ProcurementMi Proce nis try of Home Af• India IN THIS EDITIO ss fairs Eleʼs elabora Homela m ted • enEven n N t d - s • IDSSecurity He & ������������� A N S P GUIDE PUBLICA TION tsʼ Refer ad q ence ua rte rs - S ʼ ro pe l cia e in l Inser t Dr Manmohan Singh’s 451964-2009 wife Gursharan Kaur SP GUIDE PUBLICATIONS WIDENING breaking the auspicious HORIZONS ... coconut on the hull of the 6,000 tonne submarine, Arihant marking its launch, at Visakhapatnam on July 26 4 2008 Page 2 �������������������

Admiral Nirmal 2009 Verma has taken over as the Chief

��������������� of the Naval Staff ��������������� on August 31, from who has � � � � � � � ������� demitted the office, August-September 2 0 0 9 V o l 4 N o 4 “I congratulate the ATV Programme and all consequent upon ▸ his retirement. personnel associated with it for achieving a Rs 75.00 (INDIA-BASED BUYER ONLY) WWW.SPSNAVALFORCES.NET historic milestone in the country’s defence 3Page preparedness. Today’s launch is a reflec- 8 tion of the immense technical expertise that exists in our country and the strength of our research and development organisations.” —Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh

The big news was the launch of India’s first indigenous nuclear pow- ered subma- rine by the S e c u r i t y Prime Minister of India, Dr

� �Manmohan � � � � � � � Singh, on July 26. The submarine has been named Arihant, which in Sanskrit means ‘destroyer of enemies’. For the scientists and the it has been a long and challenging journey but in the end they have succeeded and done the nation proud. It is the first ‘baby step’ towards balancing the M a r i t i m e power in the Indian Ocean Region. The other big news is the change of guard at the Naval Headquarters. Admiral Sureesh Mehta, after so ably leading the navy as well as chair- ing the Chiefs of Staff Committee, retired on August 31 and handed over the reins of the navy to Admiral Nirmal Verma. We at SP Guide Publications wish Admiral Verma a very successful tenure. Doctrines have to be periodically revised to remain current. We bring you the lat- est update to the Indian Navy’s Maritime Doctrine. An article on the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) clearly brings out the future strategic vision of China’s leadership— a blue print for India’s planners as how to successfully implement plans on the ground. Increasingly, terrorists have been using mines and underwater IEDs in ports and waterways against shipping. An article on the subject suggests effective counter measures. Indo-French relations received a boost when Dr Manmohan was invited to the National Day celebrations of France on July 14. Turn the pages to read all about India’s defence cooperation with France. And more. Arrival of www

Launch of SP’s Special Supplement at the C4I2 Summit held in Delhi on

August 10 and 11 (Report on p11) Photographs:

ARIHANTLaunch of Arihant is a pronouncement that most of the intricate challenges have been met despite the upheavals and storms of uncertainties of the past three decade. JAYANT BARANWAL R E A R A D M I R A L ( R E T D ) S U S H I L RAMSAY PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 1 Smt Gursharan Kaur, wife of Dr Manmohan Singh breaking the auspicious coconut Dr. Manmohan Singh, his wife Smt Gursharan Kaur with AK Antony, Chief Minister of Andhra on the hull of the 6,000 tonne submarine, Arihant marking its launch, at Pradesh, Dr Y. S. Rajashekhar Reddy & other dignitaries at the launching of India’s first Visakhapatnam on July 26 nuclear submarine, Arihant

Design and development of was operated to absorb the nuclear sub- Arihant marine operating philosophy among the IN Nuclear submarine- origin personnel. ATV programme was then code he shroud of mystery finally lifted named S2 and received the much needed on July 26, with the emergence boost. The collapse of Soviet Union of a master piece of technology adversely impacted the programme, first out of the Indian soil. India known with denial of extension of lease period of Tto the world as otherwise bereft of high Chakra, thereafter the collapse of umbrella skills in the domain of underwater systems instrument under which to operate several

and technologies, had launched Arihant Inter-governmental Agreements to carry .com (Sanskrit for “destroyer of enemies”), the the programme forward. Entire instrument first of the class and out of the stable of had to be re-worked on design collabora-

Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) from tions, technology know-how and consul- orld-nuclear .w Shipbuilding Centre, Visakhapatnam. The tancy over a large spectrum of technical launch was solemnised by Smt. Gursharan matters, acquisition of vital components www Kaur, wife of Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime and equipment. No wonder then, at the Minister of India. This closely guarded launch of Arihant our Prime Minister stated,

programme was a brain child of our nation “I would like to express our appreciation Photographs: builders who first envisioned it during the to our Russian friends for their consistent late 1970s. and invaluable cooperation which symbol- A nuclear submarine is actually a submarine powered by a nuclear reactor. The advantages of nuclear submarines over conven- tional submarine are many. In fact a nuclear powered submarine can truly be employed strategically. The advantages are : At the time our visionaries had concep- izes the close strategic partnership that *Nuclear propulsion is completely independent of air thus the submarine does not need to surface frequently for air as is neces- tualized, identified and embarked upon we enjoy with Russia”. It was an acknowl- sary for conventional submarines. certain technology demonstrators, cover- edgement of how the problems of huge *The awesome power generated by a nuclear reactor allows nuclear submarines to operate at high speed for long durations, ing the entire spectrum of grand strategy. magnitude were valiantly encountered by limited only for replenishment of rations etc. Current generations of nuclear submarines never need to be refueled throughout Leading the pack was Integrated Guided our country, despite the snooping and their 25-year lifespan. Conventional submarine can only remain submerged for a few days operating at slow speed, and only Missile Development Programme, under eavesdropping, most of the times to the a few hours at top speed but recent advances in air-independent propulsion have reduced this disadvantage to some extent. The high cost and exclusive technology means that very few nations can join this exclusive club in which India now becomes the helms of none other than our former detriment to the project. The Prime Minister a member with Arihant. President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam. This era also congratulated the Director General Some land marks witnessed formulation of grand strategy ATV and all personnel associated with the *The US launched the first nuclear submarine in 1954 called Nautilus which could circle the world underwater for up to four for the country for the 21st Century. ATV programme on the historic achievement. months without resurfacing. programme formed an integral part of that The programme development and man- *In July 1951, the US Congress authorized construction of the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine, under the leadership of strategy and since then pursued relent- agement model has had unique features Captain Hyman G. Rickover, US Navy who had come up with the idea of nuclear submarines. *Nautilus’ reactor was built by The Westinghouse Corporation and the then President Harry S. Truman broke the traditional lessly. Dr Raja Ramanna, Dr Chidambaram, with due emphasis on building indigenous bottle of champagne on Nautilus’ bow. The submarine was 320 feet long, and cost about $55 million. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam were among several capabilities and a harmonious mix of IN, *The Soviet Union soon followed the US in developing nuclear-powered submarines in the 1950s. After overcoming many ob- prominent stalwarts closely wedded to DRDO, BARC, PSUs, Public and Private stacles, including steam generation problems, radiation leaks and other difficulties, the first nuclear submarine entered service in the programme. A country which is yet Sector partnership. the Soviet Navy in 1958. At the height of the Cold War, approximately five to ten nuclear submarines were being commissioned to prove and launch its own home-grown from each of the four Soviet submarine yards. By the end of 1997, the Soviet Union, and later Russia built a total of 245 nuclear design and technologies of a conventional Layout submarines, more than all other nations combined. submarine to venture out on such an ambi- Arihant is divided into three sections. The *Today, six countries are part of this exclusive club i.e. US, Russia, France, UK, People’s Republic of China, and India. tious and complex programme was indeed forward section contains sonar equipment, Contributed by NC creditable. Launch of Arihant is a pro- torpedo tubes and land attack missile nouncement that most of the intricate chal- launchers, periscopes, hydroplanes and lenges have been met despite the upheav- combat management system. The mid sec- als and storms of uncertainties of the past tion houses a host of electronic equipment, are capable of carrying both conventional out” during which a very large number of three decades. accommodation complex, ballistic missile and nuclear warheads. It has a range of important systems would be integrated, This journey has been arduous, full of complex with storage and fire control sys- 700 km., is 10.4 metres tall and weighs 6.3 now lies ahead. These systems would pass obstacles after the dissolution of USSR, tems. The aft Section with special design tonnes. With commissioning of Arihant in through the phase of setting to work, test- huge roadblocks through US imposed conforming to exacting quality and safety about two years India would have acquired ing tuning and stringent trials, both indi- technology denial regime, uncertainties standards, houses the 85 MW nuclear the “third leg” of nuclear triad. vidually and collectively. The trial phase from main collaborators in Russia and even reactor, steam turbine, power generation While the Navy designed Arihant, the would be dispersed into two, the first self-doubts among technocrats, designers, system, gearbox, propulsion system, the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre built its inter-locked Harbour Acceptance Trials, and nuclear scientists. However persever- Rudder and the propeller. mini-nuclear reactor that powers the sub- followed by Sea Acceptance Trials (SAT’s), ance, persistence and trust in naval scien- Nuclear submarine building requires marine and the DRDO developed the K-15 lasting for nearly a year and a half. tists, designers, engineers have paid rich cutting edge technologies in design, con- missiles. The K-15 missiles have been test- The crucial phase of trials would be dividends. Project monitoring mechanism struction and management skills of excep- fired several times from submerged pon- when the nuclear reactor attains critical- has been unique with constant support tional standards. A distinct advantage of a toons off the coast of Visakhapatnam. K-15 ity. This would indicate that the submarine from the highest quarters of successive nuclear-powered submarine is that it can is capable of withstanding the immense is ready to undertake yet another set of governments. remain underwater for months, withstand- pressure exerted by ocean depths. Once stringent trials. These trials would form Predictably, the ‘design and build plan’ ing immense static pressures and move in fired, the gas booster separates from the part of crucial SATs. SATs would be spread for a totally indigenous nuclear submarine the ocean depth at high speed while carry- canister the moment it breaks the surface over an extended period during which had to undergo several changes. Mid-way ing deadly weapon-load ready to be fired and comes in contact with the atmosphere. each defect would be meticulously anal- ALFORCES.NET reviews resulted into fresh twin strategy in instantly. After booster separation the missile ysed and rectified to obviate any scope of V the 1980s of acquiring the design know- launches on to its pre-determined path. malfunctioning of any of the systems. All how of Soviet Charlie II class submarine Weapon Package of these actions would be undertaken with along with reactor technology, simultane- What heralds the scale of the achieve- Impending Trials close participation of the crew. After suc- .SPSNA ously leasing of same class of nuclear ment in Arihant, is the installation of home- While Arihant has entered the water from cessful completion of all of trial processes, submarine. The submarine leased from grown K-15 ballistic missiles that can be dry-dock with major systems, including Arihant will be ready to be commissioned

