NAT IGA North Atlantic International General Aviation Operations Manual Third Edition Version 2.1 – 2004 Prepared by the United States ii NAT International General Aviation Operations Manual FOREWORD This manual was initially developed by the North Atlantic Systems Planning Group (NAT-SPG) to assist international general aviation (IGA) pilots with flight planning and operations across the North Atlantic. It is now updated and maintained by the North Atlantic Operations Managers (NAT OPS MGRs). It is not intended to be a detailed listing of procedures or air regulations of the various States that provide air traffic service in the North Atlantic (NAT) region, and does not in anyway replace the information contained in various national Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP's). Pilots must consult relevant AIPs and Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) when planning the flight and prior to departure. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this manual, contact Michael Pumphrey, International Operations Manager for the FAA Eastern Region and New York Center at 631 468-1037 or via email at
[email protected]. Appendix 1 provides information on obtaining regulatory publications that may be of assistance to you. This manual is for flight operations above and below minimum navigation performance specifications (MNPS) airspace. If you are going to fly within or above MNPS airspace, refer to the MNPS Guidance Material. NAT IGA OPS Manual - 3rd Ed V2.1.doc 2004 North Atlantic International General Aviation iii TABLE OF CONTENTS