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The NCAA News Budget set at $168 million; fiscal planning becomes priority Fiscal planning will become a general operating budget for next catastrophic athletics injury insur- on those rcsourccs hcfore the budget championships transportation and priority tor NCAA committees be- fiscal year, which amounts to anct to all student-athletes at all is finalircd. per diem payments in Division II. cause of actions taken August 12-I 3 $ I68,722.OOO, the committee noted NCAA member institutions would Also adopted was a policy that Instead, those now will he hudgetcd by the Association’s Executive Com- that 1991-92 would he a difficult cost $3.5 million. mnndatcs development of guidelines line items. Any surpluses or deficits mittee, which met in Carlsbad, Cal- year inasmuch as new funds gencr- Other Executive Committee ac- IO bc followed by all NCAA com- will be included in the general oper- ifornia. In addition lo approving a atrd by the CBS Sports television tions mandate that the Association’s mittces for fiscal planning in threc- ating hudget as such. 1991-92 gcncral operating budget in contract already had been commit- standing committees consider the year cycles. Also at its August meeting, the cxccss of $168 million, the commit- ted by previous Executive Commit- financial impact ot potential recom- In approving the 1991-92 NCAA Executive Committee annually rc- tee also took actions to set that the tee actions. mendations and submit those in budget, the Executive Committee views legislative proposals for the financial impact of cornmittcc rem It was noted that carhcr action to advance of annual budget discus- noted that fine-tuning adjustments Association’s annual Convention. quests for services and programs is discontinue the football television sions. still would need to be made to At this meeting, the committee did considered in advance of the assessment will result in an csti- Intended by the action is an ap- certain line items. not endorse any proposed legislation NCAA’s annual budgetary process. mated 1Y91-92rcvenuelossof$l.75 proach to annual budget planning In reviewing the Association’s with a budgetary impact. In reviewing the-Asslciation’s million, while action to provide that will allow the Executive Corn- financial plan for the coming year, Two appeals of automatic+uali- mittcc to get a handle on availahlc the committee also voted to discon- fication criteria for the Division I resources and rcqucsts being made tinue lump-sum allocations for SW Ulrc~gPl.pu$y~ 3 Certification subcommittee aims for ‘93 Convention Council supports academic package While the NC--AA Council fo- The NCAA Council has joined ing-eligibility requirement tying a cosponsored by hot h groups, as was cused on Icgislation lor the 1992 the Presidents Commission in spon- student-athlrtc’s college GPA to most of the reform package at last NCAA (‘onvcntlon in its soring a scrics of proposals for the that rrquircd for graduation at that January’s Convention. summct niceting *in Sun Valley, 1992 NCAA Convention that will institutions Division I will vote on: Idaho, there also was a harbinger strengthen acadcniic requirements Division 11 alrcudy has Its own l lncrcasing the number of high- of things lo conic: certification for athletics eligibility. satisfactory-progress GPA rcquirc- School core courses from I I to 17. of member institutions’ athletics Meeting July 3 I-August 2 in Sun nicnt in place. with the additional courses in Eng- programs Valley, Idaho, the Council agreed to Thus. the academic package lish. math and physical or naturirl The Council Subcommittee cosponsor all of the academic pro- the Plcsidents Commission’s prim science; on Certilication. appointed in posals developed by the Academic mary thrust for this year will bc SW C ~mmil, pcqy -7 May and chaired by Univcruity Requi.rements Committrc and spon- of Nevada. Rcno, President Jo- sored earlier by the Presidents Corn- CEOs’ deadline approaches scph N. Crowlcy. held its first mission. meeting In conjunction with the The entire package will be span- l‘hc dcadlinc for chiel rxecutivc the pending V;IC~~IKX~. Sun Valley gathering. sored for Division 1, as set forth in officc~~s of NCAA mcmbcr institu- Nominations must bc sent to Pres- Crowlcy reported this timcta- earlier issues of The NCAA News. tions to nominate CEOs to tilt Jan- idcntial Nominating Committee. blc to the C’ouncil: Division II will be included in most uary IYY2 vacancies on the NCAA, 6201 Collcgc Boulevard. l~hc suhcommittcc will preparc of the proposals, but not those Prcsidcnts (‘ornmlssion is Septem- Overland Park. Kansas 662 I I-2422. a basic proposal for mandatory calling for an initialcligihility index, her 13. All properly submitted nominatiom certification for review by the an increase in the core-curriculum The official call for nominations will be compiled for consideration grade-point-average rcquircment appeared 1n the July 3 ksuc of .I tic hy the Comnlisslon’s Prcsidcntial Scr (‘~wifiuiliw, pup 3 Joseph N. Crowley from 2.000 to 2.500 and a continu- NC-AA News. with a description of Lsw C‘l?.