Unicuique suum Non praevalebunt

Fifty-fourth year, number 21 (2.698) Friday, 21 May 2021 Fifty-five million people forced to flee “Let us #PrayTogether today for victims of the climate crisis and continue to work so that the earth may truly be a common home where everyone can have their place. #L a u d a t o S i We e k ” @Pontifex

Regina Caeli Inno cent blo o d

At the Regina Caeli on Sunday, 16 May, Francis noted his concern over the recent “terrible and unacceptable”deaths of in- nocent people, especially chil- (Rodi Said/Reuters dren, in the Holy Land. “Let us pray constantly that the Israelis and Palestinians may find the path of dialogue and forgiveness, to be patient builders of peace and justice, opening up, step af- To the Meter Association General Audience Interview: John Kerry ter step, to a common hope, to a coexistence among brothers and Fighting child abuse Persevering in prayer The climate crisis sisters”.

PAGE 8 PAGE 7 PAGE 3 WELLS ON PA G E 6 page 2L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 May 2021, number 21

To the faithful of Myanmar Be peacemakers where there is war, violence and hatred

On Sunday morning, 16 May, Pope Fran- and abandoned. Yet in the same difficult moments…At times it is a sower of fraternity, someone who cis presided over a Mass for peace and rec- moment, he looks up to heaven. Je- prayer that God hears more than works to rebuild what is broken onciliation in Myanmar with Rome's sus lifts his eyes to God. He does others, since it comes from a rather than fomenting violence. We Burmese Catholic community, at the Altar not resign himself to evil; he does wounded heart and the Lord always are also called to do this as a of the Chair in 's Basilica. At not let himself be overwhelmed by hears the cry of his people and dries Church; let us promote dialogue, the end of the celebration, during which the grief; he does not retreat into the their tears. Dear brothers and sis- respect for others, care for our first and second Readings of the Seventh bitterness of the defeated and dis- ters, keep looking up to heaven. brothers and sisters, communion! Sunday of Easter were read in Burmese, appointed; instead, he looks to Keep the faith! We cannot allow a partisan way of Father Bosco Mung Sawng, a young priest heaven. This was the same advice Second, to keep unity. Jesus asks thinking to enter into the Church, a from Myanmar, thanked the Pope for his he had given his disciples: when the Father to preserve the unity of way of thinking that divides, that affection for this “small flock”.“In the last Jerusalem is invaded by armies, and his disciples, so that they may be puts each individual in first place three months”, he pointed out, the Holy Fa- people are fleeing in dismay amid “completely one”(Jn 17:21), one while casting others aside. This is ther has prayed for peace in Myanmar, fear and devastation, he tells them family in which love and fraternity very destructive: it destroys the fam- more than six times”. The following is the to “stand up and raise your heads, reign. He knew what was in the ily, the Church, the society and ev- English text of ’h o m i l y. because your redemption is drawing heart of his disciples; he had seen ery one of us. them argue at times about who was Finally, and third, we are called to the greatest, who should be in keep the truth. Jesus asks the Father to charge. This is a deadly disease: the consecrate his disciples in truth as disease of division. We experience it they will be sent throughout the in our hearts, because we are divid- world to carry on his mission. Keeping the truth does not mean defending ideas, becoming “Prayer is not a retreat, an escape, in guardians of a system of the face of problems. Instead, it is the doctrines and dogmas, but remaining bound to only weapon at our disposal Christ and being devoted for keeping love and hope alive amid to his Gospel. Truth, for the apostle John, is the weapons of death”. Christ himself, the revela- tion of the Father’s love. Jesus prays that his disci- ples, although living in ed within; we experience it in fam- the world, will not follow the crite- ilies and communities, among peo- ria of this world. They are not to let ples, even in the Church. Sins themselves be enticed by idols, but In the last hours of his life, Jesus near”(Lk 21:28). To keep the faith is against unity abound: envy, jeal- to keep their friendship with him; prays. In those sorrowful moments, to keep our gaze lifted up to heav- ousy, the pursuit of personal inter- they are not to bend the Gospel to as he prepares to take leave of his en, as here on earth, battles are ests rather than the common good, human and worldly ways of think- disciples and this world, Jesus prays fought and innocent blood is shed. the tendency to judge others. Those ing, but to preserve his message in for his friends. Even though he To keep the faith is to refuse to little conflicts of ours find a reflec- its integrity. To keep the truth bears in his heart and in his flesh all yield to the logic of hatred and tion in great conflicts, like the one means to be a prophet in every sit- the sin of the world, Jesus continues vengeance, but to keep our gaze your country is experiencing in uation in life, in other words to be to love us and pray for us. From his fixed on the God of love, who calls these days. Once partisan interests consecrated to the Gospel and bear prayer, we learn how to deal with us to be brothers and sisters to one and the thirst for profit and power witness to it even when that means dramatic and painful moments in a n o t h e r. take over, conflicts and divisions in- going against the current. At times, our own lives. Let us think about Prayer leads us to trust in God evitably break out. The final appeal we Christians want to compromise, one particular word that Jesus uses even in times of difficulty. It helps that Jesus makes before his Passover but the Gospel asks us to be stead- in his prayer to Father: it is the us to hope when things seem hope- is an appeal for unity. For division fast in the truth and for the truth, word “keep”. Dear brothers and sis- less and it sustains us in our every- is of the devil, the great divider and offering our lives for others. Amid ters, in these days when your day struggles. Prayer is not a re- the great liar who always creates di- war, violence and hatred, fidelity to beloved country of Myanmar is ex- treat, an escape, in the face of prob- vision. the Gospel and being peacemakers periencing violence, conflict and re- lems. Instead, it is the only weapon We are called to keep unity, to calls for commitment, also through pression, let us ask ourselves: what at our disposal for keeping love and take seriously this heartfelt plea of social and political choices, even at are we being called to keep? hope alive amid the weapons of Jesus to the Father: to be complete- the risk of our lives. Only in this In the first place, to keep the faith. death. It is not easy to lift our gaze ly one, to be a family, to find the way can things change. The Lord We need to keep the faith lest we when we are hurting, but faith courage to live in friendship, love has no use for the lukewarm. He yield to grief or plunge into the de- helps us resist the temptation to and fraternity. What great need we wants us to be consecrated in the spair of those who no longer see a turn in on ourselves. We may want have, especially today, for fraternity! truth and the beauty of the Gospel, way out. In the Gospel, John tells to protest, to cry out to God in our I know that some political and so- so that we can testify to the joy of us that Jesus, before uttering a pain. We should not be afraid to do cial situations are bigger than we Go d’s kingdom even in the dark word, “looked up to heaven”(Jn so, for this too is prayer. An elderly are. Yet commitment to peace and night of grief, even when evil seems 17:1). In these, the final hours of his woman once said to her grandchil- fraternity always comes from below: to have the upper hand. life, Jesus is weighed down by an- dren: “being angry with God can each person, in little things, can Dear brothers and sisters, today I guish at the prospect of his passion, also be a form of prayer”; the wis- play his or her part. Each of you wish to lay upon the Lord’s altar conscious of the dark night he is dom of the just and the simple, who can make an effort to be, in little about to endure, feeling betrayed know when to lift up their eyes in things, a builder of fraternity, a CONTINUED ON PA G E 3