WWW USSR was christened as INS Chakra and launched from under water. K-15 missiles the reactor, the crucial phase of “fitting- as INS Arihant.

2 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 Maritime Doctrine C o nfor c e p t Indian Navy


ormer Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, dur- ing an interaction with SP Guide Publications was asked to elucidate Fon the principles and ethos for evolving a maritime doctrine for the Indian Navy (IN). He responded by stating that the IN is guided by a clear vision that has been articulated and promulgated as the lode- star of its entire developmental process. meaning for all”. In short, the Maritime and hardware, but also organisational the last two years, the IN has penned the He went on to amplify, “In support of the Doctrine seeks to provide a common refer- structures, physical and services-based strategies that it intends to adopt in order nation’s growing strengths and responsi- ence point, language, and purpose, unit- infrastructure, technical-support, material to preserve, protect and further our nation- bilities, the IN is determined to create and ing the actions of many diverse elements and logistic wherewithal — including the al maritime interests, in times of peace, sustain a three-dimensional, technology- into a team effort. Yet, we recognise that centrality of indigenisation — and, perhaps tension and conflict. These find expression enabled and networked force capable of even this capstone document must remain most important of all, the development of in the classified and unclassified versions safeguarding our maritime interests on the responsive to the changing environment the human resource that would need to of the document entitled, “Freedom to Use high seas and projecting combat power and embedded within the doctrine itself, plan, man, train and sustain the whole lot the Seas : India’s Maritime Strategy”. He across the littoral. We seek to evolve rel- the caveat is that the Indian Maritime of the hardware, platforms, infrastructure reiterated that having established com- evant conceptual frameworks and acquire Doctrine must never allow itself to degen- and the material wherewithal. Thus, over monality of terminology and concept, war fighting capabilities to operate across erate into dogma. As Continued on page 5 the full spectrum of conflict. The IN will such, we are, engaged also be prepared to undertake benign and in the process of revis- humanitarian tasks in our maritime neigh- ing the Doctrine so as bourhood, whenever required. Our opera- to retain its relevant in tional endeavours shall be underpinned these rapidly changing by continuous upgradation of human skills times”. of the Navy’s uniformed and civilian man- The doctrine having power. We will aim for the enhancement of been articulated, the the quality of life and the well-being of the Navy then set about the naval community. Ensuring combat readi- next step, which was ness, professional competence and will- to define the country’s ingness to transform by adopting change maritime interests as will remain our primary focus”. sub-sets of India’s During the course of interaction on this core national interest, vital component of the Maritime Domain namely, ‘the material Awareness, he articulated by stating, and economic well- “Guided by this vision and as a conse- being of the people quence of carefully and comprehensively of India’. Thus, the IN debated deliberations over the past few was able to correctly years the IN has given formal shape and position itself within structure to the intellectual keystones of the global maritime its transformational archway. The founda- domain as a force that tion was laid in July 2004, when the IN was not Pakistan-cen- released its unclassified “Indian Maritime tric, or China-centric, Doctrine”. The very act of publication of or US-centric, but was this document, against the bleak back- quintessentially India- Release of Revised Indian Maritime Doctrine by the Former CNS Admiral Sureesh Mehta drop of lack of any formally expounded centric. To preserve, White Paper by the Government, took the protect and further the strategic community the world over, by national maritime inter- surprise. The Maritime Doctrine sought to ests of India, a series dispel the definitional and terminological of strategies were fuzziness that seems to pervade large sec- clearly required to be tions of the public, the media, and even enunciated and dis- the country’s security establishment. As seminated, both within such, it was underpinned by the rationale the classified domain, expounded so clearly by that brilliant as well as to the pub- maritime strategist, Sir Julian Corbett, who lic at large. He added merits quoting, even a hundred years after that the criticality of his time. He wrote, “.....It is not enough the latter as a contribu- that a leader should have the ability to tory factor to ‘strategic decide rightly: his subordinates must seize transparency’ was at once the full meaning of his decision certainly not lost upon and be able to express it with certainty in the Navy’s leadership. well-adjusted action. For this, every man It was also obvious Navy concerned must have been trained to think that these strategies PRO in the same plane; the Chief’s order must needed to encom- awake in every brain the same process pass not just technol- Aircraft carrier INS Viraat on the high seas of thought: his words must have the same ogy-enabled platforms Photographs:

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 3 Indo-French Defence D i p l o m a c y Cooperation The Indo- French relations took a new high when India’s Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh was invited by French President Nicolas Sarkozy to be the chief guest at the National Day celebrations www of France on July14,2009

Photographs: LT G E N ( R E T D ) N A R E S H C H A N D

ndia signed a bilateral Memorandum July14. Dr Manmohan Singh said that “it is Nicolss Surkozy had been invited to India as of Understanding(MoU) with France in an honour for the people of India. We would the chief guest for the Republic Day Parade Joint anti piracy operations January 1982 for the sale of defence like to build upon our partnership in the areas 2008 and there was the likelihood that the An Indian dhow with 14 Indians on board was hijacked 10 equipment but at that time it was spe- of trade and investment, high technology, contract for the helicopters would be signed in nm off Boosaaso, Somalia at 1100 h on July 10, by seven cificallyI for the sale of Mirage aircraft. The space, nuclear energy, defence, education, his presence. However a fresh RFP has been pirates armed with RPGs and AK47s after it had discharged primary aim of the MoU was to ensure uninter- culture, tourism and scientific research and issued, combining requirement of the Army and its cargo at the Somali harbour and was proceeding to rupted supply of defence equipment, services development.” In a communique, Sarkozy the IAF. France is again in the run. Dubai. The hijacked dhow, ‘MV Nafeya’, was registered at Porbandar in India and was operating from the UAE. After and related technology from France to India. said that he wishes to ‘honour’ France’s stra- the hijacking, the pirates boarded the dhow and forced it To implement the bilateral MoU, a Defence tegic partnership with India through Singh’s Civilian areas towards Bab el Mandeb and on July 13, attempted to hijack Cooperation Working Group was set up which visit. The storming of the Bastille prison 220 Much remains to be done in other areas a Liberian tanker MV A Elephant. However the attack was met regularly until 1995, when it was interrupt- years ago heralded the French Revolution to further strengthen the economic ties. At prevented by a French warship French frigate FLF Aconit ed because of a French move to sell Mirage and a new age. It was a singular honour for present the trade stands at only €6.5 billion belonging to the European Union Naval Force. The French 2000 aircraft to Pakistan. Former President India when Dr Manmohan Singh became the (about $9 billion) per annum which is low warship then shadowed the pirated dhow along with an Indian Naval frigate INS Godavari which was on anti-piracy Jacques Chirac took the initiative and dur- first foreign Head of Government invited to considering the size of economies of both the patrol. Attempts to board the dhow for investigation by the ing his visit to India in 1998, the process was watch the well-ordered columns march down countries thus both the countries have now French ship were abandoned when the pirates threatened restarted when a Government-to-Government Champs Elysee that marks France’s national fixed a target for €12 billion (about $18 billion) to kill the 14 crew held hostage on the dhow. Seeing the agreement was arrived at. Subsequently meet- day. Marching and band contingents from the for 2012. There are only 1300 Indian students movements of the Indian and French warships and antici- ings have been held under the aegis of the Indian Army(Maratha Light Infantry), Indian studying in France which is a fraction of the pating a combined operation, the pirates forced the dhow Indo-French High Committee on Defence Navy and the IAF were also invited to partici- number in US, UK, Australia etc. In order to close on to the Somali coast. They then released the dhow Cooperation. The meetings are being con- pate in the parade. to address this mismatch and facilitate stu- at 0300 h on July 15, escaping in their skiffs, after robbing the crew of all their cash and valuables. The joint actions ducted every year in India and France on an dent mobility between both the countries, a taken by the Indian and French naval