NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE LEADERS Raymond Aguilar President Joe Biden Dan Hughes Vice President Kamala Harris John Arch Eliot Bostar CONGRESSIONAL Tom Brandt DELEGATION John Lowe U.S. Senator John McCollister U.S. Senator John Cavanaugh Mike McDonnell U.S. Congressman Don Bacon Terrell McKinney U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry Robert Clements U.S. Congressman Adrian Smith Mike Moser Wendy DeBoer Dave Murman Myron Dorn Rich Pahls UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT Chief Justice John Roberts Michael Flood Rita Sanders Justice Clarence Thomas Justice Stephen Breyer Justice Samuel Alito Tim Gragert Justice Sonia Sotomayor Justice Elena Kagan Justin Wayne Justice Neil Gorsuch Ben Hansen Matt Williams Justice Brett Kavanaugh Justice Amy Coney Barrett

STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION NEBRASKA CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS Maureen Nickels, President Governor Patti Gubbels Lt. Governor Mike Foley Lisa Fricke Secretary of State Patsy Koch Johns Attorney General Doug Peterson Deborah Neary State Treasurer John Muante Jacquelyn Morrison State Auditor Robin Stevens Patricia Timm

NEBRASKA SUPREME COURT Chief Justice Justice William Cassel Justice John Freudenberg Justice Jeffrey Funke “I urge that petitions, prayers, and intercessions be Justice Lindsey Miller-Lerman offered on behalf of all people, rulers, and those in Justice Jonathan Papik authority, so we may live quiet and peaceful lives Justice Stephanie Stacy as we worship and honor God.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

(402) 477-3191 Visit 1106 E Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 for additional prayer resources.