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Sandspur, Vol. 54 No. 02, October 4, 1949

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 54 No. 02, October 4, 1949" (1949). The Rollins Sandspur. 837. '^ JD^ROL-L-

Give Tarheels Your Support MASSACRE By Seeing Their TAMPA U. Games! FRIDAY NIGHT fics

VOLUME 54 WINTER PARK, FLORIDA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949 NUMBER 2 Vew Music Director Robt. Jackson Baily Calls Talent Suffers Heart Likes Violin; Boogie Attack Expects Big Year •"Anyone who is a musician can appreciate both Bach and Boogie," The sudden death of Bob Jack­ Announcing the opening of the according to Mr. Harvey, succes­ son will come as a shock to thcss theatre season with the produc­ sor to Dr. Christopher O. Honaas /. R. C. Invites wl;o knew the former Rollins Saute Attends tion of I REMEMBER MAMA on as director of the RoUins Conser­ student well. Eob was stricken Nov. 29th, Howard Bailey, direc­ vatory of Music. This 6 foot, 6 New Members with a heart attack at the Rollins Conference tor of the Annie Russell Theatre, inch, new addition to the Rollins College summer camp in Pisgah predicted a banner year for the The family goes on to say, "Taste International Relati. Forest, North Carolina where he Prof. George Saute, director of Rollin3 Players. "I am hoping changes with progress in music, Club of Rollms College will hold was a counselor and swimming in­ the Institute of World Govern­ for some good new talent this and the more advanced the stu­ its first meeting of the yeai structor. The attack occurred on ment in Florida and professor of year," Mr. Bailey said when he dent, the more likely will he ap- October 13 at 7:30 in the Sulli Friday, July 15, while Bob was on mathematics at Rollins, attended extended an invitation to new ;RY preciate the great composers House. the beach engaged in the work a conference on world govern­ students to take part in the Annie Bach, Brahms, Mozart, and The purpose of the meeting i that he had followed for years ment at Mt. Holyoke College this Russell productions. Beethoven." acquaint new students with the through his lovo of sports and summer from June 26 to July 23. Mr. Bailey said he is in corres­ club and its activities. A mem­ Dr. Hamilton Holt was one of Professor Woodruff's first love youth activity. Death came before pondence with several Broadway bership drive will be started m the outstanding speakers during was the violin, which he studied medical aid could reach him. and Hollywood stars concerning an attempt to enlist all new stu­ the first week of the conference their appearance in the Annie for eight years. He played this A native of Springfield, Mass., dents who are actively interested at which he discussed human Russell Theatre this season, but instrument with the New Britain in international affairs. Those Bob was horn on June 28, 1920. rights, according to Professor Symphony Orchestra in New no definite announcement can be joining will receive a blue and He attended the Springfield ele­ Saute. The chairman of the Com- made concerning these players at Britain, Connecticut. From there gold membership card entitling mentary schools and was gradu­ miision of Human Rights, Mrs. he went to New York University, this time. Stars who are inter­ them to all rights and privileges ated from Technical High School Elecnor Roosevelt, also spoke on ested in appearing with the Rol­ —^^where he began formal work in of the club. Officers to preside at with the class of 1939. In high this subject. lins Players were mentioned in mii«:ir education under Dr. Hollis the first meeting include: Joe school he won athletic le;ters in Among the experts on various last week's article in THE SAND­ ^Dann, famous textbook writer and Popeck, president; Dick Elliot, tennis, crew, and baseball. phases of the discussions were SPUR. Mr. Bailey is "looking Isidore Lookstone, well-known vice-president; Carol Posten. He then enrolled at American General Carlos Romulo and Mme. forward with optimism lo the voice coach, and accompanists to publicity chairman; Carolyn IiiLcrnaticnal College, but his edu- Pandit of India, who is ambassa­ coming year." such artists as Sembrich, Melba, Maas, secretary. cciti(m was interrupted by a four dor to the United States and a Next Thursday evening, Octo­ "Op and Fritz Crisler. "For the past seventeen years, \(ar stint in tha air forces as a delegate to the United Nations. ber 6th, Mr. Bailey announced, After taking charge of the music the International Relations Club physical instructor. He was dis- At the conference Dr. Saute there will be a meeting at 8:15 in GE department in the schools has been an important organiza­ L'liarged in January of 1946 with attended workshops held for those A.mie Russell Theatre for all stu­ Alton, New York, for his first joy, tion on this campus. It's main the rank of Staff Sergeant. psrscns working on problems of dents on the campus who are in­ Mr. Woodruff did lecture work purpose is devoted to presenting Moving to Florida, he attended world government; this group in­ terested in the activities of the ITING music appreciation for several to the students entertaining and Orlando Junior College. Upon his cluded many teachers of college Theatre Arts Department. Every :RY 5[|,,years in Central Connecticut. educational programs dealing with graduation from this institution, courses dealing with the United student who is interested in act­ Then he became director of the international affairs. Especially he entered Rollins and was gradu­ Nations. Every week the groups ing, scenery, directing, ushering at college, students find little ated this past June with the f?e- went to New York to attend meet­ high school music program in President Wagner enjoys one of Bill Carmel's jokes as he chats with or any other phase of the work is time to seriously read the papers gree of bachelor of science. He ings of the United Nations at Lake Fairfield, Connecticut, where he a few of the Alpha Phi Lambas at their breakfast last Sunday. Seen invited by the Theatre Department and gain a background in current was to have entered Duke Uni­ Success. m SSAU taught for three years. Columbia from left to right are BUI Carmel, Bob Neuhaus, Charles Robinson, to this meeting. Mr. Bailey wants international problems. The versity, Durham, N. C. as a gradu­ One of the highlights of Profes­ University was his next stop, and President Wagner, Roland Horner. it understood that no student has it was there that he received his I. R. C. fulfills that important job ate student this fall. sor Saute's trip was when he was to take a Theatre Arts course in Masters Degree in music educa­ for the student." Besides his wife, the former interviewed in French over "The order to be eligible to work on tion. From there he went to "Unlike many college programs, Phyllis E. Nooney of Springfield, "Voice of America." The program any of the productions. He said \nV( Princeton, N. J., to direct high the International Relations Club Chapel Staff To Sponsor Mass., he leaves his mother, Mrs. was broadcast over BBC and re­ tryouts for I REMEMBER MAMA )KKS school music again. He worked makes a special effort to put on Austin H. Newcomb; a brother, layed to Europe. will be held in the Annie Russell with five choral groups involving an interesting, informative, and Christians-Jews Meeting Warren A.; an aunt. Miss Florence In the office of the Institute of on October 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m. •y^ll up to three hundred students, at the same time, entertaining M. Harrigan and an uncle Ralph •World Government at Rollins is Copies of the play will be placed Meeting for the first time this president of the National Associa nearly one-third of the student program," said Joe Popeck, presi­ W. Bartlett, all of Springfield. a picture of Professor Saute taken on reserve in the library at least year, the Chapel Staff discussed tion of Christians and Jews, will 0429 body. He aroused such interest dent. A full military funeral was held, at a party with Cord Meyer, Jr., a week in advance of the tryouts plans for the year at Dean Dar­ to Rollins for a meeting with well-known author of several there that students got up as early To join follow this simple pro- and interment was in the family so that all who wish can read it. rah's home last Thursday. The Christians end Jews. This will be books on world government, and FLA, as 5;30 a.m. in order to come to ceedure: plot in St. Michael's cemetery, The announced program of pro­ New Constitution, which was an extra project of the Chapel former president of United World 7:30 choral practice. 