ships demonstrate the alternative basis and. The High Committee Naval Cooperation Consortium of Indo-French Universities(CIFU) value of combined exercises and operations and reflect the will be co-chaired by the defence secretary The Indo-French naval cooperation is part of was set up in 2008. excellent coordination during this operation. and representative of the French Ministry of the broader Indo-French strategic ties as both Defence, and has three sub-committees func- the countries are Indian Ocean powers and tioning under it as follows: have common interest of security and safety • Sub Committee on Military Cooperation. of the merchant navy in Indian Ocean Region. This has representatives from the headquar- The naval ties are being strengthened by the ters of Integrated Defence Staff and the three joint naval exercises, ship visits and exchange services, and rolls out plans for service-to-ser- of delegations. Joint Indo-French naval exercis- vice activities for the forthcoming year. es named ‘Varuna’, are being held regularly for • Sub Committee on Strategic Issues. the last seven years. French Navy holds nucle- This sub committee discusses matters on ar submarines as well as nuclear aircraft carrier regional issues. thus have rich experience in their employ- • Sub Committee on Defence Industry ment which can be very useful for the Indian Procurement and Research and Technology. Navy when their nuclear submarines become This sub committee deals with the transfer of operational. A contract for construction of six technology, joint development and production. Scorpene class submarines at M/s Mazagon France has backed India’s bid for a Dock Limited, Mumbai in collaboration with M/s permanent seat in an expanded UN Security Armaris, France was concluded on October Council. During his visit to India in January 06, 2005 for about $3.5 billion which has fur- 2008, President Sarkozy, reiterated that not only ther consolidated the Indo- French ties. Dr Manmohan Singh inspecting the Guard of Honour at the ceremonial reception at Orly India should take ‘its rightful place at the global Airport,Paris on July 13,09. The Minister of Justice of France,Ms Alliot Marrie is also seen high table’ but also become a member in the Other areas of Defence Cooperation expanded G-8. France is also the first country India and France have earlier identified 54 among the Nuclear Suppliers Group to sign an major armament systems including attack agreement to help India build new civil nuclear submarines, avionics, air-to-air missiles and plants to overcome its energy deficit. weapons guidance and sub-systems for joint production in the coming years but the prog- Defence Cooperation ress is rather slow. Defence cooperation has made the most Dassault’s Rafale is also in the run for progress In the Indo-French relations. Starting supplying 126 new medium multirole combat with limited short term tactical relations of the aircraft (MMRCA) estimated at least $10 billion. Cold War, it has moved to long term defence The deal is one of the biggest since the early relations and strategic issues. Both countries 1990s and also the most competitive, with six now discuss regularly a host of issues includ- global firms competing for the deal. A French ing exchange of information on terrorism, delegation has also held discussions on the security in Asia and the Middle-East and mar- Rs.9,500-crore (about $2billion ) worth upgrade ALFORCES.NET itime piracy. As a result France has become contract for the 51 Mirage2000 fighter aircraft. V a trusted partner in defence cooperation. Eurocopter AS 350 B3 was a leading contender The Indo- French relations took a new high for the acquisition of 193 helicopters for the when India’s Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Army Aviation Corp. After the trials were held .SPSNA Singh was invited by French President and before the contract was to be signed, the Nicolas Sarkozy to be the chief guest at deal was put on hold due to charges of cor- Dr ManmohanSingh & the President of France,Mr Nicolas Sarkozy arriving at the National Day Reception, for a brief appearance,at Elysee Palace,in Paris on July 14 09 WWW the National Day celebrations of France on ruption. France was disappointed as President

