
Symmetry Projected Jastrow Mean-field Wavefunction in Variational Monte Carlo

Ankit Mahajan1, ∗ and Sandeep Sharma1, † 1Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO 80302, USA We extend our low-scaling variational Monte Carlo (VMC) algorithm to optimize the symmetry projected Jastrow mean field (SJMF) wavefunctions. These wavefunctions consist of a symmetry- projected product of a Jastrow and a general broken-symmetry mean field reference. Examples include Jastrow antisymmetrized geminal power (JAGP), Jastrow-Pfaffians, and resonating valence bond (RVB) states among others, all of which can be treated with our algorithm. We will demon- strate using benchmark systems including the nitrogen molecule, a chain of hydrogen atoms, and 2-D Hubbard model that a significant amount of correlation can be obtained by optimizing the energy of the SJMF wavefunction. This can be achieved at a relatively small cost when multiple symmetries including spin, particle number, and complex conjugation are simultaneously broken and projected. We also show that reduced density matrices can be calculated using the optimized wavefunctions, which allows us to calculate other observables such as correlation functions and will enable us to embed the VMC algorithm in a complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculation.

1. INTRODUCTION Recently, we have demonstrated that this cost discrep- ancy can be removed by introducing three algorithmic 16 Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) is one of the most ver- improvements . The most significant of these allowed us satile methods available for obtaining the wavefunction to efficiently screen the two-electron integrals which are and energy of a system.1–7 Compared to deterministic obtained by projecting the ab-initio Hamiltonian onto variational methods, VMC allows much greater flexibil- a finite orbital basis. The efficient screening reduced the 4 2 ity in the functional form of the wavefunction. In partic- cost of local energy calculation from O(N ) to O(N ) and ular, if one can calculate the overlap of the wavefunction lowered the overall cost of the algorithm for obtaining a 5 with a Slater at polynomial cost, then it is system-size-independent stochastic error from O(N ) to 4 possible to perform an efficient VMC calculation. Thus O(N ) bringing it on par with other VMC calculations. sometimes VMC is the only feasible method for calculat- In this follow-up work, we will use this newly intro- ing wavefunctions of challenging quantum systems. duced algorithm to study the performance of the various While the accuracy of VMC is limited by the flexibil- SJMF states. Projection of symmetry broken mean field ity of the wavefunction ansatz, projector Monte Carlo (without the Jastrow) wavefunctions is a well-established (PMC) does not suffer from this shortcoming. However, technique in nuclear physics17,18 and electronic structure the cost of performing an unbiased PMC calculation for theory.19,20 Recently, these wavefunctions have received fermionic systems scales exponentially (with the excep- renewed attention due to the work of Scuseria et al.21,22, tion of special cases that display usable symmetries) due who have shown that several symmetries can simultane- to the sign problem. The most common way ously be broken to recover a significant part of the strong of overcoming this exponential scaling is by introducing correlation at a mean-field cost. They have also shown the so-called fixed-node bias. The cost of the fixed-node that a greater amount of strong electron correlation can PMC algorithm is polynomial with the system size, but be captured by including a linearized form of the Jas- it no longer delivers unbiased energies. The bias, or the trow factor with these spin-projected reference states.23 error of PMC, strongly depends on the accuracy of the Attempts to include dynamical correlation in this con- nodal structure which is often obtained from a VMC cal- text have also appeared including perturbation theory,24 culation. Thus, VMC in addition to being extremely configuration interaction,24 and .25 powerful in its own right, also determines the accuracy Unfortunately not all these symmetry projected mean of various flavors of PMC calculations such as diffusion field wavefunctions (e.g., AGP) are size consistent. This Monte Carlo (DMC),8–10 Green’s function Monte Carlo shortcoming can be remedied by using local number pro- (GFMC)11–13 and Auxilliary field quantum Monte Carlo arXiv:1902.07690v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 12 Apr 2019 jectors, which take the form of Hilbert space Jastrow fac- (AFQMC).14,15 tors as shown by Neuscamman.26,27 In real space VMC, The most commonly used version of VMC is the real- use of Jastrow factors with AGP wavefunctions was first space-VMC, while its orbital-space counterpart is pre- proposed by Sorella et al.28–30 In addition to making the dominately restricted to use with model Hamiltonians wavefunction size-consistent, the Jastrow correlator also such as Hubbard, Heisenberg, etc. The major reason for recovers some dynamical correlation missing from the this is that the cost of performing orbital-space VMC symmetry projected mean field reference.31 The draw- on an ab-initio Hamiltonian scales a factor of O(N) back is that it is no longer possible to calculate the worse than both, (1) the cost of performing real-space energy efficiently using a deterministic algorithm and VMC on an ab-initio Hamiltonian and (2) the cost of one has to resort to the VMC algorithm. Imada and performing orbital-space VMC on a model Hamiltonian. co-workers32–36 have performed VMC calculations using 2 these SJMF wavefunctions to study model Hamiltonians. Reduced scaling evaluation of the local energy Here, we use the full exponential form of the Jastrow on top of a reference that breaks number, spin, and com- The local energy EL[n] of a determinant n is calcu- plex conjugation symmetries as the wavefunction ansatz lated as follows | i in variational Monte Carlo. We will show that this gen- P eral wavefunction can be used to study molecular systems n H m m Ψ(p) E [n] = mh | | ih | i across potential energy surfaces and model systems over L n Ψ(p) h | i their parameter space. X m Ψ(p) = H h | i, (2) n,m n Ψ(p) The rest of the article is organized as follows. We m h | i begin by recapitulating the most important aspects of our VMC algorithm in Section 2.1. We then discuss the where the sum is over all m that have a wavefunction ansatz and details of symmetry breaking nonzero transition matrix element (Hn,m = n H m ) with n. The number of such non-zero matrixh elements| | i and projection (2.2), here we explain the notation used 2 2 by various researchers and the relations between them. Hn,m is on the order of neno, where ne is the number In section 2.3, we present the computational details for of electrons and no is the number of open orbitals. This evaluating local energy and its gradient efficiently. Fi- number increases as a fourth power of the system size and nally, we present benchmark results of calculations on naive use of this formula results in an algorithm that scales poorly with the size of the problem. To reduce the dissociation of the N2 molecule, hydrogen chain, and the two dimensional Hubbard model (3). the cost of calculating the local energy we truncate the summation over all m to just a summation over those m, that have a Hamiltonian transition matrix element larger than a user-specified threshold i.e.

