'No More Statements! Says Arthur Morg As Fdr
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AVBRAOB DAILX OIBOCLATIOH , tor the BiMitli el Fmeuary. U « weatiieB ForeeMt’et U. a. Weather asi^ i. , , BaitfonL ‘ 6 .0 9 9 Btanbw et .lbe Asm* 7 .*]Mr aad lUghtly wznnae testgM: Wednesday tOoreaaIng •hewers a* night. ^ MANCHjESTER A CITY OF VILLAGE CTlARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 148 Advertlstaig as FSge I t ) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MARCH 22,1938 ifTWELVE PAGES) PRICE THAe B cents -*> Austrian Storm Troops in Heroes’ Square ARMY OF 40,0110 TOWN TO TOAST JAPANESE CUT TWO CHAMPION ‘NO MORE STATEMENTS! 0FFf_SpSI JEAMSTONIGHT SAYS ARTHUR MORG Near Defeat,' Says BamiDet To Be Gven At Ma* Rd Cperal Yu; Gnang Mm'c Temple In Honor Of AS FDR DEADLINE ENDS] Crosses YeDow Rhrer At ,Hi|h SehooFs BasketbaD ’ 4 Points; Many Japs Killed 300 Insurgents Blown Up Here Team And Track Sipiail. As DeatUiDe Is Reachd^ with \the Chlneae Red army In CbaimiaiLQfTVARf W' Hopeh proTlnct, North China, Manchester’s testimonial banquet to Its hjgh school ..athleUc cham- March 22— (A P )— Chln'r’z Red To Ghre Reasons Wh;f pions In basketball and .crons coun- army commander, Yu Cbeng-Tiao, try Is ^ be held tonight at the'Ma believes tbeiJapaneee army Is near- Should Not Be Ri sonic ’Temple.' ^ The affair will get er defeat than at an] time since-the undervkgy promptly at 6:30 o’clock Oriental war began a little more jmd’ all persona planning to attend Is At His Ohio Hfl than eight months ago (July 7.) Guerrilla marches, the Red'^army are requested to be seated in their places by that time. general related at bis headquarters Yellow Springs; O., here in ( ^ t r a l Hopeh far behind .- - Bpeakers Most of toe program wHlI be de- Japanese lines,- have isolated large 22.^(A P )—Arthur E. Me forces of Japanese battling towmnk voted to the address of Arthur announced today hlS' flat refii the Yellow River on the Cei^tral McGinley, sports dommantator of Hartford. Joe Hcauakby'wlll also a! to meet President China front. velt’s request that he Their communications cut, trans- talk, the forflier Fordham Flash and two;dlrn,e Olympian having consent- “any reason’’ why he shou.^ port trains wiped out, many of their Bmall railway station garrisons an- ed to come home from New’ York not be removed as chairnuui^ one tbe mUltary units to parade when Chancellor for the banquet. Arrangements are nihilated, and their only food supply the Tennessee Valley Autho fu e t o e r ie lS * ^ ^ -Auetria to Germany, ahown* marching into Heroes’ Sq^re, site of the Relchs- also being made for a double quar- in some esses rsaching them- by air- tet from to* high achbol’a a ca- ty. plane, many Japanese troops ate . In pella choir, and lns);jrtimental music *T have no further aUt a precarions position. Yu said. wlll.be furnished by members of the Among highlights of the situation to make, other than what ; school orchestra. told the President yesterday,^ of the Japanese, as pictured by Xu, At a meeting of toe general com- were these: mittee thla. morning, it was report- Morgan said, following hia Force of 40JW0 Isolated MAGILL MAKES APPEAL MACKENSIEIS that plans are being made to turn to hia Yellow Sp An Ormy of 40,000 Japanese in setye 325 persons, 'Including the home. southern Shansi hsa been isolsted gurats of honor. ,A turkey dinner President Roosevelt hkd l / from Its supply bases. A WITNESS AT will be served by Edwaro Mac- TO KEEP PROFITS TAX Red guerrillas scored five suc- Khlgbt of the Hotel Sheridan with Three hundrad Bpanisk Tnsurgents worn Mown to piscM in this explo- en Morgan until 2 :fljO p. m .' cesses in recetit days in attacks a corps of high school girls as aion of 15 tons of dynamite under the flve-story Casa'Blanca building In day to provide “any reason.” along the Pelplng-Hankow Railway, AL« PROBEwaitreasqs.' ' Menjbers of the'achool Madrid. Goveramant forces tunnelled 800 y a i^ In a six-month project Expect Aettsa ,, , wiping out small station gairiaens. to lay the mine which produced this terrific result. Ibis picture, radioed Thera were Indlcatloas in' w a Ir^ Officii Tells Sen- jPH CONIPED art departmenKdecorated the Tem- Cbtness tactics forced tba Japa-’ ple banquet hall today. from London to New York, was made last January, but released by Madrid tn ^ n that If President nese to abandon 85 mtlei of toe authorities onl y. raof ntl y. ' ’ • - ' did not bear front Hotgaa ba i ateOraip Itl, Jt ite ' Surplos For Atolettes Pelplng-Hankow railway north of Fi^ld {tepoblicaiii L^der The committee, has votqd that all issue/an executive order to n the Yellow River. funds remaining after mpenses are the chairman. / Morgan declined ^ commeat Three transport columns wending Of Eipulising