1949 Is In- Becky Korb, Kathryn Orova- Debate Quently Assume the Duties of Cluded the Sponsoring; of a Ny, Randall Starcher, Audrey Business Nnanazer Next Fall
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FACULTY Seated, left to right-Mrs. Powers, Miss Hejduk, Miss Weitzel. Standing, left to right-Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cox, superintendent ; Mr. Ocasek, Mr. Friedman, Mr. Knapp. OFFICERS President Lenore Garman Vice - president Charles Barnum Secretary Marilyn Mitchell Treasurer Alice King * MOTTO-"Knowledge is Power" CLASS FLOWER-Yellow Rose CLASS COLORS-Blue and Gold Vaughn, wh~~e from Paul Mr. Schweisberger return- juniors at the Hanta Thea- Revere School in Cleveland. ed to resume hIS position ter, March 16, for the stage Uass History The seniors moved on to as superintendent. Kathryn production, "Brrgadoon." the next room under the sup- Orovany, 'Who had attended On April 14, 15. and 16, When the class of '49 first ervision of Mrs. Esther Bur- Rhodes High School, joined during Easter Vacation, the entered Richfield School in kett for the fifth and sixth us. juniors took the seniors on 1936, they were housed in a grades. In our fifth year we Highlights of OD1' junior an educational trip to Colum- three room portable building had Richard Ruck fro m y~.ar began with the Junior bus where we visited the standing where the west Creveland, Harold Schall Carnival which was held on Capitoi, the legislative as- driveway now ends. The from Wadsworth, and Audrey November 15. Proceeds from sembiy in S.eSSlOn, the Ohio members of the present sen- Stone from Shaker Heights the Carnival were used to PenitentJary, and OhIO State •• ior c'ass who started school join us. entertain the senior class of Universi.v. here were Lenore Garman, The Public Address system '48 at the Junior-Senior Ban- This year the seniors Alice King, Marilyn Mitch- was installed during our quet held at the "Canteen" chang-ed the tradition of hav- ell, Jean Shumway, Randall sixth year. Mr. Vincent Bell in Cuyahoga Falls, followed ing a Prom to that of a ban- Starcher, and Florence Vogel, became superintendent that bv a movie, "Three Daring quet and dance on May 7. with Miss Inez Imbrie as the year w hen Mr. Harold Daughters," at Loew's Thea- The banquet was held at the teacher. Schweisberger was taken in- ter in Akron on April 3. We Smorgasbord in Richfield, fol- The second grade was in to the army. a.so took the seniors as our 1000ed by the dance in the the same building with the When the seniors were in guests to the Hanna Theater school auditor-ium, same teacher. The only the seventh grade, Mr. Glen in Cleveland, April 24, to see Senior Day. when the sen- members of the present class L. Powell assumed the posi- the stage show, "Blossom iors taught the various class- who entered Richfield School tion of superintendent during Time." es, was April 29. in the second grade rwere Mr. Schweisberger's three Later in the year we went Baccalaureate services were Nancy Pecsok and Lewis year leave of absence. Mrs. to see ths stage show "The held Sunday evening, May Wagoner. Maurine Carr was ODr home Red Mi.l" with Mr. Oliver 15. in the Federated Church In the third grade the class room teacher. Charles Bar- Ocasek, class advisor. We with Rev. Austin R. Keiser Was separated by putting num was the only addition were the guests of the sen- as the guest speaker. part of the students under to our present class. iors at their Prom in the Cwn.mencement exercises the supervision of Miss Alice We were slowly preparing school auditorium, May 1. Friday, May 20, climaxed Davey and the other half un- for our first year in high Jimmy Vaughn was the our high school career. Sev- der the supervision of Miss school in the eighth grade only person to enter our enteen seniors, wearing roy- Barbara Schaffer. with Mrs. Florence Seese as class that year. al b.us caps and gowns rwith For their fourth year the our home room teacher. During this, our senior yellow tassel», proceeded to seniors were again separat- The ninth grade brought year, two new students, the stage of the auditorium ed. Mrs. Kathryn Shuey and about "Freshman Day" with Becky Korb and Edward Ro- where the program was held. Miss Schaffer twere the the presentation of our ban- gers, joined us. We were oc- Dr. Gaylen Starr Ross, presi- teachers. This was the year ner and our class colors, blue cupied 'With the selection of dent of Capitol College, was the students started using and gold. Mr. Austin R. Keis- Our commencement invita- the guest speaker, and Har- the large play ground which er, minister at Bath and in- tions, having our