 X m Ψ(p) E [n, ] = H h | i, (3) L n,m n Ψ(p) m h | i 2. THEORY AND METHODS where  on the summation denotes that only those terms are included for which Hn,m > . Note that in the limit | | that  0, we recover the exact local energy, EL[n, ] 2.1. Algorithm → → EL[n]. It is useful to note that when a local basis set is used the number of elements Hn,m that have a magnitude In VMC, the energy of a suitably parametrized wave- larger than a fixed non-zero  scales quadratically with function is minimized. The energy of a wavefunction the size of the system. Thus if we are able to efficiently screen the transition matrix elements for a given  = 0, no Ψ(p), where p is the set of wavefunction parameters, is 6 calculated by performing a Monte Carlo summation. matter how small the  is, we are guaranteed to obtain a quadratically scaling evaluation of the local energy. This trick of screening matrix elements is inspired by the heat- bath configuration interaction (HCI) algorithm.37 P 2 hn|H|Ψ(p)i n Ψ(p) n hn|Ψ(p)i H = |h | i| h i P Ψ(p) n 2 n Continuous time Monte Carlo for sampling X |h | i| = ρnEL[n] = EL[n] ρn (1) determinants n h i The usual procedure for generating determinants n according to a probability distribution ρn uses the hn|H|Ψ(p)i Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in which a random walk is where, EL[n] = is the local energy of a Slater hn|Ψ(p)i performed to generate a Markov chain. The efficiency of |hΨ(p)|ni|2 determinant n and ρn = P 2 is the probabil- this algorithm depends on the proposal probability dis- k |hΨ(p)|ki| ity distribution of the determinants in the wavefunction. tribution used in simulating the random walks. A good There are three aspects of a VMC algorithm: (1) efficient proposal probability distribution will lead to large steps calculation of the local energy, (2) sample determinants with very few rejections, but in practice, it is not easy according to the probability distribution ρn and (3) op- to suggest such a distribution. In this work, we bypass timizing the parameters p to minimize the energy of the the need for devising complicated proposal probability wavefunction. We have recently proposed a set of im- distributions, by using the continuous time Monte Carlo provements to all these steps to reduce the cost and lower (CTMC).38,39 This is an alternative to the Metropolis- the scaling of the algorithm. These will be summarized Hastings algorithm and has the advantage that every pro- below, but we refer the reader to our original publication posed move is accepted. Here, the CTMC algorithm is Ref. 16 for more details. realized by using the following steps: 3

1. Starting from a determinant n calculate the quan- we have used the parameters α = 0.01, β1 = 0.1, β2 = tity 0.01 which give satisfactory convergence rates (in some cases we have to run a few iterations with less aggressive  1/2 ρ(m) m Ψ(p) parameters until reasonable estimates of the first and sec- r(m n) = = h | i (4) ← ρ(n) n Ψ(p) ond moments m and n are built up). h | i for all determinants m that are connected to n by a single excitation or a double excitation. 2.2. Wavefunctions

1 2. Calculate the quantity tn = P r(m←n) and assign m The accuracy of the VMC results depends critically on that weight to the walker n. the wavefunction ansatz employed. The ansatz needs to 3. Next, a new determinant is selected, without rejec- be general enough to capture the relevant physics of the tion, out of all the determinants m with a proba- system, however, to be computationally tractable with bility proportional to r(m n). the VMC algorithm, the wavefunction must allow effi- ← cient computation (at polynomial cost) of the overlap We note that in the VMC algorithm, the quantities with a Slater determinant. A wavefunction that satisfies