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The Holy Father continues his series of catecheses on prayer Persevering in prayer even in difficult times

At the General Audience on Wednesday, 19 May, in the Vat- because “getting angry with God is a way to pray too”. Like a ican’s St Damasus courtyard, Pope Francis continued his se- child with his or her father, “it is a way of relating to the- fa ries of catecheses on prayer. He observed that at times believ- ther”, of reawakening “that son-father, daughter-father rela- ers may become angry with God: like children we may begin tionship we must have with God”. The following is a trans- asking him “why?”. This is acceptable, however, the Pope said, lation of the Pope’s catechesis, which he delivered in Italian.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, contests are not won solely through teachers describe the experience of doing everything to make me stop Good morning! physical training, but also with men- faith as a continuous alternation be- believing in You, I still continue to Continuing along the same lines of tal discipline: above all, with the ca- tween times of consolation and des- pray to You”. Believers never shut the Catechism, in this catechesis we re- pacity to concentrate and to remain olation; there are times when every- off prayer! It may sometimes resem- fer to the lived experience of prayer, fo cused. thing is easy, while others are ble the prayer of Job, who does not trying to show some very common Distractions are not to blame, but marked by great weightiness. Very accept that God treats him unjustly, difficulties, which must be identified they must be fought. In the heritage often, when we encounter a friend, protests and calls him to judgment. and overcome. Praying is not easy: of our faith there is a virtue that is we say, “How are you?” — “Today I But, very often, even protesting be- many difficulties present themselves often forgotten, but which is quite am down”. Very often we are fore God is a way of praying or, as in prayer. It is necessary to know present in the Gospel. It is called “down”, or rather, we don’t have that little old lady said, “getting an- them, recognize them and overcome “vigilance”. And Jesus said, “Ke e p feelings, we don’t have consolation, gry with God is a way to pray too”, them. vigil. Pray”. The Catechism mentions we can’t do it. They are those grey because a son often gets angry with The first problem that emerges to it explicitly in its instruction on days …and there are so many of his father: it is a way of relating to those who pray is d i s t ra c t i o n (cf. CCC, prayer (cf. no. 2730). Jesus often them in life! But the danger is hav- the father; since he recognizes him 2729). You start to pray and then calls the disciples to the duty of a ing a grey heart: when this “feeling as “father”, he gets angry…. your mind wanders, it wanders all sober life, guided by the thought down”reaches the heart and sickens And we too, who are far less holy over the world; your heart is here, that sooner or later He will return, it …and there are people who live and patient than Job, know that in your mind is there …distraction like a bridegroom from a wedding or with a grey heart. This is terrible: the end, at the end of this time of from prayer. Prayer often co-exists a master from a journey. Not know- one cannot pray, one cannot feel desolation, during which we have with distraction. Indeed, the human ing the day and hour of his return, consolation with a grey heart! Or, raised silent cries to Heaven and mind struggles to dwell for long on however, all the minutes of our lives one cannot emerge from spiritual many times have asked “why?”, God a single thought. We all experience are precious and should not be wast- barrenness with a grey heart. The will answer us. Do not forget the this constant whirlwind of images ed on distractions. In a moment that heart must be open and luminous, prayer that asks “why?”. It is the and illusions in perpetual motion, we do not know, the voice of our so that the light of the Lord can en- prayer of children when they begin which accompanies us even during Lord will resound: on that day, ter. And if it does not enter, we need not to understand things, which psy- sleep. And we all know that it is not blessed will be those servants whom to wait for it, with hope. But do not chologists call “the why stage”, be- good to follow this inclination to- he will find diligent, still focused on close it up in greyness. cause the child asks his father, “D ad- wards disorder. what really matters. They did not Then, a different thing is sloth, an- dy, why? Daddy, why? Daddy, The battle to achieve and main- stray in pursuit of every attraction other flaw, another vice, which is a why?”But let us be careful: the tain concentration does not relate that entered their minds, but tried to real temptation against prayer and, child does not listen to his father’s only to prayer. If one does not attain walk the right path, doing good and more generally, against the Christian answer. The father starts to reply, a sufficient level of concentration performing their own task. life. Sloth is “a form of depression but the child interrupts with another one cannot study profitably, nor can This is distraction: the imagina- due to lax ascetical practice, decreas- “why?”. He simply wants to draw his one work well. Athletes know that tion wanders, it wanders and wan- ing vigilance, carelessness of heart” father’s attention to himself; and ders…. Saint Teresa used to call this (CCC, 2733). It is one of the seven when we get a little angry with God imagination that wanders and wan- “deadly sins”because, fuelled by and start asking why?, we are attract- ders in prayer “the madwoman in conceit, it can lead to the death of ing our Father’s heart towards our the house”; it is like a madwoman the soul. misery, towards our difficulty, to- that leads you to wander here and So what can we do in this succes- wards our life. But yes, have the To the faithful of there …We must stop it and put it sion of enthusiasms and discourage- courage to say to God: “But why?”. in a cage, with attention. ments? One must learn to always Because at times, getting a little an- Myanmar The time of barrenness warrants a dif- walk. True progress in spiritual life gry is good for you, because it ferent discourse. The Catechism de- does not consist in multiplying ec- reawakens that son-father, daughter- CONTINUED FROM PA G E 2 scribes it this way: “the heart is sep- stasies, but in being able to perse- father relationship we must have arated from God, with no taste for vere in difficult times: walk, walk, with God. And he will accept even the sufferings of his people and thoughts, memories, and feelings, walk on…. and if you are tired, stop our harshest and bitterest expres- to join you in praying that God even spiritual ones. This is the mo- a bit and then start walking again. sions with a father’s love, and will will convert all hearts to peace. ment of sheer faith clinging faithful- But with perseverance. Let us re- consider them as an act of faith, as a Jesus’prayer helps us keep the ly to Jesus in his agony and in his member Saint Francis’parable on p r a y e r. faith, even in times of difficulty, tomb”(n. 2731). Barrenness makes perfect joy: it is not in the infinite SPECIAL GREETINGS to be builders of unity and to us think of Good Friday, at night, fortunes rained down from Heaven I cordially greet the English- risk our lives for the truth of the and Holy Saturday, the whole day: that a friar’s skill is measured, but in speaking pilgrims and visitors. As Gospel. Please, do not lose Jesus is not there, he is in the tomb; walking with consistency, even when we prepare to celebrate the Feast of hope: even today, Jesus is inter- Jesus is dead: we are alone. And this one is not acknowledged, even when Pentecost, I invoke upon you and ceding before the Father, he is the “mother-thought”of barren- one is mistreated, even when every- your families the gifts of the Holy stands before the Father in his ness. Often we do not know what thing has lost its initial flavour. All Spirit. May God bless you! prayer. He shows the Father, in the reasons for barrenness are: it the saints have passed through this Lastly, as always, my thought his prayer, the wounds with may depend on ourselves, but also “dark valley”, and let us not be scan- goes to the elderly, to young people, to the which he paid for our salvation. on God, who permits certain situa- dalized if, in reading their diaries, sick and to newlyweds. I invoke the In this prayer Jesus intercedes tions in the exterior or interior life. we find accounts of evenings of list- Holy Spirit upon each one of you, for all of us, praying that the Fa- Or, at times, it may be a headache or less prayer, lived without enthusi- so that with his gifts of grace he may ther will keep us from the evil a sick feeling that stops us from en- asm. We must learn to say: “Even be support and consolation in the one and set us free from evil’s tering into prayer. Often we do not though You, my God, seem to be journey of life. p ower. really know the reason. Spiritual page 4L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 May 2021, number 21