1. On a slip of paper, put your Springfield. ductions by the Rollins Players in —^ Besides his outstanding work name, year at school and box drawn up last year is in use and Staff which will be of national Federalists. the Annie Russell for the remain­ u s connected with schools, Mr. number. they plan to sponsor a meeting of and international importance. At the end of the conference, der of the season is as follows: Woodruff has also been choir di­ 2. Return it to Box 364. the National Association of Chris­ Plans were made to open up the Lawyer Turns Prof Professor Saute spoke at a sum­ January 24 through 28—A new rector in various churches. The Attend the first meeting, Octo tians and Jews and Center activi­ Center for the Sunday evening mary sessions on problems that Broadway play, title to be an­ First Methodist Church in ­ ber 13 at 7:30 in the SuUivar ties. get-togethers and other colleg* Plumer To Teach were presented during the discus­ nounced later. ton appointed him minister of House. Bob Boyle said, "We look for­ activities for the promotion of col sions on world organization. February 14 through 18—A music. After five years of service "This is your chance to join ar ward lo a big year and hope to lege spirit and good will. Mr. Richard C. Plumer, U. special Founders' Week produc­ here, he went to Westminister active and important organizatior have more response to Chapel ac­ Miss Adolfs, secretary of the Assistant Attorney General and Local Speakers To tion of THE TAMING OF THE Choir College in Princeton and at Rollins," said Popeck: Don't tivities which are directed toward ] Knowles Memorial Chapel said, former president of North SHREW by WiUiam Shakespeare. sang for a year with the West­ hesitate—join today." the welfare of the entire college." "We need Chapel ushers and read- Town Council, has joined the Rol Lecture Pan Am March 7 through 11—An out­ The Chapel Staff takes charge | ers." Any boy interested in standing folk play THE DARK minister Choir (which came to lins faculty as professor of Corpo Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Weissen of Chapel activities from Bible i ushering should leave his name al OFTHE MOCN by Howard Rich­ Orlando on tour) solely for the ration Finance and Advanced burger, Jr., will give an informal readings to Chapel sponsored | the Chapel office. Tryouts foi ardson and William Berney. purpose of singing with the choir Indies Call For Economics. talk about their summer's experi dances. This year the staff con- I Chapel readers will be held or March 28 through April 1—A and doing graduate work in Mr. Plumer has had a succeisful ences in Latin America at the first sists of: Jack Sayer, president and i Wednesday, October 12, the exact Broadway comedy or a new mys­ choral experience and conducting. New_ Stray Greeks^ and distinguished career as Coun­ meeting of the Pan American chairman Bob Boyle, secretary;' time to be announced on the Cen- tery play, title to be announced It was during this tour that Mr. After the meeting of the Inde­ ty Prosecutor of Ocean County, Club to be held October 11 at 7:15 Hank Gooch, vice-president; I ter bulletin board. later. and Mrs. Woodruff got their first pendent men Monday night. Presi N. J.; Assistane U. S. Attorney p.m. These two popular young Helen Demetrelis, Ken Fenderson, Last Sunday there was an ex April 25 through 29—A new glimpse of Rollins, which they im­ dent Ken Brown said, "it looks General in charge of the Securi­ teachers of social studies at Win­ Nan Van Zile. Joe Popeck, Carol cellent response to the Chapel adaptation of Euripides' MEDEA. mediately loved. .' a good year for us." ties Division; President and m ter Park High School need no in­ Posten and Hugh Davis. New service from new as well as older Every student is entitled to one At present he is interested in We should make a good show- ber of the Town Council in North troduction to local students and members will be selected before students. The flowers were free ticket on his Student Associa­ getting acquainted and finding out mg in the intramurals this year,' Miami, Fla., and later resigned to townspeople, but this will be the the winter term by the above placed on the alter in memory of tion card to each of the Rollins about his job. Mr. Woodruff wants Brown continued. A large number devote all his time to the privatt first opportunity for Rollins stu­ group. Lt. John Wagner, former Roll: Players' productions. Students to work wth the faculty and stu of men have already signed up for practice of law. During the last dents io hear them. The Constitution which was student, who lost his life in t can either secure these tickets for dents for the greatest possible football and we have some good war, Mr. Plumer spent four years The Pan American Club is an drawn up last year will be put last war. His sister, Mary Jo each individual production as it benefit of the greatest number of basketball players in the crowd. in the Army as a Lieutenant undergraduate organization con­ into effect this year after changes Wagner, a sophomore, is here and comes along, says Mr. Bailey, or students. "We want to turn out We lost the swim meet by only Colonal in the Signal Corps, cerned with the interchange of and final approval of the Student sings in the choir. In the evening they can engage their seats for the from this conservatory students one point last year and we may be graduated from Dartmouth and cultural ideas between the Ameri­ Council. the Farmer Dance, sponsored by entire season. Student season who are not only prepared in able to do better this year. Harvard Law School. cas. The president, Maud Tris­ every sense musically, but who This spring Dr. Everet CUnchey, the staff was a huge success. tickets will be available after Brown pointed out that all non- When asked what he thought of men, issued a cordial invitation to are well-rounded individuals in­ Nov. 12th, 1949. fraternity men, stray greeks, and Rollins, Plumer said, "I believe everyone interested in this pur­ terested in seeing how much they freshmen were automatically in­ the small groups of studenls in pose to attend this meeting and if can give and not how much they Race Relations Visual Education dependents making them the each class, as you have here at further interested to join the club. can get out of life." Hispanic Films largest group on campus. Committee To Meet Gains Momentum Rollins, is highly beneficial io "The Rollins College Choir has Warren Windom, director of ihe student," and smilingly added, Spot Columbus a wonderful reputation, and we're Race Relations Committee is an Visual Education was started Assembly Planned athletics for the independents, I know the excellent results first going on from where we left off organization primarily interested here at Rollins by the