hm|Ψ(p)i are already used in the calculation of the local both these requirements is used in this work and has the hn|Ψ(p)i form energy (see Equation 3) and just by storing those quan- tities the CTMC algorithm can be used with almost no ψ = CˆPˆ φ0 , (8) overhead once the local energy has been calculated. | i | i where Cˆ is a correlator and Pˆ is the projector that re- stores symmetries of the symmetry-broken mean-field ref- AMSGrad algorithm for optimizing the energy erence φ0 . A combination of different correlators and references| i can be used to represent the ground state of The optimized wavefunction (Ψ(p)) is obtained by the system under study. In this section, we study each minimizing its energy with respect to its parameters p. of these terms in detail. This is a challenging optimization problem because the energy is a non-linear function of the wavefunction pa- rameters. Further, the gradient of the energy with re- Mean field Reference spect to the parameters is noisy because a stochastic method is used. Several first-order optimization algo- The reference describes uncorrelated electrons, in other rithms (that only require gradients) such as the conjugate words, it is the ground state of a general quadratic Hamil- gradient method become unstable when the gradient is tonian. Here we will allow the mean field wavefunction noisy. Booth and coworkers40 first proposed the use of (φ ) of the system to break the symmetries of the Hamil- adaptive stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimization 0 tonian, which gives the wavefunction additional varia- in VMC. In our previous work, we have demonstrated tional flexibility resulting in lower energies. However, that the SGD method called AMSGrad41 can be used to the wavefunction also has a projector (Pˆ), that restores effectively optimize the VMC wavefunctions. In AMS- these symmetries. The functional form of the resulting Grad an exponentially decaying moving average of the wavefunction Pˆ φ depends on the symmetries that are first and second moments m and n are respectively cal- 0 broken and restored,| i which we will describe in this sec- culated tion. (i) (i−1) (i) In a finite system, the true ground state obeys all the m =(1 β1)m + β1g (5) − symmetries of the Hamiltonian. On the other hand, the (i) (i−1) (i−1) (i) (i) n = max(n , (1 β2)n + β2(g g ) (6) VMC wavefunction is an approximate ansatz and forcing − · it to obey these symmetries can only restrict its varia- where, β1 and β2 are used to determine the rate of decay. tional freedom thereby raising its energy.42 One can get These first and second moments are then used to update around this by allowing the reference to break the sym- the parameters (p) metries and then projecting it onto the desired symmetry sector. This has the advantage of affording the wavefunc- (i) q (i) ∆pj = αmj / nj (7) tion more variational freedom as well as correct symme- − tries. More physically, breaking symmetries introduces where, α determines the step size. In equations 6 and quantum fluctuations in the reference necessary for rep- 7, the product and division are element-wise operations. resenting multideterminant states while projection serves AMSgrad has the advantage that the CPU and memory to filter out unwanted fluctuations. cost scales linearly with the number of wavefunction pa- We note an important point the regarding optimiza- rameters and in our tests, it outperformed simple gradi- tion of such wavefunctions. One could either optimize ent descent. In the calculations performed in this paper, the symmetry-broken reference without projectors and 4 apply the projectors after optimization. Alternatively, the spin orbital indices such that all spin up orbitals come one could optimize the symmetry-broken reference in the before all the spin down ones, i.e. i < j for all i and j. presence of projectors. The wavefunction produced by Note that the GHF molecular orbitals↑ are↓ not separable the former procedure is in the variational space explored into spatial and spin parts in general, i.e. their spatial by the latter. Thus the variation after projection ap- and spin degrees of freedom can be entangled. By putting proach is more general and always gives lower energies. constraints on the θ matrix we can obtain specialized In this work, we will use the wavefunction obtained by forms of Slater determinants. The unrestricted Hartree performing the variation after projection approach. Fock (UHF) wavefunction is given by Here we will break and restore the particle number, spin, and complex conjugation symmetries. Molecular N↑ N↓ Y Y electronic systems in the absence of spin-orbit coupling UHF = aˆ† aˆ† 0 , (11) | i k↑ l↓| i and Hubbard model with real hopping parameters obey k=1 l=1 all these symmetries, i.e. h i h i h i where H,ˆ Nˆ = H,ˆ Sˆ = H,ˆ Kˆ = 0, M M † X p † † X p † where Nˆ is the number operator, Sˆ is the vector spin op- aˆk↑ = θk↑aˆp↑, aˆl↓ = θl↓aˆp↓. erator, and Kˆ is the complex conjugation operator. The p=1 p=1 number (U(1)) and spin (SU(2)) symmetries are contin- uous, while complex conjugation is discrete. The projec- In restricted Hartree Fock (RHF), the state is further p p tion after variation approach has previously been used restricted by the requirement θk↑ = θk↓. 21,22 in deterministic algorithms, where continuous sym- Now, let’s look at reference states that break the parti- metry projectors were written by discretizing the inte- cle number symmetry. Here we will only consider systems grals obtained by using the generator coordinate method, with an even number of electrons, although extension to ˆ while the discrete projector PK was implemented by di- the odd case is possible. The most general such state for agonalizing a 2 2 matrix. In VMC, these expensive a system with even number of electrons is given by integrals can be× avoided for certain symmetries. To see this, recall that the central quantity of interest is the ! overlap ( n Pˆ φ0 ) of the wavefunction (Pˆ φ0 ) with a X † † h | | i | i GBCS = exp Fpσ,qγ aˆpσaˆqγ 0 , (12) walker which is simply a Slater determinant ( n ). In | i pσ,qγ | i VMC, instead of applying the projector on to the| i sym- metry broken mean-field wavefunction, we apply it to the where p and q are the spatial orbital indices, while σ walker n . Thus, the Nˆ and Sˆ projections can be done z and γ are spin indices. F are complex numbers by using| i walkers with the desired number of electrons pσ,qγ and F = F due to fermionic anticommutation. and spin component. The ˆ2 projection still needs to be pσ,qγ qγ,pσ S This is a generalized− Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (GBCS) done using an integral projector and we will not be using ˆ it here. Complex conjugation symmetry can be restored wavefunction. Its number projected form (PN GBCS ) is known as Pfaffian5 | i by simply taking the real part of the overlap ( n Pˆ φ0 ). First, let’s consider reference states that haveh | a| fixedi " #Ne/2 particle number, i.e. those obeying the particle number 1 X † † Pf = PˆN GBCS = Fmσ,nγ aˆ aˆ 0 . symmetry. These are the Slater determinants widely used | i | i p! mσ nγ | i in Hartree-Fock (HF) methods. The most general form mσ,nγ of a Slater determinant used is the generalized HF (GHF) (13) which is given by By allowing only opposite spin triplet pairings, i.e.