On the island of migrants where they battle the virus of indifference from our correspondent re s o l v e d ”, Martello observed. “The MARINA PICCONE temptation is to take the short cut of Diary from political propaganda instead of seri- ously shouldering the responsibility, 6 May 2021 but since that would risk fuelling 3.30 p.m. Lamp edusa feelings of hate, terror and worry, no progress is made. The institutions he porthole of the plane tion project that is managed by the the rights of those who live there are should take on more responsibility. frames the long strip of bar- Federation of Evangelical Churches resp ected”, Biason affirmed. And Europe must do its part”. ren land set in a compact in Italy, which is a member of the Fo- blue sea. But as one gets rum. “We go to the landing points closer,T the colour breaks up into a where we distribute hot tea, thermal 6.00 p.m. 7 May, 9.30 a.m. kaleidoscope of shades: blue patches blankets, water, food, toys and The emergency The poor person is always a over the sand, emerald green or deep snacks for the children. Service to f o re i g n e r blue depending on the vegetation. others is our characteristic feature Totò Martello has been mayor of We have arrived at Lampedusa, one and fostering community is at the Lampedusa since 2017. He had been Fr Carmelo La Magra, the parish of the islands of the Pelagie centre of our work”. Mayor of Lampedusa formerly from priest of the Church of San Gerlando archipelago of Sicily, in the south- The Mediterranean Hope project 1993 to 2002 for two terms, so he is since 2016, is also a member of the ernmost territory of Italy. The island started after the shipwreck on 3 Oc- used to organizing the landings, Lampedusa Solidarity Forum, which is located right in the centre of the tober 2013, less than a mile off which mainly take place in the spring he defines as an ecumenical experi- Mediterranean Sea and is closer to shore from the island of and summer, when the tides are ence of fraternity and friendship. He Africa than to Italy, at the 35th Lampedusa, when 368 favourable. “We are worried. The too is at the forefront at the landings. parallel, further south than people lost their lives. It warm weather is coming and we are “It is a military zone and we may not Tunis and Algiers. It takes provides constant in- afraid there will be arrivals en enter but our presence is tolerated”, six hours to get there; a formation on what is masse”. He was speaking in the town the priest explains. Thus, aside from two-hour flight and a happening on the is- hall, located near the very central Via the police, carabinieri, coast guard, four-hour wait in Paler- land and south of it, Roma, where restaurants alternate finance police and health personnel, mo. In fact, it is either thanks to the Perma- with hotels and shops, now semi-de- who act as a defense against possible there or in Catania that nent Observatory on serted due to the restrictions. Covid dangers or diseases, we are the only one has to make a migrations. From Jan- has revolutionized the usual proce- non-authorized to be admitted. In stopover to reach the is- uary up to today, 5,672 dure. Previously, the migrants were addition to distributing various ne- land. At present Lampe- people have arrived, lodged in the “hotsp ot”(literally cessities, we are careful to smile, meet dusa is a red zone where including 630 women, “hot spot”), a building where identi- the gaze of people on arrival, to pre- an intensive vaccination many of them preg- fication took place as well as the im- vent them from thinking that it is just campaign is being car- nant. The accompa- mediate distinction between those a matter of loading and unloading, ried out to make it nied minors num- who had the right to apply for pro- as if they were animals. We go there “Covid free”as soon as bered 227, those un- tection and those, on the other hand, to save face. Our dignity is also p ossible. accompanied 222. who should be repatriated, the so- shown by the way we welcome oth- Thanks to its strate- The victims num- called “economic migrants”. In theo- ers. The Forum also provides an in- gic position, it is where bered 602. At the ry, the migrants were only to stay at formation service for the population, most of the migration moment of disem- the centre for a few days, but in prac- without defending or accusing any flows pass in transit. barkation it is not tice even months would pass before one, just stating the real facts. We Lampedusa is the possible to start a they were transferred to reception talk of the rights of migrants but also port of arrival for lasting relation- centres in Sicily and other regions of of those who live on the island to hundreds of ship; never- Italy. Not being detained, they were make it clear that if anyone lacks thousands of theless, the free to move about the territory. something, it is not the fault of the people looking volunteers With the appearance of the virus, the foreigners. It is not easy, because cur- for a better fu- manage to es- residents no longer felt safe and so rent information about migrants is ture. It is the head- tablish intense and measures were taken to prevent con- very powerful and it is difficult to quarters of organizations and indi- meaningful contacts. Elisa remem- tact between the locals and the for- counter it. The attitude of the people vidual citizens who are committed to bers one in particular. Hortense, an eigners. “The new arrivals now stay of Lampedusa is a bit like that of ev- fighting the spread of the most dan- 18-year-old girl from the Ivory Coast, at the hotspot for a couple of days, eryone else in other parts of Italy. gerous of viruses, that of indiffer- was walking wrapped in a thermal maximum; the time needed to check There are sensitive and welcoming ence. blanket that shaded her face. “A de- their identity and to administer a people as well as hostile people. tail that struck me. I approached her swab to detect Covid”, the mayor ex- Most are indifferent and they neither and asked her how she felt. She told plained. They are then transferred to take a position nor protest, vacillat- 4.30 pm Human Rights generate me that the street lighting bothered the quarantine ships, four in number, ing, depending on the case, between welcome her. She had been isolated in the where they stay for 14 days. After that the various suggestions. The attitude dark for months and this had caused they are taken to Porto Empedocle ranges from: “Poor things, one must The Lampedusa Solidarity Forum photosensitization. She also had a and allocated to the reception cen- help them”to “They spoil the sea- is an assembly of citizens and ac- burn from the acid the “master”had tres, depending on availability. Un- son”. Here there is the ‘totem of tivists that deals with reception and poured on her, which had got worse accompanied minors are not taken to tourism’, the conviction that 50,000 integration, safeguarding the rights during the journey”. This fleeting the ships but go directly to the desig- holiday-makers do not create prob- of citizens and migrants, the social encounter is still vivid in Elisa’s nated centres. lems, whereas 500 migrants do. The inclusion of disadvantaged people. mind. She is a teacher on leave from The quarantine ships, which were truth is that we are not afraid of the The assembly is open to everyone, Turin who has been on the island for inaugurated last summer, have made foreigner but of the poor person. If including tourists who happen to be a year now. it possible to solve two problems: the this were the destination of Arabs on the island at that time, and deci- At the headquarters of Mediter- shortage of lodging and the possible with a yacht we would not speak of sions are taken unanimously. It in- ranean Hope, before the Covid emergence of conflict with the is- invasion, on the contrary, we would cludes all sorts of people: priests, emergency, migrants had had the op- landers. However, the fact that send- lay down a red carpet. What scares nuns, atheists, Protestants, travellers. portunity to use the Internet point ing people back to sea after having us is the poor, of whatever nationali- Distant sensitivities, all united by a service to get in touch with their fam- made a long, hard journey can give ty. The poor person is always a for- common intention, such as to elimi- ily and find multilingual information rise to serious psychological distress, eigner”. nate or mitigate any form of conflict. on the services available in the area is not taken into account. What is Fr Carmelo is very critical but in a One of the main activities of this ex- and on international protection in certain is that this does not seem to constructive way, and his proposal is emplary participatory democracy is Italy and Europe. “But we also work be the solution to the difficulty. “The to reverse the perspective: “We need the initial reception of the migrants. for the inhabitants of the island migration phenomenon is not ade- a law on reception, not a law against “We hear of a landing almost in real through social and intercultural in- quately confronted by our leaders. If immigration”, he says. “We should time”, says Elisa Biason, who works terventions, convinced that a territo- one always speaks of an emergency, it for Mediterranean Hope, a migra- ry is all the more welcoming the more means that the difficulty has not been CONTINUED ON PA G E 5 number 21, Friday, 21 May 2021 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 5