‘o! : [Xl~C 3 Pioneering Division II officer takes craftsman’s approach By David 1). Smale talent and helping it become rciined. would admit people who were her- two-year term as Division II vicr- was signed by the Milwaukee Braves and played that summer, then three The NCAA Newt Staff Polished. A finished craft. dcrline and questionable and prob- prcsidcnt. Lawrence packed up his He even defined the role 01 ably couldn’t get into some other wife, son and two of his three daugh- more years after graduating in 1959. It is easy to envision Edwin W. NCAA Division II vice-president, universities. tcrs and followed “that north-to- He made it to a lcvcl comparable IO Alaska spirit.” today’s Class AA. Lawrence sitting at a potter’s wheel as the first person to scrvc in that “I saw them, over a period of Lawrence’s first mvolvcmcnt with molding a lump of cold, wet clay position. Ask him what hc has liked years, blossom into &standing “They really had mc feeling like I the NCAA came in 1975 as a into a hcautiful vase. Or as a dia- about any of those jobs and the students and productlvc citi7cns. I could do something to help the member of the Mm’s Committee mond cutter. chiseling away at a answer is the same. It will involve look back and see what they’re program up there,” hc said. “Finan- on Committees. Hc served two years crystal rock and making it into a evaluation. And evolution. doing today, and I know that WCdid cially. it was a very hcncficial situa- and later was appointed to the Nom- precious gem. Or at an umpire “What I like most about this job the right thing.” tion, both at the moment and in inating Committee. Hc was named training school, turning a kid who (developing umpires) is incorporat- The right thing tor Lawrence has terms of vesting. Putting the whole to the NCAA Council and the Divi- likes to yell “Striieeeeek” into a ing many of the things that I learned led him to all points on the map. He package together, while it was a sion II Steering Committee in 19X I. future major-league umpire. about athletics administration,” he came to his baseball position tram difficult decision, it was a good He was elected the NCAA’s first Wait a minute. That last one said. “We do evaluations of all 200- the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, idea.” Division II vice-president at the doesn’t sound like a craftsman, dots plus umpires in minor-lraguc hase- where he was athletics director. Prior After five years, howcvcr, hc tired 1983 Convention in San Diego. it? Lawrence belicvcs it does. ball throughout the year. Our staff to the trek north, he was the athletics of the cold winters and 22 hours per 1,awrence also is one of only Whether it has been as executive is on the road every day seeing them director at Cheyney. day of darkness during the winters three black men to hold an office in director of Major League Baseball and evaluating them. He gave such people as Temple and headed to the warm climate of umpire-development programs m the NCAA. James Frank, then of “In midyear, we get together to University’s John Chancy, second western Florida. Hc had a couplr of see A0r7ceri71g. pu,ye 5 the National Association of Profes- review those reports and send writ- among active Division I men’s has- offers to continue as a director 01 sional Baseball Leagues (baseball’s ten copies to the umpires. so they kctball coaches in winning pcrcent- athletics, close to his roots in the minor leagues) in St. Petersburg, know where they need to improve age, and the University of Iowa’s East. But the lure of baseball drew Florida, or earlier as director of and whcrc they have done a good Vivian Stringer, third among active him to his current position. athletics at two Division II institu- job. At the end uf the year, we Division I women’s baskcthall Lawrence played minor-league tions worlds not to mention more reevaluate and make recommcnda- coaches, their first coaching jobs. baseball after his junior year at than 5.000 miles apart, Lawrence tions to the league as to who should But in 1983, in the middle of his West Chester University in 1958. He has hecn involved in taking raw be retained.” The selection of which umpires have potential to make the majors is not unlike recruiting student-ath- In the News letcs.
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