Ne ! Y † X † † GHF = aˆ 0 , (9) UBCS = exp Fp↑,q↓aˆ aˆ 0 , (14) | i k| i | i p↑ q↓ | i k=1 p,q

† where Ne is the number of electrons anda ˆk creates an we get the unrestricted BCS (UBCS) wavefunction. Fur- electron in the molecular orbital k given by ther restricting the pairing matrix to be symmetric

M (Fp↑,q↓ = Fq↑,p↓) ensuring that each pairing is a sin- † X X pσ glet, we get the conventional restricted BCS (RBCS) aˆ = θ aˆ† , (10) k k pσ ˆ p=1 σ=↑,↓ wavefunction. Its number projected form (PN RBCS ) is known as antisymmetrized geminal product (AGP).| 28,29i † wherea ˆpσ creates an electron in the spatially local atomic Despite their distinct appearance, Slater determinants orbital p with spin σ, M is the number of atomic orbitals, and pairing wavefunctions are closely related43. We can pσ and θk are complex numbers. In this paper, we order express the GHF wavefunction in a pairing form as fol- 5

electron CPS. We use the following form of the Jastrow: TABLE 1. The table lists the various mean-field wavefunc- tions and the symmetries that are broken in them.   Ansatz Broken symmetries ˆ X 2 = exp  vpσ,qγ nˆpσnˆqγ  GHF Sz, S , K J pσ≥qγ UHF S2, K Y RHF K = [1 nˆpσnˆqγ (1 Jpσ,qγ )] , (16) 2 − − GBCS N, Sz, S , K pσ≥qγ UBCS N, S2, K RBCS N, K where npσ and nqγ are number operators for the spin orbitals pσ and qγ, respectively and Jpσ,qγ are the vari- ational parameters related to vpσ,qγ in the exponential lows: form by

N Jpσ,qγ = exp(vpσ,qγ ). Ye GHF = aˆ† 0 | i k| i The Jastrow is not invariant to unitary rotations of these k=1   spin orbitals and thus a judicious choice is necessary Ne/2 Y  † †  to ensure good quality. Although the optimal choice =  aˆ aˆ  0 2p−1 2p | i of the spin orbital basis is far from obvious, the use of p=1 local basis ensures that the wavefunction is size consis- N /2 N /2  e tent due to its ability to perform local particle number e 26,27,46 X † † projections. Jastrows in local basis includes the aˆ aˆ 0  2p−1 2p onsite Gutzwiller factors47 as well as long-range den- ∝ p=1 | i sity correlations.48,49 Thus, in this work, we use local    Ne/2 Ne/2 bases to represent the Jastrows. It has also been shown X X mσ nγ † † that Jastrow is a limited form of coupled cluster doubles =   θ2p−1θ  aˆmσaˆnγ  0 , 2p 31 mσ,nγ p=1 | i operator, that impart some dynamical correlation to the wavefunction. where in the third line we have ignored an unimpor- tant normalization factor and used the fact that products 2.3. Computational details of pairs of creation operators commute with each other. This shows that GHF is a special form of Pfaffians given in Equation 13. The explicit relation between the GHF At each iteration of the VMC algorithm, the overlap coefficient matrix and the corresponding Pfaffian pairing between a walker and the wavefunction is needed. This matrix is thus given (to within an unimportant overall overlap can be calculated by using the expression normalization factor) by m ψ = m CˆPˆ φ0 = C [m] m Pˆ φ0 , (17) h | i h | | i h | | i F = θAθT , (15) where we have used the fact that the Jastrow is diagonal in the configuration space of the local orbitals. m is | i  0 1 a determinant in the local orbital Hilbert space used in where A is a Ne Ne block diagonal matrix with × 1 0 the definition of references orbitals (Eq 10) and Jastrow as blocks. We can similarly prove that RHF is a special− factors (Eq. 16). Let us examine each of these terms in case of AGP. more detail. The overlap with the Jastrow is simply given by • occ. Y Correlators C[m] = Jpσ,qγ , (18) pσ,qγ Correlation between the motion of different electrons is where the product is over all pairs of occupied spin not completely captured by the reference outlined above. orbitals. This computation has O(N 2) cost. The correlators (Cˆ) acting upon a reference encode these correlations explicitly and can in principle, with suffi- For the projectors considered here, we have ciently large correlators, account for 100% of the electron • ˆ ˆ ˆ correlation. We have previously used correlated product m PK PSz PN φ0 = Re [ m φ0 ] , (19) states (CPS)44,45 as correlators, however, here we use h | | i h | i Hilbert space Jastrows because of their more compact where we have used the fact that the walker m is | i representation. They are completely equivalent to two- an Sˆz and Nˆ eigenstate with desired eigenvalues. 6

