Conference Sponsor Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) The Chemical and Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) is a non profit organization without membership, aiming at the promotion and advancement of science and engineering in the field of chemical and biological microsystems, and to stimulate the exchange of ideas and information between academic, industrial, and government researchers. MiliLitre Benefactor Emulseo Chemlnnov - 14 avenue Pey Berland Pessac, 33600 FRANCE phone: +33-53-554-1006
[email protected] Based in the south west of France, Emulseo has been founded in 2018 by Jean-Christophe Baret, Valérie Taly and Florine Maes. Emulseo develops formulations for microfluidic technology such as the surfactant for droplet-based microfluidics named FluoSurf. Emulseo comes from Jean-Christophe Baret Lab at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal in Pessac. Emulseo has thus a strong expertise in microfluidics and aims to help and collaborate with customers in improving and developing new products. Fluigent 67 Avenue de Fontainebleau Le Kremlin Bicetre, 94270 FRANCE phone: +33-177-01-8268
[email protected] Fluigent's broad range of solutions for use in microfluidic technologies and nanofluidics applications offer greater control, automation, precision, and ease of use. If you're seeking to replace high-precision syringe pumps or other conventional instruments, discover the LineUp series, which offer an excellent solution that minimize contamination and ensure full control of flow rates without the need of a computer. MicroLitre Benefactor Nanoscribe GmbH Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 6 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, 76344 GERMANY phone: +49-721-981-980-0
[email protected] Nanoscribe GmbH develops and provides 3D printers and maskless lithography systems for microfabrication as well as photoresins and process solutions.