4 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 Maritime Doctrine for Indian Navy Continued from page 3

sitated owing to rapidly changing geo- ments applicable to India and the Indian strategic environment, evolving operational Navy. This is also reflected in the historical complexities and transformational changes preview provided. sweeping the maritime domain. • Security concepts at the national level Since doctrines evolve over time, the from which the maritime doctrine obtains present edition maintains its temporal have been explained in greater detail. relevance, addressing the tenets of con- • The laws governing armed conflict have temporary maritime thought, with emphasis been covered for a better understanding of on the Indian maritime environment. The the legal aspects covering combat. doctrine focuses on Concepts as well as • There are subtle but notable changes in Application of Maritime Power, and is the the ‘principles of war’ with the inclusion of primary document from which other doc- ‘synergy’ and ‘intelligence’. trines would flow. With increased emphasis • The chapter on India’s maritime environ- on Maritime Affairs, the revised doctrine ment and interests has been significantly would serve to enhance awareness about revamped and expanded to include the India’s maritime environment and inter- geo-strategic importance of India’s loca- ests, and provide the fundamentals for tion and the IOR, maritime terrorism, piracy Readiness and Response planning. The and coastal security. new edition of the maritime doctrine con- • The chapter on concepts of maritime tinues to cover the fundamental framework power has also been revamped consider- of the principle practices and procedures ably to reflect the contribution of the govern- that govern the development and employ- ment, the people (through a maritime atti- INS Mysore is a indigenous Delhi-class destroyer ment of the military maritime power. The tude/consciousness) and ship building etc. notable changes from the earlier edition • An entirely new chapter called Naval having defined the country’s maritime August, 28. This capstone document are as under: Combat Power highlights the ever chang- interests, and, having determined the strat- was initially published in 2004 to provide • A conscious effort has been made to ing demands on the three components egies required to preserve, protect and a common understanding of universally move forward from the commonalities of viz. Conceptual, Physical and Human. further these maritime interests, the Navy applicable maritime concepts, not only for maritime thought as applicable to most Demands emerging from rapid transforma- has gone about methodically determining the uniformed fraternity but also for the sea-faring nations to address specific tional changes in technology and conse- what it needed by way of force-level accre- public at large. This revision was neces- maritime concepts, concerns and develop- quently the tactics. tions.... the cutting-edge of the sword, so- to-speak. He went on to clarify that as a mature and responsible Navy, we seek to effect a shift away from the traditional concepts of competitive military security and towards a more holistic concept of comprehensive and cooperative security. We do not seek any spheres of influence and indeed, we believe that these are concepts that are ����������� rapidly losing relevance in the face of these changed concepts of security. We ���������������������� remain aware of the prevailing security �������� environment — at the strategic, the mili- � � � � � � � � � � � tary-strategic, the operational and the tac- tical levels. We are conscious of the doc- trinal difference between the terms ‘dis- suasion’ and ‘deterrence’. We seek first to ‘dissuade’ forces inimical to us — whether ‘State’ or ‘Non-State’ and only thereafter, to ‘deter’ them. During a recent interaction with the Deputy Chief of Naval Staff, he articu- lated on the concept by amplifying that, � � � “Doctrinal imperatives form an immutable sequential process that culminates in building force-levels. At its apex-level, the IN THIS EDITION Maritime Doctrine provides professional and lay readers alike with a common • Indiaʼs Homeland Security & Ministr y of Home Affairs Elements lexicon so that the mental images and concepts generated by specific terms of • IDS Headquartersʼ role in Procurement Process elaborated relevance to matters maritime are made uniform and common, thus uniting the • EventsʼRe ference - Special Insert

Min actions of many diverse elements into a Pro istry cu o • IN rem f Hom In T ent e dia HIS Pro Aff ʼs H ED cess air om ITIO elab s Ele ela N - o me nd S rate nts • ecur d • ID ity team effort. The IN does not see itself as Ev S H & en e tsʼ R ad efe quar ren ter ce - S sʼ r p ole ecia in l In a niche-player in some larger alliance. sert Consequently, its approach to force-gen- eration is determined entirely by the mari- ��������������������� time facets of India’s core national inter- est, namely, ‘the material, economic and societal well-being of the people of India’. ��������������������������� These maritime facets are articulated in the form of the country’s ‘maritime-interests’. 2008 ���������������������������� ������������ Each maritime interest now generates a ������� set of specific naval objectives that the IN

� 2009 �� 2009

�� 2008 must achieve in order to preserve, protect, �� ����


� and promote it. Each objective, in turn, ��� �� �������������������� requires a ‘plan’ (i.e., a ‘strategy’) by which ���������� it is intended to be achieved — in times of peace, tension, and, where applicable, in times of conflict. These strategies are then integrated and a resultant overall strategy is thus derived and finds expression in the classified and unclassified versions of the ��������������������������� document entitled, “Freedom to Use the Seas: India’s Maritime Strategy” and the � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � classified “Maritime Capability Perspective � � � � Plan” (MCPP) addresses in comprehensive � � � � � � � detail, thereby yielding the force-levels � � � � that will provide the requisite ‘capabilities’ � � � � � needed”. On the eve of demitting his office, Admiral Sureesh Mehta released the 2009 edition of “Indian Maritime Doctrine” on

SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 5 Underwater S e c u r i t y Terrorism One easy option with the terrorists is the use of mines and

underwater IED’s in ports and waterways against shipping Sonal Ratan M a r i t i m e LT G E N ( R E T D ) N A R E S H C H A N D Illustration: Illustration:

he global security environment is Counter Measures in Ports of every maritime movement/presence is by and waterways teams from the navy and becoming more and more insecure • The best method to prevent such an attack itself a very difficult task. As per one estimate maybe coast guard will be required. and dangerous with multiple threats is to have fool proof surveillance and intel- during 2002, an attack on US’ West Coast Some important measures announced frequently raising their ugly head. ligence of the potential terrorist groups. This would have had direct and indirect negative post Mumbai attacks included estab- Terrorism leads the threat scenario, ably sup- will require 24x7 surveillance systems inte- impact of about $1.9 billion as 90% 0f US lishment of a Maritime Security Advisor, ported by piracy, WMD proliferation, arms grated with all other resources and agencies. trade transits through US ports. designation of the IN as the authority trafficking, maritime food supply, smuggling Multi agency C4ISR is required at every major responsible for overall maritime security of drugs, regional crisis and conflicts, envi- port. Area of responsibility assisted by other agencies, establishment ronmental degradation, illegal migration and • Implementation of Q-Route survey system In the present arrangement the marine of Joint Operation Centres and National violation of sanctions. One easy option with which selects preplanned shipping lanes in police (if such a organization exists at all) C3I network for real-time maritime domain the terrorists is the use of mines and under- mined or potentially mined waters so that is responsible upto 12 nautical miles, the awareness, enhancement of infra struc- water IED’s(UW IEDs) in ports and waterways the local commander responsible for coun- Coast Guard’s responsibility is between 12 tural assets like boats, ships, helicopters against shipping. Since World War II, mines ter measures, has to keep minimum routes and 200 nautical miles, which is the exclu- and aircrafts, improving the organizational have damaged/sunk four times more US clear of mines and other obstacles for pro- sive economic zone, while the Indian Navy structure etc. The proposed plans are Navy ships as compared to any other means. viding safe passage. (IN) looks beyond 200 nautical miles of sound but what is required is that security Some examples of terrorist attacks are: • Improve mine hunting/ mine sweeping blue water. This will not work as far as mines of ports and water ways are integrated • During 1964 a lone Vietnamese diver sank training but also other agencies like the Coast and UWIEDs are concerned as Indian Navy with them and they are implemented in a the USS Card. Guard may also have to be trained. Apart is the only organization which can effectively reasonable time frame with the equipment • Tamil Tigers attacking Sri Lankan govern- from ships, helicopters, specially trained handle mines and UWIEDs thus for ports acquired urgently and transparently. ment ships and vessels. explosive ordnance disposal and naval spe- • The “Patriotic Scuba Diver” crisis dur- cial clearance teams need to be deployed for ing January 1980 when a phone call from this task. US Navy is using specially trained “Patriotic Scuba Diver” claimed to have marine mammals for mine counter measures placed a mine in the Sacramento River apart from other systems. stopped all shipping. It required four days of • Every port must have a maritime security mine hunting by USS Gallant to declare that plan, carry out area security assessments the channel was safe. and develop an area maritime transportation • In 1984 Libyan naval personnel used the plan. ferry Ghat to roll off mines in the Red Sea and • Induct other users like the fishermen in Gulf of Suez. More than 19 ships reported gathering of intelligence and implementing of damage from underwater explosions, which counter measures. generated an intense multinational Mine • Synergy and integration is required with all Counter Measures response. Only one new other agencies involved with home land secu- mine was recovered and rendered safe by the rity for an effective counter measures system.