When φ0 is the GHF state, we get efficiently. A naive calculation of the correlator overlap • | i ratio by individually calculating both numerator and de- m GHF = det(θ[m]), nominator has cost O(N 2). We can reduce this cost by h | i calculating and storing the following vector at the start where det(θ[m]) is the determinant of the N N of the calculation: matrix θ [m] which itself is the slice of the coef-× ficient matrix obtained by using the rows corre- pγ6=iσ Y sponding to spin orbitals occupied in m . Over- vn[iσ] = Jiσ,iσ Jiσ,pγ , laps can be calculated similarly for UHF| andi RHF. pγ∈ occ. For the GBCS wavefunction, we have which has a length equal to the number of local spin m GBCS = m PF = pf(F [m]), (20) orbitals. The overlap ratio with a determinant m ob- h | i h | i tained from n by a single excitation iσ aσ |is giveni | i → where F [m] is the slice of the pairing matrix ob- in terms of vn as tained by using rows and columns corresponding to spin orbitals occupied in m . Pfaffian of a skew- C[m] vn[a] | i = Jiσ,aσ . symmetric matrix [A]2M×2M is defined as C[n] vn[i]

X P A similar equation, but still with O(1) cost, can be ob- pf(A) = ( 1) Ai j Ai j ...Ai j , (21) − 1 1 2 2 M M P tained for double excitations. As the walker moves during a simulation, changing by at most two excitations, the vn where the sum is over all partitions (ik, jk) of vector is updated in O(N) steps. P{ } the 2M indices with ik < jk and ( 1) is the par- A naive implementation of the overlap ratios for the ity of the partition . It is possible− to calculate reference would have an O(N 3) cost. Here also, we the Pfaffian of a skew-symmetricP matrix in O(N 3) can store intermediate quantities and reduce this cost (same as the determinant calculation) steps using by virtue of the fact that the determinants in the ratio the Parlett-Reid algorithm which is based on Gaus- differ by at most a double excitation. sian transformations.50 Pfaffian has the property m Pˆ φ0 Re [ m φ0 ]   h | | i = h | i (25) 0 C ˆ Re [ n ] pf T det(C). n P φ0 φ0 C 0 ∝ h | | i h | i   − m φ0 = Re h | i n φ0 Re [ n φ0 ] (26) The pairing matrix for BCS has the form on the n φ0 h | i h | i left side of the above equation. Thus h | i For GHF Slater determinants, we have m BCS = m AGP = det(F [m]), (22) h | i h | i m GHF det(θ[m]) h | i = . (27) where F [m] is the slice of the AGP pairing matrix n GHF det(θ[n]) with rows and columns corresponding to up and h | i down spin orbitals occupied in m , respectively. An excitation of one electron amounts to a change of a | i row in the determinant. For a determinant m obtained from the excitation iσ aσ, the ratio can be| i calculated Local energy calculation using the Woodbury lemma→ 51 :

det(θ[m]) X −1 The local energy EL[n] of a determinant n is calcu- = θ (θ[n] ) = R[n] . (28) | i det( [n]) aσ,pγ pγ,iσ aσ,iσ lated as follows θ pγ P m n H m m ψ X m ψ Thus, by precalculating and storing the matrix R[n] , EL[n] = h | | ih | i = Hn,m h | i, (23) aσ,iσ n ψ n ψ the ratios of determinants can be calculated with an O(1) h | i m h | i cost. Similar expressions can be derived for double ex- where the sum is over all determinants m that have a citations that allow calculations of overlap ratios to be nonzero transition matrix element (Hn,m = n H m ) evaluated at O(1) cost. Calculation and update of the h | | i with n. Note that for the molecular Hamiltonian only R[n]aσ,iσ matrix require the inverse of θ[n]. We can avoid determinants connected by at most two electron excita- calculating the inverse at every step, an O(N 3) scaling tions have a nonzero transition matrix element. For per- operation, by updating it using the Sherman-Morrison forming fast VMC calculations it is essential to be able formula in O(N 2) steps. Similar relations can also be to calculate the overlap ratios derived for RHF and UHF references. As outlined ear- lier, the AGP overlaps are given by determinants as well ˆ m ψ C[m] m P φ0 which implies that their overlap ratios can be calculated h | i = h | | i. (24) 2 n ψ C[n] n Pˆ φ0 using similar manipulations with an O(N ) cost. h | i h | | i 7

