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Melanesian Gprotected.Eo Copyright Posters Posters. F1000 Posters. protected. F1000 Copyright Posters. protected. F1000 Posters. Copyright Posters. F1000 protected. F1000 Posters. protected. Copyright Posters. F1000 protected. F1000 Copyright Posters. protected. Copyright Posters. F1000 protected. Posters. F1000 Copyright Posters. F1000 Posters. Melanesian Gprotected.eo Copyright F1000 protected. A GrAssroots PublicAtionPosters. DeD icAteD to reGionAl bioloGicAl AnD culturAl Diversity Patrick Pikacha, David Boseto, Tamara Osborne Naikatini, Brian Weeks, and Chris Filardi F1000 protected. Copyright Posters. F1000 protected. Copyright Posters. The Purpose A Brief History F1000 protected. Melanesia, a globally significant region with incredibly rich biological and cultural diversity, isPosters. both one Melanesian Geo is grassroot environment magazine that was founded by Patrick Pikacha in 2005. Copyrightof the most threatened and yet intact tropical regions on Earth. Until recently, there has not been a platform The initiative was supported by Tamara Osborne Naikatini and David Boseto. Bound by a shared F1000 devoted to discussions of regional biological and cultural diversity (e.g., Australian Geographic, Canadian interest in the environment and the enormous challenges in protecting it, this team of young Posters. Geographic, etc.) where Melanesians couldprotected. share their experiences and research with others facing similar Copyrightgeographers and biologists worked together to produce the magazine while enrolled as graduate situations across the region. Melanesian Geo now fills this gap; it is a grassroots F1000publication that focuses students at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji. Melanesian Geo is a grassroots on the people and environment of Melanesia. Based in the Solomon Islands, by combining a mixture of environment magazine and organizationprotected. thats purpose is to disseminate environmental information Copyright Posters. Posters. journalism, creative writing, and local storytelling, Melanesian Geo raises the awareness of environmental to local communities, schools and NGOs in the Melanesian region. and social issues affecting the people and ecosystems of Melanesia. With a focus on local researchers and F1000 writers, it provides a unique forum for regional dialogue that is fostered by, and accessible to, Melanesian Since the team members are graduate students and they have only been able to commit part protected. decision-makers. OnlineCopyright availability ( ) provides access to an international audience, Posters. of their time to producing the magazine--and the publication of the magazine is based on their F1000 and with 7 issues published to-date, Melanesian Geo exemplifies a successful grassroots initiative. By bringing unpaid efforts, personal funding, and sporadic funding from individuals, educational intuitions, F1000 together a variety of voices related to biological and cultural issues,protected. the journal has both empowered local non-governmental organizations and museums--publication has been slightly sporadic. Posters. actors and raised regional awareness of issues with clear global