late Dr. Ed­ Day Celebration called for all independent men win Clark. Joe Popeck, head of hand, because my niece, Eleanor For Freshmen last year," was his very enthusi­ vorking with the Negro prob­ Rand, graduated from Rollins in who liked to play football to get the program' which is backed by Every organization on campus A variety motion picture pro­ astic reply when asked about his the class of '41. gram will be presented at the An­ in touch with him' by dropping a lem within the general locale of President Wagner and most of ill have its say at a compulsory plans for the present. He also nie Russell Theatre next Wednes­ note in his mail box. No. 465. Winter Park and Orlando. At the the faculty, expects this year to Mr. and Mrs. Plumer have come assembly for new students next commented on the good choir day evening, October 12. October third meeting in Lyman be a great success. to Florida, just as many of our Wednesday according to student material and interest shown by other professors do upon retire­ The films deal with Hispanic both students and the faculty. Hall, all members present agreed A small committee of volunteer association president, Hugh Davis. New Music Guild students, headed by Popeck, is ment, and are living at the Con­ The assembly is a revival of an subjects, and are presentsd by the "This is the spirit which will that the committee's scope should cord Lake Apartments, 306 Lake­ Spanish department and the In­ really help us go places." working on a list of free movies old custom of holding an assembly Announces Aim be extended to include other which the school can use in its side Ave., in Orlando. Mr. early in the year to acquaint the ter-American Center in celebra­ "Rollins has pleased me beyond Plumer who is teaching the over­ tion of Columbus Day, or El Dia At a meeting of the newly ority groups such as the \ visual Education Program. These w students with the varied expectation, particularly the crowded economics courses, stated de la Raza, as it is known to our formed music guild, held in Dyer Seminole Indian. Dr. King, spon-; movies will be on all conceivable ganizations on campus. warm welcome, the cooperation he would be glad to assist or ad­ South of the Border friends. Memorial last week, matters of sor of the group, stated that he | subjects, "from football to astrol- At the Wednesday meeting, the »f the faculty and administration vise anyone who seeks his council. Of exceptional interest is a film policy were discussed and new would investigate the opportuni- ogy" popeck says. The complete chairman or president of each staff, and the maturity, under­ record in natural color, made by students heard a short talk by Mr. ties for work in this field. , ij^ts will be placed in the library ctivity group will explain the standing, and vision of students. the William Beebe expedition to Woodruff, Conservatory director. mbly will be held short- whsre the professors can get a aims and opportunities of his I am looking forward to this year Open House Af Casa Venevuela, and featuring close- The purpose of the club is to ly to enable all new students to j hold of them and order what they •ganization. They will also tell and our work together," was his The Spanish Department is ups of many curious plants and establish closer relations among become acquainted with all, want. The Student Committee, here and when their next meet­ Warm answer when asked how he playing host next Wednesday animals of the South American all the students of the conserva­ Chapel committees. At this time, \ Popeck says, will do all the work: ing will be held. J liked Rollins. evening at Casa Iberia to all stu­ jungle. tory and the members of the con­ Race Relations will present a ^ order the films, run the machine, The talks will be followed up, dents enrolled in Spanish classes, servatory faculty; in order to ad­ resume of its last year's calendar, ^ and keep track ot the new films according to Davis, by mimeo­ Also included in the group is or otherwise interested in Inter- FRESHMEN vance the musical, intelledtual including Race Relations Sunday j as they are publislied. graphed forms which give a list short vest-pocket version of the American activities. ELECTIONS and social activities of the con- visits to the County Home, and : "Our equipment has not been at of all activities and have a place famous opera Carmen, in which Hugh Davis announced that j servatory body." meetings with students from all good up 'til now," Popeck said. Professor Angela Campbell, Di- for the student to check those in popular hit-songs are tied 'lection of Freshmen class officers ; The meetings are open to any Jones High School. "But this year," he continued, "we ector of Casa Iberia, the campus hich he is interested. These will together by spoken continuity. *ill be held in the Annie Russell ; student in band, choir or taking The election of officers will bo are hoping lo get the new equip- Inter-American Center, is inviting 1 turn be re-distributed to the Films with commentary in both Theater Oct. 26th. Nominations ' musical appreciation lessons. held October 4th in Lyman-302. ment we want, and have it put 11 interested students to drop in rganizations. English and Spanish are included *'ll be made from the floor and Dates of the meetings will bo Dr. King offers a cordial invita- ' up in the Sullivan House where after dinner for an informal get "The idea is to let the freshmen this evening-length program, acquainted session before going to which is open to Rollins' students, officers will be chosen at the meet- posted on the pract: room- bul- tion to all interested students to ; al! the films will be shown." know what opportunities they '"S. [letin board. attend this meeting. (Continued on Page 4, Column 7) the Columbus Day movie. have on campus," Davis said. faculty, and staff without charge. X TWO ROLLINS SANDSPUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, I94JI PASSING TYRADE Bill Carmel Telki HELLO if Campus Coeds If Men Rushed As Women Do HERE/TRYSOME^ lins Students Of European Trii I Do t Stand a Chance with a Ghost Like You OF MINE Favored In Outclieer Miamians A Play in One Act By BILL CARMEL Let me be the last one to wel­ by Dallas Williams 1 This summer 1 went on ,, come the freshman and new stu­ with apologies to F. P. A. I American Youth Hostel trip (( dents. Glad to have you with us. The setting is a fraternity living pretty too. j southwest Europe. Armed withj Beauty Contest I was going to start this so- room just prior to a rushing tea. John: Where you from? j good English bicycle, a pair „° called column with the part of The atmosphere is one of sup­ Rushee: Lumpingtcn, Delaware. I saddle bags, some old clothes, aci High school competition elimi­ pressed excitement and anxiety. a tire repair kit. We crossed the nated, Rollins College coeds have same which was left out of last John: Oh, I know scads of peo­ year's last edition. Thank you, The characters play the scene Atlantic on an unreconditioned a better chance to capture the ple in Lumpington! Do you Mr. Printer. Leave you up in the straight. They are deadly in troopship which was crammed I 1950 Ora;lge Bowl Queen's throne know Eddie Birdhouse? air? Me, too. Or didn't you read earnest as they face one of the with about sixteen hundred other Rushee: No. than in past years. In 1949, when it? Well, wth your kind permis­ more serious situations to arise students, all of whom were goij, the contest was open to girls from sion I'll have you know my ..Ilege careers. They are | John: Well let'5 Da you to "do" Europe. 