pictures old Schall, valedictorian, 'Was very muddy at the time, st.ructor of mathematics, taken, and making prepara- Ka:hryn Orovany, sa.utator- so not much playing was was our homeroom teacher tions for Com.mencement. ian, and Lenore Garman, done. but the time was well and class advisor. We presented our Senior class pres.dent, were the stu- spent in watching- the work- Mr. John Tilton was our play, "The Kissing Link," on dent speakers. men completing- the new ad- class advisor for the sopho- April 22 and 23. Miss Vir- Mr. Virgil Hawkins, presi- dition to Richfield School. more year. The class enter- ginia Hejduk was our senior dent of the Board of Educa- The only present enember of tained the high school with class advisor, and Mr. Oca- tion, presented each senior our class rwho entered in the a "Sweater Hop" on October sek directed the play. with his diploma and a yel- fourth grade was Wayne 18. We were the zuests of the low rose. the class flower. In the "New York Times," were inseparable in school. lem, and she quotes. "I no which is edited by Audrey Bv the way, did you hear the speakta Lower Slobovia." Stone, I read about this new trouble that Lenore had? Down in the blue g-rass mass Prophecy invention, the television Well, she started out as a state is that famous .riding phone, which is a telephone Girl Scout leader, but it academy of Becky Kerb's. with a screen attached so seems that it took quite a bit It's really getting- to be quite Entering a dinnlv lit room that you can see to whom to handle those sweet little famous. of mystery. we come upon a YOl) are talking. Jean Shum- children, so she gave it up Someone else who is fam- figure in black which bids us way is the first operator of and took up rwrestling. Now to be seated. As we are seat- ous is that renowned comedy new invention. she is the world's champion script and playwright Ran- ed and look into the shining wrestler. I am sure you have heard dall (Cueball) Starcher. His glass ball of the future. we Do you remember that man see figures moving. Wait!!!! about the atomic rocket latest novel is "HOIW to Get which Richard Ruck invented who went up the River St. Through Hig-jI. School With- They are getting clearer. Oh Latwrence calling for Flor- yes, now we can begin to and is being used by Lewis out Studying." Wagoner and his group of ence? Well, it seems that he distinguish them. Who is It has just been heard that naval imen who are taking found her, and now they are this that is now moving into Alice King is the youngest large expeditions to the running all over the neigh- the spotlight??? borhood calling for little artist in history. Many of moon. Florence. her great paintings may be Why it is none other than Flying over Elyria we that well known Commenta- There have been quite a seen in the New York Mu- practically flew right through seum of Art. tor Harold (Heater) Schall, Charlie Barnum's sausage fetw settlements of interna- the basketball expert and an- factory. Nancy (Ingrid) Pee- tional problems since Ed- We see Wayne Vaughn ap- nouncer. He has 'been asked sok is his business manager ward Rogers perfected a new plying for the job of janitor to be the announcer at the and has doubled his sales in- language which every coun- of the Richfield-Bath-Boston > International Olympics. come. In this same location try could and is starting- to School (they were all con- solidated into one). Another figure in the in- I heard that there is a can- use. ternational news is Jimmy dy ex'per t, I think her name Ambassador Kathryn Oro- As the crystal ball be- Vaughn, who is an exchange is Marilyn Mitchell, who vanv has been a great help comes dark, we realize that teacher to France. He is owns a chain of fudge fac- in settling the problem that the mystic spell has ended there to teach the French- tories. You remember Mari- we have had rwith Lower Slo- and future events rreonce man the Southern drawl. lyn. She and Lenore Garman bovia, There is just one prob- again obscure. fices for the ye~r were presi- dent, Kathryn Orovany; vice- president, Nancy Pecsok; secretary, Doris Dressler; CLUB' NE WS adjutant, Randall Starcher; and adv.sor, Mr. Leon Fried- man. Mr. Oliver Ocasek, speech manager. Miss Virginia Hej- The point system was ex- teacher. served as advisor. duk, as in pas years, was panded to inc.ude movie op- Y - Teens the advisor. erators. and a cut was made The Y-Teens were led by To take advantam, of the in the points received b)iocab- Florence Vogel, president; Student Patrol Critical Service conducted by inet custodian and Council Nancy Pecsok, vice-president; the Quill and Scroll, three is- typist.