Overlap ratio for the GBCS wavefunction is given is the wavefunction derivative with respect to the ith by52,53 parameter. For Jastrow parameters, we have   m GBCS pf(F [m]) n (p) = [n] n ˆ h | i = . (29) ∂Jp,q ψ ∂Jp,q C P φ0 n GBCS pf(F [n]) h | i h | | i h | i C[n] n Pˆ φ0 Again instead of calculating both overlaps separately, the = npnq h | | i, (32) J ratio can be calculated at a reduced cost by using an iden- p,q 5,43,54 tity analogous to the determinant lemma, given by where np and nq are occupation numbers and we have suppressed the spin indices for clarity. Thus, we get F [m] = F [n] + BCBT −1 T −1 n ψ (p) pf(F [m]) pf(C + B F [n] B) Jp,q npnq = , h | i = . (33) −1 n ψ(p) Jp,q pf(F [n]) pf(C ) h | i where C is a 2m 2m skew-symmetric matrix and B is Since the parameters in the reference (φi) are complex, N 2m matrix,× chosen to affect the update in the top we need to consider derivatives with respect to their real equation× for an m electron excitation. Since m is at most and imaginary parts. For the derivative with respect to 2, the Pfaffians on the right hand side can be calculated the real part, we get explicitly. For a single excitation iσ aσ by choosing   → ˆ the and matrices appropriately, we get ∂Re[φi] n ψ(p) =∂Re[φi] C[n] n P φ0 B C h | i h | | i   =C[n]Re ∂ n φ0 . (34) pf(F [m]) c −1 Re[φi] = (F [n]F [n] )aσ,iσ = R[n]aσ,iσ, (30) h | i pf(F [n]) Similarly for the derivative with respect to the imaginary where F c[n] is the slice of the pairing matrix obtained by part using rows and columns corresponding to unoccupied and   ∂ n ψ(p) = C[n]Re ∂ n φ0 . (35) occupied spin orbitals in n , respectively. For a double Im[φi]h | i Im[φi]h | i | i excitation iσ aσ and jγ bγ (assuming iσ < jγ), we For Slater determinants get → →    −1 Re ∂Re[θ ]det(θ[n]) = npRe det(θ[n])θ[n] , pi ip (36) pf(F [m]) −1  c −1 r     −1 =F [n] (F [n]F [n] F [n])bγ,aσ + Fbγ,aσ Re ∂ det(θ[n]) = npIm det(θ[n])θ[n] . pf(F [n]) iσ,jγ Im[θpi] − ip

+ R[n]aσ,iσR[n]bγ,jγ R[n]bγ,iγ R[n]aσ,jγ , For Pfaffians − (31)   npnq  −1 Re ∂Re[Fpq ]pf(F [n]) = Re pf(F [n])F [n]ip , where F r[n] is the slice of the pairing matrix obtained by 2 npnq using rows and columns corresponding to occupied and Re ∂ pf(F [n]) = Im pf(F [n])F [n]−1 . Im[Fpq ] − 2 ip unoccupied spin orbitals in n , respectively. We pre- (37) calculate the R[n] and F c[n]|F [in]−1F r[n] matrices, and update them before each Monte Carlo iteration in O(N 2) cost. To avoid the expensive direct calculation of the in- 3. RESULTS verse in this expression, we instead use the inverse update identity Before discussing results we make a few remarks about F [m]−1 =F [n]−1 notation for symmetry restored wavefunctions. All the reported VMC energies refer to wavefunctions that are F [n]−1B(C−1 + BT F [n]−1B)−1BT F [n]−1. − N, Sz and K eigenfunctions. We use the prefix Sz and K if these symmetries are broken and restored in the reference state. For example, KSzGHF denotes a com- Gradient overlap ratios plex conjugation and Sz projected GHF wavefunction, while SzGHF denotes an Sz projected GHF wavefunction Gradient overlap ratios are given by which does not break the complex conjugation symme- try. We will denote number symmetry restored GBCS n ψi(p) ∂i n ψ(p) h | i = h | i, and RBCS wavefunctions by their conventional names n ψ(p) n ψ(p) h | i h | i Pfaffian and AGP, respectively. Jastrow factors are de- where p denotes the vector of all wavefunction parame- noted by adding the prefix J to the wavefunction name. ters and The initial guess for Slater determinant calcula- tions was computed using the Hartree-Fock modules in  55 ∂ψ(p) PySCF. For pairing wavefunctions, we used the con- ψi(p) = | i ∂pi verged result of the corresponding Slater determinant 8

relative to the FCI energy for three different geometries. 3.7 − The RHF and AGP wavefunctions are not size-consistent and do not approach the correct dissociation limit. All 3.8 − the other wavefunctions shown here converge to the ex- act FCI limit. For this system UHG and GHF energies 3.9 − are identical. Restoring the broken Sz symmetry of the 4.0 GHF wavefunction recovers slightly more than half of the −