16 to 26, the tiara went to 16- .mother reads this column; nepo­ impeccably attired, but are never know Joe Flapfoct? This is supposed to be a shon year-old Corine Gustafson of tism, I'll admits I will give you a quite satisfied with their appear-| Rushee: No. article, so I'm going to limit it t, Ponce de Leon high school, Coral brief resume of the sojurn to ance. Throughout the action of! (Awkward pause) a few impressions and adventun; Gables. Miami. the scene, they straighten their j^hn: How about some punch I had in Italy. Must've been all of three or four ties, smooth down their coats, and cookies' I had taken the train from Rules for 1950, just received by brush back their hair with nerv­ The Sandspur from the Orange carloads of us who went to the Rushee: No, I'm afraid I don't Lausanne to Milan, and the con. gcm.t. We took up almost three ous little gestures. Frcm time to Bowl Committee, however, set the know him either—oh, tee hee— trast was startling. Switzerland rov.^s of seats and managed to time they run to the mirror at was prosperous, clean, and beau, new age limit as 18 to 26, putting yes, I'd love some. (Thsy move make son e noise in epite of our the back of the room and inspect tiful. Here was war-torn Milan the race right into the collegiate away, smiling strenuously) lack of numbers. And, I say that the progress of their beards. Oc­ with its bombed out LaScali Bill: (to rushee) Cigarette? age bracket. The contest is only because that's what I mean. casionally one of them takes a Opera House, its filthy streets. Rushee: No thanks. I don't limited to Florida residents or They call me Foghorn for short. razor out of his pocket and runs and its poverty-haunted people smoke. out-of-state girls registered at Ccme arcund some time and I'll it lightly over his face. The other The one thing which I especialh Florida schools. squeak for ya. men pay no attention to this. Bill: How nice. I've heard that wanted to see was the Leonardo girls have a lot more respect The Ora.ige Bcwl Queen Con­ Anyway, the first half was at John: (running breathlsssly into ] DeVinci fresco, "The Last Sup. for you if you don't. test definitely isn't one of those least three hours long. Rollins the room) It's about time the per." Exposure to the weather, Rushee: All you boys are so sweet. "bathing beauty" affairs, although had a small case of fumble-itis boys started arriving, isn't it? was responsible for the fresco's , (They walk away, smiling at Shall We Forget? Committee members therein—or should I say Miami Bill: Good heavens, it is. And' faded appearance, but it is still a concede that ability to photograph the sweet boys.) played a good game and any time my hair is a mess—could you fairly good condition. As I en­ Well, the air has started to clear now. Things have well in bathing attire or shorts George: (to rushee) What's your they needed help a Rollins player lend me your comb, John? tered the little room off the started to settle. Why even the Freshmen are looking like ensemble helps. Selection is based major? was there to give it to 'em? So John: (fumbles in his pocket) Of church where the fresco is fc thej' know what it's all about. to a l=rge extent on personality, Rushee: Art History. much for the first half. course. But, ah, well, I just cated, I could hear the Italian And why not!? The Welcoming Committee did a bang- charm, pose and other attributes George: How nice. You'll be But that second half—ah, that washed my hair. I hope— guide explaining the picture to i up iob of welcoming. And the student body has done a in addition to shere physical beau­ crazy about it. group of tourists. "Der is dee second half! 'Twas worth the trip Bill: Oh, don't worry. So did I! similar followup m cooperating. ty. That's where Rollins coeds Rushee: What's your major? Christ. He is vera sad. He his alone. When the Tars shook our John: Well, I really thought so. Yes, sir! The Family is off to a flying start—we hope! George: Art History. But I'm just say to His disciples, 'Der is boy L. D. loose on that 63 yard It looks awfully nice. Say, Next week and the week after and so on will tell. Besides attai.iing Dixie's most changing it to Economics. someone here who is gonna tr} gallop for six big points, a mild George, don't you think Bill's Then we'll be able to ses which is more lasting, the glamorous title, the 1950 Orange Rushee: Isn't that a lot harder? to foola me!' " case of bedlam set in in our select hair looks nice today? clicks or the jolly helios and interested inquiries exchanged Sowl Queen will receive a gener­ group of Rollins scream,ers. (Here George: Oh yes, but there arc George: Yes, it does. What kind •Verona was a happier place during orientation week. Whatever happens we can always ous cash award, complete ward­ I should say, that every time the most darling girls in all the cf shampoo do you use. Bill? than Milan. It is a small town remember those smiles familiar to all faces during those robes, a week (with chaperone) at Miami scored, a cheerleader ran classes. (They raise eyebrows Eiil: Lustre Cream.'. It's perfectly with a huge Roman arena, where exciting first tew days. a swank Miami hotel with all ex­ around the field, carrying two red knowingly and wEnder off to­ m.arvolcus. You dor nhave many operas are given. Its ac. At this point we could get trite and make a joke about penses paid, possibly an all-ex­ hurricane warning flags). And so ward the punch.) to use a rinse. coustics are perfect. The night a Pepsodent ad—but we won't. pense tr^p to promote the festival, a small contingent of Rollinsites, Don: (to rushee) You're Frank Eoys: {all together) Really! I was there, Wagner's "Lohin. But let's do this: Let's remember our early friendliness entertainment befitting her regal led by Bob Boyle, Phil Hayes, Bob Crump, aren't you? Don: (flutters in nervously twist­ grin" was given, and Wagner after fraternity and sorority rushing starts. And after status—and publicity which may Peck, and Scotty Witherell, fol­ ing his hanckerchief) Is every­ Rushee: No. My name is Max given in Italian is the darndest Pledging is ever. And after the year gets so old everyone zoom her to a model's career or lowed by Jim McMenemy, a guy thing ready? Sloppenhoofer. thing you have over heard. The finds that term papers and extra activities make it a little other fame. named Gooch, Chap McDonald, George: Well, it ought to be. I Don: Oh, how silly of me. But enormous crowd cheered wildly; more difficult to think about others. Contest rulei are simple. In ad­ and Marian Eberson (in case you simply slaved over those re­ you know, you look exactly like they really appreciated the glori­ That's the rough part about it. Because it's just about dition to the age and state ani didn't recognize us on television) freshments. Don't you think Frank Crump. Or is it—yes! ous music and the spectacle. They this timje that a little friendliness is most needed. entrants must never have been vaulted the wall ai;d roared the cooki2s look yummy? Did anyonj ever tell ycu that acted as happy as people from So let's not retire to our respective haunts. n-arritd; must expect to stay around the stadium fu?." tilt, yell­ you look just like Gregory John: Are you sure there'll be Brooklyn do when the Dodgers Let's continue through the year with the "Hi's," "How single until after the festival. They ing yeowhoo and wa'ing their Peck? enough? are winning. are ya's." and Pepsodent ads! may have had experience as pro­ handkerchiefs. The bi^'gest kick Rushee: (Blushing) Oh, thanlc you. fessional models; can't be profes- was the whole Miami r.