significance.Melanesian Geo strives to inform Copyright Melanesians about the rich biological and cultural diversity of the Melanesian region, its global significance, F1000 The motivation behind this work continues to be a desire to share the rich and distinct biodiversity and the challenges facing its conservation; hopefully it can begin to address the silence on these issues that of Melanesia, which is increasingly threatened each year, to ourprotected. readers--especially the average Copyright Posters. Melanesian Geo the local populace has faced to this point. PEOPLE, PLACES, AND CREATURES OF MELANESIA JAN - APRIL 2007 people of Melanesia, who we hope will find to be something interesting to read, NEW F1000 informative, and useful in finding ways to protect and use their resources sustainably. protected. Melanesian Geo Posters. protected. Journal of society & the environment in Melanesia Copyright Issue 4 CONSERVATION IN MELANESIA VDIPGUIFFBSUITCJPMPHJDBMEJWFSTJUZ 5PEBZ EFTQJUFTPNFPGUIFSJDIFTUGPSFTUBOENBSJOF Content MJTMPDBUFEJOBSFBTUIBUBSFSFMBUJWFMZ MJGFJOUIF1BDJmD DPOTFSWBUJPOBSFBTDPWFSMFTTUIBO mOBODJBMMZQPPSBOEFDPOPNJDBMMZ PGUIFMBOEBOETFBPGUIF4PMPNPO*TMBOET VOEFSEFWFMPQFE ɨJT NFBOT UIBU XIFO F1000 NEW PEOPLE • PLACES • WILDLIFE • CONSERVATION • NATURE • TRAVEL MAY - SEPTEMBER 2007 DPOTFSWBUJPO FĊPSUT USZ UP TUPQ DPNNFSDJBM Posters. protected. SFTPVSDF FYUSBDUJPO JO UIFTF QMBDFT TVDI BT Issues do not have a set table of contents, and articles run the NJOJOHPSMPHHJOH UIFQPPSFTUQFPQMFPGUFOCopyright QBZUIFIJHIFTUQSJDFJOUFSNTPGMPTUQPUFOUJBM JODPNF $POTFSWBUJPO DPODFTTJPOT BMTP gambit from summaries of original scientific research all the LOPXOBTDPOTFSWBUJPOJODFOUJWFT QSPWJEFBO F1000 BOTXFSUPUIJTQSPCMFN*OUIFJSTJNQMFTUGPSN way to poetic works that reflect views of the environment. MelanesianIssue 5 DPOTFSWBUJPO DPODFTTJPOT EJSFDUMZ USBOTGFS P E O P L E • P L A C E S • W I L D L I F E • CONSERVATION • N A T U R E • TRAVEL OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2007 NPOFZJOUPMPDBMMBOEIPMEJOHDPNNVOJUJFTJO protected. Copyright Content has come from the Solomon Islands, Fiji, Papua New Geo A ROLE FOR CONSERVATION CONCESSIONS Posters. IN MELANESIA: CUSTOMARY LAND TENURE Copyright Guinea, Vanuatu, Indonesia, and New Caledonia. Although AND COMMUNITY CONSERVATION F1000 Above: Forests of proposed conservation area, Bauro Highlands, Makira Island (Photo: Charles Tatahu). Left starting AGREEMENTS IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS above: Community Conservation Agreement (CCA) meeting Maraone Village, Bauro Highlands, Makira Island. (Photo: P. Pikacha). CCA meetings Biche village, Gatokae Island, Western Province (Photo: Dick Rice). CCA survey in proposed Melanesian Geo is open to any type of work that reflects on Issue 6 Kolombangara conservation area unravel sacred sites, adding importance of conserving forests for preservation of cultural Melanesian By Chris Filardi & Patrick Pikacha heritage (Photo: Chris Filardi). Indigenous communities, like this one on Guadalcanal, and their traditional land tenure systems may provide opportunity for biodiversity conservation in Solomon Islands (Photo: P. Pikacha). 