& Council Clerk: Mr Gwyndaf Morris 34 Heol Ll227UT Tel: 01745 825776 e-mail: [email protected]

The Monthly Meeting of the Community Council will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 28th, June 2010 in the Rhyd Y Foel Community Centre. Councillors are reminded to arrive for the Sub Committees promptly at 6.30pm as per normal.


1. Community Beat Manager PC Ann Westwood - Monthly Report.

2. Apologies.

3. Declaration of Interest in any Agenda Item

4. Minutes of the previous Meeting held on Monday 24th May 2010.

5. Matters arising from the Minutes & Clerk’s Report & Feedback

6. GENERAL PURPOSES & PLANNING a) Planning Applications: i. Application No: 0/36974 Proposal: Conversion of existing chapel to a single dwelling Location: Caersalem Chapel, Abergele Road, Llanddulas, Abergele. Applicant: Mrs Mary Gray. ii. Application No: 0/37001 Proposal: Erection of 1 no. dwelling on land between Tan Yr Allt Road and Pentregwyddel Road, Llanddulas Location: Land between Tan Yr Allt Road and Pentregwyddel Road, Llanddulas. Applicant: Mr A. O. Reilly iii. Application No: 0/37022 Proposal: Conservatory Extwension to Dwelling Location: Plas y Corddyn, Tan y Goppa Road, Rhyd y Foel. Applicant: Mr & Mrs WIlliams b) Planning decisions made by the local authority.

7. FINANCIAL MATTERS & PAYMENTS a) Monthly Accounts & Bank Statements for Approval. b) Monthly Asset checking for signatures. c) Payments Received & For Approval:

i. Staples Business Account- Stationery £ 41.16 i1. Clerk’s Salary- 1st Qtr, 1/04/10- 30/06/10 SCP19 Increment £ 766.45 iii. Clerk’s Office Allowance 1/04/10/-30/06/10 £ 100.00 iv. HM Revenues & Customs 1/04/10- 30/06/10 £ 273.52 v. Clerk’s Internet Connection 1/04/10- 30/06/10 £ 20.00

d.) Annual Bank Reconciliation & Annual Accounts (on evening) & Internal Audit Timetable.UHY Hacker Young Annual Return. 2010.

8.. COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE AND ISSUES i. County Councillor Mrs B. Taylor’s Monthly Report. ii. Rights of Way Footpath Agreement- New Document for Signing Agreement

9 PUBLIC SERVICES OMBUDSMAN FOR CORRESPONDENCE i. Complaints Wales Consultation: Pproposal for a common complaints system for public service providers in Wales. ii. The Code of Conduct for members of local authorities in Wales iii. Local Authorities Bye Laws in Wales- Consultation Paper. 11. ONE VOICE WALES ISSUES i. Latest Newsletter “The Voice” of Unllais for distribution. ii. National Training Seminars Programme For Community & Town Councillors in Wales. 12. PROJECTS & EVENTS- Councillor Mrs P. Jenkins

13. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE i. Creaton of Path at —Abergele Town Council. ii. Community Chest- Annual General Meeting , 1st July 2010.

14. ITEMS REQUESTED ON AGENDA i. Churchyard Cemetery - Future Maintenance. ii. Report back from Meetings. iii. Youth Club Matters/ Issues. iv. Community Council Members Attendance Record 2009/2010. v. Allotments- Community Enterprize Inititatives.