Cricket Bowes Museum Trustees Bowls. Women's

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Cricket Bowes Museum Trustees Bowls. Women's June THE TEESDALE MERCURY. wednesday, June `4th, 12 bleeding t male ; 170th Captain \V. limes NARD BOWES MUSEUM TRUSTEES 1Vatson. Spring Lodge. a intizzle ,loatter CRICKET o KILLED ON THE ROAD. gnu ; front Mr Jackson. Newgate, a muzzle- (Other CricketNews on Page 10.) loader pistol : and front Mr It \V. Lowes, u ESTI A TRIBUTE TO MR WOODHAMS. aliclileto.i . oxen shoes. A Very CHRISTIE CUP. os ING 'ROAD FOREMAN'S DEATH AT INCLETON. 140*-- HoUSING tine taint arrow - head [mold tat Bartlett cOTHERSTON• ‘. BABY cAsTii A nt•eiiug 01 I IR' 1; ■■ \Vt's NI11:-c11111 .1. 111SleeS has been lent to the "altisetnt through AI Barnard Castle on Wednestd :Moor iy..": A tragic affair 'mooched tat Friday ;awl- WUS held on Friday morning. \\Awn there the kindly offices of :\Ir William Lee. New- j. Fidler I. Italoy Castle. we ry erese m Lord Barnard, tor n ressnr C. higgithin-Teesditle. i tok.on ;it nogloon. when James ileri•r; nines Thistlethwaito• CARAVANS ON S Niessrs Nv. Library Gifts. .1. .1 Visor not out ... Scant. (30). road for•matt employed by the on. ;toil the (airitio• D. Flu t \Voison. F. Nevis the er t . chipchase h' litirlitim County Coimeil. while riding his Nit• S. E. Harrison:. In the obscure of the The 1.iblal•\' Cotntuittre l'clo011ed hisiletliwal of tl„ f0110Willg gills: From NIr.l. Ingrain Dawson: S. Lowson t' Chairmait LLord tiaitiford) •aid the ,vire. Walker It TIlisllet hwitittie. nevi oft motor cycle to his home it& Ilti• village. F. ... • It. Reid not out chairman . 111' Ingrom llowson). Lord intrlitignoti Telegraph, November 20111, 1865; (.010011 was with a stationary motor lorry and programme of Railway Jubilee at 'Jading- Ilaruard \\-os voted 1(1 611 tson, met almost instantaneotis death. Scaile, lon, 1s75 ; Queen Vichilla Jubilee (1S$7) and pictoli The Late Mr Woodhams. programme. of bazaar for rehuilding tower Total (for 3 wickets) esidi ng, who was well littowit in the neighhourhood pr Lord Ituru;rd said it wits his regretful , 1573), Barnard Castle Parish Church ; pro- Cotherstone. Recruitmen of hogloon, had been engaged during the duty to report the unfortunate death of one gramme of the opening of Bowes iritisttun J. T. Rainer Robson It Pettit week on the tie\' paving work at Ilartiart . of their rolleagues..11t . Richard Woodhanis, and park, 1892 : faculty for pew in old W. Franklin run out ... who hod been a trustee long•r than he had, lat 3 Castle. 1-ho had been married only a yetor. gallery of Parish Church to James Benning- C. C.hipchase It Pattison to,.ritititient of ► and he (bought air Emerson would like to ton. 17i4 ; hills of Penny Headings, 1867-9, .1. B. Young b Pettit ... , An inquest was held at Ingleton al•thotlist aac a nay \vords, on the subject. Barnard Castle Mechanics' Institute ; 1•.arly J. T. Roe not out ... offices by the engag. Schoolroom on Monday morning by Air J. 1111- Emerson said he regretted the trustees recollections of Theatrical Life in Barnard W. Kidd (• Robinson b Pettit had no f a r, another unexpected loss--aiite E. Brown-Humes. Coroner. and a jury. Mr Castle by Joi n t Nixon ; front 11Iiss Edlestton, T. Thistlethwaite h Pattison • who had beell not duly' a colleague lout a ti) tit D. Y. -Pirie, of the highways department., (iainford : .111 album containing article and J. .1datitson c-Pattison It Pettit VA'1'iftelt conipanion. :111• \Voildhatits' passing carne taint of Barnard Castle engraved by Wille- J. Walker r I). Fuller It Pettit represented the County Coutwil. bad _t1ggcsfIIt^ 10 hilti with n0.'111E411' illtel'eS1 awl regret more, and two 10(111 11111S: 11'0111 MI' T. J. Clarke run out ... by tooldisIditiojiInsleb-.e,crea Evidence of ideutincation was given because of his intimate kno\yledge of him. : BistiOp AlIcklalld Co-operative J. Itichardson it Pettit taiNttiereT...sI s Thomas Scaile. Church View, Ile Callie under his rare as a boy and Society Jubilee 18611-1910; 1'1'0111 1110 Extras Stain(Icop. brother of the deceased, .