^oting sec­ George: Oh my goodness, yes.. I Nothing in the world is like figured on two apiece. The boys Don; Say, Bill, I want you to •Venice. Instead of waiting forj sioncl screen-stage actresses o tion's arising and appliiuding our meet Frank Crump. Don't you entertainers. efforts, and their cheerleaders' certainly wouldn't eat more streetcar, you wait for one of the than that. think he looks exactly like little steamboats that makes its First step for Rollins College forming a double row for us to Gregory Peck? Published Weekly by Vndsruraduate Students of Rollins Bill: Of course not. And maybe way along the grand canal. Ap­ coeds to enter the 1950 Orang< run through. Quite a j.-.unt, I kid thoy won't all come. Bill: He certainly does. Only lots propriately enough, there is ar Entered PS second class matter, November 14. 1925, at the post affice at Bowl Queen Ccntest is to submit you not. Dick Pope and Ron Fry­ D:n: Oh, perish the thought, better. (Bill smiles engagingly express and a local. Luckily, 1 Winter Park. Florida, under the act of March 3. 1S79. three glossy, black and white mire, not to be outdone, made the Subscription Price: By mail anywhern in the United States $1.50 (turns to John) Say, do you at Max.) Would you like some met a lovely Swedish girl who (12 weeks), $2.50 for two terms, or $3.C0 fr the full college yea» 8x10 photos to Duke Jordan, trip after the second secre. I guess suppose that cute transfer— punch and cookies? was not adverse to sharing a Orange Bowl Committee Press we showed 'em! Publication Office: Fairbanks Avenue at Interlachen Telepho e 4_6622 what's his name—you know— Rushee: No thanks. I'm on a diet. gondola with me on one moonlit Director, 615 S. W. Second Ave., Wonder what the T;i.mpa game with the curly blond hair and Bill: Not really. Why, you don't evening, so I feel o.uite competent Editorial Bimrd Miami 36, Florida, before will be like? Let's ai.' find out Editor-in-Chief -- Ken F real long eye lashes—golly, I need to lose an ounce. to say that gondolas are prefer­ .""llm."" November 1. Friday, hokay! News Editors S»,-t . l);iv.- .M Names, addresses and phone Georg:: Oh, you mean Jimmy pretty good girdle. means of transportation that 1 Feature Editor, E);.lli.s numbers of contestants should be Pansylily. He is adorable, but John: (Calling) All right, boys, all have come across. Layout Editor <'iir.» plainly written or printed on the Square Dancers you know what I heard about together now— (Boys all saun­ Gosh, I'd like to tell you all back of each picture. Photo­ Advertising Manager: .Iv.f r<>i)er. Willard Wiilth-H graphs must include one full-face ward and listen eagerly as where they stand and smilingly But it is more fun to talk about Betty Hammer, Charles Dawson, Harry Baldwin close-up of head and shoulders, Shake Center Boards George whispers. They ex­ launch into a chorus of "Some­ than write about, so just drop in Proofreaders another in bathing togs or shorts Virginia Cheney, Ann Lewis Turley With shuffling feet and clap­ change significant glances.) day You'll Want Us to Want on third floor Lyman some night ensemble and the third in street M-ariel Riddle!" Polly Clark ping hands, the new n-.embers of You" as and hear what the SANDSPUR Typist or eve.ring dress. Photos should the Rclli.^s family swung their Don: I wouldn't be a bit sur­ Caroline Marsh Curtain Falls. didn't and couldn't print. be accompanied by a description partners right into an old-fash­ prised. And you know, I'm al­ Rd Granberry, Hester Davis, Pat Burgoon, Fred Rodgers, Sue Vai Hoose. to include: ioned good time Sunday night, most positive he dies his hair. I Ric1(i It's awfully dark at the roots. Age, weight, height, without when the Chapel StUif held a Member Bill: Good heavens, here come shoes; bust, waist and hip meas­ square dance in the Center. Associated Collegiate Press the boys. Don, is my tie on try-THE SANDSPUR BOOKSHOP-for urements; color of eyes and hair, Seen like silver threads among Distributor of straight? I'm just all thumbs. Collegiate Digest as well as other information such the new gold were many mem­ The latest Fiction and Non-Fiction Reference books, ii Den: Yes, it looks lovely, but why as hobbies, contests previously bers of the upper class looking ESTABLISHED IN 1894 WITH THE FOLLOWING EDITOIUAL don't you pull your hanky up cludina the Colleae Outline Series. Unassumingly yet mighty, sharp and pointed, well-rounded yet many won, home town and other data. old and experienced at this sort of thing and adding that extra so it shows a little better? It's sided, assiduously tenacious, yet as gritty and energetic as its name implies, Signed releases for the use of little shuffle to their walk which such a pretty color. Gift Books — Stafionerv — Greet-ing Cards victorious in single combat and therefore without a peer, wonderfully photographs in Orange Bowl pub­ let you know they had done this John: AU right, boys, now re- attrictive and extensive in circulation; all these will be found upon investiga­ licity and promotion are required. tion to be among the extraordinary qualitis of the Sandspur. before, and liked it. nber to lile. Release forms can bo obtained President Wagner and his (Ev-ryone moves toward the THE SANDSPUR BOOKSHOP from Jordan. charming wife beamed on from cocr where he takes a rushee Anonymous judges who will OPPOSITE COLONY THSATRE the sidelines along with the by the arm and leads him back Tuesday select the Queen are members of Smiths, the Darrahs, and many into the room, beaming widely. 7:15 the Orange Bowl Committee. other faculty members, while There is a steady buzz through­ Pan American Club Their decision is final. members of the Chapel Staff en­ out this scene, during which Casa Iberia How's about a Rollins College couraged some of the xaore bash­ certain snatches of conversation Wednesday lovely as the 1950 Orange Bowl ful people to join in the fun. can b2 heard.) 9:40 Queen at Miami on Jan. 2? Word has it that these things John: (to rushee) It was so sweet Activity Assembly are bound to happen again and of you to come. I'm John VISIT 7:15 soon, so polish your shoes and Smurch. Open house at the Casa Iberia at the Annie Russell Theatre drag your blue jeans out of the Rushee: I'm Harry Sepulchre. Thursday, Oct. 6 Thundering Heard trunk. If you've never square- John: Oh, what a nice name. And 7:15-7:45—7:45-8:15 Open letter lo those died in the danced before, don't fret, Seet I just love your coat. I've been Gat-acquainted teas wool Rollins fans who have been Justice gives good directions and adm.iring it ever since you came the 8:15 casting asparagus because the all you have to do is listen and Theatre meeting at Annie Russell Theatre. Tars succumbed to the Hurricanes enjoy yourself. Rushse: I think yours is awfully Friday, Oct. 7 last Friday: 4:30-5:00—5:00-5:30 Drop dead! Get-acquainted teas 8:00 ''ReoBodeled^^ Tampa Game at Tampa Dear Sir: Saturday As you all know, Prexy has had an operation and is apparently PRICES-CASH & CARRY 4:30-5:00—5:00-5:30 Get-acquainted teas still in the hospital. It you were ever confined as he is you know 9:00-12:00 Trousers .45 Phi Mu Dance at Dubsdread how much hearing from someone ycu like means. So I suggest we PARK AHHDi BAR Sunday Men's 2-Piece Suit .90 4:30-15:00—5:00-5:30 start a round-robin letter to Prexy Get-acquainted teas from all the students, including Men's 3-Piece Suit '. 1.00 Monday new ones, freshmen as well as Lady's 2-Piece Euit - .1.00 up 7:00 transfers (the faculty and staff Sorority-Fraternity Meeting can poin in too, if they so desire). Just say a few words and sign Lady's Dresses . 