CONTINUED FROM PA G E 4 ing of books in the summer in the have never seen —A Vital Kinsmanship im- ways say, ‘poor things’. I do not see presence of the authors, reading edu- port Our Soul and theirs —between —Fo r all this desperation. They even bring overcome the emergency ‘c u l t u re ’ cation and collective work with silent Stranger —Strangers do not mourn”.“It dogs and cats with them! Most of that as yet has not helped to find books, wordless books, a project pro- was by thinking of the verses by Emi- them come from Tunisia, which is a practical solutions despite the small moted by IBBY Italia in collabora- ly Dickinson that we made sure that rich country”. numbers at the national and above tion with IBBY International which these people were not merely a num- These are emotional moments, in all European level. Since we know started in 2012. “A door wide open to b er”, Fr Carmelo told us. “T h ro u g h which dozens of people carry out that every year 70-100 thousand peo- anyone who passes through here. testimonies, memories, newspaper their specific role in the various oper- ple arrive, it is a question of organiz- The silent books lend themselves to articles, we did some research in an ations. The migrants are mainly men, ing ourselves, not confronting an various interpretations and presup- effort to understand who those there are some women and children. emergency; there cannot be an emer- pose shared reading. There is no buried here were, to make sure that They wait on the Porto Vecchio quay gency that lasts 30 years”. Fr Carme- right or wrong way of reading”. they did not die a second time, first for the procedures. They are all bare- lo does not think that the quarantine During the funeral of the tiny at sea and then in our memory”. On foot. Some men have a bare torso, ships are a satisfactory solution: “It shipwreck victim, a Lampedusa the plaque placed at the entrance to others wear a T-shirt and trousers seems to me that they are more reas- woman gave the distressed mother a the cemetery is the inscription: that are now too big for their wasted suring than useful. Why have quar- handmade shawl, which she “In the awareness that every frag- bodies. The women wear their tradi- antine on ships, when the people wrapped round her shoulders as she ment of history can make a crack in tional dress and a head scarf. Every- then have to disembark anyway? hugged her. “Youssef is the smallest that wall that divides one from the one has a mask, distributed by the What is the reason for keeping them of the migrant victims in the ceme- other and in the hope that the mem- m i l i t a r y. still at sea? A few weeks ago a man tery of Lampedusa. He spent more ory of these lives will not be lost, it is They patiently undergo the securi- committed suicide and another two time in his mother’s womb than in necessary to continue recounting, so ty and health checks up, without a or three, jumped into the sea to reach this life”, Fr Carmelo ob- as to reach such a word, no gesture of impatience. the Agrigento coast and died. Not to served. On the grave dug in growing number of Hands in pockets, arms folded, gaze mention the disproportionate cost of the earth and bordered by voices as to be deaf- lowered. Some limp conspicuously, the ships. We are talking about tens flowers and white pebbles ening”. On a head- the sign of torture inflicted in the of millions of euros. How many cen- stone we read: “It Libyan detention camps. Broken tres could be built, how many people seems his name was bones, burns, open wounds, scars, could be integrated, how many chil- Yassin. It seems that we’ll later find out. One who is in dren sent to school with that amount Yassin came from Er- greater difficulty is eased into an am- of money?”. itrea, that he was ar- bulance and given first aid. They are rested for no reason escorted to a building opposite with and locked up in one a canopy to shield them from the hot 11.00 a.m. of the many concen- sun. Yo u s s e f ’s blanket tration camps in But there are so many that some Yo u s s e f ’s blanket Libya. It seems that get left out. A heart-breaking scream rent the (left); and, the he had a baby and a The children also walk together, dark night. “I have lost my baby! grave of the wife in a shelter in holding the soft toys donated by the Where is my baby?”. The woman little migrant Sweden and that he volunteers of the Lampedusa Soli- shouted as she leant over the side of who died at sea wanted to join them. darity Forum. Volunteers distribute the Open Arms rescue boat, desper- when he was What is certain is that the basic necessities, water, of which ately trying to retrieve her little son only six months he washed up in they all seem to be in great need. still in the sea. The girl was not yet 18 old (above). Lampedusa, lifeless, Then the minibuses arrive to drive years old and little Youssef only six there is his photo with the caption: on 7 November the new arrivals to the ‘hotsp ot’. The months old. They came from Libya “Why so soon my child!? Mum and 2015”. centre has about 200 places, which and, last November, they had