VFW Post 328 News JUNE 2018 - VOLUME 5 - ISSUE 6 Mother Post of Wisconsin STOUGHTON, WISCONSIN SAILORS DRESSED AS SOLDIERS D-DAY JUNE 6, 1944 7/01/17-6/30/18 Commander: Scott Richmond Phone - (608)516-1460 Sr. Vice: Ilein Taipe Jr. Vice: Dewayne Lloyd Qtr. Master: Vic Duesel Asst. Qtr. Master: Rick Kumlien Chaplain: Rob Kojo Judge Advocate: Rod Nedlose Surgeon: Rod Haried Trustees: 3 Bradley Stepp 2 Rodney Nedlose 1 Rod Haried Officer of the Day: Clarence Osland VFW Dues: $38.00 Web site address: http://www.stoughtonvfw.org/ Email:
[email protected] Phone: 608-873-9042 Jun 6th Cootie Scratch 6:30pm And on the lighter side: Jun 19TH House Committee 5:00 pm Post Meeting 6:30 pm Auxiliary Mtg. 6:30 pm Editor: Doug “Ole” Olson (608) 873-8924
[email protected] Bar/Hall Rental: (608) 873-9042 Manager: Jean Torgerson Auxiliary Dues: $20.00 Article Submission Deadline: 20th of each month FROM THE DESK OF THE AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Greeting to all: Auxiliary Officers President: Edee March Where did spring go? Summer came fast and soon Sr. Vice: Evelyn Kahl the year will be half over. Time flies by so take time to enjoy Jr. Vice: Linda Schmidt Secretary: Linda Schmidt life. Treasurer: Jody Kumlien Chaplain: Annette Klingaman Election of officers was held and at our next meeting Guard: Judy Casey Conductress: Nita Halverson the swearing in of officers and new members will take place. Patriotic Inst.: Annette Thank you all for stepping up. Klingaman Flag Bearer: Judy Casey Historian: Evelyn Kahl A BIG THANK YOU to ALL who helped make Banner Bearer: Nita Halverson the Memorial Day Parade a success.