•ho remained \vitt] him until be entered. upon .1. Suiis.on : " The way we have C0t1 it his apprenticeship. and how-ever much CODUty said he last saw hint alive at 7-30 a.m. on tome, - the 'history or Barnard Castle Con- Total "• ••' thehoped tO have uuot They might at times doubt \\'ordsworth's gregational Church. Is15-1936. For Pettit took 6 wickets for G Friday. when he appeared to be in a per- statement iii his locoman! ode-" The child The (an-utor (Nli . S. E. Harrison) reported and Pattison 2 for 9. :abjc't in due coot: feet .state of 110111111. He was riding his is hither; .of the man "----it was true of that during the quarter there had been linowit few 11.111NARD CASTLE 11.1NKS v. ftL ETti. motor cycle and proceeding in the direction Richard wntohnIns. He h a d 10.0ss visitors to the 1111P4 •11111. council had taken mot iti this town \\-114-1 preserved in his At Barnard (1aStle our Thursday, of Barnard Castle to attetid to his \V011i. linger experience of lousiness and public Barnard Castle Banks. was. (obvious that tit The Coroner : Had lie recently suffered work the traits or character which marked S. Blown lbw- 11 \V. Polley Het in favour of a a Wow ?--He was hit with hint a s i t boy at so•lioul. Ilts reserve C. V. (31ilton b Hammond uniouuted almost 10 shyness. Ile lio'Ver BOWLS. (. Thornhill It Hammond . 411)0111 it fortnight ago. It blacked his eye asserted !Mosel!' even in the games. but F. \Vill:inson c and It 11. Pedley With reh.ti; and injured his nose, hat he said it was for him by the captain tool: the place Mixed 11.111N.1110C.1.STLE v. IIIIIX1<Bt'RN IlENE A. E. C. Stephenson It N. Brown th e paym all right. He has played since. of the side. and 1111: 41111 marked 111111 also (lit Thursday evening last- the Barnard F. Bailie lo \\*. Pedley • rregarding The (:oroner : There was nothing about in his later owl public life. He was orenor- Castle team filet Brinklairit Dene A in the .1. tiarlaitt run out it, you think. that might have noosed hint naturally nervous ;Wool- - Ita \:ing it supposed league fixture. The result was a Will fur It. L. Baton c It. Pedley lo Letitia' that he out possibly be seeking any pe•- .1. SOillsby not out Woodland :suddenly to become orworoscious ?-Nt. the home leant. \vhich plowed them lop of sonal interest by the public service Ile Division II., Section A. Score :- .1. Mortimer trot out It was stated that (:yril Holland, of I-kir- rendered. tone word he must sity because i:1)gdtriloatliolitladd\o‘n the spo Barnard Castle. ..‘;:.e°1.1°Yt -worth. the (IIIi I or the motor lorry, who he felt it very strongly. 111• \•oolliams Mr J. Tarn : Who had it great love for his •lutrch. He loved A. E)ans, H. Brown, T. Grow:hind is ... 19 Total 'for 8 wickets. was injured by the collision. wits unable Al. Wright, \V. H. Trott, 1-1. Hobson s( •• ‘Voodland ? the fabric ; he loved the ser•ires ; and he J. Chilton did not bat. The Clerk : He d to aptoea• at the inquest. ordered his life in strict obedieuce to its .1. (:ail. .1. Glewleuning. J. Franklin s) 19 6. H. 'farm, .1. 8letWinsopp..1. R. Jordan 'teeth. anyone. He is goo Dennis Cairns, also of Hurworth, who had principles owl teaching. (only two days \\-. ['volley c Thornhill lo „ a•comfoitnied Holland on the jourhey. said hefore he went 'to Morecambe lae cube with Itarnitighatto la Garbutt Riot`. 'airs \\*own-lams to the green in that I c Tarn : I cairn they were stopping at the west end of 87 II. Pedley c Hattie b Brown „, 11' -and with '111 - Harrison ;Ind hint 1111 . Emer- E. -Pedley b BrOW11. any information if Ingleton village, on the near side of the son) engaged in their Fisted friendly chat, Brinkburn Done A. \V. Hal t111101111 it Garbutt ... 1 move that road, about 4 p.m.. blowing up a rear tyre and to their surprise essayed to play it \V. Hutton. J. Itaittlridgi."l-1. Craggill (s) 9 T. f'edley run out ... ottelyt of the lorry - which had fleet& repaired. Wit- guru' of Louis iti spite of his lameness. He J. Bowman, \V. Greenland, .1. .\11an (s) 12 J. 1:endall c C. K. Chilton lo ttro•tt the Tresentatives T. Heron. S. Swales. It. Boyd s) ... 24 ness was manipulating the jack under the cheerfully entered into the gain(' and II. Hammond not out ... ensi the question played well. and at its ccompletiori asked II. \Vhite, J. Lottiley. I). W. Hatherick (s) 15 N. Brown lo Garbutt . a place at which t lorry and Holland was using the foot-pump for imotlair gam(• : and thot was the last Peace c and io Garbutt Mr R. Thompson to inflate the tyre. Witness suddenly got a. they saw of hint. He had no idea that lie 60 Hi rd not out glimpse of a motor cycle coining from the had suffered as he hod, and although he Points : Barnard Castle. 4 ; Brinkburn. 1. Extras •whi•h was agreed t law ". h p was rear of the lorry. lout did not notice the seriousl y disadvantaged by eillors, Messrs Bloc travelling. He then t which it w:is his loneness he thought titere was a Barnard Castle Bowling Club Competitions.
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