Royal Navy divers. .mil • The most well known attack in the recent Indian Perspective .navy past was on USS Cole. On October 12, 2000, The attack on ports and waterways pro- www the US Navy destroyer Cole was attacked vides visibility to the terrorists, damages by a small boat laden with explosives during economy and delays naval operations

a brief refueling stop in the harbor of Aden, during conflicts. Indian maritime history is Photograp: Yemen. The suicide terrorist attack killed 17 ancient and began with the inhabitants of Royal Marines embarked aboard the Royal Navy frigate HMS Portland (F 79) investigate two members of the ship’s crew, wounded 39 the Indus Valley when they started maritime suspected pirate skiffs in the Gulf of Aden others, and seriously damaged the ship. The trading with Mesopotamia during the 3rd evidence indicated that it may have been millennium BCE. India has a coast line of carried out by Islamic militants with possible about 7517kms, about 5423 kms along the Some counter measures iniatives by US Navy/US connections to the terrorist network led by main land and 2094kms along Andaman Use of Marine Mammals: The US Navy is using trained sea lions’ acute sense of hearing to find divers. The animals then attach a Osama bin Ladin. and Nicobar, and Lakshadweep Islands. self-clipping cuff to the target’s leg so that the diver can then be reeled in like a fish. As per the annual report of the Ministry of Sound Waves: The Diver Interdiction System uses a blast of 3000-psi air pressure to create tremendous sound waves that Reason for using mines and Shipping (2007-08), India has 12 major ports will compel a diver to surface and surrender. The explosion of air can temporarily rattle the target’s lungs, ears and eyes at UWIED: and 200 non-major ports. India is among hundreds of yards. At present the system is being tried out. • They are easy to make or acquire. There the 20 leading merchant fleets all over the Grenades: Normal hand grenades do not explode right where you want them to thus a new anti-swimmer grenade is being are more than 300 types of mines held with world. The Gross Tonnage under Indian flag tried out. After setting the desired detonation depth, the user drops the grenade over the side where it explodes at the desired 50 navies or so. About 30 countries produce was 9.04 million and 15.02 million DWT as depth. Additional factor is the inclusion of a automatic self-destruct function which reduces the risk that unexploded grenades mines and 20 countries are exporting them. on December 31, 2007. The major ports in busy harbors. • Can be deployed by any ship, boat, small handled a total traffic of 463.84 million tones Underwater Inspection SystemTM (UIS): Coda Octopus Group, Inc’s. UIS was developed in cooperation with the US Coast craft, luxury yacht, submarines, aircrafts, heli- during the Financial Year 2006-07 and Guard, after the 9/11 attacks to address the need for a new generation of port security technology. The UIS system uses copters, swimmers etc. have handled 423.99 million tonnes in the Coda’s patented real time 3D sonar technology to identify and classify objects underwater in real time. The company is also • It can be small in size or can weigh a few Financial Year 2007-08 for the period up to planning to develop the next-generation software to allow port authorities to automatically determine if something important tonnes. January 31, 2008. Ships of the Indian Navy has changed from one underwater search to the next, being able to detect any UW IEDs or hazardous devices that have been • Possible to trigger them by a variety of and merchant ships of other countries are placed in critical areas overnight or between searches. means like remote control, contact, magnetic, also berthed or pass through Indian Ports. Diver Detection Sonar (DDS): They are sonar and acoustic location systems employed underwater for the detection of divers ALFORCES.NET acoustic, seismic, pressure or by various India is also planning to develop the Inland and submerged swimmer delivery vehicles to detect, track and classify information on underwater threats. Due to the variety of V combinations. Water Transport. Add to this the thousands of life and objects that exist under the water, it is desirable that a DDS system be capable of distinguishing between large sea mam- • They are very difficult to detect, identify and fishing boats and fishing trawlers. This brings mals, shoals of fish, a ship’s wake, a diver with an open circuit scuba set and a stealth diver with a rebreather. DDS systems can defuse once submerged. to focus the damage the terrorists can cause be mounted on the seabed, on a pier or on the hull of a vessel. Sonar gives by far the lowest cost per square meter of underwater .SPSNA The problem becomes more acute as to India’s economy and security by indulging coverage of all other means of surveillance (radar, video, visual) because sound waves have a low attenuation and long propa- gation distance in harbor waters relative to other means of sensing. The leading sonar technology for detecting and tracking all ports vary in layout, channels, navigation in asymmetrical warfare through naval mines underwater intruders is active, monostatic sonar, using principles of conventional beam forming in its signal processing. .

WWW markers, cables, pipelines, piers etc. and UW IEDs. At the same time monitoring

6 SP’s NAVAL FORCES 4/2009 g y C4ISR A US Blue e c h n o l o T Print “Know your enemy, know yourself; your victory will never be endangered.” Sun Tzu Ratan Sonal Ratan

Illustration: Illustration: LT G E N ( R E T D ) N A R E S H C H A N D

n a study in the US, future naval forces naval Information operations include both ▸▸▸ When the future adver- ously and static targets updated periodi- would continue to perform the following offensive (inform