Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter
june 2001 volume III number 3 viennese ethnomedicine newsletter Ritual Bath among the Seereer INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA quondam ACADEMIA CAESAREO - REGIA IOSEPHINA 1785 department of ethnomedicine Frontispiece: The p^ogax, the ritual bath, is the final stage of a treatment among the Seereer. Muttering words of conjuration to the pangool the old man with a calabash scoops cold water over the shoulders of the woman. Freezing but devoted, the woman washes the blood of the sacrificed hen off her skin. She is now convinced to have overcome the disease (see page 13 ff.) Photograph: Armin Prinz Viennese Ethnomedicine Newsletter is published three times a year by the Department of Ethnomedicine, Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Vienna, Austria. Editor in chief Armin Prinz, Department of Ethnomedicine, Institute for the History of Medicine, University of Vienna, Austria Editorial board Nina Etkin, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Karl Holubar, University of Vienna; Wolfgang Jilek, University of British Columbia; Manfred Kremser, University of Vienna; Wolfgang Kubelka, University of Vienna; Guy Mazars, University of Strasbourg; Rogasian Mahunnah, University of Dar es Salaam, Traude Pillai-Vetschera, University of Vienna; Jun Takeda, University of Saga; Karl R. Wernhart, University of Vienna; Zohara Yaniv, Volcani Center, Israel Editors of this issue Ruth Kutalek, Department of Ethnomedicine Content Editorial (Ruth Kutalek) . 3 Is Kava a Drug? A Pacific Conundrum (Nancy J. Pollock) . 3 The Collection of the Department of Ethnomedicine (Alexander Weissenböck) . 7 Psychoanalysis in sub-Saharan Africa - My own research 1959 to now (Gerhard Kubik) . 11 Contributions to Visual Anthropology: P^ogax, the ritual bath of the Seereer (Armin Prinz) .
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