1.00 up 8:00 your name; that'll be all you need Student Council Meeting to do. Prexy gave us twenty four DANCING — SHUFFLEBOARD years of life; let's give him a small return for his efforts, what WE SPECIALIZE IN EVENING DRESSES do you say? Yours truly, HANK GOOCH. RELIABLE CLEANERS, ENC. PLEASE MENTION THE 114 Park Ave. Winter Park 140 W. FAIRBANKS SANDSPUR WHEN PATRON­ One block trom College between A&P and Piggly-Wiggly Ston IZING OUR ADVERTISERS 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1949 HOLLINS SANDSPUR TAMPA NEXT FOE FOR TARS, FRIDAY NIGHT [First Victory Expected As Football Players Keep In Touch Football New Prexy Passes I Teams Renew Did Rivairy Shape During Summer Recess I still smarting under their do- By SCOTTY WITHERELL | Asheville; while Seet Justice de- feat by Miami last week, a deter­ Next Wednesday On Football Team Tho quest on came up the other j livered milk lor Biltmore Dairies mined band of Rollins Tars will u Next Wednesday the men's in- By BILL FRANGUS djy on wha; play-1 in the same town. Two Miami journey to Tampa tomorrow trs mural football league gets e s did during their summers. So 1 wild men, Jim Imsnd and Punchy where they meet the University ,, under way. As yet the schedule Miami wen the football game after due consideration your re- P<=lock wielded shovels in their of Tampa Spartons in an im­ (.^ has not been made out but here is but President Wagner stole the porter decided to track down some 1 old home town. Punchy attended portant interstate contest to be / the way the teams should shape pre-game show. Addressmg a of the grid players cf Rollins. (National Guard camp in Fort played at Phillips Field. Kickoff *• up. These facts and opinions are joint dinner sessio.i of the Miami The first man approached was | Jacksci for two weeks and after time is 8:15 P.M. based on last year's facts and Quarterbacks' Club snd Rollins James I-used-to-be-an-end Kelly i being commissioned yard-bird. Although the Tars will not be '''l opinions. First to the champion- Alumni cf Miami at the swank who is now playing first string first-class, came back up to full strength because cf in­ *•', ship team, the Kappa Alphas. The Coral Gables Country Club, Pre i tackle on the Tar grid team. graves for a Miami cemetery. Big juries received at Miami, Coach ^ boys from the red brick house will dent Wagner brought the hou^ When asked about his summer, Jim didn't do anything quite so Joe Justice is expected to throw "•I* defi.'sitely not be as strong as they down when he voluntarily spiki d James told us that after flying up glamorous; he just dug ditches. every bit of the Tars' offensive % were last year when they only a rumor that Rollins might not to Washi-igton, D. C. to help the The Gold Dust Twins (which cne power against the Spartons. For ."•. lost cne game. Duck Talton and continue football. new Air Force straighten out some has the biggest tummy?) Dan more offensive punch Bill Gordon % Paul Klinefelder will be missed "That rumor probably started kinks, he spent a good part of the gherty and Jim Bryson spent has moved up to first string quar­ ^ very badly this year. However, because I came from the Univei summer Ncrth Carolina loaf- I their summers entirely differ­ terback in place of the injured 'Ia the K.A.'s will still be strong as sity of Chicago, which does noi ing. Tiring of that he returned to | enemt ways,. uaDan worked tor a con- Buddy Tate and George Franklin ^'l they have flipping Buddy Mc- have football," Wagner said I Punta Gorda (commonly known struction company while Jim just has been moved to tackle and ^ k Bride who has masterminded the want to squelch that report." This as the hell hole of the East Coast) j I^iut o-l weight, Foots Brumley to guard in place •^e I victorious K.A. teams of the past. was the signal for a lengthy and loafed some more. I Buddy Tate and Harry Hancock of Charlie Knecht who has a till: In second place last year were the demonstration by the two hun­ Mavmg on to another table j played ball for most of the sum- shoulder separation. I'itjmen from Gale Hall. They go dred or more guests that wtie where a group cf stalwarts were ! mer. Buddy caught for Titusville L. D. Bochette, who was the I k under the heading of the X Club present. In keeping his speech playing Old Maid, I inquired what i in the Tlorida East Coast League Tars' leading ground gainer last «n • and they can really play football. brief, President Wagner modestly it was that had kept them busy , for a while and then went home week with two beautiful end runs, (test And if you have any mo .ley you explained, "I'm just a member nt during the three and one-half | to Jacksonville while Harry has been nursing a charley horse Hf could probably put it on them this the Freshman squad." After the HARRY HANCOCK months vacation. "We were ] caught for the Blackburn Bomb- this week but is expected to be in piethyear too, and it would be a good meeting President Wagner met Hairy Hancock, 200-lb. Tar center, ha^ls from Clearv/ater, Florida, counselors at Camp Eagles' Nest j ers Softball team from Clearwater, tip top shape for the game. "Dti investment. informally with the alumni. and is considered one of the best pivot men in the south. He excels in Brevard, North Carolina all I Florida. That was the team that Tampa, who is coached by Mike ad, . In third place last year came The forty-two Rollins alumni on both offense and defense and is a mainstay in the Hollins line. summer," chorused Bill Gordon, went to the finals in the National Gaddis, has lost their first two plei the Lambda Chis. This is a very that attended were given the place Charlie Knecht, Max Grulke, and Softball Tournament in Little games but is expecting to give the s g,(unpredictable team and it they of honor at the dinner, with their Stokes Smith. Not pursuing the i Ruck, Arkansas this summer. Tars plenty of trouble with their show up for the games they could table bedecked with blue and matter any further I decided to Besides being sick for most of heavy line which outweighs Rol­ one or two. The Indepen- gold banners. Also present at the see what G. W. Mooney, stellar the summer, Pete Faye taught lins over twenty pounds per man 5 'idents are the big team of the dinner were Director ot Athletics Tar and Feathers right guard had been doing all swimming to a few of the Ft. Lau­ and avenge last years 35 to 6 . league this year since pledging Jack McDowell and Football derdale problem childre \ defeat. Last week, as you'll probably whether you won or lost—IT's •has been held off until Thanks­ Coach Joe Justice. Each addressed Invading his retreat in the K.A. Gleaning as much informaticn Glenn Barrington, senior wing­ know by now, the Rollins Tar foot- , HOW YOU PLAYED THE giving. Thus the Indies should the gathering briefly. House, I came upon the poor as pos-ible from here I moved on back from Tampa, has been The: ball team was defeated 52 to 13 \ GAME." A.iy team that can come .have the cream of the new foot- According to sports editor man's Ray Bolger shining a coat over to the Sigma Nu house where named captain and Rollins starting by the Hurri­ :ball talent and if they can get Jimmy Burns of the Miami bsck and play like the Tars did full of medals. "I was physical I encountered Bicycles Bedortha lineup is as follows: LE, Max canes. You are probably saying the second half have the prospects together they'll be hot. Not too! Herald, there no doubt that education instructor for Culver and Big John Vereen. Bedortha Grulke; LT, Joe Swicegood; LG, that we have a lousy football team of a good future. I think they will much is expected from the Sigma | President Wagi stole the show. Military Academy in Indiana," had a position in a stsel ni'U in Buzzy Rodenbaugh; Center, Harry to be beaten by such a one-sided go places this year. I am proud not i Hero is what Burns had to say in said G. W. When asked if that Weirton, West Virginia. He said Hancock; RG, Gee Whiz Mooney; Nus and the Delta Chis. It : score. I agree that the first half of them. known yet wether the Alpha Phi his October 1st column: was something