set out dad will love you forever”.On a means that most of those present will on a rubber dinghy with 90 other sheet of paper with the drawing of a have to stay outside, day and night. people. The young mother held her rainbow, are two dates: 26 April 2020 9 May, 8.00 a.m. The sick are taken to the outpatient baby close to her, but then the —11 November 2020. A plaque, sent The landing clinic and, if in serious condition, are dinghy broke in half causing her to by Open Arms, shows the point transferred by helicopter to the hos- slide into the water. When they where the baby was found. Migrants started to arrive at the pitals in the region. As was the case pulled her out, Youssef was gone. In “On 26 April last, the day on first light of dawn; on barges from of two men who were diagnosed with the clinic where she had been taken, which he would have turned one, we Libya and on small boats from tuberculosis and of two pregnant she repeated as if in a trance: “When held a commemoration for him”, Fr Tunisia. There are many. Some say women, one of whom appeared to be will I be able to take a flower to my Carmelo said. “We joined the pieces 600, some 700, some 1,000: random in labour. The protocol consists of: son?”. together to make a blanket and estimates given by people present, identification, quarantine ships, re- Most of the time, nothing more is placed it on his grave as if to protect some of whom are not particularly ception centres. Each one carries a known about the many who perish at him. On a video call there were his sympathetic. A boy keeps crossing burden of grief, memory, hope. Each sea. In order to testify to their exis- mother, now in a safe place, and his the length and breadth of the square to his or her own destiny. tence, the idea came up of a small, father, still in Libya. We promised of the port making a video to post on woolen square crocheted by the the parents that we would take care his Facebook page and recording his women of Lampedusa. This small of their child’s grave and that we thoughts aloud in a somewhat inco- 3.00 p.m. artefact has given rise to other would never leave him alone”. herent way. Attilio, a coordinator of squares that, for months, have been In all these accounts of anguish the Lega (party) in Lampedusa, The landings go on non-stop. At sent to the IBBY Library from vari- and suffering, of failure and delay on protests, making some serious accu- 3.15 p.m. the people number exactly ous parts of Italy and the world. the part of nearly everyone, what sations: “They don’t give a damn 1,191: a number that will increase over Hundreds of small coloured squares, each of us will remember is the image about what’s happening in the the next few hours. Sub-Saharans, sewn together, started the initiative of a little boy named Youssef who Mediterranean”. Who are they? Bengalis, Maghrebi, a suffering hu- called “Yo u s s e f ’s blanket”, a gigantic never grew up. “The NGOs, the left wing. They manity crowds the docks, unaware of quilt measuring 80 square meters. don’t care in the least. I have been re- what awaits them. Pietro Bartolo, a “The storehouse of stories and porting it for years: this is trafficking doctor who worked in Lampedusa memories is at the same time a sym- 8 May, 10.00 a.m. in human flesh and they are accom- for about 30 years, now a member of bol and the promise of a commit- “For a stranger, strangers do not plices. I feel they are brothers, hu- the European Parliament, is on the ment”, says Paola, a volunteer at the mourn” man beings, but not so to them. In island with his family. He walks IBBY Library, dedicated to the mi- the past, we understood that they along the Favarolo pier, where the nors who live or are in Lampedusa. About 40 women, men and chil- were fleeing from war, from hunger, new boat-loads have docked, and “A shared memory, the heritage of a dren who perished in the attempt to but not now. We allocate the citizen- talks to the military personnel who community not linked to a territory reach Europe are buried in the ceme- ship income, we give them a resi- come to meet him: “Doctor, how but widespread everywhere, which is tery of Lampedusa. Almost all of the dence permit and what should we many landings have we experienced not limited to testifying its adherence graves are nameless and the only in- Italians do, are we supposed to pack together, eh!”. to certain values but which wants to formation that has been possible to up and leave? Must we receive all of Bartolo, head of the island’s out- attest to its active participation in find out about these people relates to Africa?!”.“What if they came patient clinic until 2019, was the first change”. the circumstances of their death and armed? Do you suppose there is no to be called and to give first aid. He The Library promotes many ini- the recovery of their bodies. “.“Be- delinquent among them?”, Salva- tiatives: the presentation and launch- reavement in their death to feel Whom We tore, a sailor, insists. “Let us not al- CONTINUED ON PA G E 6 page 6L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 May 2021, number 21

