Poetry (490:309)/2009 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1.10-2.30 PM

Instructor: Timothy Power // e-mail: [email protected] // Office hours in RA 010: T Th 11:30-12:30

Required Text

Greek , ed. D.A. Campbell, BCP (1982)

You should by now own or have access to copies of Hansen & Quinn, Greek, an Intensive Course (1992); Liddell & Scott, Abridged Greek-English Lexicon; H.W. Smyth, Greek Grammar. If not, all are easily available from Amazon vel sim.

I will occasionally assign short secondary readings as well.

Course Description

We’ll be reading and translating selections from Campbell’s anthology of Greek lyric poetry (a combination of melic, iambic, and elegiac verse). Linguistic and formal issues will command our attention, but we’ll also reserve some time to discuss the poetry’s genre, historical context, performative setting, social function, and oral and written transmission.

Students will be called upon to read the poems in Greek, translate into English, and answer questions about morphology and grammar.

Grading and Requirements

Classroom participation = 20% (class attendance, preparation, contribution) Midterm = 30% (translation of seen passages; questions on syntax and grammar) Final = 30% (translation of seen passages; questions on syntax and grammar; short essay) Short paper = 20% (4-6 pp. analysis of lyric poem of your choice)

Selected Supplementary Reading List

F. Budelmann, The Cambridge Companion to Greek Lyric (Cambridge 2009) A.P. Burnett, The Art of (Cambridge 1985) M. Davies, Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta vol. 1 (Oxford 1991) B. Gentili, Poetry and its Public in Ancient (Baltimore 1990) G. O. Hutchinson, Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces (Oxford 2001) D.L. Page, Poetae Melici Graeci (Oxford 1962) = PMG E. Stehle, Performance and Gender in (Princeton 1997)


Weeks 1 and 3 (no class in week 2): 1, 2, 5a, 6, 7, 22, 25, 56, 60, 67a, 74, 88, 94, 103; 196A West = S478 Page, in Appendix, pp. 463-464

Week 4: Alcman 1, 26, 27

Weeks 5-7: 1, 16, 31, 34, 44, 55, 96, 105a, 111, 132, Fr. Adesp. 976 Alcaeus 6, 34a, 42, 129, 326, 346, 347, 357

Week 8: Semonides 7; 81, Fr. Chol. Adesp. 1; (midterm on Thursday)

Weeks 9-11: Tyrtaeus 9; Solon 1, 24; Theognis 19-26, 39-52, 53-68, 183-92, 213-8, 237-54, 667-82

Week 12: : 348, 356, 357, 358, 360, 396, 417, 96D

Week 13: 1; Xenophanes 2

Week 15: 282a

Week 16: Bacchylides 17

Final, Wed. Dec. 23, 12 PM