, J.18 toaB>’\with British Foreign Igaym a Dartmouth student, Summit St.. Is the sergeant. > Secre(/y \SeIwyn Lloyd as who finished second apparently Vacationing in St. Petersburg, H missed one- gate. A poiwible Fla., are Gene Yost, 22 Haw­ the tt^lVeb^Akglo-American In Recheck penalty of five seconda could thorne 8t., and Norman Vittner, ^t*^.' / confetem;^ moved into its sec­ drop him to fifth place or umrse. ■■A- ‘ ■ 32 Whitney Rd.... Harry Koven- ond day." By WHITNEY JACOBS aky, 78 W. Middle Tpke.. for a Critical Far lUatera questions number of years in charge o f the Hartford, Jsir. 81 (Special) seemed likely to coihe Up 'Tor the fruit counter at Buraack'a, has —Mrs. Irene Dolores Annis, first time at the high4evcl're­ Reds’ Support taken over the friilt concession at view. One of B rit^ ’e top Asiatic 31, of Manchfeeter, accuaed of ^ the Manchester Public Marki^f... experts. Sir Hubert Graves, ac­ murdering her husband, Rw, ' Oldest businessman on .Mafn 'St. In s\ companied Lloyd Into^ the confer Sure to . Make point of aerviee It 'Chriatopher Dec. 13, was found mentally ence room. Glenney, o f Olenney's Men's Shop, able to stand trial by Judge / Red CblM Key Topic who has'46 years to his c re d it... Mollet Premier Howard Alcorn in. Hartfoid James Muircady, .10. Preston Dr., Relatione with Communist Covinty Superior Court short* heads the Holy Name Society at N. Chine, ihcludlng Britain's reported the Church' of the Assumption in desir.a to ease exisUng western ■ Paris, Jan. 31 (4>>—Ouy Motliet. ly after 2 p.m. today. She was Manchester... Two Irish Nights trade controU, figured promlneht- secretary general of the Socialist remanded to the custody of will be staged in March. The ly among the key topics to be party, appeared .assured of suc­ the sheriff. Knights of Columbus will stage ^First Poster Boy 10 Later, tackled in a review o f policy in the cess in his bid tor the premiership Judge Akom made tha findlilg . ; one on Monday, March 12. while Far E ast today when party Irasa Jacques after haaftng conflicting toatlmony thb Elka will hold their Irieh Night Donalfl Anderaon, IS, Brat pbatar boy for the National Founda­ Middle EUst problems, t w i c f DuclOa ptedgM hlni Communist on her aUUty to understand too oh Saturday, March 17.
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