INTERVIEW •with John Kerry

US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate 52%. But we need other big superpower, and the , as a emitting countries to step up very small nation, but as a moral and also offer some reduc- and spiritual authority, how can Pope Francis tions. You can’t just keep go- they collaborate in fighting together ing along with a coal-fired for a positive global economy and to one of the greatest voices power plant or with more fight against climate change? coal coming online and real- The Holy Father is one of ly be the part of the solution —if not the —one of the most on climate crisis that we need to have here. powerful voices on the plan- Everybody shares an obli- et and he’s been extraordi- Special Presidential Envoy John he intends to attend. So, we gation here. No one country nary in the eloquence of his Kerry made a visit to the Vatican need everybody in this fight. can get this job done. If the call on people to do, to step on Saturday, 15 May, and met in All the leaders of the world United States was at zero- up and be reasonable and to private audience with Pope Francis. need to come together and emissions tomorrow, we’d live out our responsibility as He is currently in Europe visiting every country needs to do its still have crisis. We are only human beings in caring for Rome, London, and Berlin, to meet part. And I think, I think his the Paris Agreement and be- 11% of all the world’s emis- Go d’s creation. And we all with European government officials Holiness speaks with a moral fore that with the phrase sions. So, 89% is other coun- have to be stewards of that and business leaders on how to authority that is quite sepa- ‘common, but differentiated tries. Twenty countries are creation, that’s his message. strengthen cooperation in dealing rate. It’s unique and we need resp onsibility’. We all have a responsible for about 73, 75% But because he is above pol- with climate change. The 26th all the power we can bring to common responsibility, of the emissions. So those 20 itics and outside of the hurly- Conference of the Parties (COP26) the table. that’s key. No country is ex- countries, which are the most burly of day-to-day, national to the United Nations Framework empt from needing to take developed in the world, have conflict, etc. I think he can Convention on Climate Change And, in fact, on that note, Pope measures to deal with this a special responsibility. But sort of shake people a little will meet later this year. Francis has also spoken about the crisis. On the other hand, we everybody has a responsibili- bit and bring them to the After his audience with the Pope importance of getting everybody to don’t expect a very small ty to be part of the solution table with a better sense of and Vatican officials, Mr Kerry sat the table and to dialogue in order to economy, a very small coun- here. And I think His Holi- our common obligation. down with ’Christo- reach a consensus, especially with try, and a very small emitter ness, Pope Francis speaks And I think that the Vatican pher Wells for this inteview. regard to concrete actions to move of greenhouse gases to step with unique authority, com- may be a small entity, but the forward. At the same time, there are up and do the same thing pelling moral authority, and flock is enormous on a global very different interests at stake. You we’re going to do. We accept that hopefully can help push basis and His Holiness, Yo u ’re on a very important mission have very large countries, very —we are the second largest people to greater ambition to Pope Francis, has the ability here to Europe to speak with world small countries. You have economi- emitter in the world. China’s get the job done. to help galvanize action from leaders and especially European cally very powerful countries like the first, behind us is India and We can do this. That’s the countries. He has the ability leaders about the climate crisis. United States, but you also have then you have Russia and important thing. People to affect citizens in many dif- Why is it important for you to in- developing countries that have a other countries coming. But need to know this is doable. ferent countries all at the clude a visit with the Pope on this stake and an interest in the question the bottom line is this: no And in the doing of it, we can same time and have them call journey to Europe? as well. In practical terms, how do one country can solve this create millions of jobs. We on their governments to be Well, the Pope is one of you advance the dialogue? And problem. We all have to take can have cleaner air. We can responsible, to do what we the great voices of reason what is the US prepared to do in steps and the issue is finding have better health. We can need to do to preserve the and compelling moral au- terms of both offering something the reasonableness, that have less cancer. We can have planet. So, I think that the thority on the subject of the and asking something of other point at which people are do- less air problems where peo- world has a special respect climate crisis. He’s been countries? ing what they reasonably ple are choking and kids are for Pope Francis and there is ahead of the curve. He’s Yo u ’re absolutely correct. should be expected to do going to the hospital in the no question that he has al- been a leader. His Encyclical There are differences be- and can do. So, the United summer because of environ- ready been a significant lead- Laudato Si’ is really a very, tween countries and what States has to put up its fair mentally induced asthma. er in this endeavor. And we very powerful document, they can do and what they’re share of funding for adapta- And we can be more secure look to him for further guid- eloquent and morally very doing today, that is part of tion for resilience. We have in our nations because we ance and help in getting this persuasive. And I think that the problem versus part of to lead in helping to cut our can depend on energy that’s job done. his voice will be a very im- the solution. There are dif- emissions –and we are! Pres- at home —renewable energy, Different entities will portant voice leading up to ferences, of course. And ident Biden has set a target alternative energy, sustain- make different contributions and through the Glasgow those differences have been of reducing our emissions able energy. And in the cre- to this effort. There are very conference, which I believe embraced in the language of over the next decade by 50 to ation of those alternatives, small nations, some of which t h e re ’s enormous wealth to don’t emit a lot, like Norway be created. Do you know the or Sweden and some Scandi- two of the three fastest grow- navian ... Denmark is an ex- ing jobs in the United States ample. There are plenty of last year? One was wind tur- countries, Kenya and places Diary from Lampedusa bine technician and the oth- where they’re reducing emis- er, the third fastest growing, sions —and they’re small. CONTINUED FROM PA G E 5 sight of those remnants of life is enough to was solar panel installer. So, But the power of their mes- unleash untold images in him. To board this is there to be grabbed by sage is enormous right now saw devastating wounds, walked on piles of those boats was like descending to the un- people. And what we want to because they’re effective and corpses, dissected bodies in order to discov- derworld and facing horror. Indeed Horror, show people is we’re not that’s one of the compelling er an identity. In thirty years he has treated with a capital H. looking for unfairness. We’re aspects of this. Big, powerful 350,000 patients and collected an infinite Moored further on is a boat from Libya not looking for people to do nations, like the United number of stories, which he has recounted tied to another one that arrived some time the impossible. But no na- States, have had the ability in his books, translated world-wide. ago. It has a rusty keel and is partially sub- tion has the right to say, we over years to be emitting and Memories flood back as he walks along merged in the sea, water probably seeping don’t have to do anything. growing, but now we’re at a the long quay, on one side there are some in from a leak. Bartolo takes a quick look at Or we don’t have to step up. day of reckoning with re- neatly arranged barrels of diesel, unloaded the toilets he had built for the migrants, Because no one country can spect to what are the conse- from the boats. The pavement is uneven. now decaying and dirty. Even the street solve this problem. It takes quences of the way we’ve There are stones scattered about that make lamps are broken. The huge sacks of rub- all of us together to get it been growing. And I think it painful for the passing migrants who, bish are removed by the volunteers of the done. that the Holy Father speaks with bare and swollen feet, can hardly Forum even though it is not their job. It with special authority to our stand. The pier is disintegrating due to the should be the task of a management firm, a Your optimism, that we can do this sense of obligation to each high tides and neglect, and along with it, so private company, to oversee cleaning and is an echo of what our Holy Father, other, and the ways in which too is our conscience. maintenance. Pope Francis, has said —that we we need to all step up now The doctor looks at the boats that have The eyes and face of the man express can do this together. Let me ask you together, given the divisions just docked full of the leftovers from the anger mixed with disgust and sorrow. He a question very concretely about of the world and some of the journey: milk cartons, empty water bottles, says nothing. Not now. Later, words will practical steps on a diplomatic lev- polarization and the ideolo- clothing —some in small sizes, broken flow like a raging river.... el. How does the US as a super- gy and conflict. That voice is shoes, scarves, various objects. The bare (To be continued) power, an economic and political more important than ever. number 21, Friday, 21 May 2021 L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO page 7

Protecting children against sexual exploitation Child abuse is psychological murder