like a track meet was where he got all his medals it wasn't such a good job 'cause RT, ; RE, Pete Fay; Jdllt Lambdas will field a team. So "Wagner impressed the dinner when Miami ran up 39 points. The he replied in the affirmative and there wasn't much around to Quarterback, Bill Gordon; Wing­ that's the situation. Drop on out crowd as being a down-to-earth Tars looked ragged and didn't STUDENT COUNCIL MEETS began pointing them out to me. "steel!" John worked in a steam backs, L. D. Bochette and Glenn to the Sandspur Bowl and take in chap, with far more understand­ seem to know what was happen­ Student Council will hold its That one was for our all-night electric plant in Miami while Barrington, and Fullback, Ken the games when the season starts. ing of things than some college ing. You really couldn't expect I firsV^"t" ,"'mtetin^ g of the year next camping trip; this one was for Buddy High came clean and said Horton. Most of the games are very excit- presidents. Certainly he isn't L. *a. -, ir. •, r Monday ght after fraternity beating the school Canssta cham­ he drove a laundry truck around rarU Miami most of the time. pompous." much after only 10 days of prac- ' etings in the Alumni House. pion four straight games; this under Coach Joe Justice. A'aitit „ tice. It takes time for a team to Constable Foots Brumley stuck £tch the "e L. D. Bochette is now on a cam­ necessary for I quickly excused myself and with his job in Sanford all sum­ them to enter a game m the right paign to boycott Coca-Colas from PLEASE MENTION THE trotted over to Gale Hall to see mer—wasting taxpayers' money. ;'j*Tars Lose Opener To mental and physical condition. the state of Florida since he what other fellows I could find. Francis Natolis and Buzzy Ro­ worked for the company in , We didn't seem to have either the SANDSPUR WHEN PATRON It seems that Joe Swicegood denbaugh played baseball in the Gainesville for what he calls 1 first half—but the second half was IZING OUR ADVERTISERS nployed by the City of East Coast League for Melbourne "slave w^ges." uMiami Hurricanes 52-13 different and that is what I want ^L The Rollins Tars traveled to: Hurricanes scored quickly after I to write about. \^, Miami's Orange Bowl last Friday 1 the kickoff for the first touch-! Most any team that is 40 poi lU l^jj^ evening and before 29,956 persons down of the game. Bochette took ^ behind at the half usually falls to were defeated by the Miami Hur- , the next kickoff and'made a bril- j pieces even more. They are defi- j,jjj,j ricanes 52 to 13. The Tars got off I I'ant return to the Rollins' 46 yard ! nitely "down." But the Tars ^^^•^^. tn a poor start when the superior i Une where he fumbled and Miami , didn't seem to be bothered about ' what happened the first half. They were determined to show The Rollins Room Is tht> crowd of 30,000 that they were better thsn the score indicated and they did. The Tars fought OPEN Miami on even terms the second half and don't you think the Hur­ ot the ricanes weren't trying to beat them as much as possible. Yes, LONGWOOD HOTEL tho first team of Miami came back in the ball game and played the whole fourth quarter, but they LONGWOOD, FLORIDA didn't do any better than the sec­ Off Highway 17-92 halfway between Sanford and Orlandc ond team. second half. The essence of the precedmg paragraphs is covered quite neat­ ly in an old adage which goes something like this; "It isn't BEEN pretty quiet here all summer and recovered. From that point OA to GOSH, we're glad you're all back the end of the first half, the Tars wore never in the ball game. With Whitey Campbell and Del Bello WE'VE been serving Rollins Students at the ! playing superb football, the Hurri­ canes romped to a 39 to 0 ad­ same old corner since 1925, so vantage. The second half found a game COME in and get acquainted Rollins squad fighting back and taking the initiative away from their mighty adversaries. L. D. Bochette skirted his own end twice, going 51 yards and 64 yards for two touchdowns. Charlie Knecht converted one of the extra point trys. Miami also scored twice in the second half so ex­ cluding the first h?lf, Rollins tied Miami 13 to 13. On the basis of this second half showing, it is felt in reliable circles that the Tars WE FEATUREfd wiil defeat Tampa this weekend. Arrow Shirts, Ties and Underwear Interwoven and Phoenix Socks Hickok Belts and Jewelry Girls Basketball To Free man Shoes fl Colt Moccasins Keds, for men ond women Start October 31 Athletic Socks Girls' Basketball Intermurals Supporters will begin tentatively October 31, Jantzen Swim Trunks and group practices are expected Sweat Shirts and T-Shirts to begin immediately. Inter­ Tennis Shorts mural representatives are re- White Duck and Khaki Pants ouosted to contact Miss Dorsey to Raincoats obtain practice time, key and Sport Coats and Slacks equipment. Miss Dorsey has re­ quested that all girls with any previous experience in refereeing or umpiring contact her immed atL-ly. Baker's Men's Store All physical Education notices will be posted on a special bulle­ tin board on the wall to the left 202 Park Ave., S. (Across from the park) of tlie post office window in the Seudent Center. • copj-ngh. y FOUR ROLLINS SANDSPUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1949

GAMMA PHI GADDINGS SIGMA NEWS the new students living in ou, house, and we also would like to Nancy Flavell was the first to School has started! (This is not welcome Carol Grimes, a ne\i. arrive with unlimited tales about just a rumor). So, we go back to the business of learning. Once Theta transfer from Lawrence horse shows. Polly Clark de­ again we can gaze on familiar College. scended upon Strong Hall with •%•,, -*1| classroom sights; psychology CHI O CUT-UPS LAMBDA CHI KIX tales about everything imagin­ majors, analyzing each other, pro­ We all is shuffled back intuh Our Margie James really had an able. fessors dusting off lecture notes, Visual Education ol' Hooker Hall after a rip snortin' eventful summer and after her having just recently returned (Continued from Page 1) summer. Some of the places us A hearty welcome to Betty visit, with Dave in Oregon, she's from their Greyhound "cut-rate "The success of the program,' boys is been over the vacation is back flashing a third-finger, left .Mackenzie-Reid, another Gamma tours for teachers." Popeck continued, "depends on gonna astound yuh. F'rinstance hand diamond, and a bright new Phi who has come back to Rollins the interest and cooperation ot take fer example Wilbur Johnson. Sigma Nu cordially extends an to re-join us! both student and faculty." The car; Ewing Mac has also discarded He was hired up by the coal mine invitation: to all girls to come Janie Carmel finally got here committee asks that you give this her faithful "Choo Choo" for a underneath his back yard, and put around and see the house, its after much confusion. The plane program your whole hearted sup. shiny new Ford, so, pedestrains tuh workin' at warshin' the win- furnishings and decorations—It's port and then see if you don'i beware! duhs. or Wilbur he got so gol- came, and we were there, but a masterpiece of good taste! To Janie wasn't. all new boys on campus to come enjoy your physics course more. We're mighty proud and happy darned busy he hired up George Ellie P. spent the summer in around and see the house, and to have two Chi Omega transfers Munson right from under John meet the boys. And don't believe from Chattanooga with us this L's eyebrows. . . Yessir . .. them Michigan, got in some good fish- any of those stories about pledge year to brighten up the dear ole boys did all right! m. Ellie S. was the last to arrive. traps as the season doesn't open "Squirrel Cage," namely, Rootie