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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 141 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1995 No. 105 Senate (Legislative day of Monday, June 19, 1995) The Senate met at 11 a.m., on the ex- Mr. DOLE. Thank you, Mr. President. the rest of us. They come to the floor piration of the recess, and was called to f and parade around in political harness order by the President pro tempore SCHEDULE day after day complaining mostly [Mr. THURMOND]. about the President’s budget or the Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, leader time lack of it. But more generally, they has been reserved, and there will be PRAYER complain about anything they think morning business until 12 noon. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John they can blame on Democrats—spring At 12 noon we will resume S. 240, the Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: rains, high winds, new diseases, cul- securities litigation bill. There will be Almighty God, the Divine Sovereign tural disorders. debate throughout the afternoon, and of this land and Lord of our lives, You And we have been patient in recent have told us in the Scriptures that, votes start at 5:15 today. The first vote is on a Bryan amendment regarding weeks while watching all of this and ‘‘Righteousness exalts a nation’’ (Prov. have been polite enough not to ask 14:34) and ‘‘when the righteous are in the statute of limitations; second, a Sarbanes amendment concerning pro- those who come to the floor, ‘‘Where is authority, the people rejoice’’ (Prov. the budget?’’ that is required to be sub- 29:2). portionate liability; third, a Boxer amendment, which is relevant. I do not mitted to the Senate by the majority As we begin a new week we reaffirm party. We have not asked that question our commitment to exalt our Nation have the details on that amendment. Further votes are expected through- because we have known where their under You by seeking to be righteous budget is. It is 71 days late, 71 days be- leaders. We know that righteousness is out the evening. We would like to com- plete action on this bill today or before yond when the law requires the Con- to be right with You. We humbly con- gress to have passed a budget. These fess whatever may keep us from being noon tomorrow morning. Mr. President, leader time has been folks that had a plan for everything in in a right relationship with You, both the first 100 days apparently did not in our personal lives and in our work. reserved. f have a plan to meet their responsi- Forgive the idols of our hearts. We also bility to have a budget by April 15. So acknowledge that righteousness in- MORNING BUSINESS it is 71 days later, and we are now told volves how we treat others. Forgive us Several Senators addressed the that this Thursday the budget will when we are insensitive to their needs. Chair. come to the floor of the Senate. How shall we be righteous in our delib- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Where has it been? In conference, we erations and decisions without seeking INHOFE). The Senator from North Da- are told. In conference with Demo- and then doing Your will? Forgive any kota. crats? No. Conference committees are self-sufficiency that makes it difficult Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, my un- usually between two parties. But not to be accountable to You. derstanding is that the Senate is now this one. This is in conference huddling In this bracing moment of a fresh en- in morning business. Is that correct? behind closed doors, hatching new counter with You, we gratefully accept The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is ideas about how to give the wealthy that it is by faith in You that we are correct. another tax cut and how to have the made righteous with You. What You Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, I ask middle-income taxpayers in this coun- desire most is that we humbly trust unanimous consent to be permitted to try pay for it. Now they have figured it You and follow Your guidance in all speak for 20 minutes as if in morning out, and they are going to unveil it that we do and say. Lord, bless the business. here on the floor of the Senate. women and men of this Senate and em- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without So close your eyes just for a moment power them to be the righteous leaders objection, it is so ordered. while I describe it and ask yourself: Is America urgently needs in this stra- f this not a curtain call to a play you tegic hour. In Your holy name. Amen. THE BUDGET have seen before? It is the let-them- f Mr. DORGAN. Mr. President, in re- eat-cake budget. They bring to the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY cent weeks we in the Senate have been floor a budget that says let us have tax LEADER treated to a political pony show on the cuts for the very wealthy, let us have The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The floor of the Senate by those who seem spending cuts for the very poor, and let able majority leader, Mr. DOLE, is rec- to think it is their duty to wake up us spend more money for defense and ognized. crabby and then share that mood with spend it on things that the Secretary ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S9013 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:42 May 28, 2008 Jkt 041999 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA15\1995_F~1\S26JN5.REC S26JN5 mmaher on MIKETEMP with SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS S9014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 26, 1995 of Defense says we do not need. This were abundant in America for working with very small trading partners. budget says we cannot afford star families. America saw its working fam- Japan: big deficit; China: big deficit; schools, but we must begin imme- ilies’ incomes grow, real growth; oppor- Canada: big deficit; Germany, Taiwan, diately building star wars. It says col- tunities expand, real opportunities. Italy, Venezuela. Over a $160 billion lege should be made more expensive for So for 25 years people in this country merchandise trade deficit last year. young people and middle-income fami- received the fruit of an economy that Who do we have a surplus with? Well, lies and health care should cost more worked and expanded. In the second 25 the Netherlands, Argentina, Belgium— for the elderly and the poor. And all of years we have seen a different kind of all very small surpluses. But the fact is this when finished, they claim, will story. We have struggled as inter- we are being buffeted by very large produce a balanced budget. national competition has become tough trade deficits. In fact, these are last Sound familiar? Well, this kind of and sharper. year’s numbers. The first quarter of budget represents the same old, tired We have seen in the last 20 years that this year showed an all-time record ideas swaddled in designer clothes for the American families now have less high trade deficit—$45 billion in the the 1990’s. America has seen this fash- income than they had 20 years ago, if first quarter. ion show once before. It was about $4 you adjust for inflation. They have Now, it is not an accident that these trillion ago in debt. This is a budget fewer opportunities than they had be- trade deficits are exploding. Our manu- with phony figures, bogus promises, fore. facturing and other productive sectors and twisted priorities. I know they will Why is all of that happening? Be- are withering. Good jobs are being re- explain it this week in sweet language cause there is another deficit no one is placed. Americans are working for less. and seductive promises. But as they do, talking about: the trade deficit. This Why is that happening? It is hap- remember the words of Emerson who nation has a record trade deficit; last pening because more and more corpora- said, ‘‘The louder he talked of his year it was the highest deficit in tions, the artificial persons we recog- honor the faster we counted our human history. nize in law, are interested in inter- spoons.’’ What does that mean? It means national, global profits, not American One hundred years from now histo- American jobs going overseas, oppor- profits. How do you do that? You simply find rians will look back at 1995 and none of tunity leaving our country. Frankly, a foreign location where it is cheap to us will be able to explain what we did there have not been more than two or produce and send your products here. in 1995 because we will not be here. But three of us in this Chamber regularly Produce your shoes in Indonesia and they will be able to view a little bit talking about this trade deficit which sell them in Pittsburgh. Produce your about how we felt, what we felt the pri- shrinks opportunity in America. shirts in China and sell them in Bis- orities were in our country by what we You can make the case—not nec- marck. spent the public resources on. essarily accurately—that a budget def- This budget will surely cause future That is the disconnection that is hap- icit is simply money we owe to our- pening in this country, a wholesale historians to scratch their heads and selves, but you cannot make the same movement of American jobs overseas wonder how a country deep in debt case on the trade deficit because the to produce where it is dirt cheap, with the wealthy getting wealthier and trade deficit must be repaid with a produce where you can hire 12-year-old the poor getting poorer could develop a lower standard of living in our country.