Child abuse amounts to “psychological murder”and ty of all States, who are called to identify the “erasure of childhood”, Pope Francis said on Sat- both traffickers and abusers. At the same urday morning, 15 May, as he addressed members of time, it is all the more a duty to denounce the Italian “Me t e r ”Association whom he received in and prevent child abuse in the various audience in the Clementine Hall. It is the duty of all spheres of society: school, sports, recre- states to “identify both traffickers and abuse rs ”, he ational and cultural institutions, religious stressed. The following is a translation of the Holy communities and individuals. In addition, Fa t h e r ’s remarks, which he delivered in Italian. in the field of the protection of minors and in the fight against paedophilia, specific in- guide for the whole Association, encourag- Dear Brothers and Sisters, terventions must be organized to provide ing us to love with evangelical charity chil- I am pleased to meet you, representatives of effective assistance to victims. dren who are victims of slavery and vio- the “Meter”Association, which since 1989 — On all these fronts, the Meter Associa- lence. Love for our neighbour is inseparable when few spoke of this scourge —has been tion actively cooperates with institutional from the love that God has for us and that engaged in the fight against paedophilia in bodies and with various sectors of civil so- we have for him. For this reason I urge you Italy and in other countries. I greet and ciety, also through appropriate memoranda always to root your daily activity in your thank Bishop Antonio Staglianò and Fr of understanding. Continue your work daily relationship with God: in personal Fortunato Di Noto, who founded this im- without hesitation, paying particular atten- and community prayer, in listening to his portant organization. And I greet and tion to the educational aspect, so as to form Word and above all in the Eucharist, the thank Cardinal Paolo Lojudice, and those an unwavering conscience in people and sacrament of unity and bond of love. who in various ways support the Associa- eradicate the culture of abuse and exploita- Dear brothers and sisters, I renew my ap- tion, for the protection and defence of tion. preciation and gratitude to the leaders, abused and mistreated children. The logo of your Association is made up members, volunteers and those who cooper- Throughout these years, with your gener- of a large letter “M”which evokes the idea ate with your Association. Do not be afraid ous work, you have contributed to making of a womb, welcome, protection and an em- in the face of misunderstandings and diffi- visible the Church’s love for the smallest brace for the littlest ones. Inside the ‘M’a re culties; there are many, but do not be afraid. and most helpless. How often, like the twelve stars, the symbol of the crown of the Go forth with courage and perseverance. I Good Samaritan of the Gospel, you have Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and mother of accompany you with my prayer and also drawn near with respect and compassion to all children. She, a caring mother, commit- with my blessing. And you too, please do welcome, console and protect! Closeness, ted to loving her Son Jesus, is a model and not forget to pray for me. Thank you! compassion and tenderness: it is the style of God. How many spiritual wounds you have bound! The ecclesial community is grateful to you for all this. The witness of Fr Francesco Di Noto, founder of the Meter Association We can compare your Association to a home. When we say “home”, we think of a place of welcome, of shelter, of safekeeping. May it never happen again! The word “home”has a typically familial flavour that evokes the warmth, affection, “No more abuse of minors; may exhaustion and hope of those were initially sceptical. We and tenderness that can be experienced pre- it never happen again”, stressed who have suffered abuse, vio- fought so many battles but the cisely in a family, especially in moments of an emotional Fr Francesco Di lence, mistreatment”. The priest Lord always preceded us in this anguish and pain. And you have been and Noto, founder of Italian NGO expressed his gratitude to Fran- ‘s t ru g g l e ’”. Such that “if we had are a “home”for many children whose inno- “Meter”, before Pope Francis, as cis for the support and “affection not had the gift of the Eucharist, cence has been violated or who have been he reconfirmed his commitment of all those who have been called of the Word of God, of commu- enslaved by the selfishness of adults. You against paedophilia and child to serve the little ones, the weak nity life, of feeling we are People have been and are a house of hope, foster- pornography, which he de- and vulnerable, and those who of God, we would have gone ing in many victims a path of liberation and scribed as “the most despicable have discovered to their amaze- mad! We would have been redemption. I therefore encourage you to forms of violence against chil- ment that they survived ‘imp ossi- crushed and annihilated”, the continue in this worthy social and human d re n ”. ble’things thanks to the action priest said. activity, continuing to offer your valuable Speaking after Bishop of the Holy Spirit who worked “In weakness we always found contribution at the service of the protection Staglianò, the priest explained: within them”. s t re n g t h ”, Fr Di Noto continued. of childhood. “We started listening to the Meter, he said, “is an associa- We faced our “wounded brothers Your work is more necessary than ever L o rd ”, Di Noto continued, “who tion that was born in a parish on and sisters”, he said. “And it was since, unfortunately, the abuse of children was speaking to us through the the outskirts of the city of Avola, a story of God, thus it is still to- continues. I am referring in particular to the ‘feeble voice’, almost a ‘mumble’, a periphery not only from the day a story of love. The 25 years solicitation that takes place through the in- of his favoured ones: children, territorial standpoint but espe- that have passed have been char- ternet and the various social media, with the discarded, abused, mistreat- cially the ‘existential’one, joined acterized by the stories of nu- pages and portals dedicated to child ed, forgotten little ones. How by that digital periphery that I merous victims who found hope, pornography. This is a scourge that, on the much pain and suffering we have personally discovered in the welcome, care and loving sup- one hand, needs to be tackled with renewed embraced, listened to, cared for, 1990s when, for the first time, I port in the painful journey of lib- determination by public institutions and au- supp orted”.“We received a sig- saw images of abused children eration from new forms of slav- thorities, and on the other, requires an even nal, we started listening to the and photographs and films traf- ery which, include paedophilia greater awareness on the part of families suffering cry of the children”, ficked on the web. How much and child pornography. Too and the various educational agencies. Even opening our eyes and looking in- pain and how much sadness! I many are reduced to sexual slav- today we see how often in families the first to the reality of the situation, could not turn my back and fuel ery and manipulated by clear reaction is to cover everything up; a first re- “taking charge, never retreating, the ‘globalization of indiffer- ideologies that reduce human action that is still present in other institu- not even a single step, even ence’”. lives to waste, to goods, to ob- tions, and in the Church too. We must fight though attacked from all sides With a group of collaborators, jects of pleasure”. against this old habit of covering up. I but not crushed”. whom Fr Di Noto introduced to We asked the Lord that we know that you are always vigilant in pro- Fr Di Noto shared his weari- the Pope, “never failing in our may become ‘sheep dogs’, tecting children even in the context of the ness and disappointments with ministry as priests and parish stained by the innocent blood of most modern means of communication. the Pontiff but assured him of priests, we let ourselves be guid- lambs newly born to mother Child abuse is a kind of “psychological his continued efforts to build “a ed by the Lord, even in the face sheep, and that we may serve as m u rd e r ”and in many cases an erasure of world without abuse and vio- of obstacles and even when we ‘deacons of childhood’”. An “an- childhood. Therefore, the protection of lence against little ones”. He were isolated and abandoned by cient term”, he added, “taken up children against sexual exploitation is a du- shared “the pain, suffering, tears, society and by institutions, who again by Saint John Paul II. page 8L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO Friday, 21 May 2021, number 21

Regina Caeli

Pop e’s appeal for an end to the spiral of destruction in the Holy Land The death of children is terrible and unacceptable