Chas. Brakefield, Henery (not I Her summer was quite pleasantly for a while. (Margaret Ann) Bagley and Lucy Henry) Moody, Ken Horton, und ' interrupted by a month's trip to Flash! Bright. Don Sisson shuffled up to the Refreshing conversationalists at Pan-Hell party are pictured, left New York. Everyone is all set for a big Nawth land to check on some fruit to ri^ht, Marilyn Naas, Judy Bright, Janet Miller, Gloria Gilbert, My sincerest apologies to Sa THETA TIDBITS year at Roily Colly and between holdings. They turned up with a Kenny Clark, Betty Mikkelson, and Marjie James. retta Hill, whom I unintentionally What a weekend! All tho ::get-acquainted teas," Ginger lemon. Yuk yuk. left out in last week's Sandspu: KAT'S have returned now, and The Sandspur Apolo­ Butler and Elaine Keeley are While Ah'm in the mood did PHI MUSINGS and in two days she crammed in roUcall. She is definitely among how glad we were to see them all! yuh ever hear the one aboot the cruising to Tampa to cheer for a Last call to our Phi Mu Paper three Broadway shows. Susie Monaghan and Betsy Haley travelin' saleslady that shuffled Jo Gunter, Dee-Dee and Ci arrived Saturday. The rest of us gizes to the Alpha victory over the University. Best IMoon Ball at Dubsdread. Got Maggie Bell was just appointed of luck to our team. up to the farmer's boy und ast him lyn survived all the excitement of your date, evenin' clothes? Then as the new choir director of the iffen he had a match. And he orientation week. 'Twas fun, Yvonne Fulton spent the week­ we'll meet you all this Saturday Methodist Church in Winter Park. Phis for Not Printing mumbled shore . . . Yore carpet and we think that the Pan-Hel end with us. She is looking for a THE X CLUB NEWS from 9 to 12. Jo Ann Byrd, just invited all her sweeper and my rug. ... Oh man, coffee was a fitting climax for last job in Orlando. We certainly hope Everyone is now settled down that's a killer, ain't it? Jeannine Romer, Gretchen Her­ friends to her home. Poor Kit week. Their Column This to the routine of school over in she will get it so she can be with A couple of the other boys pel and Alice Peel brought home Johnson landed here finally after the Club. We see a lot of new us some this year. played the dentist game all sum­ a beautiful silver Scholarship cup wrecking the family car on the faces around campus and some of K.A. CROW CALL Now that classes have started, mer. . . . Yuk yuk this is gonna from the National Convention this way down. Week. them aren't bad at all. Well, it might just be said that most of the excitement has died kill yuh. . . . Yessire ... The Shirley Christenson spent her the fish in Lake 'Vuhjinny are in down and attention has shifted to Nearly all the clubbers went to Everyone is back now with ex­ dentist's game's golf . . . Yuk yuk. for another bad year. It seems Canasta, and maybe, homework. Miami last week, consequently, periences galore. Norma Jean summer in Long Branch, New . . . Get it? . . . FiUin eighteen that Shameful Shamus Mulloy All of us would like to welcome things were rather quiet around Thaggard, our prexy, attended Jerey, where she studied voice cavities. . . . Yuk yuk. . . . Ah'm was out at 7:30 Sunday morning here. Harry came back minus his The American School of Ballet in with a Julliard graduate. Mary quittin. . . . Ah'll betcha, Ah'll last, trying to needle a bass or gold tooth. He saw Pat Saturday, New York City. Irma Schaffer Lou Sinclair went to U. Tampa letcha! two into getting beligerent with too. attended Columbia University to practicing for her voice recitals. his plug, while Torchy McBride study psychology; Ibby White Jim Kelley went back to nature CLOVERLEAF CLIPS and Separation Copeland were out took up more Spanish at Florida on his way home which means In response to unanimously re­ ALPHA PHI LAMBDA on Saturday, shooting fish spears Convert Southern. Phyllis Rick is sport­ that he stopped by Punta Gorda. ceived invitations, the entire en­ The members of Alpha Phi at each other under water, miss­ ing a "nice piece of ice" and was Punchy got lost in a hotel in rollment of the Rollins fairer sex Lambda wish to thank the stu­ ing, and then trading lies about Ycur phonograph to play both long ploying and engaged just as soon as she ar­ Miami. Jim Bryson took a $1.25 turned out arrayed in best bib and dents and faculty for their attend­ the grandaddy bass that just got rived home in June. Gretchen your present records-—^for only taxi ride down town in Miami, tucker last Saturday for the first ance at the breakfast held last away! and a $1.25 ride back uptown. He of the Pan-Hellenic activities. Herpel is pinned to a Kappa Sunday in Lyman Patio. Due Tycoon deWerd was host to a didn't score. Ed Motch went Sigma from Colorado, but she's praise should be given to Fred Though the plan to hold the group of junior executives out at down, but he left his car here. We still dating our Rollins boys. Rogers, his able assistants, and Coffee beneath a balmy night sky the Flamingo Club, this past wonder why? Skook Bailey, who spent some the pourers who did a fine job f9.05 was thwarted by the uncoopera­ weekend. Mr. Esquire informed time in Lcng Island, "Was a good considering the handicap of work­ tive attitude assumed by the local us that at least one financial tran­ KAPPA KAPERS clothes hanger," her description ing under a sweltering sun. Bel­ We have the nncst complete record stock in Central Florida weather bureau, proceedings con­ saction of great significance was Joyce Yeomans and Marnie of the niodeling field. JoAnn ford Richards took time out this tinued indoors. concluded during the evening. Norris arrived Sunday after ex­ Following the get-together of Endress spent her summer at a past summer and drove a stock LONG PLAYING RECORDS tended summer vacations. Dee­ sorority-ites and all new girls, the dude ranch in Nebraska. Robbin car in the Eastern circuit races. Here we have a—flash—Young­ COLUMBIA BOOK MUSIC ner and Hank added their raw group adjourned to Alumni House Merrill, who's now in the in­ He confessed to enjoying the ster McKiethan was seen rattling silent voices to the small, but en­ where they were introduced to firmary with a bad cold—just fed sport, but believes it to be too around inside Harpers with Cap- CAPITOL SHEET MUSIC thusiastic throng in Miami . . . the heads of the sororities and the hay and water to her horse dangerous. If any of you Fresh­ tivatin' Keeley from Chi O in tow. DECCA MAGNAVOX-RADIO What ho! Friday night. The Pan-Hellenic rushing rules. "Lady," while Barbara Bower men are interested in a career in MERCURY PHONOGRAPH coffee left us wilted but proud of took a real vacation and "just the Air Force, please call on John "The Arm" Gray blew in The characteristicly friendly TELEFUNKEN our prexy, Marty Rowsey who atmosphere of Rollins prevailed loafed" at Lake Erie. Corporal Horner, (retired). To Sunday morning after a non-stop presided efficiently as Pan-Hel throughout the entire Coffee, put­ Mary DeLano took in all the any of those who are interested in run from New York. What was it president. As yet Ole Pugsley ting the still-green freshmen at best shows on Broadway. At home the advantages of guitar playing, that drove this modest, quiet lad THE MUSIC BOX hasn't been graced with the pres­ ease. Thus, with the help of much in Sarasota, Fla. she caught three please contact Bill Carmel. Bob to such haste?? Of course, I'm ence of the "rat" of the dorm- punch, cookies, and atmosphere, tarpon! Pat May worked in the Heath is equally as good on the only a crow. But my guess is— 515 Pork Aye., S. friend Mousey, or Dot Stone. a fine time was had by all. Navy Department in Washington Cloverleaf, beware!

Please turn to page 2, column 1, for key