0GDPVSTF UIFDPOTFSWBUJPODPODFTTJPOT BOENBSJOFMJGFJOUIF1BDJmD DPOTFSWBUJPO SFUVSOGPSTPNFDBSFGVMMZEFmOFEDPOTFSWBUJPO BQQSPBDIJTOPUXJUIPVUQPUFOUJBMQSPCMFNT BSFBTDPWFSMFTTUIBOPGUIFMBOEBOE humans’ interactions with the Melanesian environment, the Posters. %JSFDU QBZNFOUT GPS DPOTFSWBUJPO TVĊFS TFB PG UIF 4PMPNPO *TMBOET *O QBSU UIJT PVUDPNF $POTFSWBUJPO PVUDPNFT JODMVEF protected. Geo TPNFPGUIFTBNFJMMTUIBUQMBHVFUIFMPHHJOH JT EVF UP UIF DPNQMFYJUZ PG DVTUPNBSZ QSPUFDUJOH B SBSF PS UISFBUFOFE TQFDJFT MJLF JOEVTUSZ BDSPTT .FMBOFTJB TVDI BT VOGBJS MBOE UFOVSF JO UIF 4PMPNPOT DPNCJOFE Copyright EJTUSJCVUJPOPGGVOETPSJOEJWJEVBMNJTVTFPG XJUI B MBDL PG BOZ NFBOJOHGVM MBXT UIBU most typical types of work are: UIFMFBUIFSCBDLUVSUMF %FSNPDIFMZTDPSJBDFB QBZNFOUTUIBUTIPVMESFBDIGVMMDPNNVOJUJFT SFDPHOJ[F UIF DSFBUJPO PG DPOTFSWBUJPO PS )PXFWFS JO TPNF BSFBT QBSUJDVMBSMZ JO SFTFSWF BSFBT ɨFTF GBDUPST IBWF BMMPXFE QSPUFDUJOHBVOJRVFIBCJUBUMJLFNBOHSPWFTPS .FMBOFTJBXIFSFJOEJHFOPVTQFPQMFMBSHFMZ TPNF TFDUPST PG FYUSBDUJWF JOEVTUSZ UP Faunal connectivity DMPVEGPSFTU QSFWFOUJOHVOTVTUBJOBCMFMPHHJOH NBJOUBJODPOUSPMPWFSBDDFTTUPUIFMBOEBOE SVUIMFTTMZFYQMPJU4PMPNPOMBOEUFOVSFBOE TFB XFMMQMBOOFEDPNNVOJUZEFWFMPQNFOU MFHBM TZTUFNT SFTVMUJOH JO BO FTDBMBUJPO PG PS NJOJOH GSPN HPJOH BIFBE PS NBOBHJOH QSPKFDUTNBZQSPWJEFJNQPSUBOUNPUJWBUJPO VOSFHVMBUFEUJNCFSBOENJOJOHPQFSBUJPOT F1000 GPS DPOTFSWBUJPO FĊPSUT UIBU XPVME UIBU UISFBUFO HMPCBMMZ TJHOJmDBOU QBUUFSOT Makira Island for island wetland BDUJWJUJFT MJLF IVOUJOH PS mTIJOH UP QSFWFOU PUIFSXJTFQSPWFBMNPTUJNQPTTJCMFGPSSVSBM PGEJWFSTJUZBTXFMMBTUIFGVUVSFMJWFMJIPPET Posters. Wildlife of the Bauro Highlands, protected. PWFSIBSWFTUJOH DPNNVOJUJFTUPFNCSBDF"DMPTFSMPPLBU PG4PMPNPO*TMBOEFST8JUIOFBSMZPG Research Articles Solomon Islands BDPODFTTJPOTTUZMFBQQSPBDICFJOHVTFEJO UIFQPQVMBUJPOEFQFOEJOHVQPOTVCTJTUFODF UIF4PMPNPO*TMBOETQSPWJEFTBTFOTFPGUIF MJWFMJIPPET UIFTFUSFOETUISFBUFOUIFIFBSUCopyright QPUFOUJBMGPSDPNNVOJUZCBTFEDPOTFSWBUJPO PGUIFSVSBM4PMPNPOToQFPQMFTSFMJBODFPO conservation JODFOUJWFTUPGVODUJPOBTBOJNQPSUBOUUPPM UIFOBUVSBMXFBMUIPGUIFJSDVTUPNBSZMBOET Fiji’s Kula Eco Park JOSFHJPOBMDPOTFSWBUJPOJOJUJBUJWFT 1BSBEPYJDBMMZ UIFTBNFUSBEJUJPOBMMBOE Posters. Anecdotal Recounts of Research Experiences in Melanesia Not Just a Bird Park! NOW ONLINE AT 5PEBZ EFTQJUFTPNFPGUIFSJDIFTUGPSFTU ONLINE AT MELANESIANGEO.COM Entomology work in Fiji 18 | MELANESIAN GEO • MAY - SEPTEMBER 2007 ON THE TRAIL WWW.MELANESIANGEO.COM | 19 Sustainable Development How much do we really F1000 MELANESIANGEO.COM The Melanesian bush, wildlife Journalistic Travel Writing Articulating Sustainable know? and stunning landscape has much to offer the eco-tour- Development in Fiji ist, avid bush walker, trekker, protected. mountain climber, or outdoor photographer. There are walks Culturing Fish Larvae which can last for only a few hours to hikes which take Travel Experiences A New Tool for Restocking several days. In this section PATRICK PIKACHA samples Coral Reefs in Fiji some of the most accessible walking trails around the Montane forests, Mt Rano trail, Kolombangara Island. Montane forests, Mt Rano trail, Kolombangara Island. Posters. Solomon Islands. The Melanesian bush, wildlife and stunning Mt Rano Trail Kolombangara Island The following day a 5 hour hike
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