At the end of the Regina Caeli on Sunday, ter having descended into our hu- Holy Spirit who made it possible for 16 May, the Holy Father prayed that “Is- manity and redeemed it —God, the us to be this way today. A great joy! raelis and Palestinians may find the path of Son of God, descends and becomes Jesus went to heaven: the first man and violence that is involving vari- dialogue and forgiveness to be patient man, takes our humanity and re- before the Father. ous cities in Israel is a serious wound builders of peace and justice, opening up, deems it —he now ascends into He left with his wounds, which to fraternity and to peaceful coexis- step after step, to a common hope, to a coex- heaven, taking our flesh with him. were the price of our salvation, and tence among citizens, which will be istence among brothers and sisters”. Earlier, He is the first man who enters heav- he prays for us. And then he sends difficult to heal if we do not open Pope Francis had reflected on the day’s en, because Jesus is man, true man; us the Holy spirit; he promises us immediately to dialogue. I wonder: Gospel Reading on the Ascension of Jesus. he is God, true God; our flesh is in the Holy Spirit, to go to evangelize. where will hatred and vengeance The following is a translation of his reflec- heaven and this gives us joy. Now a This is the reason for today’s joy; lead? Do we really think we can tion, which he shared in Italian with the human body sits at the right hand of this is the reason for the joy on this build peace by destroying the other? faithful gathered in Saint Peter’s Square. the Father for the first time, the day of the Ascension. “In the name of God who created all body of Jesus, and in this mystery Brothers and sisters, on this Feast human beings equal in rights, duties Dear Brothers and Sisters, we each contemplate our own future of the Ascension, as we contemplate and dignity, and who called them to Buongiorno! destination. This is not at all an Heaven, where Christ has ascended live together as brothers and sisters” In Italy and in other countries today, abandonment; Jesus remains forever and sits at the right hand of the Fa- (cf. Document on Human Fraternity)I we are celebrating the Ascension of with the disciples —with us. He re- ther, let us ask Mary, Queen of make an appeal for calm and, for the Lord. The Gospel passage (Mk mains in prayer, because as man, he Heaven, to help us be courageous those who are responsible to put a 16:15-20) —the conclusion of the prays to the Father, and as God, witnesses of the Risen One in the stop to the clamour of weapons and Gospel of Mark —presents us with man and God, he shows Him his world, in the concrete situations of to follow the paths of peace, also the Risen One’s final encounter with wounds, the wounds by which he life. with the help of the international the disciples before he ascends to the has redeemed us. Jesus’prayer is c o m m u n i t y. right hand of the Father. Usually, as there, with our flesh: he is one of us, After the Regina Caeli, the Pope continued: Let us pray constantly that the Is- we know, farewell scenes are sad. God-man, and he prays for us. raelis and Palestinians may find the They cause a feeling of loss, of aban- And this should give us confi- Dear brothers and sisters, I am path of dialogue and forgiveness, to donment in those who remain; in- dence, or rather joy, great joy! And following with great concern what is be patient builders of peace and jus- stead, none of this happens to the the second reason for joy is Jesus’ happening in the Holy Land. In tice, opening up, step after step, to a disciples. Despite their separation promise. He told us: “I will send you these days, violent armed clashes be- common hope, to a coexistence from the Lord, they do not appear the Holy Spirit”. And there, with the tween the Gaza Strip and Israel have among brothers and sisters. grief-stricken, but rather, they are Holy Spirit, that commandment is gained the upper hand, and risk de- Let us pray for the victims, in par- joyful and ready to go out into the made that he gives in his farewell: generating into a spiral of death and ticular for the children; let us pray world as missionaries. “Go into all the world and preach destruction. Many people have been for peace to the Queen of Peace. Why are the disciples not sad? the gospel”. And it will be the power injured and many innocent people Hail Mary…. Why should we too rejoice at seeing of the Holy Spirit that will lead us have died. Among them are also “Laudato Si’ We e k ”begins today, Jesus ascending into heaven? The there into the world, to bring the children, and this is terrible and un- to educate us more and more to lis- Ascension completes Jesus’mission Gospel. It is the Holy Spirit of that acceptable. Their death is a sign that tening to the cry of the Earth and among us. Indeed, if it is for us that day, whom Jesus promised, and then [people] do not want to build the fu- the cry of the poor. I thank the Di- Jesus descended from heaven, it is nine days later he will come in the ture but rather to destroy it. castery for Promoting Integral Hu- also for us that he ascends there. Af- Feast of Pentecost. It is precisely the Moreover, the growing hatred man Development, the Global Catholic Climate Movement, Caritas Internationalis and the numerous member organizations, and I invite everyone to participate. CHARLES DE PECHPEYROU Archbishop Welby on Christian peaceworkers I greet the pilgrims from various nations who yesterday, here in Rome “As I went to the foot of the memori- at Saint John Lateran, took part in al, I really wanted to be anywhere No division is insurmountable the Beatification of the priest, Fran- else, because it was so shaming and cis Mary of the Cross, founder of the so horrible. And I was a senior Brit in flecting His call to become peace- long and rocky one, and few of us men and women Salvatorian reli- these circumstances and that was all workers: to be curious, be present, reach its destination in this lifetime”. gious. He was a tireless proclaimer focused on in on me as a symbol of and reimagine. These habits are However, he continues, “it is a min- of the Gospel, using every means that history. And so the only thing to among the ideas taught in the course istry that Jesus gives to us, and for that Christ’s charity inspired in him. do was to lie down, prostrate myself recently designed by the diocesan that reason it is an indispensable part May his apostolic zeal be an exam- before the memorial, as a symbol of Reconciliation Ministry Team, enti- of Christian discipleship. Through ple and guide to those in the Church sorrow and grief, of being present tled “Difference: The Power of Faith learning and adopting the habits that who are called to take the word and with those hundreds who were in a Conflicted World”. The videos we see in the life and ministry of Je- love of Jesus into every environment. killed”. Recalling one of the most dif- were shot at Lambeth Palace in Oc- sus, we too can at times get a glimpse A round of applause for the new ficult events of his life, his visit to the tober 2020. of what Christ meant when he said: Blessed! The icon is here in front…. site of the Amristar massacre of 1919 “When we look around our world ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for I cordially greet you all, those —during which troops of the British today, it may seem like reconciliation they will be called children of God’”. from Rome, from Italy and from Empire had opened fire on the crowd is an unrealistic proposition”, the An- The course, “Difference: The other countries, particularly the attending an assembly in a narrow glican prelate commented. “But it is Power of Faith in a Conflicted AGESCI-Lupetti Group of Saint Gre- square in the Indian city, claiming precisely when conflicts and divi- Wo r l d ”, developed by the Diocese of gory the Great parish in Rome; and 379 lives —the Archbishop of Canter- sions feel insurmountable, that the Canterbury, offers five sessions the Redemptoris Mater Seminary of the bury explained his decision to film a Church is called to be a reconciling which aim to support Christians on Diocese of Florence. new series of videos to explain “how p re s e n c e ”, which “does not mean the basis of encounter, peace and the I wish everyone a happy Sunday, Christians can cross divides in a com- that reconciliation and peacemaking transformation of society for the also the youth of the Immacolata, plex and hurting world”. In the five are easy, nor that they are quickly good, on the themes: the call of God, who are good. And please, do not films, Justin Welby proposes three achieved”, Welby observed, noting overcoming divisions, respectful de- forget to pray for me. Enjoy your habits based on Jesus’ministry, re- that “reconciliation is a journey: a bate, forgiveness and hope. lunch. Ar r i v e d e rc i !