Annotated Bibliography

Primary sources

Alice Ball’s plaque V​ imeo. Accessed March 9, 2020 This image was amazing for the Legacy page. It really went along well with the text and other images

Ball, Alice. The Chemical Constituents of Piper Methysticum; The Chemical Constituents of the ​ Active Principle of the Ava Root. J​une, 1915. Accessed December 20, 2019 I liked this source because it helped me understand the previous bio-pharmaceutical work that led up to her main work. It also helped me understand the larger picture of her short lifetime.

Ball, James Presley [Unidentified woman holding child in her lap] ​Library of Congress. ​ Accessed March 9, 2020 This image was a great example of a that Alice’s grandfather made. It also made the point of how much pictographic evidence there was of Alice’s grandfather.

Hollman, Harry T. The Fatty Acids of Chaulmoogra Oil in the Treatment of Leprosy and Other ​ Diseases. ​January 1, 1922. Accessed December 20, 2019 This source helped me understand all of what she did. It also helped me understand why Harry T. Hollmann invited her to do this work.

University of . alice-ball_regents-award-ceremony.jpg​ BridgeBizSTEM. April 14, 2007. ​ g Accessed January 16, 2020 This image was awesome for the Legacy page. It added a nice touch and went along with the text very well.

University of Hawaii. Arthur L. Dean portrait ​ ​ Accessed March 9, 2020 This went along well with the text on the Legacy page. It really was good to have a picture of the person who took credit for her work.

Secondary sources

Binford, C.H. The History and Study of Leprosy in Hawaii​ Public Health Reports (1896-1970) ​ Vol. 51, No. 15 (Apr. 10, 1936), pp. 415-423. Accessed February 22, 2020 This source was great for information but did not have many pictures. It did inform me a lot about the plauge that was leprosy at that time in history. Alice Ball Biography​ Accessed ​ December 22, 2019 This helped me learn more about dates and the details that could not be found on the internet.

Boyd, Andy No. 3205: ALICE AUGUSTA BALL ​Engines of Our Ingenuity, University of Houston. ​ Accessed February 12, 2020 This source was great for images and also information. Especially the before and after of her work.

Brown, Vi Her-Story: Alice Augusta Ball ​ BridgeBizSTEM. May 12, 2017 ​ Accessed January 16, 2020 This source was amazing for images that I could not find anywhere else on the internet. It was also great for quotes. chaulmoogra-odorata-rgynocardia-odorata-654415.jpg ​Royal Botanic Gardens KEW. Accessed March 9, 2020 This image was amazing for the “Despised and Ostracized” page. Especially when I did not want to be redundant with my images because I already had an image of the chaulmoogra in the background.

Dumas dos SantosI, Fernando Sergio. Alves de SouzaII, Letícia Pumar. Siani, Antonio Carlos. Chaulmoogra oil as scientific knowledge: the construction of a treatment for leprosy March 2008. =en Accessed March 9, 2020 This source helped me learn more about Chaulmoogra oil and its effect on many people as a treatment.

Favilli, Elena and Francesca Cavallo. “Alice Ba