The Total v *' ' __ _ / Brings Records To Water* aid will be .turned over to the their way through tortuous moun- chool athleUc fund and Prtnclpal what steps he would take in such ( tain trails to each the Japanese event. He aald be planned to go 1 Bdspn H. Bailey said today that the HITLER'S SLEUTHS SEIZE (Chicago tomorrow and that ~ beleaguered In southern Shansi were Tax Borden^His Plea. Record Slows Pinrclutse / bory Jury; Decbiu^ To surplus wlU 'be used entiraly in the shnlhilsted by Chinese snipers, and other plans were uncertain. purchase of new basketball uni- The chairman, storm eentar of : for six days toe Japanese command •V Ageqt Receiv^ Checks/ Ti^ To :The < Newsmen. forms for next season. controversy Involving th e " TVg resorted to airplanes' to feed toe WashlngtOD, March 22—(A P )— Edward J.-'llurphy, a- member of SIGMU^ FREUD’S PAPERS cams here to obtain acme . isolated- army. RosweU HagtU, undersecretary of the Board of Education, will act aJt records, apparently for use iS' Thirty thousand Red Chinese sol- Uie treasury, appealed te the ^ After Grand Jnry .Pri toastmaster at the banquet Rev.' controversy with hia co-dlr diers lay aereta ths communication _ Watartiigy, 'Hanfli 23-r(itP>^ K. B. Erickson, anofker member of ate Flaance eommlttle today to re- Darid B. liUsnthal aad & A. Itaea of thli army « 8itWknrmm toe B. HacKenzie. of Bethel, fto the Dtbard, will delTVir tk8~Bi9Doa Fanoiis Jewidi Sdentisl Re- tain tbs undistributed proSts ‘tax. Pelplng-Hankow railroad, he said, «h n y years^a RepuflUc^ leader £ Oon. Old time high school athletes while troops-of Oenersl (]hlang Kai- He told the coiflmltts^ in which Hartfo:5|. 32— ( A P ) — ' ^ . w}!! be called upon for brief re- ported Seriooslf„Ill h LATE NEWS Shek cut another railway in Shansi, a strong movement for -' repeal Of Leroy K^hipA Indicted by a Qrohd RAIrfield County, came to the coun- marks, aa will the coachey of the President Sets iMving the Japanese completely toe tax has been evldant, that "the Jury for splltt^g comjnlsalons.Wblle ty Court House today and went Im- teams being honored, Wilfred J Deadline Today isolated. Treasury favors the retenUon of a acting as HJritt Parkway land pur- mediately t b toe-thli^ floor where (^arke In basketball and Charles L. Vienoa; IBs Hoile Search- 4 Yellow River Croeeings tax upon undistributed .edrporate Wigren In cross country. Sweaters FLASHES! Waobington, Harch 22—(A P ) — >cbm agent fo^Highway 0>mmls- a .Grand Jury la conducting Its- In- Presidential removal or suspeiiileii- Meanwhile, General Chlang’a earnings as a means of equalizing vestigation of Waterbury affoira. decorated, with the school letter will armies crossed the Yelldw river toe distribution of the 'total tax sloner John A. Macdonald 'continued' be award^ the members of the two ed And His OtHce Gosed. of Arthur B. Morgan as ehalrmaa eff .j HacKenzie. caitying a briefcahi, REPORT EARTHQUAKE tho Tennesaeo Valley Authority b*-( buAlen.” . , to receive competition from toe smiled St newspapertmn as be made teams, the managers and coaches. State after the Grand Jury had Prinee Rupert, B. C,, Mareh 22.— came a virtual certainty today, i‘ St to (CoaUaaod oa Page Two) Under toe tax revision bill passed his way toward the Grand Jury begun Its inquiry , dn Jon. 25. (A P )—Prtaoe Rupert residents re- pite, the veteran engineer’s c. by the House, MaglU ealjt, appraxi- quarters but queries as to what Vienna, March 22—(A P )— Sig- lenge of tbs legality of such ocii Hecords of toe state cotnptroller's ported they felt a dlstlact earth mstely 88 percent of the 200,000 business' brought him to^the''Court mund Freud, 82-year-old “ Father of After Morgan' refused yaetaf' corporations which paid taxes in officp toUay disclosed that-on Feb. shook for .several seconds obont House elicited no raply. RESIDUAL PRIZES PaychoanqlyslB,’’ waa seriously III 7:80 a. m. today (I0:d0 a. olTs . a. t.) to resign or retract chargee ot > 1086 would ba exempt from the un- 15 Kemp received his last payment The lost wltosss heard by toe today, cIoeeTHends said, a fte r "^ They sold fornitore rattled. hooesty against hie oo-ditw distributed proflU tax. 'The House amounting to 8218.46, and on Feb. 4 Grand Jury before it concluded toe • • • President Roosevelt gave him bill 'exemptg oorporetloaa with in- had been pdid 8234.95. \ visit of Secret Nazi police to his second week of Us InveaUgation last home last night. NEW MURDER MYBTERV. 2:30 p. m. -today to present comes of less than 825,000 and Ma- At the same time it V’as learned Friday was (Charles B. WlUlamson, IN SWEEPSTAKES reason" why he should not be < IS DEAD AT 62 glU declared the Hous4 also had at- The Informants said ° ths police Philadelphia, Match 22.— (A P )__ that Comptroller C.