(H) missing correlation energy, while additionally breaking E 4.1 RHF and restoring the complex conjugation symmetry cuts the − UHF remaining error by another 50%. Breaking and restor- 4.2 AGP − SzGHF ing the number symmetry of the KSzGHF wavefunction KSzGHF leading to KSzPfaffian results in further significant im- 4.3 KS Pfaffian − z provement in accuracy. The J-KSzPfaffian wavefunction FCI 4.4 (not shown in the plot) has energy errors less than 0.2 − 1 2 3 4 5 6 mE for all the geometries considered. We have not re- d (a ) h 0 stored the S2 symmetry in any of these calculations, and work is currently underway to utilize this and other sym- FIG. 1. H8 linear chain potential energy curves in the minimal sto-6g basis set. GHF energies are not shown because they metries, e.g. point group symmetry, within our VMC are identical to UHF for this system. J-KSzPfaffian energies implementation. are not shown because they coincide with FCI energies on the scale of this plot. TABLE 2. Errors in the ground state energy (Eh) for the H8 linear chain calculated using various wavefunctions. calculations as the initial guess. We used our selected Wavefunction d = 1.4 d = 1.8 d = 2.4 CI program Dice56–58 to obtain full configuration inter- RHF 0.085 0.124 0.219 action (FCI) energies and MOLPRO59 to get complete UHF 0.085 0.121 0.135 active space perturbation theory60,61 (CASPT2) ener- AGP 0.055 0.088 0.172 S GHF 0.040 0.053 0.068 gies for N . For several systems, we have also performed z 2 KS GHF 0.021 0.029 0.037 the fixed node Green’s function Monte Carlo (GFMC) z KSzPfaffian 0.010 0.016 0.025 calculations.62,63 The GFMC calculations use the VMC J-KSzPfaffian 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 wavefunctions as the trial state and deliver variational energies that are strictly between the VMC results and Table 3 shows the errors in ground state energies of the true ground state energy. (The details of the GFMC an open H chain at different interatomic distances. algorithm will be reported in a forthcoming publication. 50 We used the sto-6g minimal basis in this calculation. This much larger system has 1028 determinants in the ∼ Sz = 0 subspace. For all geometries, we used the screen- 3.1. Hydrogen chain ing parameter value of  = 10−6, which was sufficiently small to obtain results that are converged to all shown Hydrogen chains are important systems in their own decimal places.16 The energy per electron obtained from right and embody some of the more interesting physics the J-KSzPfaffian wavefunction is within 1 mEh of the of real systems. They include long range Coulomb in- exact DMRG results. The fixed node GFMC calcula- teractions and by changing the interatomic distance the tions performed using the converged VMC wavefunction strength of the correlation can be modulated. Exact as the trial wavefunction recover a significant amount of results for large chains at all bond lengths can be ob- correlation while also giving a strictly variational result. tained using the Renormalization Group The GFMC energies per electron obtained using the J- (DMRG) algorithm. They are a challenging benchmark KSzPfaffian trial wavefunction are within 0.2 mEh of the system for our method, particularly so, because our wave- DMRG energies. From these results, it is clear that Pfaf- functions do not make use of the fact that the underlying fian wavefunctions seem to offer only a marginal improve- system is one dimensional. ment over GHF states in this case. This is in contrast We first present results on the small open H8 chain us- to the results of the non-Jastrow calculations on the H8 ing the minimal sto-6g basis to illustrate the quality of chain where Pfaffian results were significantly superior different wavefunctions discussed above. This system is to the GHF results, which indicates that the Jastrow small enough (4900 determinants in the Sz = 0 subspace) factors are able to make up for the missing correlation to allow deterministic sampling (every determinant is vis- between the Pfaffians and GHF in this system. Another ited once) of the wavefunction, so there are no stochastic important observation about the calculations is that the errors in the results. Fig 1 shows the ground state poten- Pfaffian wavefunctions are significantly more difficult to tial energy curves obtained for symmetric dissociation of optimize and many more iterations are needed to obtain the chain, and Table 2 shows the errors in the energies (apparent) convergence. It is possible that more sophis- 9

TABLE 3. Errors in energy (mEh) per electron for the ground state of the H50 chain with open boundary conditions as a function of interatomic distance (Bohr). Exact energies were obtained using DMRG. MC statistical errors are less than 0.02 mEh/electron.

d J-KRHF J-KAGP J-KUHF J-KSzGHF J-KSzPfaffian VMC GFMC VMC GFMC VMC GFMC VMC GFMC VMC GFMC 1.6 1.93 0.84 1.61 0.68 1.66 0.70 0.92 0.30 0.68 0.22 1.8 2.64 1.14 2.02 0.91 2.17 0.98 0.94 0.26 0.79 0.23 2.5 3.59 1.60 2.96 1.26 3.43 1.47 0.76 0.18 0.62 0.12 ticated, albeit expensive, optimization schemes such as the linear method64–66 may converge to lower energies 45 J-KRHF for these wavefunctions. 40 J-KUHF J-KSzGHF 35 J-KAGP J-KS Pfaffian 3.2. N 30 z 2 CASPT2 25 Correctly dissociating the N molecule is a significant (mH) 2 E 20 challenge for several electronic structure methods. Here ∆ we perform several SJMF calculations with various bro- 15 ken symmetries. The Jastrow factors are defined over 10 orthogonal local orbitals and to obtain these orbitals we 5 first symmetrically orthogonalized the atomic orbitals us- −1/2 0 ing Lowdin’s (S ) procedure. We performed an ad- 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 ditional unitary transformation that performs rotations d (a0) among orbitals on the same nitrogen atom to obtain sp hybrid orbitals. In our testing, these hybrid orbitals were FIG. 2. N2 potential energy curve errors in the 6-31g basis found to give lower energies and faster convergence com- set pared to bare Lowdin orbitals. Fig. 2 shows the errors in ground state energy in the 6- evident that breaking and restoration of complex conju- 31g basis. The Jastrow-KSzPfaffian wavefunction gives better absolute energies than CASPT2, with p valence gation symmetry lower the energy significantly. active space (minimal active space required for qualita- In table 5, we show the results for the much bigger half-filled 7√2 7√2 lattice containing 98 sites. Since tively correct energies), for all geometries considered. It × has a lower non-parallelity error as well. Although the exact energies for this lattice are not available, we com- Jastrow helps capture a significant amount of correlation pare our energies to GFMC energies reported in refer- in this basis set, our calculations with larger DZ/TZ basis ence 68. These were obtained using a Jastrow-Slater sets have shown it to not be an efficient way of obtaining trial wavefunction with backflow correlation included and dynamical correlation. This suggests that a perturbation were shown to converge to a thermodynamic limit with theory or CI expansions on top of these wavefunctions an error of 0.0015t relative to the exact AFQMC limit. may be a better way to add dynamical correlation. Correlation functions can be used to extract useful physical information from a wavefunction. Their accu- racy reflects the quality of the wavefunction. Here we calculate the density-density correlation functions given 3.3. Two dimensional tilted Hubbard model by

In this section, we consider the Hubbard model on a ψ ninj ψ N(i, j) = h | | i. (39) two dimensional tilted square lattice, with the Hamilto- ψ ψ nian h | i This function can be calculated using Monte Carlo sam- X  † † † †  X H = t c c + c c + U ni↑ni↓, (38) pling in a manner analogous to energy and gradient cal- − iσ jσ jσ iσ hi,ji,σ i culations: where denotes nearest neighbors. We report calcu- P 2 hn|ninj |Ψ(p)i n Ψ(p) n hn|Ψ(p)i h i ◦ √ √ N(i, j) = |h | i| lations on the 45 tilted 3 2 3 2 square lattice with P Ψ(p) n 2 periodic boundary conditions× for which exact Lanczos n |h | i| 67 X ij ij diagonalization results are available. Table 4 shows er- = ρnN [n] = N [n] ρ , (40) L h L i n rors in the ground state energy at half-filling. It is again n 10

√ √ TABLE 4. Errors in ground state energy per electron (units of 10−3t) for the 3 2 × 3 2 tilted Hubbard model with periodic boundary conditions for different U/t values at half-filling. MC statistical errors are less than 0.1 × 10−3 t/electron.

U/t J-SzGHF J-KSzGHF J-SzPfaffian J-KSzPfaffian VMC GFMC VMC GFMC VMC GFMC VMC GFMC 4 7.3 2.6 5.1 1.9 6.8 2.3 4.9 1.9 8 10.2 4.1 7.0 2.0 10.1 3.9 6.8 2.0 10 8.9 2.5 5.7 1.4 7.6 2.3 5.4 1.2 20 3.9 0.7 2.9 0.2 3.9 0.6 2.9 0.2

wavefunctions are capable of accurately describing strong TABLE√ 5.√ Ground state energy per electron (units of t) for correlations. In particular, the restoration of complex the 7 2 × 7 2 tilted Hubbard model with periodic boundary conjugation symmetry, which has not been used in VMC conditions for different U values. The energies in the first two before to the best of our knowledge, yields significant columns use the J-KSzGHF wavefunction. The Eref results are taken from reference 68. MC statistical errors are less relaxation of energies and can be potentially used with than 0.1 × 10−3 t/electron. many other wavefunctions. Because Jastrows are capable of local number and Sz projections, the J-SzPfaffian and U/t VMC GFMC Eref J-SzGHF wavefunctions are exactly size-consistent. 2 -1.1920 -1.1939 -1.1962 2 4 -0.8566 -0.8598 -0.8620 Other symmetries, including S , point group, time re- 8 -0.5183 -0.5221 -0.5237 versal, and translational symmetry can also be restored in a VMC approach and work is underway in this direction. This will allow us to obtain more accurate correlation ij hn|ninj |Ψ(p)i 2 where, NL [n] = hn|Ψ(p)i is the local correlation func- functions. It will be a challenge to make S projected tion that is averaged during a Monte Carlo run, and i and wavefunctions size-consistent, while also keeping the cal- j are spatial orbital indices. Note that, unlike the energy, culation cost down. Another possible improvement is local correlation function does not satisfy the zero vari- using more sophisticated optimization methods such as ance principle and we expect the results to be noisier than the linear method to avoid the large number of iterations the energies. In table 6, the values of the correlation func- needed to optimize the wavefunctions containing Pfaffi- tion are shown for the 3√2 3√2 lattice with U/t = 4. ans. We are also working towards implementing ways to × In this lattice, only five unique ninj values exist due to add dynamical correlation beyond these wavefunctions symmetry. For reference we useh thei values obtained us- using the configuration interaction approach and pertur- ing DMRG, which for this small two-dimensional system, bation theory.69,70 gives correlation function values very close to that of the Since the accuracy and performance of projection exact wavefunction. The agreement between the VMC Monte Carlo techniques depends critically on the quality and DMRG wavefunctions is good and is not worse than of the trial wavefunction used, our VMC wavefunctions the error in the total energies. will be useful in such approaches. It will be interest- ing to analyze how symmetry breaking and projection √ affect the nodal structure of the wavefunction. Using TABLE√ 6. Density correlation function hninj i for the 3 2 × the approach developed in Ref. 71, one can use Jastrow 3 2 tilted Hubbard model with periodic boundary conditions correlated wavefunctions in AFQMC as well. for U/t = 4 at half-filling for different values of distance be- tween sites i and j. MC statistical errors are less than 0.001. √ √ Wavefunction d = 1 d = 2 d = 2 d = 5 d = 3 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DMRG 0.944 0.993 0.992 0.991 0.998 J-KSzGHF 0.942 0.992 0.993 0.992 0.997 J-KSzPfaffian 0.941 0.993 0.992 0.990 0.997 We thank Cyrus Umrigar for several helpful discus- sions. The funding for this project was provided by the national science foundation through the grant CHE- 1800584. 4. CONCLUSIONS

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